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The Beatitudes

Members: Aurora Pascual, Yheza tolentino, and Rodeo Unciano

Beatitudes: What are they?
The word “beatitude” comes from the Latin words “Beati Sunt” which
means “blessed are.” Now for the Beatitudes themselves, they are sayings
attributed to Jesus. There are a total of eight Beatitudes, but for today, we
are only going to focus on deciphering the first one: “Blessed are the poor
in spirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Blessed are the poor spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Like all the others, this Beatitude is important, but this one is definitely
worth remembering, as it is the first one that Jesus has listed.

At first glance, most, if not all, of the Beatitudes are difficult to

understand but if we manage to get through to the meaning of this first
one, the others that follow may fall into place and become easier to
What does ‘poor in spirit’ mean?
In Matthew 5:3, Jesus says “blessed are those who are poor in spirit,” but
what exactly does that mean? The phrase itself, to some people who do
not know of it’s true meaning, may come across as a literal poor spirit, a
financially poor or depressed spirit.

But the true meaning of ‘poor in spirit’ is something entirely different

because to be poor in spirit means to accept that no matter how hard we
try, we will never be enough.
Poor In Spirit Explained.
Now quite a lot of people may have taken that last sentence the wrong way.
But let me explain: It means that none of us, no matter what our status is,
how much money we have, or how many possessions we own, none of that
will be worth offering to God, because he wants us to be poor in spirit, which
means that we must accept that the Kingdom of God is above us all.
Another Meaning?
Although the first meaning we explained does seem correct, there may be
another meaning of the phrase “poor in spirit.”

Some people believe that to be poor in spirit, you must be humble, so

we’re just going to refer to that as our second meaning.
Full Beatitude Explained.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

That is the full saying, and now that we’ve made sense of the first part the
rest of it just falls into place and finally makes perfect sense.

Basically, it means that those who are poor in spirit shall be welcomed
with open arms into the Kingdom of Heaven.

For the second meaning, it is quite similar to the first, as it says that those
who are humble will be welcomed into heaven.
Examples of Being Poor In Spirit
● Be grateful, never boastful.
● Be considerate towards others’ feelings.
● Repent on your sins.
● Be humble and accept feedback from other people.
● Never consider yourself to be higher than other people, and
definitely not God.
● Try to be humble and appreciate other people even if you
don’t get along with them.
● Own your mistakes, and admit them.
Thank You So Much!
Thanks so much for taking the time
to listen to our presentation! Have a
nice day and may you and your family
stay safe, happy and healthy.

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