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1. Omit the demographics in SOP. (SOP is a research problem and it is W-H


2. SOP1: What are the learning styles preferred by the students of Caraga State
University in learning mathematics, individual learning, or cooperative learning?

3. Sop2: Is there any significant effect of the individual and cooperative learning
styles on the academic performance of the Caraga State University college

4. Sop3: Is there any significant difference between individual and cooperative

learning styles in learning Mathematics among Caraga State University

5. Every SOP comes with a table shown and discussed in the results and
discussion. It comes with a subheading title. SOP1: Types of Learning. SOP2:
Effects of Individual and Cooperative Learning Styles. SOP3: Impact of the
Individual and Cooperative Learning Styles.

6. Incorporate in the participants in part two the number of females and males, not
in the results and discussion.

7. In every table, the N, MEAN, SD, and F can be seen in every learning type.

8. SOP 1; Descriptive Analysis (describe in results)

9. SOP2: Level of the learning styles. It should be described with values. (describe
in results)

10. SOP3. Impact of Learning Styles. The T-Test table is shown. Describe in a
paragraph, 1. The table. 2. The values. 3. The meaning of the result. (Why this
type of learning is high with the support of RRL?) 4. The implications of
information in real settings. (mental health academe, what it can contribute)

11. Check the Lerd in LMS.

12. The Test of normalities will be declared in part two as well as the reasons for
running it before formally proceeding to rub the t-test.

13. The Shapiro-wilk Test will be appended in the appendices. Need to show the
assumptions first.

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