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Petroleum Engineering Department - Bandung Institute of Technology



Proposed by

Azriel Naufal Fadilah


Amanda Febriani

Nisoyawa Paskahino G
Petroleum Engineering Department - Bandung Institute of Technology

IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia)

Proposed by

Azriel Naufal Fadilah



(+62) 821 4318 0010

1.1 Background 3
1.2 Objective 3


2.1 Place of internship 4
2.2 Time of internship 4
2.3 Content 4
2.3 Methods 5
2.5 Participant Details 5


Internship Proposal
Azriel Naufal Fadilah Petroleum Engineering | (+62) 821 4318 0010 Bandung Institute of Technology
Chapter 1

1.1 Background
In recent years, technology has advanced at a tremendous pace. The oil industry has
formed a competitive atmosphere for undergraduate and fresh graduate petroleum
engineering. Working hard to reach competency and be knowledgeable in all parts of
Petroleum Engineering has become the main focus of undergraduates. This
competitive environment has brought the realization that having a particular skill set
would equip oneself to become an ideal petroleum engineering graduate in the
future. The mentioned skillset includes mastering comprehensive knowledge gained
from formal lectures and the technical competence that enable one to analyze and
solve problems faced in the real world. Moreover, working in a team and interacting
well with individuals from various disciplines would be equally important.

According to the details mentioned above, internship would be the program to help
me cultivate the expected skillset, and it reflects why the Petroleum Engineering
Department in Bandung Institute of Technology supports the students to do the
internship. IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia) has been my top
choice to implement internship. I believe learning from renowned professionals in an
actual working environment would help refine my work ethic and develop my
comprehensive understanding of the petroleum engineering discipline that I am
currently studying. I have been eager to implement my knowledge as a Petroleum
Engineering student that may benefit this company. Therefore, I would like to
propose internship at IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia)

1.2 Objective
The following are several objectives of the proposed internship:
To have the chance to observe, compare, and apply theories and basic knowledge
learned at university in the real world of the petroleum industry.
To develop an integrated network with companies and become acquainted with
the culture and working environment of the Oil and Gas Industries.
To learn more about the competencies of a recent petroleum engineering graduate
that the petroleum industry requires.

Internship Proposal
Azriel Naufal Fadilah Petroleum Engineering | (+62) 821 4318 0010 Bandung Institute of Technology
Chapter 2
Activity Description

2.1 Place of Internship

The internship is expected to be held online or mentor's consideration.

2.2 Time of Internship

Based on the timetable, I propose the internship during the semester break for at least
a month, preferably July 2023 to August 2023. However, the exact date and duration
will be determined by IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia) or mentor's

2.3 Content

The contents of the internship will be determined by IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik
Perminyakan Indonesia) and could be one of the following areas related to the major
of Petroleum Engineering:

Production Engineering
Drilling Engineering
Reservoir Engineering

If it is possible, I prefer to be part of the Production Engineering, due to my highest

interest. I believe that Production Engineering is one of the most vital parts of the oil
and gas industry as it requires excellent managing skills to provide a safe as well as
efficient production process to obtain the maximum oil and gas production from wells.
Besides, I am excited to explore the real system, condition, and procedure of being a
part of the petroleum industry, especially in the production sector. Nevertheless, I will
be very grateful if the company offers any other knowledge related to the petroleum
engineering application.

Internship Proposal
Azriel Naufal Fadilah Petroleum Engineering | (+62) 821 4318 0010 Bandung Institute of Technology
Chapter 2
Activity Description

2.4 Methods

The learning methods that I would like to have in this internship are learning and
observing cases in production matters. I wish to obtain more insights into the field
system, daily activities, problems from the field, and solutions. The guidance of
experienced engineers, as well as experts, will be helpful for me to get a better
knowledge and direct experience to handle production occurrences. Moreover, I
would be happy to have any training if there is any necessity to do specific analysis
using the software. Nonetheless, IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia)
will have the final decision on the learning methods, which I will gladly accept.

2.5 Participant Details

The details of the participant applying the internship are as follows:

Name : Azriel Naufal Fadilah
Student ID Number : 12220022
Major : Petroleum Engineering
Faculty : Mining and Petroleum Engineering
University : Bandung Institute of Technology
Phone Number : (+62) 821 4318 0010
Email Address :

Internship Proposal
Azriel Naufal Fadilah Petroleum Engineering | (+62) 821 4318 0010 Bandung Institute of Technology
Chapter 3

This is my proposal for internship in IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia).
I am enthusiastic to be a part of this internship program. Given my limitations, I hope that
IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia) would provide me with support and
advice for me to get the most out of this internship.

Several supports I expect from IATMI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia),
including :
Mentors and guidance throughout the internship.
Accommodations throughout the internship.
Facilities to do observation and obtain the necessary data which are needed.

I put up this proposal to fulfill the requirement for the internship at IATMI (Ikatan Ahli
Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia). Thank you for your time and consideration. Please feel
free to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or further concerns.

Jakarta, June 24th 2023


Azriel Naufal Fadilah

NIM. 12220022

Acknowledged and Approved by,

Head of ITB

Petroleum Engineering Department Student's Advisor

Silvya Dewi Rahmawati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D Wijoyo Niti Daton, S.T, M.T.
NIP. 198402222014042001 NIP. 198209272015041001

Internship Proposal
Azriel Naufal Fadilah Petroleum Engineering | (+62) 821 4318 0010 Bandung Institute of Technology

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