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It was just your typical kind of life. Well I didn't graduate from college, so not your typical life. I was your typical struggling
actor. I had been in the industry for 6 years but wasn't getting anywhere nor had my big break yet.

I had worked with in a movie, done theatre shows and stuff but was not where I wanted to be.

Now you must be asking how did I even got here in the first place? Well I was a fitness freak who had worked out
physically most of his life and who had a physique that anyone would love to have. Then combine that with a handsome face
and height 195 centimeters and you get a perfect looking man.

Because of that whoever I met told I should try my hand in acting and I know it was stupid but hey I wasn't super smart or
anything. All I had ever known and done was fitness, martial arts and watching anime and I read a lot.

I loved anime because it was my source of motivation and inspiration as stupid as it may sound but watching a person like
Naruto suffering because of the bad hand he was dealt, made all my problems I had faced like a pat on the back.

That was why I loved it and also why I never knew how to quit or even for that matter what that even meant.

My parents were actually quite nice people who never called me a failure even though I wasn't doing much in my life. I was
still supported by them after all. My father never had the chance to pursue his dream so he believed that atleast I should do it.

I loved them to moon and back; same was with my sister who I loved more than anything in the world. She just was the
best older sister and you won't believe we never fought once. You just can't fight with her because she was that nice, if there
was an award for the best sister I would give it to her.

Right now I was enjoying all the myriad benefits of the bachelor-pad life. Age thirty. No significant other.

I looked to me side and a beautiful woman was waking beside me with her daughter who was around four I think. They
looked so happy, maybe one day I'll also…

I shook my head of depressing thoughts. I just didn't have time for love because I had so much to achieve. And furthermore
when it came to the opposite sex, apparently I wasn't the smartest person. Besides—really, at this age, I was kinda past the
point where a girlfriend needed to be my main focus. Work kept me busy enough. Plus, it wasn’t like I was gonna die without

…I’m not making excuses, all right? It’s just that I started thinking…


Screams. Chaos. What is—What’s going on?!

“Move! I’ll kill you!!”

I turned around to find a man sprinting toward me, a backpack in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other. I could hear
shrieking. He was coming my way. With a knife. A knife? And at the other end of it…

The moment I shoved the woman next to me aside, I felt a burning pain run across my back. My body balled up as it
collapsed to the ground, trying to withstand the shock. I couldn’t tell what had happened. I wanted to move, but I couldn’t.

“Get the hell outta my way!” the man shouted as he ran off. I watched him go and then checked to see how my companions
were. The woman and the child were unhurt. That was good. But, man, was my back hurting. Beyond anything I’d describe as

Did I… Did I just get stabbed?

So I’m gonna die from a stabbing? Holy crap…

Damn, this was starting to hurt, though…

I felt my vision swim, and fell backward.

Ouch, mother*** I think I broke my backbone…my spine…

Now that the pain was starting to fizzle out. Instead, I could feel my body was starting to lose any feeling. That… That’s
probably bad… I was losing control over my body, everything was becoming numb…
I tried to speak. And failed.

Shit. I think this might really be it… Like, the pain was pretty well gone by now. It was just numbness. I couldn't move my
hand or anything for that matter. I felt as if my energy had been zapped. I couldn't even gather a little bit of energy to move.

Who knew dying could keep you so damn busy?

I felt a current pass through my body as I started to realised that my body was locking up due to my heart not functioning
properly. Shit…

I wasn't even married and never went to honeymoon where you have all your fun if you know what I mean.

Imagine that. My manhood was probably crying its single eye out right then. Sorry I couldn’t do more for you. If there’s such
a thing as reincarnation, I’m gonna go on the attack next time—I promise. I’ll hit up everyone I see, stalking my prey before I go in
for the kill… Okay, not like that, but…

I mean, here I was, lookin’ at thirty without ever losing my virginity. Like an old sage meditating in the mountains. Another
few years, and I probably could’ve been the great sage of celibacy. Not the road I wanted to take in life, but there you go.

Before I could continue down that train of thought, however, I fell asleep.

Weird how death’s nowhere near as lonely as I thought it’d be.

That was the last thought I had on the mortal plane.

It was dark. Too dark to see anything. Where was I? What even happened, for that matter? Someone was picking on me for
being a celibate sage or something, and then…

That was enough to jump-start my mind again.

My name was Sanjoy Sandhu. Just another thirty-year-old struggler. And when I shoved my friend aside on the street,
some random maniac stabbed me. Good. I remembered all of that. Which meant I must be fine. No need for panic. That wasn’t
like me anyway. I was known for having a cool head. The last time I panicked, it was grade school and all I did was wet my
pants, just a little bit.

I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings and I found that I was in a cave?

A very disturbing looking cave; where some evil monsters lived.

A shiver went through my spine.

I slowly got to my feet and looked around before I froze.

Wasn't I stabbed?

Panicking, I checked to see whether I was hurt anywhere. I didn’t seem to be. Physically, I felt terrific. No cold, no heat—
perfectly comfortable. That, at least, came as a relief. But then I froze…

"W-Why is my body shorter than it was supposed to be?"

This was getting confusing. Like, whoa. Wait a sec. I needed some time to deal with this.

Whenever I start freaking out, I always find it helpful to sit still and start counting prime numbers until I calm down. Let’s
try that. One, two, three—

Wait, one doesn’t count as a prime number, does it?

Ugh… Now wasn’t the time for this. I couldn’t let myself think about this stupid crap. This was bad, wasn’t it? Like, what’s
going on, here?! Was I…like, returned to the past or something, because there was no way I was a 14 year-old brat again!
It just didn't make any sense.

An anxiety like none I’d ever felt before began welling up in my mind.

Am I…in a dream or something?

I was conscious, certainly, but this can't be true right?

Just then, I felt something brush against my body. Hmm? What’s that?

I searched the cave, I mean for anything but I didn't find a single thing, and after a few minutes there were a few
conclusions I could sensibly make.

First, I was no longer near India. That was a given by now. So did I really get stabbed to death? It didn’t seem like much of
an open question at this point. It’d also explain why I was resting in a cave instead of in a hospital room.

I was full of questions—by this point, none of them really mattered anymore. I had to think about what came next.

…Heavens! I used to be such a handsome, attractive man, and now I’m a child again!

…Yeah, right! You think I’d accept this just like that?!

I sighed I would just have to accept it, though. Accept the fact that I had been reborn into my younger self. The odds of such
a thing seemed astronomically low to me, but…

But I’d been reborn.


An Unexpected Ally

"Status!" I shouted as I prayed to the gods that I had been blessed with a gamer system.


"Status!" "Status!" "Status!"…

… Really what did I expect with my luck? I grumbled as I tried to find a way out of the cave. But everything was so dark in
the cave that it was becoming difficult to navigate. After half an hour of walking, it was starting to tire my child body. But then I
saw a very dim greenish blue light on the right side.

I hastened toward it without a care in the world. I mean when you have been in the cave without light for hours, you will
understand how does it feels. It wasn't about the dark, it was more about encountering something that would send me to after
life again. Thank you very much, once dying was enough, not gonna die the second time.

After reaching the corner, I turned right towards the source of light, only to curse every deity in the world. Fucking hell! It
was a glowing stone. Yeah you heard it right, it was a greenish blue glowing stone, though very pretty and looked expensive
and release—

wait. WAIT. Chottomatte. Une seconde. Hold the fucking phone

Did I see it right? I mean the stone was releasing a green aura like a mist and I was breathing the same air. I paled thinking
what if it was poisonous or something?

"Well…if it was I should have been dead by now or coughing blood or something, won't I?"

I mean I wasn't good in biology but I know, you atleast feel something bad happening to you if you are poisoned but I was
feeling the opposite…my body that was in pain few minutes back, was now in perfect condition. I truly felt like I could go on a
marathon right now.

"…but what if it is a drug? I mean I heard cocaine makes you quite energetic and somewhat aggressive, maybe it was the
same kind of thing…I should stay away from it, any sound person would do that, right?"

I nodded to myself, patting myself on the back for being so mature even in this condition, as my feet automatically took me
to the stone and I put my hand on the stone.

"Yeah, maybe I'm not smar—whoa" My rambling was interrupted when the stone dissolved into small particles before it
entered into my hand. Trust me when I say this, it was as hard as the stone footings I was walking on and suddenly when I
touched it, it turned into particle and was absorbed into my hand.

"This… This is crazy." I said as I looked around and found that the cave was filled with these stones… "Well if I touch one,
what's the harm in touching all of them, right?"

Then for the next hour or so, I absorbed all the stones that were there. Why leave anything.

"So now I've absorbed all of them…it must do something…"

I tried to imagine some kind of energy ball forming in my hand and I waited

And I waited.

"Shit I knew there wasn't anything special! I just wasted an hour collecting these fucking stones and I don't even know
what they do!"


In a fit of pique I grabbed a rock grass at my feet and flung it, furiously. At least, that was the plan. Instead my hand closed
around nothing and I ended up swinging at the empty air like an idiot. In the distance, a chuck of wall was blasted off, crashing
to the ground with a dull thud. Just like that. I hadn't even connected with it, but somehow a blue blast of energy had left my
hand when I swung had torn a hole my size several yards away into a stone fucking wall. I sweat-dropped, my find falling well
short of understanding.


Once more, I gazed down at my hand.

Did I just release a blast of energy from my fist?

I mean I saw it, so I know it happened but it was so far fetched.

I looked around until I sighted down a nearby boulder. Swung! OUCH! Pain shot up my limb as flesh met stone and
promptly became bruised. With a strangled curse I dropped, clutching at my now throbbing hand. Huh? To my disbelief, I'd
actually cracked that stone, with nothing more than sheer physical strength.

It hurt like hell, but something to be proud of, I supposed.

"I can do this," My pride demanded that I do just that, so I picked myself up, despite the weeping protest of my poor
fingers. "Just let me conce-GAH! Alright, one more time-BLOODY HELL! No, no, I can do this! I can-AAAARGH!" I tried again.
And again. And again. Once. Twice. Three times. My patience began to crumble. What was I doing wrong?! I knew I was
concentrating, what was I missing?! I wasn't about to shout out an attack.

Was I?

My cheeks began to heat, burning from embarassment. That was just… no… no way…
I sighed wearily, seeing no other recourse.


And then, just like that, my fist was covered in bluish aura and as it struck, the block was gone.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! All I had to do was NAME?! IT?!" I took my frustration and harnessed it, giving it an outlet.
It surged up through my chest and into my arm like fire, filling the limb with warmth. The whole cave lit with bright light. My
whole arm turned super Sayian blue. So much energy! Couldn't contain it! Couldn't… ! Gasping, I jumped and swung my fist
down at the nearby boulder.

My fist connected with its peak, and-


A wall of wind buffeted and blew me backwards, shrapnel spraying from the sudden death of stone. I went down shouting
and exclaiming until momentum finally decided to have mercy until I was sprawled on the ground. Eventually the debris
settled, shards of sharpened rock no longer flying helter skelter in every direction. All went quiet for a heartbeat.

I dared to open an eye, to look at my handiwork. They bulged.

I stared.

And stared.

Then stared some more.

Look again, my brain told my eyes.

We're looking! my eyes insisted. It's real!

It was only moments later that I realized I was staring at a crater where the stone had once been. A very deep crater, which
told me that even after I'd blasted the rock to bits, there had still been enough force to blast the ground inwards several times
over. Yes, I was looking at a crater.
A freaking crater!

My mind took a moment to ponder it. Concussive force. Energy burst, maybe? Like Midoriya from My hero academina? No.
I mean he had to punch things or the sheer force of the swing cause the damage. But for me I could release energy blast or
envelop my whole arm in that energy. I'd swung, and the force of my swing, amplified by blue energy, had obliterated solid


Yes, that was the most logical conclusion. I also wasn't about to discount the fact that my body's physical strength might've
improved simply by winding up here in the first place-but I'd barely touched the rock that first time. This… I'd blown it to
pieces! Perhaps another test was needed after all.

I sighted down another boulder, this one a fair distance away. Now that I knew the trick, it was almost painfully easy.

I concentrated as I tried to gather energy and give it a form. I envisioned Goku as Super Sayian Blue and after a few
moments. As I gathered energy, an explosive glowing blue aura surrounded me with another straight semi-transparent one
that shot upward, it generates a slight tremor and blowing away anything in my surroundings due to the overwhelming raw
energy emitted. After a minute or so the aura stabilised and I was surrounded by an aura, a blue and very thin one that
outlined my whole body.

"Wow…" I…I feel so strong, like I could do anything. It was such a different feeling that I didn't even have words to explain

Shaking my head of these thoughts as they could be thought at a later date as first testing it, was a priority.

I Looked at the biggest boulder that I was standing before. I reared my fist back and bam!

"Meteorite Smash!"

What happened next would stay with me for the rest of my life because not only the boulder was reduced to dust but it
seems I may have created a hole long enough that I could see outside of the cave. I had made a hole atleast 20 meters before
"Holy Shit! I just went Super Saiya—eh?"

That was my last thought before I lost unconsciousness.

My eyes fluttered open and immediately regretted it as I got a face full of afternoon sunlight. "Shit! Fuck! Too damn
bright!" A litany of angry curses leaped from my lips as I flailed to cover my face from the blinding rays. Then I realized
something. The soft sensation of grass against my arms told me I'd been moved. Among other things. I was fairly certain my
clothes had been rags the last time I had looked, so why oh why was I wearing new ones?

'Well, shit on a stick…

In place of my sundered trunks and ragged shirt someone had appropriated me a pair of dark dull blue pants, coupled with
a plain grey shirt at least one size too small. When my eyes had finally adjusted enough not to wither in the sun's glare, I dared
to turn my head. I saw a girl sitting there,

"Look, I don't know who you are, but thaaaaaaa…

My words trailed away into nothingness as I finally got a good look at them. Her.

Nico Robin.

My mind supplied the name immediately to match who I was looking at, and I felt reality shake itself apart again.
Impossibly, this was Nico Robin. I'd seen her countless times before in manga and anime, and unless my head wound had done
some serious brain damage, I wasn't hallucinating.

Was I?

"Are you alright?" she asked in flawless Japanese. Japanese. Oh, bugger. Really wishing I'd mastered that language, rather
than learned it on a lark. "I found you in the cave and…

I didn't hear the rest. What the hell?! This was like one of those stories I wrote!
Well, I sure as hell didn't write this!

… did I? Too many questions!

Yes, I was looking at a younger version of her, she was around 12 year-old, 13 maybe? It meant Ohara had already
happened. She wasn't yet the death-dealing beauty everyone knew and loved. But something felt off, like truly off. I saw it in
her eyes, she looked confused just as me. Unwittingly, my eyes swung back to my rescuer.

"Where am I?"

"I-I don't know. I woke up here few hours back" came the hesitant answer. She didn't avert her eyes as I sat up. "When I
heard a blast coming from the cave. I went to check and I found you unconscious there. You have been unconscious for an
hour. I brought you here." A hand indicated the grassy clearing.


Reality chose to remind me that this wasn't a crack dream moments later. I was with Nico Robin and even she didn't know
where she was. It gave me a very bad premonition, what if she also died and somehow we ended up together here in this
worls, whatever it was.

Okay first let's count what had happened till now. Stabbed? Check. In a brand new world? Check. Have some crazy power?
Check. Trapped in a younger body? Check. Losing my mind? CHECK! Honestly, my life just seems to be a magnet for trouble
lately. I'd read all manner of self-insert stories before in various genres both good and ill but this-this took the cake. I was with
a girl from One Piece in a fucking different world or something! I groaned, flopping back against the grass. I'd never been one
to be easily depressed, but in this moment, that would've been the closest term for how I felt.

My mind wanted to badly to believe this was all just a very bad trip; something brought on by getting stabbed. Any
moment now I'd wake up and have a good laugh at it all. But my body was in slight pain and I wasn't waking up. If anything, I
was wide awake. Wide awake, and wondering what in blazes was going on…

I shook my head, it wasn't the time to panic like a brat! Shut up! Grit your teeth! And shoulder on!

"Hey can I ask…what was the last thing you remembered before coming here?" I asked
Robin's eyes widened before she hesitantly replied, "I was in a boat…running away from some people when a huge waves
crashed into my boat and after that I remembered drowning…" here eyes became a little watery. So she still was a child.

I sighed and moved closer to her and pat her head. When she looked at me in surprise, I smiled at her, "It's okay…I know
how you feel…Before coming here I was sure I died…I…I mean I was stabbed to death."

Robin's eyes widened in horror but I continue patting her head to calm her down. "I don't know what you have gone
through and what you have left behind. What kind of dream and stuff…I left behind a lot. A lot. But I can say this, this is a new
start for both of us. So why not take on this new challenge together because I lived a very lonely life before I died and I want a
partner this time. So, would you be my partner?"

Robin looked at me wide eyed as no words left her mouth as she tried to speak but after some time a small shaky smile
found its way on her face, "Y-Yeah…I would…"

I stood up as I faced her "My name is Sanjoy. Sandhu Sanjoy." I put my hand forward towards her.

"Robin." she said before she took my hand and got up. "Nico Robin"

Something occurred to me, then. Something that had been bothering me since the very beginning…

"Say, Robin…


"I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"


She blushed as her stomach growled. I laughed at her cute blush expression which got me a cute glare in return.

So that was how I met a girl, who had lived an unfortunate life and I who left all his dreams behind as we started a new
journey forward.

In DxD with

"982…983…984…985." A shirtless young boy was currently doing push-ups in a grass clearing, a boulder easily weighing 5
ton rested on his back as he went up and down. The irony of doing such anime style training was not lost on the young man but
he made do with what he could find.

"…1,000." Exhaling deeply, I shrugged the heavy boulder off stretching as I stood up, my back making gross but refreshing
popping sounds.

"That's the stuff." I gave a sigh of contentment as my workout for the day was done, my body aching all over as I did
training no normal man should ever try. Running 5 miles on end and back with a boulder tied to my back, 1,000 squats,
pushups, sits up, and 1 hour planks with an even heavier boulder on my back.

'It works well enough so I'm not going to stress about it.' I started getting into some heavy duty training one year back
after we both had settled in Japan. A forest was only 10 miles from my house, where I come to train daily as Robin goes to
school. She is new to this world and education, so she needed to attend the school while I easily new all the syllabus till high
school, so there wasn't any problem. Though Robin would chastise me now and then.

It's been a year since I was reincarnated into this brand new world with Nico Robin as my partner and ally. As she knew
only japanese and I know a little bit from the anime I have watched, so we decided to settle in Japan, also because we were
already in Japan, Okinawa prefecture.
Now the main surprise was that I found out which shitty world we have been dropped into. It was easy because I know in
the Japan I lived, there was no place as Kuoh.

Yes we have been reincarnated in the world of titties and dragons, DxD. I've had some time to come to terms with it and, in
my opinion, I'm doing a lot better right now. Being with Robin, life had been and manageable.

But still, Highschool DxD. Of all the worlds to reincarnate into, it just had to be this one.

Well at least it wasn't the Narutoverse, but this world still has its own problems.

This world is filled with beings that can destroy me with nothing but a thought. Just look at the Four Satans; hell, two of
them are one of the ten strongest beings in the world. Then there's Indra, Crom Cruach, Rizevim and the other members of the
Pantheons. And don't even get me started on Ophis, Great Red and Trihexa.

And I've been reincarnated as a human that always ends up dying in the plot.

Damn it Ishibumi, do you even know what kind of world you've created? It may seem all nice at first but that's only
because it focused on Issei's point of view. Every day, there are humans who are attacked without being able to defend
themselves. Anyone who's born with a Sacred Gear will have their normal lives thrown out the window and forcefully shoved
into the Supernatural world. It's a strong eat weak world and without power, you can't do anything.

Basically, I'm going to have to work pretty damn hard if I want to survive in the future and protect Robin. Robin had easily
won my heart, she was just so innocent and didn't have a mean bone in her body.

I also had gotten us a home at rent and got Robin admitted into one of the school close to our house. Robin had asked why
didn't I come to school with her and I had told her I'll join from next year as first we needed a good source of income. The
money for the house rent and her school came by working four part time jobs and they were quite far away from each other,
so I don't get caught. I may have also mugged some punks who tried to mug me.

Right now we have stabilized and Robin was a prodigy, seriously that girl aced every exam, though most of the time she
had a book in her hand.

Robin's devil fruit was really crazy and awesome. She would have her hands life weights and stuff while she read her book.
Seriously that was cheating, and I had grumbled a lot as she laughed at me.
Also Robin's body was quite tougher than the humans here, she was basically a super human compared to them. I mean I
saw her passing a boulder weighing a ton from one pair of hands to another. No human could do that and I was actually
thankful for that as it would be easy to survive in this world when you have to fight devils and other supernatural creatures.
And if Asia could survive, then anyone can.

I had also told her that I found out that this world had supernatural beings and the idiot instead of being scared or weary,
had stars in her eyes at the prospect of learning tens of thousands of years history. I had brought her as many books I can on
supernatural and I had gotten a hug from the cutie. I didn't mean it like that, you degenerates. She is a child around 14 while
I'm 31 counting my previous life. I'm not a pedophile.

As for my powers, I have to say they were pretty badass. I could lift a 5 ton boulder with one hand easily after training in
physical strength for almost a year. I also found that what ever those stones were they gave me some kind of energy which I
haven't a clue about. But I was sure the being who had put me there, had a hand in this because otherwise someone before me
should have found them.

My power were similar to the Ki used by Son Goku and also the form I once achieved in the cave, what I call the watered
down version of Super Saiyan. I call it watered down version because I can't fight no god with this, it was the truth after all. I
could easily handle a high class devil but above that, oh hell no. Maybe with age and more strength I can but not now atleast.

But the things I have noticed is that ki in this state is to be very hot yet but calm compared to normal which is quite rough.
My speed is dramatically increased to the point that even Robin says all she can see is a blur. My mind is so calm and collected
that I feel like a different person than my usual self and that’s saying something because I'm already a calm person. My
instincts are super charged and it's like I learn more and more even when I fight by myself and not with Robin. My movements
get sharper and sharper like I'm eliminating any extra movement, it's because my mind is so calm that I can tell what is needed
and what isn't.

The energy blasts have become more powerful than the time I used it the first time but the drain on stamina is crazy.
Though the good news is that I can atleast control the amount of energy somewhat now compared to before. When I had
started to train, I absolutely had no control over it and how many times I would back out. But now with training and
meditation I have been able to control it, not perfect but average. Everything takes time and it will also, I'm just happy that I'm
seeing results.
Also the energy had almost tripled compared to what I had at the start. I was scared at first, that maybe the glowing rocks
that I had consumed would never recover after expanding the, but I was wrong. The more I use it, the more it increases, its like
a muscle.

After completing my daily training I returned home. I closed the door behind me without making a noise, so Robin doesn't
wake up and went into the bathroom and took off my clothes to take a quick bath. After that I take a hot bath under a shower

Closing the tap, I quickly wrapping a towel around my waist, and I stood in front of a mirror.

As I looked in the mirror I started making poses in front of the reflective surface and admired the way my muscles bulged. I
didn't have a body builder's physique but more of an Olympic runner's body or maybe a martial artist. Even though I had good
amount of muscles they didn't look bad as I was 5'9" and because of them I didn't look as much lanky as I would have looked
with clothes on as I used to when I started. I continued admiring my body in a very narcissistic way and only turned when I felt
a life force near the door. A fourteen year-old Robin wearing my lose shirt which she always wore when she went to sleep, was
looking at me doing poses with a bored look in her eyes. She wasn't impressed.

"Are you having fun?" was all she asked.

I stared at her as I stood frozen in the last pose I was doing. I blinked. I blinked again. Then turned back to the mirror and
continued making poses. "Good morning Robin-chan."

"Good morning...are you not going to stop?"

"Is it so wrong for a man to admire his body that he put great effort into?"

"No, it's not." Robin started rubbing her temple. "That is if said person doesn't do it every damn morning!" I had to blush a
little at that but come on, I was a God!

My partner promptly kicked me out the bathroom to take her own bath and I only rolled my eyes finding nothing wrong
with what I did.
After ten minutes, Robin was ready for school while I cooked breakfast for the two of us. I always cooked for us because
she liked my food. Well when she have been in fitness for fifteen years and cooked six meals a day for yourself for almost every
day, you become quite good at it.

Robin and I sat on the dining table as we ate our breakfast before a sudden thought came to my mind.

"Hey Robin! What happened to the students of the school next to yours? I heard more than 200 students vanished from
that school on some luxury trip. Is it true?"

Robin frowned and nodded, "Yes Sun-kun… but I think it's not normal that suddenly so many students vanished you know.
I think something is up and something very dangerous."

I frowned in unease, Robin's school was near that school. An uneasy feeling settled in my gut. I decided I was going to drop
Robin and pick her up for atleast a month.

"I will be dropping you and picking up for the next month and I won't hear a no. I'm not doing this for you but for my
mental peace."

Robin pouted but her cheeks were red, eh? Is she embarrassed to walk with me. No, that can't be, my Robin hasn't grown
that much that she doesn't need me anymore…because if she did I would ball my eyes out.

We ate in silence, we both didn't need to talk much, even if we didn't talk the atmosphere between us was always pleasant.

After ten minutes we were out of our house and on the way to the school and to my surprise she was holding my hand and
looking away. Aww how cute, she wants to hold her onii-chan's hand.

After dropping her, I went to work. I was already late, so I dashed back to my job before that old hag start to lecture me.

Shitshitshit! I was fucking late! I dashed back to her school, I hope she hadn't left the school but as I made my way to the
school, I saw something that had my blood run cold.
Robin had a strange book in her hand and was with four kids older than her, as they fought a literal army of lizards, snake
and whatnot size of the house, who had surrounded them.

I dashed with all my might towards Robin. As I saw few cuts on her body, fury like never before burned in my gut, as I
jumped between her and the monsters.

I reared my fist back, gathering energy and condensing it, not letting it out. After a moment when I was sure, it would hurt
like hell.

"Get away from her!"

I lashed my fist forward.


Ten Minutes Earlier…

Robin cursed her luck. She should have waited for Sanjoy, rather than making her way back home. Now she was with four
students who had come to help her when they had suddenly attacked her. Thank god people were different in this world than

They seem to know who they were, as even attacking them they had a frown on their face.

Robin spoke to the blond next to her, who was dressed in a strange magical costume, "Who are they and why did they
attack me?"

A blonde grimaced as she was attacking them with Ice magic while Robin broke them in half using her devil fruit but the
number was in hundreds and they were being overwhelmed.

The blonde side stepped as the lizard tried to take her head off. Robin seeing the opportunity, kicked the monster away but
to her horror, it bent itself at an angle before clutching her leg and slamming her down.

Robin cried in pain, that was quite a strong throw.

"Look Out!"

She heard a voice and just in time she saw a monster came to snap her in two.

She didn't know what happened but just as the monster was to kill her, strange bracelet appeared on her wrists and the
monster before her crystalized in pink crystal and much to her shock broke into pieces as his body touched the ground.

Robin didn't know what happened but she was thankful to any deity out there who had given her this power in the neck of

She felt a hand pick her up and she looked to see it was the blonde, "Because of this they are after you, because you have a
sacred gear. They are the ones who kidnapped the students and are after anyone with a sacred gear."

Robin's eyes widened in realisation that the power she had used was, what they were after.

"They are not just after you, they are after all of us. That's why we have to stick together to fight them off. We will talk
more but we should first protect our self and leave for our hideout."

Before Robin could answer her, a familiar voice called her that brought a feeling of safety even in this situation.


She and the others looked towards as Sanjoy made a dash towards them, throwing anything that came in between. She
would have blushed at the care he showed her but the panic expression on his face made her feel guilty. If she had stayed at
school, nothing would have happened.

Sanjoy stopped before her as he looked for something and when he saw she had bruises and cuts on her body. He froze,
and what happened next was one thing she never wanted to see Sanjoy in.
Absolute rage and furry crossed his face. The ground shook and the stones and pebbles started to shake as the energy
started to gather around him. He turned towards the monsters before him and reared his fist back. His fist continued to gather
energy before he unleashed hell on them.

"Get away from her!"

He punched his fist forward.


A wall of wind buffeted and blew Robin backwards wit others, shrapnel spraying from the destruction of his punch. Robin
and the blonde went down in a messy tangle of arms and legs, shouting and exclaiming until momentum finally decided to
have mercy and sprawled them apart from one another. Eventually the debris settled, shards of sharpened rock no longer
flying helter skelter in every direction. All went quiet for a heartbeat. The blonde gasped.


Robin opened her eyes and they bulged.

She stared.

And stared.

Then stared some more.

It was only moments later that she realized she was staring at nothing but destruction where the monsters had once been
once. He had blasted everything to bits, there had still been enough force to blast the whole garden to nothing which was just
behind the monsters.

Whatever was left of the monsters were thrown left and right, as he punched them to death in a single punch and those
that survived were unfortunate as they had to take a another one.

"W-Who is that monster!" Robin froze at that word as she glared at the brown haired girl beside her, looking fearfully at
Sanjoy. But then she calmed down, knowing they must have not seen something like this.
"M-Miss, he is coming here. C-Can you tell him we are with you because the way he is glaring…" She trailed off, as nothing
more was needed to said.

Robin got up and went to him and hugged him. She grimaced as she realised he was shaking, he must have thought he had
almost lost her. "It's okay…I'm fine…please calm down for me. They actually helped me. It's okay Sun-kun, I'm alright."

He hugged her tightly, she could feel he was shaking, "I should have come sooner…it wouldn't have happened if I was here
earlier. I'm sorry Robin."

He really was an idiot. All the time, he was thinking it was his fault that she got hurt. Baka. Truly a baka but here baka.

Sanjoy realised her from the hug, she wanted to hug him a little more. Though she won't pout, she was old enough to not

Sanjoy turned to the four of them who flinched when he suddenly bowed to them.

"Thank you for saving her. She is important to me. I'll always be in your debt."

Robin covered her face with her hand in embarrassment, he just had to say that in front of everyone but she won't deny
this was the happiest and loved she ever felt.

"Hehe no need to thank us. We should be thanking you. You saved us when we were in a pinch. Please allow me to
introduce myself. I’m Lavinia Reni, a witch belonging to Grauzauberer."

Sanjoy looked at her oddly before he tilted his head to the side in confusion, "So you are not a cosplayer?"

The poor girl blushed in embarrassment while her friends were snickering. Robin facepalmed, leave it destroy someone's
confidence with just one line. She had seen so many girls going after him (much to her ire), as he was really good looking, tall,
well built and a gentleman. But he really didn't know when to not say something even if it was a curiosity.

Robin chopped him on the head before she bowed to her, "I'm sorry for Sanjoy, he really doesn't know what shouldn't be
"Hey, you indirectly just said the same thing." Sanjoy pointed at her accusingly. Robin realised he was right, as the poor girl
now had her face in her hands while the lanky guy and a brown haired girl fell on the ground laughing.

Sanjoy then went to the poor blond before he placed a hand on her shoulder making her look up, "Hey I didn't mean to
insult you or anything. Just a curiosity", he flicked her nose and winked at her, "though you look beautiful, so chill."

Robin now really wanted to punch Sanjoy as the girl had now become a stuttering mess. Robin went to him and twisted his
ear as he cried in pain. She kept her hold on it till they arrived at their base. Why she was holding it, she was angry that he
flirted with her even though she knew he didn't. It didn't matter, she was just angry and she needed to went it.

He was only hers and no one else.

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