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रा शैि क बंधन एवं िश ण सं थान A

(सीमे ट), याग

िड लोमा इन एजुकेशनल मैनेजमट कोस
िवषय :- िनदशन और परामश सेवाओं की
व था E
िवषय सम यक :- डॉ. ऋतु मोदी
Question: - What is the role of guidance in development of
personality of students?
Ans:- Guidance is based upon a philosophy of human uniqueness,
goodness, worth and dignity, all of which can be nurtured. The guidance
processes are based on the belief that given certain conditions, an
individual's potential to make a choice and make a decision can be utilised
for maximum benefit to the individual and society. It is therefore a
collective responsibility of home, school and society to provide conditions,
which are stimulating and facilitative to help the individual acquire ability
to take decisions.

Teachers have traditionally been in a guiding role for their students. In

keeping up with this tradition, teachers could be trained to organise
guidance activities leading to developing self-direction in students.


1. Guidance helps an individual/student achieve well in various areas of

personal and social life, as well as in educational and career pursuits,
which would ultimately help in proper utilisation of manpower.
2. A society consisting of well-achieving and adjusted individuals would
contribute more to achieving the national and social goals. Such a
society would also have individuals who are aware of social problems
and can deal with them more humanely.
3. It is no exaggeration to say that problems and difficulties faced at the
personal level can lead to interpersonal difficulties and gradually
assume alarming proportions.
4. We are all witness to the increasing problems of millions of children
addicted to-
a. Drugs and alcohol,
b. Alarming number of abused children,
c. Teen suicides,
d. Gender bias,
e. Disgraceful number of homeless,
f. Resurfacing of various forms of prejudices,
g. Crime,
h. Violence,
i. The school dropout and
j. Unemployment problems,
5. Bankruptcy of values pervading all over the world and more so in the
third world countries. These are examples of interpersonal and
intrapersonal difficulties and conflicts which can slowly put any
nation psychologically and socially at risk.
6. Many of these problems not only require remedial treatment but
more importantly, preventive efforts of the guidance profession, if
they are to be ameliorated to any degree.
7. Large scale general awareness programmes for students and
community groups are also organised by counsellors and other levels
of guidance workers which are aimed at early prevention and at
fostering development, e.g. sex education and AIDS awareness
programmes. Guidance thus can become an instrument for social
change, and the maintenance and upgradation of human resources.

Role of guidance in development of personality of students can be

defined under two major heads:

(1) Individual needs, and

(2) Social needs

Role of Guidance in Development of

Individual Social
development development

Guidance for
Educational Career Psycho-Social Guidance for Manpower
growth maturity development good family requirements

1. Individual Needs
Educational growth – Development of abilities and skills facilitating
learning and achievement, and habits and skills for lifelong learning, would
involve identification and remediation of subject matter difficulties and
deficits in learning skills.

Career maturity – Development of healthy and positive attitudes, habits,

values, etc. towards work through broadening awareness of the world of
work, planning and preparing for one's career.

Psycho-social development – Assistance for understanding and

developing a positive self-image and development of social skills for
leading an effective and satisfying personal-social life.

2. Societal Needs
Guidance for good family life – It includes working with parents and
children for understanding of family relationships, attitudes towards home
and role of family for healthy growth.

Guidance for good citizenship – Creating an understanding of socio-

cultural values and awareness of social issues, concerns and problems,
overcoming prejudices, developing right attitudes and values of co-
operation, tolerance, righteousness and social justice for peace and
equality. Promoting ideas and values of a democratic and secular
constitution and promoting unity and national integration.

Guidance for channelisation of manpower requirements -Efforts

at development and channelisation of individual potential with a view to
meeting manpower and social requirements for national growth and
betterment of society.

A need assessment or a problem survey would help you to identify

predominant areas on which guidance could be imparted to an individual
or a group of students. We shall now describe the service or the activities
to meet these needs.


1. Introduction to guidance- ncert

2. Guidance and counselling (NITTTR)Swayam

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