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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436

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Organic acid transport through a partially saturated liner system

beneath a landfill
Tingfa Liu 1, Liming Hu*
State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A one-dimensional model was developed to investigate the transport of organic acids (commonly found
Received 14 April 2014 in landfill leachate) through a partially saturated composite liner system beneath a landfill. Specific
Received in revised form attention was paid to the influence of water content distribution on aqueous-phase diffusion process.
9 June 2014
Composite liner system was investigated, which was consisted of a geomembrane and a compacted clay
Accepted 21 June 2014
liner underlain by three kinds of attenuation layer: sand layer, sandy clay loam layer, and clay layer.
Available online 11 July 2014
Volumetric water content profile in soil layers was obtained by Van Genuchten model, and the Millington
and Quirk model was employed to describe the non-linear relationship between volumetric water
content and diffusion coefficient. Three cases were analyzed and compared, i.e., totally saturated con-
Composite liner dition, unsaturated condition without considering unsaturated diffusion model, and unsaturated con-
Organic contaminant dition considering unsaturated diffusion model. The numerical results show that the unsaturated sand
Millington and Quirk model attenuation layer could serve as excellent diffusion barrier to organic contaminant due to its low water
Unsaturated diffusion model retention capacity. When the dependence of diffusion coefficient on volumetric water content is suffi-
ciently considered, the contaminant flux decreases significantly in all the three kinds of attenuation layer.
Unsaturated diffusion model capturing the relationship between water content and diffusion coefficient
enables a more reasonable prediction of contaminant transport and distribution in soils.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

1. Introduction unsaturated pore space and their transport will be different to

other less volatile organic contaminants.
In modern landfills, liners are crucial horizontal barriers Landfill leachate contains a variety of concentrated organics
designed to protect groundwater and soils. Composite liners such as carboxylic acids (Kjeldsen et al., 2002). The transport pro-
involving a geomembrane (GMB) over a compacted clay liner (CCL) cess of these organic compounds through intact composite liners
or a GMB over a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) are widely used in deserves careful consideration.
landfills, and extensive research has been conducted to investigate Although geomembrane wrinkles are commonly generated
their short- and long-term performance (Rowe, 2005; Rowe, 2012). during construction, field observation suggested that wrinkles
Intact HDPE GMBs without defects are excellent barriers to the could be effectively controlled when geomembranes are covered
advective and diffusive migration of many contaminant com- at appropriate time and with sufficient restrained area (Chappel
pounds in landfill leachate. Volatile organic contaminants (VOCs) et al., 2012; Rowe et al., 2012). Overburden pressure caused by
can readily diffuse through HDPE GMBs (Haxo, 1990; Park and solid wastes mass as well as overlying drainage layers greatly
Nibras, 1993; Sangam and Rowe, 2001; Edil, 2003; Rowe et al., contributes to the reduction of wrinkles (Dickinson and
2004; Sangam and Rowe, 2005; McWatters and Rowe, 2010), thus Brachman, 2006; Brachman and Gudina, 2008a,b). With good
the penetration of organic contaminant could occur in the whole construction quality assurance, the majority of the geomembrane
scale of composite liner. However, VOCs will volatilize in the will be intact and in good direct contacted to subgrade and
diffusion may be the dominated mechanism controlling the
transport of organic contaminant beneath landfill. Therefore, the
ability of geomembrane (GMB) to control the transport of organic
* Corresponding author. Tel: þ86 10 62797416; fax: þ86 10 62785593. contaminant requires quantification, and the capability of un-
E-mail addresses: (T. Liu),
derlying soil layers to block contaminant diffusion needs careful
(L. Hu).
Tel.: þ86 10 62794154. consideration.
0266-1144/© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436 429

Several analytical and numerical methods have been proposed compound with relatively high concentration in landfill leachate in
to investigate the contaminant transport in composite liners China, was chosen as the typical organic compound (Kjeldsen et al.,
(Foose, 2002, 2010; Foose et al., 2002; Rowe et al., 2004; Rowe and 2002; Yue et al., 2007). A typical composite liner system consisted
Booker, 2005; El-Zein and Rowe, 2008; Chen et al., 2009; El-Zein of a geomembrane and a compacted clay liner underlain by an
et al., 2012; Xie et al., 2013). A widely used assumption is that attenuation layer was investigated. Three kinds of attenuation soil
soils beneath GMB are totally saturated. This assumption leads to layer: sand layer, sandy clay loam layer and clay layer were sepa-
conservative prediction of contaminant transport in soils, and the rately studied. The Millington and Quirk model was employed to
results are applied in engineering design. However, field research describe the non-linear relationship between effective diffusion
results (Bonaparte and Gross, 1990; King et al., 1993) showed that a coefficient and volumetric water content. Three calculation condi-
zone of partial saturation is a commonplace occurrence beneath a tions, i.e., totally saturated, unsaturated condition with or without
landfill. In western areas of China, groundwater level is low all the considering unsaturated diffusion model, were investigated.
year. The unsaturated zone beneath the surface is quite thick and
the soil layers are in low water content (Yang et al., 2012). Even for a 2. Mathematical model
saturated compacted clay liner, Celik et al. (2009) demonstrated
that failure to consider the presence of an unsaturated zone The governing geometry of the problem is shown in Fig. 1. A
beneath a clay liner could significantly underestimate the leakage compacted clay liner and an attenuation layer are beneath the
through the liner. Normally, in landfill site selection and liner sys- geomembrane. The groundwater level is at the base of the atten-
tem design, a distance between landfill liner and groundwater level uation layer, and the flow is assumed to be in horizontal direction.
is required in order to minimize the contamination risk to Lg, Ls1, Ls2 and h are thickness of geomembrane, compacted clay
groundwater. The potential effect of unsaturated zone on contam- liner, attenuation layer, and aquifer, respectively. The origin of the
inant transport beneath landfills requires adequate evaluation. coordinate system is at the interface between the geomembrane
Typical analytical and numerical methods mainly focus on perfor- and the underlying compacted clay liner. The positive z-axis is
mance of composite liners, but fail to address the effectiveness of assumed downward. The thickness of the compacted clay liner (Ls1)
the composite liners in terms of ultimate impact on groundwater is defined as 0.75 m, which is the minimum thickness prescribed in
quality (Foose, 2010). Computational tools, such as POLLUTE (Rowe the technical code by Chinese government (Chinese Ministry of
and Booker, 2005) and SPAS (El-Zein et al., 2012), are widely Construction, 2007). The thickness of the attenuation layer (Ls2) is
recognized as robust tools in dealing with the complexities and 3 m, so that the total distance between the top of liner and un-
variations in landfill liner system. However, the potential effect of derlying receptor aquifer is 3.75 m, which is the minimum distance
unsaturated condition for liner soils is not systematically allowed under Ontario Ministry of the Environment (1998). The
investigated. aquifer is assumed to be 1.0 m deep.
The effect of water content on aqueous-phase diffusion in soils In engineering practice, soils at landfill site would vary in a wide
was initially studied by soil scientists concerning nutrient supply, range. In order to investigate the influence of soil characteristics on
but it remained largely unexamined by geotechnical engineers in the transport and tempo-spacial distribution of contaminant, three
the context of contaminant transport and waste disposal (Hu and kinds of underlying attenuation layer, i.e., sand layer, sandy clay
Wang, 2003). Several theoretical models were developed to quan- loam layer, and clay layer, are separately investigated and are
titatively describe the diffusion behavior of solute in unsaturated denoted as Scenarios 1, 2, and 3, respectively, in the later discussion.
soils (Lim et al., 1998; Revil and Jougnot, 2008). Although diffi- Acetic acid was chosen to represent the organic compound in
culties in matrix control are often encountered in laboratory tests landfill leachate. The concentration of acetic acid (and other fatty
on unsaturated soils, extensive laboratory studies concerning so- acids or carboxylic acids) in leachate could be significant, especially
lute transport in unsaturated soils have been conducted (Rowe and in the leachate produced by MSW with high organic content and in
Badv, 1996; Hutchison et al., 2003; Badv and Faridfard, 2005; the relatively early stage of leachate production (Kjeldsen et al.,
Hamamoto et al., 2009, 2012; Savoye et al., 2010, 2012; Chou 2002). Yue et al. (2007) investigated the organic component in
et al., 2012). Theoretical and experimental progress greatly helps young landfill and presented that concentration of pentanoic acid,
to quantify and harness the slow diffusion process in unsaturated hexanoic acid and several other carboxylic acids could exceed
soils. A review of the unsaturated diffusion models describing 1000 mg/L, and the concentration of acetic acid could even reach
relation between effective diffusion coefficient and volumetric 4286 mg/L. The volatility of acetic acid is relatively low. Under
water content was presented by Hu and Wang (2003). Chou et al.
(2012) evaluated the solute diffusion models with tortuosity fac-
tor based on experiments on sand, sandy loam, and clay under
varied degree of saturation, and concluded that the Millington and
Quirk (1961) model fitted best with the experimental results. It is
clear that the diffusion coefficient in aqueous phase would be
significantly reduced as soils become unsaturated. Factors attrib-
uted to this reduction may include: (1) increase in diffusion path
length; (2) increased viscosity of liquid next to the soil surface; (3)
increased ionic interaction along small pores and water films; (4)
interconnectivity between water filled pores and water films (Lim
et al., 1998). The pure diffusion process is highly related to the
variation of water content and diffusion coefficient, thus the
dependence of unsaturated diffusion coefficient on water content
needs to be sufficiently considered in the contaminant prediction.
A numerical model was developed to investigate the influence
of water content variation and the unsaturated diffusion on the
transport of organic contaminant with low volatility and high
aqueous solubility beneath a landfill. Acetic acid, an organic Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of diffusion through intact composite soil liner.
430 T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436

normal temperature and air pressure (298.5 K, and one standard An aquifer with a constant horizontal groundwater velocity was
atmospheric pressure), the ratio of gas-phase and aqueous-phase set beneath the attenuation layer. It is assumed that the concen-
concentration Cg/Ca (based on Henry’s Law) is in the order 106, tration of contaminant in the aquifer does not vary in vertical or
which means the amount of acetic acid volatilizing in air is small horizontal direction, and the contaminant transport in this layer is
compared to the amount dissolved in water. Thus this paper con- dominated by advection. The net change of contaminant mass in
siders the transport in the aqueous phase while acknowledging the aquifer at any time t will be equal to the difference between the
that there will also be some transport in the air phase that may contaminant mass flux entering the aquifer from above and that
become more significant at low degrees of saturation. Diffusion in a leaving the aquifer from the side. The contaminant concentration in
geomembrane can be described by Fick's second law: the aquifer CBN(t) is given by (Rowe and Booker, 2005):

vCg v2 C g Zt Zt
¼ Dg 2 ; Lg < z < 0 (1) fBN ðc; tÞ vA cBN
vt vz CBN ðtÞ ¼ dt  dt; z ¼ H (6)
nA h nA L
0 0
where Cg is the contaminant concentration in the geomembrane; t
is time; Dg is the diffusion coefficient. Biological decay and vCr
adsorption is neglected. fBN ðc; tÞ ¼ D*e ; z¼H (7)
For the direct contact situation analyzed here, continuity of
contaminant concentration and mass flux exists at the interface of where fBN(c, t) is the contaminant mass flux into the aquifer from
the geomembrane and soil liner. Continuity of contaminant flux can the soil above; vA is the advection flow velocity in the base aquifer;
be described using Fick's first law: h is the height of the aquifer; nA is the porosity of the aquifer, and L
is the length of landfill. Parameters involved in the calculation are
vCg vCr summarized in Table 1.
Jd ¼ Dg j  ¼ De j þ; z ¼ 0 (2)
vz z¼0 vz z¼0

where Jd is the mass flux via diffusion. 3. Water content distribution in composite liner and
Continuity of concentration interface can be described by: attenuation layer
j  ¼ Cr jz¼0þ ; z ¼ 0 (3) For landfill liners constructed with adequate care and supervi-
Sgf z¼0
sion, geomembrane could provide sufficient separation between
landfill leachate and underlying soils. Fityus et al. (1999) demon-
where Cr is the contaminant concentration in the pore water of the
strated that when leakage through geomembrane defects was ab-
soil liner; Cg is divided by the partition coefficient of the geo-
sent, time required for moisture equilibration in compacted clay
membrane (Sgf) because the solute partitions out of the geo-
membrane at the interface. In this study, a normalization method
proposed by Foose (2002) is employed to deal with the change of Table 1
concentration at the surface of geomembrane. The partition coef- Geometric and material parameters involved in the simulation.
ficient Sgf is defined as 0.021, referring the experiment results Landfill leachate (see Eq. (5))
compiled in Rowe et al. (2004). Initial concentration, C0 (mg/L) 4000
Chemical transport process is attributed to Fickian pure diffu- Half-life, t1/2 (year) 2
sion process and biological decay, and sorption is assumed to be Geomembrane (GMB) (see Eq. (1))
negligible in all the soil layers. The diffusion of the organic con- Thickness, Lg (mm) 1.5
taminants through soil liners considering first-order degradation Partition coefficient, Sgfa 0.021
Diffusion coefficient, Dg (m /s) 1.1  1012
2 a
can be described by Fick's second law:
Compacted clay liner (see Eq. (4))
vCr v2 C r Thickness, Ls1 (m) 0.75
q ¼ De 2  qlCr ; z > 0 (4) Effective porosity, n1 0.38
vt vz Half-life, t1/2 (year) 50

where q is the volumetric water content; l is the first-order decay Attenuation layer (see Eq. (4))
Thickness, Ls2 (m) 3
coefficient. D*e is defined as actual diffusion coefficient here, and is
Effective porosity, n2 0.43 (sand) 0.39 (sandy clay loam) 0.38 (clay)
used to describe the diffusive ability of contaminant through Half-life, t1/2 (year) 50
porous media.
Base aquifer (see Eq. (6))
A decaying concentration is applied as the top boundary, and is Thickness h (m) 1
given by (Rowe and Booker, 2005): Effective porosity nA 0.3
Darcy velocity vA (m/s) 3.17  108
Landfill (see Eq. (6))
CðtÞ ¼ C0  l CðtÞdt (5) Landfill length, L (m) 200
0 Unsaturated conditionb (see Eq. (10))
Van Genuchten model, a(1/m) 14.5 (sand) 5.9 (sandy clay loam)
where C0 is the initial source concentration in leachate; l is the 0.8 (clay)
first-order decay coefficient, and l ¼ ln2/t1/2, in which t1/2 is the Van Genuchten model, n 2.68 (sand) 1.48 (sandy clay loam )
1.09 (clay)
half-life of contaminant. In a realistic situation, the contaminant
Van Genuchten model, m 0.627 (sand) 0.324 (sandy clay loam)
concentration in leachate fluctuates widely over time, but there is a 0.083 (clay)
lack of field data from a wide variety of modern landfills to develop Residual water content, qr 0.068 (sand) 0.1 (sandy clay loam)
a more complex boundary condition. For the organic contaminant 0.045 (clay)
studied here, the decaying concentration applied would partially a
Rowe et al. (2004).
represent the variation of concentration with time. Carsel and Parrish (1988).
T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436 431

liner was considerably shorter than the time scale normally

considered for contaminant transport beneath a landfill. Therefore,
a steady volumetric water content profile is adopted in this anal-
ysis. Even when geomembrane defects are involved, which is
inevitable in the short and long service life of composite liner, the
leakage of landfill leachate through geomembrane defects could be
limited into a relatively small area compared to the whole scale of
the geomembrane. Therefore, the assumption of stable water
content profile in the soil liner and attenuation layer is a reasonable
approximation for the condition analyzed here. The suction head in
the soil is determined by the distance between the soil and the
groundwater level. The volumetric water content of soil between
geomembrane and groundwater level is obtained by the van Gen-
uchten model described as follows (Van Genuchten, 1980):

qr þ Se ðqs  qr Þ Hp < 0
q¼ (8)
qs Hp  0

8 Fig. 3. Actual diffusion coefficient profile in Case C in three scenarios.

> 1
<  n m H < 0
Se ¼ 1 þ aHp  p
: Hp  0
D*e ¼ q10=3 q2
s D0 (10)
where Hp is the pressure head, Se is the effective degree of satu-
ration, and a, m, n are van Genuchten model parameters. The soil where D*e is the actual diffusion coefficient in soil; D0 is the solute
parameters used in the calculation are given in Table 1. diffusion coefficient in pure water; qs is the saturated water content.
Three conditions are analyzed here to investigate the effect of
volumetric water content and unsaturated diffusion on contami-
4. Unsaturated diffusion model nant transport and distribution. In Case A, the totally saturated
condition is analyzed, and the actual diffusion coefficient (D*e) is
When dealing with solute transport process in unsaturated soils, derived by substituting q with qs in Eq. (10). In Case B, the variation
a common approach is to substitute the effective porosity (n) with of volumetric water content along depth is considered, and the
the volumetric water content (q). The underlying assumption is that actual diffusion coefficient (D*e) is obtained by multiplying the D*e in
the diffusion coefficient varies linearly with volumetric water Case A with the degree of saturation (q/qs). In Case C, the non-linear
content. However, extensive research has proven that the effect of relationship between diffusion coefficient and volumetric water is
water content on diffusion is not linear, and the applicability of considered, and the actual diffusion coefficient is calculated directly
diffusion coefficient measured in saturated systems within unsat- from Eq. (10).
urated media is questionable (Hu and Wang, 2003). In this analysis, Volumetric water content profile in the composite liner and
Millington and Quirk (1961) model is employed to quantitatively underlying attenuation layer in three scenarios is presented in
describe the relationship between diffusion coefficient and volu- Fig. 2. Comparison of the actual diffusion coefficient in Case C is
metric water content due to its simplicity and satisfying fitness shown in Fig. 3. The results show that in the sand attenuation
with experimental results for a wide range of soils (Chou et al., layer (Scenario 1), the volumetric water content decreases
2012). Relationship between the actual diffusion coefficient (D*e) sharply from the saturated water content (qs ¼ 0.43) at the bot-
and volumetric water content (q) can be described as follows. tom (z ¼ 3.75 m) to the residual water content (qr ¼ 0.068) at the
top (z ¼ 0.75 m). This leads to a sharp decrease in the actual
diffusion coefficient D*e, from 2.75  1010 m2/s at the bottom
(z ¼ 3.75 m) to 6.07  1013 m2/s at the top (z ¼ 0.75 m). While in
the clay attenuation layer (Scenario 3), the volumetric water
content decreases slightly, from 0.380 at the bottom (z ¼ 3.75 m)
to 0.346 at the top (z ¼ 0.75 m), and the corresponding actual
diffusion coefficient D*e decreases from 2.33  1010 m2/s to
1.77  1010 m2/s. In the sandy clay loam attenuation layer
(Scenario 2), the distribution of the volumetric water content and
the actual diffusion coefficient lies in between the above two

5. Results and analysis

In order to investigate the effect of water content variation and

unsaturated diffusion process on contaminant transport beneath
landfills, three types of attenuation layer (Scenarios 1, 2, and 3) and
three kinds of calculation condition (Cases A, B, and C) are calcu-
lated and analyzed below. Detailed description of the scenarios and
Fig. 2. Volumetric water content profile in three scenarios. cases is summarized in Table 2.
432 T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436

Table 2
Detailed description of the soil layers and calculation conditions.

Case A Case B Case C

Scenario 1 Sand AL, totally saturated condition Sand AL, D*e varies linearly with q Sand AL, unsaturated diffusion model considered
Scenario 2 Sandy clay loam AL, totally saturated Sandy clay loam AL, D*e varies linearly Sandy clay loam AL, unsaturated diffusion model considered
condition with q
Scenario 3 Clay AL, totally saturated condition Clay AL, D*e varies linearly with q Clay AL, unsaturated diffusion model considered

5.1. Scenario 1: composite liner underlain by a sand layer higher than that in Case C. In all cases, the mass flux reduces to
values below zero at about 40 years since degradation of organic
Fig. 4 shows the comparison of acetic acid concentration in soil contaminant is considered in leachate and soil layers. The results
layers in the three cases. The influence of water content variation show that unsaturated zone significantly impedes contaminant
and unsaturated diffusion process on acetic acid transport is sig- diffusion and effectively reduces contaminant flux into underlying
nificant. In Case A, when both the compacted clay liner and the soil layers.
sand attenuation layer are assumed saturated, the acetic acid dis- The comparison of cumulative mass in the three cases is shown
tributes evenly along the depth and the peak concentration reaches in Fig. 6. At depth z ¼ 3.75 m, the calculated acetic acid mass within
7.20 mg/L at depth z ¼ 1.97 m. In Case B, when the actual diffusion 100 years in Case A and Case B is 25.8 kg/ha and 12.5 kg/ha,
coefficient varies linearly with water content, the peak concentra- respectively. In Case C, the cumulative mass flux at z ¼ 3.75 m is
tion reaches 6.71 mg/L at depth z ¼ 2.12 m. A slight concentration zero within 100 years, indicating that the contaminant transport is
gradient discontinuity exists at the interface of the compacted clay effectively blocked in the upper unsaturated zone. At depth
liner and the attenuation layer due to the difference of volumetric z ¼ 0.75 m, the cumulative acetic acid mass flux increases with
water content. In Case C, when the non-linear relationship between time, and reaches peak values at about 22 years, then gradually
actual diffusion coefficient and the volumetric water content are decreases values below zero due to organic degradation in the
considered, the peak acetic acid concentration reaches 9.46 mg/L at leachate source and soil layers. The cumulative mass discharged
depth z ¼ 0.94 m. In this case, the contaminant is largely confined within 100 years in Case A, Case B, and Case C is 435.7 kg/ha,
within the depth z < 1.0 m, and the concentration of acetic acid at 102.8 kg/ha, and 12.4 kg/ha, respectively. The comparison of Case B
the top of aquifer is zero at t ¼ 100 years. As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, and Case C indicates that the consideration of the effect of water
both the volumetric water content and effective diffusion coeffi- content on aqueous diffusion will lead to 8.3 times difference in
cient in most part of the sand attenuation layer stay at relatively cumulative mass flux, and the saturated assumption significantly
low values, and the unsaturated zone serves as an effective barrier overestimate the mass flux.
to contaminant diffusion. Since the degradation of acetic acid is
considered in leachate source and soil layers, the acetic acid con-
5.2. Scenario 2: composite liner underlain by a sandy clay loam
centration decreases quickly with time. Thus, the acetic acid con-
centration at the bottom of attenuation layer keeps zero even when
the calculation time is extended to several hundreds of years, which
As shown in Fig. 2, the volumetric water content distribution
means that acetic acid will not reach the aquifer in this case.
profile in the sandy clay loam layer is in-between the sand and clay
The acetic acid concentration profile presented above could also
layer. The volumetric water content decreases from 0.346 at the
be well explained by the contaminant mass flux rate at depth
bottom of the attenuation layer to 0.173 at the top, and the decrease
z ¼ 0.75 m, as shown in Fig. 5. In all the three cases, the mass flux
is much slighter than that in Scenario 1. Calculated acetic acid
rate increases from zero to a peak value at about 6.5 years. Obvi-
concentration in the soil layers at 100 years is presented in Fig. 7,
ously, the mass flux in Case A is higher than that in Case B and Case
and the variation of cumulative mass flux with time at depth
C. The peak mass flux rate reaches 71.2 kg/ha/year in Case A, and
z ¼ 0.75 m and z ¼ 3.75 m is shown in Fig. 8.
that is 3.5 times higher than that in Case B and is about 30 times

Fig. 4. Calculated acetic acid concentration at t ¼ 100 years in Scenario 1. Fig. 5. Mass flux rate with time at depth z ¼ 0.75 m in Scenario 1.
T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436 433

(Case C), the cumulative mass flux will be about 200 times less
compared to those in Case A and Case B. At depth z ¼ 0.75 m, the
cumulative mass flux in Case A, Case B, and Case C is 406.2 kg/ha,
226.6 kg/ha and 94.2 kg/ha, respectively. In the three cases, the
volumetric water content and actual diffusion coefficient in the
upper compacted clay liner is quite close due to its high water
retention capacity. However, when different calculation conditions
are applied to the underlying attenuation layer, the mass flux
through the upper clay liner varies greatly. Therefore, the proper-
ties of underlying soils could greatly influence the transport and
distribution of contaminant in the upper liner, and that requires
adequate consideration in the performance evaluation of compos-
ite liners.

5.3. Scenario 3: composite liner underlain by a clay layer

In this scenario, all the calculation parameters for the underlying

clay attenuation layer are the same as the upper compacted clay
liner. The acetic acid concentration profile at 100 years is shown in
Fig. 9. Compared with Scenarios 1 and 2, the acetic acid distribution
profile in this Scenario is quite smooth in all the three cases, and the
influence of water content distribution and unsaturated diffusion
process is much less obvious.

Fig. 6. Cumulative mass discharged with time in Scenario 1: (a) bottom of the com-
pacted clay liner, z ¼ 0.75 m; and (b) bottom of the attenuation layer, z ¼ 3.75 m.

At depth z ¼ 3.75 m, the cumulative mass flux within 100 years

in Cases A, B and C is 24.2 kg/ha, 19.2 kg/ha and 8.79  102 kg/ha,
respectively. Consideration of the variation of water content in the
soil layers only produces a slight difference between Case A and
Case B. However, when the unsaturated diffusion model is used

Fig. 8. Cumulative mass discharged in Scenario 2: (a) bottom of the compacted clay
Fig. 7. Calculated acetic acid concentration at t ¼ 100 years in Scenario 2. liner, z ¼ 0.75 m; and (b) bottom of the attenuation layer, z ¼ 3.75 m.
434 T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436

attenuation layer to 0.30 at the top of the compacted clay liner. The
cross-sectional area available for mass transfer is much larger than
that in unsaturated sand layer due to high water content in the
compacted clay liner. The results show that in this scenario, the
assumption of totally saturated condition will not result in obvious
deviation in contaminant transport prediction beneath landfill. For
composite liner underlain by clay attenuation layers, the design and
performance evaluation of landfill liners based on saturated
assumption is convenient and acceptable.

5.4. Comparison and discussion of three scenarios

The concentration profiles along the depth at 100 years are

shown in Figs. 4, 7 and 9, and the peak concentration values and the
corresponding depths in different scenarios and cases are sum-
marized in Table 3. In Case A, when all soil liners are assumed to be
saturated, the concentration profiles in all three scenarios are quite
close, and the peak concentration in Scenarios 1, 2, and 3 is 7.19 mg/
Fig. 9. Calculated acetic acid concentration at t ¼ 100 year in Scenario 3.
L, 7.43 mg/L, and 7.47 mg/L, respectively. However, in Case C, when
the dependence of actual diffusion coefficient on volumetric water
The cumulative mass discharged in the three cases is presented content is sufficiently considered, the peak concentration in Sce-
in Fig. 10. At depth z ¼ 0.75 m, the cumulative mass flux in Case A narios 1, 2, and 3 is 9.45 mg/L, 8.40 mg/L, and 7.36 mg/L, respec-
and Case B is close, and is about 40% higher than that in Case C. The tively. In this case, contaminant diffusion is largely blocked in the
volumetric water content declines from 0.33 at the bottom of the upper part of the attenuation layer, and the corresponding depth of
peak concentration in Case C are relatively shallower than those in
the other two cases.
The difference of acetic acid transport in soil types could be
further illustrated by the comparison of mass flux through typical
depths, as shown in Figs. 6, 8 and 10. The cumulative mass flux
within 100 years is presented in Table 4. In saturated condition
(Case A), the values of cumulative contaminant mass in the three
scenarios are close, and the difference is caused by the difference in
the saturated water content of the three soil types. When unsatu-
rated condition is considered (Case B), the reduction of cumulative
contaminant mass at depth z ¼ 0.75 m in Scenario 1 and 2 could
reach 76.4% and 44.2% respectively, and a further 97.2% and 76.8%
reduction could be reached when unsaturated diffusion model is
applied (Case C). Comparison between Cases B and C in all the three
scenarios indicates that the assumption of a linear relation between
volumetric water content and actual diffusion coefficient would
greatly deviate from the actual condition, especially for soil layers
with low water retention capacity. While for a clay attenuation
layer, this deviation is much smaller, and the contaminant transport
could be reasonably predicted based on the linear relationship

6. Discussion

In the above part, acetic acid was chosen as a representative of

the organic compounds in landfill leachate. Many carboxylic acids,
such as acetic acid, have very low volatility, and their diffusion in
gas-phase could be neglected since there is little mass transfer from
aqueous phase to air phase. In developing countries such as China
and India, the municipal solid waste (MSW) contains a significant

Table 3
Peak concentration values and corresponding depths.

Peak concentration Depth for Peak concentration

(Unit: mg/L) (Unit: m)

Case A Case B Case C Case A Case B Case C

Scenario 1 7.19 6.71 9.45 1.96 2.11 0.94

Scenario 2 7.43 7.11 8.40 2.08 1.93 1.31
Fig. 10. Cumulative mass discharged in Scenario 3: (a) bottom of the compacted clay
Scenario 3 7.47 7.54 7.36 2.08 1.89 1.66
liner, z ¼ 0.75 m; and (b) bottom of the attenuation layer, z ¼ 3.75 m.
T. Liu, L. Hu / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 42 (2014) 428e436 435

Table 4 (3) Actual diffusion coefficient is highly dependent on volu-

Cumulative mass flux in 100 years at depth z ¼ 0.75 m and depth z ¼ 3.75 m (Unit: metric water content. Unsaturated diffusion models capable
of capturing the relationship between diffusion coefficient
Depth z ¼ 0.75 m Depth z ¼ 3.75 m and volumetric water content enables a more reasonable
Case A Case B Case C Case A Case B Case C prediction of contaminant transport and distribution in un-
saturated porous media.
Scenario 1 435.7 102.8 12.4 25.8 12.5 0
Scenario 2 406.2 226.6 94.2 24.2 19.2 8.79  102
Scenario 3 398.5 359.4 299.4 23.9 21.5 14.7

The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the

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could last for quite long period of time, and the carboxylic acids Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 51323014).
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