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Advanced Public
Transportation Systems

What is APTS? representatives ofbusiness, industry, and

govemment. Recent Federal and state
ASSISTANCE legislation tbat encourages a strong local
Advanced Public Transportation
approach to local transportation issues
Systems, or APTS, are advanced naviga- has also sewed to promote the multi-
tion and communication technologies modal, integrated approach of IVHS
applied to all aspects of public transporta-
tion system operations. APTS provides
Most of the technologies needed to
the technology for transportation agen- implement Advanced Public Transporta-
U.S. Department cies to make timely transit information
tion Systems already exist. One exciting
of Transportation available to the passenger and to improve
aspect of the APTS program is the interest
the convenience, reliability and safety of
Federal Transit shown by U.S. manufacturers. They view
public transportation service. For ex-
Administration the application of IVHS technologies to
ample, smart cards, telecommunications,
Office of Technical transit as a new market in the transition
and other electronic technologies that
Assistance and Safety of existing technology from defense to
have the potential to improve the effi-
the domestic side of the economy. These
ciency andappeal ofpublictmnsportation
commercial technologies are becoming
are being tested at various locations the force for change in how transit man-
throughout the U.S. ages its operations and improves service
The Federal Transit Administration
to the customer.
(PTA) created the Advanced Public
The challenge is to develop appro-
Transportation Systems (APTS) Program
priate system applications in transit for
as part of the U.S. DOT initiative in
thesetechnologies. The APTS program is
Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems
developing an information base on the
(IVHS). IVHS is a tool to enhance trans-
national applications of advanced tech-
Funding for
portation mobility, energy efficiency, en- nologies in public transportation and is
APTS Programs pg. 2 vironmental protection and safety. Most testing these technologies in operating
COT - New IVHS systems are designed for the auto- models. The operational tests serve as the
Operational Tests pg. 3 mobile driver and not the transit rider.
transition between research and develop-
IVHS - IDEA Program pg. 3
The APTS program addresses this imbal-
ment and full-scale deployment of IVHS
ance by developing IVHS -systems that
Advanced Public technologies. Tests are conducted in a
Transportation Systems pg. 4
will improve the public transit option.
“real world’ operational environment
The importance of IVHS as a poten-
APTS Committee pg .6 under “live” transportation conditions.
tial solution to transportation problems
A typical APTS operational test
Publications pg. 7 has grown in recent years, primarily be-
cause of the coordinated support from (continues on page 2)
Funding for requirements dictating how and ments. It establishes’a new multi-

APTS Programs where money must be spent. Flexibil-

ity offers Metropolitan Planning
modal Surface Transportation Pro-
gram which allows flexible use of
Organizations (MPOs), transit opera- selected FTA and FHWA grant pro-
tors, and state highway agencies the grams so that one program can aug-
The Federal Transit Admin- financial resources necessary to ment the other. The best way to
istration’s commitment to initiate a develop the most appropriate trans- access Federal and non-federal funds
revitalized and expanded Transit Plan- portation systems to maintain mobil- for APTS related projects is through
ning and Research Program resulted ity, ease congestion, and improve full and active participation in project
in the largest investment in these air quality. planning, programming, and selec-
activities in the last 10 years. A total Future funding for APTS initia- tion at the local level.
of $60 million was made available tives will come from both Federal
in FY ‘92 to provide new emphasis sources and existing local financial
to a host of initiatives, including the
Advanced Public Transportation
resources as MPO’s, State DOT’s, What is APTS?
and local transit operators work to-
Systems Program. gether to meet existing and future (Continued from page 1)
In 1993 limited FTA discretion- travel needs.
ary funds under Sections 6 and 26, of integrates existing technology, R&D
the Federal Transit Act, as amended, “Local TIP’s, SIP’s, and Long products, institutional arrangements,
are available to support the imple- Range Plans should include public acceptance, and market readi-
mentation and evaluation of APTS
operational tests. currently, funds
APTS initiatives” ness in a real world test bed,
Various technologies are being
from the FHWA/IVHS Corridors pro- It is critical that technical infor- examined in the APTS program, and
gram and funds from FTA Sections 3 mation on the costs and benefits many projects and operational tests
and 9 are being used to cover capital of Advanced Public Transportation involve the integration of several dif-
costs. However, the availability of all ferent systems. For example, to help
Systems be aggressively promoted
of the funds appropriated under to state and local decisionmakers the traveler make immediate deci-
ISTEA has been dramatically reduced, to ensure that multimodal Long sions about his/her travel mode
thereby hampering some of the Range Plans identify potential facili- or route, a series of Smart Traveler
progress made in 1992. In addition, ties and services to address future technologies are being explored. To
budgetary pressures and congres- needs. Local Transportation Improve- improve vehicle and fleet planning,
sional earmarking has put constraints ment Plans (TIPS), which represent scheduling, and operations, a number
on the overall APTS progam. the major planning document for of transit operators are testing Smart
securing Fedemlfinancialassistance, Vehicle technologies, which repre-
“The APTS program should include APTS initiatives. sent new methods of increasing reli-
represents a critical State Implementation Plans (SIPS), ability, efficiency, and safety. Smart
opportunity to test the required by the Clean Air Act to serve Intemodal System3 involve the inte-
flexibility provisions as a state’s commitment to actions gration of APTS technologies into
of ISTEA” which will lead to the attainment traffic management and other non-
of National Ambient. Air Quality transit applications of IVHS.
The APTS program represents Standards, should also include APTS Smart Traveler technologies,
a critical opportunity to test the initiatives. Smart Vehicle technologies, and
dynamic flexibility provisions of ISTEA gives local transportation Smart Intermodal Systems represent
ISTEA because transportation deci- authorities the financial capacity and the transfer of technological innova-
sions are now made based on local programming flexibility to develop tions into the U.S. transportation sys-
needs, rather than because of Federal efficient transportation improve- tems of the 21st century.

APTS Program 2
DOT Identifies a portable digital personal communi-
cations device (PCD) designed to
New Projects receive various real-time and transit
information; Program
for IVHS SMART Card Bus Fare
Collection Test, “Smart DART” The Transportation Research
Operational (Delaware) will evaluate the use of
"smart cards” for fare collection on
Board (TRB) has announced an
IVHS-IDEA* programto investigate
Wilmington’s entire transit system;
the feasibility of new technological
San Francisco Bay Area concepts and to examine potential
Inter-modal Traveler Information
application of cross cutting techno-
U.S. DOT has identified 16 op System Test, "TravInfo”
(California) will evaluate a compre- logical advances to IVHS.
erational tests to advance the IVHS hensive, multi-modal, region-wide IDEA innovations should match
program The IVHS Operational Test traveler information system which the needs of the IVHS program in key
Program is designed to evaluate sys- collects, integrates, and disseminates functional technology areas such as:
tem concepts, technologies, institu- transportation information;
Advanced Traffic
tional, and financial arrangements that . New York City Metropolitan
Management Systems (ATMS)
hold the promise of improving Transportation Authority Travel
Information System Test Advanced Traveler
mobility and transportation produc-
(New York) will evaluate the Information Systems (ATIS)
tivity, enhancing safety, and reducing
effectiveness of various methods of Advanced Vehicle Control Systems
congestion on the nation s highways. providing comprehensive transit
The Federal Transit Administra- (AVCS)
information at bus stops and on-
tion, the Federal Highway Adminis- boardbuses; Commercial Vehicle Operations
tration, and the national Highway (CVO)
. Spread Spectrum Radio
Traffic Safety Administration will Traffic Signal Interconnect Test Advanced Public Transportation
jointly administer this program. (California); Systems (APTS).
All of the projects listed below . San Antonio Advanced Traffic TRB will release a detailed
were selected; projects that include Management System Test (Texas); IVHS-IDEA project announcement
APTS operational technologies are . Dynamic Truck Speed Warning by April 1993.
described: for Long Downgrades (Colorado); Proposals may be submitted any-
Bus Transit Travel Time time during the year. Each IDEA
. On-Board Automated Mileage/
Information System Test project will be a fixed price and cost
Stateline Crossing Test
(Colorado) will evaluate the impact (Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin); effective contract below $100,000
of real-time information presented and should be completed within
through video-display terminals, etc. . Washington, D.C. Surveillance
at key high-use locations;
one year.
Test (D.C., Virginia, Maryland);
Individuals interested in IVHS-
Advanced Traveler Information . Integrated Freeway Damp
IDEA may send their recommenda-
System/Automatic Vehicle Metering and Adaptive Arterial
Location in the I-394 Corridor, Signal Control Test (Califomia); tions on IDEA projects or request
“Travlink” (Minnesota) will copies of the program announcement
evaluate real-time transit schedule
Mobile Surveillance System Test by writing to Dr. K. Thirumalai;
and traffic information provided (California);
TRB-IDEA Program; National
through a combination of kiosks and .
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Research Council, 2 10 1 Constitution
audiotext/videotext at work, home, System Test (California);
shopping, and transit stations; Avenue NW; Washington, D.C.
Smart Call Box Test (California); 20418.
l Minneapolis/St. Paul Personal
Communication Device Test, .
Storm Warning System Test * Innovations Deserving Explort rly
"Genesis" (Minnesota) will evaluate (Idaho). Analysis (IDEA)

APTS Program 3
Smart Traveler (via audiotext) to aid passengers with
Smart Vehicle
Technology The Los Angeles County Transpor- Technology
tation Commission is testing the use
Smart Traveler technology of a system which would electronically Smart Vehicle technology fre-
focuses on providing basic travel quently integrates vehicle-based APTS
integrate and coordinate regional
information to transit users before they technologies into a single system that is
paratransit services provided by several
make personal decisions on how to designed to improve vehicle and fleet
public and private, providers throughout
travel. The goal of Smart Traveler pro- planning, scheduling, and operations.
the county and make the information The smart vehicle implements many
grams is to provide real-time transporta- available to potential users.
tion information to the public through advanced communication and vehicle
Houston METRO is demonstrating location applications that are adapted
advanced computer and communi- a traveler information service using from military, aerospace, industrial,
cations technology. IVHS technology. The project calcu- and highway use to transit use.
Providing real-time information to lates,displays, and prints out the best
travelers at home, in the work-place, or possible travel itinerary on transit to
through roadside or transit center moni- specific destinations.
“The Smart Vehicle adapts
tors using IVHS communication tech- many technologies from
nologies can help travelers choose their
“Smart Cards provide a military, industrial, and
mode of travel or alter their route in
secure, flexible method highway use to transit use”
response to a delay. Several methods for
gathering and providing real-time infor- of payment”
mation are being researched and tested Some of the technologies that am
for public transportation use. A basic being used by transit are Automatic
A number of convenient fare pay-
Vehicle Location; automatic passenger
starting point is to ensure that automated ment options are being tested that may
counters; on-board passenger informa-
information on all public transportation move transit towards a "cashless”opera-
tion (both voice and visual); vehicle
services in a given area is available at a tion. These options include the use of diagnostics; smart card readers; traffic
single source. No longer will someone deposit cards, credit cards, debit cards, signal preemption; automated demand-
considering the transit option be required and other so-called “smartcards”. Smart responsive dispatching systems (on
to check with every transit service or cards provide a secure, flexible method board equipment); transponders for
rideshare program to get information. of payment, and a single card can automatic toll collection and HOV
Examples of Smart Traveler be used for a variety of uses, such verification; on-board automatic guid-
technologies include interactive displays as paying transit fares or parking ance equipment; and global positioning
on personal computers or cable TVs that fees, and ATM transactions. systems.
provide graphic views of public trans- Ann Arbor Transportation Author- The common element linking all of
portation services. The traveler indi- ity is developing a mobility pass which these technologies is communication
cates the origin and destination of the uses advanced card technology for either To be effective, data must be transferred
trip using a touchscreen that maps out parking or transit use. Wilmington, between the vehicle and the home base,
the best route on a graphic display Delaware plans to evaluate the use of with computational processing either
and shows bus numbers, bus stop smart cards for fare collection on their on the vehicle, at the user location, or
locations, arrival and travel times. Real- entire transit system Instead of drop- at a central computer.
time information can also be provided ping coins or tokens into a fare box, On board sensors automatically
to travelers on-board a bus or other ve- passengers will swipe their pre-paid, monitor such elements as passenger load-
hicle, thereby giving him or her the smart card though electronic readers ing location of the vehicle, fare box
opportunity to complete an efficient jour- mounted beside the drivers, and the revenue, operating condition of the en-
ney. Such information can be communi- electronic reader will automatically debit gine and other equipment. This infor-
cated visually (via vidiotext) or by voice the correct transit fare from the card. mation is transmitted to a central control

APTS Program 4
center and is compared with the pre- technology with transit use. For ex- dispatch centers and traffic control cen-
determined operating schedule. Devia- ample, in Denver the RTD has con- ters on traffic flow. A more complex
tions are noted and displayed to both the tracted with a private consortium for an version can involve a coordinated traffic
driver and the dispatcher. Corrective automated, fully integrated mass transit signal preemption system that closely
instructions are automatically issued to communications system for its fleet The monitors traffic flow while favoring
the driver to restore service or schedule Dallas System Consortium is also an buses that are behind schedule. This
adherence. Of course, if the situation AVL system using GPS technology. The requires the integration and coordination
persists, the human dispatcher initiates Milwaukee County Transit System has of information between the transit
corrective action. Data on the vehicle’s contracted with a private consortium to dispatch and control center and the
status are stored in the computer so that provide an integrated positioning and traffic management center.
schedules, analyses, and plans can be communications system for its fleet. Current traffic management systems
revised using actual data. The Federal Transit Administration are designed to optimize the flow of
The FTA has sponsored the devel- is evaluating the cooperative efforts of vehicles. Using smart intermodal sys-
opment of a standardized Vehicle Area these cities in order to monitor the actual tems, 'traffic management’ will evolve
Network (VAN) that permits inputs from improvements of system performance to into ‘transportation management'’
various on-board electronic sensors such cost savings and expanded ridership. whereby systems are designed to opti-
as AVL, fare boxes, and passenger mize the flow of people and goods.
counters, that can be transmitted through Smart Intermodal Another example of smart inter-
a common cable in the vehicle. Previ-
ously, different cables were wired sepa-
Systems modal systems involves integrated elec-
tronic payment systems for transit, high-
rately at the factory or during installa- Smart Intermodal Systems involve way tolls, and parking so that one pay-
tion, thereby increasing the number of the integration of Advanced Public Trans- ment medium is used to pay for a range
wires in the bus, the bus weight, and portation Systems (APTS) technologies of intermodal transportation services.
maintenance complexity. The new stan- into traffic management and other non- A number of smart intermodal
dard ties these systems together through transit applications of Intelligent Ve- systems tests are being initiated
a common wiring harness, or Vehicle hicle Highway Systems (IVHS). around the U.S. In Dallas, the Texas
Area Network DOT is using imaging technology and
There are a number of smart vehicle “Smart Intermodal Systems Automatic Vehicle Identification tech-
nology to monitor and enforce HOV
tests being initiated around the U.S. For
example Norfolk's Tidewater Transit provide the link between APTS lanes. Imaging technology involves the
has implemented an Automatic Vehicle and non-transit IVHS” use of Department of Defense target
Location (AVL) system to assure the identification and tracking systems and
reliability of its timed transfers and im- Smart intermodal systems focus on AVI technology involves the use of
prove customer service. In Chicago, building a multi-modal transportation electronic tags to identify individual
AVL is being combined with bus traffic network that ensures the adaptation of vehicles.
signal preemption technology to exam- technologies that optimize the transpor- The Ann Arbor Transportation Au-
ine innovative bus service improve- tation system as a whole. Recognizing thority is considering expanding the use
ments, including computer-driven dis- that transit systems operate in intermodal of "smart
cards" to include the activation
patching techniques. In Baltimore, after transportation environments, smart of an alarm at bus stops to alert the
equipping and operationally testing 50 intermodal systems provide the link driver or as a personal security device.
vehicles using a LORAN “C” based between APTS and non-transit IVHS. The Chicago Transit Authority is includ-
system, the MTA is now equipping A variety of technologies are ing an Automatic Vehicle Location sys-
its entire fleet using Global Positioning involved in the design of smart inter- tem, a traffic signature preemption sys-
Systems (GPS) technology. modal systems, ranging from simple to tem., a computer-assisted dispatch and
There are also a number of innova- complex. A simple version of a smart control system, and real-time passenger
tive public-private arrangements under- intermodal system can involve the ex- information signs as part of their Bus
way that integrate state-of-the-art change of information between transit Service Management System (BBMS).
A PTS Advaced Public
Transportation Systems

TECHNICAL APTS Evaluation developed from comprehensive national

guidelines to assure compatible data sets.
ASSISTANCE Guidelines The various operational tests are
BRIEF meant to serve as learning tools and as
models for other locales throughout the
The Advanced Public Transportation country. For these tests to have value and
Systems (ARTS) Program was estab- broad application, a consistent, carefully
lished by the Federal Transit Administra- structured approach to project evaluation
tion (FTA) as part of the overall U.S. will be undertaken. .
U.S. Department Department of Transportation Intelligent The purpose of the ARTS project
of Transportation Vehicle Highway Systems (IVHS) initia- evaluations is to examine the effective-
Federal Transit tive. (For a description of the APTS Pro- ness of APTS applications in real-world
Administration gram, see APTS Technical Assistance environments in terms of factors such as
Office of Technical Brief 1, Spring 1993.) costs, benefits, and market response.
Assistance and Safety Many innovative applications of Projects will be assessed on the success
APTS technology are being implemented in meeting basic objectives such as en-
at sites throughout the U.S. in the primary hancing the quality of transit service to
focus areas of Smart Traveler technolo- customers, improving system productiv-
gies, Smart Vehicle technologies, and ity, and meeting community goals.
Smart Intermodal Systems. Real world The Volpe National Transportation
testing is being conducted in urban and Systems Center has been charged with
rural areas using technologies such as the task of developing a set of APTS
automated vehicle location systems, smart Evaluation Guidelines that provide a
card systems, dynamic ride sharing sys- common framework and methodology
tems, passenger information systems, for evaluating individual operational tests.
high occupancy vehicle systems, and ve- While all sites will be evaluated
hicle component monitoring systems. using the common guidelines, the guide-
Most of the activity is being spon- lines are not intended to be all inclusive -
sored by the APTS Program as opera- that is, they do not offer a suggested
Evaluation Process pg. 2 tional tests; however, there are-also some or preferred course of action for every
local initiatives to innovate that will pro- conceivable situation that might arise.
Impact Measures pg. 3
vide valuable information for the APTS Since each operational site is unique,
Evaluation Planning Program. Both the local initiatives and each site will require a tailor made evalu-
Considerations Pg.3
ARTS sponsored operational tests will ation plan based on the model Evaluation
be documented through evaluation plans Guidelines. q

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