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The purpose for the Electrical Safety Work Practices Procedures is to provide working guidelines that
incorporate the best work practices developed by NFPA 70Eand OSHA Standards.   Following these
guidelines when performing maintenance and service on electrical equipment or facility electrical systems
will significantly reduce the likelihood of electrical accidents that can result in fires, injuries and fatalities.

Electrical Equipment: Generally, electrical equipment can be disconnected from its power source with a
cord and plug at a receptacle or at a disconnect box. Equipment hardwired, such as but not limited to a
breaker panel, is considered part of the facility electrical system and requires shutdown by qualified
 Facility Electrical System: The facilities’ electrical service such as breaker panels, switchgears and
transformers and electrical distribution including lighting and branch wiring.

Electrical Arc Flash Hazard Analysis- An electrical arc flash hazard analysis is done to protect personnel
from the risk of arc flash burn injuries.  It determines the flash protection boundary to keep personnel away
from the arc hazard risk and the level of fire retardant clothing needed to minimize the extent of burn
injuries for personnel required to work within the flash protection boundary. 

Electrical Shock Hazard Analysis – A shock hazard assessment must be performed to determine the
voltage that affected employees can be exposed to, what the boundary requirements are to prevent an
electrical shock and the appropriate electrical personal protective equipment to minimize the potential for
electrical shock for affected employees.  Unauthorized personnel must stay 10 feet away from any
unprotected electrical equipment.
Energized Electrical Work Permit – The energized electrical work permit is a written description of the
electrical work to be done, signatures of qualifiedpersonnel who are designated by the department to take
responsibility for the work, the results of the electrical hazard analysis, and documentation of all safety
equipment and practices that will be used. Methods to restrict unauthorized personnel from the work area
and the job debriefing are also included in the permit.

Energized Work- Working on or near exposed electric conductors or circuit parts that are or can become
energized because electrical power to the working equipment or system has not been shutdown.

Flash Protection Boundary for Arc Flash- A clearance distance away from exposed energized parts that
limits the extent of burn injuries for unprotected personnel to second degree burns in the event of an
electrical arc flash.

Job Debriefing- A review by the supervisor of hazards related to the specific electrical work to be done
which includes the electrical protective equipment to use, the safe electrical work procedures to follow, and
the energy source controls.  
Justification: The process to justify exceptions to shutting down electrical energy sources prior to doing
the work. The department designee(s) must document the justification to do the work with equipment or
systems still energized.  Energized work on facility electrical systems including equipment permanently
connected (hard-wired) to the facilities’ electrical systems will require an Energized Electrical Work Permit.
Non injurious clothing – Clothing made from the following types of fabrics: polyester, acetate, nylon
rayon, spandex and polypropylene (either alone or in blends) can exacerbate burn injuries in the event of an
electrical arc fire because they will melt into the skin.  These are prohibited unless specifically treated to be
flame retardant. 

Non-qualified Personnel- Non-qualified personnel do not have full knowledge of the operation of

electrical equipment or system and all of the inherent electrical hazards. They may be required to provide
assistance to the qualified electrician who is responsible to provide safety oversight. Even though non-
qualified personnel do not work directly on electrical equipment, they can still be potentially exposed to the
risks of electrical hazards and must be protected based on the results of the electrical hazard analysis.

Prohibited Approach Boundary for Shock Hazard – The prohibited boundary is determined by the
voltage of the electrical equipment.  Work performed within the prohibited boundary should be avoided
because the risks are the same as working directly with exposed electrical parts.  Any work to be done in
this high risk area must proceed with qualified personnel and an Energized Electrical Work Permit. 
{Reference: NFPA 70E Table 130.2(C) Approach Boundaries for Live parts for Shock Protection }.

Qualified Personnel- Qualified personnel must be knowledgeable of the electrical equipment or systems

that they work on, the inherent electrical hazards and how to avoid them.  OSHA and NFPA 70E training in
electrical safety work practices and the protective measures necessary to avoid shock and burn injury
hazards is required for personnel assigned to facility maintenance and service responsibilities related to
electrical equipment and facility electrical systems.

Restricted Approach Boundary for Shock Hazard – The restricted boundary is determined by the
voltage of the electrical equipment.  Any work to be done within this area must proceed with qualified
personnel and an Energized Electrical Work Permit.  {Reference: NFPA 70E Table 130.2(C) Approach
Boundaries for Live parts for Shock Protection}.

Shutdown: The action of cutting off electrical power to electrical facility systems or equipment and
securing the electrical energy from accidental startup until the work has been completed.

Procedures for Departments Using Electrical Equipment

1. Provide safety oversight for electrical equipment
When departments have electrical equipment which is installed or brought into University-owned facilities,
the department should provide oversight for the safe operation and condition of equipment. 

2.  Provide training in proper operation and maintenance of equipment to prevent electrical
contact injuries
Departments are responsible for training personnel and students in the proper operation and maintenance
of equipment to avoid electrical contact injuries.  Electrical contact injuries of concern include but are not
limited to; operating unsafe or improperly grounded equipment, working with electrical equipment or
appliances in wet locations, or coming into direct contact with stored electrical energy sources such as
capacitors inside of equipment. Recommended resources for proper operation and maintenance of
equipment are the Equipment Manufacturer or Manufacturer’s representative and the Equipment Operation

3. De-energize electrical equipment prior to performing service or repair work

Service and repairs on electrical equipment introduces electrical hazard risks from coming into contact with
energized conductors or live electrical parts if covers and guards are removed that are designed to prevent
electrical contact. Designated individuals in the department should do this type of work in the safest manner
possible which is to de-energize the equipment following Lock Out Tag Out procedures.  Departments are
advised to follow the guidelines in the University’s Lock-out Tag-out for Equipment Policy and
Procedures - University Policy ID: SEC- 025, if procedures have not already been established.

4. Exceptions to de-energizing electrical equipment needs to be justified by the department

Exceptions to performing work on electrical equipment that has not been de-energized and locked out
following Lock Out Tag Out procedures must be justified by the department.  The department will assume
responsibility for the work and document why the equipment must still be energized to perform service or
repairs.  Faculty, staff or students designated by the department to perform energized electrical work must
be qualified through appropriate training on how to avoid the inherent electrical contact hazards and how to
use safe work practices determined by but not limited to; the department’s procedures, manufacturer’s
operation instructions or other pertinent and applicable guidelines.  

Procedures for Performing Energized Work

Proposed work activities on energized electrical equipment that is hard wired into the facility’s electrical
system or facility electrical systems including altering or relocating electrical service, must be coordinated
through Facilities Management-{Related Information: Facilities Management Directive
No.562E Building Permits and Project Permits}.  This department has qualified and trained personnel who
can authorize energized work and do an electrical hazard analysis(EHA). The EHA determines the safety
precautions and electrical protective safety equipment that are required to prevent electrical injuries and
fatalities.   The following procedures will be followed:

1. Justify ‘energized work’

Alternatives to working on energized electrical equipment or systems should always be considered to ensure
the highest level of safety. If it is determined those alternatives are not feasible then the decision to
proceed to work energized must be justified by individuals designated by the department as qualified to
make this decision.

2. Use Energized Electrical Work Permits

Work must proceed with an Energized Electrical Work Permit that includes the documentation of the
justification, signatures that authorize the work to be done, results of the electrical hazard analysis and all of
the safety precautions and electrical protective clothing that will be used.  Energized Electrical Work Permits
must be logged and maintained for recordkeeping- See Attachments for
procedures:  Energized Electrical Work Permit.

3. Perform Electrical Hazard Analysis

Electrical hazard analysis (EHA) is required to determine the proper working boundaries, shock protective
equipment and precautions necessary to avoid electrical shock, and the hazard level category personal
protective equipment and precautions to prevent burn injuries.  If information of the electrical equipment or
system is unknown, contact the department safety assistant who will coordinate with the department’s
designated electrical engineer.  Resources for EHA include: 
(1) Electrical equipment NFPA 70E Warning Label posted by the equipment manufacturer or new building(s)
contractor;   (2) NFPA 70E (2004 ed.) Table 130.2(c) Prohibited and Restricted Approach Distances for
Shock Protection; (3) NFPA 70E (2004 ed.) Table 130.7(c) (9) (a) Arc Flash Hazard RiskCategory for
electrical protective clothing, voltage-rated gloves and tools;  (4) NFPA 70E (2004 ed.) Table 130.7(c)
(10) Arc-Flash Protective Clothing Matrix.  (5) – Courtesy of Industrial Services Division Of Siemens Energy

NFPA 70E (2004 edition) Electrical Safety Work Practices

OSHA Subpart S 1910.331-.335 Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices

4. Perform required Job debriefings

Job debriefings are required prior to performing any energized work to assure all affected personnel are
aware of the hazards and have the necessary equipment that has been determined from the electrical
hazard analysis.  Job debriefings can be documented on the Energized Electrical Work Permit.

 Repetitive work - If the work to be done is repetitive and similar for the work day a job debriefing
at the start of the workday is sufficient.  Any significant changes in the repetitive work task that could
further jeopardize the employee’s safety will require additional job debriefings. 

 Routine work - Short discussions such as a tool box meeting are sufficient for routine work tasks
when the employee is trained for the specific routine work tasks and aware of the inherent electrical
hazards and how to protect themselves from the hazards.  These should be documented and logged.
Routine electrical preventive work can include testing loads on panels or performing power quality
assessments, troubleshooting blown fuses or relays in a motor control circuit, or voltage measuring
with an insulated volt ohm meter.  Additional Job debriefings must be done if the work task goes
beyond the scope of routine or the employee is not fully aware of the electrical hazards and how to
avoid them.

5. Designate and train Qualified Personnel 

Personnel who are designated by the department as qualified such as electrical workers, their supervisors
and managers who authorize Energized Electrical Work Permits must be trained in 8 hour NFPA 70E and
OSHA Electrical Safety Work Practices at a minimum.  This training is coordinated by the department’s
designated safety assistant.   It will cover recognizing exposed live parts, knowing the voltage of electrical
equipment, safe approach distances and the hazard level category for arc flash protective equipment and
the ratings for shock protection.  Periodic refresher training in electrical safety work practices is encouraged
to keep qualified personnel abreast of updates in best work practices.  Electrical workers and their
supervisors must also be knowledgeable of the specific electrical equipment or systems they will work on
and the inherent electrical hazards. Managers must take caution that the workers’ knowledge on one type or
class of electrical system or equipment may not equip them to fully understand other types and classes of
electrical systems or equipment.

6. Train Non-Qualified Personnel

Any non-qualified worker such as an electrical apprentice who will assist in any energized electrical work
task must participate in the job debriefing and understand all safety precautions determined by the
applicable Energized Electrical Work Permit. Non-qualified workers cannot work in prohibited and restricted
zones.  The lead designated qualified person will provide safety oversight for any assisting non-qualified

7. Post NFPA Warning Labels

Departments will include specifications for labeling equipment with the results of the electrical arc hazard
analysis when installing new and/or upgraded switchboards, panel boards, industrial control panels and
motor control centers that are likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing or maintenance while
energized. Labeling all electrical equipment when the result of an electrical arc hazard analysis has been
determined is strongly encouraged. 

8. Provision for electrical protective equipment and testing services

Departments will provide cost centers/divisions with electrical protective equipment for shock and electrical
arc burn protection as determined by the electrical hazard analyses and the means to test equipment as
required by the equipment manufacturer –See Attachments for Procedures: Electrical Testing
Services.  Non-injurious work uniforms will be provided to qualified personnel assigned to work activities
that may expose them to electrical contact injuries.

Attachments for Procedures 

(1) University Energized Electrical Work Permit; 
(2) Electrical Testing Services Resources
(3) Electrical Hazard Analysis Resource

Related Information: 
(1) NFPA 70E (2004 edition) Electrical Safety Work Practices;
(2) Facilities Management Directive No.562E Building Permits and Project Permits;

Background University of Virginia Electrical Safety Work Practices Policy- ID: SEC-029; approved by

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, 11/20/07; (Revision History-This is the first version of
this policy) (Next Scheduled Review- 11/20/10)

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