NLCA Monitoring Form

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Form ____: NLCA Monitoring Tool


Region: VI – Western Visayas
Division Code: G01
Testing Center (School): Bacan National High School
Address: Bacan, Banga, Aklan
Date & Time Monitored: _____________________
Grade Level: Grade 7 ____ Grade 8 _____

Total # of Examinees Total # of Actual Examinees

Male Female Total

Punctuality of SC SICT Medical Team TA

Testing Staff

# of Sessions Started Ended # of Working Computers Actual Used

during the test

Testing Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Testing Period (Dates Covered)


Indicator Yes No Remarks

I. Before the Test
1. Is the Examinee’s List Arranged alphabetically
regardless of sex and posted outside the testing
2. Is the identity of the examinees verified before
starting the test?
3. Were the examinees instructed to keep their
mobile phones, calculator and learning materials
away during the test?
4. Did the Test Administrator accomplish the board
work/Attendance Sheet?
5. Was the internet access in the testing room
locked/limited to the Moodle platform only?
6. Only the ITO and TA were present inside the
Testing Room.
7. Are the testing rooms conducive for testing?
8. Did the school ensured stable internet connection
and power supply?
9. Did the school comply the minimum requirements
of computers use for testing?
10. Did the school install barrier/divider between
computer units to minimize contact between test
Indicator Yes No Remarks
II. During the Test
11. Was the lock keyboard function set up to avoid
capturing screenshot and navigating functions
other than answering the test?
12. Was the lock keyboard function set up to avoid
capturing screenshot and navigating functions
other than answering the test?
13. Did the Room Examiner read the testing rules and
mechanics to the examinees based on the
orientation slides?
14. Did all the examinees finish the test within the
allotted time?
If no, how many learners extend their time?
State reason/s
15. Was the internet connection stable/strong in the
entire duration of the test?
16. If yes, how long? (State answer in minutes or
17. Did any technical problems occur during the test
III. After the Test
18. Did the Test Administrator and ITO check if the
examinee logged out the Moodle platform?
IV. Other Findings Technical Assistance Extended Agreement

Monitored by:

________________________ Date: _______________

Name & Signature

Concurred by:

________________________ Date: _______________

Name & Signature

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