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ISIJ International, Vol.

59 (2019),
ISIJ International,
No. 2 Vol. 59 (2019), No. 2, pp. 227–234

Effect of Silica on Reduction Behaviors of Hematite-carbon

Composite Compact at 1 223–1 373 K

Zhikai LIANG, Lingyun YI, Zhucheng HUANG,* Biao LU, Conglin DAN and Ronghai ZHONG

School of Minerals Processing & Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, 410083 China.
(Received on September 11, 2018; accepted on October 22, 2018; J-STAGE Advance published date:
December 13, 2018)

The influence of compositional changes in the SiO2–Fe2O3 binary oxide system on the reduction behav-
ior of carbon-bearing compact was investigated at 1 223–1 373 K. Density functional theory (DFT) calcula-
tions were employed to investigate the adsorption behaviors of O–Si–O on various FeO surfaces in order
to explore the mechanism of the conversion of FeO to Fe–Si–O phase. Chemical analysis, SEM-EDX, and
XRD were carried to characterize the conversion mechanisms. According to experimental results, silica
causes the decrease of the metallization ratio by hindering the reduction of FeO to Fe and facilitating the
reaction of FeO to Fe–Si–O phases. The size of metallic iron granules diminishes gradually and the bound-
ary between the iron phase and the slag phase becomes less obvious with increasing silica content, which
greatly increases the contact probability of SiO2/liquid phases and FeO. For the three adsorption sites, the
adsorption energies of Si atoms onto FeO surfaces are all obviously larger than that of the reducing gases,
making it extremely difficult for the reducing gases to remove O atoms from FeO surfaces, as the DFT
results show. Moreover, it is easier to form the Fe–O–Si phase on the FeO (110) surface since the adsorp-
tion energy of O–Si–O onto this surface is greater than that onto the FeO (100) and FeO (111) surfaces.
Additionally, the charge of the O (FeO) 2p orbital, the Si 3p orbital, as well as the 3s, 3p, and 3d orbitals
of the Fe atom take charge of the formation of Si–O–Fe bond.

KEY WORDS: reduction behavior; silica-hematite system; density functional theory (DFT); FeO surface;
adsorption energy.

is promoted at temperatures above 1 073 K and retarded at

1. Introduction
temperatures below 1 003 K. In addition, above 1 473 K,8)
With the increasing shortage of high-quality raw materi- reduction of FeO is not accelerated by SiO2, but retarded
als around the world, various beneficiation methods are by the formation of the layer of dense iron on wüstite or by
being developed for iron ores, especially for the high-silica the dense fayalite phase. M Bahgat, et al.9) observed that the
and low-iron ores, to meet the rapidly growing demand addition of silica decreases the porosity of wüstite compact
of iron ores in the iron making industry.1,2) In particular, owing to the formation of iron silicate phases. Hyunsik Park
China has more than 55 billion tons of this iron ore in the et al.10) investigated the influence of alumina and silica on
iron grade range of 20–50%, accounting for 89% of total the reduction behavior of carbon composite pellet at 1 273
iron ore reserves in China.3,4) Regarded as one of the most K, 1 373 K11) and 1 473 K12) by thermogravimetric analy-
refractory iron ore sources, this large resource is difficult to sis. Wanho K, et al.13) indicated that the reduction rate and
be beneficiated effectively with existing mineral processing reducibility under H2 are significantly higher than those
technologies due to its complex mineral composition, high under CO when SiO2-containing (0–30 wt.%) compacts get
silica content and other reasons.5) reduced at 1 273 K. Huang Z, et al.14) investigated the reduc-
SiO2-containing minerals found in iron ore are usually tion behavior of low-iron and high-silica ore-coal composite
regarded as detrimental by many ironmaking and steelmak- pellets at 1 143–1 263 K. Although the effect of SiO2 has
ing operators. The studies relevant to the effects of SiO2 been well documented for many research techniques, the
are summarized below. El-Geassy et al.6) found that the exact underlying reasons for various performances are often
various forms of SiO2, such as the crystalline (α -SiO2) or more difficult to access.
amorphous forms, play an important role in determining As a robust and accurate method, density functional theory
the materials’ reducibility during the reduction of Fe2O3 (DFT) is becoming more and more prevalent in the modeling
and FeO. N Shigematsu et al.7) found that with a small of adsorptions of different phase interfaces, including those
amount of SiO2 dissolved in the FeO phase, the reduction relevant to the chemical industry and metallurgical engineer-
ing.15,16) Du M F et al.17) carried out a study of fayalite with a
* Corresponding author: E-mail: high content of iron in the initial layer of coal ash using the
DOI: GGA and PW 91 based on quantum chemistry. In this study

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regarding the characteristics of high silica, it is easy for the Table 1.  Chemical composition of hematite powder (mass, %).
SiO2–Fe2O3 system to form some low melting phases such as Fe2O3 FeO SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO MnO Na2O K 2O S P
Fe2SiO4, Fe2SiO4–SiO2, Fe2SiO4–FeO, and Fe2SiO4–Fe3O4. 95.13 1.52 1.53 0.78 0.69 0.11 0.05 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.02
The soft melting points of Fe2SiO4, Fe2SiO4–SiO2, Fe2SiO4–
FeO, and Fe2SiO4–Fe3O4 are only 1 478 K (1 205°C), 1 451
K (1 178°C), 1 451 K (1 178°C) and 1 415 K (1 142°C), Table 2.  Proximate analysis of pulverized anthracite (mass, %).
respectively, leading to a ring formation in the rotary kiln Category FC, ad M, ad A, ad V, ad S
and a disruption of normal operation.18,19) Another major Anthracite 82.54 3.14 10.57 6.68 0.21
characteristic of this high-silica and low-iron ore is high fine-
(FC, ad: Fixed carbon (air dried basis); M, ad: Moisture (air dried basis);
grained dissemination. Within the iron ore used in our previ- A, ad: Ash (air dried basis); V, ad: Volatile matter (air dried basis))
ous studies, process mineralogy tests showed that 95.73%
of the diameters of hematite grains were smaller than 37
μm and 39.94% diameters of the hematite particulates were mm in height, and 2.5 g ( ± 0.05 g) in weight. Then, the
smaller than 10 μm.14,20,21) In summary, all of these charac- samples were dried in air at 378 K (105°C) for 3 hours
teristics bring a great difficulty to the beneficiation of iron to eliminate moisture. The mean particulate sizes of the
resources and provide an opportunity for silica and hematite hematite and silica powders were 7.172 μm and 7.920 μm,
particulates to concatenate tightly with each other. As we respectively.
know, elementary reaction steps, that is, the dissociation of The experimental procedure can be described as follows:
reactants and association to products, take place at the solid- 10–12 dried compacts, coupled with 60 g of coal powder
gas or solid-liquid interface. However, surface and electronic beneath and another 120 g of coal on the top of the com-
properties of solids are often also significantly altered as par- pacts, were used each time for carbothermic reduction.
ticle sizes decrease.22) Thus, hematite and silica powder with Reductive roasting of the compacts was performed in a
average particulate sizes of 7.172 μm and 7.920 μm, respec- shaft furnace in the temperature range of 1 223–1 373 K for
tively, were adopted to make briquettes for reduction roast- 30–90 min. Reduced compacts were then cooled to ambi-
ing in the experimental part of this study in order to simulate ent temperature in a nitrogen atmosphere. The metallization
the grain distribution states of fine-grained dissemination ratios of the reduced compacts were measured after each
of high-silica and low-iron ore to understand the influence reductive roasting experiment. The metallization ratio (MR)
of different silica contents. For the theoretical experiments, was evaluated with Equation:
the ‘O–Si–O’ segment, a shared structure between SiO2 and
M R  M Fe / TFe  100% ........................ (1)
2FeO·SiO2, was employed for the DFT calculations accord-
ing to Fig. 1. The unit cell of SiO2 (as depicted in Fig. where MFe is the metallic iron content and TFe is the total
1(a)) shows that silicon ions are tetrahedrally coordinated to weight of iron in the reduced compacts. The measurements
oxygens.23) Meanwhile, the 2FeO·SiO2 unit cell (as shown in of MFe and TFe were corresponding obtained by FeCl3–
Fig. 1(b)) contains four formula units with 28 atoms (8 Fe, K2Cr2O7 and TiCl3–K2Cr2O7 volumetric methods.26)
4 Si, and 16 O). Silicon ions are tetrahedrally coordinated to After reduction, phase transfers of the reduced compacts
oxygens, whereas iron-ions occupy the centers of distorted were analyzed by chemical phase dissolution measurements
oxygen octahedra.17,24,25) Thus, DFT calculations based on and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The morphological evolution
the periodic surface model has been performed in this paper, and phase evolution were investigated by scanning electron
which investigate the adsorption behaviors and properties microscope (SEM) equipped with EDX.
of O–Si–O onto three different FeO surfaces.
2.2.  Computational Method and Models
In this work, all the calculations were performed with the
2.  Experimental Procedure
Cambridge Sequential Total Energy Package (CASTEP)27)
2.1.  Apparatus and Procedure with a pseudopotential plane-wave approach based on DFT.
For the sample preparation, hematite powder was obtained The electron ion-core interactions were described by an
by roasting a magnetite concentrate from Columbia in air OTFG ultra-soft pseudopotential, the most accurate calcula-
at 1 173 K (900°C) for 1 hour to oxidize. The chemical tion method at present, supplied with VASP of Si 3S23P2,
compositions of hematite powder and pulverized anthracite Fe 3s23p63d6, and O 2s22p4 states as valence states.28,29)
(reductant) are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The The generalized gradient approximation (GGA)30) with
amount of coal addition in the mixture was determined the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation
according to C/Fe mass ratio of 0.3 (i.e., mass ratio of fixed functional31) applied to deal with the electron exchange
carbon in the anthracite to reducible iron in hematite pow- and correlation interaction. The solutions of Kohn-Sham
der was 0.3) as this was confirmed as adequate from the equations were represented by the plane-wave-basis with a
previous studies.14,20,21) Besides, the bentonite content was kinetic energy cutoff of 280 eV.32) The convergence toler-
fixed at 1.0% of the total mass of the compacts. The silica ance energy, self-consistent iterative convergence accuracy,
contents were correspondingly set to 1.5 wt.%, 6.0 wt.%, max displacement, max force and convergence of internal
30.0 wt.%, and 50.0 wt.% for the investigation of its impact stress among atoms were 2.0 × 10 − 5 eV/atom, 2.0 × 10 − 5
on reduction behavior. The carbon composite compacts used eV/atom, 0.002 Å, 0.05 eV/Å and 0.1 GPa, respectively.
in this study were composed of hematite powder, anthracite, The Brillouin zone integration was performed in the
bentonite, and analytical SiO2 reagent chemicals ( ≥ 99.0%), Monkhorst-Pack scheme using the k-point set of 2 × 2 ×
which were cylindrical in shape, 10 mm in diameter, 8–13 1 for adsorption studies.33,34) For the Brillouin zone inte-

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Fig. 1. The side view of unit cell structure of SiO2 (a) and
2FeO·SiO2 (b). (Purple, red and green balls represent the
Fe, O and Si atoms, respectively.).

Fig. 5. XRD patterns of reduced compact with different silica

content at 1 323 K.

Fig. 2. The side view of 1 × 1 unit cell structure of FeO (a), FeO
(100) (b), FeO (110) (c), FeO (111) (d) and O–Si–O (e).
(Purple, red and yellow balls represent the Fe, O and Si
atoms, respectively.).

Fig. 3. Effect of temperature and time on metallization ratio of Fig. 6. SEM-EDX analysis of reduced compact with different sil-
reduced compact. ica content at 1 323 K: 6% silica (a), 30% silica (b), and
50% silica (c).

Fig. 4. Valence state distribution of reduced compact with differ- Fig. 7. Compressive strength of reduced compact with different
ent silica content at 1 323 K. silica content at 1 223–1 323 K.

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Fig. 12. Electron distribution and Mulliken charges of atoms for

adsorption of O–Si–O on FeO (110) surface: top view
before adsorption (a), side view before adsorption (b),
and side view after adsorption (c) (Purple, red and yellow
balls represent the Fe, O and Si atoms, respectively).
Fig. 8. Concentration of reducing gas needed for reduction using

Fig. 10. Electron distribution and Mulliken charges of atoms for

adsorption of O–Si–O on the FeO (100) surface: top view
before adsorption (a), side view before adsorption (b),
and side view after adsorption (c) (Purple, red and yellow
balls represent the Fe, O and Si atoms, respectively).

Fig. 13. PDOS of the Si before adsorption (a), the adsorbed Si (b),
the clean O of FeO before adsorption (c) and the adsorbed
O (d) for adsorption of O–Si–O on FeO (110) surface.

Fig. 14. Electron distribution and Mulliken charges of atoms for

adsorption of O–Si–O on FeO (111) surface: top view
Fig. 11. PDOS of the Si before adsorption (a), the adsorbed Si (b), before adsorption (a), side view before adsorption (b),
the clean O of FeO before adsorption (c), the adsorbed O and side view after adsorption (c) (Purple, red and yellow
(d), and the adsorbed Si/O (e). balls represent the Fe, O and Si atoms, respectively).

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grations, a 12 × 12 × 12 Monkhorst-Pack grid of special 3.2.  Influence of Silica on Phase and Morphology Evo-
k-points was used. lution at 1 323 K
As a crystal with face-centered cubic structure, the solid Compacts with different contents of silica reduced at
FeO used in this study has a cell parameter of 4.307 Å,35) in 1 323 K for 30 min were characterized by XRD to under-
which the Fe and O atoms adopt an octahedral coordination. stand the phase transformation upon increasing the silica
All Fe–O bond lengths were found to be 2.166 Å (Fig. 2(a)), content, as presented in Fig. 5. The XRD pattern showed
which coincides well with Zhong H’s theoretical result of the major phase of metallic iron coexists with minor silica
2.166 Å.36) As shown in Figs. 2(b), 2(c) and 2(d), FeO (100), in the reduced compact with 6 wt.% silica, implying that the
FeO (110) and FeO (111) surfaces were chosen. 1 × 1 cells38) repercussions for 6 wt.% silica usage in compact are almost
with five relaxed atomic layers were adopted.37) To avoid negligible to the reduction process. A further 30 wt.% rise
the interaction between neighboring slabs, the vacuum space of silica content leads to the formation of cristobalite and
was set to 15 × 15 × 15 Å, which had been proven to be fayalite, which inevitably hinders the separation of elemen-
large enough in previous studies.38) A structurally optimized tal Fe and Si. Furthermore, the increase of silica content
O–Si–O segment with Si–O bond lengths of 1.549 Å and from 30% to 50 wt.% significantly strengthens the intensity
a bonding angle of 180° was obtained in the same vacuum of cristobalite and fayalite diffraction peaks. Meanwhile,
space, as depicted in Fig. 2(e), before adsorbing onto the the diffraction peak corresponding to metallic iron weak-
FeO surface. ens with the increase of silica content, which corresponds
The adsorption energies (Ead) of an O–Si–O fragment directly with the results in Fig. 4. Thus, the reason for the
approaching the clean (100), (110) and (111) FeO surfaces phenomenon of diminution of the metallization ratio is con-
were each calculated as the total energy difference of the sidered to be the formation of fayalite (Fe2SiO4), which is
energy of an isolated O–Si–O segment (EO–Si–O) and the more difficult to be reduced by carbon.
energy of the FeO surface before adsorption (Eslab), The microstructure (SEM) and energy spectrum analy-
sis of the reduced compact with different silica contents
E ad  E system  E OSiO  E slab .................... (2) reduced at 1 323 K for 30 min were characterized, as shown
where Esystem, EO–Si–O, and Eslab are the energy of the adsorp- in Fig. 6, to reveal the intrinsic morphological evolution and
tion system, the isolated O–Si–O segment and the clean its relationship to silica content. A compact platy structure
surface, respectively. can be widely observed in a reduced compact with a silica
content of 6.0%, as shown in Fig. 6(a). It is mainly com-
posed of metallic iron and wüstite after being identified by
3.  Results and Discussion
EDX. In addition, analysis of mineralogical constitution and
3.1.  Influence of Silica on Metallization at 1 223–1 373 the structure of the compact showed that larger iron phase
K granules (about 30–50 μm) and a distinct boundary between
The metallization ratios of the reduced compacts with the iron phase and the silicon-rich slag phase form (Fig.
SiO2 contents of 1.5–50 wt.% in the temperature range 6(a)). Compared to Figs. 6(b), 6(c), it created a favorable
of 1 223–1 373 K (950–1 100°C) for 30 min are given in condition for subsequent milling-magnetic separation. Silica
Fig. 3. It can be observed from the line chart that when the content from 6 to 30 wt.% contributed to the fragmentary
compact with a SiO2 content of 1.5% was roasted at 1 223 structure with fine iron granules (about 10 μm), as shown
K, the metallization ratio was lower than 60%. This value in Fig. 6(b). Additionally, the Fe–Si–O phase (FeO·3.7SiO2;
greatly increased when the temperature rose to 1 373 K, FeO·3.2SiO2; 2FeO·SiO2) and the independent silica par-
reaching 93.7%, and increases by 35.2% compared to 1 223 ticulates confirmed by EDX analysis became more and
K. Additionally, increasing the SiO2 content to 50 wt.% led more apparent. A further 50 wt.% rise of SiO2 content led
to a sharp diminution of the metallization ratio, even when to a sharp diminution of the iron phase dimension (only 5
the compact was roasted at 1 373 K. This value decreased μm) and a sharp increase of Fe–Si–O phase (FeO·20.1SiO2;
to 60.9% for a SiO2 content of 50% at 1 373 K, indicating 1.6FeO·SiO2), as shown in Fig. 6(c). Moreover, the subsid-
that SiO2 produces a tremendous inhibition effect on the ence holes in the reduced compact diminished gradually
metallization ratio of reduced compacts. Moreover, when with the increase of silica content. To summarize, it is clear
a compact with a 50 wt.% of SiO2 was reduced at 1 223 that silica plays a crucial role in the microstructure and
K, the metallization ratio was extremely low, only 44.3%. phase evolution of these materials.
Therefore, the results imply that silica within the iron oxide
and solid carbon significantly influences the formation 3.3.  Influence of Silica on Compressive Strength of
of metallic iron both at higher temperatures and at lower Reduced Compact
temperatures. The compressive strength of the reduced compacts with
A more comprehensive study of the distribution of different silica contents at 1 223–1 323 K are shown in Fig.
valence states within the iron phase in the reduced compacts 7.
at 1 323 K was carried out via chemical phase dissolution, It can be seen that the compressive strength of the
presented in Fig. 4. As can be seen, the Fe0 state accounts reduced compact with a silica content of 1.5% is relatively
for most of the total iron of the reduced compact with dif- low (400–1 100 kPa) at all of the roasting temperatures.
ferent silica contents, followed by Fe2 + and Fe3 + . It is quite Moreover, the value reached 3 215 N at 1 323 K when
clear that the percentage contents of both Fe2 + and Fe3 + are 6.0% silica is added and increases by 2 731 N compared to
gradually promoted with increasing silica content, while the 1 223 K. A further 30 wt.% rise of silica content brought
Fe0 changes in the opposite trend, simultaneously. about a sharp enhancement of the compressive strength

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(2 000–3 000 kPa) of the compact, even when roasted at compacts is most probably lower than the required level
1 223 K, as depicted in Fig. 7. Furthermore, it is obvious for the FeO particulates that are surrounded by massive,
that the value (4 000–8 000 kPa) continued to increase fine-grained disseminated silica particulates (shown in Fig.
with increasing silica content, demonstrating that melts of 9) and the newly formed silicate melts. Thus, the intermedi-
low-temperature eutectic point formed abundantly. There- ate FeO reduction will inevitably react with silica/silicate,
fore, the results suggest that the compressive strength of particularly when the silica content is high, to form the
the reduced compact is enhanced effectively by silica, par- Fe–Si–O phase, shown in Eq. (6). P. Semberg43) and A. A.
ticularly when the silica content is above 30%, making the Elgeassy44) also reported the same observation. Furthermore,
diffusion resistance of the reducing gases larger and larger, Eqs. (7), (8) and Fig. 8 indicate that, once FeO transformed
which is another reason for the diminution of the metalliza- into Fe2SiO4, it can hardly be reduced to metallic iron again.
tion ratio.
3.4.2.  Adsorption Behaviors of O–Si–O on FeO Surface
3.4.  Mechanism Analysis of Effect of Silica on Reduc- As depicted in Fig. 9, the volume ratio of silica to hema-
tion tite increases gradually with the increase of silica content.
3.4.1.  Reaction Mechanism of Iron Ore Reduction with By computation, the values are 49:51 and 69:31, respec-
Silica tively, when the silica content in the SiO2–Fe2O3 system
The main reduction of carbon composite compact takes is 30% and 50%. Moreover, the d50 of silica and hematite
place through the reaction between wüstite and anthracite in used in this study is correspondingly 7.920 μm and 7.172
the solid state at 1 223–1 373 K (950–1 100°C). The reaction μm identified by particulate size analysis. Thus, the granule
mechanism has been studied by numerous researchers.39–42) count ratios of silica to hematite are 41:59 and 62:38 when
the silica content is 30% and 50%, respectively. Conse-
FeO  C  Fe  CO
............... (3) quently, silica and hematite particulates are in tight conjunc-
G   147 900  150.24 T (J / mol) tion with each other in compacts, creating an opportunity
for the adsorption and dissolution especially when melts of
FeO  CO  Fe  CO2
............... (4) low-temperature eutectic points form.
G   22 800  24.26 T (J / mol) (1)  Adsorption of O–Si–O onto the FeO (100) Surface
The adsorption of O–Si–O on the FeO (100) surface was
C  CO2  2CO
............... (5) calculated for the Si–O (FeO) top site, as shown in Fig. 10.
G   172 423  175.69T (J / mol) The results implied that the bonding angle of the ‘O–Si–O’
segment changed (from 180° to 102.948°) distinctly for the
2 FeO  SiO2  2 FeO·SiO2
................ (6) configuration of the Si atom adsorbing directly to the O
G   76 415  33.79T (J / mol) top site. The ‘O–Si–O’ segment was chemisorbed onto the
surface, forming a Si–O bond with a bond length of 1.889 Å
2 FeO·SiO2  2C  2 Fe  SiO2  2CO
............. (7) and an adsorption energy of − 6.25 eV. Compared with Figs.
G   353 922  338.96 T (J / mol) 10(b) and 10(c), these results show that a slight relaxation
1 / 2  2 FeO  SiO2   CO  Fe  1 / 2SiO2  CO2 occurs in the adsorbed surface. Moreover, the relaxation of
..... (8) the second and the third inter-lattice spacing is found to be
G   6 261  5.01T (J / mol) quite different from that of the pure optimized FeO (100)
The whole reduction process is a perfect cycle: First surface, with an expansion instead of a contraction of atomic
of all, although the solid-solid interaction (Eq. (3)) con- layers. As shown in Fig. 10(c), the distance between the
tributes only a small part to the total reduction process adsorbed O atom and the second layer Fe atom is elongated
at 1 223–1 373 K, the reaction cycle is initiated by this from 1.831 Å to 3.015 Å, demonstrating the formation of a
reaction. Then, the gas immediately reacts with wüstite as new Si–O bond and the breakage of an original Fe–O bond.
shown in Eq. (4), followed by the generation of CO in Eq. Meanwhile, it is worth noticing that the O atom on the FeO
(3). Finally, this solid-gas reaction generates CO2 gas that (100) surface is raised slightly due to the adsorption of the
is used for a source of the Boudouard reaction seen in Eq. ‘O–Si–O’ segment. Also, the distance between the adsorbed
(5).11) However, the reaction of FeO to Fe, which should O atom and the adjacent Fe atom on the first layer is short-
take place, seems to be substantially inhibited by the added ened from 1.903 Å to 1.890 Å, indicating that the binding
amount of silica which is known to form high concentra- energy between Fe and O on the first layer is increased after
tion in FeO–SiO2 melt.12) The concentrations of CO used adsorption, meaning the reducing deoxygenation process
as a reducing gas needed for the reduction reactions are
demonstrated in Fig. 8. It can be observed from the line
chart that, it is harder for the FeO/Fe reaction to proceed
forward compared with reactions of Fe2O3/Fe3O4 and Fe3O4/
FeO on account of a far higher CO concentration require-
ment.43) When considering Figs. 3 and 7, we found that
the metallization ratio of the reduced compacts with 50%
silica are extremely low, only 44.27–60.94% when roasted
at 1 223–1 373 K. Meanwhile, the compressive strengths
were fairly high, 3 947–8 111 N. The results confirm that Fig. 9. Schematic diagram of particulate distribution in silica-
the CO concentration around some FeO particulates in the hematite compact.

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will become more difficult. In addition, the Si–O bond of surface was investigated as well by approaching the Si atom
O–Si–O is activated and elongated, which are correspond- onto the O top site, as shown in Fig. 12. In Fig. 12(c), the
ingly 1.701 Å and 1.710 Å in length and longer than that of O–Si–O is chemisorbed onto the surface via Si–O bond-
the optimized O–Si–O (1.549 Å). Hence, the present study ing after adsorption, making the surface relaxation more
confirms that the interaction between the O atom of the first apparent. Additionally, the calculation results imply that
layer and Si intensifies after adsorption, while the interac- the Si–O bond length is 1.686 Å and the adsorption energy
tion between the O atom of the first layer and the Fe atom is − 7.01 eV, which is stronger than that of Si adsorbing
of the second layer weakens substantially. onto the FeO (100) surface. Meanwhile, the bonding angle
The total atomic charges from the natural bond orbital of the O–Si–O changed from 180° to 150.148°, and the
charge analysis for O–Si–O adsorbed on FeO (100) at the Si–O bond of O–Si–O is activated and elongated, which are
Si–O top site are presented in Table 3. After adsorption, the correspondingly 1.706 Å and 1.739 Å in length and longer
delocalization of the electron cloud of the outermost layers than that of the optimized O–Si–O (1.549 Å). In addition,
of Si and Fe atoms makes the O atoms of the O–Si–O seg- the Fe–O bond length had been stretched slightly from 1.779
ment and the O atom of the first layer negative. From the Å to 1.862 Å, with the raising of the O atom on the surface
results in the table, we can see that the charges of the 3p being due to the adsorption of Si, indicating a new Si–O–Fe
orbital of the Si atom and the 3d orbital of the Fe1 atom bond formation.
change in the adsorption process. The main reason for the The total atomic charges from the natural bond orbital
adsorption is the interactions between the 2p orbital of the charge analysis for O–Si–O adsorbed on FeO (110) at Si–O
O3 atom and the 3p orbital of the Si atom consorting with top site are presented in Table 4. From the results in the
the 3d orbital of the Fe1 atom. It can be concluded that the table, the delocalization of the electron clouds of outermost
adsorption of Si on the FeO (100) surface causes charge layers of the Si and Fe atom makes the O atom of the first
transference from the 3p orbital of the Si atom and the 3d layer negative. Additionally, the charge of the 2p orbital of
orbital of the Fe1 atom to the 2p orbital of the O atom. the O atom, the 3p orbital of the Si atom, as well as the 3s,
Further investigation into the type of bonding mechanism 3p, and 3d orbitals of the Fe atom are responsible for the
for adsorption of the O–Si–O segment onto the FeO (100) new Si–O–Fe bonding. As a comparison, PDOS of the Si
surface can be obtained by analyzing the partial density of atom, the O atom and Si–O are shown in Fig. 13. Orbital
states (PDOS) of O–Si–O and FeO (100) surface before and hybridization and bonding characteristics are analyzed
after adsorption, as shown in Fig. 11. The Fermi energy according to the interaction between Si atoms and O atoms.
level was set as zero when plotting. In Figs. 11(a) and 11(b), In Fig. 13(e), there is a strong resonance between the O
the electronic state locates in the energy range of − 2.5 to 2p band and the Si 3p band in the energy range of − 10.0
0 eV and 5.0 to 12.5 eV, which is the main contribution of to − 2.0 eV, implying that the interaction between the O 2p
the 3p orbital of the Si atom before adsorption, while the orbital and the Si 3p orbital is relatively strong, meaning a
3p band peak splits into three peaks and shifts downward hybridized orbital has formed.
towards the Fermi level after adsorption. Evidently, the state (3)  Adsorption of O–Si–O onto the FeO (111) Surface
density of Si atom weakens. As a comparison, the results of Here, just like the adsorptions of O–Si–O onto the (100)
Figs. 11(c) and 11(d) lead to a similar conclusion that the 2p and (110) FeO surfaces, adsorption of the O–Si–O onto the
orbital peak of the O atom splits into two peaks and shifts FeO (111) surface was investigated by approaching the Si
downward towards the Fermi level as well, making the new atom onto the O top site, as shown in Fig. 14. In Fig. 14(c),
Si–O bond more stable. Thus, it indicates clearly that the the O–Si–O is chemisorbed to the O top site by Si–O bond-
3p band of Si and the 2p band of O are responsible for the ing. After adsorption, the new Si–O bond length is 2.390
Si–O bonding, corresponding to the results of orbital charge Å and the Si–O bond lengths of the O–Si–O are elongated
population analysis. from 1.549 Å to 1.962 Å and 1.967 Å, respectively. The
(2)  Adsorption of O–Si–O onto the FeO (110) Surface adsorption energy of this configuration is − 5.72 eV accord-
Adsorption of the O–Si–O segment onto the FeO (110) ing to calculation, which is the smallest adsorption energy
value among that of the above three configurations.
Table 3. Orbital charge population analysis of O–Si–O adsorbed
(4)  Different Adsorption Behaviors of O–Si–O onto
on FeO (100) surface. FeO Surfaces
Comparing the adsorption behaviors of O–Si–O onto
Site Species s p d Total
three different FeO surfaces, three different characteristics
Free O1 1.95 5.04 0.00 6.99
are obtained. Firstly, the adsorption energies of O–Si–O
O2 1.95 5.04 0.00 6.99
onto FeO surfaces are all larger than that of H2 ( − 0.65 eV)
Si 0.72 1.29 0.00 2.02
and CO ( − 1.41 eV),32) implying that O–Si–O is more easily
Clean O3 1.92 4.66 0.00 6.58
and steadily adsorbed onto FeO surfaces than reducing gases
Fe1 0.56 0.10 6.68 7.35 (H2 or CO). Thus, it is difficult for H2 and CO to remove O
Fe2 0.58 0.22 6.71 7.51 atoms from FeO surfaces when it is adsorbed by O–Si–O,
System O1 1.87 5.15 0.00 7.02 which is corroborated by the experimental results of Fig.
O2 1.86 5.16 0.00 7.02 4. Secondly, the first layer O (FeO) atoms on different
O3 1.91 4.75 0.00 6.66 FeO surfaces are all raised slightly after adsorption. Also,
Si 0.76 1.17 0.00 1.93 the bond lengths between the adsorbed O atoms and the
Fe1 0.38 0.29 6.57 7.25 second layer Fe atoms are clearly elongated, demonstrating
Fe2 0.66 0.20 6.74 7.60 the formation of a new Si–O bond and the breakage of the

233 © 2019 ISIJ
ISIJ International, Vol. 59 (2019), No. 2

Table 4. Orbital charge population analysis of O–Si–O adsorbed Acknowledgments

on FeO (110) surface. The authors would like to express thanks to the National
Site Species s p d Total Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of China
Free O1 1.95 5.04 0.00 6.99 (Grant No. 50725416) for financial support of this research.
O2 1.95 5.04 0.00 6.99
Si 0.72 1.29 0.00 2.02 REFERENCES
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