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Chapter 19
Vocabulary Part of Speech Meaning Synonyms Antonyms

1.Bark Noun A tough exterior Skin Core

covering a woody
root or stem.
Sentence:He uses a bark of a tree to make fire.

Verb To begin to grow Begin End

2.Dawned light as the sun
Sentence: They waited for the day to dawn.

3.Dreary Adjective Feeling,displaying,o Dark Bright b

r reflecting
listlessness or
Sentence: It was gray dreary morning.

4.Fortified Adjective Made stronger or Enriched Unhealthy

more secure

Sentence: milk are fortified with vitamins and minerals.

5.Grieving verb To feel deep Sorrow Rejoice

sadness or mental
Sentence: Anna is still grieving over their mother`s death.

6. Ingenious Adjective Having the skill to Creative Unimaginative

create new things

Sentence: Designers are very ingenious.

7.Meadow noun Land that is field sky

covered or mostly
covered with grass
Sentence: Some part of our school are mostly meadow.

8.merely Adverb Nothing more than only indefinite

Sentence: The outside noise was merely a dog barking late in the evening.

9.refrain verb To keep oneself from stop continue

doing,feeling,or indulging in
something and especially from
following a passing impulse
Sentence: Alex has diabetes she should refrain having dessert.

10.rubbage adjective Chiefly dialectal variant or rubbish trash treasure

Sentence: Some political personnel are rubbage to the government.

11.shabby adjective In poor condition through long and Decaying Brand new
hard use or lack of care

Sentence: The furniture was old and shabby.

12.stir verb To cause slight movement move freeze

Sentence: The kidnapper tied the victim hands so tightly he could barely stir a

13.tremor noun Trembling or shaking usually from shake steadiness

physical stress,emotional stress or
Sentence: His tremor was caused by his disease.

14.urchin noun prankster clown

Mischievous and often poor
raggedly clothed youngster
Sentence: He was surrounded by a dozen of street urchin in rags.

15.venture verb To proceed especially in the face Gamble sure thing

of danger

Sentence: A fireman venture his life to save the baby inside the house.
3 20

1.Breach noun Infraction or violation or a break obey

law,obligation,tie.or standard

Sentence: A man breach his wife and their marriage.

2. chicken hearted Adjective Easy to frighten or coward fearful brave

Sentence: He pretended to be very brave but turn out to be chicken

hearted when they ask him a sparring match.

3.conned verb Persuaded to do or believe Deceive Undeceiv

something,typically by the use of
Sentence: Kids are easily conned.

4.decreed verb An order usually having the Lawlessnes

force of law Command

Sentence: The criminal was decreed by the police officer to surrender their sel

5.dreamily adverb Fantasy or full of dreams horribly


Sentence: I have lots of happy memories,Maria said dreamily.

6.exultation Noun An elated,joyful feeling Sorrow


Sentence: The crowd cheered in exultation when the home team scored.

7.Fling noun A brief romantic relationship Hate


Sentence: They had fling for one week.

8.flogged Verb Beat someone with a whipped or Lashed Breeze

stick as punishment or torture

Sentence: The little boy was flogged by his parents for disobeying their instruc

9.frontispiece noun An illustration facing the tittle Back

page of the book Frontage

Sentence:A photograph of the author forms the frontispiece of the book.

10.hurled Verb Throw an object with great force Throw Ca

Sentence: Someone hurled a rock to the window.

11.lethargy Noun Lack of energy and enthusiasm Slowness Energ

Sentence: I snapped out lethargy and begin to clean the house.

12.lingering Verb To move or act slowly Delay qu

Sentence: He was lingering this morning so he missed his first lesson.

13.mob Noun A large and disorderly crowd of Mass Leave


Sentence: The store were mob on sales days.

14.musing Noun A period of reflecting or thought Reflective Unrefle

Sentence: He was clearly in a musing mood,and did not feel like talking to any

15.noble Adjective High birth,rank,or station Superior In

Sentence: He was born in a noble clan.

16.notion Noun A conception or a belief about Idea Fa


Sentence: She had a vague notion about what happened.

17.onslaught Noun A fierce or destructive attack Aggression Def

Sentence: The onslaught attack of the Russian President Vladimir Putin had
massive destruction of Ukraine.

18.ought Verb Used to indicate duty,typically Must M

when criticizing someone`s action

Sentence: She ought to apologize for her wrong decisions.

19.perishing Verb To become destroy or ruined Pass Revive


Sentence: Some Filipino culture and traditions are perishing due to the tren
advancement of technology.

20.pleasanter Adjective Giving a sense of happy Joyless

satisfaction or enjoyment Enjoyable

Sentence: Comedians are know for being a good pleasanter.

21.resentment Noun Bitter indignation at having Contentm

been treated unfairly Dissatisfact
Sentence: She expressed her resentment toward the new policies.

22.scornfully Adverb Without respect Contemptu Respect


Sentence: Logan look at him scornfully.

23.Stamped Verb Bring down ones foot heavily on Label Materiality

the ground

Sentence: The old lady stamped her foot in annoyance.

24.stinging Adjective Harsh or cruel Upset Calm

Sentence: The people left with stinging criticism to the Government.

25.tedious Adjective Tiresome because of length of Boring Absorbin


Sentence: He made a tedious 45 minute speech.

26.thin skinned Adjective Easily offended Easygoing


Sentence: She only laugh at the teasing, but a more thin skinned person w
gotten angry.

27.treachery Noun The act or fact of violating the trust Trustworthi Betrayal
and confident of other ness

Sentence: She was furious to her ex boyfriend that she revealed his secret a
forgave him for his treachery.

28.trounce Verb To thrash or punish severely Whip Save


Sentence: The snatcher was trounce by the crowd.

29.vengeance Noun Punishment inflicted in Forgiveness

retaliation for an injury or offense Revenge

Sentence: He sought vengeance after his sister was murdered.

30.vexation Noun A state of being Irritation Delight

annoyed,frustrated or worried

Sentence: She was crying in vexation when she got her medical check up.


1.Boisterous Adjective Being rough or noisy in high Noiseless

spirited way Screaming

Sentence: The fans at the baseball game became boisterous after the home r Verb To make a low continuous Murmur Yell

humming sound like a bee

Sentence: The .

3.conspicuously Adjective Likely to attract attention Unnoticeab


Sentence: She walks conspicuously at the crowd.

4.contemplate Verb To give serious and careful ignore

thought to Think(about
or over)

Sentence: Annie wants to sit and contemplate.

5.crusade Noun a vigorous campaign for

political, social, or religious change movement

Sentence: The EDSA revolution was a crusade againts the law.

6.curtsey Noun The act of civility,respect,or Bow Disrespe

reverence made mainly by women
and consisting of slight lowering of
the body with bending off the
Sentence:Curtsey is a tradition in Korea to show there respect.

7.delighted Adjective Highly pleased Happy Sad

Sentence: Maria was delighted to see her friend.

8.doth Adjective to perform an action Do

Sentence: The protestant doth a movement.

9.eloquent Adjective Able to express oneself clearly Unexpres

and well Articulate

Sentence: Pastor Mike is an eloquent preacher.

10.enthusiasm Adjective intense and eager enjoyment,

interest, or approval

Sentence: Markedly lacking in strength

11.feebleness the quality or state of lacking Weakness Strength

physical strength

Sentence:Santiago experienced feebleness when he was catching the Marlin.

12.festoons Noun A decorative chain or strip Beautify Uglify

hanging between two points
Sentence: Hotel walls are decorated with festoons of flowers.

13.fine fury a feeling of wild, intense anger Extreme


Sentence: The feeling of fine fury is visible in her eyes when she saw the killer

14.foliage Noun Plant leaves collectively. Green Barren

Sentence: A healthy green foliage.

15.frantic Adjective Emotionally out of control Mad Self recol

Sentence: The girl was frantic with fear.

16.frivolous Adjective Lacking importance Unimportant

Carefree and not serious
Sentence: I think he sees her as a frivolous young woman.

17.fuddled Adjective Intoxicated by alcohol Drunk


Sentence: The hotel staff is completely fuddled from too much wine.

18.garret Noun a room or unfinished part of a Attic

house just under the roof

Sentence: Mira bought a house with a garret that she hoped to turn into a

19.gawky Adjective Nervously,awkward and ungainly Clumsy Gra

Sentence: A gawky teenager.

20.geniality Noun The quality of having friendly Unfriendline

and cheerful manner Friendliness

Sentence: He was endowed with geniality and good manner.

21.gesticulation Noun A gesture,especially a dramatic Body Repose

one,used instead of speaking or language
emphasize one words
Sentence: The priest punctuated his speech with wild gesticulation.

22.gilded Adjective Covered thinly with gold leaf or Plain

gold paint Luxurious

Sentence: An elegant gilded birdcage.

23.gust Noun A brief strong rush of wind Blow Calm

Sentence: A gust of wind drove down the valley.

24.intangible Adjective Unable to touch or grasped ;not Tangible

having physical presence Untouchabl
Sentence: My companion do not care about cyberspace or anything else so in

25.intolerable Adjective unable to be endured. Bearable


Sentence: The intolerable pressures of his work.

26.inveterate Adjective Having a particular Addicted Moment

habit,activity,or interest that is long
established and unlikely to change
Sentence: The inveterate hospitality between the two countries was n

27.lawn Noun An short area,mown grass in a Yard Cement

yard,garden or park.

Sentence: She was sitting in a deckchair on the lawn.

28.marred Verb Impair the appearance of,disfigure Ruin Fix

Sentence: A large scar marred his face.

29.meager Adjective lacking in quantity or quality Sufficien


Sentence: They were forced to supplement their meager earnings

30.melancholy Noun A feeling of pensive sadness, Happine

typically with no obvious cause Unhappine

Sentence: An air of melancholy surrounded him.

31.mellow Adjective In a mood or atmosphere of Relaxed Irrit


Sentence:I need to mellow out, I need to calm down.

32.mirth Noun Amusement, especially as Cheerfulness Mis

expressed in laughter

Sentence: His six-foot frame shook with mirth.

33.mischief Noun Playful misbehavior or trouble Misbehavior Solem

making, especially in children

Sentence: She'll make sure Danny doesn't get into mischief.

34.muslin Noun lightweight cotton cloth in a plain


Sentence: She folded the dress in layers of clean muslin.

35.nursed Verb Give medical and other attention to Take care of Mist
(a sick person).

Sentence: She nursed the girl through a dangerous illness.

36.opulent Adjective Ostentatiously rich and luxurious or Wealthy Poor


Sentence: His more opulent tenants.

37.peculiarity Noun an odd or unusual feature or habit Trait

Sentence:For all his peculiarities, she finds his personality quite endearing.

38.pious Adjective Showing loyal reverence to a Dedicated Disloyal

person or thing /devoted

Sentence: I`m tired of hearing politicians making pious pronouncement ab

devotion to the people.

39.Presbyterians Noun a member of a Presbyterian


Sentence:Lea advocate the Presbyterian system.

40.quacked Verb Talk loudly and foolishly Fake True

Sentence: The criminal deceived his victims by using quaked promises.

41.quivered Verb tremble or shake with a slight Shake Steady

rapid motion

Sentence: The birds quivered their wings as they run in a zigzag path.

42.recentless Adjective oppressively constant; Short lived

incessant. Persistent

Sentence: The relentless heat of the desert.

43.retribution Noun Punishment inflicted on Reward

someone as vengeance for a Punishmen
wrong or criminal act t
Sentence: The employees asked not to be named because of their fear in retr

44.scheme Verb make plans, especially in a Plan

devious way or with intent to do
something illegal or way
Sentence: Scammers uses scheme to cheat people for their money.

45.scuttle Noun a metal container with a sloping

hinged lid and a handle, used to
fetch and store coal for a domestic
Sentence:He was carrying scuttle of coal up from the cellar.

46.seized Verb take hold of suddenly and forcibly Grab Let go o

Sentence: She jumped up and seized his arm.

47.sheepishly Adverb in an embarrassed manner due to Shyness

shame or a lack of self-confidence.

Sentence: "I smiled sheepishly, my face instantly flushing"


48spacious Adjective having ample space. Large Small

Sentence: "the hotel has a spacious lounge and TV room"

49.Spasmodic Adjective occurring or done in brief, irregular


Sentence: Spasmodic fighting continued

50.sympathy feelings of pity and sorrow for

someone else's misfortune.

Sentence: They had great sympathy for the flood victims.

^ Noun Head Top Lower


Sentence: ^
Mike nod his tete as a sign of approval.
52.transcendent Adjective beyond or above the range of Superior Natural
normal or merely physical human
Sentence: "the search for a transcendent level of knowledge"

53.trinkets Noun a small ornament or item of jewelry

that is of little value


54.unobtrusive not conspicuous or attracting Unseen Visible


Sentence: corrections should be neat and unobtrusive"

55.unquenchable Adjective not able to be quenched Unsatisfied Satisfied

Sentence: From a very early age she displayed an unquenchable curiosity a

natural world.
56.unpalatable Adjective not pleasant to taste Bad Good

Sentence: "scraps of unpalatable food"

58.vanity Noun The quality of being worthless or Uselessnes Useful

futile s

Sentence: The vanity of the expired materials.

59.vengeful Adjective seeking to harm someone in return Revengeful Forgiving

for a perceived injury.

Sentence: The robbery attack to the abusive boss was committed by his
60.verge Noun an edge or border. Limit

Sentence: "they came down to the verge of the lake"

61.vindictive Adjective Having or showing a strong Revengeful Forgiving

or unreasoning desire for revenge.

Sentence:The criticism was both vindictive and personalized.

62.voluptuous curvaceous and sexually attractive Shapely Ascet

(typically used of a woman)

Sentence: The models are voluptuous woman and man.

63.votary Noun a person, such as a monk or nun, Disciple Leader

who has made vows of dedication
to religious service.
Sentence: Christians are votary of Roman Catholic.

64.whirling Adjective characterized by rapid movement Rotate Stay

round and round.

Sentence: The cars were whirling around the track.


1.abstain Verb restrain oneself from doing or Avoid Continu

enjoying something.

Sentence: Most pregnant women abstain or drink very little.

2.ammunition Noun a supply or quantity of bullets and Protection


Sentence: The troops were supplied with weapon and ammunition.

3.artillery Noun large-caliber guns used in warfare Big guns Small g

on land

Sentence: Each corps included two regiments of field artillery.

6.chronic Adjective having a particular bad habit. Habitual Occasio

Sentence: She has a disease called a chronic liar.

7.convalescent Adjective recovering from an illness or Improving Severe


Sentence:A convalescent child.

8.dreadful Adjective causing or involving great Terrible Mild

suffering, fear, or unhappiness;
extremely bad or serious
Sentence: There's been a dreadful accident.

9.duller Adjective lacking interest or excitement. Uninterestin Interesting


Sentence: The movie introduction was duller but has an horrifying end.

10.endurance Noun the fact or power of enduring an Patience Impatie

unpleasant or difficult process or
situation without giving way.
Sentence: She was close to the limit of her endurance.

11.extremity Noun the furthest point or limit of End point Middle


Sentence: Life has its extremity.

12.feebly Adverb in a way that lacks strength or Weakly Strong


Sentence: I smiled feebly.

13.fluctuating rising and falling irregularly in Be steady Be unsteady

number or amount

Sentence: The market is in fluctuating level of demand.

14.forbearance Noun Patient,self-control, restraint and Patience Impatience


Sentence: Teachers show great forbearance in dealing with students.

15.forlorn Adjective pitifully sad and abandoned or Hopeless Happy


Sentence: Her life was a forlorn journey.

16.hubbub Noun a chaotic din caused by a crowd Noise Quite

of people
a busy, noisy situation.
Sentence: The house was full of hubbub of laughter and shouting.

17.juvenile Noun A young person Minor Adu

Sentence: He was later taken to juvenile detention for violating the terms of his

18.melancholy Noun a feeling of pensive sadness, Unhappiness Hap

typically with no obvious cause.

Sentence: An air of melancholy surrounded him.

19.minstrel Noun a medieval singer or musician, Singer or musician

especially one who sang or recited
lyric or heroic poetry to a musical
accompaniment for the nobility
Sentence:They listened to the minstrel songs of knightly prowess.

20.profanity Noun words that are offensive because Swear word Respectful la
of not respecting religion, or
offensive because of being rude
Sentence: The comic uses too much profanity and violence.

21.reform Verb make changes in (something, Change Maintain

typically a social, political, or
economic institution or practice) in
order to improve it.
Sentence: The law designed a campaign program to reform the prisoners life.

22.relapse Verb to return to a bad condition, form Return Improve

of behavior

Sentence: The country soon relapsed into chaos.

23.revival Noun an improvement in the condition or Improveme Downturn

strength of something. nt

Sentence: The city of Koronadal is showing sign of revival from the pandemic

24.temperance abstinence from alcoholic drink Restrain Excessivenes

the quality of moderation or self-
Sentence: "Davies was a strict advocate of temperance

25.tormented Verb To cause persistent suffering Torture Relieve

Sentence: He was tormented by nightmares about the accident.

26.venture Noun A risky undertaking Adventure Sure thing

or gamble

Sentence: A venture into the unknown.


1.captive Adjective Taken and held prisoner Captured Unconfined

Sentence:The captive soldiers were treated humanely by the guards.

2.cross examine Noun The examination of a witness who Interrogatio

has already testified in order to n
check or discredit the witness`s

testimony,knowledge,or credibility

Sentence: The police officers cross examine person who witness in the crime

3.cross question Verb question (someone) in great detail Question Answer

Sentence: It seemed ungrateful to cross-question him.

4.delirium Noun An acute mental disturbance Distraction Calm

characterized by confused thinking
and disrupted attention usually
occupied by dis order speech and
Sentence: In mental hospital patient shouted in delirium.

5.discreet Adjective careful and circumspect in one's Careful or wise Ras

speech or actions, especially in
order to avoid causing offense or to
gain an advantage.
Sentence: The politician must have a discreet way in handling the peoples mo

6.flitted Verb move swiftly and lightly. Alter Stay

Sentence:The small birds flitted in the tree branches.

7.idlers Noun A lazy person Inactive Active

Sentence: They has never done anything to improve the project they are
8.imperceptible Adjective impossible to perceive Invisible Visible

Sentence: His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod.

9.invariably not changing or capable of change Constant Changing

Sentence: The high cost of the market products are invariability.

10.murmurs Verb Say something in a low, soft, or Whisper Yell

indistinct voice

Sentence: They spoke to each other in murmurs.

11.perplexity Noun inability to deal with or understand Confusion Unconfused

something complicated or
Sentence: There was a look of perplexity on his face.

12.shudder Verb A person tremble convulsively, Be Calm

typically as a result of fear or Shocked
Sentence: I felt a shudder remembering what I saw the night before.

13.solitary Adjective done or existing alone Lonely Sociable

Sentence:I live a pretty solitary life.

14.stolid Adjective Having or expressing little or no Calm Emotional


Sentence: The criminal remain stolid during the trial.

15.studiously Adverb with concentration and Thoughtful Thoughtless

conscientiousness in one's work or
Sentence: She was studiously vague about where she was going.

16.timid Adjective showing a lack of courage or Fearful Bold

confidence;easily frighten

Sentence: She's very timid and shy when meeting stranger.

17.tremendous Adjective Notable by reason of extreme Huge Little

size,power,greatness or excellence

Sentence: The engine power is tremendous.

18.trifle Verb to treat or deal with (someone or Disrespect Respect

something) in a way that shows
lack of proper respect or

Sentence: You shouldn't trifle with their feelings.

19.unseal Verb remove or break the seal of Open Close

Sentence: She slowly unsealed the envelope.

20.verdict Noun a decision on a disputed issue in a Judgement Misjugement

civil or criminal case or an inquest

Sentence: The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict.

21.vigorously in a way that involves physical Forcefully Weakly

strength, effort, or energy;
Sentence: He scrubbed the dirty pan vigorously.


1.apprehension Noun Suspicion or fear of future harm or Worry Confident


Sentence: Then hikers entered the dark cave with a great deal of apprehensio

2.bosom Adjective (of a friend) close or intimate Close Unrelated

Sentence: The two girls had become bosom friends.

4.corpse Noun dead body, especially of a human Dead Alive

being rather than an animal.

Sentence: The police found a corpse of a man laying in the crime scene.

5.doom Verb To determine the fate of in Judgement Pardon


Sentence: The story of a mysterious creature who lures travelers to their doom

6.dread Noun Suspicion or fear of future harm or Fear Confident


Sentence: The dread felt by people awaiting bad news.

7.drifted Verb To move or proceed smoothly and Flow Sink


Sentence: The boat slowly drifted out of the sea.

8.exultation Noun a feeling of triumphant elation or Joy Gloomy

jubilation; rejoicing.

Sentence: The crowd cheered with exultation.

9.fellow Noun a person in the same position, Companion Enemy

involved in the same activity, or
otherwise associated with another.
Sentence: Roger was eager to join the army with his fellow.

10.fickle Adjective changing frequently, especially as Changeable Constant

regards one's loyalties, interests,
or affection.
Sentence: The store owner blame the fickle costumer for poor sale.

11.fondled To handle tenderly,lovingly,or Caress Let go


Sentence: She fondled the strong of pearls.

12.formidable Adjective Causing fear,dread,or Fearful Calming


Sentence: The story was a formidable horror movie.

13.infested Verb To spread or swarm in or over a Annoy

troublesome manner


14.lavishly Adjective To give readily and in large Limitless Insufficien


Sentence: The lavishly consumption of our natural resources simply cannot co

15.leak out Verb to become known to the public Expose Hide


Sentence: The antagonist had a motive to leak out the story.

16.marvels Noun One that causes wonder or Extraordina Simple

astonishment ry

Sentence: Super heroes are marvels.

17.moused To move about in a sly or secret Sneak Appear


Sentence: Angel moused from her strict parents.

19.obliterated Verb destroy utterly; wipe out. Erase Conserve

Sentence: the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind"

20.omniscient Adjective Having in finite Wise Stupid

awareness,understanding and
Sentence: the story is told by an omniscient narrator

21.scoured Verb clean or brighten the surface of Clean Dirty

(something) by rubbing it hard,
typically with an abrasive or
Sentence: he scoured the bathtub"

22.sealed Verb fasten or close securely. Secure Open

Sentence: He folded it, sealed the envelope, and walked to the mailbox.

23.splendour Noun Great brightness or luster Glory Dark

Sentence: the splendors of the imperial court

24.stir Verb move or cause to move slightly or Move Freeze

a change of position

Sentence: The kidnapper tied him so tightly he could scarcely stir a finger.

25.wring Verb squeeze and twist (something) to Twist Insert

force liquid from it.

Sentence: I could wring your neck.

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