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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Davao del Sur
Santa Cruz North District

First Quarter –English 2

TOPIC Learning Competencies Code No. of Total

Items Items




.Classifying/ Categorizing 1.Classify/ Categorize sounds EN2PA- 7% 2 2 2 1- 2
sounds heard heard Ia-c-1.1
Recognizing the common terms 2.Recognize the common terms in EN2BPK 7% 2 2 2 3- 4
in English relating to parts of a English relating to parts of a book -Ib-C-4
Recognizing sentences and non 3.Recognize sentences and non EN2G- 7% 2 2 2 5- 6
sentences sentences Ib-c-1.4

Talking about one’s 4.Talk about one’s environment EN2OL_ 13% 4 1 2 1 4 7- 10

environment (e.g. persons, (e.g. persons, animals, places, Ih-j-1.3.2
animals, places, things, events) things, events)
5. Discriminate sounds from a EN2PA- 7% 2 1 1 2 11- 12
Discriminating sounds from a
background of other sounds id-e-1.2
background of other sounds
6. Recognize different kinds of EN2G- 7% 2 2 2 13- 14
Recognizing different kinds of
sentences Id-e-1.3
Recognizing same/different 7. Recognize same/different sounds EN2PA- 7% 2 2 2 15- 16
sounds Ig-2.3
Supplying words that rhyme 8. Supply words that rhyme with EN2PA- 7% 2 2 2 17- 18
with given words given word Ih-2.4
Identifying letters in English 9. Identify letters in English that EN2AK- 7% 2 2 2 19- 20
that are not present in Mother are not present in Mother Tongue, Ih-j-2
Tongue, Filipino and vice versa Filipino and
. Recognizing nouns in simple 10. Recognize nouns in simple EN2G- 2% 1 1 1 21
English sentences English sentences Ih-2.4

Recognize the use of a/ an + 11. Recognize the use of a/ an + EN2G-Ii- 6% 2 2 2 22- 23

noun noun 9.2

Predicting possible ending of a 12. Predict possible ending of a EN2LC- 6% 2 2 2 24-25

story read. story read. Ia-J-1.1

Identifying cause and/ or effect 13.Identify cause and/ or effect of EN2LC- 11% 3 3 3 26- 28
of events events Ia-J-1.1

a .Noting important details 14. a .Note important details EN2LC- 6% 2 2 2 29-30

pertaining to character, settings, pertaining to character, settings, Ia-J-1.1
events events the problem and solution
b. Identifying the problem
and solution

100% 30 10 9 4 2 3 2 30 1- 30

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