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Handout Master 15.

Taking a Critical Look at Therapy

1. Pets can have a therapeutic effect on people; they seem to have the power to calm the
anxious and cheer the depressed. Give three reasons why this might be so, based on what you
have learned in this course.

2. Suppose a member of your family has become increasingly depressed in recent months and it
is apparent that the person needs treatment. You are chosen to look into the options and to
make decisions about the treatment. Based on information in the textbook, how might you

3. Nowadays, many people get “therapy” for their problems from self-help books. These books
give advice on everything from conquering depression to breaking bad habits to improving
your love life. Unfortunately, some books may do more harm than good. If the reader does
not get “better,” his or her self-esteem, which may already be low, may suffer even further.
Give at least three questions you should ask about any self-help book, based on the critical
thinking guidelines in your textbook.

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