Educator Iste Standards-2

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ISTE Educator Standards

ISTE Educator Standards: ISTE Student Standards:

2.1 LEARNER Explore & apply pedagogical approaches made 1.1 EMPOWERED LEARNER students articulate & set personal
possible by tech learning goals, develop strategies
Build networks/customize learning environment
Actively participate in local/global learning / stay current Seek feedback/demonstrate their learning in variety of ways
Understand fundamental concepts of tech/troubleshoot &
2.2 LEADER Shape, advance & accelerate shared vision transfer knowledge to explore emerging tech
Advocate for equitable access & diverse needs
1.2 DIGITAL CITIZEN recognize rights & responsibilities &
Model the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation & opportunities of interconnected digital world (+, safe, legal)
adoption of new digital tools cultivate & manage digital identity/aware of permanence
Students understand citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, &
2.3 CITIZEN positive, socially responsible contributions, creative commons
empathetic behaviors, build community maintain digital privacy/ be aware of tech used to track

Establish learning culture promoting curiosity, critical 1.3 Knowledge Constructor effective research strategies to
examination of online resources/digital literacy/fluency locate info/resources (d. explore real world issues/theories)
Mentor in safe, legal & ethical practices/protect rights, data Evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility & relevance of
info, media, data, etc.
2.4 COLLABORATOR dedicate time to planning authentic Curate info using variety of tools/methods to collect meaningful
learning experiences that leverage tech, real world connections/conclusions
1.4 Innovative Designer identify & solve problems using new,
Co-learn with students to discover new resources, diagnose useful or imaginative solutions a. Design method to solving
& troubleshoot issues problems to come up w/ ideas
Select & use digital tools to plan/manage design process
Cultural competency, consider uniqueness when interacting
considering design constraints & calculated risk
2.5 DESIGNER use tech to create, adapt & personalize Develop, test & refine prototypes as part of cyclical process

Maximize independent & authentic learning activities 1.5 Computational Thinker formulate problem suited for tech-
assisted analysis, abstract models, algorithmic thinking
Instructional design principles/innovative digital learning Break problems into parts, extract key info, understand complex
2.6 FACILITATOR foster a culture of ownership of learning
Understand automation & use algorithmic thinking to develop a
goals in both independent & group
Manage tech use in digital platforms/ challenge students to
use design process & computational thinking
1.6 Creative Communicator communicate clearly & express
self for variety of purposes on different platforms
Model & nurture creativity & expression to share ideas, etc. Create original work or responsibly repurpose/remix into new
Communicate complex ideas clearly & effectively by using
2.7 ANALYST provide alt. ways for students to demonstrate variety of digital visualizations, models, simulations
competency & reflect learning using tech
1.7 Global Collaborator use digital tools to connect with
Design & implement variety of formative & summative
others, & broaden mutual understanding
assessments that accommodate learner needs
Use collaborative tech to work with other/examine issues from
Use assessment data to guide progress & build self-direction multiple viewpoints c. Contribute constructively, assume
various roles/responsibilities to effectively work towards a
common goal d. Explore local/global issues/investigate solutions
Noted similarities: Recognize rights & responsibilities, digital literacy, collaborate with others, communicate
complex ideas, explore local & global issues, effective research strategies

Noted differences: Dedicate time to planning authentic learning experiences, design & implement variety of
formative & summative assessments, model & nurture creativity / break problems into parts to extract key info,
seek feedback & understand fundamental concepts

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