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3-4 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

MDMA assisted Meditation/Therapy is built along the lines of “traditional”

therapy, but with the added benefits of MDMA’s psychoactive/empathogenic
properties. This substance enhances the overall positive effects of a guided talk
therapy, which creates an ideal context for Healing.

This medicine works by helping you trust yourself and helping you accept parts
of yourself. It provides a feeling of safety and peacefulness that allows you to
revisit both past experiences and parts of yourself that you don’t fully accept.
Reports and clinical evidence highlight the
promise for MDMA therapy helping with:

Relationship satisfaction
Couples therapy
General personal growth and life enjoyment
Therapeutic introspection
Heightened self-esteem
Openness and self-forgiveness
Heightened empathy and sociability
Increased energy “The Empathogenic effect of the
Enhanced tactile, visual and auditory senses substance facilitates an emotional
understanding of the self and
emotions” David E. Nichols

MDMA causes a release of serotonin as well as other neurotransmitters, like dopamine and
norepinephrine. It also causes increased levels of various hormones, including oxytocin that
helps humans experience others in a less negative way.

MDMA decreases activity in the amygdala, the fear center. And it increases activity in the
prefrontal cortex, which is the higher processing center.

MDMA is also a tool for spiritual growth. It induces feelings of oneness, interconnectedness,
empathy, compassion, warmth, and kindness toward others and yourself. States such as
these are often catalysts for spiritual epiphanies and personal development.
The Experience
•  THE MDMA assisted session takes place in a quiet and safe environment. It lasts
up to 3 hours.

•  The person is given the MDMA. An optional eye mask is provided to enhance the

•  The initial common clinical dosage for an MDMA experience is between 80 to

120mg, followed by an additional 60 to 80mg booster if needed. (This is the
protocol for MAPS’ clinical trials)

•  The person will feel somatic and emotional reactions. These feelings will not
necessarily be positive or negative. This is the stage at which the memories are
processed. It occurs internally, with the facilitator there to guide the individuals if
they need to talk or takes notes.

•  This experience can be facilitated for individuals, couples or groups.

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