Lesson05 Endmatter

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[Life in Korea II]

I0 7.l ·

I0 7.l ·

911? olA}-O}ajJL?

I0 7.l ·
LC• g, _8_-"R _Q_s_ &:Q 77} i>R.

I0 7.l ·

4- Y1 .:r7- -o} l-]-7} -Q:)- JiL

BJ- .5:.. M} .JI
3iR ?};- ,'?_ :Q- 0}.
I0 7.l ·

fiil ,'?_ 7-l G53

1. o] :::= .21j o]A}<5}i';j .Jl 77}?

2. o] :::= oj 'E} "J- g .Jl ;;;- y 77}?
-'j'-'3J.g_ A}.Jl

7}']'- furniture ']'-<5}r:j- to search for
7}']'-'iJ furniture store '>i q. to take off
living room f,- 7] q. to move, shift
delivery ::<] Lj-7}r:j- to pass by
1H (<>"} q. l introduction 4'- "t}r:j- to be insufficient
"}-r "1 '-1 middle-aged woman to be kind
-.£-AJ- wardrobe, closet ADVERB
studio apartment ';'} c A] surely, certainly
owner Jl..AH these days
I "u-, x}0 bookshelf, bookcase SUFFIX
I I1l bed '\"! 0 ] r:J- to tend to
U2 bedroom to know/not know
-'1'-§J-("5}r:j-) phone call whether
3}-6i-BJ a room in a -Cl/"} intimate speech style
boardinghouse o}/"1' vocative suffix
"!>}Sf ti] boarding expenses INTERJECTION
boardinghouse 0

you (plain form)


1. In 4'- "J 0 L the plain-level vocative particle 0 } is attached at the end of

someone's first name to draw the attention of the addressee in a discourse
context. The particle o} is attached after a name that ends with a
consonant (e.g., 4'- 0 } ); after a name that ends with a vowel, the particle
0): is used instead (e.g., 'i}7] o):).

These particles are typically used to address a child by another child or an

108 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

adult; they are also used to address an adult by his or her parents or by a
friend whose friendship began in childhood.

2. 'by any chance, in case, possibly' is used often in a conditional

sentence or in a question.

3. %7] q and o] l-}O-}q are used interchangeably in the text but, there are
some differences between the two. o]J-}O-}q means basically 'to move
one's residence' while %7] q has the wider range of meanings 'to move
(things), transfer, translate' and 'to infect (with disease)'.

4. l-}Pj '.::::ti] is a contracted form of l-}Pj Cil 0-} '.::::ti]. Cil 0-} is omitted in other
constructions as in l-}Pj 1i'i (from A}Pj Cil O-}'i'! 'if you want to buy').


M@ __The speech style -oj/o}


(1) u}3_: oj _bl_..<i]iL

%-T-: u}3_, y.o]::. Mark, it's me. Did you call
0}77} .§:)- <>]? me a little while ago?
%-T-: g, .2Jl? Li 5'_ :Q-oj 7,fi!l]?

(2) u}3_: g. J'l"J, o}{loJl

%-T-: Jcj::<] J'J o}{loJl
u}3_: g'

(3) A: ::<]-ii" A}';:: o-j uJI?

BJ 5'_ M} Cil 7}'11- 7} '.V_ oj Ai itl 3fl.
{J rjj 'i:f AJ 5'_ '.V_ j l "lJAJ 5'_ _<f- 1+ '.V_ <>].


1. Between close people, e.g., friends from childhood, siblings, etc., the so-
called intima te (speech) style is used . The intimate style is represented by
the ending

2. Note tha t the polite R/ 0 1-it consists of the intimate style

ending followed by the p olite marker -it. Therefore, the intimate
style is subject to the same variation as the style. That
is, the fo rm is - 1- if the last vowel of the verb stem is either o1- or .2., as

in excep t that the ending -ol- is deleted if the stem ends in o} or

11 without a final consonant, as in 7}. Otherw ise the fo rm as in
When the predicate is -<Sl r:.J-, renders -5Jl, as in -5ll in (3) (cf.
1t! "5Jl it). After the past-tense marker -r:l/9J:., is used regardless of the
stem vowel.

Note also the fo llowing variations.

After the copula 01, - 0l= is attached, as in 4°]: in (1):

When the stem ends in .2., as in .2. r:.J-, the stem and the intima te ending
are contracted to 2.}, as in (2):

For other endings, the intimate style is made by deleting the polite
marker -it from the polite style, as uH in (3): uff it.

Diction ary Polite Intimate

l r:.}
style i style
l oJl it/ oj] it (Ol)OF
- r:l/9J:.- -(.9..) 2

I *
w r:.J- *ol-it *ol- *

l 7} r:.j- 71-
110 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

91cJ- 91<>1R voi 91 g_ 211

-oi !

41cJ- 41 oi Ji_ 41 oi 41 oi '1"1211


! c i .!ii. q !'}.B_ !'} ! '!9:-<>1 I

I 0
-2._c} 9}.B_ 91- 'il<>l %Cll
oi 'fl q oi Ji_ oi Pl *
'flc]- 41 Ji_ :I 41 *
I "9!l oi ZiSJ-wCll
e I

d S'jq -"RR I !ill Cll

- -

[* indicates that the form is not available because of the semantic nature
of the predicate. Adjectives cannot be used with the intention suffix -(E-)
2 Cll because intention requires an action.]

3. When the intimate speech style is used, expressions such as 'yes' and
'no' must be switched to non-polite forms as in (1) and (2):


Convert the given dialogue into the intimate speech style.

(1) A: oj c177}7'] 7}-<1]R? -> ojq77}7'] 7}?

B: 77}"] 7} R. -> :jl}Ol-0177};;<;]
l....:.' -, 7}.
(2) A: 7}lll 'T'-'<l ojq
B: %7.:i r1]R. 91].B_?
(3) A: 911 Ji_ ::i lll Et g_ 'i} "9!l oi Ji_?
B: u]or15RR """ti}'•l-7-J.s.B_
1....:. M '--
• ·

(4) A: Al .<_}'if ,"_ 'f--11- "i] R?

B: o}u} 7-J"i]R.
(5) A: >'J- ,"_ oi Ji_?
B: o}L]R, o}zJ V<>1R.


(2) A: .!f-£\l 7c1_7Jo] oJrr1-'1]Jl?

B: 7,'i 7Ji>}{l ¥! oj oJ] A. They are on the healthy side.

(3) A: .!2._ % 'J1 Al oJl T 1i'- "11 J3_?

B: ;;:-; 711 ;;z}:::¥! 0 l oJl ..a..

(4) A: !.-j-£- %7}7} oJ rr]lJl?

B: .S:.iE.(Tokyo)_lil_ q::: 1>\};;z] 'i')- t1] 19: ¥! oj oJ1 A.


1. '\':l literally means 'a side, a group, a team', as in

q-ci '\11 'our team' "d-r11 '\':l 'the opponent'
0 1 '\11 'this side' "1 '\11 'that side' or 'the other side'

2. -(-"-)LI::: '\11 I ct, literally meaning 'It belongs to the side of .. .', is an
expression of approximation that gives the effect of saying 'I cannot say
this or that, but if you ask me to choose one way or the other, I would say
it is more this way than the other.'

3. As noun-modifying forms, -( _2_) L '\11 ol q is used for adjectives and - :::

'\11 o] ct for verbs.


Using -(-"-)LI::: '\11 ol "11 Jl, answer the following questions.

(1) A:
112 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

(2) 5: <?:!: J.ij_ii!_ olJ.} {}%t-il oja:Jl?

l.J§]: g, *o}. 'iTI!Ju}ry)_t;=_
(3) Aj§j; Asj.Jol_ .li!.::: ll *o},;ij.B_?
!:: E1 tl :

(4) A: g '"1-§17Fr7}-'il.B..?
B: t-i] .B_32..
1 0'--2 "'". . A
R.. 7}7] u} L.

'itoJl \'J. "as:_ 7} .B...

(5) 5: <i:!: Aj§joF, .2jJ l:l!j§j-1JoJ107}.Jl oj7]
Aj §j; oj 7] 7} 1'11 §1-1l .1i!. q
(6) ""a§l: S,.'i"!o}, <5}.'f-oJJ Aj{}-7}?
<5}.'f-oJJ 5A] :zl-!/{oJJ 1j(- 7}Aj <>J-"J 'i} O] -'f- "'; '5ij.

.. --
L /::: 7] 'know/don't know2 q
h_ether(what, who, where, when) ... ' __


Verb-::: 7]:
(1) 'i117] Ml, Minji, do you know where
oi r1 '.U::: :Al 0 }Ai] .B..? the post office is?
'i117] : t-il, .B...

(2) BJojJJ-1 \ll-£J-j

g_ 13:! "i °F !<J :::;i:l .B...

Adj.-(-2..) L 7]:
(3) A: 7}-17- J-}i"j Jl <5}::: ri]
"i r17} ;111 'i')-;i:l o}Ai]A?
B: ,"_ '11.-oJl '.U::: 7}-l'-1J 0 1
0<il 0\} .B...
N-(Ol}L 7-l :
(4) A: .2.. ol \t <i}.7.l
B: 0 } ti ..9.., 1f- \t<il ..9..?
A: 0 l oJl ..9...

(5) q -3}\1 oJl Sandy, d o you know

T-7} O},\JlJl.? w ho taught Korean
last year?

(6) A: ;(l] 7} 1i 0 l
B: Day)o] ..9...



1. -(.2-) t-/ introduces an indirect question . It occurs w ith question

words such c] (where), lf-'3! (what), 1f- .. ., w hat kind
of ...), T--11-/T-7} ll] 0 }1+ (how

(when), .2ij (wh y), etc., and is followed by either or .2..S t:l-.

2. In the non-past tense, it shows th e same variation in conju gation of

predicate as noun-modifying forms; th at is, verbs take - w hereas
adjectives and the copula -o] take -(.2-) L Al and -(O]) L Al, respectively.

In the past tense, on the o ther hand, it Al regardless of

predicate types.

Al Noun-modifying forms
I Past I Non-past Past
Verb '--
->::::" -(-9_)
Adjective -(_2._)L Al
Copula - (Ol) LAl - (O]) L
114 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II


1. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate forms of-(.2..)L/';:: 7].

(1) 1?}7]7} 911 7],'t-<>] (i'-r:tl

7]'6- \j-7}
(2) 7cl 'T- 'cl oi i:J (lll -"l r:t)
_ill. Jl..?
0} u} ;,}lj'-{l_ "1] lll {l_ 71 oJl Jl...
(3) 7]Si'J.}7} 911 °1'¥711 (3':%-0}r:j-) "}"i]Jl..?
"§:)- ::;: O] _Ii'_ f 'iJ !".._ii'.. 0} :0: 71 Jl_ ,

(4) -'J-7}"1] ¥17} (::;: oi r:t) Jl..?

7]\f "§{-7]"1) Mi:j

2. Ask your classmates the following questions using the-'.:::: 7]/(S'..) L 7]

o}Ail Jl..? 'Do you know ... ?'

(1) Who invented the Korean alphabet (Hangeul)?

(2) When is Hangeul Day?
(3) How many days are there in May?
(4) Where is the closest post office?
(5) When is the final exam for Korean class this term?
(6) What language do they speak in Chile?
(7) Who is the richest man in America?
(8) Why did John not come to school yesterday?

(Variation) Go around the classroom and find the person who knows the
•-rr J .!>. W __L £_ -r-[I· - -
O l 0'1? [V[O y :rr ::iY [ 2 3 y

"lr[k"A {L =[n[o[lo
·15 [lo lo.If-
'<:1, =t-h-6-{Y
3c:ra =[n[o[lo

D ·--.;oc

v [V l 0
__=:!.. 0 '2 tl
0 iFl ['Z ['6:'

-r o 2 ct
::i iFl ['l':'. ['6:'

F t2 r {ii '{Fl -::Il '{Fl [Y [JI ·15{o {a

[o{Ft -:;.-&-:;.-& lo lli{t'. llo-Ew 'lt' =[n[o[lo
L15k>Y6 lo.If- f}r '{o =E=t[3-Y
"151<;>{6 -o7 F[h
"lr[k"A {L [lo{Ft[Ylrr '{o :[n[o[lo
"lr[ttl=t {O {2: [o1Zt=6 -%lb :F[[3y
{O [-2-{o & =[n[o[lo
{Y[o [f:if<;> =E=t[3-Y
p{n"l't ['i'.'. {Y[o
[n lo [lo k "lt' '{o =[n[o[lo
{Y[o :Ff[3v

-\olnlolio -i5- {y[o 2Hv {L'.Fl['!:Y)

j -h{n"i't ['i'.'. {Y[o I zuo9i:?Sl<)AUO:) I

sn 11 {c:s
116 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II


1. Ej _>:!_ ::: _<)_ 5'. <j O<j] o] A} ;';- Y 77}?

2. Til ;,l "J- 2- 0 1'£! '£- 'll Y77}?
3. *
"J- 2- "1 rt! 'll y 77}?
'1l -"J-Jl refrigerator \l 0-j 71 tj- to fall (down)
'i'}-§j- "J- comic book rental ;;; tj- to lie down
store %0}7}tj- to return (to)
ti} cq- floor J.} to buy and eat
A}-9-1-J- sauna -'Hli::t C2l to date
-'}-'f-21 dialect 11- 0 1 to fall asleep
-<il "]-71 washing machine 5110-j 71 ct to break up
Al El- dining table .::iij:Jtj- to miss, long for
o}2ti}al!'_ part-time job 71 t"}tj- to be amazing
'cHl. (<'>t ct l connection, link 'cHi <'>}ct to be safe
.,£- tt! 31 driver's license ADVERB
21 (<'>}ct) arrangement tl1% roughly
"l 7,)- wallet a moment ago
71 "J- region, district SUFFIX
Korean dry sauna -(9..)L/';:_ 71 It has been [time span]
vacuum cleaner [ l soi tj- since ...
:rrl -'l "J- Internet cafe -tj- 7} movement from one
action/state to another


1. £l
Because the pronunciations are almost identical, this is a source for
misspelling for both native speakers and foreign learners. £l is a stem
form, while is a combination of £l + -"1 as shown below.

'§yq oj il..) .£] 'i'l

(= £joJAi) 5'] ::: o-i .a.(= £l "1.2..)
5'] 7] 'i'} rj] (= o=] rj])
2. In 4'-E'4'- "J, speakers duplicate the indefinite pronoun.!]'-;:
'something, some kind of' to be used as an expression like "such and

3. In <>1 iL, the suffix Ai is omitted from <>1 Ai %0} iL.

-- ·-

-(.2..)L A1 Sl_u}L} ... ?'

-(.2..)L A1 TIME SPAN(0]/7}) oj iL. 'It has been ... since .. .'


(1) ::::: '/:! : .;;- "1] .2. {l :A1 How long has it been since you
jj!ojJl? came to Korea?
P}3.: _g. :Al) Ol;.(fl Now it's been half a year (since I
\'! jJ! 1'11 Ml came to Korea), and I already miss
-T 0 l .::i ?1-'flB... my friends .

(2) A: .g. z! 'i'! '51 1iJ-..g. :Al u} L} jJ! Ci Jl?

B: 1\i iL.

(3) A:

(4) A:
B: L)l "'J .JI. Zi} .JI. 78 C:: 7] il..
o]A}.g. :Al <5}-if-1/fofl 'il 71] W-71 :':iL.

(5) %'1° A] "J<>l]Ai Ai% .5'.. _g. ;<l Mj 2\i o] L} Lj]

o} 3j _s=. A}-'f- ?j Mj .fL.


1. TIME SPAN(0]/7}) -"']ct indicates the amount of time that has passed
since a certain time.
118 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

2. L ?C] TIME SPAN( 0 ]/7}) 5'1 q expresses the amount of time that

has elapsed since the event at issue took place. The reference event is
expressed in -( L "'] . It can best be translated as 'It has been [TIME

SPAN] since ... 'or '[TIME SPAN] has passed since ... ' The question asking
about the time lapse is made with the question word
L 7'] o}L]- '»! oj .B..? 'How long has it been since ... ?'

3. TIME SPAN°]/7} 5'1 i::]- is typically in the past tense form.


Make up dialogues based on the given information, following the pattern

as in (1).

(1) 3\'! ;g_oi) BH-9-7]

't! i::j-: 'i') ;<) -1'), 111 C} x_ B 7') o} L} 'J;\! oj J3..?
'i') 7') : 3 \'! 'J;\! oj J3...
(2) ;;<!<>I]
'i'l 7']:
A El le!:

(4) [ -11! t:j 1lj ;;<! "1] o}sll}o] E A] ;;,y i::J-.]

-11! t:J :
(5) ["J§J :;<1_ojj

(6) [ ::i: '?'! 0 1 3 'lJ ;g_ oiJ "H 11l -"J .:iL -t} .:iL "11 "'t 7] y i::J-. J
. ._.-ct 7}: transference of an action/state to another


(1) /.- E1 _Cl_ :::: _::i % '{} 61- :rr)- E <>1P'i During that time, Steve had lived in
.ii1. _2_5'_ an apartment and then moved to a
;!1,-:xl_ l'l y ct. that is in front of his school.

(2) J-h'lct7l- Dongsoo and Susan had been dating

"r \'! oi1 til oi Ji oi .fl... but then broke up last year.

(3) uj-3:::: Lj- .2.ct7} On his way coming out of school,

i::i 1i'l- ':d-o-] .fl... Mark met Sandy.

(4) 7} ct7l- While lying down on a sofa,

o-] .fl... Linda fell asleep a moment ago.


1. The suffix -ct 7} indicates that momentum is transferred from one

action or state to another; that is, a person or an object engaged in an
action or a state of affairs turns to another action or state.

2. - L} 7} indicates a shift, but one that takes place only after the earlier
action has been completed as in (1) and (2). It may be translated as' ...
was (engaged in) -ing, then ... '

3. - ct 7} is also used to indicate that a new action or state occurs in the

middle of the first action or state; that is, the first action has not reached
its endpoint as in (3) and (4). It may be variously translated as 'in the
middle of -ing', 'while -ing', 'on the way to ... '


1. Describe what happened while you were engaged in the given action.

(1) On my way home:

120 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

(2) On the way to s c h o o l : - - - - - - - - - - - -

(3) While playing basketball: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(4) I was dozing off during the c l a s s : - - - - - - - - -
(5) I was going shopping: - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. Say in Korean what you would do when the situation specified in

parentheses occurs while you are engaged in the given situation.

(1) I am studying. (Jil i"-tB ;q ct)

'1,'-lf- <>}ct 7} Jil -i".-tB :o<l 'i'! Y. 7}-"i -it-% -& tB Ji...
(2) I am on my way back home. (BB 7} JI n: ct)

(3) I am sleeping. (-1'i-"l 0} 2 ct)

(4) I am driving. ('€-"-I i:.J-)

(5) I am eating. (BB 7} o} n: ct)

3. Describe how your earlier action has changed.

(1) '/,'-1j!-3}ct7} :o<l\:l- Pl-'ii-.2.£

(2) 2\:! %'<l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(3) °'l:'i qjct7} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(4) oB 'l'l JJ17-J "1- "l ct7} _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(5) f %'<l BB4-ct7} - - - - - - - - -
(6) %uJl 0 1E<)}JI :Q-ol _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(7) tJAJ P}-"l ct7} - - - - - - - - - - - -

I Narration I !:::. E] !l_Q] BJ- I

!:::. El !l_7} .g_ 7:] s=.. 67H 0l >'; y ti-.

-Q:j-.ll!. _('.'._£ >'; y ti-. ,'?_ BJ-,'?_ 3}7:] 1i}
0}9-uiY7} 0}9-
,'?. o}{l JI} 7:-j "°1 g T 7] uJ1 tr-011 {l 1i}
'Q:)- .ii!. 01] A-1 ;. } l2j _<'.'._ 1?! Y q.

A Ej ]:l_ Qj BJ-,'?_ .g_.:g. y ti-. {J J:]1 \°rt ..JI, 3lj /-J-Jij-

3lj ?CJ, 3},'?. *_zJ-o] . .g_.:g.BJ-,'?_
4-,'t- 71%0115=.. T
:Z-1 .g_-§-BJ-o] u1.;;-oi1
-§-0}7}1?! .g_-§-BJ-01 7.}l';yq .

'floor heating system'

·tit-ifv lo.fa kllotr>YUIO
F$" :5 t'2 o.:: tr llo'lf lln [i{.?- l2 Ht lo{§: ]f, -Y bro tdo% F$"
"flhf61f ::{:<: ;j-& K{-'? ::.;-,',-& f-tf-i{-'? ;jfo ::[lof, "flhf(,fn
;j)F,-.g: loYUIO olf>YUIO ::.;o!pllls to.Eln 0 ,%f$",
to-E-1@ •tit-iefo ::t;:trr, ;j]f ofZ tdolf>YUIO Kfo
::t;:tfR -\iifR tvllo& ::{y ::.;yf,,: {o[t2{.f,
K{-'? :S:fc,

.ti fy{ of<S

lz-l'l-to Kfo "7 ]lc{Y lo.fa llo'lflln ;;;ti
f'th: %8
::{:<:Eta tvllo& K[ft::.; [fl ff
fz :'l[L:{-'?::.; /TOi':g_ iii
{L:LTO{@ K{.?-fz [t1Thr ·tit-ifv [of,'. %8 to.E-1@

[t{i-: -lir-1712-


pa'ilB-<lJPP!lli B Oj l<lJ<ll Oj <ll<ll{ pasn S! ',1unB, lOJ llil<lj d!l{SUPJ B , h 0

NOISS'.UldX3. M3.N

SNOILS3.n() NOISN3.H3.lldWO::>

n ram)! u! ain s uossa1 Zll

case ( -0} rt) to live on one's I

__r_t_ _ _ _fo_o_d_e_x_pe_n'
.. "T to be lonely--s-es_ _ _ _ _""'

office worker j'


1. Searching for housing


(1) "'a:§:!: u}3 .J.(l, "-1-ii- <>lcJ -"Pi12-?


77Hx-oH2-."'a:§:J .J.\1 ojrrjJ-2.?

"'a§l: '"J-£ ffi]2 cJ-%2- ri], '"J-Yo1 ll1M}R.
u}3_: 'll_ u}oJ12-?
"'a:§:!: soo-l'to1oJ12-.

(2) A: "J- _!;l_ c1 q y ';:: %01"112-.

B: <>1 'ti "J- g_ 'l'--O}Ai1 R(looking for)?
A: fil%o1 "J- 01 ffi]2 %3-1.l<>lil...
B: %2(advertisement)
A: Lil, -=i "1. ri1 0}31 % 2- '\'1 *

[Exercise 1] Converse with your partner about the following questions.

(1) "-1-i?- ojcj "'Pi12-? 7]Si'--"}, etc.)

(2) "J-iiJ:o1 'll_ u}oJ1 R?
(3) "11 "J-iU g_ '-ll °F 2-?
(4 J •!J!- "11 '::: _!;l_ % <>1 cJ -"i -oH il..?
(5) fil%o1
124 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

[Exercise 2] Take different roles to practice the following conversation.

B: 61't! "J-g *.2.."i].B..?
A: .iiL % 0I 'l1 iC'1 o} JI "J- 0Iw JI 77H x .2.. '1 %' 3!) 61.B...
B: {l 61.B..?
A: Li]. .:::I. i£:! ti] %' ,°_ o §. ll lf- tlj 01} ..8...

Substitute the underlined part above with the following:

(1) You want to rent a quiet studio near your school.

(2) You want to rent an apartment in a safe neighborhood.
(3) You want to rent a room with a private bathroom in a nice

[Exercise 3] Draw a line from each question to an appropriate answer

between a prospective tenant and a landlord. Then practice with your
"J- 'a single room'

<ll 11-LJ ct. "l''?l 711{jy77}? 0 t {l "J- 0 I o} '-t '.V- 61.B...

"J- '.V- 61 .B..? .B... 61 711 .2.1;( 61.B..?
ti] 511.B..? 'lT oJI '.V- 61.B...
o]l{! "T'WoJI 0 ]A}iSH:S:. 511.B..? 1i'!- 'ti 0 1oJI .B...
-& 61 q '.V- 61.B..? oJI "ii 7} '.V- 61.B...
'i'l:<ll 61 q Ai iSH .B..? Lil, .:::I. 't) ..8...

2. Describing buildings and interiors


61 "1, o] 31JAJ- % i'Li]..8... 61 t:]Ai J,}1;l_ 61..8..?

%JI 1;);61.B... %JI%o]oJ].B...
'!'} '-B 7j 7.fol _ll_ol r1], ol JJI %-JI 7}-T-"1lil.?
A Ej _tl_: ci], "1 £ % JI 7}-T 1l 011 7}A1 _li!_Jl 'i'i- il..
0\} lll 1;J; 3!J cil il.. u} 9-;;,( '°1 ii.?
A E1 _tl_: 20-l'r oi il..
.2}, '1l W0\} cil il..

(% 2% 'used merchandise',% Jl 7}-T 'used furniture', 'i'i-<Q-ct 'to be


[Exercise 1] Practice the conversation above again, substituting the

following for ;3lJ "'J.

(1) <JI l1] ti] :;-1,


(3) ,,

(4) Allj-

(5) t;lJ '-'J Jl

[Exercise 2] Read the following letter that Steve wrote to his teacher in
New York and answer the questions.

0 l 'i'l T l-J 'cl '?11,

l-J '8, .=z. %'il" 'i} '-1l y 77}?
"117} _g_ zls:. 'i!IM1 "1 .=z.%'i} "§:}_ill. t:'-"1

uJI Wg «B C':J lll

uij r11, '-B 01]A1
o}{], "1 "'l ct 'T' Y 77} % .\':! i.'1 WY ct. g S:. '3t'llJI
o}'T'ul y £ o}'T' Z] ct. Pl .;;-011 ctAl uJl77}Zl lll4i' 01
WY ct.*;'_ "Jg EE <5}71£
l'J zl uJI y ct.
;;:Hf El, '31!'-'Jol -T 1B 'll;;;-Yct. 2- 7 a£
7,:J,'flYct.ol 'k-011 J1.Qj ct7<1i>}J17,f2_ "§:}lli01l
126 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

tl1 §"]- y t:J-. %.;;- "1]Ai .,":- ';}§")- 5:. ;';- L] t:J-. ii}-Sf '11-"11 ::::
1'E. % Jt!t!lWLJt:J-.
J ijcl 'OE. '?! "f -'=- i!1 ;';- y t:j-. jj 71 1i'} T 11
0 :;i <SB
"1 -2-.
2013 \::! 9-%1 12 sJ
"i %"11 "i
6 El !l. %'€!

Mark T(rue) or F(alse) for the following statements.

(1) _ _ _ _ Steve came to Korea a year ago.

(2) _ _ _ _ Steve used to live in a dormitory in Seoul.
(3) _ _ _ _ The boardinghouse does not offer lunch.
(4) _ _ _ _ Steve plans to stay in the same house until
(5) - - - - Steve does not have a bed in his room.
(6) ____ It takes only ten minutes from Steve's place to

Useful words

the master bedroom, :§}'if{) a bathroom, a kitchen, jj {)a

living room, fJ-4'- BJ- a study room, '\'!: the entrance, 7-} Jl a garage,
u} 'it/"a yard, 01 the second floor, sJ the first floor, o}iQJ the
downstairs, "J- a swimming pool

7}-T furniture, {) tl1 a bed, c3lj-'·J- a desk, 91 ;z} a chair,!-}{) a photo, A1] 12j-7]
a washer, *"J-/"J-% a closet, "i i\:l- a drawer, '-!l "J-JL a refrigerator, J:::II)-
a sofa, '\'l :n: a lamp, J :;'. a dish, -'-1 lt a dining table, :')l J-:71 a vacuum

[Exercise 3] Write a letter to one of your friends describing the apartment

(including furniture) or house you live in.
3. Initiating a conversation and introducing oneself


(1) AEj_EJ_ -l(j o}y..<i]Jl.?

.El.: 1-il, _:i 'ti ril Jl..
Ai AJ §:] {) T 'i'! 0 l otl Jl_. AJ §:] E11Ai E1 _El_ .\(l
D 1- 2'o DJ- 0 l E. 0-1 N <">

'i'! .\(1 ..<il Jl_? ::zfs:_ w-;:;-
1l'- El- -'=- y r:.}.
0 l ;.:; ;:;- i-i q.

::Zi.5'.Jl.. oj7] 7]
'J& 61 Jl.?
'5& 61 Jl..

(2) oJ
0 u].. 7 161, {J "11 7 1 7rJ :YT- -1(] 0 } Y ..<iJ Jl.?
Lil, _:i 'ti rj] Jl.. Al 61 ?jj 0}..<i] Jl.?
0 . Lj- 5'. _§_ 7,!l 61 ? JI ;;' -Q{ .ll7. rrJ1 ){ :". -Q{ .ll7. ot] r:.} ';;)_ 0}.
o}, 7,J '1J u] !
'1JDl: ! "aW
To check and confirm information, you can initiate conversation with the
structure, ... o} 1-] ..<i]Jl./o}y ot] Jl.? as shown above.

When you run into an acquaintance unexpectedly, you can express your
surprise by saying the following

o}y, '1ju] -l(j o}y..<i]Jl.?


[Exercise 1] (Role-play) Twenty years after you graduated from a high

school, you run across your classmate at a supermarket.

[Exercise 2] Imagine that you run into your classmate from Korean classes
ten years later on a subway in New York City. How would you start a
conversation? Make a dialogue with your classmate. Include questions
such as "How long have you been in New York?"
128 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

4. Giving compliments and responding to compliments


In Korean culture, it is usual for people to deny or respond in a negative

way when they receive compliments from others. For example,

(1) Responding when someone praises your Korean skill

A: BH-£-;<]
A: oi ut \! l\'{"1] '<l- t1] g% t"}A] L1].B...
B: at all.'), o}"') i'§o]

(2) Responding when someone thanks you for a present

B: s.:i 'i'l- 7-1 "1] .B... 'Don't mention it.' (Lit., 'It is
a very small thing.')
(3) Offering food to a guest at a party

Host: ::<H:! 7,':! \ct"'] 'i'!- i'§o] E..A1] .B... (Lit., 'Although I didn't
prepare anything, please eat
a lot.')

By depreciating one's Korean language skill or belittling the present or

food one offers, Koreans try to express humility. The attitude of holding
back or depreciating oneself is considered to be very humble (and thus
polite) in Korean culture.

[Exercise 1] How would you respond to the following compliments?

(1) 3-2.1 .Jl'i)-;'Jyr:}.

(2) .2_ 2_ *% ojj UH Lj] .fl..!
(3) ::I Ajljj ojr:jA-j A}il_oj.fl..? o}T
('3l r:} 'to be stylish, attractive')
(4) -"::C11 ;'; % -'J'-sA1 Li1.fL!
(5) ;'; % i;},\11 Ji...
(6) 'T-'f-ii} JI*"} JI "l %a1 Ji...

[Exercise 2] Practice the conversation, substituting the underlined parts

with the following.

A: '!;l_u}Lj- 'i;\!oj.fL?
B: 0 1c<11 \::! 'il "l Ji...
A: \::! J:l{"11 'i} 'iJ::: tjj % ii}Aj Lj] .fL.
B: 1'/.fL, 0}31 @o]

(1) 3IJ 0 t-":: ;'; q

(2) Aj11 ;'; JO}q
(3) c;;- "l ;'; BH-\'- q
(4) Y "- ;'; q
(5) tf (bowling)
(6) your own hobbies
130 Lesson 5 Life in Korea II

Lesson 5. Life in Korea II

CONVERSATION 1: It is nice with pretty cheap rent.

Woojin: Soobin, how are you getting along?

Soobin: I am getting along well.
Woojin: Will you tell me about a nice studio if you happen to
know any?
Soobin: Why? Do you want to move?
Woojin: Yes. These days I am thinking of moving to a studio.
Soobin: Is the apartment you are now staying at inconvenient?
Woojin: No. It has easy access and the landlord is kind, but the rent
is rather on the expensive side. How are the studios in
front of the school?
Soobin: One of my friends lives in a studio in front of the school. It
seems to be nice, and the rent is pretty cheap.
Woojin: Oh, then, I should look for a studio in front of the school.
By the way, Soobin, do you know where the best place to
buy furniture is?
Soobin: I don't. I will ask my friend.

CONVERSATION 2: How long has it been since you moved here?

(Steve talks with Amy, who lives in the boardinghouse he just moved

Steve: How are you? I am Steve and just moved here.

Amy: Oh, yes. How are you? I am Amy. How long has it been
since you moved here?
Steve: I moved here yesterday.
Amy: Then you must have not even unpacked yet.
Steve: I am almost done but I can't get an Internet connection.
Amy: Is that so? Then try going to a PC room. You can pay and
use the Internet.
Steve: Oh, are there such places?
Amy: Yes, in Korea there are many kinds of bang (room), such as
PC room, singing room, comic book reading room, and
Korean dry sauna.
Steve: What is a Korean dry sauna for?
Amy: It is a place where you bathe, go into a sauna, and rest.
Steve: That's amazing.
Amy: Try to go when you are tired from studying. It is nice
because you can also release stress.

NARRATION: Steve's room for boarding

It has been six months since Steve came to Korea. Steve lived at the school
dormitory at first and then moved to the boardinghouse in front of the
school last weekend. The room at the boardinghouse is small, but the
female owner is very kind, and the rent is on the cheap side. Also, since
the boardinghouse provides breakfast and dinner, Steve has to buy and
eat only lunch at school.

Steve's room has a floor heating system. There is no bed, but there is a
desk, a bookshelf, and a small closet. People sleep on the floor in a room
with a floor heating system because the floor is warm. At first, the room
was uncomfortable for Steve, but it seems he will miss his room's floor
heating system when he goes back to the United States.

Korean college students usually live with their parents. But if their home
is far from school, they live in a boardinghouse or live on their own near
school. In a boardinghouse you pay food expenses and room rent to the
house owner and eat and sleep at the owner's house. The owner usually
prepares breakfast and dinner. It is good to live in a boardinghouse
because you can make many friends and you don't get lonely since you
live with other students.

Students for whom a boardinghouse is inconvenient do ;<}'}!. That means

that you make your own food and do your own laundry and cleaning. It
can mean renting one room at someone's house or renting a place such
as an officetel or studio. In Korean "one room" refers to what is called a
studio in America. Officetel is a combination of the words office and hotel.
It is a place where you work or study during the day and sleep at night.
Many office workers also live in a studio or officetel these days because it
is convenient.
[Public Transportation]

I Conversation 1 I %{!- tj-

Or• o-i, E1 ]::l_ . u l -5B,
°l, 3lR tj- 711 °} y _J]_ 0 PS T
i'li i:1], 017} 011i1J. {1-7-}71
%- ol J1 Ai -5:- 3i 7,{o}.
Or• -=:l !Q1? 01 X 7}1i'! ,C: i:11 o}1j tj-,G62
11- 4- 'il:J.;;zl. L-i {!- rt
g . -=:l 1li i:1] JiL '3:£011 Ai

0 ' • 31 \'rtJL 7,k 0 }Ej- 0 ]:
1il_ -A1 7] El- 2 77}7]
zl qg 7-]7]l-1tlj6S..7,[o}Ej-1i'!
9}61 . 0 l 1i1.i 9- .§0..il... 0 oJl
ToJ] ;.l li!_7}.


2. 6 Ej
%'1'- '§l"ll uJl %'1'-:::
.21j %y E1] .§:} 9:1,l ;';" y 77}?
.21l *
3. .21l *7c{y77}?

Gwanak Mount J.l.''J Y. q to break down
! 'J{} Nam Mount )l'f·.to.i:+ to hurry
! '11% the public to stop, pull over
HH Ej "1 battery tJ.] "1 q to lose
Seoul University Station to catch
ride pass, ticket 7]7]q to guard, protect
traffic light ADJECTIVE
Q{ _te rough map o}1Jq to be sorry
key ";? .B.3}q to be import ant

*"H this year

fee, fare
B}-"'. directly
i 0

journal COUNTER

7}%7<} automobile 1H-%! month
-'f'7<}"J- parking lot SUFFIX
0"1... the middle -7]5'. 3}q decidedto
:<] 3} Sc underpass -:::/L q plain speech style
134 Lesson 6 Public Transportation


1. is a mountain in the northeastern area of Seoul, next to

National Park. Seoul is surrounded by many beautiful mountains, and
s=. is one of the most popular among hikers.

2. ll}.£ means 'straight, directly, properly, immediately', or 'right away'.

311J 'directly, at first hand, personally' has an interchangeable usage with
ll} .£ when used in the sense of' directly'.
ll}.£ 7}::: tlj A
311l 7}::: tlJ

3. tlJ "a
fi-"'J- 'a bus stop'; 7] 7}"1 'a train station'; tlJ ,,_ Ei n] '§.'a bus
terminal'; 1'll A] 7}"'J- (= 1'll A] E}::: *) 'a taxi stand'.

4. W 'T' \ct"']: the literal meaning of W 'T' \ctr::]- is' cannot do it'. With the
verb suffix -"](Ji.), the phrase W 'T' \jj_:A](Ji.) is used as a fixed expression
"Oh, well."


QM@ The plain speech style -(:::/L )r::]-


z.l oJ] {/-\'1 * "§:f .ill. 7]

(4) '?.JDitlJ?;jA'! .IJ'-li.£ . .::L<1JA'i %

Since I lost the subway ticket, I got a ride without a ticket. So I felt

1 The pla in s tyle is mainly used in writings such as expository w ritings,

newspaper articles, journals, acad emic writings, etc.
Unlike the polite -<>l .S./ 0 } ..a. style and the t-1 t1- style, the
plain -( )tj- style does not convey politeness to the Lis tener(s) because
it is not addressed to any specific listener or reader.

2. Unlike the polite -<>l .S../ 0 t .S.. and the t-1 t1- styles, the
style has different non-past forms in verbs and adjectives.
That is, ve rbs t1- after a consonant, -L t1- after a vowel)
as in example (1), whereas adjectives and the copula - 0 1 take only - ct as
in (2) and (3). For the past tense, there is no variation between verbs and
adjectives, both taking M ct as in (4).

3. lt shou ld be noted that there are both verbs and adjectives among -"5tt1-
p redicates. -"5t ct verbs take ct for their non-past form s, e.g.,
g etc. On the other hand, - "5tt1-
adjectives simply take-t:.1-, as 14-&-tt:.l-. etc., as in (5).

Tense marking in the plain -q style:

Plain style Polite style Deferen tial style

(- ti-) (- °"1 .S../O}_g_) t-lt:l-)
Verb ct/L ct - <>l .a. y tj-/ t:l y q
- - - -
Adjective - ti- -<>l .a. - y tj-/ tl y ct
-- - -----
- (Ol) t:l-
- 0 l <>ll .S../ oJl .a.
- - - - --
.a. t-1
t-1 t1-


1. Convert the given sentences into the plain style.

(1) (i)

(ii) !:: .Al\::!? "§:}-.ill <il" .2..£ t-1 t:.1-.

- ::::Ej.!:l..:C .Al \:!? "§{-_ill <il"
136 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

(2) <€!_J:j 7lr:}i.'.1JI '.U<>1Jl.

(3) Ll1 'i'l--"t ZI -=r-::::: ,,_1 ng '<l -"l 11 Jl.
(4) '§')-Ji!. "'f-7.}'-"J- 0 1 W<>l"'i \lf 0 1 ,.111% T '.\1<>1Jl.

(6) '§')-Ji!. 'if oJl '.\J := .Al "0'} £ .£.. 7cl_ g_ :;i J,'( <>1 Jl.

(7) '1}Ej•)!oJ1Ai "B :i:t<>1Jl.

2. Convert the given narration into the polite -<>1 Jl/o} Jl style.

2- 'i'l-"191- WJJil 'J{}oJl
--> 'i'l-"191- WJJil 'J{}oJl

2- 'i'l-"191- WJJil 'J{}oJ] 'J{}oJ] 7}i';J'i"! -'i'-'-'-1 Qj-Ji!. 'i}oJ)Ai

g qJI '!l%"1"1l"i Ll1i'i"'i i:l.<>17}'i"! i'lr:t. ';'}{}
&'i'i 71l"l :i_7}(cablecar)7} 'Jl:=r1l %Ji\- Jl'6'2- iB..s:.:= 6,000
qJI %47}'?1 <'-l'il-J!J-:711I],;,01 :U:=r1] .:i.*oJl
Tower)7} :Ur+. 'i'l-"191- q:= 'llli.'.lll11°1E1 qJI
'.\/::::: <'-l'iJ-oJl 7}Ai "JJI 7jI1j£

IQ The use of the plain style in speaking


(1) (P}3. and %"f' are waiting for a bus. u}3. sees a bus corning.]
o}3_; tl-j A .g.q!

(2) ["}3. has been looking for a file, and he sees it.]

(3) ["}3. wants to take 'i'l-"] hiking tomorrow.]

P}3_; 'i'l-"l 0F, L1 Ll1 '?i Z {} 71 y?
'i'l 7) : o} y, lll -i"-"H J.i :i '-J {) oJJ!.i 1/ 77} "H.
u}_::r: ::1-t'j 7] 7}A}.
Lj- 7}'i'! :<Hu]\l).\'.ll"o}.
'i')7]: ::ii.'.]j, ::i'l] l.J1<1J o}{loJ]
u} 3_ : 'lJ-9} "1. tJ1 'lJ _lil_;;(}. J. j Z)- 7 J ;i!J 4 ·


1. Occasionally, with slight modification in forms, the plain style, rather

than the intimate -"1/ 0 } style, is used when speaking to a child listener,
to an intimate friend, or to a sibling.

2. Unlike the polite style and the intimate style, which do not have
separate endings for different sentence types, the plain style uses different
endings for different sentence types:

-ct: statement
--'=-1..f/(_Q_Ji..f/Li :' question
-"14/0 }t'}:b command, request
-7}: proposal

a. In writing, verbs take --'=-Lf and adjectives take -(_Q_)i..f. In

speaking, however, -1..f or - Y is used regardless of whether it is
a verb or an adjective.

b. The -oj t'}/o}t'} variation is due to the same vowel harmony

rule as for the -"1 (Jl.)/ 0}(il..) and -"1 J.i /o}J.i variation.

3. There are some contexts that particularly call for the use of the plain
style in conversation. The statement-ending -ct, for example, is used
when the speaker wants to draw the listener's attention because the
information is noteworthy or provoking, as in (1) and (2). As in (3), the
question-ending -Y, the proposal-ending -7}, and the command-ending
-4 give a sense of more personal attachment to the conveyed message
than the intimate -"1/ 0 } style were used. With the question-ending-
y, for example, the speaker may show more of his/her curiosity or
eagerness to know. The use of -7} in making a proposal sounds more
personal, affectionate, and appealing.
138 Lesson 6 Public Transportation


l. Fill in the blank with the proper form of the plain style for the given

(1) A: oj7]-"i::: \'ll-"l '(J-71 ctl?

B: 7</£ 7} _lil_7;} (7} _lil_ct).
(2) o}t!j7]: 'i'!"°f'-
'i')7]: o}3] '<l
(3) A Ej !'._: t.+ * _lil_ oj i!Jl?

(4) is trying to figure out a puzzle. He finally finds the


(5) t.i

2. How would you say the following expressions in Korean? Choose an

appropriate speech style (i.e., deferential, polite, intimate, or plain style)
according to each context.

(1) You are introducing yourself to an adult Korean speaker.

"Glad to meet you." (Lit., "I am meeting you for the first
'Tm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(your name)."
(2) You are talking to a child.
"What's your name? How old are you?"
(3) You are being interviewed by a reporter from a Korean
television station. The reporter compliments your Korean
language ability. How would you respond?
(4) You are talking to a co-worker, "Let's go eat lunch."
(5) You are asking a child, "Where is your father?"
(6) You are calling your professor's office and say, "May I
speak to Professor Kim please?"

Qi# V.S.-715'. -t}t:j- 'plan to/decide to' J


(1) A: 0 1'ct oj;; "J-£1-oJl ¥1 What did you decide to do

%} 71.5'. o-J Jl.? this summer break?
B: 6-%1 oJl 7} 71.5'. <>l Jl.. I decided to go to Korea in
(2) :;r--t} Jl {} 7} 715'. i:il
'{l-71 *
(3) A: oJl ¥1 %} 7 l .5'. o-J Jl.?
B: Al "°1 ":j Jl L.J-l'l
qj :§:} -5!. i.'i 7} 71.£ <>l Jl..

(4) A: 01'ct £}71 oJl %-'d %}Al Jl.?

B: o}yJl., ;.pf-2A1 \',f7l.£


1. The construction [V.S.-715'. -t}t:j-] expresses a decision or


2. The negative form is expressed by 715'. %} r:J- or verb+ Al

\'l7l 5'. -t}r:J-.
140 Lesson 6 Public Transportation


1. Give an appropriate response using-715'. -O}i::}.

(1) A:

2. You are traveling with your friends. You came up with the following
schedule. Compose a narrative using -715'. -O}i::}.

'il Zl-;;- "11 i'" ""J -2.. + 4-"1

Tf-.Jt 711Li1c1i'"""J11}9-"1 §.<,l!_)

-2..+ 6"1 .!!5'.£.?11°1 :k (show)

3. Do you make New Year's resolutions? Say three things you decided to
do and three things you decided not to do this year.

(1) %15H-C



(5) %15H-C 31J4-;zl \'i"7l.£



142 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

I Conversation 2 I 38-Q{{} 7} 9-,,\11 Ji.. J

O:j71 R 3:- 01
;;>;1'6- *{}-"5'}y77}
Al 71 71011 "'i l-},,\11 Ji..

A E1 .!l_; 3(!-Q{{}
71!-}: 1-11, ;;!) y q,
.: :': . E1 l:!.: 7tl. 01 l'J- 01
71!-}: {} 7Jj 01 l'J- 0 }!-i i cJ1 Ji.. ct C1_2_011 "'i 0118 "T-011
t±-%01 o};; 18-tj-.J:I. "5'}1-'J1Ji..G64
A E1 _!:l__: o}, .=It!11iL? ,'t-ol ?iJ. {[LiliL.
71 J.-}: J..l7J}?;l 0 t r1liL?
A E1 _!:l__: lOJ..l JJ}?;l iL.
7lA}: o}Jj'-?.j r-j]iL.


1. c':: E1 !l_ .l:E °l c.J ;,1 ;,}"1' y 77}?

3. -\1«[{)- 'iJ-1'77}7] oj 711 77}?

5. 7} 7c! "l 911 iej-1] y 77}?

NOUN transfer
7cJ ti police :o;J 'i1-"'- s=. crosswalk
J14i- S:.£ highway, freeway VERB
i1-A} construction (A}Jl) l-j-ct to happen, occur
.llL .!6-7}-'=- transportation card ',::;ct to improve
s:. -g- help .5'. "l ct to gather
mountain climber 0 1%<>}ct to utilize
p} "1 "" town shuttle bus to enjoy
uRlE.±. ticket office ADJECTIVE
vending machine 91-l'J-ct to be lonely
A}Jl accident to be dangerous
2 alcoholic beverage ADVERB
luck, fortune 7191 almost
"' sidewalk SUFFIX
::z} '?:! nature -ct/21-/A}/LfJl <>}ct say that
AJ-5:: place, location "}4'-i'.l -<>1/"} So no matter how
:'<}£ street, road
1f.7] :>& (traffic) sign
144 Lesson 6 Public Transportation


ln"1]7} %:0. :Q-o}Jl, [Lit.,'theluckis

good'.] means 'be lucky, fortunate; to have good luck'. The 'luck'
can be used in the following ways:

:::= o1 Jl. I have good luck.

"1]7} Ihaveluck;Iamlucky.
"T :::= o1 ':'l. 5'.. o} Jl. Cheolsu doesn't have good luck.
:::= ;<j] 7} i..j-11} Jl. This year, I have bad luck.

Indirect quotation: -qJl -o}q, -(E../-'=.)LfJl

-o}q, -(E..)i.'.]-Jl -O}q, -7}Jl -O}q


Statement: -(:=/L)qJl -o}q/-(C])i.'.]-Jl -O}q

(1) u}.3_: aj_lil.,1i]Jl. %"1" '5
'f-Y.: %"1" o}z,j ri]Jl. %"1" hasn't come home yet.
.2.. ',;;, '5 :::= i:+ Jl "9,1101 Jl. He said that he would be
a little late today.
u}.3_: u}.3_ ri]Jl, %"1"
oi .2.. 'i'l ;<j] 7} :§:} 91 q Jl

Request: -(E..)4Jl -o}q/-7] -O}q

(4) Jl4,o.S:.5'..oJ]Aj trJI::: 1£7]-'t[-g_ _lil.c}Jl
Proposal: -:<} Jl '5} t:j-
(7) %'1'-7} {! "'T- oJl 711

Question: -(2-/'-- )LfJl '5}t:f-/%t:j-

(9) %'1'-7} Dl c;;-oJl 7}lfJl "9,1lt:J-.


1. Indirect quotation is used when the speaker quotes what somebody

else said or when the speaker passes his/her or someone else's thought to
the listener. It takes the various forms of [QUOTED MESSAGE]Jl '5}t:f-.

(i) ... Jl t:J- when quoting a general

message that is currently going around
(ii) ... Jl 9101/9101 il../91 t:J-/91 ;;;-y t:J- when quoting a specific
message that was said in the past
(iii) ... Jl '5}kj /'5}-<11 il../'5}{) t:f-/'5}1) Y t:J- in the present tense,
... Jl oj 01 il../'5};;1_ ;;;- y t:J- in the past
tense when the quoted message is/was said by someone
who is respected (i.e., the honorific forms of '5}t:j- are used)
(iv) In colloquial speech, especially in Seoul, the indirect
quotation takes the verb .::L i'11(2..)/.::L':i;\!01 (2..) instead
of -tH il../9101 (2..). Also, the quotation particle Jl is often
deleted in colloquial speech. For example,

u}3.: cxj _!;l_,<11 il.., %'1'- % ll}'i'i 'T--'11 il...

%-Y TY-: %'1'- o}z-j
.2_ % ::: t:j-( Jl) .::L ':i& oj 2...

2. The quoted message itself also takes different endings of the plain style
depending on the sentence type of the quoted message, -that is, whether
it is a statement, question, command, or proposal, - and on the time of the
event in the quoted message.
146 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

(i) -(';::/L/'.jJq jl -otq when the quoted message is a

V-'.::: tj-jl -otq with a verb whose stem ends in a
V- L q jl -ot q with a verb stem ending in a vowel
A-tj-jl -otq with an adjective
-4jl -otq with the copula- 0 1
-otq when the event in the quoted
message occurred prior to the actual saying of the

(ii) -otq when the quoted message is

a question
V-'=.Lfj]_ -otq with a verb
A-(..2..)Lfj]_ -otq with an adjective and the copula

(iii) -(..2..)4j]_ -otq when the quoted message is a command or

request. Note that -(..2..)4 is used instead of-614/ot4 of
the plain style.

(iv) -At jl -ot q when the quoted message is a proposal.

Standard Colloquial
V-';::/L tj-jl -OTI(Jl..)/'9!,l61(..9-) - '.::::IL i:J-( jl) .::I i'l1 (Jl.. oi (Jl..)
A-i:J-j]_ -i:J-( jl) .::I i'l1 (Jl.. oi (Jl..)
- jl .::I i'l1 (Jl.. oi (Jl..)

v - '=- Lf jl "TI (Jl.. )/ '9l 01 (Jl..) - '=- 1.-f .::r i'l1 (Jl..)) I .::r 01 (Jl..)
A-( ..2..) Lf jl "TI (2- 01 (Jl..) -( ..2..) 1.-f .::r i'l1 (Jl.. )}/.::r 01 (Jl..)
- /'.lJ: '=- t-J: jl "TI (Jl..) I '9l 01 (Jl..) - 9J: '=- t-J: .::r i'l1 (2-))I .::r 01 (Jl..)

V-( ..2..) 4 jl "TI (Jl.. 01 (2-) -( ..2.. )4 .::r i'l1 (2-)/.::r 01 ( Jl..)
V-Atjl -At
3. The act of saying may be indicated by a different verb than <S"} tj- if the
specific nature of saying is to be specified, as in (1) and (10):

Convey/pass along the message that

Ask if/whether .. .

Sample conjugations of indirect discourse

Present tense Past tense

l!.j tj- .Jl l!.j Sj tj- .Jl
91 o-i -9../ .:::1 o-i .B.. 91 o-i .B../.:::1 o-i .B..
l!.j :::. Y= .Jl
91 <>l .B..I i <>l .B.. I "91 <>l .B../i <>l .B..
l!.j q I
l!.j .2.. 2} .Jl
v 91 o-i -9../.:::1 o-i .B..
e l!.j :A} .Jl
r "91 o-i .B../.:::1 o-i .B..
b I
I 1(tj-.:il
s Statement "91 <>l .B..I .:::z. <>l .B.. "91 <>l .B..I .:::z. 5!J. <>l .B..
A} :::_ l-f.:il 1(:::.4.:il
"91 o-i -9../ .:::1 o-i .B.. 91 o-i .B../.:r 5!J. o-i .B..
-- - 1-} q
91 o-i -9../.:r o-i .B..
1-} :A} .Jl
"91 <>l -9../.:r <>l .B..
A Statement
d "91 <>l -9../.:r o-i .B.. "91 o-i .B../.:r o-i .B..
e Question
* .2..Y:.:il
"91 o-i -9../.:r <>l .B..
4 .:il
"91 o-i -9../.:r :;& o-i .B..
t cxJl lll:I q .:il cxJl tj- .Jl
1 91 o-i -9../.:r <>l .B.. "91 <>l .B..I .:::z. <>l .B..
v --- I
e cxJl lll:l 1--j:.Jl cxJl .:::. 4 .:il I
s Question "91 <>l .B..I .:r <>l .B.. "91 o-i -9../ .:::1 <>l .B..
148 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

4. The indirect quotation - q JL 1"ij R/ :i c1J 5l_ is similar to the hearsay

expression-c\l(iL)/ciJ(iL) in that the speaker conveys somebody else's
message or thought. The difference between the two is that the main
purpose of the hearsay expression-c\l(iL)/ciJ(il_), as in AEJ!'..7t ?;tJL
'.V_ c\l iL, is to convey the content of the message itself, often even without
revealing who the primary speaker is, whereas the main purpose of the
indirect quotation -q JL 1"ij iL/ :i c1J iL is to quote someone's speech.


1. Using the indirect quotation form, make up an utterance according to

the given context.

(1) [%'1°: -'f-1-J-, 1-j- _2_ ';;: % g 71 oJ:.]

A E1 !'_: 6'1 _i,i_11] R, %'1" % lf-1'l-WY i::t.
%T2T-1+: %'1° o} 31 '?} o:j r1] R.
_2_ ';;: % :::: q j]_ o:j iL.
(2) ['i'l ?;j: AEj!l_, '-l-T'il 'i?1'f Uil7J}/\] 7]qaj,]
%T: AEj!l_, '!!fi.'.1 7}/\}.
A E1 !'_: 1i':!"17}.1-j- ';')/\] 7]qi0joj: 'iJ1.

(3) [AEj!l_: _2_ ';;: :0<} A}JL7} L-j-A1 .!k 7} iL.]

%T: -'f-1-J-, {!§j-.g_ r11 fil o:j R?
%TTY-: Ej !'_ E1JA1 §j- rll,

(4) (A E1 !'_: -'f-1-J-, %T LJ1 Aj "ii 7}iL?

%'1"-'TY-: £ 2 39_:::: r1l.]
%T-: -'f-1-J-, AEj!l_7} '?}
%T- TY-: g, 0}77} Ej !'_ E1JA1 §j- rj],
(5) [q-{!, "1 °1 A1 .g. q-{! 014JL o} :::= r11 iL.
%'1° 'T-"1]R]
-'TY-: %'1"oJ:, 'i!'o:J.
(6) "-£1_tl_, Lj-<5}.:il 7,J-o] 7}.]
1i'l_7]S:. 7,fo] 7}y?
<>1 Al] t11,

2. Change into an indirect quotation.

(1) <js:. W.:il "}S:."11-"i E}-<1]il..."

-"Hi 71-C <j s:. w.:il "}s:. "11 -"i El-4 .:il Li cJ-.
(2) "11{"11-"i {j-'1'}1i'} 7] cJ-'-'-1 -'1]il..."

3. Complete the following dialogues using the indirect quotation form

- .:il 3} cj-.

(1) A:
B: 7,d_o] E]-i'}.:il
<>1 il...
150 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

(2) A: 0 118 _5'__8_ "11 7,'f 0 1 z{} 7;J- &11 _8_?

B: 71 "11 _i,l_ "11 Ai o 118 _5'__8_ "11
A: .::1 &11 _8_? .::1 c,J 'i}- 5°j ;!,\ Ljl -8...

(3) A: 'i'} ::z1 211 'il- 91- _8_?

B: o} {) "11 %- _8_ o 1 'V_ o-j Ai '; Jl1

(4) A: u}3.

B: .::r&11-8..? 67l%l'i'-l-"11
(5) A: %y o-j All 'i'} ::z1 nj-Ej "11 no-i _8_?

GJj 0 }.lf-;;.] -o-] £/ 0 } _s:_ 'no matter how .. .'


(1) 91 "11 J.i '--11 ill J.i _s:_ Jt-{} I got off at the subway
u} g tlj 71
;--i ti], station and then waited for
o}.!f-1!1 7li:]-oj_s:_ _2_::z1 a town shuttle bus going to
1'lJ A1 ;--i '.B;i:]-. Dobong Mountain. Although
I waited a long time, the bus
didn't come, so I took a taxi.

(2) ['i'l7'1 and %'1=- are looking up a word in a dictionary.]

'i'l 7'l: %'T- 0 } 31 _s:_ * '.V; o-] _fl__?
%'1=-: Lj], o}.!f-1!1 *o}_s:_-§',
18 !i'}.fl...

(3) %'1=-: 'i'l::z1

'i'}::z1: o}lf-1!1 '<l- til.fl...

(4) %'T-: /-. E1 .!'. -1(1, JI]- E1 "11 % "11 _fl__?

,,_ E1 .!'.: Mll _a_. 0 rlf-1!1 "B zt8fl :s:. * ::>:! 7.'f 0 } -8...

1. o}.!j!-cj -61 £/o} £is used when the intended goal could not be
obtained even after maximum effort has been made. Hence, it is typically
(but not always) followed by a negative expression indicating the failure
to obtain the intended goal or effect.

2. The -61 £/0}£ variation is the same as that of -61 .B./o} iL, -61 "1/o}"l


Using o}.!j!-cj -61.S:./o} £,make up a dialogue according to the given


(1) 'i'l::<]: oj 7] g "'l % "'f'-::<]iL?

%'1=-: Lil. o}.!j!-cj i:!J61£ '-fLi]iL.
(2) 'i'l::<]: 6£j_!!.l(l, 'i'!-"]7}'}-;'t-ri] 71oJliL?
A £j _!!;Lil, {} 7.): 71 oj] .fL.
(3) '?'! : A E1 .!! "L 911 .=i. "ii 71] 0 l i:!j 61 iL?
A E1 .!!: Lil, -t}ij'- "'l "} <'>H "i .a, *
________ BH 7} JI.ll} iL.
(4) 'i'l::<]: 610<1] %'1=- "] ..2..i!]J 7]rf5;J,61.B.?
6 £j _!!;Lil, Q.)'4j'- oJ) Al
- - - - - - - - _2_::<]
e£ 0 }"i .=i. 'cl' il "!] il61 iL.
(5) %'1=-: o}y, 'i'l::<] .l(l, Asj!l_ .l(]"t}Jl 7,fo] ..2..7]5'.. ii}::<]
e£ QJ:61 iL?
1i'l ;<j; Li]_ C ti) 6 £j _!! .;() fj) - - - - - - - -

.=i. iL.
(6) o}.!j!-cj
(7) A:
B: 0} '-1 "!].a. 0}.!f-cj - - - - - -
'2. 61 .a.
152 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

o}y 7}g icJlA-1 %4-9}

'54-oJlJ-.i J.i%rll'iJ-T<2'l77}7:l 1ii"i g E}.JI Zl- qg

tlj::".::£ 7tfo}E} 0 ]: J.i%oJlJ.i ';::: .n!.%
JI} J:J1 A lf'- li£ 4- i:}. _-:]_ \!:! t:1], o-j All %
7}.:i==_ o-j J:J1 J.i _2_ i '-J g j;}-i:}.
0 j;}-i:}.
:Al g Et- .JI J.i % rll 'iJ -T <2'l oJl J.i )j_ ';::: t:1J 7tl 0 l {f-6R J.i
m1 0 Q}4j:- 711
Qf4i'- -"1Zl'g * ?.17'1-"l %'T-01lJ1l -2-t11Z!-'i}-ojl
S:.-"l u:i Y--"i g 7cl. 'T Oi -"i


1. o.J '=- lll y 77}?

2. '=" o.J 711 :U-t-177}?
3. A E1 !l_::: 911 ;<}l':l_ g 77}?
4. "'- E1 _l:l_::: o.J r:1 J-1 31 77}?
5. A E1 !l_::: 911 y 77}?


(Social Security number)7}

'U :il oJl ::: T-'i'l -"\-18 950101-20. . . .
(Resident Registration number) "f-i-l;j-'j!AJ 7Jti'- -lJ'lf'8-

7} 9Jt1-. Y1il YT
13Z} c:j 91 x
z} 5'. 0-j 'U::: r1].
'if 9.l oj-'.>! z}c:j ::: g
l-J-E}\l!t:f-. 1995\:! 'i[z}c:j:::
9508247} '-E!t:J-. 'i191 '\5- z}c:j::: g l-j-E}'-;l!t:f-. \fz}::: 1
(950824-lXXXXXX) ojz}::: 2
3, 47} '-E!t:f-(950824-2XXXXXX) .
.::u1J ;.i T- 'i'l -"\-18 .!il..1"! : i ;.} iEf 91 i+ 019.J- AJ g 1l 711 'T- 'U t:J-.
T-'i'l t:J- 2 71 T-'i'l
Ol 7cJ q- \1,)"o l M t:j-. {) -§-7} .':=_ l-J- ;'_ Jll 'i')- rrJl :.J._ c:j j l
154 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

.2. i'1l £] 91 £] 'g 'i'i§.(Alien

Registration number);:; 11,)-7]] '8_ 1*.

'-+E1-Ll1 q to show, represent number

self-identification Mo)i::} to be used
\':! 'll_ date of birth cj) ;'i ;:; oi for example
'J \'! sex 7C}i'.j digit


1. Asking for and giving directions


(1) A: *%3!l;';'i..11*.
6j7) j':6j cjq 'V_cjR?
B: cj q 7J};zj 7}"i]R?
A: ""2J.0e<>l"o]
31.. •

A: '{)-A}WY1*.

(2) A: "i<>1,
B: Lj).
A: A] 71J 77};zj ti}£ 7} ti1 'V. <>1 R?
B: ti}£ 7,:1_ \Ji.JI 18"1 g_ Et.JI 7}i::}7}

7<J:o}E} 0 1' "ilk.

A: '{)-A}Wt.11*.

When you ask for directions on the street, you can start by saying
something like ""i <>1, illlWY i:t. % %3!l ;';''-11*." ("i <>1, as a
conversation opener, expresses hesitation.)
[Exercise 1] Converse with your partner on the following topics.

(1) A)i?° <>1J:1 A}Ai)J:L?

(2) "f-2-7} <>1'711 "11 iL?

[Exercise 2] You are invited to your friend's house for Thanksgiving

dinner. You need to get directions to your friend's place. Take the roles of
both parties.

[Exercise 3] Your Korean teacher invites you to a barbecue. Call the

teacher to get the directions to his/her place from the classroom and draw
a map. Then compare your map with that of others.

Useful words for city guide (£A] 'il-t.11)

AJ (city hall) 7il %J.i (a police station)
2-'lfAi (a fire station) "1J-%i't (a museum)
5'.E.i//..'i:.E,Jl. (an inn/hotel) -i\'-"J (a factory)
(a store) (a bakery)
.'r. "J (a karaoke room) (a pub, a bar)
"il l'l-2- (a laundry) "l 2- (a barbershop)
o] (a beauty salon) zoo)
.J1. %'Y. "3 (a high-rise building) TI¥!- (store signs)
7.} S:. (a road for vehicles) sidewalk)
-;-1..'l:. (a traffic signal) !.) t.11 (downtown)
Li] 7j c:jjA}7j c:j (intersection) "r--%2- (a gas station)
tJ1 c'::. *"J (a bus stop) A) -0} 'll T- (a subway entrance)
'-J7} (the business section) A]-0} '-J7} (an underground market)
"Ji;'.;;- (a broadcasting station) '"8-lt-A} (a newspaper publisher)

2. Using public transportation

156 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

(1) (1'!JAlE}7l)
7]A}: o-]cjS'-£{177}.B.?
u}.::i: 7}T"1liL.

(2) (1'!J Al '(}oJl Ai)

71 A}: 5:_ "'f-oJl Ji _9j q 3J;:::: t1l, oj cj "11 .'=. 'll. 77} Ji.?

P}.3_: (1'!JA1 P1Ei7l 5J..'i'!Ai) oj7l 2,500't\ 'V_j'.;"l-Jcj-.
7]A}: 7r_}A}1J"l-Jc.J-. '(}'7J"i5l 7}"11.B..

(3) (7]7-}"J oJl "i)

A: J.i %.Ji\- 5} 4 T "'11 .a.
B: % 7} ;<} cl 5'- .'=. 'll. 77} iL, .Ji\- S:. "'f .2. 5'- .'=. 'll. 77} iL?
A: %7} "'f.2.-"-T"1liL.
B: 1i'}.2. :B y q.
(71 :O<}"J train station, %7} ;z}cl a window seat, .Ji\-£ an aisle seat)

Expressions that you hear from a taxi driver:

"1cJ77};zl 7}"11 .a?/ "1 cJ £ £{! 77} .a?

"1 cJ "11 .'=. 'll. 77} iL 9

Telling the destination:

_ _ _ _ _(destination)oJI 7} T"'1liL.
_ _ _ _ _(destination)-( 0 1).B..
_ _ _ _ _(location)oJI T"11.B..

Asking for the taxi fare:

u} 43J:"1 Ji.?
p} .'=. cl 'i'! 511 iL?

Making a request:

"};<i -l'l, Al zl-o I \d.2. t-177} % Ci "!!!-cl 7} T"'11 .a.

!fl 'il 5} t-177} :B :ti ;;;1 7} T"'11 .a.
[Exercise 1] Suppose you are learning Korean in J.i %. You want to visit
7il? by train next Saturday. You need a round-trip train ticket from J.i %
to 7il ?. Take the roles of the customer and a clerk at a ticket counter.

3. Making telephone calls


(1) Taking and leaving a message

oj0 u].• oj .!;!. J.j] .B.., -'f- :;z) 0l 'il Oil '.U o] .B..?
\1).::: lj] .B.. . .2. ;- ::: q Jl o] .B...
0 • 0
Ai, -'f-:;z) l {l T q3 u] ct Jl -0}::: lj] .B...
_<f-:;z)o] q3uj7} 2f'J.i].B...
t§: Lj), .::L i'l'il:.
0 • Jl w; ;- y q. '<l i..a -OJ 71] J.j] .B...

(2) Returning a telephone call

q3u], L]-oF, 0}:77}

0JD]: g, -0}tf7} £ 2 ::: 7J) '.Uo]J.i
'-11 "Q:f .llI. oJJ J.i %- 1i'l- '€" 'T- '.U oJ ?
-'f- :;z) : .::L i.'1J . 1,l1 A) oJ) 1i'} '€" ?7}?
OJ Dj : 0} {J lQ Aj 5'.J.i '\'! 'if oJ)Ai oj rrJl ?
_<f-:;zl: g, *o}. u}{l '-]- £ _::i rrJl o] y ?7} J& Lj).
oJ u]: Jl .::L \l i..J1 S:.J.i '\'! 'ifo]) J.i 'i'l-Y..
-'f-:;zl: g, .:::Li.'11.

(3) Wrong numbers

A: oj .!;!. J.j) .B...

B: oj.!;!.J.i].B... £,jJ.J§_ -'>'] ;- 4'-"'l"W'-ir:t.
A: oj 7] .::L 'ti J.} 'if fil::: li] .B... 1,l1 \Ii oJ] 7-] 1:J, o] .B..?
B: 7-]7] 567-7890 o}yoJ].B..?
A: o}\i_ci] .B... 1f-'k 7i 1:J, o] .B... oj 7895oJ] .B...
B: :i;J %WY r:t.
158 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

Useful expressions

% :§:]- % 0 l oJl iL. The line is busy.

:§:]- *7l 1:t oi iL.
71 1i'.l §.7} i'1 "ll iL?
You have the wrong number.
What is the area code?
7}% g 18"71 oJl uJl J.l 71: Please leave a message on the
'it 7j ? "il iL. answering machine.
:§:]- 7 t jJJJ J;t oi iL. The phone is out of order.
{f 'd: 'i} 71 t:J-C1 Ail _B_.f {f 'd: 'i} iL. Hold on please.
the telephone (machine) set
J 71 c:i
7' :§:)- a long-distance call
:§:]- 91 }.} a telephone company
.;;- c<1l :§:]- an international call
§} til a telephone bill
§}: to call/to hang up

[Exercise 1] Converse with your partner about the following questions.

(2) MAiliL? o}y1?1_ t:J-:= J.}1)-o]'i:)· :Q-ol MAiliL?
(3) 1JoJl 'J1 cJ1 <>1q <>1q
:§:]- i>} "ii iL?
(6) <>1.'=. zJ7l C1 91A}: A}%i>}AiliL? .2jJiL?
(7) 'itoJl q.Q}iL?

[Exercise 2] Practice the following telephone conversation.

oj.!;lJiliL, 71 'l')ult-']-.Jl

o}z-1 '§:l-.iiL"ll"''i <j- tiliL.

0 l <>1 .2.. 'i'! 'l'J u l 7} :§:]- 9Y, t:j- .Jl
Lil, .::1. <'j 1J::.
'l'J ul: jl 'iJ- i'J Y r:.J-. <j- '-iJ i>I lll Ail R.
Practice the above conversation again, substituting the underlined part
with the following messages.

(1) 'll o] is in the library now.

(2) 'll o] is waiting for -'f-{) in front of the library.
(3) 'll o] already went home.
(4) 'll o] called to invite -'f-::.8 to her birthday party.
(5) 'll 0 1 called to ask when the Korean test will take place.

[Exercise 3] Someone just dialed your number by mistake. Make a


[Exercise 4] With your classmate, make a telephone dialogue using the

intimate speech style for the following situations.

(1) You missed Korean class today because you had a cold.
You call your classmate James to find out about any
assignment due. James says that there is no homework for
tomorrow, but there will be a quiz on lesson 5 tomorrow.

(2) You have to go to the airport tomorrow morning to pick up

your parents. You are going to miss Korean class.
You ask your classmate to tell your Korean teacher that
you will turn in your homework the day after tomorrow.

[Exercise 5] You call to talk with 'll u]. She is not home. Leave a voice
message for her to call you back; give the time and your phone number.

[Exercise 6] Your younger sister's friend (yo]) calls to speak with your
sister ("i! §1 ). She is not home. Take a message.
160 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

4. Writing a journal


o}"f' :§:}%t)-7}g -"]1Jo] \l} o]

£ %0 .Q.5'_ 0 g 7}A} :IL i:J-. oJ) £ -'§-0 .Q.5'_ 7} i'1- 0j ] 'BJ 61 -"i

%Y t}-Ejj JiL-'8-Jtl g %61 .5'_ '\J:i:J-. %y::: L} t)-Ej] Aj g Ej- :J..L £-'§- "J 77}Aj

£ %.Q.5'. A}% 7] "11 -"i K: 0 i:J- :', £ %"l "11 -"i '.IX q. ::i 'ii r1] 0 }lf-;;]
£%0.Q.5'. 7}::: "l'4i- -"l:d"1l g 31

s:.-"J: ILiL}-"i -t}f-:

The plain speech style is usually used in journals.

[Exercise l] Write a journal entry about your past weekend using the
plain speech style. (Challenge: Read your journal to the class.)
Lesson 6. Public Transportation

CONVERSATION 1: Are you all prepared for hiking?

(Dongsoo makes a call to Steve's cell phone.)

Dongsoo: Oh, Steve, I'm sorry. I couldn't answer the phone before
because the battery had gone out.
Steve: Oh, that's all right. I called because we decided to go
hiking to Gwanak Mountain this weekend, you know. But
Woojin is not likely to go since an important thing
suddenly came up for this weekend.
Dongsoo: Is that so? It's too bad. It would be nice if he could go as
well. But we cannot help it. Are you all prepared to hike?
Steve: Yes. By the way, is there a bus that goes directly from the
front of the school to Gwanak Mountain?
Dongsoo: No bus goes directly; you have to transfer on the way.
First take a subway to the Seoul University Station; there,
transfer to a bus.
Steve: I got it. I'll see you this Saturday morning at the entrance
to Gwanak Mountain.

CONVERSATION 2: Please go to the entrance to Gwanak Mountain.

(Steve is looking for a place to buy a ticket at the subway station.)

Steve: Excuse me, may I ask a question? Where is the place that
sells tickets here?
Woman: Buy a ticket from the vending machine over there because
the ticket office is crowded now.
Steve: Okay, thank you.

(Steve gets off at the Seoul University Station and waves his hand to catch
a taxi.)

Driver: Sir, where are you going?

Steve: To the entrance to Gwanak Mountain.
Driver: Okay, I got it.
162 Lesson 6 Public Transportation

Steve: The road is really congested.

Driver: That is because there are many mountain hikers. People
say that the autumn foliage is the most beautiful this week.
Steve: Oh, is that so? I think I am lucky.
Driver: By what time should you get there?
Steve: By 10 o'clock.
Driver: No matter how much we hurry, it will be hard to get there
by 10 o'clock.

NARRATION: Steve's diary

October 30, Saturday

Today the autumn weather was very clear, so I went hiking up Gwanak
Mountain with Dongsoo. To go to Gwanak Mountain, one has to take
a subway in front of the school to the Seoul University Station and
transfer to a bus. In Seoul, it is free to transfer from a subway to a bus if
you use a transportation card. However, since I lost my transportation
card yesterday, I just bought a ticket. The ticket office was crowded, so I
bought a ticket from a vending machine with the help of a lady. I took a
subway and got off at the Seoul University Station, but I couldn't find the
bus stop to Gwanak Mountain because the roads were complicated. Thus,
I took a taxi, but I arrived at the appointed place ten minutes late because
the road was really congested. I felt sorry for Dongsoo because I didn't
meet him at the appointed time. It was nice to leave the crowded city after
a long while and enjoy nature.


The Resident Registration number in Korea is similar to the Social

Security number in America. The Resident Registration number is
composed of thirteen digits, of which the first six represent the person's
birthday. For example, the first six digits for someone who was born
on August 24, 1995, are 950824. The first digit of the other seven digits
represents gender: 1 or 3 for male and 2 or 4 for female. Therefore, you
can figure out a person's age and gender easily by just looking at the
Resident Registration number. Since everybody's number is unique,
the number is often used when identification is needed. You need the
Resident Registration number when you get credit cards or open bank
accounts and when you want to buy a new cell phone and start the phone
service. Foreigners who live in Korea for a long time receive an Alien
Registration number.
[At a Store]

0 }9-u111.
9-'{] : o-J ' "Q:} ' -2.. i'11 TI- 'i'} o] oj] Ji.. .::I% o-J t:]
q t.1 Ji.?
l-ll, BJ-"Q:f D]-:Ii- ojj ni::t Ji..
9- '{] : .::I o-J Ji.?
Q}, .!i!.Oll-1]Ji..G71
o-j r;3_ 01 Ji. ?G72
A}4-0}..11 llR7} 1l:J.o]oj]Ji.
0 7.l . J.}4';:::
Tc_c· "'J-7-}oj]
9-'?l: ol 'i'} ol oj] Ji..
"'J-7-}oj] 1R 1--j- o-J 9) o-J Ji. ?G73
9- '?l : 1R o-J
O 1 ifs:_ 1)!-9)_ l-11 Ji.. if .2_ P}oj1 _8_?
J.11 1B 011 0 1011 Ji..
-9- : .:::r 1%l if .2. {1- 61 11il- -T J.11 Ji..


1. q-Z] o]::: "J"§"}"1l -!f-'3:! g_

3. q-Z) oj::: ;_J-:<}01] Sj_ Lj 77}?

4. q-Z]o]::: i[g_ ;J.-i'JL]77}?

71 A."'-£
-- p L_ change (money) ';'fr]- to cut down
fruit rt Li .2. rt to go and get back
it tangerine to be closed
!r.. thief %rt to bite
TT tofu %Clrt to be bitten
ttH pear to be deprived of
A}:c} apple 'il. Cli:J- to be open
<-i fish 1)-"0"l rt to be caught
:-:O«l sound, noise -'!tel rt to be sold
., medicine ADJECTIVE
-<f- postman to be happy
convenience store SUFFIX
PRONOUN o-J 5] worth, value
'r-7} someone -o-J/6} _l;l_o]q to appear, look
something -"1 /6} 'U rt to be in the state of
o-J cj somewhere
'(1 All sometime


"15] 'worth' is a suffix that attaches to an amount. Following are some

166 Lesson 7 At a Store

-'t! oi ;<] an amount that is worth 1,000 won

u}oj ;<] how much (in money)

How much worth of apples

do you want?
Just give me 5,000 won's worth.


-<>1 Io} .!i!. 0 1ct 'someone/something appears ..., looks ... '


(1) AEj _l:l_:'i'l7'] -l'], "5J] <>j o] t!}l(j Lj]Jl..

1i'l7:] -l'] '§!- <>l%i.'1 t1]Jl..
1i'l ;z]: L11, A Ej _l:l_ -l'j £ "1 i.'1 _<e_ y 77} A j -'tl_ '8jJ ]ii_ oj Jl_,

(2) ,._ "'] 7} 13!"'.J 01 .!i!. oj Jl.. The sushi looks delicious.

(3) 13! '.U oj .!i!. oj Jl.. Those shoes look cool.

(4) o] <>juJlJl.?
'll! ?if 0} .!i!. oj Jl.?
AlP"= L11, '8Jl .!i!. 0 l ti] Jl..


1. -<>l/ 0 } .!i!. 0 ] ct is used when commenting about the surface appearance

of something; the speaker does not claim that the statement is factual.

2. -<>l / 0 } .!i!. o1ct is attached only to adjectives.

7:i!} 7}7l]oJ]J.i 167

... ····· .
J.] 'ti 3} t:J- to be refreshing, cool ;.l 'ti <'>RR i J.l 'ti <'>R & a! R
"il "il <>} t:j- to be fresh "il "il <'>R ii. "il "il i5R _Ii!_ aj ii.
to be heavy 1¥-71 .!j'- 71 & a! ii.
AM"T to be tasty <>1 ii. ')!- oj & °'I ii.

to be fancy, stylish, cool ')! <>1 & a! ii.

to be expensive ll] ,I(} ii. ll] ,I(} & aj ii.


1. Choosing from the given vocabulary, give a statement of appearance

based on the given cue.

(I) [s'°1.!:!7} Dic1: J.l'tl<'>R &a!.B...

(2) [%'1°7} .oqyg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(3) 9:11<>1.B...] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(4) .lI}cjJ.B...J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(5) .o<l\±'ToJl _ _ _ _ _ _ __

• I Passive verbs



(2) 7]J.}: oii:i

sEj.!::1_:.Aj7] Z _li!_OJ.o<].B..? .Aj Z .o<]L}-"i TJ.i]J:l...

I had my favorite watch taken away by my younger sister.

168 Lesson 7 At a Store

(4) A: If-t: 5::?j7} L1] .§':

I heard a sound. Didn't you hear it?
B: ll}<g-oJ] .Ji'-<>] '@-'6'] 5:: ?1 "11 Jl.
It's the sound of the door being closed by the wind.

(5) £"f<>l Thethiefwascaughtbythepolice.


1. A situation is typically described from the point of view of the actor of

an action. A situation may occasionally be described, however, from the
point of view of the object of an action.

In English, passive forms are used for that purpose (e.g., The door is
being opened/dosed. The thief was caught by the police yesterday.) The
passive construction in English is made grammatically by using the
copula 'be' along with the past participle form of the verb (e.g., to be
opened). In Korean, the passive construction is made with the suffix - 0 1,
-i>l, -?1, or -7] attached to a verb stem, creating a new word.

A dog bit the postman.

%'i;J,ojJl (%+?j+tj---. %?1cf-).

The postman was bitten by a dog.

2. Passives are used more often in English than in Korean. In English,

almost all transitive verbs can be made into passives. In Korean, however,
only a limited number of transitive verbs can be made passive.

3. Which verb is subject to this passive verb formation, as well as which

verb takes which suffix among-<>], -i>l, -?1, and -71, simply has to be
learned. We will classify them by the suffix a verb stem takes.
7 :u} 7}JlloJP ·-J 169

Active Passive Exam le

(i) - 0 l types
I I Al7]
{} ( 0 l) _!il_. 0] .A] .fl?
.!i!_ct to see
g_ * .5!_ 0 1ct Can you see the traffic light
over there?

""ct to use 0
(0 l .6j oJ] e:j].fl?) M l ct This flower is often used for

Active Passive Example

I(ii) - i>] types

I "'o' """Ml.)
1i:!-ct to close I ci-t>]ct I ti}'f}oJ]
(1E- I c The door was closed by the wind.
L-i .!f- -7.J o] o-] .fl.
to b lock
Because there were too m any cars,
(78 7.J g_ .fl.)
traffi c w as blocked .

(78 g_ .fl) I The thief was caught by the police.

Active Passive Example

i(iii) - types
%2.l ct The m ail carrier was bitten by a
dog on his/her leg.

ct 7} 71] 7} o.J .fl.

The store has been opened.

_ t_o_h_e_a_r
(t!.l-r:.J -2. .AFr % _Q_.A-l] .fl?) Our radio cannot be heard.

il"H:: oJ
-¥[2.] r:.J- These days houses are not
sold often.
170 Lesson 7 At a Store

to take away from _2_ llH} Ej] J-}J:!j- '1 oj .B...

(_2_HH}7} '17] ct She had her apple taken away
by her brother.

to hold, hug o} ]ct 0}0]7}

('iJP}7} o}o] IThe baby was held by Mom.
to chase qc
7Jct .:i1°Jo]7} 'Jli'JLJct.
(7B 7} .Jl 0J 0 ] y ct.) The cat is being chased by the dog.

4. With active verbs, actors are marked, if necessary, with the subject
particle 0 ]/7} or the topic particle ;'_/';:,,whereas the objects are marked
with the object particle With passive verbs, it is the objects that are
marked with either the subject particle o]p} or the topic particle ;'_/';:,,
and the actors or instigators are marked, if necessary, with the dative
particle E1] if animate, oJ] if inanimate.


Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of a verb, active or passive.
Choose the proper verb from the given list, based on the given context.

(1) "l'l'l *"]

_B_ '°"
.Q. \If .Q. _Q_ 0 l
J:Il. Pj _B_ •

(2) A: oi t:1 -"i '¥ ;'_ <ll <-1 g "f 0 l ';:, rj] .B...
B: 3.<1j.Al
Ip I T ?
A: Lj], ;<}T ::;: oj .B...

(3) A: .!j'- ;'.:: c::: c.J oj] .B..?

B: tl}woJl c::: c.J oj] .B...
(4) A: . oi t:1 Z1: oi .B..?
B: 7}71JoJJ .!f--'f-J-}i'] l-j-Z):oj.B...
(5) A: 0 l 7} "J *,"_ t1l .fl. 61 t:1 J.i .fl?
B: 711 °}y .:il '8 Y _______
A: '8LJ7} 7}"Jg_ _____ ?

IN -61 /"} i::J- 'In the state of being .. .'


(1) S:. up .. 01 J.}:il} o}iiH .fl?

'T<"j: '-JA}oJl 01 oJliL.
P• 1HLj- About how many are
in a box?
Yej: _,_ 1¥- 1R oJ :il oJ .fl. Twenty are in (there).

(2) Al'i'_!: 61* llHo}ll]- /..<;tjo}1o1'oly?

! IM
.--1-L.:. •

61 "'! t'}A]? <?_fol t1].

Al'i'_!: <?.f "'i- 0 }'3j Pl :il g 77}?
:±-_ <?1: Al'ii' 1V·l l(l:oly77} o}'3j Since it's 11:30 now,
:ilg 7l 1'.0 it'll still be open.
'-117} 7}J.i J.} % 711.

(3) 5::.1--1 .
P• 9},?]?] ol o}y \i"l Wow! So many fresh
Lj-9} :il Lil .fl! fruits are out here.
?<?.l: Lil, Lj--& Al o} '{}
p 5l_ Al
2 "1j .fl?.
S:. t-l.
p. ;,}:il}f>}.:il llH % 5!."1 'TJ,il.fl.

Aj §j ,;\l Al ii' 't'-1J'-f>}cj Pl "'i-oJl 7} :il oj .fl.


1. -°1/"} i::j- expresses that a person or object is in a persistent state,

typically resulting from a previous action designated by the verb. For
example, apples being in a box in (1) is the result of someone having put
172 Lesson 7 At a Store

them in the box. Similarly, in (4), -"J §:] 's being in the United States is the
result of her having gone to the States. It should be noted, however, that
what is focused with -61/ 0 } cJ- is the current state of affairs, not the
previous action that caused it.

2. The -61 /"}variation is the same as that of -61 Jl../ 0 } Jl.., -61 -"i /" }-"i,
-'f}j<J.J:, etc.

3. -61/ 0 } cJ- is contrasted with-JL cJ-, which expresses that a person

or object is in a dynamic (progressive) process.



Describe the given pictures using-61/ 0 } cJ-.

(1) Qj;(}oj] - - - - - - - - -

(2) A I.'.] !l_:::: --------

7i!} 7} 71] oJ]Ai 173

(3) _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(4) --------

' .
' -

(5) oaois. ________

(6) ?jA}7} {JrJloJl - - - - - - - -

'to lie down')
174 Lesson 7 At a Store

4-1'/Jo}, iq
l:l] •
'-'-. g , -i'-%<5} .JI .JI lll

L--j s:. oj 71 7.}'T- S'.. y?

o}y, u}EOJl
-fft-B 7}7-l .JIG74 7}7-l 1?l- l-}?;j JI...
g. iq l-} 0 1= .501 i::1l?
0 ;<] .
'-'-. l:lF°f- l-}o]:
-2- i::1l, {)-::<B 1?}-E.. i::1l 6Jl G?S 0 l=::<B 7}

l:l] .
J:lI}il}.Jl 13-t,
y. .=r '? '<1l ;<CJ- JI.. .!i!_ .JI o l= : <B

.=rcJl, 'T-WOJl

i. T-"J 0 1::: 4r-Ifl"11"'1 -'¥-'3! g_ "'}aj.Jl WY77}?

2. -'f-{) 0 1::: 4r-Ifl "1JA1 -'¥-'3! g_ "'}aj j l WY 77}?
3. "H "11::: -'¥-'3! 0 1 °1yy77}?

INOUN :§C}"J% cosmetics
egg 'if.::<] toilet paper
Jl7] meat VERB
t:}.:- -1.
carrot to boil
P} _E'. mart to put in
tl]'f- soap to stop by
bread o<}-9-ct to fight
-'lv"l spinach %ct to cry
market *ct to laugh
r"H vegetable kl "O}ct to wish
OJTij- onion 'il oi to put something in
0 0
japchae ct OJ<;} ct to be diverse
:j,l C?{ toothpaste SUFFIX
A e. tooth-brush -(2_)L/::: t1]"11 in/for -ing
scallion -oj/o} 7}::<] Jl because; by doing
'* pumpkin, squash


1. Several terms are used for stores where you can buy your daily
groceries and other items, depending on the size of the store as well as the
types of products they carry.

rrj ol o<i convenience store (e.g., 7-Eleven)


4[-Ifj ( 4[-Ifj) market (e.g., small stores)

u}E mart (e.g., Walmart)
176 Lesson 7 At a Store

2. When a question includes more than one item to be taken as an

answer, speakers duplicate some question words such as !iq oJ cJ oJ cJ.

A: Ii]- E1 "ll T T T T jo i:J1 9:11 oJ R?


A: u} E "ll -'1 7] "il R?

B: •1)- 0 1 "'Hd g -'} 0 1' O'J1 R.

RI -oj/o} 7};zl JL 'because, since'; 'by doing/being''


[Expressing a causal relation]

(1) 2."B.: ;g- &i.'1 ;z}"'f- 7}?

J-j .§]: -¥- ciJ ;g-JL7} ;o}o]- 7)-,;z] Jl, Because our refrigerator is
"ll -T- '<':! 2. 14°1' O'l1. small, I have to come here
twice a week.

(2) A: & .31} 2. oJ cJ "ll -'1 },} 121 oJ _B_?

B: J-l ;g-01 Ll-'f- 7},;<]Jl 'l1-"11J"ll-'l -'}R.

(3) A: & oJ cJ -'1 "Jg &"11 _B_?

B: J,(}JL 7},;z]Jl u}E"ll ;z}"'f- 1}::: i,tjo]oJlR.

[Expressing two sequential events]

(4) %"1'-: JL7l::: T7} 71 "ilR?

i..117} ).j- 7},;z] JI :Q 711 iL I'll buy them (and take
them to the party).

(5) .. '2
'i');z]: Si-;<1] ,;tj:::
(6) %4': 9Jojit?
o}E_ti}ol E 7}-A].:il. {lif-Ei


1. 7}71 c} literally means 'to have/possess', but is idiomatized as 'with'

or 'by' in -oJ/o} 7}7'1 Jl. -oJ/o} 7}7'1 Jl is similar in usage to -oj/o}J-i in
that both express two sequential events as in (1-3), and sometimes also a
causal relation as in (4--6), where the first event triggers the second.

2. These functions of -oj ;o} 7}71 Jl are similar to those of -oj "'i ;o Pl
In fact it seems that in many instances, -oJ 7}7'1 Jl is replacing -oJ "'i in
spoken language, limiting the use of-oj "'i/ 0 }"'i to those cases where the
two events conjoined are closely tied together. In the following examples,
for instance, -oj l-j/o}J-i cannot be replaced with -oj/o} 7}71 Jl.

oJ "'i DI c}.
oji.'17} o}:rr}l-i 'ti7i
oJ "'i "Q:j- .llL "11 7} it.
"11 n:Jl "11 '-'i "'i 7}-'il it.

A: oJ "ii 91] 11J "11 n oJ it?

B: o}:rr}l-j noJit.

3. In speech, -oj/o} 7}"1 Jl is pronounced as [oJ/o} 7}7'1 -TJ or contracted

to-oJ/o} which is pronounced as [oJ/o} 7}Jil.], [oJ/o} 7Pf-J or [oJ/o}


1. Using-oJ/ 0 } 7}"1 Jl, make up a dialogue according to the given


(1) A:

(2) A: oJ, "Q:f .llL 011 0 noJ it?

B: ------- *
178 Lesson 7 At a Store

(3) A: J,}::: % Li] oj rr]j Ji.?

B: oj A}.g_ °'] .51..S)!J oi Jl.

(4) A: AH 5'. 0 l ;,}{} 0} .IT]- E oi rrll iL?

B: :;z_=
::...L-p •

AjAJoj 3::.'jj- J:i 7}7J}Oj 'Jl_Q_'B_ *3!J.ojil_,

(5) A: oi :<Jl .rr]-Ej "11 -"ll Jl?
B: * J):oj Jl.
(6) A: oi i:i 7}"il Jl?
B: *"17} o} E ojj A}i'j
7}::: 7cjo]oj]Jl.

2. Say the following sentences using-oj/o} 7}"1 .:iL.

(1) Please do your homework and bring it the day after

(2) Having studied economics in the United States, my older
brother returned to Korea.
(3) Having not studied hard, my younger brother failed the
college entrance exam.

3. Answer the following questions using-oj/o} 7}"1 .:iL.

(1) A:
(2) A: oi :;l) -"ll §} 9!1 oi?
(3) A: 7<l <-! \l :'_ -"ll i>}-'f- % *_2_,,<i] iL?
(4) A: -"ll BHq-Ai]iL?
7i!} 7}lll<>ll"i 179

m==;- ti](<>l]) 'in/for -ing ... '


(1) "a :§:!: "Fr u-J LJ, -B "J-oi<l 1H

*"l := What goes in in making
-'8 "J-oi<l 1H?

T;>l: T.!f!-OlJl 14Jl,

:rrJ- .s:. 'ill _a_ ""H _a_ .

(2) .:}_ : rH .:}_ Lj- El- -5}-'j'- t:1 := How much is it for renting
t:-J](oj]) a Hyundai Sonata for one

(3) 'T-<j: ::<Ji..J1:= t:-l](oJI) (rtoj_8_?

P}3-: Lil, irtoJR. -"l"J.5:. _ii7_%.S:. ';'!-5}.Jl r:t*"}R.
<>ll ::: "J- .!i!_ := i::-l] CoJl) .-1-11 -"l Z!- 0 l i:l. 5.X ::: i:il, ::<J ii- ::
30,'t- "l \'.! 'i1J R.

(4) A: -"l"J- 0 1 <tj7]"1

B: o}LJ_8_, ::<Ji>}{<! "'177}::<] 7,:l_oj 7}:= t:-l]oJl'i!-tl-20,'t- 7,:l.i:.].JI,
::<] i>}{>l_ 'i)- E} \'.l ii- "J- 7} R.


1. "ii literally means a 'place', but ti] in-';:: ti](<>ll) refers to a place in
a more abstract sense, that is, an activity or a situation. It can be best
translated as 'in -ing' or 'for -ing'.

2. It should be noted that - ';:: til should be written with a space between
';:: and ti], distinguished from - ';:: til, which refers to background


Find out from the given context what situation the people are up to, and
make up a dialogue using-';:: i:i](<>ll ).
180 Lesson 7 At a Store


(2) A:
B: <'>}-';'- -iJ-'i} -'ti "l oJ]iL. <l'! t:Jl iL.

(3) [A is going to a dance party.]

A: 111 *"l iL?
(4) A:
B: oj 7] 'll
A: 0 17-1 WJL ct:': 7-1
(5) moved in just a few days ago.]
Narration j %l-il Al 7-J- I

0 1 1i oil ;;zl-6- J.} %.2..£ 0 1

714,'-A}oil 7-J- -1:2.. 0 1 9!J_ r1l ;;zl-6-

7,lg Z:iL-it,'1 l:l}S.. i Al,,_J- 0 1

IB_-O}tj-. Al 4f-111 7}711, 0 1=.;;TI 7}711,
7} 111. :Aa s:. * 7}711. {} 7} 111.
§j-7-J-% 7}711, g '9711
'T '.Uri-. %Zi IB. 0 li:i-. %Zig
i'J"o] A}t,11 i>TI 'T-71 o}'T- J.B. C-1-0}tj-. <'>],
% l-j] Al 7-J-oil '-B_ .sj {) £ r1] 24Al {} 3j
AlZ!oilx 'T

butcher's shop
A:uedwoo Uli!S [0-(y
aJ!AJas AiaA![ap Ira spooll 'sap!Jrn 5'-.£
l l LI

JUBM OJ -b-l.2- R> JL[ll!aM lli-k

{-t-,'d<? %8 1!20 f:l %-bf'f[ln ;;;p

'-b a lo.P HR lio 2
[In JW tYV 1':'{y
c cOcn:YI
i-'?- o [ll:Y t'l [o
·-1:iw. :[o H-2-
[O{y llilio{Y[L
'-bi@ :'l[LlrtR 1':'{.<?. ?ilLw

[ht la


H-2- kb to ·v
l{LL [;e Th [lo [k;{n lJI-.J? '£
l{LL to iii ["2{£ [v k lio 3 {rr{o {v .§- [>'.'. ·z
23 {rr{o .§-[>'.'. [f>::'[Q [o ·1

SNOI.LStln() NOISNt!HtllldWO::>

arn15 e JV £, uossa1 Z81


1. Talking about food and making a shopping list


(1) ("J §:] and S::'i':! run into each other at a supermarket.)
J.J§l: 5::'?:!"}, cj7J ¥j ,q21
S::'i':!: g, .f\-7-]S: ,qj]_ ':E _2._iil]-7-] 9-_,_"J J,}21
q s:_ "-J- _l;l_ 21 y ?
J.j §:] : g, \): 1) "1] Aj 'if g iin ie:j 2. Y77} J1] 'ii"}.
S::'i':!: /\119 "1]-TI-7} '<)r1]?
J.j§l: 'El"-J-'1']7n 7,}7-} (potatoes),§_"}, 0JTI},
(garlic),% Y-% (bean sprouts) 1*"1.
"}, %. ;,] i?- 7<] 6} 2 71] S: ;,}" j: .£1 :::= r1].
So'i':!: "'J-11}.
J.j§]: .::i.<-11, ':E _l;l_-7-}. 7}.

(2) oj;,i _2_,o11]iL 1'/ S'\'l.77}.B.?

J.j §:]: 7,}7-}6}2 TI}% 'T-"1].B..
7,}/\}::::: 1n s 'l'l. 77} R?
J.j §:]: 41n 'T-"11.B.. TIJ-::: .!f- u 'T-"11.B..
%' .::i. 21 j]_ %Y-% s:_ %7-] 9- "1] .B..

Locating items at a supermarket

Inquiring about the price of items at a grocery store.

_2_ iii) 7-] 6} L-j-"1] o}oj] .B.?

A}:i!} "'J-7-}oj]

[Exercise l] Practice the above conversation (1) and make a shopping list
for ;,J §:] and 5:: '?:!.
184 Lesson 7 At a Store

shopping list J.J §I's shopping list

Read your list to your class.

[Exercise 2) Look at 's shopping list below and role-play a

conversation between and the grocer.

J.] "J -ll1- 3! (shopping list)

500.::L 'i'l
-'t-1+% 1 *"l
-"}:i!J- '-J7l
-T- 7H
TI}- -T- l(!-
:i!J- "M
Jl-'}"J 3} ,°_ ->i <5} Lj-

[Exercise 3) Write a grocery list for yourself.

[Exercise 4) Exchange the following information with a classmate.

(1) -"]"J _!i!_ci 'll_u}LJ-7Fr 7}.-11JiL?

(2) of'=:. 'Jl':s:il u}".J) oj) 7}J.1] R?
(3) J17] i"-"}<>}.-11]R?
(4) 0 PTI :O:J1] iL?
(5) If--C :i!J-"M g_ "11 "ic!
(6) Al "1 oJ) _5!_ !!j oj _fl_?

[Exercise 5) Role-play the following situations.

(1) Your roommate is going to go to the Korean market in

town. Ask him or her to buy some Korean food for you.
(2) You are at the Korean supermarket, and you want to know
the price of a product and where to find it at the market.

2. Making recipes


:o<R li: ':g-, SJ JL7l, Zl-"'J 1 1! % {l-7] 1/231- ,c_

TI}, o} 13)-,"_ +4o QfZ}, "J4o 2"'J, £. o} £. 27R

CD ::}_J17] \?J'Jl] 61 Zl-"'J, ;,J %, {l-7] o} +4o

¥! oi 0J18
C2l {!) g cc :\j Jll °J18 Jl7] ¥! oi *::=ct.
r-5\ C=rl
10' o TL.. A,___ L--f,

@£ 0 }£::: \?J'Jll

CD (3">l "a s:.ioiJ 'i'i_ 4 6 TI ¥! Jl 4-s i::1

1))-9,l:= 2-]-'i'i_o] "§yq,
CZJ -6J "a oi1 rr:J-4 7rl 5<L lll :rr} g ¥1 oi -'=-"I 'i'i_ i::1 ')!- "1
i= ;';' y ct.

Useful words: ::}_J17] beef, Zl-"'J soy sauce, 1! % sugar, {l-7] sesame
oil, TI} green onions, o} garlic, +4o black pepper, "J4o lettuce, £.o} £.
tomatoes, tablespoon, 1i!" c ::= 'il recipe, \?if Jll thin slice,
J\'I <5} ct to season, {!) pan, ct to heat, *ct to stir-fry, -0! ct to wash,
f-ct to put aside, Wet to spread, \?;! t:J- to put on top, to boil, 1i'1_
noodles, "T- TI soup base, -6J ,_a appetite, "ii rr:}i'-]- according to

[Exercise 1] Converse with your partner about the recipe above.

186 Lesson 7 At a Store

A: Jl 7] 1C)- _cc_ r1] oJ] -'¥<:: ;<H l i 7} '\ll_ R -tlB..?
B: 3'jJ17l, TI"J-,
-- --

[Exercise 2] Describe your favorite recipe in Korean.

3. Expressing hesitation


(At a clothing store)

18, 0 1711 R"'H -o-} ,,_ 0 1oJ]2-.
o] oJ _liJ-1]2-.
i.l"Ml]R. (implying "I am not quite comfortable with this

-'ti: _::i <;:l, o] ii:! ,,_ E]- oj uj "'1] R?

JJl ',"; ... (expressing some reservation about the color)

You can express your reservations in various contexts. Hesitation devices

give you time to think and to respond in a polite manner. There are
various linguistic devices in Korean to express one's reservations. For

Ai <>i/Ai (with a hesitant tone) uh, um

Aj7]R Excuse me.
uh, um
i.l"Ml]R Well, I am not quite sure.
in fact, to tell you the truth
'.V_ ?:;}o} 2-. you know

You can use hesitation devices in the following situations.

(1) To get the attention of a stranger

Ai oJ (as a conversation opener)
(2) To call a customer
Al 7] J'l.. 'Excuse me.'

(3) To make a request or ask a favor

Al (with a hesitant tone), u] 'i!-, 1!'-l'f 0 1 -t}Y.
'.V. [11 J'l...

(4) When expressing one's opinion

Another way of expressing one's reservation is to use
incomplete sentences as in the model dialogue in the box
above % ... ).

[Exercise] Role-play the following situations. Use some of the hesitation

devices listed above. Don't use silence to express hesitation.

(1) You're calling out to a stranger who has forgotten her

purse on a chair.
(2) You want to ask a stranger on the street for directions to
the nearest post office.
(3) You visit your Korean professor's office without an
appointment and find that she or he is busy.
188 Lesson 7 At a Store

Lesson 7. At a store

CONVERSATION 1: How much is one box of apples?

(Woojin went to the fruit store in his neighborhood to buy fruits.)

Woojin: How are you, ma'am?

Owner: Oh, long time no see. Have you been somewhere all this
Woojin: Yes, I was at my home in the United States during the
Owner: You were?
Woojin: Wow! These fruits look delicious. Which fruit sells well
these days?
Owner: Apples and pears tend to sell well.
Woojin: How much is one box of apples?
Owner: It is 20,000 won.
Woojin: How many apples are there in one box?
Owner: There are ten.
Woojin: These tangerines also look delicious. How much are the
Owner: It is 1,000 won for three.
Woojin: Then, please give me 3,000 won's worth.

CONVERSATION 2: What did you come here to buy?

(Woojin met Soobin at the market by chance.)

Woojin: Soobin, what did you come to buy?

Soobin: Well, I'm going to buy milk, bread, and eggs. Do you come
here often?
Woojin: No, usually I go to the big mart. However, I'm here
because I urgently need to buy a few things.
Soobin: I see. What do you have to buy?
Woojin: I am going to buy toothpaste, a tooth brush, and soap. By
the way, what vegetables do I need for making japchae?
Soobin: They usually put in onions, carrots, and spinach, but I just
open the refrigerator and put in any vegetables that I have.
Woojin: Okay. I will try making it this weekend.
NARRATION: Market in the neighborhood

Woojin moved into a studio one month ago, which is where he now lives.
It used to be inconvenient to go grocery shopping when he lived at the
dormitory, but now, grocery shopping is convenient because there is a
market directly across the big road from where he lives. It is easy to buy
necessary items at the marketplace because there is a big supermarket,
fruit store, vegetable store, fish store, butcher, and bakery as well as a
clothing store, shoe store, cosmetics store, pharmacy, and so on. The
prices are on the cheap side when compared to those of department
stores. It is very convenient because the shops have delivery service for
those who buy a lot. Especially convenient is the convenience store at the
marketplace in the neighborhood. He can buy items at any time there
because it is open twenty-four hours a day.


'11 BH is the most popular service when Korean people deliver articles
these days. People receive and send articles using '11 BH. When you
receive an article by '11 BH, you need to sign for it.

You receive items that you shopped for online by '11 BH. Clothes or shoes
that you bought at the department store are delivered to your house
through <lj BH after alteration. Usually you can expect delivery in one
or two days except on days like Thanksgiving or New Year's Day or
Christmas when many people use '11 BH service and delivery takes a little
longer than usual.
Grammar Index
Item Meaning Lesson
-71-e-iL you see (because) Lesson 4 Cl
-711 sci ct turn out that Lesson 3 Cl
-7] 7} l'l ct/61 '\'l ct it is easy/difficult to ... Lesson 2 Cl
-71 _iC_ I>} ct decided to Lesson 6 Cl
7cJ.o]ct (be) on one's way Lesson4 Cl
plain speech style Lesson 6 Cl
plain style in speaking Lesson 6 C2
-ct7} movement from one action/ Lesson 5 C2
state to another
-ct/ct/A}/LfJl i>}ct say that Lesson6 C2
-1':! used to Lesson 1 C2
o}.!)'-Cl -61/0}£ no matter how Lesson 6 C2
-61/o} intimate speech style Lesson 5 Cl
61/ojc vocative suffix Lesson 5 Cl
-61/ 0 } 7};;(]Jl because; by doing Lesson 7C2
-61/o} _l;l_o]ct to appear, look Lesson 7Cl
-61/o} 3j(olJ expresses past experience Lesson 3 C2
-61/ 0 } to be in the state of Lesson 7 Cl
-61/ 0 }£ S'1ct expresses permission Lesson 2 C2
-61/o}ojc;;(]_8_ expresses obligation Lesson 4 C2
-61/ 0 }/(I ct to become Lesson 1 Cl
-'.'d S:US1'.1:l./ M '.1:l. remote past Lesson 3 C2
610<I worth, value Lesson 7 Cl
7,lct it seems like Lesson2 C2
-(_<'.>.) L C} g oj] after - Lesson 1 C2
-(,9_) L/.C Lj] oj] in/for -ing Lesson 7 C2
-(S'_)L/.C Al [time] .«1c} it has been [TIME SPAN] Lesson5C2
'l')o]ct to tend to Lesson 5 Cl
192 Grammar Index

Item Meaning Lesson

-( _<)_) LI :::>'<l to know/not know whether Lesson 5 Cl
t:J-I .5'. 2 t:J-
-(_c>_)y 77} expresses reason Lesson 3 C2
-( _<)_ ) t;j j l -5} t:]- intend to Lesson2 Cl
-( _<)_) t;j 'i'! if ... in tends to Lesson4 C2
-( _<)_) 'i'! .£] t:]- all one needs is Lesson 3 Cl
-( _<)_) 'i'! % t:]- I wish Lesson 1 C2
you know Lesson 1 Cl
Korean - English Glossary
1 freshman 7H 1. dog;
sophomore 2. item (counter)
3"Q:f 1d junior 7H%! month
senior 71 thing (contraction of
7} subject particle :;l)
7}711 store 7171 there
7}''1 price 71 iO] 1. distance;
7}-i' furniture 2. street, avenue
7}T- 'll furniture store 71 - ."-.5'.
A o
change (money)
7}7j;j-q to be close, near living room
sometimes 719.J almost
7}c} to go Z:l AJ worry, concern
7}.2.7-I ct to teach 21 "a "}ct to worry
7}"J bag :c! 7J<5} ct to be healthy
7}';'jcj- to be light :c! ci ct to cross
7}T- singer :c! L-j 'ti the other side
7}&- r11 the middle, the center 71
c.2° building
7}-?-1, t1}.<fl' .5!. rock-paper-scissors :cl 3:: <5)- ct to be dry
7)-;; autumn, fall building, structure
7}'1 the most architecture
7}Aj7}c} to take, carry '\:!ct to walk
family ?,:! ct to call
z{ each ?,:! iO] ct to take [time]
soy sauce 7,:l_oj7j-c} to go on foot
-.__.:_ store signs ?,:! oi ct i...] ct to walk around
7cl: "I kalbi (spareribs) ?,:! oi .2. ct to come on foot
7cfo} q to change (clothes) black
7cl: 0 l- E} ct to change (vehicles) ;;l thing
'{} 11 oJI c.J ct to have/catch a cold 711 'il game
'{)-;_ t3} ct to be thankful 71% winter
'{}c:<I potato "".;>:. marriage
)J-c:<J-71 suddenly wedding
-.1: price "".;>:.<>}ct to get married
Gangwon region 7c! 71 match, game
y J1. 7} ct to take 7cJ 4- case
y j]_ ct i...] ct to carry around J,j ;<11 "0:f economics
;;.!- .:il _2_ tj- to bring 7c3 T Gyeongju
to bring and put down 7c1 % police
somewhere police station
Yet to bring/take 7c! *I scenery, view
c.I cthum. something to someone 7'l0 0 experience
Yet 'Tctplain to bring/take 71111 stairs
something to someone lll 'Cl: egg
7ef o I together check
194 Korean-English

:zll :'; continuously .iiL {J_ classroom

:zil Jf-"'I t:l- to continue education
:zil -"] tj-hon. to be (existence), stay traffic
season .iii.-'8-R:<]W traffic sign
:zil 3* account .iii. -'8-7} :<=. transportation card
plan .iii.§:] church
:zil 15}tj- to plan 'T-?cl sightseeing
.:il7] meat 'T-?cl 15}tj- to look around; to
high school sightsee
high school student 'T-T dress shoes
tj- to choose, select -1'"-T -"]'fl oral exam
Jl 1iJ-cl- to be thankful cloud
hardship ::r-;; o] 11] q to get cloudy
.Jl 15} tj- to have a difficult time 'T-15}tj- to search for
highway, freeway .;;- 7cl 'll. national holidays
Jl 78- breakdown 'ii" 41 <--! domestic flight
.Jl z,} tf tj- to break down 'ii" All <--! international flight
red-pepper paste 'ii" All .§:]- international call
JI '6' UJ_ i:a high-rise building "'"r1] place, spot
J1'6J hometown "iii" heel
..:it right away, soon l':! volume (counter)
antique 'i'] 7,:!o] earring
_11. :IT
2- golf it tangerine
A place :i that
=0 0 (zero: for phone #) : i 'il' just, without any
:g-7] air special reason
-8"¥- study -=i%«l meantime
:g-J:f- l=IJ- study room .::1 ell -"i so, therefore
-/,'- 11'- 15} tj- to study :i '11 gram
-t,LA} construction : i cj 'i'i then, in that case
craftwork : i 'ti r1] 1. but, however;
-5-i:I park 2. by the way
.::-g-AJ- factory :i21 (if so) then
'* tj-

'!5 ± qJ .§:} horror movie to be so

'*"'i '<1-
i'- tiJ- airport :i but, however
"t 1. lesson, chapter; dish
2. and Goins nouns) : i i'.j .Jl and
course, subject : i i'.j tj- to draw
il}'ll. fruit :i ill picture, painting
il}:<} cracker : i %1 tj- to miss, long for
science .:1 lfr without doing
Gwanak Mountain anything further
to be all right, okay movie theater
J?:l 7-Jiil very much .C ?;1 nearby, vicinity
.iii.il}J-i textbook Well; It's hard to say
school uniform ii"'<}:<] gold ring
:w_T\-J professor f'.i-1=1J- soon
Korean-English 195

Friday Y- _2_ ct to come out

7]Jj]-;>C-o:} mechanical c_Jo] age
engineering 40] 7] to gain age
7]qDj:<Jct to be wished 11-T"ll later
7]qe1q to wait 11-E}tll ct to show, represent
feeling four days
to be joyful, glad 'd- l:IJ- heating
7]At driver u2 day
dormitory \[u]ct every day
/] "j memory 'cf-I\] weather
7]"j15]q to remember \ti'! 15]q to be thin
7] -,9_- temperature \[?<] date
7lkH! B.C. uD south
7]7.] train \j-7] ct to leave (a message)
7]E] guitar 'Jct to remain
7c! 1. street, road; younger brother
2.way \j-u] South America
to be long '-'"
nT southern
o H kimbap Nam Mountain
kimchi navy blue, indigo
77] Olj black \l- 0l '.V. ct to remain
77] '!Jct to be black \j-7'] man
77]:<] 1. up to (location); >;!- daytime
2. to/until/through '7!-ct to be low
(time); '7!- 01"1 ct to get lower
3. including tllplain my
to cut down tll\1 next year
to spread tllct 1. to pay (money);
77H xi5l ct to be clean 2. to tum in
"H "let to break (homework)
l/Jlhon. to (a person) tjjDj7]ct to go down
7/JI "ihon. subject particle t1l ci ct to get off
plain) t1l tomorrow
surely, certainly '-M 11'! naengmyon (cold
flower buckwheat noodles)
flower shop refrigerator
'E(-ll.-) J['-q to dream a dream L--j you plain
'lt 0I ct to boil L-i-'f- too much
*Y-ct to be over, finished tj- to be spacious, wide
77] c} to be foggy 'tl o-] "i ct to fall (down)
77] c] to wear (glasses, 14 tj- to put in
gloves, rings) Li] 1. yes;
ti-plain I 2. I see;
ti-7}ct to go out 3.okay
Y-11 happen, break out Li] 7-j Cl intersection
Y-4 country c:!JE}o] necktie
Y- Hilt:} to be bad \1 year (counter)
196 Korean-English

yellow uoi vocabulary

.X.?#tj- to be yellow U"a <5}ct to be neat
.'c 211 song ic!-% fall foliage
xcH.!J!-2-ct- to sing '2-ct to close
.'c 211 <5}ct to sing Q<5Jct to be closed
.X.c.llBJ karaoke room 1. month (counter);
green tea 2. moon
to play; to not work to heat
'i'f4ct to be surprised to be sweet
26-'i'- basketball dollar
"'6-'i'-<5}ct to play basketball calendar
basketball game @ct to resemble
"'g-J.} farming '8-BH cigarette
c+ answer
to be high
'l;-o}"f-ct to put something
" reply
down for someone 'B-"J<5}ct to reply
'f-7} 1. who ('f-'i'-+7}); c+= carrot
2. someone i:J1 'fl- answer
TT 1.who; i:J1 'fl-<5} ct to answer
2. someone i:J1% the public
'f-1-} the older sister of a i:J1 '1]5'- generally, mostly
male i:Jl* roughly
r(O)) .2_ct to snow president
T 1. eyes; <'!71 presidential election
2. snow tj]Q} college, university
to lie down college, university
news i:J1 college student
New York graduate school
;::::- topic particle ('as for') i:J1 graduate student
'iict to improve tjJ {!- Korean Air
late i:J1 «H ;.1 about
to be late home, house
7' p oversleep r:j more
ct all r:Hlct to be dirty
r:}Lj -2.r:} to go and get back ""t:j tj-
2 less
ctl-Jct 1. to attend; to be hot
2. to get around to close, cover
ct2ct to be different ri] place
ct _Ii!_ 'Et DaboTower rj)o] E adate
ctc±. more or less; to some rj]o].""_<5}ct to date
degree x 1. also, too;
ct A] again 2. degree
ctoJ<5}ct to be diverse thief
q.g next, following library
ctglf-E1(:::) from next time 'r_J.] city
r:} "] r:} to hurt £.2} c cl cthon. to help
'i± bundle; bunch £.2} T- r:}plain to help
Korean-English 197

s:. g help to come in

x 3{5}cj- to arrive to contain
.S::.iii c
Tokyo 0 et cetera
' 0 single room 7] registered (mail)
"f!-i reading hiking
B}cj- to read mountain climber
1"c money to hike
1"c % tJl cj- to pay rrJ- '8 hon. daughter
to earn money rrj- '.;': i5} cj- to be warm
1"c oI r:J- to cost money rrj-2} i5} cj- to repeat after

2. the first birthday aj.
2. daughter
%Ct to tum <'11 time
to return (something <'11 {:[-"ii because of
c i'.1 cJ-hum. to someone) [(1 L} cj- to leave
% Ci 21" cJ-plain to return (something '£ and, also, too
to someone) ",' to be identical
%0}7}cj- to return (to) "f B} .£. straight, upright
%0}7}!-] cJ-hon. to pass away %%tS-}t:} to be fat
%0} _2_cj- to return, come back 'A cj- to run
{'Cc} to help re_ 7i:l cj- to be hot
-\I'- east '" cj- to rise; to come up
%\J-o} Southeast Asia to mean, signify
%ti] neighborhood 2} c.] _2_ radio

"J- Dongdaemun Market
zoo '* 'i'! instant noodles
OT East Coast lounge
younger sibling "'
0- :rr- lamp
0 0' Asian studies
i'j A] o}
£] r:j- 1. to become; 1li g London
2. get, tum into; .£..'.". 'lil 1. i'1] .'.'o Los Angeles (L.A.)
3. to function, work 5'.
rock music
'<'! 'if "I 1H soybean-paste stew ' o]-"°-
i'i-nll roommate
T two (with counter) object particle
'¥- \'!"" the second garlic
'f-'il c} to be thick o}'it yard
TT tofu o} to be skinny
2 two o}i'.j animal (counter)
'fl the back, behind o}A] cj- to drink
Si'}o} drama o}g_ tJ12 town shuttle bus
c t;4
-- n drum u}g mind, heart
c i'.1 c}hum. to give o} g "ii cj- to be to one's liking
c A] cJ-hon. to eat cJ-plain) o}% L}7}cj- to go out to greet
%ct 1. to listen; someone
2. to take a course o}% L} _2_ cj- to come out to greet
s2. plural particle someone
to stop by just, just in time
7}r:j- to enter o}7Jl market
198 Korean-English

how many, what (with

youngest child

a counter)
"f-<>l tj- to be blocked, all
congested 5'. <11 the day after
'i} only tomorrow
'i}t-} tj- to meet 5'.2tj- to not know, be
recipe unaware of
'?};:; tj- to make DO}
0 shape
comic book rental 5'.__Q_ tj- to collect
store 5'. 0 l tj- to gather
comic book cap, hat
1jftj- to be many, much 5'.:-<}c}tj- to lack
iafo] much, many 0
2 motel
2 speech, words u}2 tj- to be thirsty
not Nl butN2 necklace
& 5:. C-1 muffler, scarf
plain) voice
'll_-"6} tj- to speak Thursday
to be clear 5'-R
'-, bath
'3!--"- tj- to taste to bathe
'3!-\ll tj- to be tasteless, not 5'-
0 body
delicious %5:t:l care of health
'3!-'.U tj- to be delicious 5'-
A cannot
1. to fit; to be ugly
2. to be correct 4'-i:l tj- to be heavy
uij\i_ every year 4'-111 weight
uij tj- to tie -¥- Cj tj- to be hot and humid
uij 'fl- every month .!f- li free of charge
every day -!f--"'d tj- to be scary; scared
uij"f' every week p
1. what, what kind of;
ticket office 2. some kind of
u,)/ tj- to be spicy .!f- what
P-j cl 1. head; lf-3-i
very much
2. hair e:- door
Qcj7j cl things to eat problem
>:>! tj- to eat e:-, literature
'i'! '"1 first, beforehand e:- culture
to be far %tj- to ask
13! '.U tj- to be stylish, attractive
2 water
uil'rf menu %7} cost of living
uJl J.J :x] message %Z! merchandise, stuff
01 Aj _2 Mexico %i::f- to bite
uj 'hl 1. what date; %cl tj- to be bitten
2. a few days % C-1 "§{- physics
'i'1_ noodles %01-"- tj- to inquire
people (counter) p "'
2-0 articles, goods
t;j traditional holidays
Korean-English 199

'i'1 1. what "H(7}) -'l'--""-cJ- to have a full stomach

2. something "H 'it delivery
o]"i" the United States "H 'it<>} cJ- to deliver
u] '<l<>}cj- to be sorry "H-9- cJ- to learn
o]i)-1') beauty salon "H E1 "'1 battery
o) E17) meter mi 1i!- million
the bottom, below department store
ti} 7,11 "i] 'll bargain sale •11Fr- tlj Vancouver
ti}-'fi.:J- to change, switch ajA bus
ti}-\'] r+ to be changed 1. number (counter);
ti} cj- sea 2. number of times
ti}q floor
ti}'j7} beach ordinal numbers
wind number
ti}""- directly 'il a pair of (counter)
ti}uu} 0<) cj- to get busier 'il cj- to earn (money)
ti}"" cj- to be busy 'il ¥1 already
ti}o] -;t ii\ violin '1l law
ti}::<] pants to take off, undress
,,,_,_ museum star
outside i1:!
not really /particularly
nothing but, only _.,_ 41 cj- 1. to spend time;
!;')- 1. class; 2. to send
2.half _.,_ cj- to see, look, watch
'<}7c)-q to be glad _.,_ cj- than
l;'!-;U- half price Boston
!;')-,<=_A) surely, certainly _.,_ 0 l cj- to be seen, visible
l;')-ti}o'] shorts _.,_ 't- 1. usually;
!;')-:.<] ring 2. regular
tt!-t!- side dishes SC
good fortune
'f!-11 to receive ' _IL
"I- aisle
foot SC 6
development '" cj-
to be crowded
to develop, grow -l',-cj- to stir-fry
vending machine self-identification
'lfcj- to be bright things to watch
u ""-el
2 0 bowling
"'" 1. cooked rice;
2. meal SC
ballpoint pen
"J- room *"'l pack; bag
a moment ago *-'f- envelope
broadcasting station -'1l cJ-hum. to see cJ-plain)
BJ-& school vacation -']'--""- cj- ( ',:_ 2Jl ) to sing (a song)
"H 1. stomach, abdomen; l=l D'L--1
2.pear " 01 kitchen
BH(7}) .:.l"_ cj- to be hungry '°'
-'J'-7} a wealthy person
200 Korean-English

lf- Z>ttj- to be insufficient A}'% love

'f-:<l tj- to mail (a letter, parcel) A}'%Z>}tj- to love
'f-"fZ>}tj- to ask a favor At-2.18 teacher's wife
'f-£1 from (time) ... office
-"1- north fact, truth
minute (counter) A}-§-Zi}tj- to use
ff-hon. people (=°cl plain) sauna
" dollar A}ol 1. relationship;
-\'!- J17l pulgogi (roast meat) 2.between
.liI Buddhism A}Ol3' size
Pulgugsa sign
-l'!-t:J- to blow dictionary
-\'!-'<! Zi} tj- to be uncomfortable, photo, picture
inconvenient temple
tj- to stick, affix A}-'f-c] dialect
Broadway theater A} §j _1;1_ "ef 'ti .ft. Social Security
c}-}6 blouse three days
Bl rain 1. years old;
Bl (7}) _2_ tj- to rain 2. flesh, fat
Bl relatively to live
Bl'f soap % 3
Bl pibimbap (rice with Aef table
vegetables and beef) AJ7} shopping district
Bl j:Z>}tj- to be similar ·'i/-A} box
Bl M}tj- to be expensive on store
Bl7} visa lettuce
Bl airplane J.H new
"8 building newly
to lend J.H <!! dawn
'Id cl tj- to borrow AH°oH New Year
UH} 2 c} to be fast color (=AJl
' :<l sandwich
to be red sandals
'."£ i'Jl-0} tj- to do the laundry to be formed
fast, quickly date of birth
bread biology
"!'!71 tj- to be deprived of fish
J.} 4 birthday
. q "l tj- to buy and eat "ll birthday
A}7j c] intersection daily life, living
J.} _il_ accident shower
A}il} apple to take a shower
A}'I] tj- 1. to make friends; J.j west
2. to date Aj 7] A.O.
A}tj- to buy Aj tj- to stand
A}'lf person, people l-j f .Stj- to hurry
Korean-English 201

Ai'f:f drawer shopping

Ai _ii_ each other Ji:'!l <>}ct to shop
Ai ti]::':: service 4'- JI <>t ct to put forth effort, take
Seoul trouble
Ai % t11 'iFf "1 Seoul National Tx capital city
University Station alteration
Ai -£-Ej-S/j Seoul Tower T'll course, class
bookstore BJ) T-°ci swimming
Seokga Tower T-°ci 7J- swimming pool
Seokguram (stone T 0il <>t ct to swim
cave) Wednesday
present, gift 4'-"i spoon and chopsticks
_,_ n:
to give a present, gift T- soup
<::! ;,g 18 teacher .;;- .:<ii homework
1171"1 dish washing -5;'- ;<il <>t ct to do homework
1171 :c<] <>}ct to wash dishes 1H soft tofu stew
A-l Ol-A}
2-1 ,_ Seorak Mount _,_ 7}"'1- spoon
t_,_ '
{3_ EJ- sugar 2 alcoholic beverage
A1 island
D pub, bar
Celsius number
personality to rest
A1 "'1 sex, gender
0 2 l'l ct to be easy
A-l grade (o}'CJ!)
0 ' supermarket
Aj iHhon. name ;';plain) 6 "'1 c1 thriller
-'i] 7] century 6A] sushi
Ai] T-<>t ct to wash one's face Ei sweater
-<il-9-ct to stop, pull over 67] ski
Ai] '1) sale 67] El-ct to ski
Ai] Sf7] washing machine style
laundry, cleaner's 6Eiei]6 stress
Ai]."'_ a set 6"]-711 E1 spaghetti
-l1! "'- cent 6lill '<] Spain
Aj x shirt sports
±7H introduction ;;; C1 "1 slipper
5:1H <>tct to introduce :rrq to be sad
S::__lL 7 j beef 7;}-{j_ ride pass, ticket
to be passive A] hour, o'clock
5:<'1 sound, noise A]{)- time, hour (duration)
5:uH sleeve A]:>JI clock, watch
i::_l=IJAi fire station A]'fi-;<] spinach
....]._ i:':. novel A]1Hlct to be noisy
c::::rr} sofa A] '-lJ downtown
i::..± parcel, package A]ct to be sour
hand A] rJ1 period
to wash one's hands A] .'C_ 1-J Sydney
5::. L-1
p guest, customer A] kl <>tct to be cool, refreshing
£: show -"I kl "H "i ct to become cooler
202 Korean-English

A] :oj-6} t:} to begin o}y_B_ no

AjAJ- marketplace son
AJ5'.J city hall o}21J 'Z downstairs
Al Q:j city hall station o}.Sti}o].1§_ part-time job
A]7}Jl Chicago o};i '?r:} to be beautiful
A] 7] t:} to order (food) o}P} probably, perhaps
A]'lf game, match o}tJ1 "] father
A] 'lJ test, exam 0}l'i r:} to be sad, feel the lack
;_] ci- restaurant of
' 0
"'I ti] food expenses o}A] o} Asia
"'JA} meal o}o] child
"'J A}<5} r:} to have a meal ice cream
Al J.-l
' 0
appetite ice hockey
dining table o}:c<j M] mister; a man of one's
{) 7] 15} r:} to be amazing parents' age
{) L}r:} to be excited o}'f' very, really
{) r:} to wear (footwear) o}'f'"1 y middle-aged woman
{)i'j- Silla o}"] yet, still
newspaper 0}"]SO yet, still
-fe-A} newspaper publisher 1. breakfast;
shoes 2.moming
identification card o}_uj. E apartment
{) % 7} "'- credit card o}>Ir:} to be sick
traffic light <2{7] musical instrument
11 thread 1. the inside;
11 Pil 15} r:} to be excused 2. do not
tj- to be undesirable fog
15} r:} to dislike eyeglasses
psychology 15} r:} to be well
{l {] <5}r:} to be bored "6] in peace
"-J 7,j r:} to be bland 'tl l=lJ- master bedroom
to want to 'tl lJ!- regards
M}r:} 1. to be cheap; <5}r:} to be safe
2. to wrap; ?,tr:} to sit
3. to pack flt:} to not be, to not do
to fight to know
'!! r:} to slice Alaska
Mr:} 1. to write; r:} to inform
2. to use; tj- to understand,
3. to wear headgear; recognize
4. to be bitter .5'. r:} to find out, check out
Mo]r:} to be used 01-
il the front
M] attached to a person's oJj -<11-'·i 21 accessory
name for courtesy action
o} oh °FT baseball
o}7J} a while ago Of-=j'-'5}r:} to play baseball
o}yr:} to not be (negative OF-1'-"J- baseball stadium
Korean-English 203

Of_<lj the outside 0-l_Q_

r•H vegetable "'" mom
1. approximately; \rt cj- 1. to not be (existence);
2. medicine 2. to not have
drugstore \lJ_ oj ;<l cj- to disappear
map "il 1. in, at, on (static
1. engagement; location);
2. promise 2. to (destination);
thinly 3. at, in, on (time);
to be thin 4. for, per
OJ\l condiment, seasoning "I] rrtc+ according to
OJ\J i;}c:t to season "il-"i 1. in, at (dynamic
solar calendar location);
OJ'tf socks, stockings 2. from (location);
0--, Western-style (food) 3. from (time)
OJ:rr} onion "il oj 7,:! air conditioner
7] talk, chat of7]) 'filc]llJ]O]Ej elevator
7J 3}cj- to talk, chat oj 'l'! passport
<>1 oh oj 7] here
<>1 which °1%"E younger sister
<>1%ct to be dark oj "1 many, several
<>1 c] 1. what place, where; oj ii summer
2. somewhere oj li'. honey, dear
<>1 q'l which, what kind of oj li'. "11.B.. hello (on the phone)
how oj °'t woman
<>1 'i' cj- to be how oj?C} :tlT- girlfriend
Ci 'i:l cj- to be difficult "1 "E travel, trip
adult, (one's) elders "1 "E-"t travel agency
Ci Cl i::J- to be young "1 "E ?>}cJ- to travel
Ci "1 Oh! Oh my! Dear me! 01
--, station
Cit'] y mother "1 -"} history
Ci "i quick(ly) connection, link
Ci 'lJ fishery to connect, link
Ci cj- to match, suit professor's office
Ci :<11 yesterday play, drama
Ci ".Jl tjJ- last night contact
Ci :<J worth, value 'i'! to contact
<jy the older sister of a 'l'! "1111011. age
female practice
linguistics exercise
<j Ail 1. when; 'i'! (; ?>}cj- to practice
2. sometime musical performance
?J cj-
01 .,
to put 'i'!'T-?>}cj- to perform on a
22- face musical instrument
'll.cJ- to freeze oj 1'1 pencil
'lJ. P} how long/much to open
'tip}'-+ how long/much c.I cj- to be open
204 Korean-English

'll. 5'I key Z-"\- t/l §.Alien Registration

'll. {) <5] diligently number
'lJ 1-i postcard -21 %ct to be lonely
qj 0 (zero) -2161 <5}ct to eat out
the United Kingdom -21-9-ct to memorize
qj 1-j Yeongseo region left side
°d4-% receipt _fl_ ii" fee, fare
8<>1 the English language _B_c] cooking
qj <5} below the freezing _fl_ Ci <5}ct to cook
point _B_AH these days
qj :OJ- movie these days
the side, beside -9-c]plain we/us/our
"'"ll"" yes, I see, okay 4>-{!- umbrella

"ll for example -9-'?:l <5] by chance, accident

"ll •• ct 0 0 milk
to be pretty TOT
art -9-"11 'ii- post office
"ll Qf reservation -9-"114'- postman
oj] Qf<5}C} to reserve -9- postbox
':)! '.t the old days ,,_
o mail service
0 .:'=-=-
today 18:§:. postal code
2-ct to come -9--Jt! _e_ postage
.2_ 211 long time 0 JI
.2_ 211 Z}'i)- after a long time 0
luck, fortune
o :J!£o}
0 for a long time "'

"' 0 exercise
..-1--.::::-1 right side 6 .£A}
;r- 0 0 playground
.2_ llH} the older brother of a -&-%<5}tj- to exercise
female -8:-% :OJ- sports shoes, sneakers
-2-1! a.m. -8:1! driving
.2_ lill i:c} opera ;'.t 1! 51 driver's license
.2_-'f afternoon -8:-1! -6} rt to drive
L..2 floor heating system %ct to cry
%2}7}ct to go up *ct to laugh
-"-"' p sincerely yours kl (W) won (Korean
"'- p:rrl
-"-"' ' Olympics currency)
%-oH this year 1t!% studio apartment
,'j, 7] c} to move, shift -\'i n:j "'- (one-piece) dress
**7}711 clothes
clothing store
kl <'>}ct to wish, want
month (counter)
*AJ- wardrobe, closet .<:=J;l World Cup
21- 1. and (joins nouns); Monday
2.Wow! what matter
Qj-o]J-j °'" dress shirt .\'1 the top side, above
round-trip -'fl "1l <5} ct to be dangerous
211 why %\:::!-ill particularly
-21 'ii- foreign country Union Building
-21 foreign language uniform
Q] 'ii-'11 foreigner 0 "'
TI" "
Korean-English 205

*'{j ii} ct to be famous 0] "J! now (O]e<1]+:=)

student abroad a]"'f2-£ this way+ 2..5'_
%•] i5}Cj-
fashion, trend
to be in fashion
0 l Ell 2.J
two days
7J- hot shredded-beef a]3Jli5l-ct to understand
soup "1 to be familiar
_2__5;_ 1. by means of; 'Cl T- population
2. toward, to; 'i} 7] popularity
3. item selected among '?] s:. sidewalk
many other options 'i}Aj- greeting
:". topic particle ('as for') 'i} A}i5}ct to greet
bank '?]A}% Insadong
object particle 'i} Aj-i>J-ct to greet
.Q... i:W
p' lunar calendar memorable
beverage '?l Incheon
p -, food 'i} Ej "J! Internet
food cost 'i} Ej -\1- interview
p p lJ restaurant '3") one portion
p -, music 'll 1. 1;
g <2-f concert 2. day (counter);
0 yeah 3. work;
21 of 4. event
9.jA} doctor 'lJ.7] journal
21 -<]-%} clothing habits "ll. 7] "1]-1:l weather forecast
21 ;z} chair first-class seat
a](*) 'il"ct to brush one's teeth economy-class seat
a] 1. 2; ol 12_
2 '- japan
2. subject particle; O] Al
Japanese food
3. this; "ll."''
o-j LJ-ct to get up
4. a suffix inserted crJ Sunday
after a Korean first "ll.1') early
name that ends in a "ll. 3-}ct to work
consonant; rt to read
5. tooth o-j tij 2.) ct to lose
aJ71 this :;!) entrance
Oj 7)Cj- to win 'ii ct to wear, put on
ojcj- to be (equation) (clothes)
oju:j-7} a little later 1. to be (existence);
01.g- name 2. to have
a]uj]iJ e-mail to forget
0 l 1ti- S:: barbershop :<}ct to sleep
oj '?j this time :A}% g 18"7] answering machine
oj A}i5}ct to move :A}%::<l- automobile
oj c'::-1"'. % East Hall ::<}i'.}ct to grow up
a] OF7] talk, chat ;z} .s ct to cut
oj OF7] i5}ct to 7] i5}ct) :<}2.) 1. seat;
oj %i5}ct to utilize 2. digit
206 Korean-English

:<}'i'! nature 1. to be few, scarce;

:<}{j71 bicycle 2. to write down
:<}-'f' often, frequently oi .s:. at least
living on one's own adaptation
"O}tj- to live on one's own g -O}tj- to adapt
:<}".l) jacket {j before
3-flj_ last year -5- major
;q.q. to be small (in size) {j 'lf-0} tj- to major
{!- glass, cup electrical engineering
{1-:'<l feast, party all together
2. well {j ,<jl ?ll the whole world
'=-Cl r:J-hum. to cut (something tradition
for someone) traditional culture
-?r:J-plain to cut (something for traditional teahouse
someone) {j "O}tj- to tell, convey
to be handsome telephone
p sleep telephone number
for a short time telephone bill
Jamsil to make a telephone
% ;;_ :<}tj- to sleep call
%01 to fall asleep 11 Buddhist temple
to catch, grab 1l {] lunch
magazine .!fi clerk, salesperson
japchae 'lln1 jumper/jacket
to be caught 'Ji 7}i!f chopsticks
"'J( ;;_) .!2. tj- to buy one's groceries "'a7} regular price
"'J'Q" gloves AJ.5:_ approximate
Cl long-distance call AJ-ff-AJ (bus) stop
AJ% closet "'a ci arrangement
AJP} rainy season "a ci -o}r:t to arrange, organize
AJl: place, location A-1 ol-
0 2. really
::g-Qf"ii- scholarship '1-'i-! yard, garden
boots butcher shop
,H "l \Ji q. to be uninteresting "'a"'J suit, formal dress
0<H ol '.U r:j- to be interesting, fun "'a "I "OJ- political science
jazz :or
"a -o} r:t to be accurate
"1 that (over there) 0<i]hum. my (=t11plai11)
A1 hu111. I (=Ltplai11) Ail i!}'jj bakery
"17] over there :<11 first, most
:<1"'1 1. evening; Ail-? .s:. Jeju Island
2. dinner s_:i ?)-c} to be small
"1 oi uh (expression of 7-=
Ll a little (=W)
hesitation) S:{J i>}r:} to be careful
"1 automatically .::rc-§--o} q. to be quiet
'°'l §:]hum. we/us/our (=-9-Cl plain) to doze off
to be positive to be sleepy
Korean-English 207

to graduate Al 'E- now

01 commencement ::<l tf7}ct to pass by
0 a little (contraction of "'l \:! last, past
.:I: i?') ::<11.Jl ct to get along
to be narrow "-let 1. to lose;
employee 2. to go down (the
paper Sun)
to be good, nice "-l-"- map
*o}<>}q to like ::<]BJ region, district
4"'1 seat "-1 '"') area code
,,_ i'-5}c} to be sorry "l"a5}ct to appoint
T week ::<l 71 ct to guard, protect
?c} to give ::<15}£ underpass
TS:_ mostly, mainly 7'15} -'J7} underground market
weekend ::<l5H! subway
?T-Alcthan. to sleep Cl -<cl staff, employee
T--£-cS-}tj- to order /;]A}Ol
' 0 '-
office worker
T 1Z l:ll _"§__ Resident Registration Al "1
number '"'
Al 0
2"'" question
Resident Registration Al
D luggage, load
card home, house
,,.,,_ address to put something in
juice ><}ct to be salty
gas station ><}i!l worth
owner to be short
main character "il ordinal numbers
?:<}"J parking lot ""'' 1. page;
Si-ct to die 2. side, direction
preparation "i- straight
to prepare "'l3) ct
D about, around
to shorten to take (a photo)
%Zl- the middle ;y;l ?.l Bl- Korean dry sauna
D 2 0

% :il 7}-'f- used furniture :<} 1. car;

used merchandise 2. tea
%-.;;- China 7:l-2 garage
%--¥-Al l:lJ- the central districts to be cold
Chinese food :<}£ street, road
%-{JA] the pivot, center :<}Bl fare (bus, taxi)
%- OJ- --9- Central Post Office :.<}:.<} gradually
%oJ]Ai between, among to be good-natured,
% il.5}c} to be important kindhearted
middle school >l-
D 1. really, truly;
%-Q:f1 middle school student 2. by the way
to be joyful >l-71.s
D o sesame oil
to enjoy %7} 46:1 window seat
"'l :cf wallet #ct 1. to find, look for;
o<] 7i'l ct to be boring 2. to withdraw(money)
208 Korean-English

book computer
llj ll}
0 bookstore computer lab
desk 7Jlol 7} cable car
AJ- bookshelf, bookcase 711°13. cake
:J.1% the first time ?jc} to play (violin)
ctl ctl '51 slow(ly) <11 pair (counter)
A first _-rr ul cl comedy
:>,j ll}Xl blue jeans .'il_E coat
78 5:. cleaning concert
5:.71 vacuum cleaner contact lens
c::: iS}c}
3:. z
to clean
elementary school
elementary school
bean sprout
student 3-711 loud(ly)
green 3-ct to be big
the highest 3_ c.] 6 D} 6 Christmas
"'l "i the lowest tablespoon
to get colder "l uncle (father's older
soccer brother)
"i-'J'iS}c} to play soccer class
to congratulate classical music
=21 club
exit 2 "'
departure 71 height
to depart 717} "fct to be short
% dance 717} 3-ct to be tall
to dance E} j l 7}ct to go riding
to be cold E}JI qt-] ct to come/go riding
hobby E}i!. .2-ct to come riding
floor, layer (counter) E}c} to get in/on, ride
7-l ct 1. to play (tennis); E}ol <11"'1- Tylenol
2. to play (piano, £11 't!x Taekwondo
guitar) £11 oi Y-ct to be born
7-lu} skirt 12l "H delivery service
7-l "1' toothpaste l2j "l taxi
friend l2j "l Bl taxi fare
to be kind, considerate rill-] 6 tennis
iS}c} to be close (to) ril L] 6 7J tennis court
blackboard E1l "l :rr tape
r1] bed E,l)_ <11 Bl zj television
bedroom £u}£ tomato
A2 toothbrush Saturday
7} '=- card phone call
7}nll 4 camera to make a phone call
7H Y-ct Canada ."'. £1 truck
campus '; '\\! '5} ct to be special
71.lIJ coffee E ·1
""'0 particularly
71.lIJ 1} coffee shop, cafe
Korean-English 209

to tum on, switch on, 1'}s;. BJ boarding expenses

play (music) boardinghouse
T-shirt 3}9J'ct to be white
E] 7,Jl ticket 1'}"}o] Hawai'i
Ilj. scallion school
blue q7] academic term
Ilj. e,f q to be blue 9{1j school year
Ilj. E] party qB] tuition fees
to sell q-'] student
"""I ct to be sold q.<]!>:ltr student center
{!! pan one (with counter)
lfl! pen Korea
I9 c} to open, unfold the Korean language
{1X one-way trip the Korean language
3i1 <I "} c} to be convenient Korean studies
3i1 ct to be comfortable Korean alphabet
3{1.9-l convenience store Hangeul Day
3i1 cz] letter Halla Mount
3i1 t}ct to be comfortable, Korean traditional
convenient dress
¥:._ to be warm Korean food
packing Et&- Korea town
waterfall to (a person or an
IT ticket animal)
±f_;<] ;g. sign from (a person or an
%ct to relieve animal)
*{1- football wnl '-1 grandmother
France wo}t!l cz] grandfather
program discount
n] .;,J.1'}ct to be tired W"il together, along with
'1] ct to bloom J-i1-li
15 airfare
:rrj l-]'lf Internet cafe t>J-AJ always
'1] o} '>:. piano "1!C£ cellular phone
:rrJ-94 to smoke ",'J "17i hamburger
n] "} pizza "] destined for
to be necessary to be happy
fl} iL 1. and (with nouns); 5JI headphones
2. with 5JI <>1 czJ ct to break up
<;}L} one (front) entrance
t} l.} '£. (not) at all 'l'J= cash
"H'" 61l sky
sky blue 0
the present
the older brother of a
1'}t:] to do male
t}.'f- (one) day i§ \]hon. the older brother of a
all day male
l::IJ- a room in a sibling(s)
boardinghouse pumpkin, squash
210 Korean-English

subway line
by any chance
.:g:.c+q to have a hard time
.:g:.::<} alone
.:£51. Hong Kong
"" gallery
to be fancy, colorful
bathroom, restroom
" transfer
to transfer (a ride)
§1 A} company
,, black pepper
'il-7111'! lounge
holiday, day off
*"I ::<]q q
ii aj
toilet paper
to get cloudy
ii to be cloudy
q to be hard
English - Korean Glossary
0 (zero) 'll alone
0 (zero) ti- (phone#) already 'il_ Mi
1 'll also, too .£
2 01 alteration
3 Al-
0 always
4 A} a.rn.
about "ll cJ1 "i a moment ago Bl-=

about, around ""

0 and i iOI j]_
academic term -o:f 71 and Goins nouns) 91-/i!}
accessories J.j] Ai iOJ ii} j]_
accident A} j]_ and, also, too 'E
according to oJI u:J-4 animal (counter) o}iO]
account 71131- answer ci-

action " '8-

A.O. Al 7] answer [to] cJ1 'i]-ii}q
adapt [to] "I g ii}q answering machine 7}%- g 'i]-7]
adaptation 0i g antique ..:>:!..."£ :rr
2 Op

address =A a pair of (counter) "'0}1!]--"-


adult, (one's) elders oi:: apartment

a few days uj {! appetite 61 Aj
after apple A}i!}
after a long time .2_ ?.ll t!-lil- appoint [to] "i "a ii} ct
afternoon approximate Aj 5:_
again ct"I approximately -,
age i.+ 0 iplain architecture Z:1
area code "i "1
air _:g- 71 arrange [to] iOI ii}q
air conditioner "ll oi 'Cl arrive [to] .£3)-ii}q
airfare <5.}.:g- ii- art
7] o rr
airplane articles, goods
airport -6- -5J- Asia "'"'
o}A] o}
aisle -".
-, r: Asian studies %0J'"O:f
Alaska ask [to] %1*
alcoholic beverage e ask a favor [to] -'f-EJ"ii}q
Alien Registration 91 .;;- 'Cl ; ""\- at, in, on (time) "ll
number at all [not] ii} i.+ .£
a little at least "I oi .£
0 attend [to]
a little later olu:J-7} Australia
all ct automatically "1 'l1.5'.
automobile 7'}%:<}
all day <>}-']'- %'ll autumn, fall 7} g_
all together a while ago 0}77}
almost 7121 back, behind 'i1
212 English-Korean

bag 7}BJ be closed [to] 'iJ:islct

bakery All :i'} 1l be cloudy [to] is c] ct
ballpoint pen ¥{]} be cold [to] :'<}ct
bank <5] ;; ct
barber shop o] become [to] £1 ct
bargain sale ll}"11 become cooler [to] Al ct
baseball "FT be comfortable [to] {j ct
baseball stadium "F'r"J {j is} ct
basketball *=f be convenient [to] '11 c] is} r:+
basketball game -'l;-'jL Al tj- be cool, refreshing [to]
bath -"'--"-
'-, be correct [to] J?.1-ct
bathe [to] .l'j-"'c is} ct be crowded [to] '; ;g-is}ct
bathroom, restroom §}AJ{j bed 'il r11
battery "H Ei c] be dangerous [to] -\'-I
B.C. be dark [to] "1 -jjj-c}
be (equation) [to] "I r:+ be delicious [to]
be (existence) [to] <Uc} be deprived of [to] '1!7lct
be (existence), stay [to] lll-'I c]-hon. be different [to] r:+-"'- c}
be accurate [to] "a be difficult [to] "1 'fl ct
beach epz7t be dirty [to] t:i 'El r:+
be all right, okay [to] 3il! U-r:+ be diverse [to] ct"Jis}ct
{] 71 is}t:} bedroom 7-l ,Al
be amazing [to] P2

bean sprout ';1 ti-% be dry [to] i':! 3: is}q

beauty salon be easy [to] 'il c}
be bad [to] '-l-""q beef .±27]
be beautiful [to] ';Jq be excited [to]
be big [to] 3-t:l be excused [to] is}q
be bitten [to] %i'.]q be expensive [to] lll -\.<t ct
be bitter [to] -'>'-ct be familiar [to] <214cis} r:+
be black [to] 77} 'l.'c]- be famous [to] is}q
be bland [to] '<) ');j cJ- be fancy, colorful [to] is} ct
be blocked [to] '"fisl ct be far [to] 'i:! q
be blue [to] :iI)-e,1-q be fast [to] UH} -"'-ct
be bored [to] {J {J il}C} be fat [to] %%-B-}tj-
be boring [to] "I );j c} be few, scarce [to] ¢jq
be born [to] Ell "1 y. c} be foggy [to] 771 ct
be bright [to] 1'-tct before
be busy [to] ll}""ct be formed [to] .<g 71 q
be careful [to] S:{l is}q begin [to] Al ")-is} ct
be caught [to] ;g-isl c} be glad [to] \l)-:Q-c}
because of aJI ,'j" "11 be good, nice [to]
be changed [to] ll}fj r:+ be good-natured [to] 3)-is}c}
be cheap [to] -\.\}ct be handsome [to] c}
be clean [to] 11flcis}q be happy [to] •g J>\-is} r:+
be clear [to] >tr+ be hard [to] 1!( 0 1) :::; r:+
be close (to) [to] be healthy [to] :(j7Jis}ct
be close, near [to] 7}'()-ct be heavy [to] 'f-7.:J ct
English-Korean 213

be high [to] 3'fct be small (in size) [to] :o}q

be hot [to] c;jq s..:iw-ct
cc7,:Jq be so [to] ::i"<}q
be hot and humid [to] T t:j rt be sold [to]
be how [to] be sorry [to] ol 'i}<>}q
be hungry [to] "H (7}) sli"'<>}q
j l :v: ct be sour [to] Alt:}
be identical [to] ¥.-"1-ct be spacious, wide [to] \;ijq
be important [to] %il._15}q be special [to] '; 1\\1 <>}ct
be in fashion [to] be spicy [to] ".'let
be insufficient [to] be stylish, attractive [to] 'l!ct
be interesting, fun [to] ,H 0 l'l!ct be surprised [to] '<'t<'}ct
be joyful [to] be sweet [to] "1-ct
be joyful, glad [to] 7l""ct be tall in height [to] 717} .=let
be kind, considerate [to] :tl be tasteless [to]
be late [to] be thankful [to] ::;}A}15}q
be light [to] 7}'\'l ct JI 1ifr:t
be lonely [to] -21%1* be thick [to] f'Cl c}
be long [to] :Qq be thin [to]
be low [to] '?!-ct be thirsty [to] -l'j-(01)
below the freezing point 'ii 15} u}2q
be many, much [to] fl-ct be tired [to] "1 ;"-15} ct
be narrow [to] -B'ct be to one's liking [to] 0 } g oJl :;_ct

be neat [to] 12-""a<>ri:t between ;,}ol

be necessary [to] "'1il._15} ct between, among %oJl"'i
be noisy [to] Al ll '\:Jct be ugly [to]
be open [to] 'l"!Clct be uncomfortable [to] <>}q
be over, finished [to] it'-fct be undesirable [to]
be passive [to] be uninteresting [to] "H 0 1\lict
be positive [to] be used [to] Molt:}
be pretty [to] "11 ""ct beverage gliT
be quiet [to] S:-§-15}q be warm [to] rr};:: <>}ct
bered [to] Yi::'-<>} ct
be sad [to] be well [to] 'i}'j <>}ct
o}1jq be white [to] <>}".'ct
be safe [to] 'i!z:l <>} i:t be wished [toI 7lct?l"lct
be salty [to] '>'}ct be yellow [to]
be scary, scared [to] lf-AjC} be young [to] 61Clct
be seen, visible [to] _lil_olq bicycle 0<:}zj7j
be short [to] biology
be short in height [to] 717} 3)-q birthday '] 9lplain
be sick [to] o}_oiq "1hon.
be similar [to] e1-:;:<>}ct bite [to] %ct
be skinny [to] upe q black
be sleepy [to] .g-i'] ct black 77} 'il"
be slim [to] 'ct '1'] 15} ct blackboard
214 English-Korean

black pepper ,,
-t; ;;:;,..
but, however .::L 'Cl Lil
bloom [to] llj tj- %! zl 'i'!-
blouse butcher shop
blow [to] -1'1-i::J- buy [to] A}tj-
blue buy and eat [to] A} "1 tj-
blue jeans *a ti}zl buy one's groceries [to] "J-( _l;l_tj-
boarding expenses "I by any chance
boarding house by chance, accident .q-'l!_ "I
body .£
0 by means of _Q_"-
boil [to] '§;tj- by the way .::L 'Cl Lil, t Lil
'§;ol tj- %
book '11 cable car 711°1::: 7}
bookshelf, bookcase '11 "J- cake 711013-
bookstore calendar 'it"'!
"i 1l call (to] 7.i! tj-
borrow [to]
'!J cl tj-
JJj -/-
Boston Canada 7B 1-J-i::J-
bottom [the], below ul cannot .£

bowling cap, hat

box tl}/-
capital city 9-.SO
"J-z} car "}
bread 11m- card 7}.C::.
break [to] 11B71 i::J- care of health %S:cl
break down [to] jl "J-'-1- tj- carrot ci-=

breakdown ..Jl zJ carry around [to] ?( j l tj- '-1 tj-

breakfast case 7d Jf-
break up [to] <511Ci 7 1tj- cash
bring [to] y j]_ -2. r+ catch, grab [to] {ftj-
bring and put down ?(tj- cellular phone
somewhere [to] Celsius A;j o<I
bring/take something ?( tj- <=- cl tj- cent 111 .§.
to someone [to] center [the], pivot % {) zl
bring/take something :;l-tj- 'T- tj- central districts [the] %-lf- Al l:lcf
to someone [to] Central Post Office [the] %OJ-
broadcasting station century 'ii 71
Broadway theater °I chair .9j7}
change (clothes) [to] 7<1-0} tj-
brush one's teeth [to] 'fttj- change (money)
Buddhism change (vehicles) [to] 7<l- 0} E} tj-
Buddhist temple change, switch [to] ll}'ftj-
building Z:!% check, bill Jjl {)-Ai
'!J 'iJ Chicago Al7}Jl
building, structure child o}ol
Bulguksa China
bundle, bunch (counter) \} Chinese food .,-,

bus "1 "'- choose, select [to] JI2tj-

English-Korean 215

chopsticks 317}"']- computer lab 1!J

Christmas .1 i'-1 ""p}"" concert
church JiI:§:j
cigarette 'if »H condiment, seasoning Oh'1
0 p
city .'Cl-] congratulate [to]
city hall l-J connect, link [to] 'i'! '>!ii} ct
city hall station l-] 'll "i connection, link 'i'!
class '<} construction -6-A}
"'-2Jl A
2 - contact 'i'! "']-
classical music contact [to] 'i'! "']-ii} ct
classroom .iiL {! contact lens
clean [to] '1l i>}ct contain [to]
cleaner's continue [to] Jj] ::'.,-£]ct
cleaning 7S 5::. continuously Jj] ::'.,-
clerk, salesperson convenience store {]
clock, watch l-]Jj] cook [to] il_i'.j i>}ct
close [to] '2-ct cooked rice
close, cover [to] 'fl ct cooking "
closet cosmetics
clothes cost money [to]
clothing habits 2.J cost of living %7}
clothing store *7}lll country t.+4
cloud -T;; course, class 'T-'il
club course, subject
coat CiJ_E cracker :ilj-;<}
coffee ?'l "1 craftwork -'g-oj] %
coffee shop, cafe ?'l "1 ;'.< credit card 7}_<=_
cola cross [to] {':! 1-1 ct
collect [to] .£.Q.tj- crossroads, intersection l-}71 i'-1
college, university qjq cry [to] %ct
r1l "§{Ji!. Cuba "]'- tl}
college student culture
color cut [to] ;<}E-ct
come [to] -2.ct cut (something for
comedy Cil_P] t:j someone) [to]
come/go riding [to] E} j l ct '-1 ct cut (something
come in [to] 01.2. ct for someone) [to]
come on foot [to] 01.2. ct cut down [to] 'i-1-ct
come out [to] t+ .2. ct DaboTower ct .!2. 'ff
come out to greet o}% '-t -2.ct daily life, living
someone [to] dance %
come riding [to] E}Jl -2.ct dance [to]
comic book date '@-0<}
comic book rental store ti] o] .1§.
commencement date [to] ti] oj E i>}ct
company :§:jl-} l-}-i']ct
computer date of birth \1-%l_
216 English-Korean

daughter '"&:plain downstairs oj-2Jl

at\lhon. downtown J.l Y1
dawn '-H "'l doze off [to]
day '@" drama _<=. i'j-Pj-
day (counter) draw [to] ::.1 i'.j q.
day [one] ;;gc drawer J.i 'il-
day after tomorrow [the] .5'-<11 dream a dream [to] ¥4
daytime ':;!- dress [one-piece] -'t! "1 !::
degree s:_ dress shirt !l}o] ;,j ?o
deliver [to] "H dress shoes 'T'l'-
delivery drink [to] o)-J.l tj-
delivery service '"! tlij drive [to] .,'?:-:;<-! ;;j-q
depart [to] driver 7]J.j-
department store driver's license -£?:-
departure :::>:..l:Jl-
22 driving ,?:-
desk drugstore
destined for drum c t::--l
- o
develop, grow [to] wq-"Otr:t during
development each :z:f
dialect J.j-'f-2} each other J.j 5'.
dictionary J.j- :;<-! early 'll
die [to] earn (money) [to]
digit ::<]-2} earn money [to]
diligently ;;1 earring '117.:l o]
.Al cl-
dining table -, ' east %
dinner '4 East Coast £.

directly _iiC East Hall Ol2E

;z..l c)-hon.
eat[ to]
disappear [to] 'ict oi 7] cj- '21 c)-plain
discount eat out [to] -2j <-1 ;;j-c]-
dish _:Ly: economics 'ii c<1] "Of
dish washing 1i7i :cz] economy-class seat OlBl-A-l
2 L.:..!

dishwashing [to do] 117i "'l ;;j-cj- education

dislike [to] ;;j-cj- egg 711 'fr
distance 71 i'.j electrical engineering
do [to] ;;j-cj- elementary school
doctor "]A)- elementary school j:._ i;
dog 1H student
do homework [to] elevator 'lR c.J l!JI op::1
dollar ':;[21 e-mail o]uJl'll
cc employee ';l -'t!
do not 'Ct engagement ,,

do the laundry [to] 'i!t 2ll ;;j- cj- English language [the] "Joi
domestic flight enjoy [to] ',";:7]cj-
Dongdaemun Market enter [to] oi 7)-cj-
door v:-
entrance 'iJ T
dormitory entrance [front]
English-Korean 217

envelope Ji_E
OT floor ll} l'j-
et cetera 0 floor, layer (counter)
Europe %'\:l floor heating system _Q_£

evening "i '9 flower EL

event 2 flower shop 2il;<:l

every day "1-u} q fog * "

food .Q__A]
every month oH 'it food cost
every week 0
HT food expenses 111
every year ofl \'! foot ")-

exercise <i=! ft fill football

"' 0
for, per Oil
exercise [to] -8:-%<>}ct for a long time _2_
exit for a short time
experience 7il
0 p
i>I foreign country
eyeglasses <j-7CJ foreign language 91
"' foreigner 91
face for example "il ;'i
fact, truth forget [to]
factory i1-7J- four days
Fahrenheit France TieJ-A
fall (down) [to] \l <>1 ::<l ct free of charge p
fall asleep [to] freeze [to] '!.!ct
fall foliage 121-% freshman
family 7}"\' Friday
fare (bus, taxi) 7-}lll friend
farming -6-J+ from (a person or
fashion, trend %•] an animal)
fast, quickly from (location) Oil Ai
father o}ll-j ;q from (time) oJl Ai
feast, party :Q7.l from (time) ... -']'-Ej
fee, fare Jl..i?- from next time qg-']'-Ej(:::)
feeling front [the] Ol-
fight [to] M}q-q fruit
find, look for [to] function, work [to]
find out, check out [to] furniture 7}-T
fire station furniture store 7}'f1J
first gain age [to]
first, beforehand z!:o:i gallery
first, most game 711 'll
first birthday [the] £
2 game, match
first-class seat Gangwon region
first-time [the] 7.1 g garage 7-} .il
fish /.] .;.} garlic
fishery <>1 'll gas station =o_,_
fit [to] gather [to] yolq
flesh, fat generally, mostly tJl 'll 5'-
218 English-Korean

get, turn into [to] 5'] cJ- guitar 7]Ej-

get along [to] 7] Ll1 cJ- Gwanak Mountain ,_'

get around [to] cJ-'-1 cJ- Gyeongju 7C!?

get busier [to] tl}UU}7] cj- hair "1 c1
get cloudy [to] 'i'- ii 0 l 77] cJ- half 1'l-
"" aj 7] cJ- half price 1'} j;};
get colder [to] cJ- Halla Mount
get in/on, ride [to] Ej-cj- hamburger 11171
get lower [to] ';!-o}7] cJ- hand
get married [to] "1 ii}cj- Hangeul Day
get off [to] Ll1 c1 cJ- happen, break out [noun] '-1-cJ-
getup [to] o1 '-1-cJ- hardship
girlfriend o.j 7} :t! 'i'- have [to] 'U cJ-
give [to] "'-c1 rt hum. have, catch a cold [to] 7.}7]oJl
"T-cJ-plain "1 c1 cJ-
give a present, gift [to] have a difficult time [to] JL i;} cJ-
glass, cup {)- have a full stomach [to] BH(7})
gloves 4'-.S cJ-
go [to] 7}cj- have a hard time [to] '-1-cJ-
go and get back [to] t:j- Li _2_ cj- have a meal [to] 6jA}3}cj-
go down (the Sun) [to] 7]cj- Hawai'i 3}2}o]
go down [to] Ll1 aj 7} cJ- head "1 c1
gold ring -j3-1'} 7] headphones 51]
golf ..=il.TI:
2- heat [to] '€-'i'-cJ-
good fortune -""' heating \±l:lJ-
go on foot [to] "1 o17} cJ- heel w-
go out [to] L]-7} cJ- height 7]
go out to greet v}% t-}7}cj- hello (on the phone) o.j _J;l_..\j] Ji_
someone [to] help S:.%
go riding [to] Ej-JL 7}cj- help [to] %rt
go up [to] %c}7}cj- -"'-2} '? rt pl
grade -"'- 2} "'- c1 cJ- h
gradually :z}:z} here o.j 7]
graduate [to] 3} cJ- highest [the] "'] JL
graduate school high-rise building
graduate student high school _J]_ 1;;
graduation high school student jl
gram i""
p highway, freeway .£.£
grandfather wo}tJ17] hike [to] z
grandmother wni '-1 hiking
green ::5:..£All
history Q:j A}
green tea hobby
greet [to] holiday, day off %<?J
greeting home, house 1l plain
grow up [to] 7}c}cj-
guard, protect [to] 7] 7] cJ- hometown
guest, customer .J::.t.--1
English-Korean 219

honey, dear oj 12_ japchae

Hong Kong ..:2:..31
0 0 jazz ,H :zo
horror movie i' .¥_ '1l Jeju Island AJl"r s:.
hospital journal
hotel juice ,_
hot shredded-beef soup "'r 1H '-'J- jumper/jacket
hour, o'clock Al junior 3"§:!-\:!
how &j Jll just, just in time
how long/much just, without any special : i 'cf
how long/much u}Lj- reason
how many, what 'Jl kalbi (spareribs)
(with a counter) karaoke room .I: clj l=IJ-
hurry [to] Al 'f-E-ct key '€! 3'I
hurt [to] ct;'<lct kimchi '8 ;'<l
I '-l-plain kimpab 2ll:ll-
"ihum. kitchen
ice O·LQ._
2P know [to] 'li"ct
ice cream o}ol c'::.3. ijoJ Korea
ice hockey o}ol c'::<)}?l Korea town t{_l E-l-.2:-
identification card Korean airline r.H
improve [to] ';;:ct Korean alphabet
in, at (dynamic location) Oil "'i Korean dry sauna
in, at, on (static location) Oil Korean language
including 77}"1 Korean studies
inform [to] 'l[i'.j ct Korean food
in peace <j-'<J "l lab 1'l
inquire [to] %&1 .!i!_ct lack [to] .£.;<}i'.J-ct
Insadong lamp P:IT
"" -
inside [the] <j- last, past "l \±
instant noodles (ramen) i'.J-'i':! last night
international call last year 3)-1;:!
international flight late lll
Internet 'i} Ei 'Jl later '-l-%"11
Internet cafe nJ l-] "J- laugh [to] f:-ct
intersection, crossroads Lj] 7j i'.j law al ill-
interview 'ilEH'/- learn [to] "''
introduce [to] leave (a message) [to] \t7]ct
introduction leave [to] rrj LJ-ct
I see Lil
,_, left side
island p lend [to] '1J aj "T-ct
Italy ol Ell i'.j less "'
item (counter) 1H lesson, chapter Jlj-
jacket ;<}CJl letter "11 "l
Jamsil 7l-Al
P2 lettuce
Japan library £hi tr
Japanese food lie down [to] -l'f ct
220 English-Korean

like [to] meal 'il-

linguistics '<l "1 "§{ "-ll+
listen [to] ::' q mean, signify [to]
literature meantime i%<tl
live [to] meat Jl7]
live on one's own [to] 7.}'}] <'>}q mechanical engineering 7] lll '!,'-"Qj-
living on one's own 7.}'}] medicine Oc
' q
living room 71 "1 meet [to]
London 1li g memorable
long-distance call 1)- 71 c.J °11 _q. memorize [to] 21-9-tf
long time -"- 211 memory 7] Qj
look around, 'T-7<l<'>}tf menu nil-lT
sightsee [to] merchandise, stuff
Los Angeles (L.A.) message uj]Aj;<j
'lJ1 <11 "'- meter P]El 7]
lose [to] B1 c.J q Mexico "")A] Ci.I_
lose, be defeated [to] z]q middle [the] -Ft!-
loud(ly) 3-lll middle, center [the] 7},£- rj]
lounge %711"1 middle-aged woman o}"f'-uj 1-]
c.J-,£- 7.] middle school = "8"1- -7
love -'}'If middle school student
love [to] A}'lf<'i}q milk " 0
lowest [the] 3']7.1 million ll_lj 1i!-
luck, fortune 0
-;;:" mind, heart P}g
7.l 8
luggage, load minute (counter)
lunar calendar
u' miss, long for [to] "'" ijJ q
lunch mister o}7.j ¥]
magazine 'iI 7.] mom
mail (a letter, parcel) [to] lf-7<] ti- Monday
mail service -9--3li money i"-
main character month (counter) 1H%l
major 1i :bl %l
major [to] °11 '!?-<'>} q d

make [to] moon

make a phone call [to] more i::1
more or less t:]-'5::
make friends [to] A}'/ltf morning
man \J-7.} most [the] 7}"J
many, several "1 21 mostly, mainly T-£
map 7.] s=. motel
market mother ojujy
marketplace mountain climber
marriage move [to] o]A}<'>}q
mart u}'C' move, shift [to]
master bedroom 'i}- l:!J- movie 'i'l _q.
match, game 7<l 7] movie theater
match, suit [to] "1 %c.J q much, many p£o]
English-Korean 221

muffler number of times 'ti

museum object particle
music .Q...ol-
0' of .91
musical instrument Q{71 office
musical performance office worker
my 0<11 hum.
4l plain
often, frequently
naengrny6n (cold "§'i'! <>1
buckwheat noodles) Oh! Oh my! Dear me! <>1 "1
Nam Mountain okay Lil
name Ad Whon. old days [the] '?Jl "1-
ol iS-plain older brother of -"- llll}
national holidays a female [the]
nature ;<}'i':! older brother of
navy blue, indigo W.;,i
u' a male [the]
nearby, vicinity -2-?;l older brother of t§ 18 hon.
necklace a male [the]
necktie Cj)E}OI older sister of 'ii q
neighborhood -'g- Lil a female [the]
new AB older sister of a male [the]'r'-t
New Year '-B "B Olympics ..Q_ ;el""
2 p---,
New York one 15}'-]-
newly "'
'-B £ one (with counter)
news lT-- one portion
newspaper one-way trip {1.£
newspaper publisher {]TA} onion OJ!l]-
next, following ct g only 'i'!-
next year cH'd open [to] 'll. ct
night Bl-
0 open, unfold [to] lij ct
no o} q .B_ opera 2-llll4
noodles '?.! oral exam ::;'- f- AI 'll
north order [to] Ttr-<S-}tj-
not be (existence) [to] \l:! ct order (food) [to] Al 71 ct
not be (negative o}L]ct ordinal numbers 'ti "B
equation) [toj (counter) "B
not have [to] \l:! ct other side [the J {!Li3li
not know [to] .2_2c}
outside BL
not NI but NZ outside [the] "
not really oversleep 7' 0
not to be, not do [to] ?i"ct over there zj 71
nothing but, only owner
novel A-'" pack [to] -I<} ct
now Aj "ii- pack, bag *"I
now ol 'ltl(Ol :<Jl+i':-) packing
number (counter) 'ti pan 'lH
222 English-Korean

pants tl}7] plural particle =

paper %0] police
parcel, package ±_¥_ police station 7i1
parents l::l t:J 1---1 political science 0<j:>.]Qj-
park i1.--'f:l popularity
parking lot population 'i'-
particularly %\1--0-l postage Jl 'ii"
-6] postal code -?-- Jt1 1t:l
part-time job o}2tl}O]E postbox
party :rr} El postcard 'l'lAi
pass away [to] postman +"11¥-
pass by [to] 7]'-}7}tj- post office
passport oj l'! potato 7,}7}
pay (money) [to] Ljjtj- practice
pear BH practice [to] 'C!;'.;-O-}tj-
pedestrian crossing 'il_lil_S:. preparation Ttll
pen '111 prepare [to] \'C' tl] -.5} tj-
pencil 'Cl "1 present [the]
people present, gift
people (counter) "Splain president
perform on a musical 'Cl 'T '5} tj- presidential election
instrument [to] price 7}74
period A] tjJ ;;):
person, people ;,} "1- probably, perhaps o}u}
personality problem
phone call professor Jl!..4'16
photo, picture A}Z) professor's office
physics program n: .£_
piano lij o} J:. promise
pibimbap psychology {l cl Qj-
picture, painting ::1 ijoJ pub, bar -'-;<l
pizza lij 0<} public [the] t:JI%
place, location 'iL
A pulgogi (roast meat)
rj] pumpkin, squash §_ 1'![
put forth effort [to] 'T- Jl '5} ct
place, spot rr11 put in [to] 14 tj-
plan 711 put on [to] (!;! tj-
plan [to] 711 i>}tj- put something down 'Ito} 'TcJ-
play (piano, guitar) [to] tj- for someone [to]
play (tennis) [to] :>.] tj- put something in [to] 11 "1 '4 tj-
play (violin) [to] 7'i tj- question
play, drama quick(ly) "1 Al
play, not work [to] i'c tj- radio i'}c.]_2_
play baseball [to] OF'i'-i>}tj- rain Bl
play basketball (to] -15'-'i'-i>}tj- rain [to] tl] (7}) .2. tj-
playground -£:--1g-AJ- rainy season :o<Ju}
play soccer [to]
English-Korean 223

read [to] "i-"i ii} r:J- rock music -"'.

tj- rock-paper-scissors ' ll}qj _Ii!_

reading "i-"i room "J-
really, truly room in a
% boardinghouse
receipt roommate -j;l-ujjojE
receive [to] "1-r:J- roughly r1l%
recipe 1i!- _i=_ rough map Qf-1'.E.
red 11.llf round-trip .QJ-.5!_
red-pepper paste JI-"}:-;?;J run [to] '?] r:J-
refrigerator 'il "J-Jl Russia cj J-j o}
regards sale
region, district 7] "J- sandals
registered (mail) sandwich 1:1 c qi z]
regular Saturday
regular price
relationship !-}oj
sauna "r-¥- '-l-
scallion .rrj-
relatively B] .iil. 3i scarf lii--"'- t.]
relieve [to] view 78 z]
remain (to] \3-r:J- scholarship
\} 0} 'V, r:J- school
remember [to] 7] Qj ii} r:J- school uniform
repeat after [to] a:j- t} ii} r:J- school vacation
reply 1f7.J school year
reply [to] 'if "J-ii} r:J- science 1!}- "Q:f
resemble [to] @r:J- screen :§:} 1i'l
reservation oj) Q]' sea ll} r:J-
reserve [to] oj) Q]'ii} r:J- search for [to] Tii}r:J-
Resident Registration ?1il season 71] 'l1
card season [to] Ocf \'J ii} r:j-
Resident Registration seat 7}t.)
rest [to] r:J- second
restaurant .A]tj.
see [to] 'tl ""
-'f-\'l r:J-hum.
' 0
..Q...,A] ;i:.'.j
u' u see, look, watch [to] &r:J-plain
return (something %?1 self-identification
to someone) [to] ':=.. t.] r:J-hum. sell [to]
return (something %?1 send [to] _Ii!_ 41 r:J-
to someone) [to] 'T' r:J-plain senior
return (to) [to] %0}7}r:J- Seokga Tower
return, come back [to] %0} -2.. r:J- Seokguram (stone cave)
review Seorak Mount
ride pass, ticket ' " Seoul "i%
right away, soon .:iL
= Seoul Tower
right side Seoul National "i %r1l
ring '<)- 7) University Station
rise, come up [to] rr r:J- service "i ll]""
224 English-Korean

sesame oil %71* so, therefore :ii'1jJ.i

set "ii."'. soap lll-T-
sex, gender soccer
shape .2_ OJ Social Security number J.t.§1 _5l_
shirt ;,j "'- 1i'l §_
shoes socks, stockings
shop [to] "Ottj- sofa 5: TI!-
shopping {i: 3f3 soft tofu stew 1R
shopping district -'J7t solar calendar OJ'-'j
shorten [to] tj- some kind of DA
shorts 1fret"I someone -'f-7t
show _{;:
show, represent [to] Y- Ej- LJ1 tj- something ¥1
shower J.f.<j'j sometime '(ic<il
sibling(s) '1l :<ii sometimes 7t'g-
side, beside [the]
side, direction
li somewhere
side dishes
song .'r i'11
sidewalk 'Cl s=_ soon =ee
p 0
sightseeing -T7'l sophomore 2'§{\1
sign sound, noise ii'-1
sign, signature J.t'il soup !::: :IT
Silla {)ct south e-}

sincerely yours -£-ill South America \j-ol

sing (a song) [to] -']'--""- tj- Southeast Asia 25-LJo}
sing [to] .'r i'11 -']'- -""- tj- Southern e-1-
oT "
.'r i'11 "Ct tj- soybean-paste stew 1H
singer 1t'T soy sauce i1"J
single room £ti}
' 0
spaghetti c': TI)- Jll El
sit [to] ?J-tj- Spain c':l>il 'C!
size J.tol?c speak [to] W"Otct
ski !o7I speech, words
ski [to] !o 7 I Et tj-
skirt 7-lot spend time [to] _5l_ LJ1 ct
sky "Ct '2 spinach A] 'g- 7.j
sky blue -6} '2 spoon
sleep 7'}
0 spoons and chopsticks cr"i
sleep [to] "tctplain sports !:::¥.?:.
T'-!f-J.l r:J-hon. sports shoes, sneakers "8:-% :§:}
{)-;; "tct spread [to]
sleeve S:uH spring -"-
slice [to] "'!l. tj- staff, employee
slipper i'-1 Ill stairs lll \1
slow(ly) tl tl 5] stamp -9-- R
smoke [to] "1-'f- tj- stand [to] Al tj-
snow '- star "'1
snow [to] "'" .2._tj-

English-Korean 225

stick, affix [to] take, carry [to] 7}717}ct

stir-fry [to] *ct take a course [to] ::: ct
stomach, abdomen BH take a shower [to] "'ri'lt}ct
stop [bus] A3ff-7J take off, undress [to] 'J:lct
stop, pull over [to] -<il-'f- ct talk, chat o]ojc7]
stop by [to] 2q oij7]
store 7}711 talk, chat [to] o] Of7] "0}ct
-"J-78 oij 7] "0}ct
store signs {}-Jt!- tangerine it
straight tape EJ] o] _'I_
straight, upright .\!f ll}-"'- taste [to] ')!-_!!ct
street, road 71 ci taxi \'Jl"'l
z} _s:_ taxi fare \'Jlhl ll]
7,J tea z}
stress ::':: E cJl ::':: teach [to] 7}2z]ct
student q--<g teacher
student abroad teacher's wife A}.£.\:]
shldent center q-Ag :oj telephone
studio apartment telephone bill :§} ll]
study ="'
OT telephone number
study [to] 'li"lf-5} ct television •,l! <l] ll] Zl
study room :g-.!f- tiJ- tell, convey [to]
style ::':: E1- 'it temperature
subject particle "11 "'i hon. temple
o]/7}plain tennis EJ] y ::'::
subway ?:] tennis court El]Y::'::"J-
subway line test, exam "'l 1l
suddenly '>{?:}7] textbook Jil:il}hi
sugar 1i% than &ct
suit, formal dress Aj7J that ::I
summer oj;; that (over there) ;zl
Sunday 'it ii. 'it then, in that case ::i ci Z!
supermarket 1T"1 (P}'CJl) then, if so
surely, certainly :£
there 717]
\'}"' "'l these days iL'-H
sushi c'::h]
sweater thief _s:_
swim [to] y<;3 "O}ct thing 3l
swimming 71
swimming pool 4-q3 AJ things to eat "j 71 ci
Sydney "'l"'Y things to watch
table '"J- thinly €J71l
tablespoon 03-A
this o]
Taekwondo '111'! _s:_ o] 71 3J)
take (a photo) [to] "']ct this time o] Jti
take [time] [to] this way o] "f(E.-5'-)
take [to] ?!" 7}ct this year %"H
226 English-Korean

thread 1'1 Tuesday

three days tuition fees "§:j-ll]
thriller c1 turn [to] %ct
Thursday iL <?J turn in (homework) [to] 41 ct
ticket E1 ".!! turn on, switch on,
JE play (music) [to]
ticket office uRK5: two %
tie [to] uHr:t two (with counter) T
time trll two days
time, hour (duration) A]Z} Tylenol EJ. 0 1Cil-'2
to (a person) uh (expression of "i o-]
"i]Jzon. hesitation)
to (destination) oJl umbrella
to/until/through (time) ".'}:<] uncle (father's older ce-o}tJ1 :<]
today 0 .s brother)
tofu CB
TT underground market :<] <>} -"J-7}
together 7,)-o] underpass :<] <>} s=.
together, along with W"il understand [to] 0 l <>H <>}ct

toilet paper *"l understand,

Tokyo S:.iI! recognize [to]
tomato sco}.£ uniform %'-1%
tomorrow 41 'tl Union Building
too much Li.!]'- United Kingdom [the]
tooth o] United States [the]
toothbrush A"' up to (location) 07}:<1
toothpaste 51] Q]' use [to] A}-§--0-}r:}
topic particle ('as for') Mr:}
top side [the], above !f1 used furniture '5-:U. 7}'f-
toward, to used merchandise
town shuttle bus P} g_ tJ1 usually
tradition utilize [to] o] %<>}ct
traditional culture vacuum cleaner
traditional holidays Vancouver "J!-'T'- "'1
traditional Korean dress vegetable
traditional teahouse 11 '!;- x{l vending machine
traffic .JIL% very, really o}'r
traffic light very much
traffic sign iiL JE:<l '11
train 7] 51} violin ti}o] %'>':!
transfer '- 0 visa tl] :<}
transfer (a ride) [to] vocabulary '1<>1
transportation card .JiL%7}£ voice c.]
travel [to] "9 ']<>}ct volume (counter) l'!
travel, trip "9 •] wait [to] 7] ct Cl ct
travel agency C<j o]A} walk [to]
truck _E_ ill walk around [to] o-] ct '-1 ct
T-shirt E1 Aj 7'. wallet :<]:Q-
English-Korean 227

want to [to] JI wish, want [to] t;-tr:J-

wardrobe, closet *"J- with ii}:il
wash dishes [to] '-"171 "-I ii} r:J- withdraw (money) [to] xr:J-
washing machine '11 "J-71 without doing anything -=i 1i}
wash one's face [to] '114' ii} tj- further
wash one's hands [to] ":}! tj- woman ojA}
water % won (Korean currency) (W)
waterfall *_¥_ work 'lJ
way work [to] 'lJ ii} tj-
wealthy person -'j'-::<} World Cup
wear, put on 'ii tj- worry [to] zp.j ii}tj-
(clothes) [to] worry, concern zi "a
wear (footwear) [to] {) tj- worth "}i'j
wear (glasses, gloves, 771 tj- worth, value
rings) [to] Wow! 91-
wear headgear [to] Mtj- wrap [to] M}tj-
weather 'ffMI write [to] Mtj-
weather forecast 'lJ 7I "11 _5l_ write down [to] :7<j tj-
wedding :z3 I_ Al yard n} 'i)-
Wednesday 'T _a 'lJ Aj-!f:J_
week = yeah g plain
'=u> year (counter) \l
weight '"
.!f- 711 years old
well ;<).
2 yellow
well; It's hard to say yes, I see, okay '11/"11
west '-i yesterday '1 >JI
Western-style (food) OJ-'-1 yet, still o};oj
we/us/our -9-<'lplain o};oj .50
"'l §! lwm. you 1-lplain
what lf1 younger brother
lf-'3! younger sibling
what, what kind of p
younger sister
what date youngest child "fl..)j
what matter {-0 'lJ Youngseo region ':l -'i
what place, where '1 t:J zoo
when 'l:! >JI
which oi
which, what kind of '111'!
who 'TT-
who 'f-7}('T-T-+7})
whole world [the] "11711
why 211
win [to] 0171r:J-
wind tl} 'if
window seat %7} Sl-·"1
winter 71%

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