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NAME: ________________________________________


Directions: Use this form to give feedback about the performance in your group. Circle the appropriate number after each statement.
1 = Major Difficulty 2 = Needs Improvement 3 = Fair 4 = Very Good 5 = Excellent

1. All members participated in the group activities. 1 2 3 4 5

2. Members listened to others in the group. 1 2 3 4 5
3. Members helped and encouraged others in the group. 1 2 3 4 5
4. Group members stayed on the task assigned. 1 2 3 4 5
5. Group members worked well together. 1 2 3 4 5
6. No one dominated the group discussions. 1 2 3 4 5
7. Group members practiced the cooperative skills. 1 2 3 4 5
8. Group members did not use put-downs. 1 2 3 4 5
9. Group members were able to accept criticism. 1 2 3 4 5
10. Trust developed among group members. 1 2 3 4 5

Add all circled numbers for Total Score

A. What WE really liked about our group

B. Ideas for improvement

Research Title: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

SELF-RATING: Reflecting on your own participation in the group project, rate yourself using the following rubric.

The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate offered The teammate always
HELPING offered assistance to other offered assistance to others. assistance to each other offered assistance to other
teammates. most of the time. members.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate worked from The teammate always
LISTENING worked from others’ ideas. worked from others’ ideas. others’ ideas most of the worked from others’ ideas.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate contributed to The teammate always
PARTICIPATING contributed to the project. contributed to the project. the project most of the time. contributed to the project.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate exchanged, The teammate always
PERSUADING exchanged, defended, and exchanged, defended, and defended, and rethought exchanged, defended, and
rethought ideas. rethought ideas. ideas most of the time. rethought ideas.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate interacted, The teammate always
QUESTIONING interacted, discussed, or interacted, discussed, and discussed, or posed interacted, discussed, or
posed questions to other posed questions to other questions to other team posed questions to other
team members. team members. members most of the time. team members.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate encouraged The teammate always
RESPECTING encouraged and supported encouraged and supported and supported the ideas and encouraged and supported
the ideas and efforts of the ideas and efforts of efforts of others some of the the ideas and efforts of
others. others. time. others.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate sometimes The teammate never offered
SHARING offered ideas or reported offered ideas and reported offered ideas and reported ideas and reported his/her
his/her findings to others. his/her findings to others. his/her findings to others. findings to others.

TEAMMATE PARTICIPATION RUBRIC: Reflecting on your teammates’ participation in the group project, rate each teammate using the following

TEAMMATE 1: ________________________________________________

The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate offered The teammate always
HELPING offered assistance to other offered assistance to others. assistance to each other offered assistance to other
teammates. most of the time. members.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate worked from The teammate always
LISTENING worked from others’ ideas. worked from others’ ideas. others’ ideas most of the worked from others’ ideas.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate contributed to The teammate always
PARTICIPATING contributed to the project. contributed to the project. the project most of the time. contributed to the project.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate exchanged, The teammate always
PERSUADING exchanged, defended, and exchanged, defended, and defended, and rethought exchanged, defended, and
rethought ideas. rethought ideas. ideas most of the time. rethought ideas.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate interacted, The teammate always
QUESTIONING interacted, discussed, or interacted, discussed, and discussed, or posed interacted, discussed, or
posed questions to other posed questions to other questions to other team posed questions to other
team members. team members. members most of the time. team members.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate encouraged The teammate always
RESPECTING encouraged and supported encouraged and supported and supported the ideas and encouraged and supported
the ideas and efforts of the ideas and efforts of efforts of others some of the the ideas and efforts of
others. others. time. others.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate sometimes The teammate never offered
SHARING offered ideas or reported offered ideas and reported offered ideas and reported ideas and reported his/her
his/her findings to others. his/her findings to others. his/her findings to others. findings to others.


TEAMMATE 2: ________________________________________________

The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate offered The teammate always
HELPING offered assistance to other offered assistance to others. assistance to each other offered assistance to other
teammates. most of the time. members.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate worked from The teammate always
LISTENING worked from others’ ideas. worked from others’ ideas. others’ ideas most of the worked from others’ ideas.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate contributes to The teammate always
PARTICIPATING contributed to the project. contributed to the project. the project most of the time. contributed to the project.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate exchanged, The teammate always
PERSUADING exchanged, defended, and exchanged, defended, and defended, and rethought exchanged, defended, and
rethought ideas. rethought ideas. ideas most of the time. rethought ideas.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate interacted, The teammate always
QUESTIONING interacted, discussed, or interacted, discussed, and discussed, or posed interacted, discussed, or
posed questions to other posed questions to other questions to other team posed questions to other
team members. team members. members most of the time. team members.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate encouraged The teammate always
RESPECTING encouraged and supported encouraged and supported and supported the ideas and encouraged and supported
the ideas and efforts of the ideas and efforts of efforts of others some of the the ideas and efforts of
others. others. time. others.
The teammate never The teammate sometimes The teammate sometimes The teammate never offered
SHARING offered ideas or reported offered ideas and reported offered ideas and reported ideas and reported his/her
his/her findings to others. his/her findings to others. his/her findings to others. findings to others.


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