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Samson, Karen M.


GeoCapabilities: Powerful Disciplinary Knowledge

All nations have experienced hardships over the past few years of the pandemic, and everything
has changed by what is essential and beneficial to us. One of the things that affected us the most was our
education. Looking and investigating this concept of what they called "GeoCapabilities." The framework
for this project is the "capabilities approach." Our capabilities approach to education set out a clear
conceptual basis for thinking about the values and purpose of education. Exploring our capabilities and
acquiring relevant resources will help individuals pursue personal well-being, especially in times of
educational crisis that affect students' well-being. This one examines how powerful knowledge is, which
gives students the intellectual ability to assess, explain, evaluate, critique, and view the world in ways that
go beyond their personal experience. 

GeoCapabilities requires numerous resources that specify a rational understanding of what it is all

about. Many countries propose this project and are currently being applied to other countries, which I
found beneficial to our country, the Philippines, to promote “powerful disciplinary knowledge” to
education. On the other hand, it also concludes a set of principles for our future work
of GeoCapabilities that’s why it is very beneficial not only for the present but also because of its future
work. The purpose and value of education have wide-ranging questioned because of the trends and
reforms children are experiencing. This project is timely amidst the pandemic we are experiencing right
now; GeoCapabilities are concerned about social and environmental issues affecting people. Innovation
starts with us. For the betterment of yourself and also for the local and global communities, understanding
the capabilities set will make the best choices for the quality of our life and environment.

The structure of this project started with the organization of every school and disseminated it with
the opportunities it possessed. What I found interesting in this project was its content. GeoCapabilites was
viewed not only for the present but also for the benefits of its future work to hone or help students reach
their full human potential. This one caught my attention by Wadley (2008), “Geography does not tell us
how to live, but thinking geographically and developing our innate geographical imaginations can provide
the intellectual means for visioning ourselves on planet earth.” This is the knowledge children will
acquire if they are to become engaged citizens and workers in today's society. The benefit it gives is not
only for ourselves but also for the country we are stepping in, just like what Tonya R. Owens said, “In
order to win and succeed in life, responsibility is so important, this is a part of being an adult and learning
how to be responsible for everything”—foreseeing a better future? Then be a responsible student and a
child first.

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