Cultural Review Work

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Culture & History Evaluation - Chapter 7: Page 167

1. List three of your own personal goals (could be culturally related).

2. List three of your own personal values (could be culturally related).

3. List a cultural pattern/behavior you have that may be different from someone else’s, and explain how.

4. Describe what can happen if families and early educators have conflicting goals and values.

5. Explain what to do when conflicts arise because of cultural differences in child-rearing and educational practices.

6. Explain cultural pluralism.

7. Describe how to help children understand and value cultural pluralism.

8. Refresh on the two patterns discussed in our textbook. Which pattern do you think is more likely to emphasize modesty over pride? Why?

9. Which pattern is more likely to emphasize manners over honest self-expression? Why?

10. Why do you think the author chose to deal with patterns rather than labeling particular cultural differences?

11. Does it matter whether diversity is related to culture, religion, family traditions or individual differences? Why or why not?

12 Discuss your answers to questions 1 and 2 with a classmate. Are there any similarities? Differences?

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