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Our Lady of the Pillar College – San Manuel, Inc.

District 3, San Manuel, Isabela

College of Teacher Education


NAME: ______________________________________________ DATE: _______________

YEAR & SECTION: ____________________________________ SCORE: ______________
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze each question and choose the correct and best answer. Write the letter
of the correct and best answer in the space provided before the item. If the answer is not found among the choices,
write E. Good luck!
_______ 1. Which competency enhances the writing skills?
a. Discern the positive and negative messages conveyed in a material viewed.
b. Relate content or theme to previous experiences and background knowledge.
c. Use a variety of techniques to introduce a topic.
d. Identify the distinguishing features of notable poems.
_______ 2. Which competency enhances a productive skill?
a. Get different viewpoints on various local or global issues.
b. Distinguish facts from beliefs.
c. Evaluate the accuracy of given information.
d. Acknowledge sources by preparing a bibliography.
_______ 3. What type of writing is "proverbs"?
a. expressive writing c. informative writing
b. persuasive writing d. literary work
_______ 4. What type of writing is "novella"?
a. expressive writing c. informative writing
b. persuasive writing d. literary work
_______ 5. What type of writing is "news story"?
a. expressive writing c. informative writing
b. persuasive writing d. literary work
_______ 6. What type of writing is "blog post"?
a. expressive writing c. informative writing
b. persuasive writing d. literary work
_______ 7. What type of writing is "research proposal"?
a. expressive writing c. informative writing
b. persuasive writing d. literary work
_______ 8. Teacher M is a language teacher at Grade 9.  Her students could collaborate with one another and allow other
students to check their output for improvement. What type of writers is Teacher M handling?
a. independent writers c. transitional writers
b. willing writers d. novice writers
_______ 9. Which is not a role of grammar in the teaching writing skills to learners?
a. Grammar correction should be the main focus of teacher's feedback.
b. Grammar should not defocus learners from creating meaning.
c. Grammar checking should be done during the editing stage.
d. Grammar should be taught based on learners' needs.
_______ 10. When students write, what decides the nature of writing they will use?
a. purpose c. reader
b. objective d. function
_______ 11. What is the purpose of a writer when he/she presented are facts and figures?
a. To inform b. To persuade c. To entertain d. To argue
_______ 12. What do you call the unity among the paragraphs of a whole written article?
a. cohesion c. organization
b. coherence d. mechanics
_______ 13. Student A is writing about the themes of Asian literature. He needs to identify the _________ to have a
direction on what he will write.
a. reader b. audience c. function d. purpose
_______ 14. Jane, a Grade 11 student is tasked to write a position paper. Before she writes, she considered the question,
“Which idea should come first?” What aspect of writing is this?

a. reader b. audience c. function d. purpose
_______ 15. Which is true about novice writers?
a. They have little awareness of the writing process but they exhibit developed writing skills.
b. They always seek the approval of the teacher and do not revise the writing easily.
c. They learn best when there is model and very comfortable working with others.
d. They enjoy freewriting and listen to criticism from other students.
_______ 16. Teacher D would like to help students make connections with others through their writing. What type of writing
should he use?
a. Informative writing c. Literary work
b. Persuasive writing d. Expressive writing
_______ 17. This type of writing is usually for entertainment.
a. Informative writing c. Literary work
b. Persuasive writing d. Expressive writing
_______ 18. Which process should Teacher E do to she wants students to use or imitate models?
a. familiarization c. free writing
b. controlled writing d. loop writing
_______ 19. Which is true about willing writers?
a. They have little awareness of the writing process but they exhibit developed writing skills.
b. They always seek the approval of the teacher and do not revise the writing easily.
c. They learn best when there is model and very comfortable working with others.
d. They enjoy freewriting and listen to criticism from other students.
_______ 20. The Grade 10 students were able to recall the grammar and vocabulary through writing text. What process is
a. familiarization c. free writing
b. controlled writing d. loop writing
_______ 21. The pre-writing stage is also called _________.
a. drafting stage c. editing stage
b. planning stage d. revising stage
_______ 22. Which of the following pre-writing stage strategies allow easy gathering of ideas?
a. survey questionnaire c. outlining
b. electronic device d. brainstorming
_______ 23. When writing, which should you use to ensure coherence within the paragraphs?
a. Transitional devices c. Conjunctions
b. Rhetorical techniques d. Conjunctive adverbs
_______ 24. Which is not a strategy in writing stage?
a. Use the technique of chunking or breaking the long paragraph into big sets of sentences.
b. Present data in various forms such as giving them in horizontal, vertical, or columnar.
c. Use a certain technique in arranging the components of your report.
d. Express your thoughts in conversational way.
_______ 25. Which of the following pre-writing stage strategy uses graphic organizer?
a. free writing c. speculating
b. reading and listing d. semantic mapping
_______ 26. Which post-writing stage process is known as the checking of the grammaticalness of the paper?
a. revising b. correcting c. proofreading d. editing
_______ 27. According to Searles, how much percentage of time writing should be spent in post-writing?
a. 15% c. 35% c. 50% d. 70%
_______ 28. Teacher K wants the students to change the format of the paper and improve the documentation section of the
paper of the students. What process should she teach them?
a. revising b. correcting c. proofreading d. editing

_______ 29. With this assessment, students will be asked to just copy what is given to them by the teacher.
a. copying c. picture-cued task
b. listening cloze selection task d. form completion task
_______ 30. Which skill is not assessed using writing skill?
a. handwriting c. spelling
b. fluency d. vocabulary
_______ 31. Which assessment task is a controlled writing task?
a. Dicto-comp c. Converting numbers and abbreviations to words
b. Form completion task d. Multiple-choice reading-writing spelling tasks

_______ 32. Which writing assessment task measure the grammatical competence of the learners?
a. picture cued task c. dicto-comp
b. form completion task d. grammatical transformation task
_______ 33. Teacher L instructed the students to write a brief sentence based from simple actions she has made. What
picture-cued task did she use?
a. Short sentences c. Picture sequencing description
b. Picture description d. Short to long sentence construction
_______ 34. Which extensive writing assessment task checks for comprehension by allowing students to interpret text on
their own words?
a. Guided writing stimuli c. Paraphrasing
b. Guided questions and answers d. Feedbacking
_______ 35. When assessing writing tasks, these are helpful in making students see and articulate the goals in the given task.
a. Conferencing c. Local written comment
b. Rubrics d. Global written comment

II. CREATING RUBRIC. Craft a holistic rubric for assessing a reflection paper about Filipinos’ low English
language proficiency. Use this as your guide- correctness of criterion/skill to be assessed- 5, completeness of the
criterion/skill to be assessed- 5, and accuracy of the descriptors. (15 points)

“Congratulations for finishing the course!”


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Teacher College Dean

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