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Watch the movie “My Life in Ruins (2009)”

a. What makes Greece a popular tourist destination ?

-  Some of Greece's most historically significant landmarks, like the Acropolis, are
included, although there is little attempt made to convey any true sense of the
places' history and value. Greek heritage is reduced to bumper sticker poetry and
jabs at modern Greek culture. We're taught that Greece was "a happening place
2500 years ago." "The birthplace of philosophy, art, and democracy, until they
discovered the nap," and a lot of fun is made of the tourists' ignorance. "I wonder if
Jesus ever played here," someone wonders in Olympia, or even Delphi, the site of
the Pythian Games, the amazing thing about Greece is the sense you get when you
stare at old ruins. Georgia waxes poetic about the sound of the wind whistling
between the columns of the Parthenon in the climactic scene in the Acropolis, or
something along those lines. The studly, though, delivers the best speech regarding
Greece's poetic charm.

b. What does « «kefi » means?

- Kefi is a Greek word that roughly translates to "spirit," "passion," or "joy." It's the kind of
thing that makes people in the Mediterranean smash their dishes after a really nice meal.

c. What are the different characteristics of tourists ?

- Some tourists are less interested in seeing historically significant sites and learning
about culture and history than they are in eating ice cream and shopping for
souvenirs. In this reality, Australians are tipsy beer-drinkers who speak in
incomprehensible lingo, saying stuff like that, and Spanish ladies are divorced
floozies who profess to be "off men" with about as much conviction as a heroin junkie
declaring this hit his last. Americans are obnoxious, dull jerks. Canadians are very
cautious to the point of immaturity. Elderly British women are delightfully, if not
criminally, odd. Married couples with teenagers are unhappy.

d. How did Irv influence the guiding skills of Georgia?

e. What are the important roles of the coach captain of the tour?

2. Complete these table and be able to project for yourself what are the pros and cons of

tour guiding profession Write as much as you can?


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