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Module: Understanding Commands Used in a Computer

Page/ Element Brief Description of Type of error Specific Recommendations
Errors/Findings/Observations C- Content
Let’s See What You Already No consistency in the F Name the activity and number it for easy
Know presentation of the activities access
Page2 No punctuation marks in each C Put punctuation marks
item- multiple choice
No items for the lesson to be C Add activities about the lesson (5 items)
Let’s Study and Analyze No consistency for the font style F Observe consistency on font style and size
Pages 4-5 and size
No processing questions C Give processing questions about the activity
No consistency for the Observe consistency
presentations of the activities
Let’s Try this Inappropriate choices for item#3 C Improve the choices
Item is on a question-like C Present statement -like items for
presentation item #5 consistency
Need to observe consistency
Not consistent with the layout F Improve the layout of the icons to maximize
space for the activity Put a Label on It!
Let’s Study and Analyze No inputs for shortcut keys for C Include inputs on shortcut keys
undo and redo
No name for the activities 1, 2 &3 C Name the activity
No illustration of a Keyboard of a Provide illustration
Desktop Computer
Let see what you have learned to support texts
Insufficient ideas in the last para C Improve the last paragraph
Item is on a question-like C Present statement -like items for
presentation item #5 consistency
Need to observe consistency
Let’s remember and review Insufficient info for the C Simplify the Directions
Explore Me No names for Activity 1 & 2 Provide a name of the activity
What have you learned Insufficient info for the C Provide the necessary info for the
instructions directions
Item #8 – not part of the
discussion Item # 8 -improve or change

SDO Isabela City

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