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Our Lady of the Pillar College – San Manuel, Inc.

District 3, San Manuel, Isabela

College of Teacher Education

PED 102b- Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

NAME: ___________________________________________________ DATE: _______________

YEAR & SECTION: _________________________________________ SCORE: ______________
Instructions: Read and analyze each question and choose the correct and best answer. Write the letter of the
correct and best answer in the space provided before the item. If the answer is not found among the choices, write
E. Good luck!

_______ 1. Which of the following is digital tool for teaching Mathematics?

a. Desmos c. Flipsnack
b. Tikatok d. Cyberkids
_______ 2. Which instructional material shows a satirical comment on a serious or topical issue?
a. instructional charts c. cartoons
b. worksheets and forms d. bulletin boards
_______ 3. What instructional material should Teacher B use when he wants his students to act as businessmen who
promote their products?
a. pamphlets c. journals
b. brochures d. drills
_______ 4. What is Project-Based Approach to teaching and learning?
a. It is a teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels use a variety of learning activities
to improve their understanding of a subject.
b. It is a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire
a deeper knowledge.
c. It is a form active learning that starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios.
d. It is an approach to learning that requires learner participation.
_______ 5. Project-based approach to teaching is teacher-centered and learner-centered.
a. Always true b. Sometime true c. Never true
_______ 6. What type of inquiry-based teaching lets students choose their own topics without any reference to a
prescribed outcome?
a. Guided inquiry c. Structured inquiry
b. Controlled inquiry d. Free inquiry
_______ 7. What is the role of the teacher in an inquiry-based teaching?
a. director b. counselor c. facilitator d. supervisor
_______ 8. Which consideration in making an inquiry-based learning plan talks of the resources for learning?
a. prior knowledge c. context
b. content materials d. course outcomes
_______ 9. In a problem-based learning, lectures ___________.
a. are not advised to be used
b. are the main strategy to teach the knowledge
c. can be used to assess students learning
d. can help teach a concept to enhance understanding
_______ 10. Project-based teaching will be successful if students apply ___________.
a. critical thinking c. creativity
b. collaboration d. All are correct.

_______ 11. What is the end goal of the problem-based learning?

a. to help students advance earlier on the next level
b. to ensure that the learning competencies are achieved
c. to allow more opportunities for learners to apply their learning
d. to collaborate among teachers and students in improving outputs
_______ 12. Teacher B allowed his students collaborate with each other in order to make a better output. What principle
did he adhere to?
a. Learning happens in a group and teacher is a facilitator.
b. It is a power of independent and self-directed learning.
c. Materials such as data, photographs, articles, can be used to solve the problem.
d. Students learn about motivation, teamwork, problem-solving and engagement with the task.
_______ 13. Teacher C initiate the discussion of the problem through self-directed questioning. What process is this?
a. Identifying problem c. Brainstorming
b. Collecting and analyzing information d. Synthesizing information
_______ 14. What should the teacher do to refine the outcomes of the problem-based learning?
a. give feedback c. solve problems
b. assign groups d. synthesize data
_______ 15. Which is not a benefit of problem-based learning?
a. It promotes self-confidence and motivation.
b. It increases student’s responsibility in learning.
c. It makes students explore many learning resources.
d. It reduces student’s interest during the learning process
_______ 16. What is the role of technology in the problem-based learning and teaching?
a. for teacher replacement c. for integration and active learning
b. for leisure time and relaxation d. for synchronous and asynchronous setting
_______ 17. Which of the following is/are Microsoft productivity tool/s?
I. Excel II. One Note III. PowerPoint IV. Publisher V. One Drive
a. I and II c. I, II, III, IV
b. I, II, III d. I, II, III, IV, V
_______ 18. Teacher D would like to develop self-direction, communication and creativity skills so she used the project-
based approach to teaching. What do you call these skills that could be developed using the PBA?
a. Research Methodology skills c. Development of life skills
b. Oral Communicative competence d. Motor and Function skills
_______ 19. What part of the lesson plan refers to what the learners will need to know or do at the end of the learning
a. Learning objectives c. Learning styles
b. Learning activities d. Learning assessment
_______ 20. Which is not a component of the lesson plan?
a. activities b. objectives c. resources d. assessment
_______ 21. In what step in preparing lesson plans do teacher answer the question “What do I want my students to take
away from this particular lesson?”
a. developing introduction c. checking for understanding
b. planning the specific learning activities d. outlining learning objectives
_______ 22. The best way to do an introduction of the lesson is to __________.
a. check students’ previous learning targets
b. make projects that are related to the lesson and real-life
c. connect the prior knowledge of the students to the new lesson
d. encourage learners to think critically about a relevant text or video
_______ 23. The question “What are some relevant real-life examples, analogies and situations that can help students
understand the topic?” is answered during _____________.
a. developing introduction c. checking for understanding
b. planning the specific learning activities d. outlining learning objectives

_______ 24. How should a lesson conclude?

a. The teacher summarizes the lesson.
b. The teacher presents a new idea or concept.
c. The teacher lets students write their takeaways from the lesson.
d. The teacher gives an activity for continuous learning at home.
_______ 25. Arrange the parts of a regular lesson plan.
I. evaluation II. application III. motivation
IV. discussion V. generalization

a. II, III, V, I, IV c. IV, I, III, V, II

b. III, IV, II, V, I d. V, II, IV, II, I
_______ 26. Which of the following is a way to check for students’ understanding of the lesson?
a. Let students state what they know about the topic before the lesson.
b. Let students link their prior and background knowledge.

c. Let students identify the main idea of the lesson.
d. Let students do a project or solve a problem.
_______ 27. Which is not true about the demands of 21st century learning to teachers?
a. Teachers should be smart in using of devices as aids to language/mathematics/science concept and skill
b. Teachers should allow the sharing of great ideas beyond a conversation and paper copy.
c. Teachers should create a learner-centered classroom.
d. Teachers should keep learning.
_______ 28. Which productivity tool could be used to organize and structure visuals with animations in a consistent and
aesthetic format?
a. Word b. Excel c. PowerPoint d. Publisher
_______ 29. Which of the following is similar to Word except that it places the emphasis on page layout and design (rather
than writing text and proof reading)?
a. Word b. Excel c. PowerPoint d. Publisher
_______ 30. What application is an online word processor that lets you create and format text documents and collaborate
with other people in real time?
a. Google slides c. Google docs
b. Google form d. Google sheets
_______ 31. Teacher E needs to create and print the test papers for her class examination. What productivity tool will she
a. Word b. Excel c. PowerPoint d. Publisher
_______ 32. What do you call the application software that are used for producing information (such as documents,
presentations, worksheets, databases, charts, graphs, digital paintings and etc.)?
a. Open-ended tools c. Microsoft online
b. Google Suite Applications d. Microsoft office
_______ 33. In what tab in the Microsoft Word can we see the Smart Art?
a. Design b. Layout c. View d. Format
_______ 34. What feature of the WPS Office is unique or not present in other tools?
a. It has collaboration option where anyone could work on a document.
b. In can open multiple documents at the same time in one window.
c. It is free and basic templates are readily accessible.
d. It is easy to access and has its own cloud or storage.
_______ 35. What do you call the teaching and learning tool that is used to organize information and ideas in a way that is
easy to comprehend and internalize?
a. Concept map c. Semantic map
b. Graphic organizer d. Tables and diagrams
_______ 36. Which is used to visually represent the differences and similarities between two subjects?
a. Bubble Diagram c. T Chart
b. Frayer Model d. Venn Diagram
_______ 37. Teacher F would like to present the causes and effects of the important issue on his history subject. What
should he use?
a. Inductive tower c. Fishbone map
b. Flowchart d. Story Map
_______ 38. Which of the following is not included the Frayer model?
a. example of the concept c. implication of the concept
b. characteristics of the concept d. definition of the concept
_______ 39. What lesson can be taught with the 5Ws chart?
a. Vertebrates and invertebrates c. News writing
b. Time, speed and distance d. Events during the Spanish era
_______ 40. Flowcharts are best used in _________.
a. giving specific examples c. making a summary of the story
b. providing overview of a procedure d. showing the relationships of concepts

II. Identify the name of the different open-ended tools or productivity software applications. Write your answer on the
space provided below.

1. _________________________________
6. _________________________________

2. _________________________________ 7. _____________________________

3. _________________________________ 8. _____________________________

4. _______________________________
9. _____________________________

5. _________________________________ 10. _____________________________

Prepared by: Checked by and submitted to:


Teacher College Dean

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