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An Analysis of Mozart's Rondo for Flute and Piano, KV.

Anhang 184

Abstract: Mozart's Rondo for Flute and Piano, KV. Anhang 184, is a captivating
composition that showcases the composer's skill in crafting intricate melodies and
engaging musical dialogues. This research paper aims to provide a comprehensive
analysis of the piece, examining its historical context, formal structure, harmonic
progression, melodic development, and expressive qualities. By delving into the nuances
of Mozart's Rondo for Flute and Piano, this study seeks to shed light on the genius of
one of the most influential composers in the history of Western classical music.

1. Introduction:

● Background information on Mozart and his compositional style.

● Brief overview of Mozart's Rondo for Flute and Piano, KV. Anhang 184.

2. Historical Context:

● Mozart's life and career during the composition of the Rondo.

● Influence of the classical period on the piece.
● The significance of chamber music in Mozart's oeuvre.

3. Formal Structure:

● Examination of the formal structure of the Rondo (e.g., ABACADA).

● Discussion of the recurring themes and their variations throughout the
● Analysis of the introduction, development, and conclusion of the piece.

4. Harmonic Progression:

● Investigation of the harmonic progression employed in the Rondo.

● Identification of key modulations and their impact on the overall tonal structure.
● Exploration of Mozart's innovative harmonic choices.

5. Melodic Development:

● Analysis of the main melodic motifs and their transformation throughout the
● Study of the flute and piano interactions and their role in melodic development.
● Examination of Mozart's use of ornamentation and embellishment techniques.
6. Expressive Qualities:

● Exploration of the expressive elements in the Rondo, such as dynamics,

articulation, and phrasing.
● Analysis of the emotional range and character portrayals within the composition.
● Discussion of Mozart's intentions behind the expressive markings and

7. Comparative Analysis:

● Comparison of Mozart's Rondo for Flute and Piano with other contemporary flute
and piano compositions.
● Identification of unique stylistic features that set the Rondo apart from similar
● Assessment of the influence of Mozart's Rondo on future composers and

8. Conclusion:

● Summary of the main findings and analysis of Mozart's Rondo for Flute and
Piano, KV. Anhang 184.
● Reflection on the significance of the composition in Mozart's body of work and
its enduring appeal.
● Acknowledgment of the piece's contribution to the flute and piano repertoire.


● Comprehensive bibliography listing the sources used in the research paper.

This research paper aims to provide a thorough analysis of Mozart's Rondo for Flute
and Piano, KV. Anhang 184, delving into its historical context, formal structure, harmonic
progression, melodic development, and expressive qualities. By examining these
aspects, this study seeks to enhance our understanding and appreciation of Mozart's
genius and his contributions to the world of classical music.

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