Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Tick Fever) in Dogs - Dog Owners - MSD Veterinary Manual

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Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Tick
Fever) in Dogs
By Jennifer H. McQuiston, DVM, MS, Rickettsial Zoonoses Branch,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Last full review/revision Jun 2018 | Content last modified Oct 2022

Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a disease of humans and dogs

that is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. (Rickettsiae are a specialized
type of bacteria that live only inside other cells.) The spotted-fever
group of organisms is found worldwide, but the closely related
organisms within this group that cause Rocky Mountain spotted
fever are only found in certain geographic areas of North, South,
and Central America. They are often transmitted through the bites
of infected ticks. In the United States, the American dog tick and
the Rocky Mountain wood tick are considered the most important
transmission agents for Rickettsia rickettsii. The brown dog tick also
transmits the disease in some parts of the country (including
Arizona) and in other countries.

Direct transmission from dogs to humans has not been reported.

Humans can become infected following contact with tick blood and
lymph fluids or excretions during the removal of engorged ticks
from their pets or themselves. Human infections usually involve
the transfer of tick fluids through broken skin or through the eyes.

Dogs are highly susceptible to infection. Early signs may include

fever (up to 105°F [40.5°C]), loss of appetite, enlargement of the
lymph nodes, inflammation of several joints, coughing or difficulty
in breathing, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, and swelling
of the face or extremities. In severe cases, unraised, perfectly
round, purplish red spots may be seen on the linings of the eyelids
and mouth. These spots are caused by bleeding below the surfaces
of these tissues. Signs of nervous system involvement, such as
altered mental states, impaired balance, and increased painful
spinal sensitivity from a normally painless touch, may be seen.
Between 1% and 10% of dogs with Rocky Mountain spotted fever
die from the disease.

Blood tests that assess antibody levels are used to diagnose Rocky
Mountain spotted fever. If a veterinarian suspects the disease,
antibiotic treatment is usually started immediately without waiting
for blood test results. Any delay in treatment may increase the
chances of a severe or fatal infection. Depending on the severity of
infection, supportive care for dehydration and bleeding may be

The most important preventive steps are those that control ticks,
the most common source of the disease. Keeping your dog away
from areas known to harbor ticks is a step you can take. Preventive
medications that will keep your dog from being infested with ticks
are also available from your veterinarian. Any ticks found on your
dog should be promptly and properly removed to prevent the
spread of disease. Remove any ticks by using fine-pointed
tweezers to grasp the head of the tick (right where it enters the
skin). Pull the tick straight off, making sure not to grasp or squeeze
its body. If there are multiple ticks, it may be best to have your
veterinarian remove them and examine your dog. It is important to
remember that contact with fluids and excretions from infected
ticks can spread the disease to people.

Also see professional content regarding Rocky Mountain

spotted fever.


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