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S/ Description Maximum score Mark Remarks

no scored
Cover page: 1
 Title
 Name of the student
 College no
 Class and date of completion of the case
1 Table of content ½
2 Acknowledgement ½
3 Ability to identify a suitable client for 3
community care study
4 Rationale/reason (s) for home visiting (1 3
mark for each rational /reason
5 General description 4
a. Occupation
b. Health status of the family
c. Environmental sanitation
d. Health services available
6 Family bio data 2
a. Adult (age, state of birth, occupation)
b. Children (Date of birth, state of birth,
immunization status
c. Family history and background
7 Introduction to family care study 16
a. Address (urban/Rural
b. Housing
c. Source of water
d. Family main food
e. Family source of food
f. Refuse disposal
g. Excreta disposal
8 Student assessment of the family 20
a. Identification of the health problems 10
b. Prioritization of the health needs 10
9 Evaluation of the health care, health 35
education / promotional messages to the
a) 1st Visit
 Familiarization 1
 Assessment of the home 1
environment 2
 Assessment of family health status 3
 Identification of health needs 3
 Prioritizing health needs 3
 Planning for interventions 3

b) 2nd Visit
 Interventions of the first identified 2
priority health needs
c) 3rd Visit
 Evaluation of 2nd visit intervention
 Intervention of another identified
health needs
 Prepare for client for termination of
follow up
d) 4th Visit 5
 Evaluation of all interventions 2
 Plan for way forward 2
 Terminate the follow - up
10 Conclusion 5
11 Recommendations 5
12 Summary of the case study 2
13 Appendices 2
a) Lesson Plan
14 Organization material (neatness, logical flow 2
of information )
15 Wording of the family care study (2500-3000 1
words ) typed
16 Total 100

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