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Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements


Dietary Carbohydrate (Amount and Type)

in the Prevention and Management of
A statement by the American Diabetes Association
NANCY F. SHEARD, SCD, RD1 F. XAVIER PI-SUNYER, MD, MPH5 to be an area of debate (23–26). Over the
NATHANIEL G. CLARK, MD, MS, RD2 ELIZABETH MAYER-DAVIS, PHD, RD6 last two decades, investigators have at-
JANETTE C. BRAND-MILLER, PHD3 KARMEEN KULKARNI, MS, RD, CDE, BC-ADM7 tempted to define and categorize carbo-
MARION J. FRANZ, MS, RD, CDE4 PATTI GEIL, MS, RD, FADA, CDE8 hydrate-containing foods based on their
glycemic response or their propensity to
increase blood glucose concentration
(27,28). Two methods that have been in-

iabetes has long been viewed as a appearance of glucose is largely influ- vestigated as potential tools for meal plan-
disorder of carbohydrate metabo- enced by insulin secretion and its action ning and/or assessing disease risk
lism due to its hallmark feature of on target tissues (11). associated with dietary carbohydrate in-
hyperglycemia. Indeed, hyperglycemia is The component of the diet that has take are the glycemic index and the gly-
the cause of the acute symptoms associ- the greatest influence on blood glucose is cemic load. The purpose of this statement
ated with diabetes such as polydypsia, carbohydrate. Other macronutrients in is to review the available scientific data
polyuria, and polyphagia (1). The long- the diet, i.e., fat and protein, can influence regarding the effect of the type or source
term complications (retinopathy, ne- the postprandial blood glucose level, of carbohydrate on the prevention and
phropathy, and neuropathy) associated however. For example, dietary fat slows management of diabetes and to clarify the
with diabetes are also believed to result glucose absorption, delaying the peak position of the American Diabetes Associ-
from chronically elevated blood glucose glycemic response to the ingestion of a ation on this important topic.
levels (2– 6). In addition, hyperglycemia food that contains glucose (12–14). In ad-
may contribute to the development of ma- dition, although glucose is the primary What is the glycemic index?
crovascular disease, which is associated stimulus for insulin release, protein/ The glycemic index is a measure of the
with the development of coronary artery amino acids augment insulin release change in blood glucose following inges-
disease, the leading cause of death in in- when ingested with carbohydrate, tion of carbohydrate-containing foods.
dividuals with diabetes (7–9). Thus, a pri- thereby increasing the clearance of glu- Some foods result in a marked rise fol-
mary goal in the management of diabetes cose from the blood (15–17). lowed by a more or less rapid fall in blood
is the regulation of blood glucose to Both the quantity and the type or glucose, whereas others produce a
achieve near-normal blood glucose. source of carbohydrate found in foods in- smaller peak along with a more gradual
fluence postprandial glucose level decline in plasma glucose (19). The spe-
What determines the postprandial (18,19). Although most experts agree that cific type of carbohydrate (e.g., starch ver-
blood glucose response? the total carbohydrate intake from a meal sus sucrose) present in a particular food
Blood glucose concentration following a or snack is a relatively reliable predictor of does not always predict its effect on blood
meal is determined by the rate of appear- postprandial blood glucose (18,20 –22), glucose (28,29).
ance of glucose into the blood stream (ab- the impact and relative importance that The glycemic index is a ranking of
sorption) and its clearance/disappearance the type or source of carbohydrate has on carbohydrate exchanges according to
from the circulation (10). The rate of dis- postprandial glucose level has continued their effect on postprandial glycemia. It is
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
a means of quantifying the relative blood
glucose response to carbohydrates in in-
From the 1Department of Family Practice, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont; the 2American
Diabetes Association, Alexandria, Virginia; the 3Human Nutrition Unit, School of Molecular and Microbial
dividual foods, comparing them on a
Biosciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; 4Nutrition Concepts by Franz, Minneapolis, Minne- weight-for-weight basis (i.e., per gram of
sota; the 5Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition, St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center, Colum- carbohydrate). As measured/analyzed un-
bia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York; the 6Center for Research in der laboratory conditions, the glycemic
Nutrition and Health Disparities, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, Columbia, index is the increase in blood glucose
South Carolina; the 7St. Mark’s Diabetes Center, Salt Lake City, Utah; and 8Diabetes Care and Communi-
cations, Lexington, Kentucky. (over the fasting level) that is observed in
Address correspondence to Nathaniel G. Clark, MD, MS, RD, American Diabetes Association, 1701 N. the 2 h following ingestion of a set
Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311. E-mail: amount of carbohydrate in an individual
Received and accepted for publication 16 June 2004. food. This value is then compared with
J.C.B.-M. is on the board of directors of Glycemic Index Limited.
A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion
the response to a reference food (glucose
factors for many substances. or white bread) containing an equivalent
© 2004 by the American Diabetes Association. amount of carbohydrate (27).


Sheard and Associates

What is glycemic load? shorter chain length (32–36). In fact, a factors on postprandial blood glucose
While the glycemic index provides a variety of factors intrinsic to a given food concentration.
ranking of foods based on their blood glu- can influence its impact on blood glucose. Wolever and Mehling (40) examined
cose response, it does not take into ac- These include the physical form of the the long-term effect of varying the type or
count the effect of a typical amount of food (i.e., juice versus whole fruit, amount of dietary carbohydrate on post-
carbohydrate in a food portion on glyce- mashed potato versus whole potato), prandial plasma glucose, insulin, and
mia. In an effort to improve the reliability ripeness, degree of processing, type of lipid levels in 34 subjects with impaired
of predicting the glycemic response of a starch (i.e., amylose versus amylopectin), glucose tolerance. After 4 months, mean
given diet, Salmeron et al. (30) have sug- style of preparation (e.g., cooking method plasma glucose concentrations over 8 h
gested the use of the glycemic load. As and time, amount of heat or moisture were lowered by the same amount on
defined, the glycemic load of a particular used), and the specific type (e.g., fettucine both the low-carbohydrate, high–
food is the product of the glycemic index versus macaroni) or variety (e.g., long monounsaturated fat and the high-
of the food and the amount of carbohy- grain versus white) of the food (26). Ex- carbohydrate, low– glycemic index diets
drate in a serving. By summing the glyce- trinsic variables such as the coingestion of when compared with values in subjects
mic load contributed by individual foods, protein and fat, prior food intake, fasting on the high-carbohydrate, high– glycemic
the overall glycemic load of a meal or the or preprandial glucose level, and degree index diet. Thus, in patients with im-
whole diet can be calculated (30). of insulin resistance will also alter the ef- paired glucose tolerance, reducing the
fect of a specific carbohydrate-containing glycemic index of the diet for 4 months
If carbohydrates increase blood food on blood glucose concentration reduced postprandial plasma glucose by
glucose, why not restrict total (19,26,28). the same amount as reducing carbohy-
carbohydrate intake in individuals drate intake.
with diabetes?
Blood glucose is increased in individuals Which has a greater influence on What are some of the issues
with diabetes in both the fed and fasted blood glucose, the type of regarding the glycemic index?
state. This abnormal metabolic response carbohydrate or the total amount of 1) The glycemic index takes only the type
is due to insufficient insulin secretion, in- carbohydrate? of carbohydrate into account, ignoring
sulin resistance, or a combination of both. Both the amount (27,37) and the source the total amount of carbohydrate in a typ-
Although dietary carbohydrate increases (27,38) of carbohydrate are important de- ical serving, although both the type and
postprandial glucose levels, avoiding car- terminants of postprandial glucose. The amount of carbohydrate influence the
bohydrate entirely will not return blood relative effects of each have been recently postprandial glycemic and insulin re-
glucose levels to the normal range. Addi- studied. Brand-Miller et al. (in response to sponse of a given food as typically con-
tionally, dietary carbohydrate is an im- a letter from Mendosa [39]) reported that sumed (18,22,26).
portant component of a healthy diet. For they analyzed the relative impact of the By definition, the glycemic index is a
example, glucose is the primary fuel used glycemic index and total carbohydrate ranking of foods according to their effect
by the brain and central nervous system, content of individual foods on glycemic on postprandial glycemia. It compares
and foods that contain carbohydrate are load (the product of glycemic index and equal quantities of carbohydrate and pro-
important sources of many nutrients, in- total grams of carbohydrate) using linear vides a measure of carbohydrate quality
cluding water-soluble vitamins and min- regression analysis. Carbohydrate con- but not quantity. Thus, the glycemic in-
erals as well as fiber (31). Given the above, tent (total grams) alone explained 68% of dex provides information about how car-
low-carbohydrate diets are not recom- the variation in glycemic load, while the bohydrate-containing foods affect blood
mended in the management of diabetes. glycemic index of the food explained glucose following ingestion of a single
Recently, the National Academy of Sci- 49%. When total carbohydrate and glyce- food in addition to that obtained from
ences–Food and Nutrition Board recom- mic index were both included in the re- knowledge about the total amount of car-
mended that diets provide 45– 65% of gression analysis, the glycemic index bohydrate. As such, the index is not in-
calories from carbohydrate, with a mini- accounted for 32% of the variation. tended to be used in isolation, but rather
mum intake of 130 g carbohydrate/day Wolever and Bolognesi (21,22) tested can and should be used in conjunction
for adults (31). the hypothesis that both the type and with other food and nutrition strategies
amount of carbohydrate influence glyce- (e.g., total amount of carbohydrate, mod-
What determines the glycemic effect mic response in normal subjects. Their ification of dietary fat intake, portion
of a carbohydrate-containing food? findings demonstrated that the amount of control).
Both the amount (grams) of carbohydrate carbohydrate ingested (whether in a sin- 2) The glycemic index for any particular
as well as the type of carbohydrate in a gle food or as part of a meal) accounted for food item is highly variable.
food will influence its effect on blood glu- 57– 65% of the variability in glucose re- The glycemic response to a particular
cose level. The specific type of carbohy- sponse, while the glycemic index of the food is subject to significant variation,
drate (e.g., starch versus sucrose) present carbohydrate explained a similar amount both within individuals and between in-
in a particular food does not always accu- (60%) of the variance (21,22). Together, dividuals (intraindividual coefficient of
rately predict its effect on blood glucose the amount and the glycemic index of car- variation 23–54%) (26,41– 43). This vari-
(28,29). For example, sugars such as su- bohydrate accounted for ⬃90% of the to- ability, however, is similar to that seen for
crose and fructose have a lower glycemic tal variability in blood glucose response, the oral glucose tolerance test (42,43).
response/glycemic index despite their indicating the cumulative effect of both When the glycemic response is expressed


Dietary carbohydrate and diabetes

as a percentage of an individual’s response diet composition also makes summative cemic responses. Although the study was
to a standardized food (i.e., 50 g white conclusions regarding the effectiveness of small and only examined healthy, nor-
bread or glucose), the between-individual low glycemic diets on blood glucose con- mal-weight individuals, its findings dem-
variation is reduced to ⬃10% (27,44,45). trol more challenging. onstrate that calculated glycemic load can
Variation in individual glycemic re- In an attempt to clarify the issue of the predict the blood glucose response to in-
sponse may also reflect differences in the effect of low– glycemic index diets in the dividual foods across a range of portion
physical and chemical characteristics of management of type 1 and type 2 diabe- sizes. These are important findings in es-
specific foods, as well as differences in tes, Brand-Miller et al. (68) recently con- tablishing a physiological basis for glyce-
methodology. For example, the type of ducted a meta-analysis of available mic load; however, it will be necessary to
blood sample (capillary or venous), the studies on this topic. Their findings indi- examine the effect of the glycemic load of
experimental time period, and the por- cate that implementing a low– glycemic a mixed meal on postprandial glucose and
tion of food all influence the glycemic in- index diet lowered A1C values by 0.43% insulin levels, as well as the effects on day-
dex of a given food. Recently, findings when compared with a high– glycemic in- long glucose and insulin levels.
from a collaborative study demonstrated dex diet. The findings were similar in
that similar glycemic index values can be both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Does a diet with a high glycemic
obtained when methodology is standard- The findings of the meta-analysis are index or load lead to diabetes?
ized (45), although some foods continue also consistent with the results of the EU- Epidemiological studies form the basis for
to show wide variation in response sec- RODIAB study, a cross-sectional study in- the hypothesis that a diet with a high gly-
ondary to botanical differences (46). volving nearly 3,000 subjects with type 1 cemic load or glycemic index leads to type
3) As defined, the glycemic index only diabetes in 31 clinics throughout Europe, 2 diabetes. Findings from the Nurses’
measures the response to an individual in which the glycemic index of self- Health Study demonstrated a positive as-
food consumed in isolation. What is per- selected diets was positively and indepen- sociation between dietary glycemic index
haps more relevant, however, is the ability dently related to A1C level (69). and risk of type 2 diabetes; the relative
of the index to predict blood glucose con- risk was 1.37 when the highest quintile of
centration when the food is part of a meal. What studies have examined the glycemic index was compared with the
In general, the glycemic response to utility of the glycemic load? lowest. Similarly, the glycemic load was
mixed meals can be predicted with some The glycemic load has been primarily positively associated with the develop-
accuracy by summing up the glycemic in- used in epidemiological studies to exam- ment of type 2 diabetes (relative risk 1.47)
dex of the component foods (43,47–52), ine the effect of diet on the risk of devel- in women (70). More recently, a fol-
although not all studies have found a di- oping chronic diseases such as diabetes, low-up study of the participants in the
rect relationship between calculated and heart disease, and cancer. Although the Nurses’ Health Study confirmed the asso-
measured glycemic index of mixed meals findings from epidemiological studies in- ciation between glycemic load and risk of
(53–55). dicate a possible relationship between the type 2 diabetes (71). In men (Health Pro-
4) The glycemic index does not predict propensity of the diet to raise blood glu- fessionals’ Follow-Up Study), however,
postprandial blood glucose response as cose and the development of diabetes, neither glycemic load nor glycemic index
accurately in individuals with diabetes as they do not demonstrate cause and effect. were associated with diabetes risk, except
it does in healthy persons. There remains a need to demonstrate a when adjusted for cereal fiber intake (30).
Although the glycemic response fol- direct relationship between the calculated Finally, in the Iowa Women’s Health
lowing carbohydrate ingestion is higher glycemic load of a food or meal with a Study, no significant relationship be-
in individuals with diabetes, the relative proportional change in postprandial tween glycemic index or glycemic load
response to foods and mixed meals that blood glucose and/or the secretion of in- and the development of type 2 diabetes
vary in glycemic index is similar in indi- sulin (i.e., a physiological basis). Addi- was observed (72). Thus, although some
viduals with diabetes and healthy subjects tionally, to determine the clinical utility of studies have observed an association be-
(44,48,52,55–57). glycemic load, longer-term trials in which tween glycemic index or glycemic load
high– glycemic load diets are compared and type 2 diabetes, this relationship has
What studies have examined the with low– glycemic load diets and out- been equivocal or absent in others.
effectiveness of the glycemic index comes related to long-term glucose con- The inconsistency of findings from
on overall blood glucose control? trol (i.e., A1C) and lipids are measured epidemiological studies may result from
There have been several randomized trials will be required. the difficulty in predicting glycemic index
that have examined the efficacy of diets Recently, Brand-Miller et al. (41) (and consequently glycemic load) pre-
consisting of low glycemic foods to con- published data that examined the rela- cisely from the dietary assessment tools
trol glycemia. The results have been tionship between glycemic load, blood (food frequency questionnaires) currently
mixed, with some showing (58 – 64) and glucose level, and insulin response fol- in use. Food frequency questionnaires
others not showing (65– 67) significant lowing ingestion of individual foods. employed to assess dietary intake were
improvement. In part, this may be due to Stepwise increases in glycemic load for a not designed to measure glycemic index
the fact that many of the studies have in- range of foods produced proportional in- per se, and data validating their reliability
volved small numbers of subjects, been of creases in blood glucose and insulin. In in this regard are limited.
relatively short duration, and shown only addition, the investigators demonstrated Of note, there is little evidence that
a modest effect. Significant variation in that portions of different foods with the total carbohydrate intake is associated
study design, subject characteristics, and same glycemic load produced similar gly- with the development of type 2 diabetes


Sheard and Associates

(30,70,73,74). Rather, a stronger associa- ● Both the amount (grams) of carbohy- with conventional treatment and risk of
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creased amounts of sugar (74,77), and in of exchanges or carbohydrate counting, tes (UKPDS 34). Lancet 352:854 – 865,
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