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Lessons learned from 1,200 victims
and nearly 3,000 cyber attacks
2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

Ten questions that you didn’t want

to ask… and the answers are worse
than you want to know.

01 How aligned are Cyber 02 What should be in an

and Backup Teams? Incident Response Playbook?
P. 04 P. 05

03 How was the 04 Did paying the ransom

ransom paid? enable recovery?
P. 06 P. 07

05 How much data was affected 06 How often do the cyber villains
by the cyber attack? hit the backup repositories?
P. 08 P. 09

07 How long does it take to 08 Where are organizations

recover from a cyber attack? storing immutable data?
P. 10 P. 11

09 How do you prevent 10 Where are organizations planning

re-infection during restore? on recovering from cyber attacks
P. 12 and other disasters?
P. 13

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS


According to the 2023 Data Protection ABOUT THE RESEARCH

This is the second annual survey

Trends Report, 85%* of organizations
of organizations who suffered cyber
suffered at least one cyber attack in the attacks with a key focus to compare the
view-points of four different roles that
preceding twelve months; an increase are involved in cyber-preparedness
from 76% experienced in the prior year. and/or mitigation:

To better understand the preparedness and recoverability

of cyber attacks, an independent research firm conducted 37% 21%
a blind survey of 1,200 unbiased IT leaders whose Security CISO or other IT
organizations suffered at least one ransomware attack professionals executive stakeholder
in 2022. Organizations of all sizes from 14 different countries
across APJ, EMEA and the Americas were represented.
21% 21%
IT operations Backup
The survey asked about the impact that ransomware had generalists administrators
on their environments, as well as what their IT strategies
and data protection initiatives are moving forward. Questions about these research
While analysts forecasted growth in overall IT spending findings can be sent to
for 2023 between 4.5%** by IDC and 5.4%*** by Gartner,
respondents in this survey expect their cyber security
(preventative) budgets to grow by 5.6% and their data
protection (remediation) budgets to grow by 5.5% in 2023.

* 2023 Data Protection Trends Report, January 2023, n=4,200

** IDC, Technology to Scale the Digital Business: The Golden Era of IT; Innovation to Automation, Doc #DR2023_GS1_CDP, March 2023
*** Gartner, Forecast Analysis: IT Spending, Worldwide, February 2023

DATA CHART REUSE: You are welcome to reuse the data, charts and text published in this report under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You are free to share and make commercial use of this work if you attribute the source
as the Ransomware Trends 2023 Report. Please download all charts here.

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

60% of organizations need significant

or complete overhauls between their
backup and cyber teams

While many organizations may say that “ransomware Those believing their teams’ alignment
is a disaster” and therefore include cyber attacks needs either ‘significant improvement’
within their Business Continuity or Disaster or a ‘complete overhaul’ include:
Recovery (BC/DR) planning, the actual interaction
between the teams leaves much to be desired. 70% of backup administrators

59% of security professionals

One of the consistent findings of this research over
the past two years has been that those roles closest 62% of IT operations
to the challenges of cyber events are often the least
51% of CISO or IT execs
satisfied with the partnering between the teams.

No improvement A complete
is required overhaul is
How much improvement do 2% required
you believe is required in 17%
order for your organization’s Little
IT backup team(s) and your improvement
cyber-security team(s) to be is required Significant
7% improvement
fully aligned?
is required
n=1,200 43%
is required

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

The most common element of

an incident response playbook
is a good backup

87% of organizations have a risk Backup copies assured cleanliness

management program that drives their
Backup verifications and frequencies
security roadmap or strategy. That said,
only 35% believe their program is working
Arrangements for alternate infrastructure (servers and storage)
well, while 52% are seeking to improve 35%
their situation and the remaining 13% do Communications plan for customers/outside stakeholders
not yet even have an established program. 31%
Law enforcement or other third-party escalations
Regardless of what you call your program 30%
or team that is chartered with planning Pre-defined decision points or “Chain of Command”
against cyber events and preparing for 30%
how the organization will deal with them, Disclosure/remediating communications plan for employees
the most common elements of the
Insider threat considerations
‘playbook’ in preparation against a
cyber attack are:
Isolation plan
Clean backup copies, which one
Ransom willingness and methods
might presume includes data that
is ‘survivable’ against attacks and
We did not have an incident response team
does not include malicious code 2%
We did not have a ransomware playbook
Recurring verification that the
backups are recoverable


Prior to the incident, did your incident response

team have a defined ransomware response playbook
which incorporated any of the following?

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

77% of ransoms were paid by

insurance, but that is becoming
harder and more expensive

In 2022, paying the ransom via insurance was In fact, 21% of organizations stated that
an option for 96% of cyber victims, with half of ransomware was now specifically excluded from
all respondents using cyber-specific insurance. their policies. While those with cyber insurance
saw changes in their last policy renewals:
Interestingly, 28% used insurance that was
not cyber-specific, while 18% chose not to use 74% saw increased premiums
insurance that was available to them. These
43% saw increased deductibles
options might increasingly become the norm,
10% saw coverage benefits reduced
as insurance becomes more expensive or less
available, like homes that cannot acquire flood
insurance due to increasing storm frequency.

Paid by co., Don’t know

not insured/ 1%
How did your organization covered
pay the ransom? 4%
Paid by co.,
but there was
an insurance
18% 49%


2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

80% of victims paid the ransom,

but many still could not recover

The right answer ought to be “We did not pay, since There are two probable reasons
we were able to recover our data,” but only 16% of why the ransom was paid:
organizations responded that way, which is slightly The ransom was paid with
down from 19% in last year’s survey. insurance money, instead of by
organization, as covered in FIG 3
It is worth noting that 41% of organizations have a
“do not pay” policy, while 43% of organizations do The backup repositories were
not have a policy to pay or not. That said, 80% paid. also affected by the cyber attack,
so no recovery option was
Unfortunately, while 80% of respondents acknowledged
possible. This is covered in FIG 6
paying, one fourth of them still could not recover their
data even after paying the ransom. Can you imagine
sending the bitcoin, but the decryption tool didn’t
work (or wasn’t given at all)?

No, we were No ransom

able to recover was asked for
Did your organization pay data without 4%
ransom to recover its data?
n=1,149 16%

Yes, and we
were able
to recover
Yes, but
the data
we still could
not recover
the data

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

45% of production data was

affected by a cyber attack

This is unfortunately consistent with last Unfortunately, only 66% of the affected
year’s 47% affected statistic, with no reason data was recoverable. This calculates that
to assume future attacks won’t result in a similar 15% of the organizations’ production data
catastrophic amount of data loss or impact. was unrecoverably lost.

On average, organizations stated that 45% As an aside, cyber victims were also asked of
of their production data was affected by their confidence before and after the attack.
the cyber attack. In looking at the extremes, In hindsight, only 59% considered themselves
25% had a small portion (<20%) of their data ‘prepared’ — and even then, the results did not
affected, while 14% had nearly all (>80%) of vary greatly on how impactful the attack was.
their data affected by the attack.

81–100% 0–20%
14% 25%
What percentage of your
organization’s production
data do you estimate that the
ransomware attack successfully 61–80%
affected or encrypted? 19%
21–40 %


2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

Cyber villains were able to

affect the backup repositories
in 75% of attacks

Said another way, one in four organizations had backups Combining those statistics means:
to restore from, which is down from last year when one
75% likelihood that backup
in three organizations had survivable backups.
repositories affected
In fact, bad actors targeted the backup repositories in
When affected, 39% of
at least 93% of attacks in 2022, nearly identical to the
repositories unusable
94% of repositories that were targeted in 2021.
This will result in roughly one third
The respondents who stated that “some,” “most” or “all”
(29%) of restores not being viable.
of their repositories were affected (FIG 6), FIG 7 reveal
that on average, 39% of backup repositories were affected.


Did the threat actor attempt to modify/delete backup What percentage of the backup repositories
repositories as part of the ransomware attack? n=1,200 did the cyber attackers modify or delete? n=900

They did not Yes, they 1–10%

attempt to impact impacted
our backups most or all of 16%
7% our backup 21–30%
repositories 15%
32% 31–40%
They tried, 51–60%
but were
unsuccessful Some backup 7%
in impacting repositories 71–80%
our backups were impacted 7%
18% 43% 81–90%

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

It takes at least 3 weeks

to recover (per attack) —
after triage

Like any disaster, recovering a wide range and number But when you recover from
of IT systems takes time. Respondents to the survey ransomware, there is an
estimated that it took them 3.3 weeks from when they unpredictable amount of time to:
earnestly began until they considered their recovery
Identify which servers are infected
efforts essentially “complete.” BUT there was a
recognized caveat: Determine that the backup/replica
versions are not also affected or
If you are recovering from fire, you immediately might reintroduce malware
start recovering the burnt servers.
Only after you know those criteria
If you are recovering from flood, you can you start to recover, after which
immediately start recovering the wet servers. the process will take an average
In both cases, the last known backups or replicas of 3+ weeks.
are trusted to begin recovery immediately.

2 to 4 Less than
months one week
How long did the entire 5% 4%
remediation/recovery take
before the organization at
1 to 2 1 week
large would say the event
months 20%
was “over”?

2 weeks
to 1 month 1–2 weeks
25% 30%

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

82% use immutable clouds,

64% use immutable disks,
and tape still matters in 2023

Only 16% were able to recover instead of Cloud storage in hyperscale (e.g., Amazon/Azure)
paying the ransom (FIG 4). To do that,
Cloud service offering BaaS or DRaaS
they had to have recoverable data within
the repositories.
On-premises Storage Array with immutability or locking
Less than 25% of victims stated that their 41%
backup repositories were not affected by On-premises Object storage

the attacker (FIG 6). The way to do that 36%

is immutability or air gapping, so that the
backup repositories are not malign-able
We do not have air-gap or immutability
by the cyber villain. within our current backup solution
For 2023, only 2% of organizations
do not have immutability in at least one
tier of their backup solution, with many
reporting that they have immutability or air
gaps across multiple tiers. In 2023, it is very FIG 9

achievable for backup data to be immutable Does your organization utilize offline,
across its entire data protection lifecycle, air-gapped, or immutable backups
including short-term disk, within BC/DR using the following systems?
capable clouds and long-term tape storage.

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

56% of organizations run the risk

of re-infection during restoration

When respondents were asked how FIG 9 looks at the kinds of immutable storage being utilized
they ensure that data is ‘clean’ during for 2023, while the remaining responses in FIG 10 show
restoration, 31% stated that they rely that 44% of respondents complete some form of staging
on immutable repositories — which to re-scan data from the backup repositories prior to
while this is a best practice, it does reintroduction into the production environment.
not guarantee ‘clean’ data.
Unfortunately, that means that 56% of organizations run
This is analogous to ensuring a the risk of re-infecting the production environment by not
leak- and tamper-proof bottle; having a means to ensure clean data during recovery.
which is not the same as ensuring
that the contents within the bottle
are safe or non-poisonous.

We didn’t/ We first restored

FIG 10
could not to an isolated test
How did the organization ensure verify before area or “sandbox”
system data/backups were restoring to scan before
9% production
“clean” prior to restoration?
n=950 44%

We restored back
We restored to production and
back to then immediately
production scanned for
and monitored safety
12% 35%

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

71% would recover to a cloud,

81% would use a datacenter

Like any BC/DR strategy, one of the key Most organizations are flexible:
IT decision questions is “Where will the
19% only plan to recover to a cloud
servers recover to?” including cloud-
based and datacenter infrastructure. 29% only plan to recover to on-prem servers

For fire or flood, one presumes the 52% have plans that include both cloud
original datacenter is unavailable. Cyber and on-prem recovery options
attacks may have the option to use the
existing datacenter (with new servers) Hyperscale cloud – e.g. Amazon/Azure
or even the original servers (wiped); but 48%
not always, depending DRaaS Infrastructure
on whether the original servers or 41%
facility are seized by law enforcement Alternative servers already owned
or other forensics is required.
To original servers
In 2023, the most anticipated alternate 41%
site for ransomware recovery at scale Acquired new servers
was cloud-hosted infrastructure, closely 34%
followed by managed disaster recovery
as-a-service (DRaaS) platforms; which
makes sense considering the high FIG 11

percentage of organizations intending When recovering servers from

to use cloud-repositories as their ransomware, where do you
immutable recovery source recover your data to?
(see FIG 9).

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS

Summary of
Lessons Learned

This analysis covers the opinions of 1,200 Based on lessons learned from the 1,200 attack
unbiased organizations who suffered at experiences within this survey, most organizations
least one cyber attack in 2022: today employ a few key technologies in preparation
for the next assault:
Unlike potential natural disasters like fire
or flood, being the victim of a cyber attack Immutable storage within disks and clouds,
is much more probable than just possible. as well as air-gapped media, to ensure
And when considering that on average, for recoverable data.
each attack, an organization might expect
to lose 15% of their production data, it is not Staged restorations, to prevent
surprising to see increased investments and re-infection during recovery
prioritization of both cyber attack prevention Hybrid IT architectures for recovering
and greatly increased remediation processes the servers to alternative platforms like
and technologies. any other BC/DR strategy
Said another way, a secure backup is
the only alternative to simply paying
the ransom.

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS


Data Protection 4,200 unbiased organizations across 28 countries

Trends 2023 Macro data protection drivers/trends

Real-world downtime stats, DX considerations

Cyber-strategies, containers and BC/DR

Cloud Protection 1,700 unbiased respondents using at least one

Trends for 2023 IaaS, SaaS or PaaS

3 XaaS, IT Ops and backup admin personas

Backup drivers/methods for IaaS/PaaS/SaaS

Adoption drivers for BaaS & DRaaS

Salesforce Protection 800 orgs managing SFDC across US, EU and APJ
Trends 2022 Salesforce devs/admins & backup personas

Drivers & sentiments toward backing up SFDC

For questions reach out to

2 02 3 GL O B A L R E PO R T : R A N S O M WA R E T R E N DS


The industry analyses of this data were Veeam provides organizations with resiliency
authored by the following contributors: through data security, data recovery and data
freedom for their hybrid cloud. The Veeam
Data Platform delivers a single solution for
Jason Buffington
Cloud, Virtual, Physical, SaaS and Kubernetes
VP, Market Strategy
@JBuff environments that give businesses peace of
mind that their apps and data are protected
and always available to keep their
Dave Russell
businesses running.
VP, Enterprise Strategy
Julie Webb
Director, Visit or follow Veeam
Market Research on LinkedIn @veeam-software
& Analysis
and Twitter @veeam.

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