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Death And Reincarnation

It was just your typical kind of life. Well I didn't graduate from college, so not your typical life. I was your typical struggling actor. I had been in
the industry for six years but wasn't getting anywhere nor had my big break yet.

I had worked with in a movie, done theatre shows and stuff but was not where I wanted to be.

Now you must be asking how did I even got here in the first place? Well I was a fitness freak who had worked out physically most of his life and
who had a physique that anyone would love to have. Then combine that with a handsome face and height 195 centimeters and you get a perfect
looking man.

Because of that whoever I met told I should try my hand in acting and I know it was stupid but hey I wasn't super smart or anything. All I had
ever known and done was fitness, martial arts and watching anime and I read a lot.

I loved anime because it was my source of motivation and inspiration as stupid as it may sound but watching a person like Naruto suffering
because of the bad hand he was dealt, made all my problems I had faced like a pat on the back.

That was why I loved it and also why I never knew how to quit or even for that matter what that even meant.

My parents were actually quite nice people who never called me a failure even though I wasn't doing much in my life. I was still supported by
them after all. My father never had the chance to pursue his dream so he believed that atleast I should do it.

I loved them to moon and back; same was with my sister who I loved more than anything in the world. She just was the best older sister and you
won't believe we never fought once. You just can't fight with her because she was that nice, if there was an award for the best sister I would give
it to her.

Right now I was enjoying all the myriad benefits of the bachelor-pad life. Age thirty. No significant other.

I just didn't have time for love because I had so much to achieve. And furthermore when it came to the opposite sex, apparently I wasn't the
smartest person. Besides—really, at this age, I was kinda past the point where a girlfriend needed to be my main focus. Work kept me busy
enough. Plus, it wasn’t like I was gonna die without one.
…I’m not making excuses, all right? It’s just that I started thinking…


Screams. Chaos. What is—What’s going on?!

“Move! I’ll kill you!!”

I turned around to find a man sprinting toward me, a backpack in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other. I could hear shrieking. He was
coming my way. With a knife. A knife? And at the other end of it…

I felt a burning pain run across my chest. My body balled up as it collapsed to the ground, trying to withstand the shock. I couldn’t tell what had
happened. I wanted to move, but I couldn’t.

“Get the hell outta my way!” the man shouted as he ran off. I watched him go. But, man, was my back burning. So hot. Beyond anything I’d
describe as pain.

What’s up with that? It’s too hot… Gimme a break.

Confirmed. Resist Heat…successfully acquired.

Did I… Did I just get stabbed?

So I’m gonna die from a stabbing? Holy crap…

Confirmed. Resist Piercing Weapon…successfully acquired. Following up with Resist Melee Attack… Successfully acquired.

Damn, this was starting to hurt, though…

Confirmed. Cancel Pain…successfully acquired.

Um… Well, shit. All this pain and panic was starting to screw around with my consciousness.

I tried to see what was happening, but my vision was too fogged up to manage it.

Damn just one stab and I'm already on the verge of dying?

My own body felt so heavy like gravity was working against me.

Confirmed. Gravity Manipulation…successfully acquired.

Hey, what are saying, man?

This…This is probably bad… Like, the pain was pretty well gone by now. It was just numbness. I couldn't move my hand or anything for that
matter. I felt as if my strength had been zapped. I couldn't even gather a little bit of strength to move.

Confirmed. Steel Strength… Successful.

Hey, what’re you talking about? I can’t hear you too well…

I tried to speak. And failed.

Shit. I think this might really be it… Like, the pain and the heat were pretty well gone by now. It was just cold. Cold as hell. I felt as if I was gonna
freeze in place.

Who knew dying could keep you so damn busy?

Confirmed. Resist Cold…successfully acquired. Combined with the previously acquired Resist Heat, the skill has progressed to Resist Temperature.

Just then, what remained of my increasingly oxygen-deprived brain cells chanced upon a flash of brilliance.

Oh, craaaaap, the files on my hard drive!

Please god destroy this poor lambs laptop, please destroy it before my family opens it.

Confirmed. Electricity-based deletion of data… Cannot execute. More information required. Substituting with Manipulate Electricity… Successfully

And I was a virgin.

Imagine that. Floating off to meet my maker in completely unused condition… My manhood was probably crying its single eye out right then.
Sorry I couldn’t make you a real grown-up. If there’s such a thing as reincarnation, I’m gonna go on the attack next time—I promise. I’ll hit up
everyone I see, stalking my prey before I go in for the kill… Okay, not like that, but…

Confirmed. Unique skill “Predator”…successfully acquired.

I mean, here I was, lookin’ at thirty without ever losing my virginity. Like an old sage meditating in the mountains. Another few years, and I
probably could’ve been the great sage of celibacy. Not the road I wanted to take in life, but there you go.

Confirmed. Extra skill “Sage”…successfully acquired. Evolving extra skill “Sage” into unique skill “Great Sage”… Successful.

…Hey, someone mind telling me who’s talking? What do you mean, “unique skill ‘Great Sage’”? Someone tryin’ to start something with me?
There’s nothing “unique” about that! If you think I’m finding that funny, I’m not! That’s just mean, man…

Before I could continue down that train of thought, however, I fell asleep.

Weird how death’s nowhere near as lonely as I thought it’d be.

That was the last thought I had on the mortal plane.


In a normal house, a woman could be seen sleeping dead tired from just giving birth to her son, Sanjoy Tempest. Little Sanjoy could be seen on
the side in a small bed made for newborns and wrapped in a small blanket. The Nurse, Riel, came in when the mother was sleeping to check on
the baby and with no small amount amusement had to pry the baby from the mothers hen like grip. After lying the young babe down she made
for the next room over though the way the baby never reacted to her picking him up even though he was obviously awake unsettled her Riel
quickly put it out of her mind, there was work to be done.

"…Still if I didn't know better I would have thought he was deep in thought about something..." Riel couldn't help but think that Little Sanjoy's
expression was out of place on a baby's face.

The poor nurse would have never realized she was quite on the money with that theory and he was indeed thinking about something.

"I got reincarnated as a baby…." Little Sanjoy was currently saying those six words like a mantra inside his head in horror realising he had been
reborn, not something a new born would think of.

Except Little Sanjoy wasn't a normal newborn.

He has been reincarnated after being stabbed to death.

When I was born and was looking at the doctor I just thought I was in the hospital and my perception was really messed up from whatever
surgery I went through not to mention my loss of feeling, well I was stabbed. I had no idea it was because my body was just born and its senses
were as undeveloped as you can get. When the woman spoke up and I was placed in her arms I finally had a sense of my size and my brains
couldn't keep make sense of it. When the Doctor left the woman and man just kept talking and when terms like "boy", "mother" and "babies"
were thrown out there my brain finally caught up with the situation and what I had seen so far sunk in.

'B-but that's crazy! I-I'm 30, these aren't my mother and father, and I was in an a-accident! ' my mind was trying its best to make sense of the
situation and bring me some semblance of peace but none came before I slowly accepted the facts.

'I-I died. I was reborn. M-my past life is behind me. I'm not 30 anymore.. I don't have my job anymore…well I never had one so, but I'm never
going to hang out or spend time with my sister, or talk about stupid politics with my father, or I'm never going to get my fatty and cuddly
mother's hug again, or or or….' My thoughts died there and I did what any self-respecting adult in a newborn body would do when they found
out their life is over.

I cried my heart out.

For a very long time, I think I passed out after crying so much.

So after a bout of crying a river of tears and passing out I eventually came to accept the situation as real cause in none of my past dreams lucid
or otherwise was this realistic and heartbreaking. So after watching my new "mother" (wow that was going to be weird getting used to) slowly
nod off I got to thinking and that's when the nurse came in and checked on me. I think I freaked her out with how a baby was brooding but it's
not like I can help it though, I got thinks to work out right about now. So after shuffling a little to get a more comfortable position I quickly
thought over my situation one more time and got to a reasonable and constructive conclusion.

'This is going to so fucking hard.' I let out weary sigh that really didn't belong on my current appearance. I had no aspiration that growing up
from 1 day old was going to be fun, none at all. I've read plenty of reincarnation light novels and fan fictions and all the good ones had the same
idea when it coming to growing up from a toddler, it sucks. Not to mention the glaringly obvious, there's no guarantee I was born in another
world. I may have been born in the same modern world I came from and I liked my first life enough thank you very much whatever cosmic being
or god that put me here. Even if I was born in another world it may not even be one I know a lot stuff about, or could be absolute shit like an
apocalypse is just around the corner because some deity wanted to destroy the planet or some crazy motherfucker like Madara wanted to put
the world in a grand illusion…fuck I hope I'm not in Narutoverse.

'Ughhhhhh! I really hate those reincarnation fanfics that the moment the Mc is born they know exactly where they are, what year it is, and have
a full proof plan to a safe, happy life just coming out their ass! Why couldn't it'd be that easy for me! Cause I ain't getting squat from anything in
here!?' I was starting to get stressed over the whole situation before I finally took a break from brainstorming and looked over to my sleeping

'That poor woman' I couldn't help this thought coming to my mind. 'She went through nine months of pregnancy, then childbirth, and was so
happy to see me in her arms her smile almost split her face.' I wasn't exaggerating and the sheer joy the woman in the bed showed when she
held me blew my mothers and fathers reaction to my original birth right out of the water.

'And she got an abomination for it.' I had no doubt in my mind that I wasn't natural. A 30-year soul doesn't just pop into a newborn's body and
there's the can of worms in the form of… 'What happened to the original body's soul?' That was going to weigh on my mind for a while and I
don't know if that could be considered murder or not.

'Can't kill what was never born.' A dark, cynical part of my mind dropped that thought. 'Oh good god I'm going to hell. I'm going to hell and I
deserve it.' Yeah sure a group could argue I had no control over what happened and how I got here. Doesn't change the fact that I'm here and
not a blank slate this woman deserves that she can mold to be the human she wants to be and give and receive unconditional love.

'Haaaa….hehe I'm what 2 hours old and I'm already psychological as hell.' I gave a wry smile to that.
The Nurse came back in the next moment and walked over to me, picking me up.

"Did you sleep well?" It took me a second to realize she wasn't talking to me but my "mom" who just woke up.

"Yes, I still feel a little tired but I'm alright." My mother's loving gaze never left my face.

'Why does that make me feel worse than better?' I thought helplessly as I squirmed under that look.

The Nurse though my restlessness was cause I was hungry so she recommended giving me some breast milk. If I had any control over my neck it
would have snapped to the Nurse and then proceed to shake left and right violently. Though, unfortunately, I couldn't so I was given to my
mother who proceeded to take out one breast and say "open wide." Groaning as the breast continued to reach my face I let myself go to fate
and just accepted my new position in existence.


Now you must be wondering which world did the god send me after that motivational and inspiring speech?


Yes I was in a world full of boobs and sex, gods, devils, angels and fallen angels.

Well I was born to one of the maid of Gremory household. How do I know? Venelana Gremory herself had come to congratulate my mother.

Well it wasn't like I cared if I born as a high class devil or not. I was content that my mother and father were absolute the best parents I can get.

They were just so happy that I was born that even though I felt bad for them but I couldn't stop the baby blush from adorning my face.

I was born as Sanjoy Tempest(I don't even what kind of shit god pulled from there as even my name was same as my original name) and I'm my
parents only son.

Growing up was a pain, in both the physical sense and the psychological way. Growing pains were a sensation I had no fond memory of back in
my past life and I finally get why, its hurts like a right bitch every damn day! No one wonder babies constantly cry for no reason, we're crying in
pain people! Then there is the whole I'm a baby so I shouldn't understand anything that is going on around me but I do and it's become a topic of
the town and how aware I 'am of everything going on.
'Humph, let my baby self be.' I thought mindfully

I honestly didn't know what time period I was in but I knew that I wasn't in civil war time as it has already ended. I also found out that my
mother's name was Emily Tempest and father's name was Tyler Tempest.

"Boo!" Emily chose this moment to pop out the corner she was hiding making me jump slightly. I slowly turned to the odd woman who I now
considered my mother and just stared. We spent a good minute or two in silence before a grin slowly appeared on her face.

"No reaction even today huh?" Emily asked

"Humph, close but no cigar." I said in a dismissive tone. Well I tried to but all that came out of my underdeveloped mouth was baby babble.

"Hahaha." Emily laughed all the same as if she understood my intentions before scooping me up as she gathered all the things she needed for
the day before turning to me and asking "ready?"

"Yessir." Baby babble was her answer.

Smiling once more she opened the door and we were greeted with the sun low in the sky blanketing the underworld in an orange haze.

I looked at Emily and the loving smile she directed at me filled my heart with guilt and shame, … I wasn't something that she should have gotten,
a woman like her deserved the best, even as a devil I was an abomination…

'Easy there it's too early for depressing thoughts.' I tried to banish the cynical thoughts plaguing my mind.

"Hi Gremory-sama, how are you? Your morning going alright?" Emily walked up to a beautiful young woman appearing in her twenties with
shorter flaxen hair and violet eyes. She was wearing a high-cut formal dress with high slits and has a well-endowed bust and slim waist.

Gremory smiled at my mother, "Yes, everything alight. How are you feeling now?"

My mother continued to talk with Venelana Gremory while I sighed in relief that my mother and father weren't treated badly. Even though I had
just been born, I have become close to my cute mother and crazy father. I mean in my previous life my father was in army who had been posted
to a war torn area and till the age of 10, we saw him once a year for few days. My mother on the other hand was always busy with work because
we were poor and I wasn't the most interactive kid, let's just say I didn't have a good childhood but I love my old parents to death. They worked
for my sister and I. But I'm happy to have a lving childhood.

Gremory chose this moment to look at me and I stared right back into the woman's eyes. For a time I tried to act my supposed age, I tried not
making expressions for everything, and react how a baby would to people and things in general. 'Yeah nope sorry this isn't working out.' Not
even 6 months into my new life I was ready to give up and try my chances in the next one. 'I'd probably end up in another baby's body.' I just
couldn't play with toys for longer than 10 minutes before putting them down and contemplating life. Then there were the play dates with the
neighbor's babies and that just went swimmingly. I would just stare at them for the better part of an hour since I couldn't talk, they wouldn't
understand me even if I could, or just mess with them by either poking them making them giggle or wrestling with them but even that was
limited thanks to my undeveloped motor functions and stubby limps. The diaper changes were also something I slowly got used to like breast
feeding (I made it my mission however to come off uncomfortable about it even though it wasn't half bad).

Overall, it was mind numbly boring being a baby and I was really starting to envy those reincarnates that got put into a body that a least pasted
puberty, I really did. The silver lining was that I had a lot of time to think as a baby and I was coming to terms with the fact that I may never get
my previous life back. Anyway, after acting however I liked rumors started flying around the community on the incredibly outlandish and
eccentric baby that can look into your soul with just a glance.

While my mom and dad didn't really care about what others thought of me (mom just said they were jealous that she had such a genius child!)
superstition like that spread fast and quickly in underworld and a large portion of the devils became uncomfortable in my presence, oh well
they're loss!

"….Still with the piercing glare every time we meet huh? Is it my face?" Gremory was part of the minority that wasn't scared of me. 'Scared cause
a child looks at you funny? Some devils could really be idiots.'

"I don't glare, I keep respectful eye contact." Baby babble ensued

That got a small chuckle from my mother.

After a while there talk ended . My mother then took out a bottle of milk for me before pushing it my mouth which I happily drank from.
Thankfully at some point my mother picked up on how uncomfortable breast feeding made me and chose to buy animal milk to feed me…..after
throwing a tantrum on how her son doesn't love her breast milk anymore. My mother liked to shop herself while carrying me. After buying a
gallon of animal milk like she does every week Emily also bought different pieces of cloth for her work, fresh vegetables, fruits, and we saw for

When we got back it was mid-day and we saw Tyler taking a rest on the porch smiling as he saw his wife with his son walk up.

"Hey." Emily said softly

"Hi." Tyler returned with a goofy grin

They gave each other a slow but passionate kiss and didn't separate for a while. I couldn't help but admire their relationship, they knew each
other better then they probably knew themselves and they always seem so happy together. I rarely see them fight and if they do it's either cause
of mom's over protectiveness of me or dad's mischievous side comes out to play. Or both.

"Hey sport." Speaking of mischief

Dad picked me up from mom's back basket as he held me up.

"Still with the tough guy act?" Dad questioned

I just stared at my father and having an idea of where this was going just gave a cheeky smirk.

"Oh?" Dad's eyes gained a fire to them

Mom took this time to walk back outside after putting all her stuff inside the house. "Honey what are you doing-oh god!"

He chucked me high in the air, not high enough to be dangerous but enough for it to take a second for me to start falling back down, right into
his arms. Giggles escaped me almost instantly and my dad was about to join in the laughter….instead he was smacked upside the head by Emily.

"Are you crazy!? What if you dropped him!?" She was pissed

"I wasn't going to." Tyler defended

"Yeah, he wasn't going to." I backed him up with some babble

"Quiet!" Emily was having none of it

It quickly became a 15 minute lesson on how incredibly dangerous (not really) and stupid (read fun) that was and at the end of it Dad retreated
back to the fields since his break was over and my mom placing me in the living with a bunch of toys so she can get to sewing in her room. After
awhile they learned that they can keep me alone in a room by myself and it'd be fine, I'd cry if I really needed them.

'Alright what do I have to work with here?' I looked at the toys in front of me and after 10 minutes I eventually chose to go with plan B.

'Look out into empty space and daydream it is.' With the amount of times I went with plan B, I should really just start calling it plan A.

As I laid there thinking about the last six months, I only had one thing to say. 'I can't even be upset anymore.' Born in a peaceful, nice family.
Having enough food and warmth to get by comfortably. A mother and father who love me unconditionally no matter how quirky and odd I 'am.
If the reincarnation route was a lottery I can honestly say I hit the jackpot, no matter what anyone says. Sure I miss my friends and family I "left"
behind but this life is more than making up for any depression I had. I was happy.
Now I had to become strong that I could give me family a decent life. I will become a high class devil. I had heard that I was born with high
demonic power which should be a plus right?

Now if only I had been born with gamer powers, it would have been cool.

Like just say 'status' and—


Name: Sanjoy Tempest

Species: Devil

Title: "Low-class Devil"

Magic: 〈Devil Magic〉

Unique Skills:

Great Sage:

Hasten Thought: Boosts perception speed by a thousand times.

Analyze and Analyzes and assesses the target.


Parallel Operation: Operates on any matter you wish to analyze, separating it from the regular thought process.

Cast Cancel: Annuls the casting period required when using magic, et cetera.

All of Creation: Provides full coverage of all unsuppressed matter and phenomena in this world.
Predation: Takes the target into your body. Lesser chance of success if the target has its own consciousness. Can be targeted on organic and
inorganic objects, as well as skills and magic.

Analysis: Analyzes and researches targets taken into your body. Lets you create craftable items. If the required materials are present, allows you
to make a copy of the item. Successful Analysis of the casting method allows you to learn the target’s skills and magic.

Stomach: Stores the Predated target. Can also store materials created via Analysis. Items stored in your stomach are unaffected by time.

Mimicry: Reproduces the form and skills of absorbed targets. Only available once the target has been Analyzed.

Isolate: Stores harmful effects incapable of being analyzed, neutralizing them and breaking them down into magical force.

Normal Skills...

. 『Steel Strength』『Gravity Manipulation』『Lightening Manipulation』

Resistances: Resist Temperature, Resist Melee Attack, Resist Piercing Weapon

I blinked at the information just provided to me. My brain had stopped working and all I could do was waive my baby hands in shock.

'What the fuck!' was my first thought.

I had gamer like powers…I had fucking super powers.

'I have Superpowers….' I laid there in a daze before a smile slowly appeared that threatened to split my face in two. 'Holy Shit…..I have

"Hehe.." I chuckled. "hehehehe.." I laughed some more. "Hahahahahahahahha!" Until I was laughing my heart out into the night.

Ask Sanjoy and he'll tell you it was a laugh of triumph and manly celebration. Ask his parents and they'll tell you the house was filled with the bell
like laughter of an incredibly happy child.


Six Years Later

A Seven year old boy could be seen carrying a large bucket of clothes as he hummed to himself.

My name is Sanjoy Tempest, son of Emily and Tyler Tempest. It had been seven years that I had been reincarnated into this world.

Life had been good so far.

I mean I don't have any complaints; my life is as chill as it can get.

I even got a job at five year old, I always wanted a job, that’s one tick on my bucket list. I work under Miss Grayfia who is the head maid and
queen of Sirzechs Lucifer. But they aren't married and aren't even lovers which confused the hell out of me. But I have a theory, it may sound
supid but can totally happen alright.

I think in the future they got drunk and had a one night stand and Grayfia got knocked ad then they had to get married.

Or maybe I'm in an altered version of DxD…yeah that’s all I came up with.

Sirzechs even has a girlfriend and I must say she is a beauty. She is Rivia Abaddon, the current head of Abaddon family who is a knockout beauty
but I haven't seen her in DxD. So maybe she dies in the future which I hope doesn't happen because she is nice to me and my family even though
we are low class devils with no status.

As for my powers? Well I was wrong I didn't have gamer ability but a skill or an ability which could be described as a super computer doing
10000 calculations a second and which even boosts my perception. Great Sage is one of the best ability I think there is.

While it may not be a highly destructive ability like power of destruction but it makes up with other abilities it has.

It can analyze and access any magic or ability out there and can replicate it. Now you must be thinking it's Op, right?

But it's not, let me give you an example. Bot Rias and Sirzechs had the same ability but Rias couldn't even handle a candle to Sirzechs Gremory in
raw power or even her cousin Sairaorg Bael who doesn't even have the ability.
That’s right, having lot of abilities will make you versatile but not powerful;. It just doesn't work that way. If it worked that way wouldn't a
magician with 1000 spells could wipe the floor with Satans?

At the end it was all about how much power does your engine has.

My demonic power level has already risen to mid-class devil at 7 year old which is a surprise to everyone because it is rare even among high class

Within a few years I will have high class demonic energy and had asked Great Sage why were my energy levels rising rapidly compared to other
low class devils?

Answer was predation.

The Predator ability is the reason behind it. Whenever I had time I would go hunting in the hunting area and would devour demonic beasts them
after hunting them.

There demonic power and skills become my energy and my skills. So, in simple words, I'm not born as a talented prodigy but I have skills that can
help me close the gap.

I have managed to absorb quite a few monsters in this forest. Let’s go over the skills I acquired in the past.

Black snake: Poisonous Breath, Sense Heat Source

Centipede: Paralyzing Breath

Big spider: Sticky Thread, Steel Thread

Vampire bat: Drain, Ultrasonic Wave

Shelled lizard: Body Armor

Yes I'm spider-man and my webbing is much stronger than his, 'fufu'.

I can also manipulate gravity around me and also it enables me to float in the air naturally without the use of wings, though using it in
combination with gravity-manipulating wings or devil wings can enhance the flight speed significantly.

I can't wait to go Shinra Tensei on someone's ass. Really man, I'm a big fan of Naruto and I always wanted to do that. It's just so cool and I know
you bastards out there are jealous of me.
"Sanjoy! Can you stop doing your evil laugh and get to work."

I froze at the voice before turning towards the head maid who is a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-
length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids
and red eyes.

I bowed to her, "S-Sorry Grayfia-sama. I will get to it."

With that I high tailed from there before she can scold me more.

If he had looked back, he would have seen a small smile on her face as she watched him go.

The sun was high in the sky shining over the Underworld in its ever encompassing warm glow. On the hill overlooking it all sat a young boy, who
couldn't be another older than 8. He had short spiky black hair, a thin but not overly so physique, with a sharp face. The boy had beautiful red
eyes and his eye shined with intelligence and wisdom far older than his years allowed.

'Yeah that sounds about right.' I took a deep breath as I relaxed on a stump over the clearing. Two bags rested next to me and if one were take a
look inside they would find the dozen or so bodies of game I hunted today, from rabbits to hares and even some foxes.. The only reason I wasn't
hunting white deer today was because I hunted 5 yesterday and which mom had already preserved.

My mother didn't like I went hunting by myself but after she saw what I can do, she hesitantly allowed.

We weren't rich alright and so I did what I could do help them as I ate for 10-15 people. Normally after predating the monsters or animals, I
wasn't hungry anymore and I brought home many delicacies which my dad and mom liked.

'This should be enough for today.' I looked over my game and decided that I hunted enough

"Time to go bac-oh?" I noticed a lone boar in the distance about 50 meters or so from my position. This boar was big and fat, it's probably been
living across the river where the majority of hunters don't go because it's too much of a hassle to get around.

Not questioning how the boar got past the deep river I quickly chose my next course of action.

"Well, since God 'OUCH' so graciously gave me this opportunity I'd be stupid to waste it." I winced a little as saying god's name really hurt but the
habits don't die of so easily. I reached into the bag full of metal pellets and took one out.
I held my hand in the shape of a gun with my index finger pointed towards the head of the boar, a red lightning bolt started to form at the tip
before I took the aim and.

"Annnddd…..bang." Firing the bolt towards the stationary boar, It instantly became a blur and soft shrieking sound was heard as it travelled
through the air. The boar, hearing the sound, turned towards the source but it was too late to dodge. The bolt pierced the boar's forehead,
shredding its brain, and then proceeded to shoot right out the back of its head falling to the ground. The boar, dying instantly, swayed for a
second before falling sideways into the grass.

"Bull's-eye." I smiled at my accuracy

Getting to my feet I grabbed both bags walked over to the boar's corpse, quickly giving thanks, and began skinning the animal.

"Urghh…I still get a bit squeamish when it comes to this." My face scrunched up when I opened the boar's belly to bleed it out. Let it be known
that no matter how much experience you have cutting up meat in your kitchen it pales in comparison to hunting down your dinner and skinning
it personally. I threw up the first time I brought home a kill and skinned it.

'It was a freaking rabbit too of all things.' I blushed at the less than stellar memory. 'Dad couldn't stop laughing after that.' I smiled remembering
how mom proceeded to kick dad's ass for laughing so hard.

"ha…hahaha… worth it." Was what my dad said after the beating.

Fond memory aside, after bleeding the boar I picked it up and carried it to the river to clean it. Digging out the internal organs (keeping the heart
and kidneys) I thoroughly washed the inside of the boar and stored in storage dimension along with the bags. I loved how easily devils could use
magic through imagination.

I looked towards the direction of my home, I thought for a second making sure I didn't forget anything I poured lightening into my body and took
off into a sprint. I didn't use wings to fly as I wanted to use my lightening ability as much as I can and I realised the more I used the better I got.
The surroundings in my vision moved quickly, like I was inside a car driving fast and after running a path that would take a normal person 30
minutes to complete in 5, I made it back home. Walking up to my house, sweating up a storm from what can be considered my daily run, I tried
to open the door but my mom beat me to it.

"Welcome home!" My mom gave me a crushing hug ignoring my sweat to which I smiled and responded "I'm home."

"Did you have a good hunt?" I opened my dimension space to bring it out.

"Ooohhh!" Emily's eyes lit up to the fat boar on her lawn and after looking over it once she turned and started checking me for injuries.
"Mom I'm fine." I gave a wry but refreshing smile to my mother's actions. 'I'm been hunting for 3 years already, she worries too much.'

"Just making sure. Lord knows you'd get injured and then you'd try to hide it so I wouldn't worry." Emily gave a very reasonable argument that
sounds exactly like something I would do.

"I'd tell you." Not that I'd ever say that out loud

Giving a 'humph' to my bare faced lie Emily grabbed my bag while I heaved the boar that was twice my size up to the kitchen's skinning table
(Dad made it when I brought back my first white deer). While I cut up the small game my mom got to work on the boar; she was better at it
anyway. Applying sharpness to the dull kitchen knife to make it sharper, I cut the meat of the small animals while thinking about the past 8
years. When I found out that I all these abilities that night I practically smiled for the better part of a month. I had a freaking semi gamer ability
or whatever you wanna call it and a good one if all the things I could do with it was evidence. Manipulate Lightning was an impressive ability that
I can use to increased my speed, agility and even destructive ability depending on how much I was currently using. Steel body strengthened my
strength to a new level. Using Predation I can amplifying the performance of any tools from a knife (making it sharper) to a make anything
broken as good as new after I had analyzed it. Of course I couldn't do all these things at first and it took a lot of practice, a lot of it painful, before
I got to this point. The large amount of demonic power I had now was thanks me to using my abilities every day and exercising them like a
muscle. Though it came with the side effect that I got incredibly hungry after using too much demonic power and I soon started eating my weight
in food. It was the reason I started hunting in the first place. I haven't gotten into any hardcore training yet mainly because I was too young and
that would only stunt my growth later on, demonic energy or otherwise.

'But man that is one creepy coincidence.' I looked down the knife I was cutting with and into its reflective surface. Looking back was a handsome
baby face with an equally handsome stare (Hey, I was a handsome man in my previous life, my mom and sis said it). It looked identical to my face
in my past life. Then again my father's features were vaguely similar to my old dad.

"I'm home!" Dad came home

"Welcome home." I gave my dad a man hug (well his waist anyway since that's all I can reach) before he turned towards my mom.

"I'm back."

"I can see that."

Dad hit a cold wall. His smile never left his face though as he crept forward.

"Are you still upset?"

A bang was heard as mom cut the meat much harder now. Yeah she was upset. Apparently, Dad forgot their anniversary and this was the first
time it's ever happened so she's not taking it well.

"I didn't forget Emily."

"Humph!" She didn't believe him

Sitting down on the side to watch the love comedy unfold, I started wishing I had some popcorn.

"Really. It just took longer to make than I thought it would." Then Tyler walked into the next room

"…" Emily looked at where Tyler went and slowly tilted her head to peek. She quickly turned back to the chopping board when she heard him
coming back. He wheeled something into the kitchen. It was a necklace well an expensive one.

"…" Mom was silent for a different reason now

Dad apparently had started to save money to but my mother that necklace that she had liked it when we went to the shop. But being a nice
mother that she was she didn't say she needed it but her eyes told different story. That was months ago.

'5 points to house Dad.' I idly thought

Mom walked up to him and started looking the necklace over before taking it in her hand. They worked quite well. She turned to face Tyler; his
goofy smile ever present on his face.

"…I'm sorry." Emily blushed at her earlier behavior

"It's fine." Tyler didn't really care

They looked at each other for a second before kissing.

"No, I'll make it up to you." Emily added after separating

"Oh really?" Tyler's smiled changed. "Cause I have an idea on how you can mend my wounded heart."

"Humph, what heart?" Emily snorted at his act before smiling and pressing herself against Tyler.

The tender kiss from before was gone and now they were practically trying to suck each other's mouths off. Tyler lifted Emily so she was sitting
on the weaving table and she in turn started fondling Tyler all over. Articles of clothing started coming off and things started to get more and
more heated to the point…..where they completely forgot that I was still in the room.
Watching my mom and dad go at it (and seeing that they weren't planning on stopping) I calmly got up, walked through the side door leading
outside, and did what any logical person would do when they see their parent's love comedy turn R-rated. Pour as much lightening as
superhumanly possible into my legs and run like hell till dinner. They weren't finished by dinner.

4 Years Later

A loud cluster of noises could be heard within a large wooden house on the out skirts of town, muffled groans and huffs could be heard from
within a large room as an old man and young boy faced each other with practice swords in their hands.

"Haa!" The boy lunged at the older man, sword aiming for his throat.

The old man nimbly side stepped the attack and countered with a low sword swipe to the boy's chest. The boy blocked the attack and then
responded with a sword swipe of his own. It continued this way for awhile, they would swipe, thrust, or chop at each other trying to land a hit.
Only difference being was that while the old man kept calm the younger man was getting increasingly agitated and finally made a mistake taking
a blow to the side of his head.

"Dead." The old man said in a jolly voice that did not fit his stern looking face

"Damn it." I said softly before thanking the old man for another sword lesson

"Don't mention it kid, you being here makes this old man feel young again hahaha." The old man said

"There also the fact I give you free food." I added with a cheeky smile

"Hehe, that too." The old man, known as Hakurou, who was a low class devil replied and went to sit down as I put away the practice swords and
went to clean his house a little.

Watching Sanjoy work, old man Hakurou couldn't help feeling nostalgic but also bitter. His son died in the civil war and he didn't leave behind a
child with Hakurou's wife dying long ago.

Watching Sanjoy move about was making him consider adoption but he knew he was getting weaker and couldn't take care of a child. Hakurou
could only sigh in sadness knowing he was never going to see his own grandchildren.

'Poor guy.' I had to give it to the old man, he had no family left and he can still be so jolly all the time. This moment of lament was actually rare
and few.
I met him while I was chasing a swallow dashing past anything that came in my view but that damn swallow ran at unimaginable speed who I
had been trying to catch for two year. But my speed had increased to another level. Running after the swallow I had crashed into a fence
because I couldn't turn fast enough. Hakurou lived in the outside area of the Gremory estate near the forest side and I hadn't known that there
would be fence, so I had broken past it and had landed face first before him where he was sitting on the porch looking at me amused and a little
shocked as a kid my age couldn't have this much speed. I had bowed to him in apology.

But he had waved it off and had even invited me inside his house for a talk which had confused me but I accepted the offer. It was through this
that I was able to find out Hakurou's name and how he used to be traveling swordsman but settled here when he met the love of his life and
really he was quite skilled with the sword. He was a reincarnated devil who was a human who had fell in love with a low class devil but Hakurou
was already 50 when he was converted and that was why he got weaker even after being a devil but he still was 1000 years older. I had made
him an offer, He teaches me how to use a sword and I'll personally hunt large game for him twice a week and cook for him. Hakurou, finding no
problem with it, agreed and that was that.

"Alright old man I'll be off now." I chose to call it a day

"Hold on." Hakurou stopped me and headed to the back of his house

Waiting a bit for Hakurou to get back, he returned with two long wooden boxes. Setting them down on the table he proceeded to open one
revealing a one handed steel sword that looked really sharp and expensive.

"Wow….it's impressive." I gave my honest opinion. "This doesn't happen to be the part where you say I'm your greatest student and want me to
continue your life's goal to reach the pinnacle of the sword?"

"Like hell." Hakurou responded with a loud snort

"Yeah I figured as much." I wasn't bothered by that though. "So why are you showing me this?" I had to ask

"It's a prize." He simply said

'Okay now I'm really not following.' I was getting more confused but I didn't wait long before Hakurou explained himself.

"Your quick with a sword kid, your no genius but you definitely have what it takes to get far." Hakurou gave his assessment of my talent with the
sword and it was his honest to God opinion. Two years of working with me and he's only ever received dedication, patience, and respect (most
of the time). I wasn't spectacular with the sword like some of his students were back in the day but I was good. So he chose to reward me for his
efforts and dangle a future prize for further incentive. Hakurou opened the other box and a less expensive but still nice looking steel sword was
shown. "This is yours."
Quirking a brow, I looked down at the sword in the box and slowly grasped the handle and pulled it up. 'Good balance. Is this a shark skin
handle? Nice.' I placed my pointer finger along the edge. 'It's sharp!' I bled immediately but my self-regeneration kicked in (Which I had gotten
after linking Great Sage with Predator, what it does is, any injured part would be predated, analyzed and repaired. Talk about having an
awesome ability) and it was quickly healed the next second. "It's a good sword. Whose is it?" I noticed the wear on the grip and assumed it was
used a lot before.

"It was my son's." was Hakurou's answer

Eyes widening I quickly placed the sword back in the box and pushed it towards Hakurou. "I can't take this old man."

"Yes you will." He pushed the box right back


"Oh using my name now are you?" Hakurou chuckled at my reaction before picking the box up and shoving it into my chest. "I want you to have
this kid. I know my son wouldn't want it collecting dust in some old man's closet. So just take it, as a favor for me okay?"

I had no words. I looked down at the box and back at the smiling Hakurou before steeling my resolve. "I'll use it well." Conviction laced in every

"You better or I'll hunt you down personally you hear?" Hakurou gave a hearty laugh

Sanjoy's talent wasn't the only reason Hakurou gave him his son's sword, it was also because of his kindness. Many times Sanjoy would come
over and help clean his house, or give him food his mother made, or just to talk and he would patiently listen to the old man go on and on about
the battles he's been a part of and the adventures he's had. Hakurou has even been invited over for dinner and Sanjoy introduced Hakurou to his
parents. It was one of the better evenings Hakurou has had in a long time even when Sanjoy and his father, Tyler, had to hold back his mother
after he was introduced as his swordsmanship instructor. 'How dare you corrupt my innocent son by teaching him to use such evil things!' That
memory brought a small smile to the aged face.

"Alright, now get out because I don't know about you but this old man needs his sleep."

"Wha-" Hakurou gave me the sword's sheath and started pushing me out the door.

"Wait! Hold on I still need t-" I was already out the house and Hakurou was closing the door.

"See you Monday kid." The door shut with that

Left outside I stared at the door, than at the box in my hand, then back at the door. Soon collecting myself I gave a deep, respectful bow to
Hakurou's house and made the trek back home. The box in my hands containing the sword felt especially heavy even though I've easily carried
far heavier before. I never noticed the old man watching me walk away from his window, a fond smile on his face.

When I got home that day and showed the sword to my parents it took all my persuasive power and even my steel body skill to hold my mom
back from taking the sword to Hakurou's house and shoving it where the sun don't shine.

"He's corrupting your young mind I'm telling you! Swords are evil you hear me!? Evil!" My mom really didn't like swords she absolutely loathed
fighting even though she was a devil and my dad was too busy laughing his ass off to be of any help.

I slept with the sword next to me that night; it was a particularly restful one.

1 Year Later

A young boy was standing in front of a large boulder with his hand pointed towards the stone as he concentrated.

If anyone was to see him now, they would saw the child had gone crazy or may be watched too much cartoon.


Suddenly the boulder before him fell into multiple pieces. Now there wasn't any visible weapon or even a magic circle, so how did it happen? If
you feel the mana in the air, you could sense multiple steel like threads dancing in the air. They were invisible to the naked eye and only through
mana sense you could see them.

I come here often to train my different abilities because no matter what you have if you haven't practiced, you will not get the results that you

Whenever I'm free I love to experiment with my skills and abilities. Currently I already have High class demonic energy levels at the the tender
age of 13 and my parents couldn't have been proud.

Even Grayfia-sama and Venelana-sama had congratulated me. Even the little toothless Rias had hugged me and wished me.

Rias was a little spitfire, always full of energy and spirit. I mean I would normally book the way out whenever I saw her looking for me. Please
don't get me wrong, I love the kid but even I have limit. I can't watch 5-6 hours of childish cartoon.
I tensed up, trying to imagine the strength circulating through my body. I could feel something moving within—the mana my companion, Great
Sage was talking about. I hadn’t been conscious of it before, but it looked as though I could adjust the force by how much I tensed up. Before,
long I was controlling the magic dancing around in it. I was exercising my magical muscles, and the particles around me were reacting. It came to
me surprisingly quickly.

Whoa. Maybe this actually was easy. Maybe I was more sensitive to the magic I absorbed now that I was conscious of the way I lived off it.

I could sense them hanging in the air, riding air currents, moving around—all sorts of sensations.

Let’s ask the Sage about this.

Confirmed. Extra skill “Magic Sense”…successfully acquired. Use the extra skill Magic Sense?



Huh? It was that easy?

Well, sure—yes, then… Man, talk about a rock I can rely on!

The moment I invoked Magic Sense, my brain was filled with new information. A massive amount, something my human brain never could’ve
processed—the waves of light and sound pushing every single tiny particle around—and I processed it all, converting it into perceptible data.

The thing about human eyesight is that it doesn’t give you even a 180-degree view of what’s in front of you. Now, all of a sudden, I could “see” a
full 360 degrees around myself. The shadows of the rocks around me, the views hundreds of meters away—the moment I turned my attention
to it, I could figure out what it was. If I were still human, all this perception data probably would’ve fried my brain circuits. But now I was a devil.
My cells could provide muscle just as easily as brain power.

So somehow or other, I withstood the torrent of information. Then—

Synchronizing extra skill Magic Sense with unique skill Great Sage… Successful. All information will now be managed by Great Sage.

Suddenly, my vision opened up. The brain-searing sensation from before was gone, and then I could see—so clearly that it was a wonder I wasn’t
able to do it before. Something told me that having the Sage at my side was almost cheating. It wouldn’t be going too far to put it that way. If
someone else had it, I’d probably bitch that it was against the rules. Since I had it, though… No problem.

Oh, I think I’ve got it. Thank you very much! I said to Great Sage.
20 Minutes Later

'Something's wrong…' There were no animals. Not just that, there were no insects' or birds either. 'But I just sensed a ton of them awhile ago,
what happened?' Ever since I started walking east the activity of the forest just kept dropping until I couldn't feel any life at all, beside the trees
and foliage. I noticed the steady decline but I assumed it was just because I was passing by the local hunting area, large groups of animals
typically avoided this area after so much hunting was done here, but even after passing the hunting zone activity didn't pick up.

"I don't like this." I was getting a little freaked out but I was also curious so I activated Magic Sense and that's when I found "It". Here's the thing,
with Magic Sense I could see the life of any living creature in a 1 kilometer radius but that's when I'm consciously doing it. My passive range
that's always up and alerts me to life is about 80 meters…...and the "It" was standing 100 meters away, right outside my passive range. Slowly
turning towards the unknown being I finally got a good look and my eyes widened. Slowly getting my guard up as the "It" walked towards me I
had an idea of what I was looking at. I only had one response.


It was a black Direwolf with two horns sticking out of his head.

It was big, black direwolf with two horns and no, I wasn't trying to be funny.

This thing was massive. Just by walking I could feel the ground quake with every step it took and when it got closer I could see the muscle it was
packing, that wasn't just really thick fur. Its eyes shined with creepy red light that didn't belong on any normal wolf and it had a fucking tail that
looked like had scales on it. Just what the fuck?

'What deep, dark, holy hell did you crawl out of?' This thing was a freak of nature...not that I had any right to talk but still.

I had to hold back a wince after probing it with Magic Sense. It was overflowing with life energy.

This thing was at least 6 meters long, easily 3 meters high, and God knows how heavy (the quakes it was making said enough).

The Direwolf and I looked at each other, neither moving as if to wait for the other do something. Seeing nothing was happening I started it off.

"Wonderful weather we're hav-" The Direwolf lunged at me far faster then something that size should move. Quickly applying lightening magic
to enhance my speed I side stepped the attack and the beast landed where I was and its sheer weight cause a huge crater easily 10 meters wide.
I gulped hard. 'I'm really glad I listened to my instincts telling me not run. That starting speed is unreal.'

"Woah!" I ducked under a swipe from its claws and then rolled to the side as another tried to flatten me.
Everywhere the claws landed destruction was the result. A tree shattered there, a boulder pulverized there; even attacks that landed on the
ground left huge claws marks. I constantly kept moving, just one hit lands on me even with predation and I'll be in bad shape. After a particularly
heavy attack landed and missed I saw an opportunity. I unsheathed my sword ,applying lightening, leaped over the follow up attack and made a
deep cut on the Direwolf's shoulders…that bleed for 2 seconds before its muscle closed up, stopping the bleeding.

"Oh you've got to me kidding me!" The Direwolf seemly enraged from the cut leaped at me and the battle continued. We kept moving (well I
kept dodging) and the surroundings quickly became different and the battle started heating up. It was easy at first, wait, dodge, attack. I
assumed that enough cuts and it will eventually bleed out even with all its muscle. He underestimated the Direwolf's intelligence. After giving it a
particularly bad cut on its leg that it couldn't fully close up it gave an enraged attack, but it was actually a feint and I fell for it. I was rewarded
with deep claw shaped wounds on my shoulder.

Great Sage went to run damage control. He healed what he could but it became harder to dodge and the Direwolf knew that if the increased
speed with its attacks were any indicator. It was an uphill battle from there. I continued slashing the beast with my sword leaving countless
bloody marks on its body but the bastard was healing faster than I thought.

"Oh fuck you!" Leaning back as the Direwolf tried to bite my head off I poured a large amount of lightening into my sword's tip and pierced the
top of the Direwolf's head. It stopped short of its skull and the sword got lodged in its steel like muscles.

'Okay now that's just ridiculous.' I lamented as the Direwolf reared its head back and staying true to Hakurou's teachings when the sword went
up, since it was firmly stuck in the bears head, I was taken along for the ride as I refused to let go. Flipping over I found myself on top of the
Direwolf's bloodied back and tried to pull out the sword to no avail but then I sent lightening through the sword to his inside to roast him from
inside. The beast howled in pain before his tail swatted me like a bug.

Right into the cold river and I quickly swam out.

'We were nowhere near a river when this started!' I took a big gulp of air as I rested for a second, the cold water waking up my hazy mind.
Direwolf jumped into the river causing rocks, water, and dirt to fly in every direction on its landing forcing me to shield myself from the debris.
Before I could dodge it rammed into me sending flying through multiple trees and making me leave a long dirt trail. Nothing broke thanks to
resist melee attack and steel body but I didn't like getting swatted like a bug. Gritting my teeth I looked up at the Direwolf as it strutted over
nonchalantly to me, the look on its bloodied face showed arrogance, pride, and…disdain. All directed at me.

"Oh hell no." Rage building up inside, I let sticky steel webs fly around before they wrapped around him, holding him in one place.

They pierced his skin but couldn't cut through his muscles. But this one enough for me and it gave me enough time to channel lightening through
the wires. The wolf held on for a minute before his eyes rolled back in his head. I walked toward him as he hung from the webs.
'And it was kicking my ass.' Giving a wry smile I proceeded to shred the Direwolf's brain with a lightening enhanced blade, ending its life and
winning this death match.

"40 percent…" That's how much of my heath decreased. I just looked down at the Direwolf and saw its bloodied eyes staring up into mine.

"Heh…seems I was the bigger freak…" I said as I looked at the downed form of the wolf.


It was devoured without a trace.



"Sanjoy, play with me!" Said a ten year old, incredibly cheerful and happy Rias Gremory as she stood behind Sanjoy, the boy she claimed to be
her best friend, with a lot of toys in her arms.

"Alright then, Rias-sama…" Sanjoy nodded his head and closed the book he was reading, standing up from the bench he was sitting on and
turned around to face Rias, who then smiled brightly and dropped down to her knees on the lush grass of Gremory Residence's garden "How's
your day, Rias-sama?" Sanjoy asked with a small smile as he sat down in front of Rias and picked up one of her toys, an action figure of an anime

"School is boring~…" Rias moaned loudly "They taught things I already know… and Raiser is trying to be mean to me again." Like all young devils
with high status, Rias got tutored at home from the age of four and since the girl was quite a genius herself, it didn't take Rias long to memorize
anything that she was taught, making school really easy for her. However, she still went to school just like any children when she's ten year old.
It was a school for rich kids like her, with better quality than the school Sanjoy went to but that was beside the point.

Ever since Sanjoy saved Rias from Raiser Phenex and his minions and showed Rias something that could get a child her age really excited, she
had taken a liking to him and demanded Sanjoy to come to her home every time he's free to play with her. When he refused, because he would
like to stay at home during that time to read books and train, she turned to her parents, who she asked to hire him as her friend for real and
then to his parents, who were asked to bring Sanjoy to her home so the two of them could play. The parents agreed right away, with the Lord
and Lady of Gremory Household thought that it might be a good thing if their daughter had a friend who didn't come from high-status
household, not to mention that he's also the son of their most trusted servants (Emily's Venelana Gremory's personal maid, while Tyler's
Zeoticus Gremory's favorite chef, who taught him many useful tips in cooking). Sanjoy's parents thought the same and believed that Sanjoy
should have more friends than none at all, since their son kept his attention in training and always kept going into dangerous forest (Which only
his mother had a problem about ). Plus, it was Rias Gremory, they were talking about. She was the beloved daughter of their lord and lady, any
servants would love to have an opportunity like that.

He didn't know how to entertain a ten year old child like Rias but he tried his best atleast. He also spent his time at Gremory Residence to explain
to Rias anything that she couldn't understand, from the random everyday things to the things her tutor and school taught her. In a way, it's like
she had become his little sister, and he cared for her like a big brother. However, dealing with her was completely different story, it took a lot
from him just to keep the usual energetic crimson haired princess from becoming overexcited sometime.
"I see… did he do anything to you?" Raiser was seven years older than Rias, so he was seventeen years-old then. Even though he had Rias as his
fiancés, that douche made quite a reputation for being a playboy at school, even Sanjoy knew about it from the girls of his class when they
gossiped to each other about the third son of Phenex Household. Overall, from what he heard from Rias, her fiancés viewed her nothing more
than a cute face, and the only reason for him to pay any attention to Rias was because he thought she was going to grow up into an extremely
busty woman. For someone who lived in fairy tales about growing up and marrying a knight in shining armor like Rias, it could be quite annoyed
and frustrated, and she had come to hate Raiser from the moment the two of them met, and their marriage engagement was declared.

"Of course," Rias pouted but then smiled brightly, making a twisting movement with her hands "But when he tried to grab me, I did that super
cool trick you taught me and threw Raiser onto the ground. His face was absolutely priceless."

"I see…" Sanjoy smiled and nodded his head "Good to know then Rias-sama." It was just a simple move Sanjoy taught Rias to defend herself,
since in his opinion no matter what age they were, girls must know how to protect themselves.

"Sanjoy, can you teach me something else?" Rias asked, her eyes sparkled with excitement "I want to kick Raiser's butt every time he tried to
approach me."

"I don't think it's a good idea Rias-sama." Sanjoy shook her head, making Rias pout "Your parent won't be happy when they learn that I'm
showing you dangerous thing. You don't want them to drive me away, do you?" Rias shook her head immediately "Let's just stick with that wrist
twisting move for now, when you're older I will teach you something more effective."

"Like the sticky web thingy?"

"Like the sticky web thingy." Sanjoy repeated, but it was not a question.

"Yay!" Rias threw her hands into the air and cheered before reaching into her toys and pulled out a box of Lego "Also, I bought this yesterday,
how about we build a house together?" Rias asked and poured the tiny pieces of Lego out of the box.

"Behind you, Rias-sama." Sanjoy said and picked up a few pieces. The two of them worked rather quick, because in only five minutes the first
two floors was finished. The game they were playing was pretty famous amount the young devils of the Underworld, because the box could
provide a nearly endless supply of Lego pieces for them to build anything they wanted, as long as they were recorded in the pieces' memory,
because one single piece that was out of place or different that the original, the entire structure would fall into pieces and they would have to do
it all over again. It was a pretty complicated game for children Rias' age, but she handled it rather well since they had decided to build Lilith
Castle, her brother's palace at Lilith, the capital of Underworld.
"There done." Sanjoy nodded his head and smiled when he put the last piece onto the highest tower "Good work Rias-sama." He got off the
castle and jumped down to the ground. The model itself was bigger than the two of them put together, and with Sanjoy's meticulously hand, it's
also extremely detailed.

"Yay!" the girl cheered.

"Rias-ojou sama," They both looked up and saw Emily, Sanjoy's mother, wearing the black, white and crimson uniform for maids of Gremory
Household, bowing her head to Rias before turning to Sanjoy "Sanjoy." She smiled at her son.

"Hey mom." Sanjoy smiled back at her.

"Look look, Emily… we built this together." The crimson heiress said while pointing both of her hands to the castle, jumping up and down
excitedly "It's beautiful and great, right? right?"

"Yes Ojou-sama, it's very beautiful" Emily smiled at the girl before saying "Anyway, ojou-sama, I'm here to tell you that your tutor has arrived
and it's time for you to study."

"Eh?" Rias whined "But I want to play with Sanjoy more, can you skip it for me just today please?" Rias asked with a smile, putting both of her
hands together.

"I'm sorry Ojou-sama, but I can't…" Rias huffed and turned her head away, refusing to leave. Emily sighed and turned to her son for help,
because the little mistress of Gremory Household could be really stubborn sometime.

"Rias-sama, you should go." Sanjoy decided to speak up "It's not wise to skip your lesson."

"But I want to play with you more…" Rias whined, refusing to leave, since she was having so much fun with her new friends. The crimson haired
girl then got a brilliant idea, as she grinned at Sanjoy "How about Sanjoy join me to? I'm sure that miss Jenna won't mind."

"But I have school in a few hours, Rias-sama." Rias pouted, with her cheeks puffed up cutely and crossed her arms on her chest "Sigh…" the girl
could be quite stubborn sometime, nonetheless "Rias-sama." Sanjoy raised his hand, and the moment Rias turned her head back to him, he
poked her on her forehead, much to her surprise "I'm sorry, but let leave this for now… next time, alright?"

"Mou~… stop poking me, Sanjoy. It isn't fun at all." Rias whined, holding her head with her hand but nodded nonetheless, with a smile because
she got something to look forward to. "Next time." And she followed Emily into the house, after waving goodbye to the black haired boy.
2 Year Later

"982…983…984…985." A shirtless young man was currently doing push-ups in a grass clearing, a large boulder easily weighing 2 tons resting on
his back as he went up and down. The irony of doing such anime style training was not lost on the young man but weights this heavy he couldn't
find anywhere and the training facilities were too expensive and he didn't want to depend on his cousin or family.

So he made do with what he could find.

"…1,000." Exhaling deeply, I shrugged the heavy boulder off stretching as I stood up, my back making gross but refreshing popping sounds.

"That's the stuff." I gave a sigh of contentment as my workout for the day was done, my body aching all over as I did training no normal man
should ever try. Running 5 miles on end and back with a boulder tied to my back, 1,000 squats, pushups, sits up, and 1 hour planks with an even
heavier boulder on my back.

Then I would tie a heavy stone to my back and try climbing the upward hill with just bare hands anime style and also I would do shoulder ups
with a heavy stone in order to increase the strength in my shoulders, spine, forearms and hands. I did the latter two exercises in order to
increase the strength behind the swing of my sword. Because after getting it stuck in the wolf and not being able to do anything than just give
him some cuts…made me feel a hell weaker. I finally started getting into some heavy duty training after healing from the fight with the Direwolf
2 year ago.

I went into the bathroom and took off my clothes to take a quick bath. After taking a hot bath, I quickly wrapping a towel around my waist, and I
went to my room. As I looked in the mirror I started making poses in front of the reflective surface and admired the way my muscle's bulged. I
didn't have a body builder's physique but more of an Olympic runner's body or maybe a martial artist. Even though I had good amount of
muscles they didn't look bad as I was 5'9" and because of them I didn't look as much lanky as I would have looked with clothes on as I used to
when I started. 'I don't know if it's because I always use Ki or because of my training routine but honestly, I can't bring myself to care.' I
continued admiring my body in a very narcissistic way. What can I say I was a fitness freak in my previous life and now I could see the results
without the limitations of human body. I only turned when I felt a life force near the door. My mom was looking at me doing poses with a bored
look in her eyes. She wasn't impressed.

"Are you having fun?" was all she asked.

I stared at my mom as I stood frozen in the last pose I was doing. I blinked. I blinked again. Then turned back to the mirror and continued making
poses. "Good morning mother."

"Good morning...are you not going to stop?"

"Is it so wrong for a man to admire his body that he put great effort into?"

"No, it's not." Emily started rubbing her temple. "That is if said person doesn't do it every damn morning!" I had to blush a little at that but come
on, I was a God!

My mom promptly kicked me out the bathroom to take her own bath and I only rolled my eyes finding nothing wrong with what I did. In my
previous life I did it even more, well because no one was there to stop me but still.

I went to my room and put on some clothes. Hakurou was in the living room when he came out and my dad was happy to have him around since
Hakurou helped him with any projects he had and I obviously didn't mind. My mom was the problem, she still didn't like swords.

"Sanjoy." Hakurou brought me back from my musings

"What?" I saw that he placed a wooden box on the table. I quickly put the pieces together and opened the box. The sharp and expensive looking
sword he showed me all those years ago was in front of me again.

"It's yours now." I looked at Hakurou after he said this

"But I haven't beaten you with a sword yet." Even after killing the Direwolf, in terms of sword handling I was still beat by the old man.

"I said it was a prize, I never specified what you needed to do to earn it." The old man explained. "And I think you've more than earned the
blade, especially if you plan to go out into the world."
I stared at the sword, its shiny steel surface reflecting the light in a way that was quite pleasing to the eye. I was ecstatic, this was a quality sword
and I had no complaints...until I saw the first sword the old man gave me laying on the side. Picking up the sword I used against the Direwolf, I
calmly made a decision.

"No thanks." My voice didn't waver

Hakurou only smiled and asked. "Why?"

"I'm not done with this sword yet. I'd like to keep using it if it's all the same to you." I liked it. It did its job and it did it well. There was also some
sentimentality attached to it too, so there was that. From the satisfied look on Hakurou's face he was proud of my decision.

"Hahaha, good choice kid. Damn good choice." He closed the box and put it to the side.

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