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9 o'clock

I've usually been eating fruits and vegetables for breakfast.

4 0 ‘clock

I never go out on Saturdays but today I will go out for the birthday of my
Friend Adamari.

I never meet new people but I did meet a girl named Karla.

10 0’ clock

I rarely go to sleep at 11 at night.

10 0 'clock

I rarely get up at 6 am but I did it today because I had a pending task.

1:45 pm

Always always every Sunday I wash my clothes.


Sometimes I wear masks and today I needed them.

6 0’ oclock

Every morning, I always have a glass of coffee in every class.

3:00 pm

I never miss a meal.

9:00 pm
She rarely visited my uncles and niece.

-Alan stopped at 8 in the morning to exercise after breakfast and took a bath

-In the afternoon that same day at 4 in the afternoon he ate and passed his -
notes from school to a notebook

-in the evening at 8 I had dinner and saw a series

-Alan always gets up at 9 in the morning to have breakfast and I take a bath

-he rarely eats at 4 in the afternoon and watches a movie

-Usually at 11 at night he has dinner and at 12 in the morning he falls asleep

-As always he woke up at 7:30 and turned on the computer to take his classes

-I had never eaten at 4 in the afternoon

-Before bed alan always watches his favorite series

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