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Standard: 8th Grade

Subject: CIVICS
Chapter: 1

Script On screen Time / sec

1. There will be a video with 1 min

Hello Youngistaan! Today animation of students
here we will learn about following Rules and the
some set of rules and ethics picture of book: The Indian
which we follow in our daily Constitution and an Indian
life. flag accompanied by
Do you follow rules in your national emblem animated.
school? Yes, you're right;
rules are part of our life
which makes us more
disciplined from wearing
formal uniforms to
completing work on time.
We abide with rules.
Let's have a quick revision
to know about “Our Indian
Constitution.” Have you
heard about it ever? What it
is? How it is formed and
How it is working?
Ever wondered how we the
people of India follow the
rules and regulations.
Let's dive into the world of
ethics, rules and regulations.
Every country has a set of
laws, written or unwritten,
that helps the government
and the country's people
function by abiding by them.
Similarly, India too has such
a set of laws that dictates the
code of conduct for the ruler
and the ruled. The Indian
Constitution consists of a set
of rules and principles that
help to govern the country of

2. Do you know that the Here, the image of book : 1 min

administration of the country The Indian Constitution is
regarding all rules and rotating.
regulations are penned in a The Book image will explain
book? What is this book called?
And what is the name of that Why do we need it?
book? Then animation starts of the
It contains the massive and following points:
crucial meaning of the The people looking at the
Constitution. constitution book and
A constitution is a book in talking, the rules are coming
which all of the rules for out of book will be shown
how a country is run is with animation.
mentioned together in a The animation ends with the
systematic way. Book and Logo of the Indian
And what happens as a result Constitution.
is the provisions governing
the country's administration
can be found in the
Constitution. Our powerful
Government is laid out by
the agents chose by
individuals. It is the
responsibility to carry out
the country's administration
in accordance with the
Constitution. The
Constitution must be
followed by the government
when enacting legislation.
The dynamic Judiciary has
the authority to declare those
laws as invalid.

3. It is the time discuss about The animation video of the 2min 30 sec
the Provisions in the provisions will be played in
Constitution which if we background and Democracy
know will make ourselves image of Indian constitution
credible. We are Indian provisions. As the narrator
citizens and it is our mentions the image and then
responsibility to know that. explain this
Remember That! The image explanation will
Listen what are end here.
Constitutional Provisions?
Constitutional Provisions are
the set of rules or laws that
come under a country's
Constitution. It establishes
the fundamental rights and
duties of the citizens. These
cannot be changed or altered
by the court or common law.
If the provisions are to be
changed, they must go
through a specific process
with the proof to change. It
is hard to change the same.

4. So, you think why it is The animation starts with 1 min for explaining and 2
important to know about the points showing the min for discussing the
Constitution of India. importance and necessity of points. 3 minutes total
As we all are aware that the constitution. It must
India is a Democratic include the text of
country that is by the people, democracy and dictatorship.
for the people and of the Next VFX of people of
people. But other countries India and Government
like North Korea has protecting the rights should
dictatorship means one man be displayed.
rule. So it is not necessary The pointg has misuse of
for all constitutions to be power so one powerful
democratic in nature. politician will be showed
I will now tell you important with cross mark on his face
thing that what is the actual to show that no misuse is
need of this rule book? allowed.
This is because it is the set VFX ends with rule book
of rules and laws agreed
upon by all the persons in a
country. Our Indian
Constitution is very Diverse.
Government has to function
within a
Set of rules. This reduces the
of the misuse of the power
Authority they have been
A Constitution includes the
rights and
Freedoms of the citizens.
Government cannot take
away these rights.
Therefore, people’s rights
and freedoms are
The Constitution protects the
minorities of a country.
Hence, the Constitution
includes the list of citizens'
duties; it fixes the
responsibility as well.

5. The video will start which 1 min 30 sec to explain

Let's discuss the necessary shows one administration
one that what is included in say India Country map logo
administration of the of Indian constitution and
constitution? Government book and then teacher will
has to make laws relating explain further about
to several subjects, similar poverty, employment people
as defending the and clieanliness, The
boundaries, guarding the animation video related to
people from this ends.
external aggression,
eradication of poverty,
creating employment,
education and health
services, stimulant to
commerce and
diligence, protection of the
sections, making programs
for the progress
of women, children and the
ethical people,
Etc. Government has to
bring about
desirable changes in the
society by
Enforcing laws. In short,
in ultramodern times have
to take opinions affiliated to
different issues right from
space exploration of public
cleanliness. This is
governance or
Having understood the
meaning of
Constitution and
governance, we shall now
see how the Indian
Constitution was made.
6. Here we will understand The animation video starts 40 sec
the background of making with an Image of a Book and
the Indian Constitution. The then a Logo of the Indian
year 1946, after British Constitution with the year
Ruled, We got Freedom in 1946 will be highlighted.
1947 you remember this The committee will be
right? shown rotating.
From 1946, Committee was The animation video ends.
established to prepare the
Constitution of Independent

7. Do you know kiddos what The animation video played 2 min to explain
is the Constituent Assembly? with an image of our Indian 20 sec image of Dr.
India gained independence Constituent Assembly in the Rajendra Prasad.
on August 15, 1947. background. Show the
Previously, the British moving image of Bombay,
dominated India. They Bengal and Madras.
For administrative purposes, The image of Dr. Rajendra
India was divided into Prasad.Lok Sabha Image,
provinces such as Bombay, Rajya Sabha Image.
Bengal, and Madras.
People's representatives
were in charge of the
government in these
Similarly, in certain
locations, the government
was carried out by local
These lands were known as
princely states, and its rulers
were known as princes. The
Constituent Assembly
included members from the
provinces and the princely
kingdoms. The Constituent
Assembly had a total of 299
members at that time also.
The Constituent Assembly
was presided over by great
Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

8. So, we will now know the The image of Dr. Babasaheb 1 min
leaders who contributed the Ambedkar, when the
Freedom Fighters, to make explanation starts. Dr.
our Indian Constitution. It Babasaheb Ambedkar
was extremely a tough task. drafting the constitution
Who is Architect of our animation will be shown and
Indian Constitution? Dr the hard work of he
Babasaheb Ambedkar was researching will be depicted.
the The Constituent assembly
Chairman of the Drafting with people sitting will be
Committee. He shown and video ends.
had studied in
depth, the
Constitutions of different
countries of the world. He
Studied and contemplated
day and night to draft our
The draft of
Constitution prepared by
him was presented to the
Constituent Assembly.
Due to his
contribution towards the
making of the
Constitution, Dr Babasaheb
Ambedkar is
called the ‘Architect of the
Indian Constitution.’

9. Now the big day that was Image of Constitution of 1 min

“The Recognition of India and Constitution Day.
Constitution Day”. The And the assembly with
Constituent Assembly people will be shown. 23th
enacted the Constitution and November, 1949 will be
adopted it on 26th highlighted text.
November 1949. Therefore, The animation of 26th
26th November is observed January, 1950 as republic
as ‘Constitution Day.’ day with sound of anthem
The country began to be has to be depicted.
governed according to the
provisions of the
Constitution from 26th
January 1950. The
Indian Republic came into
existence from this day.
Therefore, 26th January is
celebrated as ‘Republic
10. Are you aware about the 1 min 30 sec
freedom fighters who The images of the following
contributed their major role freedom fighters as
in making of Our Indian mentioned.
Constitution? Some of the The narrator will explain as :
well-known members of the The closing of the
Constituent Assembly were constitution book by
Dr Rajendra Prasad, Pandit highlighting the images of
Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr freedom fighters. The
Babasaheb Ambedkar, images of all the freedom
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, fighters teacher will speak
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, will be shown one by one.
Sarojini Naidu, J. B. members of the Constituent
Kripalani, Rajkumari Assembly were Dr Rajendra
Amrit Kaur, Durgabai Prasad, Pandit Jawaharlal
Deshmukh, Hansaben Nehru, Dr Babasaheb
Mehta, and others. The Ambedkar, Sardar
Noted legal expert, B. N. Vallabhbhai Patel,
Rau was appointed as the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad,
Constitutional Adviser on Sarojini Naidu, J. B.
legal matters. Kripalani, Rajkumari
Amrit Kaur, Durgabai
Deshmukh, Hansaben
Mehta, and others. The
Noted legal expert, B. N.
Rau. And the video gets

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