STD 9 Artificial Intelligence PT2 QP 21-221633784844

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Artificial Intelligence (417)

Class: IX Marks:40
Date : 4th October 2021 Duration: 90 Minutes

1. AI addressing poverty and health falls under which category?

a. Social
b. Economic
c. Environment
d. Health

2. Processing about the important affairs of our country fall under which domain
a. Data
b. Computer Vision
c. NLP
d. Learning

3. Sustainability encompasses which of the following

a. Economy, Government, Law
b. People, Rule, Knowledge
c. Society, Economy, Environment
d. Data, NLP, Computer vision

4. Poverty is the Prime Issue for SDG

a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Not a part of SDG

5. Which of these are not Computer vision ability of AI

a. Speech reorganisation
b. Mathematical Calculation
c. Social Economy
d. Facial recoganisation

6. Which of the options is best suited for assistance in underground rescue operations?
a. Nanobot
b. Chatbot
c. Data
d. Robot
7. Healthcare is the domain in which ______________ is used for diagnosing
a. Robots
b. Nanobots
c. scanning
d. Sensing
8. Mob control, Web control and Forensic research etc. are AI application in which domain?
a. Transport
b. General
c. Healthcare
d. Security

9. The Technical Skills required for the Job description-“ AI Business development Manager”
a. Cloud System, Machine learning, Electronic Spreadsheet, IT management
b. Database, Knowledge on the Business and Programming Language
c. Business Knowledge, IT Knowledge and Programming language
d. All Programming Language required

10. Identify who is not the AI players in the market today:

a. Amazon
c. Apple
d. Twitter

11. The Different development Model in Traditional Programming are:

a. Data, NLP, Computer vision etc.
b. Unsupervised ML, Supervised ML, Reinforcement learning etc.
c. Reactive, Proactive, Active etc.
d. Waterfall, Spiral, Agile etc.

12. Addressing the non-addressable is the ethical guide line of a

a. System
b. A Good AI
c. Administration of a system
d. Traditional programs

13. The biases which occur when system comes in use is ____________.
a. Emergent
b. System
c. Data
d. Process

14. AI is no_________________Proposition
a. Economical
b. Costlier
c. Cheaper
d. Manageable

15. Ethical principles serve as a guideline to distinguish between _________ and ______________
a. Pass, Fail
b. Wrong, right
c. Success, Failure
d. True, False
16. AI help us reveal facts and information locked in immense _________________
a. Data
b. Database
c. Server
d. Algorithm

17. _____________is the Moral Obligations that we must comply with.

a. Education
b. Endurance
c. Ethics
d. Energy

18. The purpose of the project is translated into ____________________ goals

a. Accessing
b. Accountable
c. Assigned
d. Achievable

19. A Problem scope is mutual understanding of all ______________

a. Participants
b. Algorithm
c. Stakeholder
d. Program

20. The stages of AI Project Cycle.

a. Problem Scoping, Data acquisition, Data exploration, Modelling Data and Evaluation
b. Requirement gathering, Programming and Testing
c. Learning, Data gathering, Coding
d. Knowledge acquisition, Knowledge assimilation and Testing

21. ___________ and ____________the relevant data in such a way that it is used to train the AI system is called
Data Acquisition
a. Composing and Collecting
b. Development and testing
c. Data warehousing and mining
d. Collecting and Compiling

22. Analyzing the collected data is known as _________________

a. Data Acquisition
b. Data Warehouse
c. Data Exploration
d. Data Mining

23. The purpose of the project is to translate requirement into achievable _________
a. Data
b. Goals
c. Requirement
d. Project
24. For successful completion the project needs better __________
a. Imagination
b. People
c. Plan
d. Organisation

25. Siri and Alexa are under the domain

a.Computer Vision
b. NLP
c. Data
d. Big Data
26. A ___________________is a piece of Planned work.
a. Scope
b. Data
c. Vision
d. Project

27. A solution cannot be defined without understanding the__________

a. Plan
b. Problem
c. Program
d. Process

28. The four W framework are __

A. Why, where,who, what

B. Why,were, was,when
C. Why, who, whom, were
D. Why,what, whom, when

29. Problem scoping is the _______________stage of AI project cycle

a. Last
b. First
c. Additional
d. Random

30. Manpower refers to the ________________required for developing solution.

a. Infrastructure
b. Liability
c. Resource
d. Input

31. Only large Projects have Problem scoping stage.

a. True
b. False
c. Partially True
d. Not always False
32. ______________ should be written during problem scoping
a. Vision
b. Certificate
c. Problem statement
d. Problem definition

33. Testing Data is _______________

a. Input
b. Data
c. Prediction
d. Big Data

34. API stands for ____________________.

a. Application Programming language
b. Application Process language
c. Application Process language
d. Application Prediction language

35. Training Data is ____________

a. Data
b. Prediction
c. output
d. Input

36. Data Exploration is necessary because data _____________ cannot be used directly for machine learning
a. Scoping
b. Acquisition
c. Analysis
d. Processing

37. A Data set of 500 employees and their respective Salary details is an example of _____________data
a. Structured b. unstructured c. Raw d. Big

38. In a decision tree leaf node denotes ________________

a. Condition b. Conclusion c. Decision d. Branch

39. Which of the following is most suitable to show Process Flow

a. Pie Chart
b. Column Chart
c. Flow Chart
d. Line chart

40. Which of the following Nodes do not have branches in a decision tree
a. Leaves
b. Roots
c. Condition
d. Stem


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