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The Comparison Between Paper-Based Learning Among

Grade 12 STEM Students

A Reseach Presented to the Senior High School Department

Lyceum of the Philippines University
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Course Research in Daily Life 2

Mesina, Elizabeth May P.
Aguba, Sthefhoney Karylle B.
Barbas, Kimwell Wayne
Halaman, Zac Uriel Joseph C.

It's simple to believe that utilizing a traditional pen and paper is archaic in light
of the prevalence of online learning, e-textbooks, and digital note-taking among
students. Although adopting new technologies and methods is a positive step, there are
also many advantages to employing paper-based learning, thus it continues to play a
significant role in both home and classroom education. People's lives depend heavily on
their education, which will either make or break them depending on their career.
Compared to the 1950s, education is much more diverse today due of advancements in
teaching approaches and other significant inventions that use more overt teaching
methods. Paper-based learning or what we called face-to-face learning had been the
most used learning for the past years, but since the beginning of pandemic we’ve
change to online learning, paper-based learning has been an effective way to learn
knowledge and skills, because it has a lot of different ways to learn including writing,
reading, discussion, presentations, projects, group work, film clips, demonstration and
practice. All students learn differently or work more productively in different
environments. The majority of knowledge can only be acquired through in-person
instruction because in-person instruction is the only form that makes sense practically.
Only direct communication between sender and receiver is used in face-to-face
instruction. For decades, paper-based learning or face-toface learning was the mode of
education until online education was introduced.

It is true that online education is now frequently provided in educational programs,

but technology does not always make it possible for the correct kind or high quality of
knowledge to be shared or exchanged. As a result, learning potential may be
constrained. The best kind of education is face-to-face instruction. In group learning, it is
difficult for the pupils to ignore the instructor, and even if they are not paying attention,
they can still benefit from the group's knowledge. The main component of face-to-face
instruction is interaction, and socialism is also strengthened. Students get the
confidence to communicate their thoughts honestly when learning in groups. Answers to
the questions of the students are also gained at the time of group discussion. There was
an empirical investigation was conducted. In this study, online and face-to-face learning
were compared. The study, titled "Comparative Analysis of Online vs. Face-to-Face
Instruction," was presented at a conference on the internet and the World Wide Web.
This case study demonstrated that there are significant differences between face-to-
face instruction and online instruction. "And it was established that face-to-face learning
is very successful and with face-to-face learning kids may learn more rapidly and they
never forget what they learn through face-to-face education," write authors Scott D.
Johnson, Steven R. Aragon, Najumuddin Shaik, and Nilda Palma-Rivas.
Education is crucial for surviving in this technological age, despite how busy people's
lives have gotten, we cannot neglect it. Learning is accomplished by making errors and
then learning from them. One cannot learn until they make mistakes and ask questions.
You just receive the instructor's email address when you learn online, but group learning
requires real-time interaction, which the email address cannot substitute. When learning
in person, students have the opportunity to immediately clear up any misconceptions
they may have about a subject. In person-to-person instruction, techniques are used
that speed up learning for pupils and provide immediate feedback on their progress.
Collaboration is possible in face-to-face learning. Collaboration and face-to-face
instruction not only hasten the learning process and help us achieve our objectives, but
the actual negotiation and discussion of ideas in a group setting provides priceless
practice for a job situation. Online learning is one of the most effective method of
education. (Stevens). Online-learning is a process of studying without having to
physically attending lectures or classes. It is a interactive learning, through practical
challenges and hands-on experience, developing their creativity and taking in
information as they move from one place to another.
Objectives :

The aim of this study was to analyze the comparison between the performance
of students from LPU Batangas as they switch from online class to face to face classes.
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