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Essay – is it better to be self-employed or work for someone else?

Write about – Being independent, job security, your own idea

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are choosing to work for themselves rather
than to be employed by a company. It is often argued that being self-employed is
better, though others would disagree. This essay will examine the question with
respect to being independent, job security and travel.
Firstly, it is true that being self-employed gives the employee a sense of freedom and
independence. Not only can they choose what hours they work, but also where they
do the job. In this way it is much more convenient.
On the other hand, it is true that being self- employed means less job security. If you
work for someone else you are more likely to have a secure job and one which covers
times of sickness or other issues. These things are less flexible for self-employed
Finally, transport should be considered. Being your own boss is more likely to mean
working from home, therefore saving the cost and time of travelling to work.
Additionally, this is beneficial for the environment and also for our health.
On balance and in light of the above, I think that over all it is better to be self-
employed. In this way you have much more flexibility on your life.
(205 words)

Review .- Sports holiday.

Coast to coast horse riding holiday in New Zealand
Are you bored of traditional beach holidays and looking for something different? Then
how about a horse riding holiday! I was lucky enough to spend a week last summer
riding across New Zealand and I would thoroughly recommend it.
The place was located on the North Island, not far from the stunning East coast. The
accommodation on the first night was in a very comfortable hotel, but throughout the
week we slept in a different place each night, including camping and in small family
homes. Some night were more comfortable than others, but every day was fun. We
were able to ride a different horse every day, and during the week we travelled over
300km to the West coast.
What´s more, the holiday was extremely well organised. Not only did we have a talk
about safety every morning, but also in the evenings the monitors arranged games and
other fun activities for us to enjoy.
If I had to say something negative, it would be that some of the campsites we stayed at
were very basic and uncomfortable. Also, sometimes there was no hot water.
However, all in all I would recommend this type of sports holiday to everyone,
especially people who love horses and adventures!
(204 words)

Article – Being famous for something

Speaking to the whole world
Some people want to be singers, others famous Hollywood actors. Not me! If I had to
choose something to be famous for it would be languages! Have you ever travelled to
another country and felt sad that you cannot communicate with people? What can you
do to change that situation?
For me, I have always loved languages. My native tongue is English but I am fluent in 6
other languages including Arabic, Russian and French. What´s more I am still learning
and I hope to add Chinese and Portuguese to my list.
It all started when I was 3 years old and my parents took me to France. I remember
crying because I wanted an ice cream and couldn´t tell the man who was working in
the shop. So, when we got home my parents put my name down for French classes,
which I really enjoyed. I could speak fluently by age 4 and then started learning more
and more languages.
Also, I have studied languages at university and worked as a teacher and translator, so
it is true that this skill has affected my whole life. But I would like to be famous as the
person who can speak the most languages in the world. This would make me really
(words 210)

Email – Where to study?

Hi Nico,
Thanks for your email. It was really good to hear from you and I am excited to hear
that you are going to university next year. What are you going to study? However, it
sounds like you have got a difficult choice to make about where to study, so I will try to
help you.
Firstly, you need to think about cost as it is obviously much more expensive to move
away from your parent´s house and live in a different city. Also, you should think about
the quality of the course you want to study in both places.
What´s more I think the choice you make depends a lot on your personality. Do you
like meeting new people and making new friends? If so, then maybe it would be better
to move away. On the other hand maybe you are happy to stay at home and have the
support of your parents.
In my case I moved away and this was the right decision for me. Not only could I learn
about a new city, but also meet lots of amazing new people.
So, let me know what you decide. I´m looking forward to hearing from you!
Best wishes,


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