4th Quarter - English 10

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English 10

● Subject - a word that represents the doer or agent of an action or set of actions in a
sentence. It can be either a noun, singular or plural.
● Verb - the words that represents its the action of a sentence

Singular - represent only one thing (was, is, this, has)

Plural - represent more than one (were, are, these, have)

● Singular - verb Agreement - simply means the subject and verb must agree in number

Singular and Plural rules

Noun (subject) Verb (action)

● Singular ● Singular
Does not have an "s" or "-es" Add "s" or "-es"

● Plural ● Plural
Add "s" or "-es" Does not have an "s" or "-es"

● Rule 1 - the subject and verb must agree in number, both must be singular or both must
be plural.
● Rule 2 - the number of the subject (singular or plural) is not changed by words (or a
phrase) that come in between the subject and the verb.
● Rule 3 - some subjects always take a singular verb even though the meaning may seem
plural. These subjects always take singular verbs. (Each, either, neither, one, no one,
everyone, someone, anyone, nobody, somebody, anybody.)
● Rule 4 - the following words may be singular or plural, depending upon their use in a
sentence (some, any, all, most)
● Rule 5 - subjects joined by "and" are plural. Subjects joined by "or" or "nor" take a verb
that agrees with the last subject.
● Rule 6 - in sentences beginning with "there is" or "there are", the subject follows the
verb. Since, "there" is not the subject, the verb agrees with what flows.
● Rule 7 - Collective nouns may be singular or plural, or depending on their use in the
● Rule 8 - expressions such as "with", "together", with "including", "accompanied by", "in
addition to", or "as well" do not change the number of the subject. If the subject is
singular, the verb is too.
● Rule 9 - doesn't (singular) is a contraction of "does not" and should be used only with a
singular subject. Don't (plural) is a contraction of "do not" and should be used only with a
plural subject.
● Rule 10 - always take singular words. Nouns such as "civics", "mathematics", "dollars",
and "news" require singular verbs.

Parts of research report:

● Introduction
- Background of the study
- Statement of the study
- Significance of the study
- Definition of terms

● Background of the study (local, national, international)

- Introduce your topic
- Explain why your research is important
- Do a background check on your study

● Statement of the study

- Clear description of the topic
- The 5 w's can be used to describe the topic/issue

● Significance of the study

- It talks about the importance of the study
- It should determine who benefits from the study and how specific audience will benefit
from it's finding

● Definition of terms
- Important terms only need to defined in two cases:
- when the term is not widely known or understood
- when the term has specific or unique meaning in the context of the study
- acronym also needs to define clearly

II. Review of Related Literature

● Literature review
- Integration of information from a number of sources

● Research Methodology
- Research design
- Data gathering procedure

● Research design
- It is the framework of research methods and techniques chosen by a researcher
- Identify the method used in research

● Data gathering procedure

- It is a procedure of collecting, measuring and analyzing accurate insights for research
using standard validated techniques

● Bibliography
- List of all the sources you have used

● Questionnaire
- Consists of a set questions

● Curriculum vitae
- Profiling/about the members

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