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An Empirical Study on Information Technology Feasibility on Human Life

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Several studies and investigations have been conducted on the topic of Information
Technology implementation, with each adopting a stance either in favor of or against its
usage in the personal and professional dimension. It takes at lot of years for information
technology to be a part of human life and business practices. Businesses and society as a
whole have been greatly influenced by information technology. In addition to education,
health, and entertainment, information technology has had a significant influence on a wide
range of other disciplines as well. Technological advances will have both good and bad
effects on society as a whole as the globe evolves. What's needed to bridge this divide are
studies that show how information technology systems can aid users in making decisions at
the exact moment when they're necessary to make those choices in order to close this gap.

Table of Contents
Abstract........................................................................................................................................................ 2

Introduction................................................................................................................................................. 4

Literature Review......................................................................................................................................... 4
Advantages and disadvantages of products and services sold online and offline..............................................4
Online Ventures..............................................................................................................................................6
Offline Ventures..............................................................................................................................................6
Model Selection and Related Issues...............................................................................................................7
Privacy and Security challenges and measures..................................................................................................7
An explanation of online service privacy and security...................................................................................7
Discuss the difficulties of ensuring the privacy and security of online services............................................7
Discuss the procedures that may be taken to ensure that one's privacy and security are protected..........8
Electronic payments............................................................................................................................................9
What is an electronic payment? What are the examples?............................................................................9
Applications of electronic payment services using a chip implanted in a human body, such as in a hand,
as well as its advantages, disadvantages, suitability and applicability........................................................10

Conclusion.................................................................................................................................................. 11

Reference:.................................................................................................................................................. 12

Information and communication technology encompass all types of computer-based tools that
may be used to improve how efficiently individuals, businesses, and governments handle and
use data (Raftree, 2012). Basically, everything electronic or digital that manipulates data in
digital form falls under this category. This means that the primary focus of ICT is on the
archiving, retrieval, and transmission of digital information. When a company uses ICT, it
may better meet the needs of its customers, leading to greater efficiency. Information and
communication technology have the potential to improve many facets of a business,
including research and development, manufacturing, distribution, retail, and responses to
customers. One of the many fantastic advantages of this transformation is that businesses can
now communicate with potentially millions of customers all over the globe in real time
thanks to the advancements in information and communication technology. Ditsa suggested
(2003), by utilizing proliferation of digital channels, businesses may reach their customers
without ever having them leave the comfort of their own homes. Long-term business success
in today's increasingly digital environment is almost impossible without embracing IT's
numerous benefits. Improvements in internal and external communications, inventory
management, management, decision making, database administration, and employee and
customer relationship management are just a few of the many tasks that fall within the
purview of the information technology department. This report demonstrates a
comprehensive investigation of information and technology feasibility to identify the
appropriate level of utilization of information technology in human life.

Literature Review
Advantages and disadvantages of products and services sold online and offline
Online enterprises discount brokerages, used-item auction sites, consumer-goods merchants,
and music download services. High-speed connection and secure data transmission have
benefited online enterprises. Offline enterprises are brick-and-mortar retailers and eateries.

Figure 1: An Illustration of Online and Offline Ventures
Source: Kale, 2021

Online Ventures
The low overhead costs of running an online company are its fundamental amenities.
Entrepreneur can save money on running costs since entrepreneurs don't need to hire retail
staff or rent expensive retail space (Kale, 2021). Having a lean cost structure allows for more
maneuverability, which is especially helpful in the case of an unexpected drop in sales. A
company's IT infrastructure may provide a direct connection between an online order input
system and its inventory tracking system. One can find out exactly how many items are in
stock and when one should reorder using this handy tool. The advent of even the most basic
e-commerce websites has opened the door for small businesses in any part of the world to
connect with clients in other parts of the world. When a company is run online, customers
may research things at their leisure and buy whenever it is most convenient for them.
As more customers shop online, retailers face the prospect of receiving more returns from
dissatisfied customers who either did not get the item they ordered or whose item was
damaged in transit. Product returns reduce net sales, which might have an effect on profits.
Higher delivery costs may deter some customers, while others may be wary of buying online
due to security fears (Salahshour, Nilashi and Mohamed Dahlan, 2018). The "human touch"
or "first-hand experience" that is usually required to conduct a transaction is often not
available from online enterprises. While online retailers may potentially reach a global client
base, they still must contend with hundreds, if not thousands, of similar competitors.
Offline Ventures
Offline purchasing gives customers an opportunity to get to know the business on a more
personal level, which might result in greater brand loyalty. One of the benefits of traditional
storefronts is this very thing. Some buyers may be put off making a purchase unless they can
hold or try on the merchandise beforehand; this might assist businesses reduce the number of
returns they get. Gashi Shatri stated (2020), when it comes to doing business, many
organizations can't do without an offline strategy. A restaurant, for instance, may promote
itself on social media and put its menu online, but it couldn't possibly serve customers in this
way. Similarly, it's hard to see a car lot being as effective without salespeople to help clients
through the process of buying or leasing a car.
When it comes to reaching customers all over the globe, e-commerce websites can't be beat,
whereas traditional brick-and-mortar stores have to either rent or build their own locations
(Kim, 2016). Business operations may also take place in offline establishments. The potential

customer base for a traditional brick-and-mortar store is rather small. Perfect example is a
restaurant whose clientele all live within a 10-mile radius, so limiting the owner's options for
growth. Booksellers and video rental stores are only two instances of brick-and-mortar
businesses that have lost money as a direct consequence of the rise of their online
Model Selection and Related Issues
Both online and offline operations are viable options for businesses. Newspapers, for
instance, have developed online portals that include multimedia content and user interaction
in order to improve the reading experience (Turban, Volonino and Wood, 2012). Customers
of a bank are able to monitor their accounts, transfer payments, and pay bills online, but they
must physically visit a branch in order to apply for loans or take cash from their accounts.
When it is not possible to use either of the two models, the next step is to evaluate the
requirements of the company and the people who could become clients. In most cases,
businesses like auto repair shops, hair salons, and bakeries are required to have a physical site
in order to fulfill the requirements of their consumers (Singh et al., 2020). The purchase of
products or services, on the other hand, may be accomplished via either an offline or an
internet-based firm. Determine what action to do next by comparing the number of potential
consumers in one’s region to the number of clients one’s now have access to in his or her
region. An antique book dealer, for instance, may not have access to a big enough client base
in a remote region to warrant the expenditure of a storefront, but they may be able to sell a
high number of products online since their business is accessible to people all over the globe.

Privacy and Security challenges and measures

An explanation of online service privacy and security
Security refers to the measures used to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access
to sensitive information. Several safeguards have been put in place to limit user access to
sensitive data (He, Zhang and Li, 2021). Because of the fuzziness of the term "privacy," it's
not always clear what qualifies as private information and what doesn't. Any types of
personally identifiable information seem to be privacy.
Discuss the difficulties of ensuring the privacy and security of online services
Advances in digital age technology and novel business practices provide continual challenges
to and have an impact on the domains of information security and privacy. Tucker stated
(2016), all businesses are facing new difficulties and possibilities as a result of technological

development and the spread of new methods of doing business. Changes in how persons see
personal data, cross-border data transfer management, online privacy, user rights, and data
controller responsibilities are all a result of the evolution of information and communication
technologies, which are reflected in the regulations for data protection organizations.
Seventy-four percent of EU inhabitants, based on results from a survey of internet users,
believe that the discovery of personal data is becoming a more vital part of the digital world.
Only 26% of social computing users and 18% of online shoppers are confident that they have
full control over their personal data.

Figure 2: Privacy and Security of Online Services

Source: Tucker, 2016
How and where people personal data are stored, who has access to them, who is responsible
for data protection, what policy is used to store personal data and keep their confidentiality,
and what is the guarantee of the correct transfer of the data between different nodes via the
global network are all valid questions. Many examples exist on the web and may be accessed
by searching. Specifically, the "Privacy Notes" portion of a company's website may include
the following types of personal information that are collected: "name, gender, birthday or
age, homepage, profile picture, time zone, mail address, country, hobbies, and comments and
material people have posted/shared." Most of these groups are unrelated to the business unit
in question.
Discuss the procedures that may be taken to ensure that one's privacy and security are
If anyone thinks about it, a person’s or company's information is its most valuable asset,
therefore it stands to reason that protecting that information is a top priority for any enterprise

or person. One of the most common security techniques employed throughout all of IT is the
use of passwords to restrict access to sensitive data and ensure its continued integrity (Madon
and Krishna, 2018). Any serious business in the current day should immediately have a
policy of standardizing its security protocols across all platforms and devices. As a result,
administration is simplified due to the centralized data storage and retrieval. The National
Institute of Standards and Technology has found many of persons now choose to use their
smartphones instead of PCs for things like going online, checking email, and watching
videos. As a result, they need to provide the same level of privacy protection on their phones
and tablets as they do on their desktop PCs. To begin, one has to ensure that his phone is
password protected. Some consumers may find it inconvenient to be asked to enter a code
every time they want to return to their phone's home screen (Madon and Krishna, 2018). But
if their phone is ever lost or stolen, this passcode might be an extra safeguard. It's important
to have a complex password. It is wise not to choose anything obvious like one’s birthday or
house number. When it comes to securing a person or company's IT infrastructure, firewalls
are crucial. This ensures that workers may do their duties in a secure setting. Businesses that
connect to the internet without installing a firewall are vulnerable to attacks from hackers and
viruses. The installation of a firewall is often the first step taken when it comes to making
sure a company's network is secure and safe to use.

Electronic payments
What is an electronic payment? What are the examples?
When money is sent digitally or online, it is called an electronic payment, or e-payment.
Sending money electronically is a convenient and secure alternative to sending cash.
Depending on the situation, one may make use of a number of different electronic payment
methods (Okhunov, M. and Minamatov, 2021).

Figure 3: Electronic Payments
Sources: Okhunov, M. and Minamatov, 2021
The most prevalent types of electronic payment systems include credit cards, debit cards,
prepaid cards, and ACH (automated clearinghouse) transfers (direct deposit, direct debit, and
electronic checks).
Applications of electronic payment services using a chip implanted in a human body,
such as in a hand, as well as its advantages, disadvantages, suitability and applicability.
Implanted beneath the skin, microchips provide for a digital interface to the actual world
based on the holder's identification. This operation is currently inexpensive and accessible.
Electric chips are used in many of people’s daily activities. To make purchases, use public
transit, enter buildings, and borrow books from the library, everyone keeps them on the cards
they use. It's simple to lose or have plastic cards stolen since they're so lightweight. RFID
chips that have been inserted cannot be lost or stolen (Lloyd, 2020). One doesn't have to do
much more than walk by a reader to be identified.
Keeping track of the food and drink they order on their chips allows the members to utilize
them as payment for their meals and drinks. As long as the chips are scanned, employees may
have their bank accounts debited with the correct amount. Employers, hotels, gyms, and other
establishments that demand proof of identity may all benefit from having chips implanted in
their employees.
It's possible to swiftly access one’s medical history, including the antibiotics one has
previously taken, the prescriptions one takes and any other relevant medical information
through an RFID chip that is surgically inserted in person’s body.

It's a dream come true to be able to go out of the house and have one’s vehicle start, front
door open, favorite TV station start up, and thermostat set itself to the perfect temperature
when one’s arrived home. Technology has made it feasible for all of these things to happen.
Because these chips are so little, they may not always be in the right place. Medical personnel
may have difficulty finding them if they are in a new location due to the fact that they move
about a lot. Infections, electrical hazards, and incompatibility with medical devices like MRI
scanners are just a few of the other possible threats. MRI scans do not allow patients to bring
any metal objects, including microchips. Electrosurgical and electromagnetic interfering with
various devices and defibrillators are other problems, as are the potential hazards associated
with specific drugs (Okhunov, M. and Minamatov, 2021).
Because of our chip implants, people must conduct themselves in a way that sets an example
for others. People freedom to ride the bus for free, speed through traffic, or fabricate an
excuse for being late to work will no longer be available. In order to give a better service to
the public, service providers must have access to more information; nevertheless, this
necessity poses a significant limit on everyone liberties.
Numerous vulnerabilities exist in RFID chips that can be exploited in various ways. Hackers,
for example, may see them as a main target because they have access to a large amount of
critical information. It would be great if everyone could change chip’s information at any
Electric chips are actively in commonplace. Among their many applications are those for
animal monitoring, inventory tracking, access control, and passport control. It may seem
strange to have a chip inserted, but defibrillators are also embedded devices (Kale, 2021). At
the moment, microchipping is an elective procedure that is generally reserved for those at
high risk, such as diabetics and those with Alzheimer's disease. In the absence of forced
microchipping and 'frisking,' people seem open to the idea of its conceivable use. Before
these gadgets are mass-implanted, health and privacy issues need to be addressed.
A number of RFID's chip applications were discovered to be comparable to one another.
While controlling is the most prevalent use case, it may also be seen influencing convenience
and caring. This effect includes the ability to control one's own identity and personal data, as
well as the ability of third parties to exert control over location-based services. An increasing
number of chip-based applications for humans are now being developed on top of the
foundations laid by non-human-centric businesses and animals (Salahshour, Nilashi and
Mohamed Dahlan, 2018). The market for chip-centered applications is still evolving, despite
the fact that the technology has been shown to be feasible in research and commercially
recognized situations.

It's been a long-running and bitter debate over the use of information technology in personal
and professional. If one examines the good and negative parts of these worries, one may
realize that the benefits really outweigh many of the downsides of this subject's problems and
information technology becomes an integral part of human life practices.


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