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UNIT 1 (1 file only) Western and Eastern Thoughts/Philosophy/Culture (30 points)

1. Choose one Western philosopher (Socrates, Plato, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Rene
Descartes, David Hume, John Locke, Gilbert Ryle, Paul Churchland, Sigmund Freud,
Maurice Merleua-Ponty, Immanuel Kant) and compare his view of the self to one of the
prominent philosophies of the east (confusianism, buddhism, taoism).

2. Why is it important to look at different perspectives in understanding the self? Psychology

and Sociology (30 points) Discuss how your self-identity is shape by the society.

Anthropology (30 points) What culture in your town/city/community that has shaped you
the most as a person. Rubric: 10 points thoughts/idea/answer 20 points
elaboration/explanation *Please limit your answer to 5-10 sentences only.

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