200 Puzzle Series Day 5

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There are eight people Veer, Arjun, Rishi, Krish, Bali, Badri, Viru and Aadi are living in
a 8 floor Building on different floors from top to bottom (such as ground floor is
numbered as 1 and top floor is numbered as 8) but not necessarily in the same
order. The person living between Veer and Rishi is not more than three and not less
than two. Veer lives on the topmost floor. There is one person living between the
floors on which Bali and Krish live. Aadi lives immediately above the floor on which
Arjun lives. Bali lives immediately above the floor on which Rishi lives but not on an
even numbered floor. Krish lives on the floor which is a prime number but not on the
3rd floor. Badri lives immediately below the floor on which Arjun lives.

आठ व्यक्ति वीर, अर्जुन, ऋषि, कृि, बाली, बद्री, वीरू और आदी एक 8 मंजर्ला इमारत में ऊपर से नीचे तक अलग-
अलग मंजर्लों पर रहते हैं (र्ैसे भूतल की संख्या 1 है और शीिु मंजर्ल की संख्या 8 है ) ले षकन र्रूरी नहीं षक इसी क्रम
में हो। वीर और ऋषि के बीच रहने वाले व्यक्तियों की संख्या तीन से अधिक और दो से कम नहीं है । वीर सबसे ऊपर वाली
मंजर्ल पर रहता है । जर्स मंजर्ल पर बाली और कृि रहते हैं, उनके बीच एक व्यक्ति रहता है । आदी, अर्जुन के ठीक ऊपर
वाली मंजर्ल पर रहता है । बाली उस मंजर्ल के ठीक ऊपर रहता है जर्स पर ऋषि रहता है ले षकन सम संख्या वाली
मंजर्ल पर नहीं। कृि उस मंजर्ल पर रहता है र्ो एक अभाज्य संख्या है ले षकन तीसरी मंजर्ल पर नहीं। बद्री उस मंजर्ल
के ठीक नीचे रहता है जर्स पर अर्जुन रहता है।
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There are eight people Veer, Arjun, Rishi, Krish,

Bali, Badri, Viru and Aadi are living in a 8 floor
Building on different floors from top to bottom
(such as ground floor is numbered as 1 and
top floor is numbered as 8) but not necessarily
in the same order.
The person living between Veer and Rishi is
not more than three and not less than two.
Veer lives on the topmost floor. There is one
person living between the floors on which Bali
and Krish live. Aadi lives immediately above
the floor on which Arjun lives. Bali lives
immediately above the floor on which Rishi
lives but not on an even numbered floor. Krish
lives on the floor which is a prime number but
not on the 3rd floor. Badri lives immediately
below the floor on which Arjun lives.
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Who among the following live immediately above Aadi?

(a) Krish
(b) Rishi
(c) Bali
(d) Viru
(e) None of these
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Who among the following lives on the bottommost floor?

(a) Viru
(b) Rishi
(c) Bali
(d) Badri
(e) None of these
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How many people are there between Veer and Aadi?

(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of these
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There are seven students G, H, I, J, K, L and M taking classes on different subjects Biology, Maths,
Hindi, Social Science, History, Civics and Economics on different days starting from Monday to
Sunday. All the above information is not necessarily in the same order.
Neither L nor J takes class on either Sunday or Monday. Number of classes above and below is
same for the subjects of Maths and Civics respectively. M does not take Biology class. K and G
are not taking classes immediately before or immediately after J. G and M are taking class on
adjacent days. Maths class was held on the last day. H takes Social Science class on Tuesday.
There are more than two classes between the classes of Social Science and Hindi. J and G are not
taking either Biology class or Economics class. There is a gap of one day between Biology class
and Economics class. Two persons take class between L and J.

सात छात्र G, H, I, J, K, L और M अलग-अलग षवियों र्ीव षवज्ञान, गणित, हहिंदी, सामाजर्क षवज्ञान, इधतहास, नागहरक
शास्त्र और अर्ुशास्त्र की कक्षाएं सोमवार से रषववार तक अलग-अलग ददनों में ले ते हैं। उपरोि सभी र्ानकारी आवश्यक
नहीं इसी क्रम में हो। न तो L न ही J रषववार या सोमवार को कक्षा ले ता है। ऊपर और नीचे की कक्षाओ ं की संख्या क्रमशः
गणित और नागहरक शास्त्र के षवियों के जलए समान है। M र्ीव षवज्ञान की कक्षा नहीं ले ता है। K और G, J के ठीक पहले
या ठीक बाद में क्लास नहीं ले रहे हैं। G और M आसन्न ददनों में क्लास ले रहे हैं। आखिरी ददन गणित की क्लास हुई। H
मंगलवार को सामाजर्क षवज्ञान की कक्षा ले ता है। सामाजर्क षवज्ञान और हहिंदी की कक्षाओ ं के बीच दो से अधिक कक्षाएं
हैं। J और G न तो र्ीव षवज्ञान की कक्षा और न ही अर्ुशास्त्र की कक्षा ले रहे हैं। र्ीव षवज्ञान वगु और अर्ुशास्त्र वगु के
बीच एक ददन का अंतर है। L और J के मध्य दो व्यक्ति कक्षा ले ते हैं।
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There are seven students G, H, I, J, K, L and M
taking classes on different subjects Biology,
Maths, Hindi, Social Science, History, Civics
and Economics on different days starting from
Monday to Sunday. All the above information is
not necessarily in the same order. Neither L nor
J takes class on either Sunday or Monday.
Number of classes above and below is same
for the subjects of Maths and Civics
respectively. M does not take Biology class. K
and G are not taking classes immediately
before or immediately after J. G and M are
taking class on adjacent days. Maths class
was held on the last day. H takes Social Science
class on Tuesday. There are more than two
classes between the classes of Social Science
and Hindi. J and G are not taking either Biology
class or Economics class. There is a gap of one
day between Biology class and Economics
class. Two persons take class between L and J.
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How many students take class between G and K?

A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. Four
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Who amongst the following takes class exactly between K and M?

A. The one who takes class on Thursday
B. The one who takes Hindi class
C. The one who takes Class on Tuesday
D. The one who takes Biology Class
E. Cannot be determined
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If all the students are arranged in the alphabetical order as per their names from
Monday to Sunday, then who takes Biology class and Economics respectively?
A. L and H
B. M and J
C. H and M
D. I and K
E. L and M
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Which of the following combinations is true?

A. M-Economics-Thursday
B. K-Sunday-Maths
C. G-History-Thursday
D. I-Saturday-Hindi
E. J-Hindi-Friday
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Who among the following takes class exactly in the middle of the week starting
from Monday and ending on Sunday?
A. I
B. G
C. H
D. Either K or J
E. None of these
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Nine friends Max, Noa, Mac, Abel, Adam, Alex, Ben, Clark and David are living in a
nine-storey building, but not necessarily in the same order. The ground floor is
numbered 1; the floor above it is numbered 2; and so on, until the topmost floor is
numbered 9. Only three people live between Abel and Clark, who lives exactly
below Adam. Max lives on an even numbered floor. Only two people live between
David and Adam.Noa does not live below David. Adam lives three floors below the
topmost floor. David doesn’t live on the topmost floor. Only four people live
between Alex, who lives on the 2nd floor, and Mac. Only four people live between
David and Ben.

नौ जमत्र मैक्स, नोआ, मैक, एबेल, एडम, एले क्स, बेन, क्लाकु और डेषवड एक नौ मंजर्ला इमारत में रह रहे हैं,
ले षकन र्रूरी नहीं षक इसी क्रम में हों। भूतल की संख्या 1 है; इसके ऊपर के तल की संख्या 2 है; और इसी तरह,
र्ब तक षक सबसे ऊपरी मंजर्ल की संख्या 9 न हो र्ाए। हाषबल और क्लाकु के बीच केवल तीन लोग रहते हैं,
र्ो एडम के ठीक नीचे रहता है। मैक्स एक सम क्रमांषकत मंजर्ल पर रहता है। डेषवड और एडम के बीच केवल दो
लोग रहते हैं। नोआ डेषवड के नीचे नहीं रहती है। एडम सबसे ऊपरी मंजर्ल से तीन मंजर्ल नीचे रहता है। डेषवड
सबसे ऊपर वाली मंजर्ल पर नहीं रहता है। दस ू री मंजर्ल पर रहने वाले एले क्स और मैक के बीच केवल चार
लोग रहते हैं। डेषवड और बेन के बीच केवल चार लोग रहते हैं।
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Nine friends Max, Noa, Mac, Abel, Adam,

Alex, Ben, Clark and David are living in a
nine-storey building, but not necessarily in
the same order. The ground floor is
numbered 1; the floor above it is numbered 2;
and so on, until the topmost floor is
numbered 9. Only three people live between
Abel and Clark, who lives exactly below
Adam. Max lives on an even numbered floor.
Only two people live between David and
Adam.Noa does not live below David. Adam
lives three floors below the topmost floor.
David doesn’t live on the topmost floor. Only
four people live between Alex, who lives on
the 2nd floor, and Mac. Only four people live
between David and Ben.
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On which of the following floor Max lives?

(a) 4th
(b) 5th
(c) 7th
(d) 1st
(e) 2nd
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How many people live between Noa and the one who is immediate above Alex?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
(e) None of these
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Ten persons viz. Ram, Rahim, Ravi, Raju, Raj, Rajat, Ramesh, Rakesh, Rani and Ratan
are working in different departments viz. IT, HR and Management of the same
company, but not necessarily in the same order. Atleast three persons work in each
department. Raj works in the department which has the maximum number of
persons along with Ram but not in Management department. Rajat works along
with Rakesh but neither along with Ramesh nor Rani. Rahim neither works in
Management department nor along with Raju. Rani works along with Raju but not in
IT department. Ramesh neither works along with Rahim nor Rani, whereas only two
more persons work along with Ramesh. Raj is in HR department.

दस व्यक्ति अर्ाुत। राम, रहीम, रषव, रार्ू, रार्, रर्त, रमेश, राकेश, रानी और रतन षवजभन्न षवभागों में काम
कर रहे हैं अर्ाुत। आईटी, एचआर और एक ही कंपनी का प्रबंिन, ले षकन र्रूरी नहीं षक इसी क्रम में हो। प्रत्येक
षवभाग में कम से कम तीन व्यक्ति काम करते हैं। रार् उस षवभाग में कायु करता है जर्समें राम के सार् सबसे
अधिक व्यक्ति हैं ले षकन प्रबंिन षवभाग में नहीं। रर्त राकेश के सार् काम करता है ले षकन न तो रमेश और न
ही रानी के सार्। रहीम न तो प्रबंिन षवभाग में काम करता है और न ही रार्ू के सार्। रानी रार्ू के सार् काम
करती है ले षकन आईटी षवभाग में नहीं। रमेश न तो रहीम के सार् काम करता है और न ही रानी के सार्,
र्बषक केवल दो और व्यक्ति रमेश के सार् काम करते हैं।
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Ten persons viz. Ram, Rahim, Ravi, Raju, Raj, Rajat, Ramesh, Rakesh, Rani and Ratan are
working in different departments viz. IT, HR and Management of the same company, but not
necessarily in the same order. Atleast three persons work in each department. Raj works in
the department which has the maximum number of persons along with Ram but not in
Management department. Rajat works along with Rakesh but neither along with Ramesh
nor Rani. Rahim neither works in Management department nor along with Raju. Rani works
along with Raju but not in IT department. Ramesh neither works along with Rahim nor Rani,
whereas only two more persons work along with Ramesh. Raj is in HR department.
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Who among the following person works in HR department?

a) The one who works along with Ramesh
b) Rakesh
c) The one who works along with Raju
d) Ratan
e) None of these
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In which of the following departments does Ravi work?

a) HR
b) Management
c) IT
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these
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Who among the following person works along with Raj?

a) Ramesh
b) The one who works in HR department
c) Rajat
d) The one who works in Management department
e) None of these
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There are five people: Andrew, Bella, Chris, David, and Emma, and they are each
wearing a different color shirt: blue, green, red, white, and yellow. They are also
each carrying a different type of bag: backpack, briefcase, purse, tote, and
duffel.Emma is wearing a yellow shirt. Bella is not carrying a backpack or a
briefcase.David is neither wearing a white shirt nor carrying a purse.Andrew is
carrying a briefcase.The person wearing the green shirt is carrying a duffel.David is
wearing red shirt.Bella is not carrying the duffel.person with tote wearing blue shirt.

पांच लोग हैं: एं ड्रयू, बेला, षक्रस, डेषवड और एम्मा, और उनमें से प्रत्येक ने एक अलग रंग की शटु पहनी है:
नीला, हरा, लाल, सफेद और पीला। उनमें से प्रत्येक के पास एक अलग प्रकार का बैग भी है: बैकपैक,
ब्रीफकेस, पसु, टोटे और डफेल। एम्मा ने पीले रंग की शटु पहनी हुई है। बेला के पास बैकपैक या ब्रीफकेस
नहीं है। डेषवड के पास न तो सफेद शटु है और न ही पसु। एं ड्रू के पास ब्रीफकेस है। हरे रंग की शटु पहने हुए
व्यक्ति के पास डफेल है। डेषवड ने लाल शटु पहनी है। बेला के पास बैग नहीं है। duffel. नीले रंग की कमीर्
पहने टोटे वाला व्यक्ति।
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There are five people: Andrew, Bella,

Chris, David, and Emma, and they are
each wearing a different color shirt:
blue, green, red, white, and yellow.
They are also each carrying a different
type of bag: backpack, briefcase,
purse, tote, and duffel.Emma is
wearing a yellow shirt. Bella is not
carrying a backpack or a
briefcase.David is neither wearing a
white shirt nor carrying a purse.Andrew
is carrying a briefcase.The person
wearing the green shirt is carrying a
duffel.David is wearing red shirt.Bella is
not carrying the duffel.person with tote
wearing blue shirt.
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Which of the following colors is Bella wearing?

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) White
e) Yellow
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Who is carrying a backpack?

a) Andrew

b) Bella

c) Chris

d) David

e) Emma
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What color shirt is David wearing?

a) Blue

b) Green

c) Red

d) White

e) Yellow

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