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A tricycle Identification System using QR CODE

In this study, a mobile application to provide tricycle commuters a medium to
report good and bad conduct of tricycle drivers was developed. Framework was
used to develop the Graphical User Interface (GUI) while the Laravel framework
served as the backend of the mobile application. The rates and reports are
transmitted into a admin system that was developed using Vue.js with an SQLite
database. For the mobile application and admin system to work online Heroku
was used. The mobile application that was named “Tryke” is a beta version. For
the beta testing of the mobile application, in-house information technology and
computer science experts used it. The in-house experts evaluated the mobile
application after using it. The tool used in the evaluation was the ISO 9126-1
software quality model however, only the functionality, usability, efficiency, and
maintainability characteristic were measured since the application is still on beta
version. The in-house experts gave a mean score of 4.3 for functionality, 4.4 for
usability, 4.5 for efficiency, and 4.4 for maintainability. The evaluation of the in-
house technical experts overall proved that Tryke can be released for the public
Key words: QR coding, database, mobile application, web application.

Nowadays, many people visit Catbalogan City because it is the heart of Samar.
People from different places is visiting the city to process their documents in the
different Regional Offices, shop in the malls, and study in the different prestigious
schools in the city. The primary mode of transportation in Catbalogan City is the
tricycle. Catbalogan was founded in October 1596 by Spanish Jesuit priests and
became the capital of the entire island of Samar. Friar Francisco de Otazo, S.J.,
who arrived in the Philippines in 1596, founded the Catbalogan Mission and was
thus the first missionary to bring the Catholic faith to the people of Catbalogan.
Tricycle drivers in Catbalogan however, are not all the same. From time to time,
there are several reports of good deeds by tricycle drivers. They return things that
are left by commuters in their tricycles. Some tricycle drivers also offer free ride
especially to those who are old and with disabilities. Although the local
government of Catbalogan City gives monetary award and certificate of
recognition to nominated tricycle drivers who exemplified good deeds to
commuters, not all deserving tricycle drivers benefit from these awards because
of poor reporting mechanism. Technologies were so helpful in improving life.
Smartphones are one of the most commonly deployed devices nowadays, helping
several individuals in every type of institution. In fact, nearly every single person
uses a mobile device to update themselves. The introduction of 3G and 4G
cellular network technologies have also improved the communication of mobile
users. With the obvious advantage of using mobile applications and the difficulties
of reporting as well as commending tricycle drivers, the mobile application
“Tryke” was developed. It is intended for tricycle commuters so that they can
report violations of tricycle drivers. This mobile application will also allow the
tricycle commuters to commend the good deeds of tricycle drivers by giving them
ratings. The report and rates are transmitted into a web application system for
easy management of data. The managed data will allow TRU to track abusive
drivers faster as well as commend the responsible ones. At present, it's not only in
Catbalogan City to which the problem is being experienced, other LGUs may
benefit from the mobile application. This will serve as basis of other LGUs in rating
and reporting PUVs in their locality.

Online Grade Inquiry System

Computerizations and system development have made possible

solutions for the operations of the computer easy enough in processing record
systems such as, creation of data records, storing, filing and retrieval of data. The
Samar State University had increased in student`s population and at the same
time, the number of works of the registrar and student`s grades to be processed
has also increased. The registrar office encoded the grades of the students once
the instructors submitted their report card. The registrar office will release the
grades of the students after they encode and the students can get their grades
from the registrar office. One of the responsibilities of the registrar office is to
keep the student`s grades data secured for their records and purposes. As the
number of students increases, using a manual process in grade distribution is not
reliable. It will take an hour or days to release grades to every student for record
or enrollment purposes. These process of grades inquiry was inconvenient,
tiresome and at common instance time consuming and costly. The students need
to go directly to their respective instructor in order to inquire and get their grades
for later purposes. To ease these difficulties in getting and viewing their grades, a
student can now login using his/her logon credentials on the website. Since
internet service seems to be a positive feature which most individual`s engage,
and access almost in all places via an internet capable mobile phones or a regular
computer, it is therefore an extremely effective means of transporting grade
information to them quicker and easier will eventually help in providing an
efficient and accurate grade reports to the students with a minimal effort to exert
in knowing their grade details every end of the semester. Moreover, student’s
grades were encoded directly in the online grade inquiry system database.
Students will able to view their grades anywhere and anytime provided that they
have an internet connection by using an internet capable phone or a computer.
Upon viewing, they will be able to print for themselves a computer generated
summary of their grades for the said semester.

Enhancing Efficiency and Empowering Communities: Development of a

Barangay Information System.
Implementing a Barangay Information System can significantly improve the efficiency of
administrative processes in a barangay. The system can streamline data management,
document processing, and communication, leading to faster and more accurate information
retrieval and decision-making. This efficiency boost can save time and resources for both
barangay officials and community members. Empowering Communities: A Barangay
Information System can empower communities by providing them with easy access to relevant
information and services. It can serve as a centralized platform for disseminating important
announcements, community events, and local news. By enabling transparent and timely
communication, the system fosters a sense of inclusion, participation, and civic engagement
among residents. Data Management and Analysis:

The Barangay Information System can centralize and automate data management
processes, such as population records, infrastructure maintenance, and public services. This
allows barangay officials to efficiently collect, store, and analyze data, facilitating evidence-
based decision-making and long-term planning. Improved data analysis capabilities can also
support the identification of community needs and the evaluation of program effectiveness.
Community Services and Interaction: The system can serve as a hub for various community
services, including citizen requests, permit applications, and service inquiries. By offering online
self-service options, residents can conveniently access and request services, reducing the need
for physical visits to the barangay office. Furthermore, the system can facilitate community
interaction and collaboration by providing forums, discussion boards, and feedback
mechanisms. Transparency and Accountability: A Barangay Information System promotes
transparency and accountability in governance. By making relevant information accessible to
the public, such as budget allocations, projects, and public documents, it enhances
transparency in barangay operations. Additionally, the system can track and monitor the status
of citizen requests, providing transparency in service delivery and accountability for barangay
officials. By developing a Barangay Information System, this project aims to enhance
administrative efficiency, empower communities, improve data management and analysis,
facilitate community services and interaction, and foster transparency and accountability within
the barangay.

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