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Measuring instruments are devices used to measure a certain substance within a container.

also has its specific measurement depending on what kind of substance you are measuring. For example
in temperature, we are to use of a thermometer. In volume we use a scale to determine the weight.
Onboard, there are also different kinds of measuring instruments used inside. It is more advanced and
high-tech as different fluid involved is being measured in each tank used in our voyage. level measuring
devices, flow measuring devices, temperature measuring devices, liquid and gas analytical measuring
devices, tachometers and humidity measuring devices are some of the measuring devices used onboard.

Moving on to the mode of controls within the ship; on-off, proportional, integral, differential
mode of controls. On-off control is the simplest control that is operated by turning the machine on and
on (0% to 100%). Proportional mode of control is another simplest algorithm in the PID controls. It is
automatic and continuously running at the same loop over and over. Integral mode of control is used to
reset a machine only. Derivative mode of control is a control whereas it slows the rate of the output as
error is exists within the system. There are different types of derivative mode of control: Temperature
and level loops, Flow control loops and pressure control loops.

Temperature loops are loops having smooth estimation and its direction to be the same for a long
time. Level loops are very noisy in terms of looping boiling liquids. Flow control loops having the noisy
PVs and acts fast. Pressure control loops are loops that comes in two forms; liquid and gas. Meanwhile,
gas pressure type of pressure control loops tends to have a stable temperature, making gas pressure
loops a good example of a derivative mode of control within PID controls.

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