Surat PLN EPI Penyampaian Tanggapan Pertanyaan Peserta Kualifikasi Clusters

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Response to Applicants Question

No. Company Email Date Question Answer

1. Scope of Works apakah akan diuraikan secara BOQ atau 1. Detail teknis akan disampaikan pada saat RFP
hanya secara Lump Sum Works?
2. Apakah pada point 9.2a Financial Criteria (ii) dan (iii) 2. Menggunanakan “AND”, sehingga dalam hal Applicant
menggunakan (AND atau OR pd clause Kemampuan berbentuk konsorsium maka konsorsium leader harus
Financial Perusahaan yang harus memenuhi D&B Rating memenuhi financial criteria yang ditentukan pada 9.2.a
5A2? (ii), dan anggota konsorsium harus memnuhi financial
29 criteria pada 9.2.a (iii).
PT. Jaya Jumli Jayajumliperkasa Maret 3. Proposal yang harus diserahkan pada tanggal 2 May 3. Dapat secara single company atau konsorsium, dengan
Perkasa 2023 2023, secara single company atau sudah dalam suatu ketentuan jika single company lolos ke tahap RFP dan
Consortium? hendak membentuk konsorsium, maka single company
tersebut harus membentuk konsorsium dengan peserta
lainnya yang lolos ke tahap RFP.
4. Pada RFP nanti, EPI apakah akan memberikan Typical 4. Akan disampaikan pada saat RFP
OPEX Cashflow daripada Manajemen Operasi-nya FSRU
& ORU atau dalam Gas Consumption dari tiap-tiap
Pembangkit dalam satu Hub?
1. Is Consortium Leader required to be a local company? 1. According to Section 10.a stated that the Consortium
Leader can be foreign or local company.
2. Are members of the consortium required to be 2. It is required that one of the consortium members has
registered before end of March 27th 2023? registered before the end of March 27th,2023.
3. Regarding chapter 3.3 paragraph 2, chapter 3.6 and 3. Pursuant to 9.1 a General Experience Criteria, at least 1
Zhejiang 30 chapter 9. Is every member of the consortium required member of the consortium shall comply the general
2 Huaxiang Maret to 100% comply with General Experience Criteria? Is It experience criteria.
Shipping 2023 allowable, for consortium experience represented by a
member? Or each member must comply with General
Experience Criteria?
4. Regarding value-for-money for PLN, How much percent 4. The evaluation criteria for bidding proposals will be
Project IRR for Project Sponsor; expected by PLN EPI? informed at the RFP stage
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
5. Is PLN EPI will allow priority for the return of investment 5. It should be remembered that PLN EPI also has an
of the Project Sponsor within the Shareholder investment role in SPC, so as a shareholder, PLN EPI has
Agreement? For example: even though PLN EPI holds rights and obligations that are adjusted to its share in SPC.
30% of shares in the SPC, PLN EPI will not get a dividend
before Project Sponsor gets the return on investment.
6. Will PLN EPI or its Parent Company provide a guarantee 6. PLN EPI together with the Project Sponsor will form an
for the return on any investment provided by Project SPC, which in turn will sign a LISA with PLN EPI. In other
Sponsor throughout the 20-year term of the project words, PLN EPI will guarantee the certainty of the Project
(including any additional investment provided to Sponsor's return on investment (including any additional
increase size of facilities due to growth of demand)? investment provided by SPC due to growth of demand)
For example, in the form of a payment guarantee. through a valid and legally binding agreement.

7. In the case when Bank is involved in funding, will PLN 7. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.
EPI allow mutual discussion regarding Shareholder
Agreement with Bank?
8. Will PLN EPI guarantee certain amount of facility 8. PLN EPI will guarantee that all investments in SPC facilities
utilization? For example: in this project will be returned with service rates/tariffs
a. Guaranteed fixed daily payment rate; or that will be included in the LISA.
b. Guaranteed fixed daily volume utilization; or
c. Other form of value.
9. When is the defined target for the effective date of the 9. To be announce later (TBA)
LNG Infrastructure Service Agreement?
10.In what language the Agreement between PLN EPI and 10. English and Bahasa
Project Sponsor will legally be applied?
11.Regarding gas demand information in chapter 6. To 11. Yes. PLN EPI will provide certain information regarding
provide the best proposal in terms of technical and gas demand, power plant operation model and others
commercial, we also need information about peak technical information later on RFP Process.
demand, not only average gas demand. For example, if
it may be possible in certain periods of days every
month, the peak gas demand is as twice as average gas
demand, then we need to calculate the proper size for
each facility. In short, operation pattern.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
12.Will PLN EPI allow revision of opex throughout the 20- 12. OPEX cost will be divided into fix cost and variable cost.
year term of the project? For example, as we know fuel Fuel cost is parts of variable cost component.
cost may escalate significantly in a short period due to
major world situation and condition.
13.Regarding chapter 7 Part F. Will the development 13. The development budget that spent by PLN EPI and
budget spent by the selected Project Sponsor (both for Selected Project Sponsor after JDA process, will be
initial and future expansion) also be included as shared by SPC and will be calculated as SPC’s investment
investment costs? cost.
14.Regarding Schedule 1; Obligation on the SPC during 14. Other change law akan menjadi risiko PLN EPI.
project term: Are any circumstances related to
government policy will be possibly regarded as a cause
of force majeure?
15.Regarding land lease; will PLN EPI purchase and free the 15. Most of the land is own by PLN Persero, so the lease
land before leasing it to SPC? agreement shall be sign by SPC & PLN Persero. In the
event, the land not own by PLN Persero, PLN EPI will
assist with the land acquisition process but the land
purchase or lease agreement will be signed by SPC.

16.Since most of the design, construction, operating and 16. According to minutes of aanwijzing meeting stated that
especially financing risks are applied to SPC; Will PLN the land provide by PLN EPI and PLN EPI will evaluate the
EPI purchase and free the land in accordance to the detail design in the JDA stage in accordance with the
technical recommendation of Project Sponsor? requirement of technical and applicable regulation (with
no obligation PLN EPI to accept the recommendation).

17.Regarding Kalimantan cluster: 17-23:

a. Where does Huadi's transfer station LNG come • The LNG supply chain route concept has been stated on
from? PQ document.
b. Where does FSRU JAWA1 LNG come from? Does • This project concept is incremental development. At this
FSRU JAWA1 exist now? stage, the gas demand is only for gas power plant that
c. Can MPP Jungkat, PLTG Siantan come directly from already exist and under construction. But in future, the
BONTANG? gas demand can increase along with the addition of power
plants or other factors. Information related to whether
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
d. Will MPP Jungkat, PLTG Siantan increase the there will be additional generators or gas demand at each
amount of LNG used in the future? If so, how power plant in the current cluster can be seen in the
much? RUPTL
e. For Kalimantan Cluster, will other power plants be • PLN EPI will provide any detail information (such as:
added? If so, how much? capacity and type of infrastructure, land and sea
18. Regarding Nusa Tenggara cluster: information in each location) related to technical
a. Where does Huadi's transfer station LNG come parameter at RFP stage.
b. Will PLTMGU Lombok Peak use more LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
c. Will MPP Lombok increase the amount of LNG
used in the future? If so, how much?
d. Will PLTMG Sumbawa increase the amount of LNG
used in the future? If so, how much?
e. Will PLTMG Bima increase the amount of LNG used
in the future? If so, how much?
f. Will PLTMG Rangko (Flores) increase its use of LNG
in the future? If so, how much?
g. Will PLTMG Maumere increase its use of LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
h. Will PLTMG Kupang increase the amount of LNG
used in the future? If so, how much?
i. Nusa Tenggara Cluster, will other power plants be
added? If so, how much?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
19.Regarding Sulawesi-Maluku Cluster:
a. Will BMPP Sulselbar increase the use of LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
b. Will PLTMG Bau Bau increase the amount of LNG
used in the future? If so, how much?
c. Will MPP Sultra Nii Tanasa use more LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
d. Will PLTG Maleo increase the amount of LNG used
in the future? If so, how much?
e. Will MPP Ternate increase the amount of LNG used
in the future? If so, how much?
f. Will PLTMG Ambon Peaker use more LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
g. Sulawesi Maluku Cluster, will other power plants
be added? If so, how much?

20.Regarding South Papua Cluster:

a. Will PLTMG Merauke increase the amount of LNG
used in the future? If so, how much? How deep is
the waterway of the port?
b. Will PLTMG Merauke 2 use more LNG in the
future? If so, how much? How deep is the
waterway of the port?
c. South Papua Selatan Cluster, will other power
plants be added? If so, how much?

21.Regarding North Papua Cluster:

a. Will PLTMG Manokwari 2 increase the amount of
LNG used in the future? If so, how much?
b. Will MPP Nabire increase its use of LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
c. Will MPP Jayapura increase its use of LNG in the
future? If so, how much?
d. PLTMG Biak, will PLTMG Biak 2 use more LNG in
the future? If so, how much?
e. North Papua Cluster, will other power plants be
added? If so, how much?
22.How big is the LNG storage tank on each location and/or
the capacity of each FSRU?
23.What about the various land terminals? Including the
water depth of the port channel and the condition of
the wharf.
1. Can we, as a Single Foreign Sub-Contractor, team up 1. See clause 10.2 PQ Document. Single foreign-Sub
with Qualified Applicant(s) to submit a proposal in this contractor can participate this project under Qualified
tender without participating in the PQ process? Applicant(s). But for the submission of technical proposals
and prices can only be done by Qualified Applicant(s).
2. If the above Q1 is possible, does Indonesian Cabotage 2. The LNG carrier(s) will be the SPC's scope of work and
apply to a single foreign sub-contractor? (Do we have responsibility. So the LNG carrier(s) will be owned and on
to set up JV with a local partner to participate as an behalf of SPC’s name.
Indonesian Company?)
3. Based on PQ Invitation 'Consortium Arrangement' 3. Correct, provided that as required in 10.d single foreign
Hyundai LNG 30 10.1.b, we believe that a single foreign company can company require to form a consortium with another
3 Shipping CO., Maret participate in the PQ process, it this correct? Qualified Applicant (local company) at RFP phase.
LTD. 2023 4. Assuming that we participated in the PQ as a Single 4. It depends on what issues that the foreign company
Foreign Company and were disqualified, then can we disqualified. Procurement of subcontractor will be
team up with other Qualified Applicant(s) as a Sub- handled by SPC (PLN EPI and Sponsor).
Contractor for the RFP Phase of the bid process?
5. Based on PQ Invitation 'Financial Criteria' 9.2.a, the 5. Yes, we can accept credit rating from Korea as long as it
Applicant shall submit valid current credit rating issued by D&B/S&P/Moody's/Fitch also the mechanism
which reported by one of among D&B, S&P, Moody's and result of assessment are carried out in accordance
and Fitch. Actually, we were participated in BBPN with international standard.
project* in 2016 and we passed PQ with the credit
rating provided by D&B Korea. We are also planning
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
to submit D&B Korea's credit rating for this project.
Please confirm whether the Credit Rating from D&B
Korea is valid for your good project. (FYI, the forms for
credit rating is renewed since 2019. Please refer to the
attached the latest form and the old form which
submitted for BBPN project in 2016)
* BBPN Project (2016~2020): Procurement of LNG
Infrastructure for Gas Power Plants in Bangka,
Belitung, Pontianak and Nias.
1. On financial criteria, we propose credit rating from PT 1. We give clarification amendment of financial criteria
Pefindo to be accepted since it is also approved by OJK related to credit rating should be fulfilled by the
as a credit rating company in Indonesia also proposing Applicant as below:
the credit rating can use limited financial report per a. Each Applicant which is not a consortium shall
31 September 2021 and audited financial report 2020. demonstrate a minimum rating of at least 5A2 by
D&B (Dun & Bradstreet), or an investment grade
rating at least BBB+ by S&P (Standard & Poor) or an
investment grade rating at least Baa1 by Moody’s or
an investment grade rating at least BBB+ by Fitch or
Hasil Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan BUMN by
PT Suasa Benua Indrawan category of SEHAT AA, based on its audited financial
4 Maret
Sukses statement fiscal year minimum 2021 or an
investment grade rating at least idBBB+ by
Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo).
b. In the case of consortium:
i. Consortium Leader shall demonstrate a
minimum rating of at least 5A2 by D&B (Dun &
Bradstreet), or an investment grade rating at
least BBB+ by S&P (Standard & Poor) or an
investment grade rating at least Baa1 by
Moody’s or an investment grade rating at least
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
BBB+ by Fitch or Hasil Penilaian Tingkat
Kesehatan BUMN by category of SEHAT AA,
based on its audited financial statement fiscal
year minimum 2021 or an investment grade
rating at least idBBB+ by Pemeringkat Efek
Indonesia (Pefindo); and
ii. Each member of the Applicant other than
Consortium Leader shall demonstrate a
minimum rating of at least 4A2 by D&B (Dun &
Bradstreet), or an investment grade rating at
least BBB- by S&P (Standard & Poor) or an
investment grade rating at least Baa3 by
Moody’s or an investment grade rating at least
BBB- by Fitch or Hasil Penilaian Tingkat
Kesehatan BUMN by category of SEHAT A based
on its audited financial statement fiscal year
minimum 2021 or an investment grade rating at
least idBBB- by Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia
2. If we are using credit rating from Parent Company, do 2. Yes.
we need to submit the last 3 years audited financial
report from parent company too?
3. Do you have any draft or standard letter for support 3. The Applicant can use your/bank standard format.
and reference letter from reputable bank or we can
use our/bank standard format?
4. On Competent Key Personnel (Form B.1.4.d) please 4. For Applicants who apply as a marine service provider
kindly elaborate in details which competent key can fill this form with vessel crew or ship management.
personnel means if we apply as a marine service
provider in this tender, as per our understanding it
should be vessel crew or ship management
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
5. On List of Applicant’s facilities (Form B.1.6) please 5. To fill form B.1.6, The Applicant must fill in with
kindly your confirmation that the facility can be Applicant’s facilities or the facilities owned by the
owned under sister company not under applicant Applicant's parent company

6. Asking for extension of PQ submission to 5 May 2023 6.

The submission of PQ Application is until 2 May 2023 at
14.00 PM Western Indonesia Time.
Untuk Tanggal penyampaian Pra Aplikasi Kualifikasi yang Kami memberikan klarifikasi terkait perubahan jadwal
sebenarnya apakah tanggal 12 April atau 2 Mei, dimana penyampaian dokumen aplikasi kualifikasi menjadi selambat-
PT Tri Ariesta Opstriariesta Kami melihat adanya Pertanyaan dan Jawaban pada No 69 lambatnya tanggal 2 Mei 2023, pukul 14.00 siang.
5 Maret
Dinamika bahwa penyampaian dokumen Aplikasi pada tanggal 2 Mei
jam 12 siang, mohon konfirmasinya yang sebenarnya yang
1. Project Description in General 6.2, Page 6: 1. Tugboat will be SPC’s scope of work.
Issued to be clarified:
“LNG Infrastructure means facilities to receive LNG
cargoes delivered by (or on behalf of) PLN EPI to a
receival point in a Cluster…. including but not limited
to FSRU, LNG carriers, jetties, ….”
Clarification Request:
Tugboats are not mentioned in this clause.
• Who will be responsible for the tugboat? PLN EPI or
GTS 3 April SPC/Bidder?
6 yuda.wikara
International 2023
2. Schedule 2, Risk Matrix, 2. Operation, Operation 2. SPC
Issued to be clarified:
“Procurement of diesel or marine fuel for LNG
carriers” is borne by PLN EPI

Clarification Request:
Diesel or marine fuel for tugboats are not mentioned.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
• Who will be responsible for the tugboat bunker

3. Project Description in General 6.2, Page 6 3. The LNG carrier will be owned and on behalf on SPC’s
Issued to be clarified: name.
“LNG Infrastructure means facilities to receive LNG
cargoes delivered by (or on behalf of) PLN EPI to a
receival point in a Cluster…. including but not limited
to FSRU, LNG carriers, jetties, ….”

Clarification Request:
Our understanding is that the SPC will provide the LNG
infrastructure mentioned.
• Are the SPC allowed to hire any facilities to a sub-
contractor (not a member of consortium)? For
example, the SPC charters LNG carrier from a shipping
company not a member of the consortium.

4. Form B.1.1, No.4 4. If Applicant takes this qualification process as a single

Issued to be clarified: applicant, points 6,7,8 and 9 are ignored and deleted
“Applicant who are not applying as a consortium for from this form. Points 6,7,8 and 9 are useful for
the execution and completion of the Projects, should applicant who apply as consortium.
mark the following items 6,7,8, and 9 as Not
Applicable, delete the items and initial the deletions”

Clarification Request:
What is the meaning of initial the deletions?

5. Qualification Criteria, 9.1.b, page 17 5. The Applicant cannot use its subsidiary experience. PLN
Issued to be clarified: EPI will accept experience of parent company’s applicant
“The experience as mentioned above are as long as the parent compeny has majority share in
recognized when the applicant or its parent (or applicant’s company.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
holding) company has majority share and work portion
respectively in the project”

Clarification Request:
Please confirm our understanding as per below.
In the case that applicant is a parent or holding
company, subsidiary experiences will be recognized by
PLN EPI as long as the parent or holding company is the
majority shareholder in the subsidiary

1. Apakah di perbolehkan untuk leader hanya memiliki 1. Dalam hal peserta masuk dalam tahap PQ sebagai
D&B 5A2 tapi tidak memiliki pengalaman LNG yang konsorsium, maka kriteria pengalaman hanya perlu
rencananya akan KSO dengan yang memiliki dipenuhi oleh salah satu anggota konsorsium.
2. Mohon info range ukuran kapal untuk muat di 2. informasi detail teknis akan disampaikan PLN EPI pada
Tangguh & Bontang. saat tahapan RFP.
PT. Enviromate
wildan.saliha 3 April
7 Technology 2023 3. Mohon diinfo juga apakah ada manufacture vendor 3. Tidak ada, Bidders bebas selama manufacturer sudah
list? ada standar internasional yang divalidasi.
4. We believe that minimum net power requirement 4. Pertanyaan tidak terkait dengan proyek ini.
mentioned as 50 MW will be the evaluating criteria. In
case any bidder provides more than 50 MW net
electrical output, will there be any impact on the
evaluation criteria?
1. Dalam general experience criteria tertulis : 1. General experience boleh dimiliki sekurang-kurangnya 1
"The applicant or in the case of consortium – at least anggota. Namun jika dalam evaluasi terdapat anggota
one (1) member of the consortium of the Applicant konsorsium yang tidak memenuhi kriteria lainnya (seperti
ratna.tisnasari 3 April shall have any one or more of the following financial criteria), maka akan menggagalkan konsorsium
8 PT Temas Tbk 2023 experiences …", akan tetapi berdasarkan MOM tersebut.
aanwajzing no. 29 dengan jawaban kegagalan 1
anggota konsorsium akan menggagalkan konsorsium
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
Mohon untuk dapat dikonfirmasi apakah masing-
masing anggota konsorsium wajib memenuhi general
experience criteria atau boleh satu saja?

2. Terkait form management key personel dan 2. Management key personel yang disampaikan bisa Direksi
competent key personal, siapa yang harus dan/atau manajemen dari Divisi/Unit Perusahaan terkait
didaftarkan? Apakah management key harus dari yang menangani proyek ini.
pihak direksi? Dan untuk dokumen lampiran
(certificate dll) apakah ada spesifikasi khusus untuk

3. Di dalam usaha shipping, Bill of Lading merupakan 3. Berdasarkan pemahaman kami, untuk pengangkutan LNG
kontrak pengangkutan. Apakah Bill of Lading bisa pasti terdapat kontrak pengangkutan. Untuk itu,
digunakan sebagai kontrak experience atau evidence pengalaman dalam pengangkutan LNG harus
document dalam hal pengangkutan LNG? dibuktikan/didukung dengan kontrak pengangkutan.

1. The majority of the shareholder of the Applicant (PNI) 1. Experience and Financial rating support criteria as
is Prism Energy International Ltd (PEI) a Singapore shown in the diagram can be applied, provided that SK
Based Company and the minority shareholder of the E&S is controlling Prism Nusantara International as
Applicant is SK E&S a South Korean-based company. evidencing by certain documents showing the authority
PEI (Singapore Based Company) is also 100% owned by of SK E&S direct Prism Nusantara International and the
SK E&S (South Korean Based Company). This makes SK document showing the corporate structure
PT. PRISM E&S the ultimate controlling shareholder in the PNI.
Nusantara 4 April Will it be accepted by PLN EPI if the Applicant (PNI) uses
International/SK 2023 SK E&S experience and financial rating support?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer

2. If Applicant has EPC experience as a project owner for 2. Accepted as stipulated in tabel Section 9.1.a
LNG infrastructure (not EPC contractor), will it be
accepted by PLN if that experience is claimed by
3. Can Applicant propose LNG Hub Terminal other than 3. It is not accepted. Bidders shall follow PLN EPI
Huadi FSRU after the Applicant win the tender of the requirement based on RFP document in order to submit
cluster (assuming Applicant can provide evidence that proposal.
LNG Hub Terminal is more efficient than Huadi FSRU)?
4. If only 2 companies/consortium are qualified as 4. The minimum number of participants who pass the
Qualified Applicant, will PLN EPI re-conduct the PQ prequalification stage is 2 to enter the RFP stage.
5. If other LNG demand (non-PLN demand) exists inside 5. Transactions made by SPC are only with PLN EPI and if
the cluster and there is a potential to utilize the SPC there is additional demand outside of PLN EPI, then SPC
LNG infrastructure, is it possible to adjust the LISA (LNG transactions will also remain with PLN EPI.
Infrastructure Service Agreement)? If there is additional demand that causes additional
investment and OPEX cost in SPC, then there will be an
adjustment for LISA.
6. If the shareholder of SPC has their own LNG which has 6. LNG SPA will be signed by PLN EPI with LNG Supplier.
more economic/benefit to PLN EPI, is it possible that
PLN EPI purchases that LNG?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
1. Scope of Works apakah akan diuraikan secara BOQ 1. Idem No.1 Answer
atau hanya secara Lump Sum Works?
2. Apakah pada point 9.2a Financial Criteria (ii) dan (iii) 2. Idem No.1 Answer
menggunakan (AND atau OR pd clause Kemampuan
Financial Perusahaan yg harus memenuhi DB-Rating
3. Proposal yang harus diserahkan pada tanggal 2 May 3. Idem No.1 Answer
2023, secara single company atau sudah dalam suatu
4. Pada RFP nanti, EPI apakah akan memberikan Typical 4. Idem No. 1 Answer
OPEX Cashflow daripada Manajemen Operasi nya FSRU
& ORU atau dalam Gas Consumption dari tiap-tiap
Pembangkit dlm satu Hub?
5. Apakah proyek ini termasuk proyek strategis nasional 5-6. PLN EPI sedang mengusahakan untuk mendapatkan
(PSN) atau tidak, penegasan itu penting untuk kami fasilitas master list melalui pengusulan PSN program
PT. Jaya Jumli Jayajumliperkasa 4 April
10 ketahui sejak awal dikarenakan kalau bukan tergolong gaasifikasi. Namun demikian, program gasifikasi ini
Perkasa 2023
proyek PSN nantinya berisiko dapat terhenti saat merupakan program strategis dan pelaksanaannya
periode awal kampanye Pilpres sampai transisi berdasarkan penugasan dari Pemerintah kepada PLN
pergantian pimpinan pemerintahan.
sebagai bagian dari penugasan penyediaan listrik.
6. Pada aanwijzing PQ yang lalu pihak Panitia hanya
menjelaskan bahwa PLN EPI serius karena telah adanya
penugasan dari pemerintah kepada PLN EPI tanpa
menyebutkan siapakah pihak yg dimaksudkan
Pemerintah tersebut? Apakah assignment Pemerintah
tersebut ditujukan ke PLN Pusat sebagai holding
company dan dikukuhkan oleh suatu PERMEN atau
7. Dalam hal terjadi sengketa dengan pihak PLN EPI di 7. Risk matrix proyek gasifikasi ini sudah disampaikan pada
kemudian hari, apakah kami/Bidder nanti dapat dokumen PQ. Penyelesaian perselisihan antara PLN EPI
meminta jaminan (sebagai Sponsor) kepada pihak PLN dengan Sponsor akan diatur pada Joint Development
EPI terhadap resiko yang akan terjadi dikemudian hari? Agreement (JDA). Performance Guarantee akan diatur
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
Disisi lain pihak Sponsor nantinya akan dibebani oleh pada LNG Infrastructure Service Agreement antara PLN
Performance Guarantee... benarkah hal itu? EPI dengan SPC (Sponsor & PLN EPI).
8. PLN EPI didalam menyusun Risk Matrix, apakah telah 8. Proses pengadaan akan mengikuti ketentuan yang
memperhitungkan pula tentang adanya Political Risk, berlaku di PLN dan hal ini tidak ada kaitannya dengan
apabila estimasi Contract signing (tahap 2) tidak bisa periode Pemilihan Presiden.
diadakan sebelum awal periode PilPres? Menurut
Panitia, kapan target date daripada Contract Signing
(tahap 2)?
1. Administration: 1. Evaluasi dokumen aplikasi kualifikasi yang disampaikan
Clause 16. Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Applications peserta merujuk pada Klausa 16 Dokumen PQ. PLN EPI
(page 28) akan menyampaikan hasil evaluasi (pass/fail) kepada
Bagaimana tata cara pelaksanaan PQ untuk setiap peserta. Dalam hal peserta gagal pada proses
menentukan Qualified Applicants, apakah dilakukan kualifikasi, PLN EPI akan menyampaikan kriteria apa
secara terbuka atau tertutup di internal PLN EPI? yang menyebabkan peserta tersebut gagal untuk masuk
dalam shortlist.

2. Administration: 2. Ya, seluruh peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan

Clause 16. Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Applications kualifikasi akan ditetapkan sebagai qualified applicant.
(page 28)
PT PGN LNG faishal.afif 4 April Apakah seluruh Applicant yang memenuhi persyaratan
Indonesia 2023 (checklist) dapat ditetapkan sebagai Qualified
Applicants (tidak ada batasan jumlah Qualified

3. Administration: 3. Melalui surat resmi dari pejabat PLN EPI yang

Clause 16. Evaluation of Pre-Qualification Applications berwenang kepada masing-masing peserta.
(page 28)
Pengumuman Qualified Applicant akan disampaikan
melalui apa?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
4. Technical 4. Penyediaan personel O&M menjadi tanggung jawab SPC
1) Apakah personel O&M di masing-masing fasilitas dan dilakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan SPC dan
nantinya harus dari putra daerah atau bisa mix dengan ketentuan yang berlaku di Indonesia (misal: pemenuhan
tenaga dari luar daerah? sertifikasi/training personel)
2) Bagaimana komposisi personel poin 1) diatas?

5. Commercial 5. Biaya akomodasi/fasilitas SPC akan dibahas pada saat

Terkait dengan biaya akomodasi/fasilitas untuk LISA.
bekerja bagaimana pengaturan ketentuannya?

6. Financial 6. Boleh
Clause 9.2.d (page 19)
Applicant shall submit a support and reference letter
from the reputable bank.
Terkait persyaratan bank support & reference letter,
apakah diperbolehkan dari bank manapun?

7. Technical 7. Idem jawaban pada no.8.2

Form B.1.4.c (Management Key Personnel)
Terkait persyaratan personel dalam checklist PQ
evaluation, apakah ada persyaratan minimum personel
yang harus disampaikan dalam form competent
key/management key personnel?

8. Financial 8. Peserta menyampaikan laporan keuangan audited 3

Clause 9.2.b (page 18) tahun terakhir. Kalau tahun 2022 belum selesai, maka
The audited financial statements for the last three (3) dapat menyampaikan laporan keuangan audited tahun
years shall be submitted and demonstrate the 2019, 2020 dan 2021.
soundness of the Applicant's financial capability,
showing a long-term profitability if it is showing
negative, the Applicant shall support by parent (or
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
holding) company‘s guarantee or supported by credit
line from reputable bank.

Terkait dengan laporan keuangan audited 3 tahun

terakhir, Laporan keuangan audited tahun 2022 masih
dalam proses penyelesaian, apakah bisa digantikan
dengan laporan keuangan unaudited 2022? Sehingga
yang akan kami submit adalah:
1. Laporan Keuangan Audited 2020
2. Laporan Keuangan Audited 2021
3. Laporan Keuangan Unaudited 2022

9. Financial 9. Laporan keuangan yang dilegalisir cukup hanya halaman

Clause 9.2.b (page 18) yang terdapat laporan keuangannya saja.
The submitted audited financial statements shall be
certified by a notary public and shall incorporate an
audit opinion (including a translation into USD
equivalent) as “unqualified opinion”, present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of the any
member of consortium and/or its parent company
(where applicable)

• Apakah setiap halaman dari laporan keuangan

selama 3 tahun harus di legalisir oleh notaris atau
hanya halaman yang terdapat laporan keuangannya
(Laporan Posisi Keuangan, Laporan Laba Rugi,
Laporan ekuitas, dan laporan Arus Kas) saja?
• untuk laporan unaudited 2022 tidak ada opini dari
auditor, apakah bisa disubmit?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
10.Financial 10. Clause 9.2.d
Clause 9.2.d (page 19) • Salah satu cukup
Applicant shall submit a support and reference letter • Tidak ada format khusus
from the reputable bank. • Kalau menggunakan Bank dari Indonesia diijinkan
• Apakah submit 2 surat yaitu surat dukungan bank menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia.
dan surat referensi bank? Atau salah satu?
• Apakah terdapat format khusus untuk surat
dukungan bank dan surat referensi bank?
• Bahasa apakah yang digunakan untuk surat ini?
Apakah Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris?

11.Financial 11. Periode Desember 2022, Januari 2023, Februari 2023.

Clause 11.5 (page 23)
The Applicant shall observe that the local company
(ies) have paid their tax liabilities for 2021 (SPT/Tax)
and present a monthly income tax article 25 or article
23 or VAT article 21 for at least the last three (3)
Months, except for the new company (ies) where these
records are not available.

Mohon klarifikasinya terkait dengan "present a

monthly income tax article 25 or article 23 or VAT
article 21 for at least the last three (3) Months", apakah
3 bulan yang dimaksud adalah periode Desember
2022, Januari 2023 dan Februari 2023? Mengingat
laporan pajak Maret 2023 baru dilaporkan di bulan
April 2023.

12.Administration 12. Akan disampaikan pada tahapan RFP

Clause 12 Pre-Qualification Schedule (page 23-24)
Mempertimbangkan perencanaan yang harus
dituangkan Applicant dalam beberapa dokumen bisnis,
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
dapatkah PLN EPI untuk memberikan gambaran umum
terkait target-target milestone pada implementasi
Proyek secara umum (minimal bulan dan tahun):
a. Kapankah target PLN EPI akan mengumumkan
pemenang lelang (RFP)?
b. Kapankah target PLN EPI untuk pembentukan SPC?
c. Kapankah target investasi tahap awal akan

13.Legal 13. Legal

Clause 3.3, Clause 6.10, and definition of "Pre- • Salah satu kriteria kualifikasi pada dokumen PQ yang
Qualification Document" dipersyaratkan kepada peserta adalah harus memiliki
Pada setiap Cluster akan terdapat beberapa Project salah satu pengalaman pada klausa 9.1. Pengalaman
yang teknisnya akan dirinci lebih lanjut. yang disampaikan harus related dengan proyek ini
1. Mohon penjelasan Pasal 3.3 yang dikaitkan dengan dan diatur pada klausa 3.3.
definisi "Pre-Qualification Document"? • RFP untuk setiap klaster disampaikan secara terpisah.
2. Jika berdasarkan definisi, apakah Applicant dapat Qualified Applicant dapat mengajukan proposal
mengajukan proposal untuk satu atau lebih Project untuk beberapa cluster sepanjang peserta tersebut
pada Cluster yang sama, atau satu Project untuk memiliki kemampuan untuk mengikuti pengadaan.
beberapa Cluster yang berbeda?
• Pembiayaan proyek akan dilakukan menggunakan
3. Apakah single Applicant dapat bekerja sama dengan
skema project financing dan untuk pemenuhan
pihak ketiga (bukan Konsorsium) untuk pembiayaan
equity project dilakukan proporsional terhadap share
project di cluster? yang dimiliki Sponsor dan PLN EPI.
14. Untuk kepentingan evaluasi, peserta diminta untuk
Clause 2.3 and Clause 7.1 (a) and (b)
menyampaikan penawaran berdasarkan parameter
Mengingat “To meet the anticipated program for
yang disampaikan PLN EPI pada dokumen RFP. Peserta
conversion of the power generation facilities to take
dapat menyampaikan solusi alternatif, namun PLN EPI
gas, timing is critical. PLN EPI is seeking a partner
tidak akan melakukan evaluasi terhadap solusi ini pada
(which may be a consortium) to work
proses RFP.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
1.Apakah Applicant dapat mengajukan solusi alternatif
untuk satu project di cluster tertentu?

15.Legal 15. Detail informasi akan disampaikan pada tahapan RFP

Clause 7.1 (f) (iv), Clause 7.2, Clause 7.7, and Clause
Mengingat “… development and operation of each
Cluster will be funded by SPC using project financed
a. Apakah Project Sponsor dan PLN EPI (jika
dipersyaratkan oleh bank) dapat memberikan
jaminan, baik berupa fidusia atau corporate
guarantee kepada bank untuk project
b. Apakah RFP akan mengatur batas maksimum
saham yang akan di akuisisi PLN EPI setelah
pelunasan project debt?
c. Apakah akuisisi saham tersebut diantisipasi setelah
20 tahun?

1. Pada document RFP (Tahap 2) nanti, apakah akan di 1. Pemilihan shipbuilder untuk proposal penyediaan FSRU
specify adanya pembelian FSRU ataupun LNG Carrier dan LNG Carrier diserahkan ke masing-masing peserta
dimana kami akan berkontrak pula dengan pengadaan.
PT. Jaya Jumli Jayajumliperkasa 4 April
12 2. Dalam aanwijzing, disebutkan bahwa akan ditempuh 2. Pelaksanaan proyek gasifikasi oleh PLN EPI. PT PLN
Perkasa 2023
skema pendanaan PROJECT FINANCING, dimana (Persero) tidak akan memberikan jaminan apapun kepada
lazimnya menuntut jaminan dari debitur, apakah di debitur proyek gasifikasi.
PLN HOLDING akan menjamin?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
3. Kalau untuk EPC Construction di asumsikan 2 tahun, 3. Parameter finansial yang dibutuhan peserta pengadaan
lalu dilanjut dengan 20 tahun kontrak SPC dengan PLN untuk menyusun proposal akan disampaikan pada
EPI (termasuk LISA), karena membuat FSRU & Vessel tahapan RFP.
cukup lama, dalam model proforma financial analysis,
berapa IRR yang akan dijadikan dasar bagi penyiapan
BOQ pada SoW pengadaan infrastruktur nya?
1. Clause 7.2 1. PLN EPI will provide detail information about technical
….PLN EPI would have right to acquire a greater and financial at RFP stage.
If PLN EPI at the indicated time will increase it’s
shareholding in the SPC, up to what max %
shareholding? This will be important for investors.

2. Clause 7.3.d 2. SPC

a lease for the relevant site……………….

Who will be responsible for Abandon and Site Recovery

at the end of the contract period (if ASR is required for
PT. Golar 4 April whatever reason)
Indonesia 2023
3. Clause 8 3. COD infrastructure at least 24 months from effective date
Commercial Operation Date of the LISA.
How to determine the “on hire status” of the FSRU and

4. Schedule 1 4. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.

JDA – Point 3.f
Who and how many people for the steering

5. Schedule 1 5. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.

SHA – Point 4
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
It is stated that SHA would contain provisions typical of
a shareholders, does it means there will be a series of
shares for shareholders? and what if, in company its
already divided into 2 previous series (ex. Series A &
B)? Do we need to change it or continue the series of

6. Schedule 1 6. Paragraph 8 is number 8 of schedule 1 in SHA

SHA – Point 5
Where is paragraph 8?

7. Schedule 1 7. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.

SHA – Point 6
What are the limited circumstances?

8. Schedule 1 8. Winning Bidder

SHA – Point 7
Who is the sponsor support?

9. Schedule 1 9. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.

SHA – Point 8
What is the proportion for Director and
Commissioners? Or is it (regarding the nomination)
referring to the typical / series of the share?

10. Para 9.1 10. Participants can convey related experiences for the last
General Experience Criteria 10 years period (2012-2022).
Please clarify if this refers to Scheduling during
“The procurement and delivery of and vessel
scheduling All for, ships, barges or other vessels for
marine transport of LNG within the last ten (10) years”
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
11. Chapter 6 11. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.
General description of the cluster requirements
What are the vessel requirements per cluster or is this
up to the bidder?

12. Schedule 2 12. We will provide information related financial assumption

Finance risk at RFP stage.
It appears that Bidder would need to assume inflation
risk on financing and OPEX. Will this be covered by
escalation clauses or need to be priced into the fee in

13. 6.4 13. SPC

Kalimantan Cluster
Who will arrange for pipeline connection between
Siantan and Jungkat?

14. 6.5 14. Jetty facilities at each power plant location in Papua Utara
Papua Utara Cluster Cluster will be part of the SPC work. PLN EPI will have an
What is the loading facility? Is this existing or need to LNG contract supply DES with LNG supplier.
be part of the Bidder’s work and how is the LNG supply
to the loading point ensured?

15. 6.6 15. Because there is a limitation with capacity of LNG Carrier
Papua Selatan Cluster in Tangguh (LNG source) and small demand gas in Papua
Why not basing this on milk run concept with 1 LNG Selatan.
carrier delivering from Tangguh?

16. 7.5
Payment to SPC 16. We will provide this information in the RFP stage.
How will the payments be structured? Fixed monthly
fee based on OPEX/CAPEX return or…?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
17. Para 10.2 17. Only Qualified Applicant in PQ process who can
Consortium participate in RFP stage. Sub-contractor is not required to
Understand from the prebid meeting that only register in the PQ stage.
applicants who participate in PQ are accepted as
members of the consortium during RFP stage.

Please confirm if a qualified and experienced company

that will appoint as a sub-contractor such as a
manufacturer or fabrication or EPCI contractor is not
required to register in the PQ stage and accepted to
become part of RFP stage as long as not a part of
consortiums (only as sub-contractor).

18. –
18. SPC will provide tugs
During operation, according to Indonesia regulation, it
required to provide assist tugs for every location. Who
will responsible to provide assist tugs?

19. –
According to Indonesian law, the marine LNG terminal
is regarded as special port and it required special
permits from SeaCom. To whom it permits will be

20. Form E
20. According to clause 9.3 on the PQ Document
(a) ………...on any historical record pursuant to Clause
8.3 of the Pre-Qualification Document
There is no Clause 8.3 on the Pre-Qualification
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
21. – 21. Permitted
Is it permitted and subject NOT disqualified if 2
companies registered on this PQ stage have the same
shareholder or partial shareholder on each company?
The intention to register 2 companies is intended to
participate in different clusters as written on the PQ

22. – 22. PLN EPI will provide technical detail information at RFP
General stage
Total of floating infrastructure

With the volumes FSRU references and requirements

would be better served by non-navigating Regas
Platforms (Floating) with limited storage to suit
demand. These would be constructed and towed into
place. The locale in weather terms doesn’t suggest a
need to evacuate under own power is required.

1) Can you please correct assumptions made here

(above) & enquire as to whether regas platforms
(floating) are better suited to all Clusters except
FSRU Huadi?
2) Please clarify / firm up the volumes and equipment
required for the Clusters. Please request this in
typical volume units either MMscf/day NG or
m3/day LNG
3) Please confirm that PLN EPI considers the cost
above the environment or vice versa.
4) What is the restriction at BP LNG Terminal at
Tangguh - noted cannot take small LNGCs.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
23. Table 6.8 23. Average gas demand for 20 years stated in PQ documents
LNG Receiving Terminal at Huadi is average gas demand each year for 20 years. Any detail
The column of “Average Gas Demand BBTUD (20 information about heat rate, gas demand will provide at
years)” stated 18,30 (BBTUD) meanwhile the column RFP stage.
“Power Plant Coordinate” stated 1150 MW. Based on
our understanding that 1150 MW will need gas around
240 BBTUD. Please clarify.

The LNG Terminal at Huadi will function as gas for the

power plant in Huadi or also for gas supply for the
furnace of the smelter?

24. Para 6.6/6.7 24. For Papua Utara will be provided by BUMD Papua.
Papua Utara Cluster/Papua Selatan Cluster
During the pre-PQ meeting, the PLN EPI informed that
LNG transportation from BP Tangguh to the Power
Plant location will be provided by BUMD Papua. Please
As background, our company group’s structure and role Financial and historical criteria as shown in the diagram can
are as below. be applied, provided that Tokyo Gas Co, Ltd is controlling PT
Tokyo Gas Indonesia as evidencing by certain documents
showing the authority of Tokyo Gas Co, Ltd to direct PT Tokyo
Gas Indonesia and the document showing the corporate
a.fukushima 4 April
14 Tokyo Gas 2023

We were explained on 28 March 2023 that PQ purchaser

should be included in Applicant.
Also, parent company who didn't purchase PQ can join as
a consortium member.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
In case TGIDN (PQ purchaser) will form a consortium with
TGAS above,
we are afraid that TGIDN itself will not fulfil financial and
historical criteria,
In such a case,
1) Financial and historical criteria of TGHQ can be applied
as indirect 100% parent company as diagram above
2) If 1) is not allowed and TGIDN didn't pass PQ, TGAS
automatically fails to pass PQ?
3) Does PLN EPI has any alternative way that our group can
join this PQ process?

1. Apakah persyaratan QHSE diwajibkan untuk dimiliki 1. Pada tahap PQ bisa salah satu anggota konsorsium.
setiap anggota konsorsium? Atau boleh min. 1 anggota
memiliki QHSE?
2. Pada ketetuan financial criteria, diatur bahwa Laporan 2. Bagi perusahaan lokal bisa tetap dalam bentuk IDR.
Keuangan Audited harus :
a. Certified by notary public
b. Ekuivalen dalam USD
Apakah dua ketentuan tersebut wajib bagi perusahaan
ratna.tisnasari 4 April local dan foreign?
15 Temas Line 2023 Dikarenakan laporan audited kami dalam bentuk IDR,
Apakah kami perlu mengubah menjadi USD? Apabila
perlu, apakah ada kriteria untuk dokumen yang
menunjukkan konversi IDR ke USD tersebut?

3. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan notarized copies of 3. Sama. Keterangan notaris yang menyatakan bahwa
original dengan certified by notary public sama? dokumen copy sesuai dengan aslinya.
apabila berbeda, mohon bantuan penjelasannya.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
4. Apakah dokumen-dokumen dibawah ini perlu di 4. Sepanjang tidak disyaratkan secara tegas dalam PQ
certified copy/notarized copies of original/certified by Documents dan formulir lampirannya, maka dokumen
notary public: tersebut tidak diperlu di certified copy/notarized copies
a. Qualified rating agencies report (D&B, S&P, of original/certified by notary public.
Moody's, Fitch or Hasil Penilaian Tingkat
Kesehatan BUMN)
b. CV of management key and CV of competent key
c. evidence of tax payment
e. organization structure
1. Clause 2.3 1. The context that was conveyed during the explanation
There is statement in clause 2.3 that "PLN EPI is seeking meeting was that for the RFP process all participants were
an optimized design solution for the LNG distribution asked to submit offers based on references to the RFP
infrastructure services within a Cluster and (subject to document. This aims to provide equal treatment in the
the terms of any RFP or RFPs) may consider solutions evaluation of bid proposals to all participants.
across more than one Cluster.

However, while in the Aanwijzing meeting, there is

statement that the scenario design cannot be changed
Benny and this should be used as reference in RFP.
PT Risco Energi 4 April
16 @riscoenergipratama
Pratama 2023
.com Question: The both statement is contradictive. Would
you clarify?

2. Clause 2.4 2. LISA will be signed between PLN EPI and SPC.
Will be there any clause in the Contract/agreement
later that PLN will not do any new bidding/tender if
there is any future development in the cluster area?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
3. Clause 9.1 3. Yes it is.
Can we as PQ registered company become a member
of the consortium and appoint another company (who
is not registered in this PQ) becomes a leader?

4. Clause 6.5 4. PLN EPI will become a shareholder in each SPC so that PLN
The integration of Nusa Tenggara Cluster is on HUB EPI will make sure design HUB Huadi and Nusa Tenggara
Huadi, while the scope of HUB Huadi is under Sulawesi cluster connected.
and Nusa Tenggara Cluster.
Question : How you make all of them interconnected?

5. LISA 5. Land for the project is owned by PLN/Genco. So that a

Provision of land within each Cluster for the Project in land lease agreement is needed between SPC and
that Cluster is the responsibility of PLN EPI but PLN EPI PLN/Genco.
will require the SPC to occupy under a lease and it is
also stated that the lease would not duplicate
obligations in the other agreements.

Question: Could you elaborate more? and can SPC

financing the LNG Infrastructure within the land?

6. It is said that the service rate from PLN EPI will be a fix 6. We will provide any information related at RFP stage.
rate with no adjustment for 20 years. How PLN EPI will
calculate the fix rate for SPC? Or whether the SPC can
negotiate the rate?
1. Subclause 9.2 Financial Criteria AND Table 16.1 – 1. For listed companies may not be notarized since their
Checklist of PQ Evaluation financial statement can be accessed by the public, so can
Content: be known it source.
Kawasaki Kisen Wijaya.Wira 4 April
17 Page 18, point b
Kaisha (K LINE) 2023
The submitted audited financial statements shall be
certified by a notary public and ….
No. Company Email Date Question Answer

Should the AFR notarize/be certified by a public notary
even though it is a listed company whose financial
statements are audited and appropriately disclosed
per the stock exchange rules?
2. Form B.1.1 2. Yes, it is applicable if Applicant is consortium.
(Applicant who are not applying as a consortium for the
execution and completion of the Projects, should mark
the following items 6, 7, 8 and 9 as “not applicable”,
delete the items and initial the deletions)

Items 5,6,7 and 8 instead?

3. Form B.1.3.a, B.1.3.ab, B.1.3.c 3. Yes correct.

Refer to Instructions to Applicants, Clause 8.1:
The Applicant ….

Should these be Clause 9.1 instead?

4. Form D 4. CSMS compliance by the SPC is carried out before the

Content: implementation of project work. This will be discussed
…. we will comply Contractor Safety Management during the JDA.
System (CSMS) in PT PLN (Persero).
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
Please provide a reference regarding CSMS content for
our internal study.

5. Form E 5. Yes correct.


…. pursuant to Clause 8.3 of the Pre-Qualification


Should this be Clause 9.3 instead?

6. Form F 6. To be evidenced of payment of state levies and such

Content: document can be directly used as evidence in court. It is
Stamp duty apply to foreign company applicants too.

On what ground is stamp duty requested? Does stamp
duty apply to any other form for this PQ? Does this
apply to Foreign Company Applicants too?

7. Subclause a of clause 9.2

Content: 7. Cannot. Investment agencies shall comply as stated in
Financial Criteria answer number 4 above (D&B/S&P/Moody’s/Fitch/
If an Applicant does not have a rating from any of the
listed credit agencies but has “investment grade”
ratings from other agencies, then would such Applicant
be able to fulfill the financial criteria?
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
8. Clause 9.2
Content: 8. The failure of one consortium member will fail others
Financial Criteria consortium members. It means that all consortium
members cannot be classified as Qualified Applicant. Only
Question: Qualified Applicant can join with other Qualified
If we were to make a consortium with a company Applicants to form a consortium at RFP stage.
whose financial criteria are below the given criteria,
and if the partner company is disqualified, then what
would happen to the consortium and us? Can we join
another qualified Applicant?

9. Subclause d. of clause 10.1

Content: 9. After the PQ process has been completed, we will invite
“The Local Company shall be another Qualified Qualified Applicants to follow the RFP process. At that
Applicant (…). time, participants can find out the list of Qualified
Would the name and contact details of Qualified
Applicants be shared after the Pre-Qualification
process has been completed?

10.Clause 12
Content: 10. After the submission of the qualification application
Pre-qualification Schedule documents, PLN EPI will inform the announcement
schedule for further activities/events.
Noted the submission time limit is now 2 May 2023.
What is the timing of events going forward?
PT. PRISM 1. The majority of the shareholder of the Applicant (PNI) 1-2. Idem no.9
Nusantara 4 April is Prism Energy International Ltd (PEI) a Singapore
International/SK 2023 Based Company and the minority shareholder of the
E&S Applicant is SK E&S a South Korean-based company.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
PEI (Singapore Based Company) is also 100% owned by
SK E&S (South Korean Based Company). This makes SK
E&S the ultimate controlling shareholder in the PNI.
Will it be accepted by PLN EPI if the Applicant (PNI) uses
SK E&S experience and financial rating support?

2. In case the company structure is like this picture

No. Company Email Date Question Answer

Can PT Regas Energitama Infrastruktur utilize SK E&S

Financial Rating and Experience (assuming PT Regas
Energitama Infrastruktur is the Applicant and the PQ
doc purchaser)?

3. Clause 9.2, a, (i)~(iii) : What is the exact meaning of 3. PLN EPI has its own considerations in submitting
"based on its audited financial statement fiscal year financial criteria at the PQ stage.
minimum 2021" while it is required to demonstrate
the current credit rating?

4. Clause 9.2, b : In case the applicant fails to meet the 4. Credit support can be in the form of a letter from a
financial criteria, they may utilize the guarantee from reputable bank stating that the bank will support and
the parent company or credit support from a reputable provide a credit line with a certain value based on the
bank. In this regard, we would like to inquire about the bank's appetite and reference in providing support to
details of the “reputable bank's credit line support” the participant.
such as the type/contents of guarantee required and
the definition of the reputable bank
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
5. If Applicant has EPC experience as a project owner for 5. Yes
LNG infrastructure (not EPC contractor), will it be
accepted by PLN if that experience is claimed by

6. Can Applicant propose LNG Hub Terminal other than 6. Idem answer number 9.3
Huadi FSRU after the Applicant win the tender of the
cluster (assuming Applicant can provide evidence that
LNG Hub Terminal is more efficient than Huadi FSRU?

7. If only 2 companies/consortium are qualified as 7. Idem answer number 9.4

Qualified Applicant, will PLN EPI re-conduct the PQ

8. If other LNG demand (non-PLN demand) exists inside 8. Idem answer number 9.5
the cluster and there is a potential to utilize the SPC
LNG infrastructure, is it possible to adjust the LISA (LNG
Infrastructure Service Agreement)?

9. If the shareholder of SPC has their own LNG which has 9. Idem answer number 9.6
more economic/benefit to PLN EPI, is it possible that
PLN EPI purchases that LNG?
Reference to PLN EPI Pre-Qualification, appreciate Single Applicant may form the consortium at later stage (RFP
clarification regarding Form B.1.1. point 4. Paragraph stage) provided that the single Applicant shall form the
in the box quoted below consortium with another Qualified Applicant.

victoria.duwar 5 April Quote

19 MERATUS LINE 2023 (Applicant who are not applying as a consortium for the
execution and completion of the Projects, should mark
the following items 6,7,8 and 9 as not applicable,
delete the items and initial the deletions)
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
case Applicant wishes to enter PQ as single applicant –
since at present we have no candidate(s) for
consortium, however, is open for consortium at later
stage, after pre-qualification for the execution and
completion of the Project – kindly advise / clarify.
1. Administration 1. No
Does PLN EPI oblige Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan BUMN
certified by certain bodies?

2. Administration 2. Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan BUMN which is made based

Can the assessment of Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan on the standard of BUMN Ministry. Participant must
BUMN done by Applicant’s internal based on the submit the results of the value of each indicator.
standard of BUMN Ministry?

3. Administration 3. Yes correct.

As there is no Clause 8.3 in the Pra-qualification
document, Is it Clause 9.3 that is referred in Form E
PT Nusantara fahmi1 6 April (Historical Criteria Form)?
Regas 2023
4. Administration 4. Yes correct.
Is the Applicant allowed to later submit proposal as a
response to any RFP of cluster(s) different with the
nominated one(s) in Pre-qualification document Form

5. Administration 5. Applicant can submit the latest tax report in the form of:
Can PLN EPI specify which tax report should be Annual Tax Return or Corporate Income Tax or others
submitted by Applicant for the pre-qualification report tax related that participants comply with tax
process? provisions.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
6. Administration 6. QHSE regulations and standards that apply to the
Can PLN EPI specify/breakdown QHSE Standard management of participating companies.
documents that Applicant shall submit for pre-
qualification process?

7. Commercial 7. Shipping Structure.

Will SPC run the activities under the Shipping Structure
or Downstream Structure?

8. Commercial 8. PLN EPI only responsible for Migas licenses.

As per Schedule 2 (PLN Gasification Project Risk Matrix),
it is PLN EPI who will be responsible for SIUPAL and
Migas licenses. Please confirm.

9. Commercial 9. SIUPAL will hold by SPC.

SIUPAL is the license for single line business. Can PLN
EPI hold both licenses for MIGAS Storage &
Transportation license and SIUPAL?

10.Commercial 10. We will provide this information in RFP stage.

Is it PLN EPI who will be responsible to settle a
breakbulking agreement with Java-1 terminal owner
and bear port charges in the terminal?

11.Commercial 11. We will provide this information in RFP stage.

Is it PLN EPI who will be responsible to settle a
breakbulking agreement with Tangguh Terminal Owner
and bear port charges in the terminal?

12.Commercial 12. We will provide this information in RFP stage.

No. Company Email Date Question Answer
For the purpose of project financing, will PLN EPI (as
project owner) issue project completion guarantee for
this project?
As part of SPC, will PLN EPI bear the risk of the project
together with the other members of SPC?

13.Commercial 13. We will provide this information in RFP stage.

What will be the scheme / form of equity participation
of PLN EPI? PLN EPI to inform more details/conditions
on the shareholder scheme, such as golden share (if
any), etc

Is PLN EPI responsible to provide the Tangguh and Java 14. Yes, we will provide this information in RFP stage.
1 terminal data required for ship to shore / ship to ship
compatibility analysis in later stage?

15.Technical 15. We will provide this information in RFP Stage

What is the gas demand for each point in Kalimantan
(each Jungkat and Siantan demand)?

16.Technical 16. Yes

Is the pipeline Jungkat-Siantan onshore pipeline?

17.Technical 17. No
Can applicant propose Floating Storage & Regasification
Barge for the offshore solution?
1. Reference: Prequalify Documents, Section 1.3 and 1. We will provide any related question about technical at
Section 1.5 RFP stage.
PT Prima Osean Septiani 6 April
21 Question:
Nusantara 2023
As mentioned in section 1.3 that the prequalify is for
giving CONTRACTOR have the opportunity to work
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
with PLN EPI in design, develop and operate LNG
Infrastructure within a Cluster or Clusters

What kind of level design does PLN EPI expect from

CONTRACTOR for the LNG infrastructure clusters
Has PLN EPI been already developed pre-FEED or FEED
for that cluster so that CONTRACTOR just need to
continue it at Detailed Engineering Design (DED) level
as mentioned in section 1.5?

Kind Please advise

2. Reference: Prequalify Documents, Section 6.2 2. We will provide any related question about technical at
Question: RFP stage.
CONTRACTOR’s scope under this CONTRACT is limited
to build LNG Receiving Terminal only and any cross
country pipeline will be out of CONTRACTOR’s scope.
For Example pipeline from LNG Receiving Terminal
Jungkat to MPP Siantan at Kalimantan cluster.

Please advise if CONTRACTOR understanding is


Please confirm that the selection of subcontractor (s) of Yes, it will follow SPC management. However, the responsible
PT Golar Jamsir 6 April EPCI, Shipyard, Vendors, Ship Management, and others to perform the obligation under LISA shall be hold by SPC.
Indonesia 2023 follows the SPC’s management system or Winners'
management system whichever is suitable/available.
Eligibility of Applicants (Point 3.2)
PT BSGL 1. During the RFP stage, will it be possible to merge two 1. Not possible since according to Section 3.3 PQ
Glayn 6 April
23 (Consortiom Qualified Applicant consortiums? Meaning that there Documents: the maximum number of members of the 2023
BSGL) will be more than 5 companies in a consortium consortium is five (5) companies.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
General Experience Criteria (Point 9.1)
2. Will the Recommended Vendor List be introduced in 2. No
3. Will PLN EPI introduce any Tax Exemption Policy for 3. No
this project?
4. What is the NG Supply method in the Lombok Area? 4. We will provide any related question about technical at
1) There are two power plants in Kalimantan Cluster, RFP stage.
and PLN EPI guides in ITP clause 6.4 that “Gas fuel
for GFPP in Siantan will be supplied through gas
pipeline from Jungkat.”
2) Although there are two Power Plants in the
Lombok Cluster, there is only one LNG Receiving
Terminal. However, in ITP clause 6.5, there is no
guide to supply NG from PLTMGU Lombok Peaker
to MPP Lombok in any way. The distance between
the two power plants on Google Map is about 7.4
km in a straight line.
5. Regarding General Experience Criteria, It is stated that 5. No. Only related with LNG.
one of the reference requirements is "EPC Contractor
of LNG Regasification Facility (Land-based or floating
terminal) or LNG Plant", but we'd like to know
whether NG Plant Reference can be also acceptable?
6. Is there any general restriction on investment 6. There is no restrictions for investment companies.
companies like bank participating in consortiums? However, based on the banking law, banks are prohibited
Other than the audit financial statements and to conduct business activities other than financial
financial criteria. services.

7. 9.1.c : As the summary of experiences stated by the 7. Yes

Applicant, the Applicant is required to fill out the
Application Form, complete with copies of each
relevant document (contract agreement, certificate of
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
ownership, owner’s satisfaction letter (if any) and
relevant documents) as evidences.
It is acceptable If we submit only one of these
document (contract agreement, certificate of
ownership, owner’s satisfaction letter)?
8. For experience criteria, is it acceptable if applicant use 8. Applicant only can use its parent company’s experience
experience from its sister company which is organized
under same Group, or is it acceptable if Parent
company use experience from its subsidiary.
9. Is it possible for a company to join as a consortium 9. Possible as long as such investment company fulfill the
member without any general experience criteria? (i.e. other criteria (such as financial criteria) other than general
an investment company) experience criteria.

10.Can a company with only Engineering experience 10. No.

(without Procurement and Construction experience)
be deemed as fulfilling the EPC experience criteria?

Bank Support Letter & Bank Refrence Letter (Point 9.2d)

11.Is it acceptable if only one member of consortium 11. Not accepted. Bank Reference letter & Bank Support
(include leader) submit Bank Reference letter & Bank Letter shall submit by each member.
Support Letter for concortium?
12.Is it acceptable if submit only Bank Reference Letter 12. Yes. In case the applicant fails to meet the financial
without Bank Support Letter? criteria, they may utilize credit support from a reputable

13.Is it acceptable if applicant submit Reference letter & 13. We recommend you to use reputable bank in Indonesia
Support Letter that issued by reputable Financial (Banks that have been registered and recognized by OJK).
Institute as well as Bank such as Macquarie, KIND
“Korea Overseas INfrastructure & Urban 14. Amount of the value in support letter based on the bank’s
Development Corporation”(under Korean ministry of appetite and reference in providing to support applicant.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
commerce industry and energy) or JCM “Japan joint
Credit Mechanism”, etc?
14.How much the amount of the value supposed to be
capped in support letter by bank? If there is required
certain amount of value from PLN EPI then, is it
acceptable to combine bank’s supporting letter for
each consortium members to reach a certain amount
of value that PLN EPI requires.
1. Tanggal penyampaian dokumen aplikasi tanggal 2 Mei
1. Other: 2023.
Tanggal pemasukan dokumen adalah tanggal 02 Mei
2023. Kami mengajukan agar pemasukan dokumen
diundur ke tanggal 10 Mei 2023.
2. Klausa 9.1.a: 2. Boleh
"The Applicant or in the case of consortium - at least
one (1) member of the consortium of the Applicant
shall have any one or more of the following
experiences". Is it allowed if the consortium had only
one or two criteria?
PT Padma (Apakah diperbolehkan apabila konsorsium hanya
rachmat.rajiv 6 April
24 Energi dapat memenuhi salah satu atau dua kriteria saja?) 2023
Indonesia 3. Klausa 9.1.a: 3. Tidak bisa. Harus menggunakan pengalaman dengan
Is it allowed if the consortium experience is only in proyek sejenis yaitu LNG.
CNG, LPG, or Natural Gas facility or transportation?
(Apakah diperbolehkan apabila konsorsium hanya
memiliki pengalaman pada fasilitas atau transportasi
CNG, LPG, atau natural Gas saja? Dan bukan
pengalaman pada LNG)
4. Table 6.8 - Capacity of LNG Infrastructures in 4. Informasi terkait teknis akan disampaikan pada saat RFP.
Sulawesi - Maluku
Please advice based on Table 6.8 - Due to potential
ORU scope in LNG Receiving Terminal at Kolaka, who
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
will accommodate the ORU Scope? It will be build by
others company or exactly will be build by SPC?
(Berdasarkan Tabel 6.8 terdapat keterangan
Potential ORU Scope in LNG Receiving Terminal at
Kolaka, siapa yang nantinya akan menyiapkan Scope
ORU tersebut? Apakah ORU akan dibangun oleh
pihak lain atau pasti akan dibangun oleh SPC?)
5. Table 16.1 - Checklist of Pre-Qualification 5. Ya bisa.
On Point 12 - Summary sheet list of Applicant
Facilities, can bidder submit an active facility that
operated by bidder it self?
(Apakah bidder dapat mensubmit fasilitas yang
masih aktif dioperasikan oleh bidder sendiri?)
6. Table 16.1 - Checklist of Pre-Qualification 6. Dapat salah satu. Pada tahap PQ dapat hanya
Evaluation melampirkan Letter of Intent.
On Point 14 - Consortium Agreement, Certified by
public notary or letter of intent to form a consortium.
To form a consortium, is it must be a consortium
agreement or it can be a letter of intent only?
(Untuk membuat konsorsium, apakah harus berupa
consortium agreement atau dapat berupa letter of
intent saja?)
7. Special Purpose Company (SPC) 7. PLN EPI akan menyediakan ekuitas sesuai dengan proporsi
PLN EPI will hold 30% (thirty percent) shares in the nilai saham yang dimilikinya pada SPC.
SPC. Is the equity portion required for the project
financing will also be provided by PLN EPI?
8. Other
Who is responsible for the land acquisition and legal 8. PLN EPI.
permit? (Siapakah yang bertanggung jawab untuk
penyediaan lahan dan pengurusan legalitas serta
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
9. Other
Terkait medis di site, apakah client (PLN EPI) memiliki 9. Tidak. Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Sub-Kontraktor
klinik yang dapat dipakai oleh Kontraktor? Dan proyek menjadi tanggung jawab SPC.
adakah Rumah sakit atau Klinik terdekat yang
menjadi rujukan?
10.Other 10. Limbah yang dihasilkan dari fasilitas SPC, akan menjadi
Siapakah yang bertanggung jawab terhadap limbah tanggung jawab SPC.
Domestik & B3?
11.MOM Aanwijzing No. 11. Ya. Jika salah satu member dalam suatu konsorsium tidak
002.MOM/EPI.01.02/PLNEPI/2023 (Halaman 5/14, dapat memenuhi kriteria, maka konsorsium dimaksud
Pertanyaan No. 29) akan gugur.
Merujuk ke MOM No.
002.MOM/EPI.01.02/PLNEPI/2023, Bersama ini kami
mohon konfirmasinya apabila dalam konsorsium
salah satu membernya tidak dapat memenuhi
kriteria teknis namun member lainnya memenuhi
seluruh persyaratan prakualifikasi, apakah
konsorsium tersebut gugur?
12.FORM B.1.1 Halaman 2 12. Notarized copies of original
Merujuk kepada FORM PQ B.1.1 halaman 2, point 5.
Apakah dokumen yang ada pada point 5 tersebut
diharuskan noterized copies (legalisir notaris)? Atau
diperbolehkan hanya copy dokumen tanpa legalisir
1. On the Form B.1.4.d, The meaning of COMPETENT 1. Any structural and/or functional employees who have
KEY PERSONNEL is ambiguous. Could you kindly expertise related to the project, as evidenced by the CV
specify exactly which person this means? or certicate of competency.
6 April
2023 2. We are going to put our 135K CBM Sized LNG carrier 2. Detail information about capacity FSRU will provide at
into the project as a Hub FSRU. Hence, we believe RFP stage.
that only Sulawesi-Maluku Cluster could capable the
size of 135K vessel according to your PQ documents.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
Is this correct? Or please let us know if there are
other clusters where 135K FSRU can be deployed.
1. With regard to the LNG Receiving Terminal at Huadi, it 1. See the explanation of the answer to question number
has been ascertained that a Floating Storage and 13.23 above. Any detail technical information will be
Regasification Unit (FSRU) will be utilized to provide provided at RFP stage.
liquefied natural gas (LNG) to a power plant with a
capacity of 1150 MW. However, it has come to our
attention that the indicative average gas demand is
provided as only 18.30 BBTUD which might be
sufficient to produce only 120 – 140 MW of power. We
request you to clarify whether our understanding of
indicative average gas demand is correct. If our
understanding is correct, we request you to clarify how
the powerplant is intended to receive the ~90%
shortfall of natural gas.
2. The average gas demand for the cluster over a 20-year 2. Correct
PT Armada 10
agung.sembodo@ar period has been indicated in BBTUD units. Bidder
26 Gema April wishes to understand if BBTUD is “Billion British
Nusantara 2023
Thermal Units per Day”.
3. The bidder is aware that PLN EPI mandates an initial 3. PLN EPI would be contributing the capital in proportion to
share of 30% in the Special Purpose Company (SPC). its shareholding. Assumption related minimum debt to
Therefore, the bidder would like to ascertain the PLN equity ratio will be provided at RFP stage.
would be contributing the capital in proportion to its
shareholding. If yes, given that the project will be
financed through a combination of debt and equity,
Bidder would like to understand the required
minimum debt to equity ratio.
4. Bidder wishes to understand the future expansion 4. See the explanation of the answer to question number
plans for each cluster. 2.17-23 above. Any detail technical information will be
provided at RFP stage.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
Section 8 5-6. Any detail technical information will be provided at RFP
5. PLN EPI is kindly requested to provide high level project stage.
schedule (key milestones such as target contract
award, first gas, etc)

Table 6.8:

6. For the avoidance of doubt, Applicant requests PLN EPI

to provide average gas demand in MTPA (Metric
Tonnes Per Annum)


7. PLN EPI to advise whether it is allowed to occupy 7.Provision of engineering, PMT resources for the FEED
overseas engineering and PMT resources (under preparation process will be carried out on the JDA
Parent Company of Applicant) for FEED, detailed between the Sponsor and PLN EPI
engineering, and project execution.
No. Company Email Date Question Answer
Klausa 3 1. PLN EPI memiliki pertimbangan dalam menentukan
1. Mengapa jumlah anggota konsorsium maksimum maksimal jumlah anggota konsorsium. Perlu dipahami
hanya 5 perusahaan? bahwa PLN EPI akan masuk ke dalam bagian SPC yang
dibentuk dengan perusahaan sponsor.
2. Apakah pada tahap RFP untuk Cluster Nusa tenggara 2. Tidak
yang memiliki 6 lokasi LNG Infrastructure dan Cluster
Sulawesi-Maluku yang memiliki 7 lokasi LNG Infra
Structure diperbolehkan membentuk konsorsium
dengan anggota maksimum 7 perusahaan ?

3. Apakah perusahaan yang tidak memiliki experience 3. Bisa. Sepanjang disepakati Bersama dengan anggota
yang relevan dengan project dapat menjadi konsorsium yang lain. Selain itu leader consortium juga
10 Consortium Leader ? harus memenuhi financial criteria yang dipersyaratkan.
PT Hanochem suwarto@hanochem.
27 April
Tiaka Samudera com
2023 Klausa 6
4. Pihak manakah yang menyediakan “Right of Way” 4-6. Detail teknis akan disampaikan pada saat RFP.
untuk pipa gas yang diminta dibangun dari MPP
Jungkat ke PLTG Santan di Pontianak?

5. Apakah rencana mendirikan FSRU untuk Cluster

Kalimantan di MMP Jungkat (Sungai Kapuas) sudah
mempertimbangkan draft, lebar sungai, kepadatan
lalu lintas sungai serta izin Syahbandar setempat?

6. Apa yang menjadi dasar operasi pelayaran untuk

distribusi LNG berdasarkan Milk – Run method? Dan
apakah sudah mempertimbangkan Sloshing Effect?

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