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January 23, 2021

Care Bangladesh
RAOWA Complex (level 7-8), VIP Road, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206

Subject: Submission of Proposal (Technical & Financial)

Dear Sir,

In Response to your Terms of Reference (ToR) for hiring consultant/individual towards

conducting a study on “Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh”, we are pleased to
submit our proposal for your kind consideration. The proposal shall be binding upon us which
may be subjected for modifications based on our discussions. The proposal includes the

• Technical proposal

• Financial proposal

As advised, also please find herewith the required documents to testify our candidacy for the job.

We understand that CARE BANGLADESH will not be bound to accept any of the proposals it
receives. However, we are looking forward to hearing positive from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Study on Financing Early Actions in

Md. Abdul Hamid

Managing Director and CEO Bangladesh

Tel: 02 58052813 Cells: 01855933634/01716600240


Global Research and

1/23/21 Care Bangladesh
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Table of Contents
Chapter One: Understanding of the Assignment.............................................................................2

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................2

1.2 Objective of the Study.......................................................................................................3

1.3 Research Questions...........................................................................................................4

1.4 Scope of work...................................................................................................................4

1.5 Key Deliverables...............................................................................................................5

1.6 Limitations of the study....................................................................................................5

Chapter Two: Research Methodology.............................................................................................6

2.1 Study Approach.....................................................................................................................6

2.2 Desktop Literature Review....................................................................................................7

2.3 Qualitative Methods, Tools and Study Design......................................................................7

2.3.1 Qualitative Sample Selection Criteria............................................................................7

2.3.2 Qualitative Sampling Snapshot.......................................................................................8

2.3.3 Focus Group Discussion (FGD).....................................................................................8

2.3.4 Justification for the FGD................................................................................................9

2.3.5 Key Informants Interviews (KIIs)..................................................................................9

2.3.6 Justification for conducting KII....................................................................................10

2.3.7 Case Study....................................................................................................................10

2.3.8 Justification for conducting Case Study.......................................................................10

2.4 Finalization of Data Collection Instruments (DCIs)............................................................10

2.5 Data Collection and Data Processing...................................................................................11

2.6 Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................12

Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

2.7 Quality Assurance of the Data.............................................................................................12

2.8 Covid-19 Pandemic Work Mechanism................................................................................12

Chapter Three: Operational Plan...................................................................................................13

Chapter – 4: Team Composition....................................................................................................16

4.1. Technical Input by the Study Team.....................................................................................16

4.2. Key Professional Team.......................................................................................................16

Chapter – 5: Relevant Experiences of GRM.................................................................................19


List of Figures

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework....................................................................................................7

Figure 2: Schematic Show of the Study Approach..........................................................................9
Figure 3: DCIs for qualitative survey............................................................................................13
Figure 4: Chronological Operational Plan.....................................................................................16

List of Tables
Table 1: Distribution of Qualitative Sample for the Study............................................................11
Table 2: Distribution of Samples for FGDs...................................................................................11
Table 3: Distribution of Samples for KIIs.....................................................................................12
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

List of Acronyms

CB: Care Bangladesh

FbF: Forecast-based Financing

FbA: Forecast-based Early Action

IFRCF: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

ECHO: European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

SUFAL: Supporting Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh

SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures

DREF: Disaster Relief Emergency Fund

EAP: Early Actions Protocols

Chapter One: Understanding of the Assignment
1.1 Introduction
There is a growing consensus that responding early to predicted disasters can significantly
reduce its impact on livelihoods and assets of communities at risk. ‘Forecast-based Early Action’
(FbA), also referred to as ‘Forecast-based Financing’ (FbF) and ‘anticipatory action’ - all
promote a common approach of strengthening systems, building capacities and enabling release
of funds to support early action to anticipated disasters. Although there is a growing interest in
early action and a number of financing mechanisms becoming available, at this point the only
dedicated funding sources for anticipatory action are the International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) limited to Red
Cross / Red Crescent societies, funding sources in specialized UN agencies such as World Food
Programmed (WFP) and Start Fund limited to member NGOs. National governments and global
financing mechanisms largely do not support the release of funds before a disaster is declared,
thus limiting the scope of FbF/FbA.
The project “Supporting Flood Forecast-based Action and Learning in Bangladesh” (SUFAL)
aims to strengthen the case for early action by implementing an FbA system in three northern
flood-prone districts: Kurigram, Gaibandha and Jamalpur. Implemented in a consortium led by
Care Bangladesh and including Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief Bangladesh and the Regional
Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System; and financially supported by European Civil
Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), the project works closely with national
and local governments to implement FbA to address technical, economic and institutional
barriers1 limiting uptake of FbA. Flood forecasting and early warning systems will be
strengthened through facilitating impact-based forecasting to contextualize forecasts and early
actions; and developing an institutionalized mechanism to initiate FbA through Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs). SOPs will guide how early action is systematically tied to
triggered threshold levels and provide guidelines on the roles and responsibilities of government,
local stakeholders, and communities in taking early actions, emphasizing the protection of
vulnerable groups. Within the scope of the project, a study will be undertaken to identify and
assess different financing mechanisms for FbA and propose recommendations on how FbA can
be integrated into Bangladesh’s disaster risk management (DRM) framework.

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Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

This concept note presents the objectives for a study on Financing Early Action in Bangladesh.
The SUFAL Project is seeking a consultant, team of consultants or firm to map out various
available and potential sources of financing for early action in Bangladesh. Sources can be
domestic or international funds within government DRM, climate change and related sectors;
Red Cross; NGOs; UN; international development banks; and, private sector. Focus will be
placed on local government’s access to various financing sources; and systems and policies in
place which enable access to funds for early action.
On behalf of the SUFAL Consortium, CARE Bangladesh is looking for a consultant / team of
consultants to carry out a study on financing early actions. The consultant or team leader will
report directly to the Consortium Coordinator of the SUFAL Project. S/he will work closely with
SUFAL’s project management team to develop a methodology and tools; coordinate field
movements and interviews with stakeholders; and finalize the study report. The consultant/s will
also engage with the FbF/FbA Technical Working Group coordinated by the Bangladesh Red
Crescent Society which SUFAL is a part of.

1.2 Objective of the Study

Broad Objective
To map out various sources of financing for early action while examining the policies and
procedures to access these funds and to look at potential sources (i.e., humanitarian, risk
reduction and adaptation funding) and examine how applicable and accessible these are for
financing early action for flood.
Specific Objectives
1. To identify and map out various funding sources, which should include: government
funding from domestic budgets (DRM, climate change, sectoral and social protection),
international funding sources (development and humanitarian), NGOs, Red Cross and
private sector
2. To assess each of these funding sources against certain criteria
3. To make recommendations on funding sources that can be accessed for early actions,
and recommendations for increasing access to these sources/mechanisms by local
4. To make suggestions on key considerations for the setting up, operationalization, focus
and scope of a funding mechanism linked to SOPs on FbF/FbA
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

5. To examine the policy framework for financing anticipatory actions and make
recommendations for further advocacy

1.3 Conceptual Framework

Identifying Identified
various sources Strategy Process various sources
of financing for of financing for
early action early action

Identifying and map out Identified and map out

various funding sources various funding sources
Assessing each of these Assessed each of these
funding sources against certain funding sources against
criteria certain criteria
Making recommendations on Recommendations on
funding sources that can be funding sources that can be
accessed for early actions accessed for early actions
Making suggestions Proper suggestions

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

1.4 Research Questions

The research questions of the study are as following
I. What are the various funding sources, which should include government funding
from domestic budgets (DRM, climate change, sectoral and social protection),
international funding sources (development and humanitarian), NGOs, Red Cross and
private sector?
II. How to asses each of these funding sources against certain criteria?
III. What are the recommendations on funding sources that can be accessed for early
actions, and recommendations for increasing access to these sources/mechanisms by
local government?
IV. What are the considerations for the setting up, operationalization, focus and scope of
a funding mechanism linked to SOPs on FbF/FbA?
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

V. What are the frameworks for financing anticipatory actions and make
recommendations for further advocacy?

1.5 Scope of work

This study will examine all sources of funding for early action from domestic, international and
private sector sources. Data will be collected through interviews and discussions with relevant
persons at Dhaka, district and local levels. As this study will look at local government’s access to
funds, the study findings can cover all of the country, but field visits will be limited to districts
under the SUFAL project (Kurigram, Gaibandha, Jamalpur) and FbF/FbA partner locations
(Khulna, Satkhira, Bagerhat).

1.6 Key Deliverables

GRM will produce and submit the following deliverables:
i. Interview schedule and tools for data collection (fund review criteria)
ii. Presentation of findings
iii. Final report with recommendations on funding sources and financing mechanisms
iv. Summary report in English and Bangla

1.7 Limitations of the study

In conducting, any research there must have some limitations and challenges in the field level
and as well as in the desk in proposing the appropriate methodology. As a researcher, it is our
duty to mix- up with the respondents but due to the nature of the responsibility and existing
domination of the social class, the respondents do not always feel free to communicate with the
research team. Moreover, as the working area is the Khulna, Bagerhat, Kurigram, Gaibandha and
Jamalpur there may have some problems to understand the local language. However, working in
that particular area, we have previous experience that working with them is good experiences.
However, for now it will not be an issue. Because our previous experience will support us to
medicate this issue. As a researcher we will try our best to overcome this limitation and will be
able to achieve our target and goal.
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Chapter Two: Research Methodology

2.1 Study Approach
The general approach of the study will be statistically robust, consultative and feedback oriented.
In conducting this assessment, we will employ the qualitative research approach. The study
design, including selection of data collection methods and tools, sampling approaches,
instrument development, analysis, and dissemination format and strategy will be based on
distinct conceptualization and proper documentation of the study objectives. While establishing
the objectives of the research, we will follow a critical process for ensuring useful way of
collecting data. Our approach, at the outset, will be to clearly understand the primary purpose of
the study, and therefore, to make sure that findings lead to actionable and evidence-based
Our substantial data analysis approach, while those will be collected through multiple methods,
will be divided into multiple broad stages. At the first stage, articles/literatures will be read
thoroughly and data collection with the help of the data collection instruments (DCI) will be
conducted. At the second stage, an initial classification of studies will be organized on the basis
of the qualitative analysis of structured data. The following flowchart depicts the steps of this

Study Desk Qualitative and
Design Review Premise Interpretatio

Figure 2:Schematic Show of the Study Approach

Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

2.2 Desktop Literature Review

Early actions taken by forecast based systems is a developing idea to reduce the humanitarian
and disaster risk during or after the hazards. It is a method which actually helps to reduce the
hazards of the vulnerable people and their livelihood. It also helps to improve the effectiveness
of the emergency preparedness, improve the preparedness for the disaster and accelerate the
recovery effort. Fba/FbF actually helps to arrange funding based on the predetermined forecasts
to reduce the suffering, enhance preparedness and response and contribute for strengthened
community resilience. It triggers early actions by the respective authority to reduce the impact of
disaster on human which can be defined as Early Actions Protocols (EAP). Again, this FbF also
helps to use the humanitarian fund more efficiently other than the traditional post-disaster
response. Implemented by the Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) and supported by the
German Red Cross (GRC), the Bangladesh FbF project activated its Early Action Protocol for
the floods in July/August 2017 and distributed cash to affected people. An unconditional cash
grant was chosen as the early action for floods to give people the flexibility to prepare
individually for the impending flood and take the measures they see fit, which ranged from
protecting vulnerable assets and fortifying their shelters to evacuation of livestock ( (Bangladesh
Red Crescent Society, 2017)
2.3 Qualitative Methods, Tools and Study Design
Qualitative Study will be employed to (i) identify limitation, challenges and lesson learned
against the overall and specific objectives and results of the project and also find out way
forward to overcome the oddities. (ii) assess replicability and scalability of the project best
practices. The qualitative study will be organized and conducted mainly with the facilitators/
secondary stakeholders. The respondents for the qualitative study will be purposively selected in
cooperation with the project team of PA.
2.3.1 Qualitative Sample Selection Criteria
In this study, we will use non probability sampling technique. Non probability sampling
technique is technique where the researcher select sample based on his convenience or
judgement. We will use this technique because we don’t have drawn any statistical inference
based on the findings. Of the non-probability sampling technique, we will use Purposive
Sampling Technique. Purposive sampling is intentional selection of informants based on their
ability to elucidate a specific theme, concept, or phenomenon.
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

2.3.2 Qualitative Sampling Snapshot

The qualitative sample for the study will be distributed as following table.
Table 1: Distribution of Qualitative Sample for the Study

Methods Numbers
FGD 15
KII 21
Case Study 4

Total 40

Note: Qualitative sample size will be finalized after consultation.

2.3.3 Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
8 FGD sessions will be held under this study in the study locations. Usually, 8-12 participants
will be participating in each FGD session. A trained and experienced team (1-Facilitator and 1 –
note-taker) will conduct the FGD sessions. The team will be comprised with 2 facilitator and 2
note-taker. The participants for the FGD session will be selected by using non-probability based
purposive as well as convenient sampling techniques. The purpose of the FGD session will be
triangulated with the previous study findings.
FGD Snapshot:
Table 2: Distribution of Samples for FGDs

Area No. of FGDs

Dhaka 3
Kurigram 3
Gaibandha 3
Satkhira 3
Bagerhat 3
Total 15
Note: Number of FGDs with groups will be finalized after consultation.
2.3.4 Justification for the FGD
Insights from the FGD will help us to find out the key considerations for setting up,
operationalization, focus and scope of a funding mechanism. It also examines the policy
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

framework for financing anticipatory actions and make recommendations for further advocacy.
The insights from the beneficiaries of the study will help us to assess the project outcome of the
2.3.5 Key Informants Interviews (KIIs)
A total of 22 KIIs will be conducted with the representative from Municipalities/City
Corporation, MSCC, Recycling company, Financing institutions, Department of Environment,
department of cooperative, Bangladesh Plastic Goods Manufacturer and Exporters’ Association
(BPGMEA), FSM Network & 3R Foundation, Ministry of Labour and Employment, public
bodies, Development Actors and Civil society, Practical Action and Partner organization project
team, etc., and the representatives from the NGOs that work for the primary stakeholders.
KII Snapshot:
Table 3: Distribution of Samples for KIIs

KII Representative Numbers

Districts (Kurigram, Gaibandha, Satkhira, Bagerhat)
DRM officials
Coordinators of the different climate projects 4
National and international NBFI Institutions (IMF,
IDLC, IPDC etc.)
International and regional development Bank (WB,
IDB, IBBL, MTB etc.)
Ministry of Environment, Foreign and Climate
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief 2
Total 20
Note: Number of KIIs with category will be finalized after consultation.
2.3.6 Justification for conducting KII
KII will help us to identify and map out various funding sources including government funding
from domestic budgets, international funding sources, NGOs, Red Cross and private sector. Key
informants hold that first-hand information about the study requirements. If we conduct KII we
can expect that these key informants can share meaningful insights for the identification of
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

funding sources for FbA. Key informants can also provide insights about the assessment criteria
such as information about the previous funding, how it passed to the community and what was
the procedure for funding application.
2.3.7 Case Study
4 case studies will be made to gather information from the selected study areas.
2.3.8 Justification for conducting Case Study
Case study will help us to find out the literature review of FbA. It will determine the key
stakeholders for data collection at Dhaka and subnational levels, along with criteria for fund
review and data collection instrument. It will also help us to review the current scenario of
previously used funds and its effectiveness.
2.4 Finalization of Data Collection Instruments (DCIs)
For the Qualitative Study, several checklists for conducting KIIs, FGDs, and Case Studies will be
developed. The GRM team will pre-test the survey questionnaire with the target groups and CB.
Feedbacks, based on pre-test, will be incorporated with the final version of questionnaire.
Besides, the GRM team will pre-test the qualitative checklists and guidelines with the relevant
respondents at the project office of CB before finalizing the tools. Finally, CB will approve all
the tools to conduct the entire study. Here is the list of the DCIs.

DCIs for Qualitative Survey

Tool 1: FGD Guidelines for the Target Groups

Tool 2: KII Checklist for the civil society actors,

policymakers, duty bearers, government employees,
leaders from the groups or forums, and the representatives
from the NGOs that work for the primary stakeholders.

Tool 3: Case Studies guideline for the Target Groups

Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Figure 3: DCIs for qualitative survey

2.5 Data Collection and Data Processing

GRM will discuss the checklists/guidelines of the KIIs, FGDs,and Case Studies with the
facilitators and note takers elaborately. The study team (2 Facilitator and 2 Note Taker) will
follow a strict process in processing qualitative data. All qualitative data (KII, FGD, Case Study)
will be noted on the spot for real time response. For the FGDs, at the end of each session, the
facilitator and note-taker will meet together to review the session and ensure that the notes are
detailed and accurately reflected the group discussion taken place. If there are any points that
will seem to be not well-captured, the notes will be built upon at this stage. Such review will take
place immediately following the session so that the discussion will be fresh in the minds of the
facilitators’ team. For KIIs, the interviewers will review their detailed notes immediately after
completing the interviews, and before proceeding to any other interviews. This process will
ensure that the discussion will be well captured properly. The Qualitative Team Members will be
encouraged to capture detailed notes and, where possible, direct quotes (verbatim) that will be
particularly interesting. Once the notes are completed, the study team will prepare and send soft
copies to the Lead Consultant, and then the core professional team will group the reports as well
as analyse them according to the thematic areas.
2.6 Data Analysis
An extensive data analysis will be held for 10 days. The qualitative data collected from the
interviews will be analyzed properly. Then the team will review and analyse the other data and
documents which will be provided by CB. Finally, interpretation of the findings will be made
and synthesizing and comparing will be done. The perceptions of the target groups (i.e. primary
stakeholders) and other project stakeholders will be captured on a particular indicator and will be
triangulated by the findings of other study tools.
2.7 Quality Assurance of the Data
The qualitative data will be ensured by the Key Professional Team Members in the study by
following several steps, such as - (a) the delivery of proper training and guidance to the entire
study team by the Key Professional Team Members, (b) continuous supervision and monitoring
of the data collection and entry process for the qualitative data by the Key Professional Team
Members, and (c) data validation and error checking by the Project Coordinators. During the
field surveys, a communication system will be established between the Field Survey Team and
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

the Key Professional Team of the study, so that review and reflection on the daily progress will
be made according to the survey protocols.
2.8 Covid-19 Pandemic Work Mechanism
GRM will maintain the social distancing and other health advices while conducting this study
during this pandemic. Most of the cases remote trainings and meetings will be the first priority.
GRM will ensure proper health care facilities available for the entire member during the field
data collection. At the same time, GRM will provide mask, hand sanitizer, and other necessary
protection equipment to the study team to ensure highest level of health and hygiene during this
COVID-19 situation.
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Chapter Three: Operational Plan

The operational plan for the study will be the following stages -
Desk Research
At the very first, after the awarding of the project there a desk research where we’ll find the
related document and studies to achieve the goals of the objective more. The secondary data in
this stage will help the researchers to learn and perceive about the assignment more.
Inception Report Desk Research
Based on the desk research, with the help of
secondary data a report will be made. The Inception Report

report will guide us where to go.

Preparation of Tools, Programming & Piloting
Preparation of Tools, Programming &
Review & Finalization tools and Inception Report
One of the most important stages of any
research is preparing the tools. Tools for both Team Recruitment and Training
qualitative and quantitative methods will be
developed here. The tools consist Field Work

questionnaire design for KII, FGD and Case

Coding, Editing & Cleaning
Study. The analysis tool will also be
developed here. A pilot survey will be held in Analysing Data
the meantime to test and modify the
questionnaire if necessary. The tools will be Presentation & Draft Report

sent to the CB project team to review and

Final Report
necessary correction will be made according
to their guidelines. Finally, the tools will be Figure
Figure 4: Chronological
4 Chronological Operational
Operational PlanPlan
Chronological Operational Plan
ready to use in the field work stages. The final
Chronological Operational Plan
tools will be sent to the CB project team then.
Review & Finalization of Tools and Inception Reports
The tools and inception report will be reviewed and finalized in this stage.
Team Recruitment and Training
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

The team recruitment will be done for field work at this stage. They will be provided rigorous
training for a couple days based on the developed tools. They will be tested, monitored, and
checked several ways to keep the quality of data on track.
Field Work
After the proper training the team will step for the team work. To maintain the quality, the lead
consultant along with the key research team will visit and check if the enumerators are collecting
data properly.
Editing & Cleaning
After the extraction of the required data from the server, necessary cleaning will be done. And
after that, editing will be done to make it for analysis phase.
Analysing Data
After the end of editing and cleaning, the analysis part will be started. The analyst will analyse
the data and interpret that accordingly.
Draft Report & Presentation
When the analysis of data will be done, the lead researcher will make the draft report and present
that to CB project team.
Final Report
As per the suggestions from the CB project team based on the draft report, the lead researcher
will write the final report. Then the final report with the main conclusions and recommendations
in terms of operational strategy will be submitted to the CB project team with other necessary
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

The study will be completed with the following timeline
Sl. W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12
1 Desk Review

Preparation of

3 Inception Report

4 Recruitment &

5 Data Collection

6 Data Analysis

Present main
7 findings with
ACF Members

8 Draft Report

Feedback on
Draft Report

10 Final Report

Summary report
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Chapter – 4: Team Composition

4.1. Technical Input by the Study Team
The roles and responsible of the team members will be following:
Personnel Number Engagement Phase of Engagement Tenure

Lead Consultant 1 Part-time Lead Role Throughout Study and Prepare 20 days
Study Tools, Draft Report and Final
(SRHR Expert) Report including conduction of validation
meeting and sharing session

Associate Consultant 1 Full-time Develop Tools, Questionnaires, Analysis 25 days

and Reporting

Project Coordinator 1 Full-time Coordinating overall project, Management 30 days

Role Throughout Study including
organizing the validation meeting and
sharing session.

Research Officer 1 Full-time Will provide assistance to the consultants 30 days

and participate in the field work.

Data Analyst 1 Full-time Qualitative Analysis 7 days

B. Field Survey Team: 18

Field Supervisor (F & 2 Part-time Supervise the Qualitative and Quantitative 10 Days
M) Survey

Note Taker (F & M) 2 Part-time Note Taking on FGD and KII 10 days

Facilitator (F & M) 2 Full-time Facilitate FGD and KII 10 days

Data Entry Operator 2 Full-time Input the data 4 days

(F & M)
4.2. Key Professional Team
The team will be composed of the following personals:
Lead Consultant: Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, PhD.
Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Commerce, Masters of Commerce, PhD. (DU)
Experience: With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Mizanur Rahman is serving at
University of Dhaka as a professor in Department of Marketing. Before that, he was the Dean
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

(faculty of Business & Economics) at Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. He is also

an adjunct faculty at numerous universities in Bangladesh. His areas of expertise are Marketing
Research, Brand Management, Strategic Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications,
Global Marketing, and Services Marketing. He has published a numerous number of publications
in different world-renowned journal.

 Served as a Supply Chain Consultant in the Project titled “Identifying Effective Measures
for Carbon Emission Reduction from Brick Industries: A Study in Dhaka Megacity” from
June 2016 to June 208, The Ministry of Environment and Forests, GOB.

 Conducted different Research Projects of Partex Group as a Chief Consultant from 2016-

 Conducted different Research Projects of different local companies in Bangladesh.

Associate Consultant: Polin Kumar Saha, Development and Sustainability Expert(Research

Manager of GRM)

Educational Qualification: Mr. Polin has completed B.Sc. (Hons) and Double M.S. in Soil, Water
and Environment and Strategic Leadership towards sustainability respectively from the
University of Dhaka & Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. He has also completed Post
Graduate Diploma in Research Methods and Skills from Maastricht School of Management, The
Netherlands; certificate courses on Essential Skills for Young Scientist and Research and
Technology Policy from Lund University, Sweden.

Experience: He has substantial experience of more than fourteen years working in Research,
Publications, Training, and other NGO activities with different organizations like Iso Tech
Group, Universal Medical College and Hospital, Counterpart International, Bangladesh, BRAC,
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Unnayan Onneshan - The Innovators,
Environment Alteration Ltd., CMES (Center for Mass Education in Science), and Layout
Communication. He has keen interest is to conduct project implementation (research planning,
designing, training module development, research training facilitation, data analysis, writing and
evaluation of research papers and proposal).
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Project Coordinator: Md. Abdul Hamid, Development, Sustainability, and Population

Expert (Managing Director of GRM)
Educational Qualification: MPS from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and MBA from the
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Experience: Having more than 18 years’ working experience in the research and development
sector. He is the Managing Director of Global Research & Marketing (GRM). He has extensive
experience in planning, executing, monitoring & controlling Research Projects, International and
local business development, Project and team management, Research proposal/report preparation
and submission, Data management, Report writing, etc.
Research Officers:
1. Syed Tanim Ahmed
Educational Qualification: MBA from BRAC University, MSS and BSS from the department of
Anthropology of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST).
Experience: Being a research assistant in the time of his undergraduate, he learned research
intensely. His experience and education about the industries later drove him to succeed in
research and development for both the qualitative and quantitative study.
2. Md. Omor Faruque
Educational Qualification: MBA from Institute of Business and Administration (IBA), University
of Dhaka, and B.Sc. from the department of Statistics of the University of Chittagong.
Experience: Over 5 years of experience in research, Mr. Omor is specialized in Consumer and
Market Insights with hands on experience of different quantitative and qualitative researches and
statistical data analysis skills, especially in SPSS and R. Efficient in objective based works. Has
a look-into-details attitude which paved the way to be insightful.
Data Analysts: Tanvir Hossain
Educational Qualification: Professional Cost and Management and Accounting from ICMAB.
Professional Msters in Applied Statistics and Data Science from Jahangirnagar University. MBA
from from IBA, University of Dhaka. BBA from East West University.
Experience: Over 5 years of experience in data analysis. Mr. Tanvir has a great expertise in data
analysis in in SPSS, STATA, Excel.
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Chapter – 5: Relevant Experiences of GRM

Some of the relevant experiences of GRM are following:

SI. Project Name Implemented By Funded By

Emergency Market Mapping and
Analysis Assessment (EMMA) on Danish Refugee
1. GRM (On-going)
Rohingya and Host Communities Council
Ukhyia, Cox’s Bazar
A Study on Perception and Evaluation
2. of Vendors and Partners at Dhaka, GRM UNHCR, Bangladesh
Chittagong and Cox’s Bazar Regions.
Industry Overview on Three Major
Japanese Ministry of
3. Sectors (Education, Health, and GRM and IC Net., Japan
Infrastructure) in Bangladesh
Covid-19 Situation and Employment GRM and GEOPOLE,
4. World Bank
Status Survey of Bangladeshi Citizen USA
Perception on UN Organization in
GRM and Kadence Int.,
5. Bangladesh (National Representative UK
United Nations
Final Evaluation on Promoting Agricultural
WAVE Foundation and
6. commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) GRM
Project on Onion Farmer
World Vision
7. End-Program Evaluation (Dhaka Shishu AP) GRM
Social Exclusion and Gender Analysis
8. GRM VSO Bangladesh
9. End line Evaluation SRHR Project GRM
Bangladesh & Germany
End-line Evaluation “Reaching the unreached Lepra Bangladesh (DFID
10. GRM
project” (Rangpur and Rajshahi Division) Funded)

Digital Financial Study (National HH Survey GRM, Market Xcel India Intermedia Survey
11. on financial decision making and Intermedia, USA Institute, USA
The Laprosy Mission
End-line Evaluation NUPIP project (Rangpur
12. GRM International, Danish
and Nilphamary District)
Loss and Profit Study on Shrimp Sector LEDARS, Germany, and
13. GRM
(Khulna and Satkhira District) USA funded
Efficient Multimodal Logistics Study and
GRM in association with
14. Assessment in Bangladesh (Infrastructure World Bank
Origin and Destination Survey in Chittagong
GRM in association with
15. (Traffic count /OD Survey) (Infrastructure World Bank
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Consumers/Beneficiary Satisfaction& market

GRM in association with Syngenta Foundation
16. value chain Survey in Major Rice Production
Kleffman, Germany (Germany)
Areas of Bangladesh
GRM in association with
Study on End-line Evaluation on Water and Water.Org USA, IKEA
17. Market Xcel Data Matrix
Sanitation in Bangladesh Foundation
Pvt. Ltd.
18. End line Evaluation ROLLS Program GRM UCEP Bangladesh
Social Programs and Govt. payment GRM in association with VISA International and
19. Ecosystem in Bangladesh Euro monitor Singapore Bangladesh Govt.
GRM in association with
Scan Feasibility Study on Environment
20. Market Xcel Data Matrix Nalco , India
friendly industrial water.
Pvt. Ltd.
Study on Financing Early Actions in Bangladesh

Annex – 1: CVs of the Key Team Members
Annex – 2: Commercial Documents of GRM
Annex - 3: Detailed profile of GRM

Submitted by:

Authorized Signature
Md. Abdul Hamid
Managing Director & CEO
Contact Number: +88 01855933634
Tel: +8858052813

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