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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Presented at Inquries, Investigations and Immersions

Final Defense 2023
Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades,
Lingayen, Pangasinan
June 19-30, 2023





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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


This study investigates the perceptions of senior high school learners at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades regarding
the use of the internet as instructional material. With the increasing availability of internet access, educational institutions are
embracing digital resources to enhance the teaching and learning process. However, understanding students' perceptions is crucial
to ensure the effectiveness of these instructional materials. To gather data, a mixed-methods approach was employed, combining
quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. A total of 92 senior high school learners (40 grade 12 students & 52 grade 11
students) participated in the survey. The survey questionnaire and interview guide were developed based on relevant literature and
expert opinions. The findings indicate that the majority of senior high school learners had a significant and positive perceptions
regarding the use of the internet as instructional material to their academic performance.

However, the study also reveals some challenges and concerns associated with using the internet as instructional material.
They became dependent on the answer, they found online or internet without checking if it was reliable or not reliable

Overall, this study highlights the positive perceptions of senior high school learners at Pangasinan School of Arts and
Trades regarding the use of the internet as instructional material. It sheds light on the benefits and challenges associated with
incorporating digital resources into the classroom and provides valuable insights for educational institutions seeking to enhance
the teaching and learning experience through internet-based materials.

KEYWORDS: Internet, Perceptions, Instructional Material

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Department of Education


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to
completing this research work.

This undertaking would not have been possible without the assistance of numerous people. Many thanks to our
instructors who guided us throughout the procedure and for sharing their knowledge which aided the success of our research.

We would like to especially thank our teachers and friends for being tolerant in their support of us throughout the
course of our endeavor. A sincere thank you to all of the replies of individuals who have donated their time and invaluable
information in responding to our research survey. Last but not the least, we want to express our gratitude to our Almighty Father,
thank you for the blessings, direction, and safety that he has provided every day.


This work is a fruit of the researcher’s effort. We dedicated this to our guardians and parents who helped us throughout the
process, to the faculty of Business Administration who assisted us in completing this task and improved our abilities, to our
friends who helped us and spent time to finish our paper, and most importantly, to God Almighty who provides us with the
courage, knowledge, and wisdom to finish this work



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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

teachers are able to use these tools. Given that these skills
are unlikely to be used unless they fit with teachers’
existing pedagogical beliefs, it is necessary that we increase
INTRODUCTION our understanding of teachers’ beliefs as part of our efforts
to increase teachers’ computer technology skills and uses.
This will not only enable teachers to use computers to their
Technology enriches educational experiences
full potential but will enable students to reach theirs as well
by providing limitless learning options that can guide (Gilakjani, 2012).
students on their quests to learn. Information technology
(IT) use has expanded beyond matters related only to
hardware and software. Just recently have the implications According to Borysiuk (2013) in his article “Benefits
of the use of IT in major educational areas such as and disadvantages of the use of information technologies in
curriculum content, learner activities, teacher role, and education”, the benefits of using the information
assessment practices (Voogt, 2008). The productive technologies are: 1) increased interest in and overall
motivation for education; 2) individualization of education;
integration of information technology communication into
3) objectivity of control; 4) activation of education through
teaching and learning involves not only surfing the internet the use of attractive and rapidly changing forms of
but also making knowledge more practical for all students. information presentation; 5) formation abilities and skills
for the creative activities; 6) training of information culture;
7) mastering the skills of operational decision-making in a
Education should be adapted to ongoing changes in complex situation; 8) students’ access to databases of
technology and use them extensively in the learning information that enable them to quickly obtain information;
process. These changes in education must rapidly respond 9) intensification of self-student work; 10) increase in the
volume of completed tasks; 11) increased motivation and
to domestic developments in terms of quantity and quality
cognitive activity due to the diversity of exercises,
of transmitting knowledge and skills systematically, including the possibility of game time; 12) enhanced of
coherently and stably to students. In this era of information information flow; 13) online education offer new
and communication technology development, the use of this opportunities for more active involvement of students in the
technology in the learning process has become a necessity educational process. Also, in his article Borysiuk (2013)
for students. This development is directly related to the states that the advantages of using information technology
updating of knowledge and new skills in the field of teacher are: 1) it creates a more interactive experience; 2) it
education. provides unlimited resources; 3) it helps build necessary
skills for the future; 4) it saves precious resources; 5) it
instantly updates information; and 6) it does not take up
much space (Borysiuk, 2013).
Technology has the power and the potential to
transform the professional environment of the students into Galle says information technology offers other
learning facilitators. Technology creates opportunities for educational advantages such as: 1) increased credibility for
students to learn and collaborate with one another through the teacher, 2) instant access to numerous resources, 3) the
the exchange of ideas and experiences and joint problem automation of dull material, 4) the creation of a
solving. When preparing for lessons that use information collaborative learning approach, 5) teaching core vocational
technology, teachers should make focused plans and in skills with more ease, 6) the modernization of classrooms,
select materials that respect the basic principles of teaching. 7) the centralization of needed data, 8) enabling students to
The teachers have to know about various software in what work at their own pace, 9) the opportunity to learn in
settings they can be used and how they shall organize the different ways, 10) increased motivation of them, 11) and
work, also what goals they can serve. They need to have affordability (Galle, 2018).
computer literacy to manage to create, and thus organize
good learning situations that help pupils in these settings
(Postholm, 2007). On the other hand, information technology may
present problems for the preparation and delivery of classes.
It can be a distraction, provide inappropriate access, and
Different applications of information technology offer offer false information, make cheating easier, be expensive
great benefits for students by bringing excitement to to maintain, and hinder basic skills (Borysiuk, 2013).
students and creating progress in relief and independence in
their development. The proper use of information
technology promotes and develops a variety of skills in Information technology can also be difficult to
students, such as mathematical skills, communication skills, integrate into lesson structures. For example, class
critical thinking skills, problem solving, teamwork, and schedules may not provide sufficient time for Internet use
research skills (Reinhold et al., 2020). The benefit to during lessons. Also, teachers could become overly focused
students increasingly will depend on the skill with which

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

on creating visually attractive illustrative methods rather achievement skyrockets. Students gain new skills and
than lesson plans. Education on the basis of computer become familiar with new technologies that will help
programs should not replace direct communication between prepare them for future success in an increasingly
teachers and students (Borysiuk, 2013). technological world. Information technologies provide the
opportunities of global interactions. Students can learn from
interactions with the information, interface, teachers and co-
Regarding the disadvantages of information technology learners using global networks (Hussain & Safdar, 2008,
in education, Galle states that: 1) it may be distracting to Shadiev et al., 2018).
students, 2) it may disconnect students from face-to-face
relationships, 3) it may make cheating easier, 4) it may
disadvantage certain students, 5) it may cause students to BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
use unreliable resources for learning, 6) it may make
curriculum planning more difficult or expensive, 7) it may Nowadays the world is fast changing in all aspects
replace the teacher, 8) it may create privacy issues, 9) it with the help of the Internet in which we function anytime
may create medical issues, 10) it may cause children to lose and anywhere, The Internet is important, especially for
track of time, 11) it is often limited, and 12) it may create senior high school learners. However not all senior high
dependence (Galle, 2018). school students have access to internet caused by poverty,
no signal, no gadgets and other things. Paying for internet is
expensive for other people. Various types of internet is used
A worrying problem is that information technology by for online classes and research. Internet is also great for
students is often misused by students who spend hours on students when it comes to research and to enhance their
the computer and use it for pointless things such as skills and strategies in a hardship part of studying and doing
Facebook and various games. These children lack concrete their assignments, research, reports, activities, and other
guidelines to steer them into beneficial use. Family plays a important things. Senior high school student know what the
major role in controlling the children while using the internet can do and we need it for every day. Internet is full
computer. Also teachers play a very important role with of sources that’s why it’s worth using it and it can help you
their instructions which can stimulate students to use for a lot. Internet helps to improve in our daily lives to do
educational needs. things and also helps Senior high school students to
improve their communication and socialization which also
help to create new things to learn students.
Psychologists Basov and Abram, as cited in Mexhuani
(2014) shown that “children who play more games tend
more to exaggerate the amount of violence in the world that The internet has become an integral part of our daily
surrounds them than those who play less” (Mexhuani, lives, and its impact on education has been significant. The
2014). In addition, it was found that those children who use of technology in education has become increasingly
play more games, tended more than those who played less, popular, and it has been shown to have a positive impact on
to accept the fear "when students tend to accept the fear of a student learning[1]. With the rise of online learning, it is
bad person breaking into their homes ", or "when a random important to understand the perceptions of senior high
bad person could harm them ". Those who see a lot of school learners towards the internet as a technology. This
movies and other programs that show criminal violence see study aims to explore the perceptions of senior high school
their city as a dangerous place (Mexhuani, 2014). In the learners towards the internet as a technology, and how it
classroom, many teachers are turning to digital media to affects their learning experience.
strengthen students’ basic skills. Using video and audio
technology brings course materials to life in a way that According to a study conducted by,[2] Senior High
stimulates young minds and facilitates learning. One reason School students have a positive perception of the internet as
for this improvement is that digital media tools can be used a technology. They believe that the internet can be used as a
to address each student’s individual learning style, thereby tool for learning and that it can help them to access
empowering students to achieve their potential (Apple, information that is not available in their textbooks. The
2002). study also found that students who had access to the internet
at home had a more positive perception of the technology.
The success of innovative practices of technology use
in schools is strongly related to the particular characteristics
of each school. Infrastructure, equipment, a favorable In recent years, online learning has become more
school culture and the support from staff make the prevalent, and it has been met with mixed reactions from
development of innovative practices with ICT easier students and faculty alike[3]. The COVID-19 pandemic has
(Sangrà & González-Sanmamed, 2010). Once students forced many schools to adopt online learning, and it has
become familiar with technology, they quickly learn to use highlighted the need for further research into the
it proficiently. This opens up an exciting new world of effectiveness of online learning[4][5]. This study will focus
learning possibilities for them, and their potential for on the perceptions of senior high school learners towards

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

the internet as a technology, and how it affects their as the problem statement, and a process, which includes the
learning experience. data collection process using survey questionnaires as the
research instrument. Then it has an output that contains the
research objectives, entitled "The Perceptions in using
The use of technology in education has been a topic of internet as instructional material of Senior High School
debate for many years. Some argue that it has created a Learners at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades," and
generation of sound-bite learners, while others believe that finally the expected outcome, which contains the collected
it has the potential to revolutionize education[6]. This study and interpreted data of the study participants.
will aim to shed light on the perceptions of senior high
school learners towards the internet as a technology, and
how it affects their learning experience. This study will
provide valuable insights into the perceptions of senior high
school learners towards the internet as a technology. It will STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
explore the impact of the internet on their learning
experience and provide recommendations for educators on
how to effectively integrate technology into the classroom. This study aims to determine the perceptions in using
internet as instructional material of Senior High School
Learners (Grade 11 and Grade 12) at Pangasinan School of
Arts and Trades.

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 1. What is the demographic profile of students?

a. Name (Optional)
Perception towards b. Gender
Internet c. Year/Grade Level
d. Age
e. Strand

Use of 2. What are the perceptions in using internet as

instructional material of Senior High School
Internet Learners?

Instruction Problems
and 3. What are the problems or concerns in using
al Material internet as instructional material?

RESEARCH PARADIGM Perceptions - The act or faculty of perceiving, or
INPUT apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind;
cognition; understanding.

The researchers use Collected and

profile of a survey
To find out
what is The
interpreted data
on the The
Instructional Material - The content or information
questionnaire as
their research
Perceptions in
using internet
Perceptions in
using internet as
conveyed within a course.
Gender instrument. as instructional
Age   instructional material of the
Year/Grade The collected data
will be analyzed and
material of
the Senior
Senior High
School Learners
Enriches - To make rich or richer especially by the addition
Strand interpreted by the
High School
Learners at
at Pangasinan
School of Arts
or increase of some desirable quality, attribute, or
Statement of
the problem:
School of Arts
and Trades ingredient.
and Trades?

I.T ( Information technology). - The use of hardware,

software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage
This research's paradigm includes an input, which and deliver information using voice, data, and video.
includes the demographic profile of the respondents as well

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Advantages - A condition that helps you or gives you a to finish their learning assignments. They also believed the
greater chance of success. internet offers activities and materials they could use to
learn English. However, the majority did not see the
Disadvantages - Drawback, inconvenience, hindrance. internet as a means for reading or entertainment. Only about
40% many of them loved reading for pleasure and were
Collaborative Learning Methods - An umbrella term for a ready to spend more time reading online. Despite these,
variety of educational approaches involving joint almost one-fifth of them still preferred reading printed
intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers materials. This indicates that not all of Generation Z’s
together. members totally ignored printed reading materials
E-Learning Technology - The delivery of leacrning and
training through digital resources.
According to Agung (2020), the pandemic of
COVID-19 has created a big paradigm shift in Indonesia’s
educational system from physical to internet-based
classrooms The digital classroom appears to be the perfect
LITERATURE REVIEW answer for the sake of people’s health. This condition forces
teachers and students to work and study from home. In
reality, the shift presents a significant challenge, especially
What are the perceptions in using internet as for those who are in the least-developed regions. The
instructional material? current study concludes that most English students are not
ready for this rapid shift in terms of teaching and learning
Today, the Internet A technology that connects style. Various reasons were identified, and they can be
people from all over the world and allows for a global categorized into three factors:
conversation. The Internet has a big effect on all students. It
becomes a part of studying, which gives students a lot of
information. According to Fudhla (2023) findings and The first is availability, and sustainability of internet
discussion, students’ opinions of the collaborative learning connection, the second is accessibility of teaching media,
model with internet-assisted learning were generally and the last is compatibility of tools to access the media.
positive. The students believed that their learning process The good news is that the students also report that their IT
had improved. Each student thinks they depend on one literacy is improving when doing the stressful marathon
another in a positive way. To achieve their learning goals, task, though they also report that they and their gadgets are
they collaborate. On the other hand, students agreed that the not ready for this sudden hi-tech change. Another issue that
collaborative learning model is very useful and preferred. emerges in the current study that may be relevant for further
Students agreed that this learning model imported positive research on e-learning during the pandemic COVID-19 in
interdependence, built responsibility and teamwork, Indonesia means that it is hard to find other resources and
increased their communication skills, made them more literature with comparable focus and situation, especially
confident, and made them feel more critical. regarding online learning in rural areas. Furthermore,
previous literature commonly deals with classroom practice
on the internet.
The majority of students also agreed that they would
understand the material better if the teacher utilized a
collaborative learning model. Therefore, using the internet The students’ understanding of authentic materials
to assist students in researching information and gathering in a CALL environment, software practices, and aid in
media for tasks Students agree that because it is widely online assessment. However, here at STKIP Pamane Talino,
available, offers a variety of knowledge sources, and we are still talking about the availability and sustainability
effectively supports learning, the internet is an excellent of internet connections. On that note, what’s App is highly
tool for supporting collaborative learning methods. We may recommended media to use before Google Classroom
draw the conclusion that the internet-assisted collaborative because users (lecturers and students) are more familiar
learning model is extremely effective for teaching English. with What’s App, and it is easier to access. Moreover, this
study highlights that online learning needs a friendly
platform to gain the students’ participation, especially if it is
In a study of the use of the internet in studying, such held in rural areas Accessibility is the major factor in
as reading, it was concluded that a slightly higher than Half successful online learning for STKIP. Pamane Talino, and
of the respondents positively perceived that the internet potentially Indonesia in general. Grande materials, which
developed their reading habits. However, the majority are displayed in a splendid platform will be useless if the
regarded reading as an activity for getting information. students cannot access it.
Finish school assignments only. They believed that the
internet provided them with many sources they could search

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Additionally, Based on (Oladele et al, 2022), a vigorous channel that, if utilized suitably, it has the
Altogether, we found that online learning has become part potential to revolutionize learning a tall academic levels.
of the new normal with the global experiences of learning The advent of the Internet has drastically changed the
recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic. We established education scene.
in this study that the online platform is a strong supplement
to the traditional face-to-face learning mode which takes
place in the school classrooms. We found that nursing The Internet is being used as a medium for academic
students in South-West, Nigeria demonstrated a positive activities and for Internet-based learning both in and outside
disposition towards online learning and have a good attitude classrooms. With the use of the Internet, the process of
towards it. This implies that the findings of this study can learning has been extended and enhanced. The availability
be generalized because nearly all institutions of higher and sharing of academic materials through the Internet has
learning have embraced online learning since the outbreak provided users, especially teachers and students, with ample
of COVID-19 pandemic in 2019/2020. Based on the opportunity to benefit from their academic growth and
findings of his study, we suggested that nursing students improvement in developing countries like Pakistan. Subject
in the various schools of nursing in Nigeria be to students’ technological knowledge and knowledge-
thoroughly equipped with the knowledge and skills sharing intentions and the penetration of the penetration of
needed as well as provision of basic infrastructure, such which they are a part, both the academic usefulness of the
as computers and the Internet for the students to Internet and their enjoyment of using it produce the best
effectively participate in the ongoing global online learning learning results for students.
mode that has come to stay since the outbreak of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
From the demographic information gathered by
(Galgao, 2015), the internet appears to be an integral part of
Based on Ali’s (2014) findings, the students are of respondents’ lives. Perhaps similar to the other studies
the opinion that the Internet brings positive change to mentioned, respondents use the internet as a tool to connect
academic activities by providing them with learning socially on top of information searches. In terms of
materials for research as well as information about students’ perceptions of how the internet affects their
educational institutions. They use the Internet during academic performance, the respondents appear to perceive
preparation for examinations to seek help from their fellow that internet usage has little to no effect on their academic
fellows. They disagree that the use of the Internet is a waste achievement. This was also the case for the effects of
of time and that it encourages cheating in assignments and internet usage on interpersonal and intrapersonal
examinations. However, they agree that the Internet causes relationships, which were measured through social life and
disturbed sleep and affects studies and results. It can be morals. (Galgao, 2015).
concluded that the Internet offers are of the opinion that the
Internet brings positive change to academic activities by
providing them with learning materials for research as well The present study aimed to develop a scale
as information about educational institutions. (POSTOL) to measure student’s perceptions of online
learning. The Survey form was administered to 208 students
from Taiwan for reliability and validity. The exploratory
They use the Internet during preparation for factor analysis revealed a four-factor structure solution that
examinations to seek help from their fellow students. They accounted for 61.85% of the total variance, and the overall
disagree that the use of the Internet is a waste of time and Cronbach’s alpha of the scale was .906. Next, the
that it encourages cheating in assignments and confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor
examinations. However, they agree that the Internet causes structure: Instructor characteristics, social presence,
disturbed sleep and affects studies and results. It can be instructional design and trust. All the constructs satisfied
concluded that the Internet offers a wider and better range the conditions of reliability
of options to students and has increased their willingness
and participation, resulting in better decisions in their and discriminant validity. Statistical analyses showed that
student lives than ever before. Students’ understand bending the scale (POSTOL) is a valid and reliable instrument. It is
of academic problems and their approach towards solutions recommended that further research should be carried out to
have also become far more mature. He main check the psychometric properties of POSTOL in a diverse
cultural context like India and at different stages of
reason, obviously, is that the Internet has removed the education. In addition, further research is needed to study
barriers to information, and now any question, any problem, The relationship between demographic variables and
or any query, when typed into any of the numerous search students’ perceptions towards online learning as well as to
engines online, gets countless answers, solutions, and Reconsider the course design of online learning, to the
responses. All these things were beyond one’s imagination benefit of students. The present scale tried to overcome the
even a short time ago, prior to the invention of the Shortcomings of the previous studies in the design of
information superhighway, the Internet. The Internet is such contemporary online courses, including instructor

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
Effectivity Date:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

Characteristics, social presence, instructional design, and 5. In the future, more studies should be conducted
trust. This study motivates instructional designers, with a larger number of participants.
Educators, and institutions to improve the quality of future
and current online courses (Chang et al, 2016). 6. Provide alternatives for students who face
difficulties in downloading course materials, such
as CDs containing all lecture recordings.
The perception analysis of medical students from
Malaysia showed that the students actively use Internet for 7. Divide students into small groups to facilitate
searching for new information and learning during PBL interaction during online classes.
sessions. However, the use of textbooks is an important
mode for learning and preparing for PBL. The perception 8. Further research is required to investigate the
analysis also showed the lack of interest of the students attitude of faculty staff toward blended learning
towards the Internet search for online journals. Well- and explore the challenges they face. Please note
constructed PBL triggers and efficient facilitation can that some minor adjustments have been made for
motivate the students towards in-depth inquiry-based clarity and coherence (Padohinog, 2020).
learning. The future research can be directed towards
establishing the relationship between the quality of PBL
triggers and the use of journal articles by the students in the The study was conducted on difference of perception
PBL session discussions. The medical schools have an towards e-learning technologies among male and female
important role in improving the quality of student university students, in Lovely Professional University. The
discussion during the PBL and facilitate further the test was administered to 187 university students including
emerging interest among the students in self-learning using 82 female and 105 male of tow level of studies( master and
the Internet. The number of students from different bachelors) from three discipline of study including
semesters of medical programme who participated in this humanities, social science and sciences, who were taken
study was not similar. Comparatively a greater number of through a convenient sampling technique. The findings of
students was from Semester 2 and Semester 4. Unequal the current study revealed that there is not a significant
number of students from different semesters was a difference in level perceptions of E-learning technologies of
limitation of the study. (Berundang et al, 2018). university students. This further implies that there is no
effect of gender on the perception of E-learning between
students. It means that male and female students of Lovely
The present study Illustrated that most of the students Professional University possess an equal level of
strongly agreed with the perceived ease of use and perceptions toward E-learning technologies (Kumar, 2020).
usefulness of Microsoft Teams and also expressed their
intent to utilize it in the future. The highest challenge facing
the students was the cost of internet access. Furthermore, the spread of technology in this era rapidly
exerts in all life fields, including in the education field. The
use of the internet cannot be separated during the Covid-19
Based on the findings of this study, the following pandemic. This research paper explored how students
recommendations are proposed: reacted to online activities in terms of their perception and
beliefs, the correlation between their perception and belief,
1. Implementation of several training workshops for and the differences between male and female students’
the students on how to effectively utilize digital perception and belief. The results underlined three points.
learning platforms.

2. Conduct training workshops for the instructors to The first point: The majority of students have
enable them to solve the students’ technical positive perceptions and beliefs toward the use of the
problems. internet for their learning. The second point: There was a
correlation between their perception and belief toward
internet usage. However, the correlation was at a moderate
3. The Ministry of Higher Education should find a level, with a coefficient correlation of 0.551. The third
way to make internet access more affordable for point: It was asserted that there were no significant
university students. differences between male and female students in their
perception and beliefs toward the use of the internet. The
suggestion offers pedagogical and future research avenues.
4. Provision of an adequate number of staff in the IT
unit in each faculty to address student inquiries
regarding digital learning platforms. From a pedagogical standpoint, this research
emphasizes the need for all education stakeholders,
including teachers, students, syllabus composers, and

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Email: psatdepedlingayen@gmail.com
Effectivity Date:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

governments, to discuss and collaborate in order to improve

the quality of online education. This can be achieved by
The participants of this study are the Senior High
identifying students’ needs in online learning, developing
online education indicators, and creating comprehensive School, Learners of Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades
syllabi, among other strategies. For future research, these
for the school year 2022-2023. The study sample consisted
findings can be further explored in other study fields to
expand our understanding of the topic (Prasetyo, 2022). of 92 learners in Senior High School Learners whose ages
are 16 and 19. The participant’s assignments to answer the
questionnaire form.


The research was done through a survey. The survey
was designed to gather the opinions of female and male
This study uses quantitative and qualitative research
methods where the instrument is the questionnaire and students (voluntary) related to using digital technologies
interviews. The researcher collects and analysis the and social networking, and advantages and disadvantages of
qualitative and quantitative data. The quantitative and
qualitative data, and their subsequent analysis provide a using technology in education. The survey consisted of 11
general understanding of the research problem. questions. Included in the student questionnaire are
descriptive questions and explanatory questions. All of the
questions were optional. The students were given
approximately five minutes to fill out the questionnaire.
The research design outlined above will enable
researchers to explore and understand the perceptions in
using internet as instructional material of Senior High
School at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades. A RESEARCH PROCEDURE
population, circumstance, or phenomena is intended to be
correctly and methodically described through descriptive
study. What, where, when, and how inquiries can be The data was gathered by survey to the researcher's
answered, but why questions cannot be answered. Unlike in
experimental research, the researcher does not control or known grade 12 (Senior High School Learners) at
manipulate any of the variables, but only observes and Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades. All responses of the
measures them (S.McCombes, 2019).The qualitative
approach, including Focus group discussion and individual respondents was checked through personal.
interviews, will provide rich and detailed insights into the
Participants experiences and opinions. For quantitative our
participants are the senior high school learners perception STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA
towards technology. Our main objective is to investigate
attitudes towards internet usage and what are the benefits,
concerns about their privacy, and what are the impact on The data gathered from the survey questionnaire is
social interactions. This Design will be the main purpose of recorded and organized by the researchers for statistical
the Study of the perceptions of senior high school learners
towards the internet as a technology in PSAT. treatment and to answer the problems proposed in the study.
The following statistical tools are used to interpret and
analyse the gathered data: Frequency counts and
percentages this tool is utilized to organize the respondents
in their category in accordance with their responses on a

RESEARCH SUBJECT scale of measurement. It is also used to determine the

perceptions of senior high school learners about the effects

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of the internet as a technology. Additionally, it determines internet based on senior high school learners thinking.
what the advantages and disadvantages of the internet are as Thematic analysis will categorize and group similar
a technology. This tool will be able to identify the common responses given by the respondents. Likert Scale. A 4-point
effects of the internet based on senior high school learners. Likert scale was utilized to determine whether the senior
Thematic Analysis. Thematic analysis will be applied to high school students agreed, disagreed, strongly agreed, or
responses made on the parts of the questionnaire that give strongly disagreed on the effects of the internet as a
the researchers an insight into the common effects of the technology.
According to the 92 respondents in Senior High
School (Grade 11 and 12) 41% respondents answered
strongly agree, 52% respondents chose to answered agree
and 2 respondents answered disagree for the question, is the
CHAPTER III internet is a reliable source of information.

Question 2: My academic concepts have improved as a

result of using the internet as instructional material?

Findings are expected results of our research. They are Percentages

presented through four tables to the 9 research questions
and three figures providing answers to the two research
questions. The purpose of the study was to better Strongly
understand the knowledge and perceptions of using internet Agree 21% (19)
as instructional material of Senior High School in
Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades. In general, data Agree 72% (66)
shows that the participants seem to view internet as a tool
that enhances learning and engages students. They pointed
out that internet is used for a variety of purposes. Disagree 2% (2)

Disagree 5% (5)

PART I. According to the 92 respondents in Senior High

School (Grade 11 and 12) 21% respondents answered
Question 1: Is the internet a reliable source of strongly agree, 66% respondents chose to answered
information? agree, 5% answered strongly disagree and 2% answered
disagree about “My academic concepts have improved
as a result of using the internet as instructional
Percentages material.”

Agree 41% (38) Question 3: The internet has made it easier for me to
complete my homework and coursework?
Agree 57% (52)
Disagree 2% (2)
Strongly Agree 26% (24)
Disagree 0
Agree 63% (58)

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Disagree 4% (4) Percentages

Disagree 7% (6) Strongly
Agree 15% (14)

Among to the 92 respondents of Grade 11 and 12, Agree 62% (57)

the question “The internet has made it easier for me to
complete my homework and coursework” the 26% of
respondents answered strongly agree, 63% answered Disagree 17% (16)
agree, 4% answered disagree, and 7% answered
strongly disagree. Strongly
Disagree 6% (5)

Question 4: I believe that the internet has improved my Among to the 92 respondents, who complied on
overall academic performances this question number 5: “My critical thinking and problem-
solving abilities have improved as a result of my use of the
internet.” The 15% of respondents answered strongly agree,
Percentages 57% choose to answered agree, the 17% complied disagree
and 6% choose strongly agree.

Agree 14% (13)

Agree 71% (65) Question 6: The internet has given me access to resources
that I would not have had otherwise?

Disagree 8% (8)
Disagree 7% (6)
Agree 16% (15)
Among to the 92 respondents of Grade 11 and 12,
the question about “I believe that the internet has Agree 70% (64)
improved my overall academic performances” the 14%
of respondents answered strongly agree, 71% answered
agree, 8% answered disagree, and 7% answered Disagree 10% (9)
strongly disagree.
Disagree 4% (4)

Among to the 92 respondents, who complied on

this question number 6: “The internet has given me
access to resources that I would not have had
otherwise.” The 16% of respondents answered strongly
agree, 70% choose to answered agree, the 10%
complied disagree and 4% choose strongly agree.

Question 7: The availability of internet as instructional

Question 5: My critical thinking and problem-solving material aided on my academic success?
abilities have improved as a result of my use of the

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Percentages answered agree, 17% answered strongly agree, 7%

complied disagree and 4% choose to answered strongly
Agree 12% (11)

Agree 78% (72)

Question 9: Overall, the internet had a significant and
positive impact on my academic performances.
Disagree 4% (4)
Disagree 6% (5)
Agree 17% (16)

Among to the 92 respondents, who complied on this Agree 72% (66)

question number 7: “The availability of internet as
instructional material aided on my academic success.” The
11% of respondents answered strongly agree, 78% choose Disagree 7% (6)
to answered agree, the 4% complied disagree and 6%
choose strongly agree. Strongly
Disagree 4% (4)

According to this question, “Overall, the internet had

a significant and positive impact on my academic
performances.” Out of 100 percentage the 72% respondents
answered agree, 17% answered strongly agree, 7%
complied disagree and 4% choose to answered strongly

Question 8: My learning has become more engaging and

interactive as a result of my use of the internet. PART II.

Question 1: What are the advantages that you noticed in

your academic performances using internet as
Percentages instructional material?

Strongly Percentages
Agree 18% (17)

Agree 71% (65) a) The internet made it

easier for me to complete
my homework and
Disagree 7% (6) coursework. 61% (56)

Strongly b) My learning has

Disagree 4% (4) become more engaging
and interactive as a
result of my use of the
internet. 25% (23)
According to this question, “my learning has
become more engaging and interactive as a result of my use c) My critical thinking
of the internet.” Out of 100 percentage the 65% respondents and problem-solving

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abilities have improved

as a result of my use
of the internet. 14% (13)

According to the 92 students who responses to

this question, out of 100%, the 61% they choose the
letter A which is “the internet made it easier for me to
complete my homework and coursework.” The 25%
complied to letter B which it said that “my learning has DISCUSSIONS
more engaging and interactive as a result of my use of In this study, the perception of senior high school
the internet.” And lastly the remaining 14% answered learners about using the internet as instructional material
letter C it said that “My critical thinking and problem- was analyzed. The percentage of likert scales on the internet
solving abilities have improved as a result of my use of as a reliable source of information for students is highly
the internet.” agreed upon. Specifically, two respondents disagreed that
the internet is a reliable source of information. As a result of
using the internet as instructional material, almost all of the
Question 2: What are the disadvantages that you noticed senior high school learners agreed that their academic
in your academic performances using internet as concepts have improved, and only 5% strongly disagreed
instructional material? and 2% disagreed that their academic concepts have
improved through the use of the internet as instructional
material. As for the use of the internet for completing
Percentages homework and coursework, which made the task easier to
finish, students highly agreed with this statement, 4%
disagreed, and 7% strongly disagreed.
a) I became dependent
on the answer, I found Senior high school students at Pangasinan School of Arts
online or internet without and Trades overwhelmingly agreed that the internet has
checking if it was reliable improved their academic performance. They believe that
or not reliable information 53% (48) utilizing the internet has had a positive impact on their
overall academic achievements. However, a small
b) The result of using percentage of students (8%) disagreed, and 7% strongly
internet as instructional disagreed with the notion that the internet has enhanced
material does not improved their academic performance. Through the use of the
my critical thinking internet, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities have
and problem-solving improved. This was highly agreed upon by the senior high
abilities. 43% (40) school students.

c) Using internet as However, a few students (17%) disagreed, and six percent
instructional material does strongly disagreed. Using the internet gives us access to
not improved my academic resources we can't find in our local library or other
concepts. 4% (4) information that our place has. Students overwhelmingly
agreed, with 10% disagreeing and 4% strongly agreeing.
The availability of the internet as instructional material has
significantly contributed to my academic success. This
According to the 92 students who responses to this statement was agreed upon by the majority of students,
question, out of 100%, the 53% they choose the letter A although there were a few who held a different opinion. Of
which is “I became dependent on the answer, I found online the 4% who disagreed, 6% strongly disagreed.
or internet without checking if it was reliable or not reliable
information.” The 45% complied to letter B which it said
that “The result of using internet as instructional material
does not improved my critical thinking and problem-solving
abilities.” And lastly the remaining 4% answered letter C it
said that “Using internet as instructional material does not
improved my academic concepts.” The internet makes learning more engaging and interactive,
which leads to better grades and progress. However, a small
number of students disagree that learning has become more
engaging and interactive as a result of using the internet. Of

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those who disagree, 7% agreed and 4% strongly disagreed. collaborative tools enable students to engage in discussions,
Overall, the internet had a significant and positive impact exchange ideas, and collaborate with peers, regardless of
on academic performance. of senior high school student physical distance. This fosters a sense of community and
while 7% complied disagree and 4% choose to answered active participation in the learning process. Moreover,
strongly disagree. interactive multimedia resources, such as videos,
simulations, and virtual laboratories, provide a dynamic and
immersive learning experience, making complex concepts
The advantage of using the internet as instructional material more accessible and engaging.
for the academic performance of students is that the internet
makes it easier for them to complete their home homework
and coursework, and learning has become more engaging RECOMMENDATION
and interactive. Only 14% of students think that their
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities have
improved. The availability of different internet sources to
students does not grant all of them immediate
access. The various Senior High Schools are not
The advantage of using the internet as instructional material
for the academic performance of students is that the internet resourceful enough to grant internet access to
makes it easier for them to complete their home homework students. Despite the alternatives to school- based
and coursework, and learning has become more engaging internet, access to internet among Senior High
and interactive. Only 14% of students think that their School Students is still limited. Besides, access to
critical thinking and problem-solving abilities have internet sources is promoting academic
improved performance among students since those with
access showed more improvement in academic
performance than those without access. However,
different uses of internet do not influence
CHAPTER IV academic performance. This suggests that students
with access to internet facilities have been using
them in ways that will promote their academic
CONCLUSION achievement. Access to internet as a significant
determinant of academic performance. It is
The perceptions of senior high learners regarding the use of therefore, recommended that Heads of Senior
the internet as an instructional material are generally High Schools should liaise with management and
positive and hold significant potential for enhancing their other supporting institutions to provide internet
learning experiences. The internet provides students with
infrastructure. This is relevant because provision
vast resources, interactive platforms, and diverse learning
opportunities that traditional instructional materials may not of internet infrastructure in schools is a key strategy
offer. It enables them to access up-to-date information, to promoting academic performance. Besides, any
engage in collaborative activities, and develop essential development partner that has students' academic
digital literacy skills. Senior high learners perceive the performance as a priority should collaborate with
internet as a valuable tool that enhances their understanding parents to facilitate students' access to internet when
of complex concepts and promotes independent learning. they are out of school.
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