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Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

Two friends, Baldev and Chiranjeevi, are travelling towards each other from
Polavaram and Madhavpuram respectively. Baldev left Polavaram at 9:00 am at a
speed of 50kmph. After 2 hours, Chiranjeevi starts at a speed of 90kmph from
Madhavpuram for Polavaram. Madhavpuram and Polavaram are situated at a
distance of X km from each other and both the friends meet each other at 6:30
pm on the same day.

दो िम , बलदेव और िचरं जीवी मशः पोलावरम और माधवपुरम से एक दूसरे क ओर या ा कर

रहे ह। बलदेव पोलावरम से सुबह 9:00 बजे 50 कमी ित घंटे क गित से िनकले। 2 घंटे के बाद,
िचरं जीवी माधवपुरम से पोलावरम के िलए 90 कमी ित घंटे क गित से चलते ह। माधवपुरम
पोलावरम एक दूसरे से X कमी क दूरी पर ि थत ह और दोन दो त एक ही दन शाम 6:30 बजे
एक दूसरे से िमलते ह।

1. What is the value of X?

X का मू य या है?

A. 850 km
B. 1050 km
C. 1275 km
D. 1150 km
E. None of these

2. If both Baldev and Chiranjeevi start at the same time and travel in the same
direction, the the time taken for them to meet is T hours. What is the difference
between T and the time taken by them to meet as per the above information?

य द बलदेव और िचरं जीवी दोन एक ही समय पर चलना शु करते ह और एक ही दशा म या ा

करते ह, तो उ ह िमलने म लगने वाला समय T घंटे है। उपरो जानकारी के अनुसार T और उनके
ारा िमलने म िलए गए समय के बीच कतना अंतर है?

A. 19 hours 15 minutes
B. 28 hours 45 minutes
C. 23 hours 30 minutes
D. 13 hours 15 minutes
E. None of these

3. If after travelling for 1 hour from their respective starting points, Chiranjeevi
and Baldev increase their speed by 15 kmph and 5 kmph respectively, then what
will the time at which they meet?

य द अपने-अपने शु आती बंदु से 1 घंटे क या ा करने के बाद, िचरं जीवी और बलदेव अपनी
गित मशः 15 कमी ित घंटा और 5 कमी ित घंटा बढ़ाते ह, तो वे कस समय िमलगे?

A. 6:30 pm
B. 5:45 pm
C. 5:30 pm
D. 3:15 pm
E. None of these

1. D
2. A
3. C

Study the following information carefully and answer the related questions.

Following information gives the data regarding number of private companies,

semi- government companies and government companies in states M, N and O in

Number of government companies in state M is x% of the number of government

companies in state N. There are total 870 semi-government companies in state M
and O together. Number of private companies in state M is 87.5% more than the
number of government companies in same state and 75 more than the number of
private companies in state O. In state O, number of semi-government companies
is 30 more than the number of private companies.

Number of semi-government companies in state M is y more than the number of

semi-government companies in state N and (y + 12) less than the number of
government companies in state M . The ratio of number of semi-government
companies in state N and the number of government companies in state O is 4: 15
respectively. Average of number of government companies in state M and N is
540 which is 60 less than the number of private companies in state O.

1. If the number of teachers in government companies in state N and O are 1500

and 2000 respectively, then total how many teachers are there in all government
companies in states N and O together?
A) 7250000

B) 6500000

C) 3570000

D) 7070000

E) 2070000

2. What is the ratio of number of semi-government and government companies

together in state M to the number of government companies in state N?

A) 3:5

B) 7:6

C) 3:4

D) 5: 6

E) 2:1

3. What is the difference between the number of semi-government companies in

state M and N together and the number of private companies in state O in 2022?

A) 2y+12

B) (x + y)

C) 2x

D) 3y-30

E) 2(x-y)
4. If in 2023, 30 more government companies are opened in state O and 20% of
the existing semi-government companies become government companies, then
how many government companies are there in state O in 2023?

A) 759

B) 1953

C) 651

D) 1029

E) None of these

5. In 2022, if the number of private companies in state N is 25% more than the
number of government companies in state M, then what is the ratio of the
number of private companies in state N to the number of semi-government
companies in state O in same year?

A) 3:8

B) 5:7

C) 4:5

D) 7:5

E) 6: 7

Average of number of government companies in state M and N is 540 which is 60

less than the number of private companies in state O.

Number of government companies in states M and N together = 2*540=1080

Number of private companies in state O = 540 + 60 = 600

Number of private companies in state M is 87.5% more than the number of

government companies in same state and 75 more than the number of
privatecompanies in state O.

Number of private companies in state M = 75+600=675

Number of government companies in state M = 675 *100/(100+ 87.5) = 360

Then, number of government companies in state N = 1080 - 360 = 720

Number of government companies in state M is x% of the number of government

companies in state N.

360 = x% of 720


In state O, number of semi-government companies is 30 more than the number of

private companies.

Number of semi government companies in stateO= 30+600=630

There are total 870 semi-government companies in state M and O together.

Number of semi-government companies in state M = 870-630 = 240

Number of semi-government companies in state M is y more than the number of

semi-government companies in state N and (y+ 12) less than the number of
government companies in state M.

240 = 360-(y+12)

Then, number of semi-government companies in state N = 240-108= 132

The ratio of number of semi-government companies in state N and the number of

government companies in state O is 4: 15 respectively.

Number of government companies in state O = 132* 15/4= 495

State Private companies Semi-government Government companies


M 675 240 360

N 132 720

O 600 630 495

1. E)
Total number of employees in all government companies in states N and O

= 1500*720+ 2000 * 495

= 20,70,000

2. D)

Number of semi-government and government companies together in state M =

240+ 360= 600

And the number of government companies in state N = 720

Therefore, ratio = 600: 720 = 5: 6

Number of semi-government companies in state M and N together in
2022=240+132 = 372

And the number of private companies in state O in 2022 = 600

Therefore, difference = 600 - 372 = 228 = 216 + 12 = 2y + 12


Number of government companies in state W in 2023 = 495 + 30+ 20% of 630 =


5. B)

In 2022:

Number of private companies in state N = (100+25) % of 360 = 450

Number of semi-government companies in state O = 630

Therefore, ratio = 450: 630

5: 7

Five boats travel in a stream at different times and speed of stream is different for
each boat. The table below provides data regarding the journey of each boat and
some of the data is missing.

Note : Distance covered by boat S in upstream and downstream is equal.

Boat Upstrea Downstrea Total Distance Distance Total time

s m Speed m travelled travelled travelled taken(hour
(km/hr) Speed(km/h distance(k upstrea downstrea s)
r) m) m (km) m


P 30 --- A+120 --- 480 20

Q --- 72 2A A-144 --- 24

R 63 81 1278 --- A-72 ---

S 36 60 --- --- A 32

T 54 --- A+288 432 --- 16

1. If boat P had travelled for 240 more minutes downstream and 180 less minutes
upstream, then what will be the difference between the new total distance cover
by boat P and total distance covered by boat P initially?

(A) 120 km

(B) 150 km

(C) 180 km

(D) 216 km

(E) Relation cannot be determined

2. Which of the statements given below are not true?

I. Ratio of distances travelled upstream and downstream by boat T in same time

is 3 : 4.

II. Ratio of time for which boat R travel upstream and downstream is 5 : 6.

III. Ratio of distances travelled downstream by boat Q and S is 6 : 5.

(A) Only I

(B) Only II

(C) Both II and III

(D) Both I and III

(E) None of these

3. If upstream speed of boat X is average of downstream speed of all five boats

and time for which X travel upstream is the average of time for which all five
boats travel in upstream, then find the distance travel by boat X in upstream.
(A) 770.4 km

(B) 855.6 km

(C) 988.8 km

(D) 1117.2 km

(E) Relation cannot be determined

4. If boat S had completed its whole journey in still water, then how much sooner
or later it had completed its journey as compared to the initial time

(A) 120 minutes

(B) 180 minutes

(C) 240 minutes

(D) 300 minutes

(E) None of these

5. If the difference between the time taken by boats S and T to travel 'Y' km
downstream is 180 minutes, then find the total time taken by boat P to travel 'Y -
216' km upstream and 'Y + 192' km downstream.

(A) 42 hours

(B) 48 hours

(C) 50 hours

(D) 54 hours

(E) None of these


For Boat S, Upstream Distance = Downstream Distance = A km

A/36 + A/60 = 32

8A/180 = 32

A = 720 km

Total Distance travelled = 720 + 720 = 1440 km

For Boat P, Upstream Distance = (A + 120) - 480 = 840 - 480 = 360 km

Downstream Speed = 480/(20 - 360/30) = 480/8 = 60 km/hr

For Boat Q, Upstream Distance = 720 - 144 = 576 km

Downstream Distance = 2 × 720 - 576 = 864 km

Upstream Speed = 576/(24 - 864/72) = 576/12 = 48 km/hr

For Boat R, Downstream Distance = 720 - 72 = 648 km

Upstream Distance = 1278 - 648 = 630 km

Total Time taken = 630/63 + 648/81 = 10 + 8 = 18 hours

For Boat T, Downstream Distance = (720 + 288) - 432 = 576 km

Downstream Speed = 576/(16 - 432/54) = 72 km/hr

Boat P Q R S T

Upstream speed 30 48 63 36 54

Downstream Speed 60 72 81 60 72

Upstream Distance 360 576 630 720 432

Downstream Distance 480 864 648 720 576

Total Distance 840 1440 1278 1440 1008

Upstream Time 12 12 10 20 8

Downstream Time 8 12 8 12 8

Total Time 20 24 18 32 16

1. Ans. (B)

New total distance covered by Boat P = 60 × (8 + 240/60) + 30 × (12 - 180/60) = 60

× (8 + 4) + 30 × (12 - 3) = 990 km

Difference = 990 - 840 = 150 km

2. Ans. (B)

From Statement I, For Boat T, Upstream Speed : Downstream Speed = 54 : 72 = 3 :

4 (True)

From Statement II, For Boat R, Upstream Time : Downstream Time = 10: 8=5:4

From Statement III, Downstream Distance covered by Q : Downstream Distance

covered by S = 864 : 720 = 6 : 5 (True)

Only II
3. Ans. (B)

Upstream Speed of Boat X = (60 + 72 + 81 + 60 + 72)/5 = 345/5 = 69 km/hr

Time taken in Upstream = (12 + 12 + 10 + 20 + 8)/5 = 62/5 = 12.4 hours

Distance travelled in Upstream = 69 × 12.4 = 855.6 km

4. Ans. (A)

Speed of Boat S in still water = (36 + 60)/2 = 96/2 = 48 km/hr

Time taken by Boat S to travel total distance in still water = 1440/48 = 30 hours

Difference = 32 - 30 = 2 hour = 120 minutes

5. Ans. (C)

Y/60 - Y/72 = 180/60

Y = 1080 km

Time taken by Boat P= (1080 - 216)/30 + (1080 +192)/60

50 hours

Q.) Study the following line graph and answer the questions given below:

The line graph shows the number of days required by three persons P, Q and R to
finish different types of work in a factory.

लाइन ाफ एक कारखाने म िविभ कार के काम को पूरा करने के िलए तीन यों P,
Q और R ारा आव क िदनों की सं ा को दशाता है ।


50 48 48
50 48
45 45
Number of days

40 40 40
40 40 40



Cleaning Assembling Organising Making Transportation

Note : Working efficiency is different for each person for different work

1. P, Q and R can do ‘Organising’ in such a way that one person works on each day
and rests for next two days. Find the minimum number of days that they will take
to finish the work.

P, Q औरR इस तरह 'सं गठन' कर सकते ह िक एक े क िदन काम करता है और

अगले दो िदनों तक आराम करता है । काय को पूरा करने म उ लगने वाले ू नतम िदनों
की सं ा ात की िजए।

A. 38 days
B. 38 days
C. 37 days
D. 36 days
E. None of these

2. R alone start working on ‘Making’ and does the work with 80% efficiency for
the first 20 days and with 100% efficiency for the next 14 days. After this, R leaves
the work and the remaining work is done by Q. In how many days, will Q
complete the ‘Making of work’?

R अकेले 'मे िकंग' पर काम करना शु करता है और पहले 20 िदनों के िलए 80%
द ता के साथ और अगले 14 िदनों के िलए 100% द ता के साथ काम करता
है ।इसके बाद, R काय छोड़दे ता है और शे ष काय Q ारा िकया जाता है ।Q िकतने िदनों म'
काय का िनमाण' पू रा करे गा?
A. 15 days
B. 10 days
C. 12 days
D. 20 days
E. None of these

3. P and R together started working on ‘Assembling’ but both left after working
for 11 days. The remaining work was completed by M and N together in 17 days.
If the ratio of efficiency of P to that of M to complete ‘Assembling of work’ is 5:3,
then in how many days will N alone finish the work?

P औरR ने िमलकर 'असबिलं ग' पर काम करना शु िकया लेिकन 11 िदनों तक काम
करने के बाद दोनों चले गए। शेष काय M औरN ारा िमलकर 17 िदनों म पू रा िकया
गया। यिद 'असबिलंग ऑफ वक' को पूरा करने के िलए P की द ताका M सेअनुपात 5:3
है , तो N अकेले िकतने िदनों म काम पू रा करे गा?

A. 48 days
B. 60 days
C. 80 days
D. 72 days
E. None of these

4. P started working on ‘Cleaning’ and left after some days, and then Q joined the
work. If the ratio of the number of days for which P worked on ‘Cleaning’ to that
for which Q worked is 6:5 and the work was completed , then for how many days,
P worked on ‘Cleaning’?

P ने 'सफाई' पर काम करना शु िकया और कुछ िदनों के बाद छोड़ िदया, और िफर Q
काम म शािमल हो गया। यिद P ने िजतने िदनों तक 'सफाई' पर काम िकया और Q ने िजतने
िदनों तक काम िकया, उनका अनु पात 6:5 है और काम पूरा हो गया, तो P ने िकतने िदनों
तक 'सफाई' पर काम िकया?
A. 24 days
B. 20 days
C. 15 days
D. 28 days
E. None of these

5. P, Q and R together work on ‘Transportation’ but after 5 days, Q left the work.
The remaining work is done and P and R. Find the number of days required by P
and R to finish the remaining work.

P, Q और R िमलकर 'प रवहन' पर काय करते ह लेिकन 5 िदनों के बाद Q ने काय छोड़
िदया।शेष काय िकया जाता है P और R ारा .शेष काय को पूरा करने के िलए P और R
ारा आव क िदनों की सं ा ात की िजए।

A. 15 days
B. 16 days
C. 16 days
D. 16 days
E. None of these

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C

Q(1-5) The questions given below contain two statements numbered I and II
giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the
statements are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer

A. if statement I alone is sufficient but statement II alone is not sufficient.

B. if statement II alone is sufficient but statement I alone is not sufficient.
C. if either statement I or II is sufficient.
D. If both statement I and II together are not sufficient.
E. If both statement I and II together are sufficient, but neither of them alone
is sufficient.

Q1. What is the profit earned by seller ‘A’ on selling an article?

I. Seller ‘A’ sold the article at ₹4800 after giving a discount of 20%.

II. If seller ‘A’ sold the article on marked price, he would make a profit of 20%.

Q2. x men can complete a piece of work in 60 days. Find the value of x.

I. 30 men can complete the same work in 80 days.

II. (x+8) men can complete the work in 10 days less than the number of days
required by x men.
Q3. The salary of A is what % more than the salary of B?

I. The average of the salaries of A and B is ₹3000.

II. If the salary of A is increased by 40% and the salary of B is increased by 20% the
sum of their salary increases by 32%.

Q4. In how many days can A alone complete a work?

I. A, B and C together can complete the work in 5 days.

II. B is 200% more efficient than A and 50% more efficient than C.

Q5. A vessel contains ‘X’ litres of mixture of milk and water. The ratio of milk to
water in the vessel is 7:3. What is the numerical value of ‘X’?

I. If 20 litres of mixture is taken outand 2 litres of water is added, the ratio of milk
to water in the resultant mixture will become 9:4.

II. If 35 litres of mixture from another vessel is mixed into the first vessel, the ratio
of milk to water becomes 3:4 in the first vessel.

. एक व ु को बे चने पर िव े ता 'A' ारा अिजत लाभ िकतना है ?

Q1. िव े ता'A' ने 20% की छूट दे ने के बाद व ु को ₹4800 म बेचा।

II.यिद िव े ता'A' व ु को अंिकत मू पर बेचता है, तो उसे 20% का लाभ होता है ।

Q2. x पु ष एक काय को 60 िदनों म पूरा कर सकते ह। x का मान ात कर।

I. 30 पु ष समान काय को 80 िदनों म पूरा कर सकते ह।

II. (x+8) पु ष x पु षों ारा आव क िदनों की सं ा से 10 िदन कम म काम पूरा

कर सकते ह।

Q3. A का वे तन B के वे तन से िकतने % अिधक है ?

I. A और B के वे तन का औसत ₹3000 है ।

II.यिद A के वे तन म 40% की वृ की जाती है और B के वेतन म 20% की वृ की

जाती है , तो उनके वे तन के योग म 32% की वृ होती है ।

Q4. A अकेला िकसी काय को िकतने िदनों म पूरा कर सकता है ?

I. A, B और C िमलकर उस काय को 5 िदनों म पूरा कर सकते ह।

II.B, A से 200% अिधक कुशल है और C से 50% अिधक कुशल है।

Q5. एक बतन म 'X' लीटर दू ध और पानी का िम ण है ।बतन म दू ध और पानी का

अनुपात 7:3 है । 'X' का सं ा क मान ा है ?

I. यिद 20 लीटर िम ण िनकाल िलया जाता है और 2 लीटर पानी िमला िदया जाता है , तो
प रणामी िम ण म दू ध से पानी का अनु पात 9:4 हो जाएगा।

II.यिद दू सरे बतन से 35 लीटर िम ण पहले बतन म िमलाया जाता है , तो पहले बतन म
दू ध का पानी से अनु पात 3:4 हो जाता है ।

1. E
2. C
3. E
4. E
5. A

1. Two retailers Rohan and Sohan purchase goods from the same wholesaler.
Rohan purchases goods at 25% discount on the cost price and also cheats his
wholesaler by getting 15% extra through false weighing per kg. Sohan sells his
goods in such a way that he gives a discount of 10% when 5 kg of goods is bought
and a discount of 12.5% when 8 kg of goods is bought.

दो खुदरािव े ता रोहन और सोहन एक ही थोक ा पारी से सामान खरीदते ह।रोहन लागत मू य

पर 25% छू ट पर सामान खरीदता है और अपने थोक ा पारी को नकली तोल ित कलो के
मा यम से 15% अित र ा करके धोखा देता है। सोहन अपना सामान इस कार बेचता है क
वह 5 कलो सामान खरी दने पर 10% क छू ट देता है और 8 कलो सामान खरीदने पर 12.5%
क छू ट देता है।

A. Rohan marks up his goods by 20% above the cost price, but he gives a discount
of 30%. Besides, he cheats his customer by weighing 8% less than required. What
is his overall profit percentage?

रोहन अपने सामान पर य मू य से 20% अिधक मू य अं कत करता है, ले कन वह 30% क छू ट

देता है। इसके अलावा, वह आव यकता से 8% कम तौल कर अपने ाहक को धोखा देता
है।उसका कु ल लाभ ितशत या है?

A. 36%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 45%
None of these

2. Gopal and Krishna started a business. Krishna’s investment was 2 times that of
Gopal. The ratio of the time period for which Gopal invested to that for which
Krishna invested was 5:2. If the total investment made by Gopal and Krishna
together was ₹27000 and the annual profit earned was ₹2700 less than Gopal’s
investment, then what was the difference between Gopal’s share and Krishna’s
share in the annual profit?

गोपाल और कृ ण ने एक वसाय शु कया। कृ णा का िनवेश गोपाल से दो गुना था। गोपाल

ारा िनवेश क गई अविध का कृ ण ारा िनवेश क गई समयाविध से अनुपात 5:2 था।य द
गोपाल और कृ ण ारा एक साथ कया गया कु ल िनवेश ₹27000 था और अ जत वा षक लाभ
गोपाल के िनवेश से ₹2700 कम था, तो वा षक लाभ म गोपाल के िह से और कृ ण के िह से के
बीच कतना अंतर था?

A. ₹500
B. ₹700
C. ₹450
D. ₹650
E. None of these

3. There are three pipes A, B and C connected with the same tank. Pipe A can fill it
in 24 minutes, while pipe B can fill it in 40 minutes when opened separately. Pipe
C is an outlet pipe and can empty the whole tank in 30 minutes.

तीन पाइप A, B और C एक ही टक से जुड़े ए ह। पाइप A इसे 24 िमनट म भर सकता है , जब क

पाइप B इसे अलगसे खोलने पर इसे 40 िमनट म भर सकता है।पाइप C एक आउटलेट पाइप है
और पूरी टंक को 30 िमनट म खाली कर सकता है।

A. Vineet opened pipe A and B simultaneously to fill the tank. He wanted to adjust
his alarm so that he could open the pipe C when it was half filled, but he
mistakenly adjusted his alarm at a time when tank would be 3/4th filled. What is
the time difference between both the cases, to fill the tank fully.

िवनीत ने टंक को भरने के िलए पाइप A और B को एकसाथ खोला।वह अपने अलाम को

समायोिजत करना चाहता था ता क वह आधा भरा होने पर पाइप सी खोल सके , ले कन उसने
गलती से अपने अलाम को उस समय समायोिजत कर दया जब टक 3/4 भरा होगा । दोन
ि थितय म टंक को हभरने म लगने वाले समयका अंतर या है?

A. 3 min 45 sec
B. 3 min
C. 3 min 15 sec
D. 2 min 30 sec
E. None of these

B. If the pipe C is opened 8 min after the two pipes A and B are opened then after
what time from the opening of pipe A and B does the tank become full?

य द पाइप C को दो पाइप A और B को खोलने के 8 िमनट बाद खोला जाता है, तो पाइप A और

B के खुलने के कतने समय बाद टक भर जाएगा?

A. 20 min
B. 10 min
C. 12 min
D. 14 min
E. None of these
4. The total number of men, women and children working in a factory is 24.They
earn ₹3330 in a day. If the sum of the wages of men, women and children are in
the ratio of 21:10:6 and the wages of a man, a woman and a child are in the ratio
of 7:5:2, then how much does a woman earn in a day?
एक कारखाने म काम करने वाले पु ष , मिहला और ब क कु ल सं या 24 है।वे एक दन म
₹3330 कमाते ह।य द पु ष , मिहला और ब क मजदूरी का योग 21:10:6 के अनुपात म है
और एक पु ष, एक मिहला और एक ब े क मजदूरी का अनुपात 7:5:2 है, तो एक मिहला एक
दन म कमाती है?

A. ₹125
B. ₹150
C. ₹140
D. ₹135
E. ₹169

5. Four persons A, B, C and D are to speak at a school along with 5 other persons:
If they all speak in random order, then the probability that A speaks before B, B
speaks before C and C speaks before D is?

चार ि य A, B, C और D को 5 अ य ि य के साथ एक कू ल म बोलना है: य द वे सभी

यादृि छक म म बोलते ह, तो संभावनाहै क A, B से पहले बोलता है, B, C से पहले बोलता है
और C, D से पहले बोलता है?

A. 1/24
B. 2/21
C. 1/23
D. 1/25
E. None of these

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