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State High School No.

“Carlos Castillo Peraza”

English writen project

Block 1

Grade: 3° Group: “D”

Teacher: Lucelly Azcorra

Aguayo Vera Ivana Alexia
Eb Navarrete Paola del Carmen
González Rodriguez Bárbara Michelle
Herrera Cámara Valentina
Montelongo Villanueva Ana Marissa

Delivery date: Monday March 1, 2021

“Tinker Bell: Faires to the Rescue”
Tinker Bell visits England in summer and meets a new world, do humans believe in fairies?
For this, Tinker Bell joins her enemy and a very special girl, where she is involved in a
chaotic situation of discovery, friendship, bravery and love. So her other fairy friends
undertake a clever rescue to save her and her people.
In addition to Tinker Bell we focus on the characters of Vidia (wind fairy), Fawn (animal fairy),
Iridessa (light fairy) and Silvermist (water fairy). In addition to Lizzy (girl), Dr. Griffiths (father),
Rosetta (flower fairy) and friends Bobble and Clank.

Silvermist (water fairy), Marissa Montelongo: I am Silvermist and my talent is

mastering the water. My friends and I were organizing what was left to go to
the mainland, it was night and it started to rain when Vidia suddenly arrived
scared saying that Tinkerbell was captured by humans; we all worry too
much, so we come up with a plan to go rescue her: build a boat. Instantly we
all got to work; I went in search of leaves and with the help of animals we
were able to finish as soon as possible. When starting the boat, Vidia
recognized where we passed and we followed the path, which relaxed me
because I really hoped that Tinkerbell was fine, but later the anguish returned
when the boat got out of control and we fell down the river. We followed the
path on foot and found the human house, we crept inside and Vidia told us
that there was big men, a girl and a cat, we were all terrified. We fight the
feline all over the house until we find Tinkerbell, but it turns out that Vidia was
caught to save her. The girl became friends with Tinkerbell, so with the help of
the powder we flew into the girl's pockets to get to the father. In the end, we
got him to free Vidia and we all flew around town together. Then we arrive
home happy to continue preparing to go to the mainland.

Vidia (wind fairy), Valentina Herrera: Hello, I am Vidia and my talent is to master the wind
and the leaves in autumn. It all started when Tinker Bell was very excited to go
to a girl's playhouse and she insisted a lot on going with her; I did not want to go!
it was too dangerous, but I could not leave Tinker Bell alone. We arrived at the
place and my worst nightmare passed: Tinker was trapped inside the house and
then in a cage! So I flew as fast as I could in the rain to warn the other fairies. To
go rescue her we decided to make a boat. After sailing in the middle of the storm
I was showing everyone the way, luckily I remembered! Tinker Bell should be
grateful, plus we fell down a waterfall while traveling and I got stuck in the mud.
We finally managed to get to the house, but the worst was just beginning, the
man was very scary like the girl, not to mention the cat that wanted to eat us. But
with a little magic dust we floated plates and dodged the cat for a while, until it
got out of control again. While the others were in charge, I went in search of
Tinker Bell and to avoid her being taken away I was trapped inside a jar and they
took me to the museum by the father! But then I saw the girl arrive flying along
with my friends, and she managed to convince the father to believe and set me
free, what a good guy. Finally, we all flew around the town and had tea together
with the girl and her father. After all, everything ended well!, I became closer to
my friends and to humans.
Fawn(animal fairy), Barbara Gonzalez: Hello my name is Fawn and I
am the animal fairy. That day I remember we were getting ready to go
to the mainland, we were all very happy, but Tinker Bell wanted to see
the human house, which we told her was dangerous, but we didn't
think she was going to go. After that we heard a strange noise and we
all hid. Minutes later Vidia arrived scared and completely wet saying
that Tinker Bell had been trapped by humans, obviously we had to
rescue her so we had the idea to build a boat, with the help of the
animals she had called we managed to do it as fast as possible, then
we went in search of her but it was not easy because it was raining
too hard and as we sailed down the river I realized that in the distance
there was a waterfall, but Silvermist ended up saving us, thanks to
that Vidia remembered the way and we could reach the human's
house, when we entered Vidia told us where she was and who was
there, we fought against the cat and Vidia managed to find Tinker
Bell, however when she was almost caught Vidia got in the way and
was taken instead, so we used our fairy dust and sneaked over the
city looking for her, we made her dad think about it, in the end he let
her free and we all could go back home.

Tinker Bell, Ivana Aguayo: Hi my name is tinker bell and i am in search of

my talent as a fairy. I remember the day I was captured by a girl, it all
started when Vidia and I found a beautiful little house built by humans. I
entered the house and was amazed but suddenly I was trapped, and in the
attempt to escape a girl came, she was very scared because she had
trapped me. When she got home I thought that everything was going to get
worse but it was not like that, at first I thought that it would hurt me but it
was the opposite, she proposed to free me but it was raining so I had to wait
and that's how I met the girl, we became friends. Everything was fun until
his father arrived and instead of capturing him, his master captured Vidia to
take her to the museum, desperately, my new friend went to her rescue, In
the end, I, the girl and all my friends together managed to get the girl's
father to release Vidia, we said goodbye and we all returned safely to our

Iridessa (light fairy), Paola Eb: Hello! My name is Iridessa and my talent is
mastering the light. When we got to camp on the mainland, we were all very
excited, especially Thinker Bell, as it was their first summer here. She
discovered that there were people's houses very close to where we were, and
since she is very stubborn and curious, I assumed what she was thinking, so I
told her not to go near humans. Time passed, it started to rain, and suddenly
Vidia appeared very alarmed telling us that Tinkerbell had been captured by
humans, we were very scared, so we decided to go looking for her, but with
the storm it was difficult, so we had the idea of ​building a boat. There were
some problems on the trip but we managed to get to the house, we went in
and after a while we found Think, but she told us that now Vidia is the one
they captured, we decided to go find her with the help of Lissy and magic
dust, fortunately we arrived in time with his father to convince him, the next day we had a
picnic all together, it was a unique experience that I will never forget.

The story has different emotional scenes and with great learnings, so it seems to us a
beautiful story that teaches us that we must value the people who give us their friendship,
since it is a very valuable relationship in life that does not always appear with often, however,
the few friends we have will always be there to support us. Then, it is thought that just as in
history, in real life we are going to have some obstacles, but the important thing is to be
honest, be united and be careful with our actions, because without realizing it we can put
ourselves in danger. Finally, we chose this fairy tale because it is an entertaining, fun,
interesting story (with good messages and learnings) and also the characters and the story
are well suited to our team. Besides that it is a story that we all know and that was part of our
childhood for which we wanted to remember it.

Tinkerbell: Fairies to the rescue. (s.f). Recovered from: Tinkerbell: Hadas al rescate - Todas
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