Martial King S Retired Life Chapter 0 - Prologue - Vol.1 Chapter 49

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Martial King’s Retired Life

MKRL • 武林之王的退隐生活

Starting from today, I am retired. But what should I be doing? I

neither have the skills, nor the mind to do business, my only
advantage is this pair of hands which have taken this world. What a

Author(s): Lee太白
Year: 0
Country: China
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Mature, Wuxia
Tags: Adapted to Manhua, Ancient Times, Androgynous Characters,
Appearance Changes, Clever Protagonist, Comedic Undertone,
Devoted Love Interests, Dishonest Protagonist, Famous Protagonist,
Generals, Handsome Male Lead, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True
Identity, Lack of Common Sense, Low-key Protagonist, Maids, Male
Protagonist, Military, Misunderstandings, Money Grubber, Multiple
POV, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Past Trauma,
Perverted Protagonist, Poor Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the
Start, Quirky Characters, Royalty, Shameless Protagonist, Soldiers,
Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Trap, Underestimated Protagonist,
Translator(s): Lord Obsidian


UUID: 9f2d7a60-2ea2-11e9-a930-4b405af2e122
USER: Undead
DATE CREATED: 2019-02-12

More info and chapters:
2 Report

Chapter 0 - Prologue

I’m a martial artist in the wulin. Well… I was.

The reason I say that is because I’ve retired.

After going through all those ups-and-downs and experiencing all

that turbulence, I came to the realisation that the endless fighting in
the pugilistic world wasn’t for me.

You can see my point through the rough things I experienced

during my training.

I remember my shifu admonished me when I started learning

martial arts.

“You’re my senior disciple, but your talent is mediocre

compared to the other disciples. There will be limits to what
you can achieve later on. You won’t be able to keep up with
your fellow disciples. I have some secret manuals that my
friends in the Wulin gifted. Take them and practice according
to their instructions.”

“Okay! I won’t disappoint you shifu!”

I was young and naive back then. I had no idea my shifu was
mocking me with his spiteful smile when he handed me the books. I
naively believed his bullshit. I couldn’t read a word and just practiced
according to the images like an idiot.

Following that, I trained according to one of the books and ended

up bed ridden for ten months after being so severely injured I spat
blood. At that time, I thought it was because I was lacking. I thought I
disappointed my shifu since I couldn’t even learn something simple.
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My guilt and self-depreciation motivated me, so I resumed my
training as soon as I healed.

I improved a little the second time through. I was only bed ridden
for six months. So I spent more than a year of my youth unconscious
in bed…

During the time I was semi-conscious, I vaguely remember my

shifu arguing with a monk.

“You Stinking monk. How dare you accuse me of stealing

Shaolin’s Yijin Jing*? Do you people at the Shaolin Temple
have anything worthwhile? Look at how badly my student got
injured practicing your arts. Luckily for me, I wasn’t stupid
enough to practice your shitty martial arts.”


Shifu?! Wasn’t this something one of your friends in the wulin

gifted?! What’s this style called?! Yijin Jing?!

I basically got the first manual down pact three years later and
began the second manual.

When I started the second manual, I expected it to be easier since I

had the foundations down from the first manual, but I was wrong…

I experienced qigong deviation while I was going through the

second manual.

My qi went out of control. My own qi bounced off the floor and

threw me through more than twenty walls. While it’s true that our
worthless mud walls which have to be mended every month barely
even keep the wind and rain out, I went through more than twenty of
them! Twenty!

I still remember now the terrorised look on my shishu’s** look

when his nephew came running in crying “the walls broke down”,
4 Report
after he just got in bed with the girl from the village next door who
he was hooking up with. After that he became impotent and never
had any more affairs. Recently he’s become a full-fledged priest.

As a result of that incident, my arms and legs were broken, leaving

me crippled for more than two years. During those two years, I
fought through the gut-wrenching pain and completed the qi training,
thereby completing the second manual.

During that time, seven Taoists visited and shifu gave them one
heck of a scolding.

“Hey, Seven Heroes of Wudang, do you people have any

respect for the codes of the pugilistic world?! Didn’t you
people blow your trumpets claiming that anyone can learn
your yin yang blend of Tai Chi?! How come my student ended
up like this then?! If I were stupid enough to learn it, I’d be in
his position right now!”

I was so enraged I nearly vomited blood.

Shifu?! What’s this manual?! You can’t train both the martial arts of
monks and Taoists at the same time!!

When I got started on the third book, I was extremely cautious. I

swear I was like ten-thousand times more cautious.

But the third manual only had one image.

That shouldn’t be a problem.

However, reality had another story prepared for me.

After training according to that drawing, all the meridian points in

my body were destroyed. Obliterated. Over the following year, shifu’s
wife brought me Lingzhi mushrooms. Thanks to her I was able to
slowly regain my ability to walk.
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After that, thirty strange looking visitors came by and got into a
huge fight with my shifu. In the end they completely lost and got a
scolding from my shifu.

“You Demon Sect bastards! Have you no shame?! Your

leader himself said this Spring Wind and Rainy Night painting
belongs to the mightiest and that the winner is the king. I
drugged the lot of you scoundrels which knocked you all out
and walked away with it after beating you lot fair-and-
square. And now you’re telling me you want it back?”

So you lied? The Demon Sect’s Spring Wind and Rainy Night
painting?! Why don’t you all go to hell?!



I basically gave up at that point.

I just practiced whatever he gave me. It’s just me and my rotten

life. If I don’t die from practicing this stuff, then it’s only a matter of
time before I’m hunted down by those sects anyway.

Shifu continued to hand me secret manuals his friends “gifted”

him every day. I took them and continued to train diligently.

But it was strange. After completing the third manual, I never got
injured again while completing any of the successive manuals, and
with each manual I completed, successive ones became easier and
easier. In the end, shifu asked me in a surprised tone: “You’re not
dead yet?!”


I’m alive and kicking! But you certainly can go die!

In short, my body got stronger and stronger.
6 Report
I never even contracted any minor illnesses or suffered any minor

In the end, I left the mountain when I was twenty-two and

realised… I was invincible.


*A manual containing a series of exercises, coordinated with

breathing, believed to enhance physical health dramatically when
practiced religiously

**Shishu = A senior instructor who’s below the rank of your shifu

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7 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 1
The Imperial Court Enjoys as Many Benefits as the Turbulence
Experienced in the Wulin

That’s right. Even though I’ve got good connections, possess great
martial prowess, look handsome, and…

In any case, I’m sticking with my decision to retire.

My reason?

Simple, life in the pugilistic world is too boring and tough.

What? You want to know why I don’t go and leisurely enjoy what
the world has to offer when I’m such a skilled martial artist?

You’re thinking too much.

The prerequisite for enjoying what the world has to offer isn’t
about how good your martial arts skills are. It’s about how much
money you have!

Let’s say you’re so pathetic you can’t kill an ant. As long as you’re
rich, you’d still be able to leisurely enjoy what the world has to offer.
Even if you go about your business free and unfettered, no one will
say anything.

Earn money in the pugilistic world?

Keep dreaming.

You think it’s easy to make money in the pugilistic world?

Famous Sects are always fighting over fame and benefits. The
burden I feel when dealing with them is a pain. The more famous
they are, the heavier the burden. Altogether there are over one-
8 Report
hundred disciples, all gathered together on one mountain. You need
money for accommodation, money for weapons and money for
clothes. And yet they try to feed that many people with a meagre

Big sects like Shaolin, Wudang and Emei get by with donations and
by appointing the position of a poor landlord as the landlord to just
barely get by on the daily. Other smaller sects live in poor conditions.

My shifu had his own ways of making money, but it was nothing
compared to what an elderly earned in the countryside. After he
found about this, he got angry and went to steal the donations at the
Shaolin temple. According to the wulin rules, big sects are not
allowed to bully smaller ones, so my shifu was always stealing from
the bigger sects. Apparently, that didn’t count as him breaking the
wulin’s rules… Unless he was caught.

He really never got caught. In fact, he always brought back a

bunch of who-knows-what secret manuals for me. As such, we’ve
been rejected by the bigger sects, and as a result, we’ve never been
allowed to attend any big wulin meetings, hero meetings and other
similar money-making opportunities.

What? You think we’re an evil sect?

True, evil sects to make easy-money.

But haven’t you heard?

A few years ago, Ximen ChuiDeng, the leader of the Demon Sect
self-proclaimed that he was invincible and wanted to annihilate the
wulin, but he still wasn’t satisfied with that. As a result, the imperial
court declared that people could go after him.

Both sides of the wulin responded to the call. The Seven Major
Sects of Jiang Nan, the Thirteenth Black Wind Village, the Twenty-
eight Red Flames of the Caves, Qinling of the Thirty-Six Holes,
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Shaolin, Wudang, Emei all banded together and went to purge the
Demon Sect.

Ximen ChuiDeng’s boasting and lies didn’t work, and they fucked
him up. After the Demon Sect was destroyed, there was no news
from them for a while. They might be running street stalls selling
salted duck eggs now for all we know.

Have you heard?

Last month, the thirty-seven members of the murderous Blood

Eagle clan were playing mah-jong at home, when the imperial court
sent over one-hundred and forty Qilin Guards in and massacred
them. The Blood Eagle’s clan leader was still holding the Three
Dragons* in his hands when his head was cut off as he yelled “I
won!” He didn’t even get to collect the money from his win before
he died.

Now do you understand why I want to retire?

I’m twenty-eight years old this year, so I’m not young anymore. My
shifu is still alive and kicking, and teasing young maidens, but he is in
his sixty’s, so he’s bound to come and ask me to be his successor
soon enough.

When that time comes, all the people he shamelessly owes, all the
sects he stole from, all the young maidens and housewives he
teased, all the kids he’s got from his affairs… All of them are going to
come after me…

The most embarrassing thing is having to display the banners and

plaques that have things like “Defeating the Scum of the Wulin”,
“Destroying the World”, “The Precious Gem of Women” and
the such, that were on display that day outside the mountain doors.
How am I supposed to live that down?

Therefore, I’ve decided to retire and ignore matters related to the
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pugilistic world, otherwise the only thing I’ll be doing for the latter
half of my life is paying back that old-snake’s debts!

I sat at home looked through the ‘job search’ section in my brand

new copy of the number on gossip magazine in the pugilistic world
hot off the press. At the top of the recruitment section it said:

The Qilin guards are recruiting. The salary is good, you will be
treated well and there are monetary rewards.

Qilin guards, huh?

That’s serious business.

The Qilin guards have basically taken over the job of the Wulin’s
white sect*, engaging in lively battles with the evil sects. Those
unaware would misunderstand that the Qilin guards’ families were
raped by the evil sects, and that their vicious attacks are their
retaliation. It’s fair to say that the Qilin guards are ruthless with their
attacks against the evil sect.

I feel as though the Qilin guards do a much better job of upholding

justice and order than the Shaolin abbot that can’t stop asking for
donations, and the leader of Wudang who just has to read people’s
fortune whenever he meets them.

However, the evil sects are strong. They’re no pushovers.

Especially since they’ve changed the way they operate these last few
years. They’ve created connections with officials, and now that
they’re backed by higher ranking officials, the Qilin guards
dispatched by the imperial court those same officials serve have a
hard time eradicating them.

There’s more…

Liu Shan Men are also recruiting. They pay higher wages than the
Qilin guards, they provide better treatment, there are beauties to
accompany you, and you even get paid when you go on holiday
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They’re blatantly competing with them!

Just why do they insist on competing with the Qilin guards?!

Liu Shan Men really are a sad bunch.

If you’re human, the first thought that comes to mind when Liu
Shan Men is mentioned are the famous constables, the Thirteen

Ah, no, not the Thirteen Constables, but a constable called Yan Shi
San**. He and Demon Sect leader Ximen ChuiDeng are the two
clowns of the Wulin. They’ve been at loggerheads with each other
since they were kids. They fought until they both aged and were still
at each other’s throats. Two influential figures in the Wulin fighting is
like burning money. Forget the Demon Sect, whose origins are shady
to begin with. But why Liu Shan Men? They’re not lacking.

Who would’ve thought that Constable Shi San would use

underhanded tactics to defeat Ximen ChuiDeng. He embezzled,
opened gambling joints, brothels and even bought things for low
prices only to sell them at higher prices. He then used that money
generously to find new recruits. In the blank of an eye, Liu Shan Men
became an unparalleled force to be reckoned with.

But just as he was about to attack the Demon Sect, the old fella
overdid it and screwed himself over.

Apparently he was trying to get one of his prostitutes at his

brothels to do some shameless things I can’t describe, and got
busted by the emperor who was out inspecting the city. The emperor
ended up demoting Constable Shi San to some government office to
hide the fact that he went there himself.

I heard that the Wulin’s White Sects ended up destroying the

Demon Sect, while this old fella was still stuck sweeping the floors of
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the government office.

After Yan Shi San was demoted, Liu Shan Men was never treated
the same way again. Their great constables left and joined the Qilin
guards. To make up for their loss of talent, they had no choice but to
spend hefty amounts of money to attract more new talent.

Let’s have a look at their treatment again…


The monthly salary is seventy silver ingots?! Holy shit! I used to

get paid ten silvers ingots a month! The Qilin guards only paid forty.

Even if they’re getting money from both the government and

citizens, this difference is insane!

What a bunch of corrupt scoundrels!

I angrily stood up and went back to my room to pack.

Alright, let’s go and apply for a position at Liu Shan Men.

There’s too much bullshit in the Wulin these days. If you’re a

skilled martial artist, you should answer the calls of the imperial court
and try to get a position there. There’s too much turbulence in the
pugilistic world. Working for the imperial court is your best option.

I made up my mind and headed for the door.

I need to leave quietly; I can’t let myself be discovered, especially

by people from my sect.

Suddenly, I heard the beautiful clear voice of a woman calling from


“Ming Feizhen, are you there?”

Who’s this?
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Who dares say yours truly’s name like that?****

“I’m your shiyi, come the hell out here, now!”

My aura of dominance faded a little…

Fuck!… Speak of the devil.


*The red, green and white dragons in mah-jong tiles

**White sect = refers to sects which consider themselves justice

*** Shi San =十三 = thirteen in Chinese. So the joke is “there

aren’t thirteen constables, but he’s called constable
thirteen” (十三名捕 = Thirteen Constables; 十三名捕 = Constable

****It was uncommon to call people by their full name like that in
those days. You would usually go (Surname) + (Suffix which would be
a title or position etc.)

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14 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 2
My Shijie, Shiyi, Tai Shishu… Are All The Same Person

It’s said that it’s easy to tell whether or not someone is part of the
pugilistic world. They say the way they knock on your door gives it

Normal people knock by actually knocking on your door. If there’s

no response, they’ll call for you. If you don’t answer, then they’ll
open the door themselves and check things out. If no one is home,
they’ll leave. But those in the pugilistic world are all the same. They
all stand outside and yell…

They all yell: “Come the hell out”. And should you not come out,
they might wait outside for an entire day.

Just when I thought “Maybe I’ll be fine if I just stay at home

for the day”, another female starts yelling.

“You not going to come out?”

Like hell I’m coming out. You can’t do anything about it unless you
break the codes of the pugilistic world.

“Ming Feizhen, what’s the title of the book fourth from the
left, on the second row shelf from the top of your bookshelf?”

Pfft, are you trying to mess with me? I remember that it’s the
“One-Hundred Flowers, Wrong Fist” manual. I live an honourable
and upright life, I’m impregnable.

“What’s in the martial arts manual opposite to it?”

Shit! I started breaking into a cold sweat… Did she find out about
my ‘Wu Shan Yan’s History’ book**?
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“Oh yeah, I was going to invite your fellow disciples to
come and enjoy that collection of paintings you have in the
box under your bed. What do you think?”

I shouted: “I’m coming, I’m coming!”

“Let’s talk this over. Please spare me, great hero”, as I put a
smile on and went out to greet her.

“Wow~ Junior Shiyi, it’s nice to have you.”

To be honest, I’d rather see anybody else from the sect but her…”

Even if it was my shifu, I’d have my ways of dealing with him, but

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a suave and beautiful woman

dressed in a snow-white robe standing outside.

My god…

She wore a popular white warrior’s robe from outside the area.
Clothing from outside the area is always sexy and tends to have the
wearer bear their goods. Her robe made her god-gifted body lines so
much more pronounced. Her collar was slightly undone, revealing her
beautiful white swan-like neck, and a bit further down were her
glorious hips. My eyes were glued to her mesmerizing body. I’m not
afraid of high mountains, but I certainly am afraid of deep valleys…*

If she were to walk the streets like this, so many guys would fall for
her. Although, I do think a bunch already have fallen head over heels
for her… She doesn’t comb her hair, and leaves it down behind her. It
looks beautiful, yet gives off a lazy vibe at the same time. This is her
normal dress-up. She goes about her business alone and always does
things in an unorthodox manner.

To be honest, before I opened the door, I made a bet with myself. I

bet I’d be able to stop myself from checking her out. I proved that I
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could prevent myself from looking right away, but in the end, my
eyes helplessly glued themselves to her.

This is why I don’t like to see her. Whenever I see her, I have to
fight this internal urge…

I did my absolute best to put on a “Looking at people’s chest

while talking to them is basic etiquette” expression, only to
discover after a few steps that her skirt had a secret too.

Her skirt was different to what people here in the mainland wear. It
doesn’t fully cover up her legs, it’s just long. Seeing her revealing
white legs drove me crazy. To all you guys outside the area, I want
this robe to… “cough, cough”, Amitabha, seniors of the sect must
be respected. I mustn’t look, I mustn’t look…

She stared at me unpleasantly, so I could only make my way to the

front of her and force a smile that looked uglier than me crying.


Her cold demeanour didn’t last for long as she started giggling.

“What are you acting so scared for?”

“I haven’t seen you in a while, so I am a bit excited.”

“Oh? What are you excited about?”

She smiled seductively and folded her arms, pushing her twin
valleys up, making them more revealing. I secretly did internal qi
exercises three times to calm that internal urge down. I’ve to firmly
believe that climbing “valleys” is the most romantic activity for

She looked at me silently. Then she pulled a funny face and

revealed a gentle smile.
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“You’re as strange as always. How long have we not seen
each other?”

“Over a year?”

“It’s been one year, one-hundred and twenty-eight days.

You’ve holed up here and haven’t return to Mount Daluo
since my nephew, your master snuck away. I came to take
you out for a bit.”

Nope, you didn’t mishear that.

The old fart I call shifu really is her nephew.

Technically speaking, she’s not my junior shiyi. She’s my grand


To explain to you her complex identity, I need to start by telling

you about my grandmaster first.

My grandmaster is still alive.

My master is in his sixty’s.

I don’t know exactly how old the grandmaster is. Some say he’s
one-hundred and twenty, other’s say he’s just turned one-hundred,
and there are also people who say he’s over one-hundred and forty.
Based on my memory alone, the first time I saw him, his hair was
already white, and looked roughly a hundred.

He’s a true hero unlike my unfettered and moral-when-it’s-

convenient shifu. He’s heroic, and open-minded, which is why all of
us disciples really respect him.

It’s rumoured that his cultivation level far surpasses humans and
that he’s reached divinity. But to me, he looks like he’s suffering from
Alzheimer’s and is slow with reactions…
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My junior shiyi here is said to be the daughter of his long-distant
second uncle. In other words, she’s his younger cousin. Although
they’re like eight generations apart, the grandmaster was able to
demonstrate his respectable morals on caring for relatives and
brought her into the sect as his junior. So she’s the second highest
ranked person in the sect after the grandmaster.

I’m scared of running into her, but my shifu is even more scared of
running into her…

Can you imagine the scene of an old man in his sixty’s calling a
young beautiful maiden shishu***? I’d be scared of her even if I was
diagnosed with some sort of disease.

Technically, I should be calling her grand shishu, but she doesn’t

want anyone referring to her with a title higher than shijie****. I don’t
have the guts to challenge the rules of the sect, so I just call her
junior shiyi as a compromise.

She glanced at me and saw the bag I was carrying, and said in a
reproaching tone: “What? Are you moving just to avoid me?”

Something felt wrong when I heard it, but I can’t put my finger on
what it was.

“No, no!”

I shook my head in panic. I was struggling to stay calm.

“I was just going to make a trip to Nan Jing.”


*Meaning he isn’t worried that a woman looks good, but he’s afraid
of becoming infatuated with her

**A book from the Qing dynasty about a guy who had many affairs,
and ended up with a harem and blissful life.
19 Report
***Shishu = 师叔 = Senior Uncle (In schools)

**** Shijie =师姐 = Senior Sister (In schools)

Note: She doesn’t want to be referred to with a higher seniority

title because it makes her sound old

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20 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 3
The Door Dividing Liu Shan Men and the People at the Centre

After hearing my reason for taking my bag, she didn’t comment.

Instead she opened her beautiful eyes wide, and asked: “You want
to go to Liu Shan Men?”

“I just want to go and see what it’s like.” I felt like that wasn’t
convincing enough, so I added: “If it’s boring, I’ll come right

“So you’re saying you won’t come back if you find it


She scanned me from head to toe, and before I could say anything
to break the awkward atmosphere, she narrowed her eyes, and said:

“Then I’m coming too.”

“I want to see if Liu Shan Men really is that interesting, so

interesting that they managed to lure my sect’s next
successor in.”

Hey! That topic is taboo!

I never promised to be the successor!!

She wouldn’t listen to me at all, so all I could do was keep silent

and bring her with me to Nan Jing.

Luckily, my run-down house is only half-a-day away from Nan Jing,

so we were able to enter the city before sunset with our speed.

I intended to sneak out and go register, but instead saw my

goddess -junior shiyi waiting for me at the lodging’s door.
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“I knew you would try and sneak away. Let’s get going or
we’ll be late.”

How are you so beautiful…?

We talked and laughed with each other along the way until we
reached our destination. We saw the big lacquer red door with a sign
that said “Liu Shan Men’s Nan Jing Headquarters” which was
easy to understand and displayed facing the crowd.

“They really mean business. Look at the way they present

themselves. Working for the government is the best choice
you can make.” I wasted no time trying to hypnotise my junior

She blinked a few times, and then asked: “So you’ll come back
and become the sect leader if I get people to re-paint our

“Pfft, what use is a big door?”

“Then what does this door prove?”


How come I’ve never won an argument against her since I was a

She stroked her smooth snow-white chin and put on a hesitant


“Haa~ you’re the only disciple of your master that can

work independently. You’ve never been at ease since there
are so many disciples on the mountain. I don’t understand
why you aren’t willing to become the sect leader. Without
you, no one in the wulin would even know of Mount Daluo.”

Oi, oi, that’s because there’s no one else who’s willing to accept
22 Report
that position, isn’t it? If someone was willing to take on that shitty
job, I’d have been thrown out moons ago. I never would’ve even
been offered a chance.

Seeing her pretend to be pouting and sulking, I decided to tease


“I’ll accept the position on one condition.”


Her eyes lit up, as she said: “As long as it’s reasonable, I’ll
agree to anything.”

“Marry me.”

“Get lost!”

Her small white face looked flustered, and she said: “Hmph, I
knew you were going to be a smartass. Listen, part of the
reason I came looking for you was because your shifu asked
me to. He told me to bring you back and complete the
succession ceremony if you weren’t doing anything and just
messing around.”

He said that!? He definitely got some household name hero’s

daughter or a pair of sisters pregnant, otherwise he wouldn’t call a
loser like me back in such a hurry.

“I certainly am not messing around. I’m looking for work

right now, aren’t I?”

She smiled as though she knew what I was thinking.

“I know what you’re thinking. You just don’t want to go

back, am I right? In that case, enjoy your retirement here.”

My entire heart was filled with warmth… She treats me so well…
23 Report
Better than my own shifu.

“However, if this places turns out to be trash, I’m going to

drag you back. If you disobey me, I’ll break your legs.”

She definitely treats me better than my shifu. I remember the last

time I refused to succeed the position as sect leader, he threatened
to break all three of my legs…*

We spoke over each other as we entered the first examination


“Where’re you from? Can’t you see we’re conducting

examinations here? Go line up.”

We were pointed to the line where the examinees wearing casual

clothes were lined up. The line was long enough to go around the
entire place once.

That long? Well, nothing we can do about it.

This is work after all, so everyone is treated equally, and everyone

will get a chance. I’ll just see what everybody else is like then.

Junior shiyi and I went and stood at the back of the line sharing the
same thoughts, as we watched the examinees.

A young man entered and formally greeted them.*

“My name is Su Xiao.”

I looked and him and instinctively said: “Oh? That guy doesn’t
look too bad.”

Junior shiyi also looked in his direction, and whistled like a thug.
She then said: “I agree.”

Together we added: “He doesn’t look too shabby”***
24 Report

*In Chinese, your third leg is your ding-a-ling

**He greeted them by forming a fist in one hand and wrapping it

with his other palm
304_0054.jpg) I didn’t translate it like that because it’s essentially a
greeting, and you as readers may not know what that means, plus it
would be a literal translation which is for amateurs.

***They’re referring to his appearance there

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25 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 4
Yi Ren is at Liu Shan Men

There’s a magazine which is widely circulated in the pugilistic

world. Everyone has a copy. The monthly magazine is called “Black
and White Reflection”.

It records the events which happen in the martial world each

month in great detail. They also create all sorts of polls ranking
martial artists from different sects and styles, which become a
weapon of sorts for them to flaunt for whatever reasons in the
pugilistic world.

It’s not just limited to those belonging to different sects and

schools in the martial world though. Even ordinary people are
interested in the happenings of the pugilistic world, so it sells
incredibly well and it continues to thrive. You could say that it’s a
noble contribution towards promoting the culture of the martial

But today’s topic is not about the “Black and White Reflection”,
but its sister magazine, the “Pink Reflection”.

It’s said that the publisher of the “Black and White Reflection”
magazine got bored one time and released the “Pink Reflection”
as a sister magazine. He wrote about the story of a magnificent
beauty in the pugilistic world at the time. Not only did he write about
her everyday life, but he also described her spicy meeting with a
swordsman in the middle of night in great detail. As a result, the
sales of that month’s issue of the “Black and White Reflection”
were off the charts. It still holds the record for the highest number of
sales in history.

That gave the publisher the confirmation that publishing the “Pink
26 Report
Reflection” was sellable idea.

Consequently, the two of them are comparably popular. Like the

“Black and White Reflection”, the “Pink Reflection” contains
many polls for the beauties of the martial world making countless
shameless scumbags in the martial world dribble like salivating dogs.

Today’s star is one of the beauties featured: Shen Yiren.

She’s from Nan Jing and is seventeen this year.

She may not be the strongest female hero, or the most beautiful,
but she certainly is the most stuck-up and violent female in the
martial art.

To this day, everybody still remembers the day she caught a

disciple of one of the famous sects trying to grope her butt and gave
him an explosive ball-shattering kick, right up the middle. All the
guys present who saw it instinctively retreated. They probably felt
the pain in their own nuts just seeing that…

No one dared to cross her again after that fiasco, because not only
is she a famous beauty, but she’s also one of Liu Shan Men’s A-class
fighters and the second in command.

And right now… She’s really pissed off… Real pissed off…

“Shit! What did you say?!”

She was dragging a constable over thirty and staring him down.
She looked like she was ready to swallow him whole.

“The Qilin guards asked the emperor to remove us from the

martial arts tournament in front of the palace? When was

“Th-the day before.”
27 Report
“You motherfucker! The day before? Why didn’t you tell me

“I wanted to tell you, but you were arguing with the

master, I mean, the governor, so I couldn’t tell you in time.”

Her eyes widened, as she asked: “So you’re saying that this is
my fault?”

“No, not at all. The fault lies with me.”

This is the Qing Long Compound; Liu Shan Men’s workplace.

Liu Shan Men has lost their standing in the imperial court for quite
some time now.

There are three groups in the martial world which work for the
imperial court: Liu Shan Men, the Qilin guards and the emperor’s
entourage. The emperor’s entourage are responsible for guarding
him and don’t participate in any internal power struggles. So there’s
only Liu Shan Men and the Qilin guards who’re going at each other’s

But after the incident with Yan Shisan a few years ago, the Qilin
guards now wield more power than Liu Shan Men.

The situation has remained like that for some years until now.

But the emperor suddenly felt like seeing the skills of his amazing
warriors and arranged for a martial arts tournament in front of Bai
Guan* next month.

The tournament itself is probably meaningless for the emperor’s

entourage and the Qilin guards. But for Liu Shan Men, it was an
opportunity to prove themself. That’s why they immediately started
spending thriftily to find talent.

And that’s how Ming Feizhen ended up looking for work there.
28 Report
“But I went to the Qilin guards place to warn them

“What good would that bloody do?! Do you actually engage

your brain when you think? If you don’t explain it properly,
then it’s the same as telling them that we really are weak
right now. What happens if the emperor really asks us to pull
out? You good-for-nothings…”

The beautiful young maiden vulgarly scolded Constable Zhang

terribly. Everyone else, both guys and girls put their head down to
avoid further angering her.

A young man came in from outside and tried to help out after
seeing her scold him. “Sis, d-don’t be so violent.” The young man
is her younger twin brother. His name is the complete opposite of his
soft and weak nature – Shen Kuang**. They arrived in this world only
moments apart, yet their personalities are the complete opposite of
each other. The sister is arrogant and violent, while the brother is
meek and obedient. Yet funnily, the sister is called “Yiren” while the
brother is called “Kuangren”…

She glared at her brother and said: “I’m violent? How?!”

A playful female voice from behind Shen Kuang said: “Of course
you’re violent. In fact, you’re heaps violent~”

Shen Yiren immediately recognised the owner of the voice, and

puffed her chest out to flaunt her dominance.

All the guys present couldn’t help but look towards Shen Yiren’s
chest region. But fearing the consequences, they quietly looked back

“What are you doing here, you witch?!”

A peculiar behaving and dressed woman came out from behind

Shen Kuang. She was perfect from head-to-toe and right-to-left.
29 Report
Every guy present ogled her.

“I’m just seeing Master Kuang home, is there a problem?

He’s a highly skilled martial artist, comes from a reputable
family and isn’t favouring any one side. Is there a reason we
Qilin guards can’t try to recruit him?”

Shen Yiren replied: “Of course you can… After I die! Kuang,
get over here. Fucking bitch. This is Liu Shan Men’s
workplace. You shouldn’t be here, so take a hike.”

Situo angrily replied: “My name is Situo, not ‘fucking

bitch’!*** You second-rate trash, are you illiterate?”

Shen Yiren glared at her.

“Why the hell would people like us need to act like

scholars? Only you Qilin guards are that cringeworthy. Throw
her out of here!”

Situo knows that Shen Yiren is the type that makes good on her
word, so she left. When she left, she winked at Shen Kuang, basically
saying “I’ll be waiting~”, and then slipped away.

Shen Yiren glared at Shen Kuang without uttering a word. Shen

Kuang felt a cold chill run up his spine and started begging for
forgiveness before she could say anything.

“Sis, I…. She clung to me right after I left the study. I didn’t
promise her anything. Believe me!”

“I know you’re kind. I’m just worried that someone might

lead you down the wrong path. The fucking bitch knows that
we plan to recover our reputation and standing at the
upcoming tournament, that’s why she wants to steal our

Out of the blue, Shen Kuang said: “No wonder why she acts so
30 Report
friendly with me. You’re a genius, sis.”

Shen Yiren had no time for her brother. She thought to herself:
“The Qilin guards are doing everything they can to stop us
from rising to power again. They might try and pull
something since we’re publicly recruiting.”

“I’m going to personally watch over the recruitment exams

this time.”


*Bai Guan = The courtyard in directly in front of the main room

where the emperor holds his meetings with his retainers

** Kuangren = 狂人 = Crazy Person; Yiren = 伊人 = This Person /

That Person / Someone’s Love

***司抚 (Situo) and死腐 (Sifu). Yiren is subbing the two “si”

characters, and changing the second character. 死腐 technically
means Fujioshi, but that wasn’t a derogatory term in ancient times,
so I subbed it for ‘Fucking bitch’ which matches Yiren’s vulgar
cussing style of speech.

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31 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 5
The Root of Trouble (Part 1)

This young man named Su Xiao doesn’t look too bad at all.

His face looks handsome, his pearly whites look well-kept, his nose
is tall and straight, and he’s tall in stature. He’s the kind of young
pretty boy girls would fall head-over-heels over. It’s just… He’s too
thin for a man… His shoulders aren’t wide enough. They’re narrow
like a lady’s. And he looks a bit too feminine.

Is he cross-dressing?


“My name is Su Xiao, I’m from Nan Jing. I’m sixteen this
year and specialise in wielding broadswords.”

Oh~ a sixteen year old flower. It’d be a waste if he didn’t cross-

dress as a maiden.

Shit! That was such a dirty thought…

But what I’m really interested in the young man who’s his

He looks the complete opposite of Su Xiao. His eyes are filled with
fight, yet he’s calm and collected. He’s the kind that stands there
and says nothing. Not many young people have that temperament.

He said his name was Tang Ye.

They began fighting after bowing to each other.

Su Xiao definitely learnt his sword techniques from his family. I’ve
peek-… “cough, cough” seen all the broadsword techniques of
32 Report
famous sects already, but not this one. First, most family styles are
only passed-down to their sons and not their daughters, so outsiders
can forget about even catching a glimpse of it. Second… If he learnt
all that bull crap there from a famous sect, then that sect would
undoubtedly be extinct by now.

Tang Ye however isn’t bad. He’s dealing with a sword empty-

handed without any problems. In fact, he’s giving Su Xiao an
opportunity, so that he leaves an impression on the examiners. But
after twenty moves, he eloquently struck Su Xiao’s wrist, took his
sword off him, and used that same hand to knock him out by striking
his pressure point.

He beat Su Xiao with just one arm.

That style is pretty overpowered.

However, the examiners were quite impressed with Su Xiao as

well, so they allowed them both to continue on to the next round.

After pondering it silently for a while, Junior shiyi rubbed her chin
and asked: “Feizhen, what do you think?”

Without a thought, I blurted: “They’re worlds apart. Tang Ye is

young, but his martial arts skills are quite good. He could
give a good number of top ranked fighters a run for their
money. He’s almost on your level.”

Realizing that I said something I shouldn’t have, I quickly added:

“However, he lacks experience. He wouldn’t last more than
thirty moves against you.”

She pouted a little before replying with a smile: “Yeah, I agree.

Be careful when you fight him.”

“Me fight him? Why would I have to fight him?”

“There are three parts to the exam: In the first part, you just have
33 Report
to display your martial arts skills. Winning and losing isn’t important,
you’ll pass the first round if the examiner is happy. The second part
is a scholastic test. The third part is where you’ll face off against
each other, which will be scored. Didn’t you read the information on
the examination process?

Well, I came running when I noticed that the monthly salary was
seventy silver ingots. I didn’t pay attention to all those other details…

If that’s the way it’s going to go, then I’ll need to be wary of Tang
Ye. Well, I’ll just make a note for now.

While I’m at it, let me remind you that when I say “be careful”, I
don’t mean that I’m afraid of losing to him, but that I’ll have to get

I specialise in all different styles. I’m good at Shaolin, Wudang,

Emei Huashan… I could just choose one and pretend that’s my style,
but if I get serious, then I’ll end up revealing everything.

Forget the other school’s techniques, if I use the Demon Sect’s

Spring Wind Rainy Night manual’s techniques, they’ll kill me. Nobody
in the world hates the Demon Sect more than these guys. I’ll bet
anything that at least thirty armed guards will come out from all
directions to hack me.

This will be a bit difficult indeed.

After all, I never followed a training system. I’ll end up using

whatever if I’m not careful. After training for all these years, I’ve
combined everything I’ve learnt together. I don’t think about it when
I fight. What shall I do…?

“Ming Feizhen, Ming Suwen, Ming Feizhen, Ming Suwen.

You’re together, right?”

I was too busy enjoying myself, I forgot it was our turn.
34 Report
“You two came together and share the same surname. So
you two are…”

Before she could say anything, I blurted: “We’re a married


I turned to look at my surprised and blushing junior shiyi, and

pulled a smug “no need to thank me” look.

I never expected the guard to get angry and say: “How dare you!
Don’t you know that you’re not allowed to marry someone
with the same surname as yourself? Who are your parents,
how did you get acquainted with this maiden and how did
you two date? Explain yourself!”

I became a mess after he gave me that earful.

Meanwhile, my junior shiyi was giggling behind me. She cheekily

raised an eyebrow at me to say: “That’s what you get for getting
stuck-up and trying to take advantage of me.”

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35 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 6
The Root of Trouble (Part 2)

“No one has done something so disgusting since the

establishment of this dynasty. Explain yourself properly, or
else I’ll punish you.”

I could sense his jealousy, hate and desire to take out his anger on
me in the name of carrying out his official duty from his tone. I’ve got
proof. He never took his eyes off my junior shiyi as he spoke to me.
Besides him, the two inspectors on the side both wore the same

Fuck you and your “no same surname marriage”! The current
emperor has eight wives, two of them share the same surname, Li,
with him. Why don’t you go punish him!?

I can’t believe being a loud-mouth would have such repercussions.

We share the same name because I was adopted, we’re not blood
related. But there is the issue of seniority…

Deciding that that was enough, she stepped in to explain: “Sir,

he’s joking. We’re relatives, I’m his… gugu*.” I’m not sure what
she was thinking, but she looked a bit uncomfortable after saying

Gugu? Guo’er is here!**

Yeah right.

“Relatives! Ah, nephew, I mean, Fei Zhen, do your best,

don’t let me down.”

After he heard that I was her nephew and realised I wasn’t a
36 Report
threat, he smiled gently and brightly at me. I got goose bumps when
he called my name.

“Alright, the first round of the examination is martial arts.

Relax, and show us your best moves. Miss, please be careful
not to let yourself get hurt.”

Hey, hey, hey! I heard you were looking for skilled martial artists.

Now you’re worried about her getting a little hurt?

“You two can start once you’re ready.”

She pulled a cheeky face at me as if she were trying to say: “Are

you going to go easy on me?”

Yes. Yes, I will! I would gladly die for you even!

We stood apart on two sides and put our guard up using our sect’s
style. She lives up to her title as the most senior female member of
our sect. Her pose is both dignified and well-thought. None of my
fellow disciples could compare.

She was trained by the grandmaster. She’s not like me; she’s one
of those born with martial talent people. Although there’s an age
gap, based on what I’ve seen, she is pretty much on shifu’s level. I’ll
suffer if I’m not careful. But since we’re from the same sect, I know
her moves like the back of my hand, so I shouldn’t be at too much of
a disadvantage even if I go easy on her.

She flipped her wrist over and slowly struck with her palm. That’s
our sect’s Xing Luo Palm.

Ahem, I got a little too excited there…, I was taught to honour my

teachers and respect their teachings.

I began by defending with Tai Chi. It’s not that I want to use the
martial arts of other sects and schools, but that I can only use the
37 Report
martial arts of other sects and schools! Shifu only threw secret
manuals from other sects and schools at me when I started training.
He never taught me our sect’s techniques.

Even ’til today, I’m only able to recognise the techniques of our
sect at best.

After I left the mountain, I went to great lengths to convince people

that I was a disciple of Mount Daluo, but nobody would believe me,
because I don’t even know their basics…

She saw me defend and giggled, before changing her move

quickly, and unleashed thirteen palm strikes at varying speeds and

The examiners exclaimed: “Whoa~”; I could virtually see their

perverted smiles and stares as junior shi yi’s clothes fluttered as she

I was so enraged, I swear I was ready to murder them! Those son

of a guns don’t understand the beauty behind her palm strikes. They
were just ogling at her coveted beauty.

My anger came from deep down in my heart. I absorbed the power

of each of her strikes with my hands using my Tai Chi skills, and
directed the blows behind me, splashing those perverts with tornado-
like winds, until they started crying from the wind hurting their eyes.

Hahahahaha, well deserved.

Shiyi looked at me strangely, and awkwardly asked: “What are

you doing? If they can’t see properly, how are we supposed
to pass?”

Like I care! No one is allowed to steal looks at you.

After that, we exchanged thirty moves each, thirty of her Xing Luo
Palms, thirty of my Tai Chi techniques. The three examiners still
38 Report
couldn’t open their eyes after we were done. When they finally
recovered, they looked at each other awkwardly, because they didn’t
see our performance, the group next to ours or the one next to that
group’s either.

One examiner for our group cleared their throats, spoke to his two
colleagues and said to us: “The two of you weren’t bad, But,
uhh… You didn’t manage to meet our expectations this time

Holy shit, I just witnessed Liu Shan Men’s corruption here first

Tell me, just what the hell did you see?!

Suddenly, a servant came rushing over and whispered to the

examiner. The examiner’s facial expression changed drastically after
he heard it. Then he stood up and said: “I have something to
attend to, please wait a moment.” And then he left in a hurry.

Everybody present started looking at each other, wondering what

had happened.

I tried to use Yi Jin Jing to enhance my listening and sight to try and
hear what was happening at the back, but since it was too far away, I
could only hear some faint sounds.

It sounded like someone was cussing at someone, some slapping

sounds, and painful cries like someone was getting skewered.

What were they doing back there? Interrogating a criminal?

I got my answer a few seconds later.

The examiner came back miserably with his hands on his face as
he tried to cover the big hand marks on his face, and said to us:
“You six have passed the first round of the examination,
please head over to the venue for the second round and
39 Report
await further instructions.”

Justice has been served!

But I want to know who beat him up so badly.


Gugu = aunt

**A reference to Legend of the Condor Heroes from Jin Yong, where
Guo’er and his Gugu (Xiao Long Nv) have a romantic relationship.

Translator Comments

First of all, sorry for the previous mix-up, here is another chapter
as I promised. In other news, our main character in this series is so
strong he could give Saitama a run for his money, serious. You’re
going to love this series if you like OP characters and yanderes when
we get there. If you already like it, then you’ll… like it.

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releases and patron only specials!

40 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 7
A Big Discovery

It seemed the second examination took longer than the first

examination, so we waited around in the yard.

I suddenly heard people next door arguing but no one reacted. I

concluded that I could hear it because my hearing and sight were
enhanced. I tugged on Juinor Shi yi’s sleeve, and said: “There are
people arguing next door, let’s go see what all the fuss is

She thought it was funny and said: “You’ve always been a fun-
seeker since you were young.” But she ended up coming with me
in the end anyway. This shows that does she dote on me.

After making our way through a series of twists and turns, we

reached the courtyard next door and saw two guys pushing and
tugging each other.

What are you two doing dressed like that in the middle of the day?!
My nosy personality came out, so I hid with Junior shi yi to watch
them. One of them was a familiar face. It was the handsome
broadsword wielder, Su Xiao, and he was tugging and tangled with
another young man who looked just as handsome.

Su Xiao looked like he was ready to leave, but the other guy
grabbed his hands, and said: “Why? Why are you like this?! Am I
not treating you well enough?”

Su Xiao put on a cold face and said: “Master Liu, I’ve said
nothing but good things about you, it’s just that you don’t
understand. Don’t push it!”

This dialogue sounds like…
41 Report
Right, I got it…

The young man grabbed his chest with one hand as if he were
about to vomit blood, stepped back three steps as if the god of love
possessed him, and said: “Why are you so heartless? Why are
you so unreasonable?”

He flicked his hair, looked at Su Xiao with eyes filled with sincerity,
and said: “What more do you want, Su Xiao? You know how I
feel about you, don’t tell me that you don’t!”




They’re gay?! They’re Gay!?

Brother Su, I had no idea you were this kind of young man.

Nan Jing is a big place with lots of second generation rich kids and
gays, but I never thought I’d run into one.

Looking at him closely… God, how did I not think of that? Su Xiao
looks weak and his skin looks tender like a girl’s. Every legit- gay
would treat him like a rare treasure.

Su Xiao stamped his feet in disbelief, and said: “I, Su Xiao, am a


Miss, I mean, brother, just speak if you’re going to speak, could

you please not stamp as your speak?

“I’m a man. Don’t even think about using this to insult me.
Otherwise… Don’t blame me for being merciless!” He then
coldly snorted and walked away.

Master Liu gloomily stumbled away after Su Xiao.
42 Report
I forced myself to calm down, but I carelessly let it slip…

“Holy shit, holy shit, junior shi yi, I have to go and tell them
about this!”

She sighed and said: “I never thought that brat would be so

good at hooking up with other guys. I can’t believe he even
managed to hook up with Nan Jing’s Liu Family’s master.”

“Liu Family? Which Liu Family? Liu Zongyuan?”

“Liu Qingquan, the one that offended Ximen Chuideng that

year, was hunted by the Demon Sect and had to burn down
his Qianliu Villa in Hang Zhou. He later secluded himself in
Nan Jing, and only resurfaced into the pugilistic world after
the Demon Sect crumbled. He’s made connections with many
high ranking officials over the last few years. He’s doing
alright for himself now.”

Oh! I remember Qianliu Villa!

That year when I went to Hang Zhou with shifu, he went south of
Hang Zhou, while I went North. He went looking for a den of women,
while I went deep into the den of ruthless thieves. I had a big battle
with them that night and was fairly tired. I subdued seventy thieves
while he spent an entire day flirting with girls…

After that, I went to Qianliu Villa to rest.

Liu Qingquan bows in respect towards my shifu, so I guess him and

I share the same level of seniority. Back then, Old Liu treated us
passionately with his riches earned from his corrupt deeds.

I remember we drank five hundred cups together. Not long after,

his family got caught up in trouble. I haven’t seen him in a long time.

I remember he only had one son, and since… Well, that’s the end
of his family lineage now.
43 Report
I suddenly heard my name.

“Is Ming Feizhen here yet?”

Looks like its time. I dragged Junior shi yi back to the venue, and
indeed, they were calling for me. I quickly entered the venue, bowed
in four directions and said: “Thank you for having me here,
please look after me.”

“You’re not being asked to put on a martial arts

demonstration, so there’s no need to stand on ceremony.
This round is an intellectual test.”


Intellectual? So there are scholastic elements?

I know the ‘Three Character Classic’, does that count?

“Although it’s an intellectual test, we won’t be testing your

writing or poetry skills. We at Liu Shan Men value the ability
to be adaptive and your ability to deal with a crisis. Alright,
here are some questions we’ll ask you, you just need to
answer. Would you please do the honours, head examiner?”

All that big talk and you’re just a shuttle-boy…?

A young man dressed in the casual attire of a young master from a

big family sat down. Eh? Isn’t this guy… The guy that unsuccessfully
confessed just now? Master Liu?!

“Ming Feizhen is a rare name.” He scanned at me as though he

was analysing me causing all the hairs on my body to stand up.

“Your body’s not bad.”

Not bad, my foot!!

I squeezed my butt tightly after he complimented me.
44 Report
I can guarantee he wasn’t checking out my goods, that was the
look of a predator! This guy wants me!

He continued ogling me, but then sighed and said: “But you
don’t look anything special.”

Why do I feel like I should run as fast as I can for dear life, but at
the same time, feel like I just got completely destroyed…?


*Three Character Classics = It’s used as a child’s first formal

education at home. It taught children common characters, grammar
structures, elements of Chinese history and the basis of Confucian
principles. Long story short, Ming Feizhen is borderline illiterate.

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45 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 8
Deal at the Examination Venue

This round was the same as the last. The examination was to be
completed as a pair, but it seems the order was jumbled up, because
I wasn’t paired with my Junior shiyi. Instead, I was paired with
another young maiden.

She had her eyes plastered on Master Liu and was flirting with her
eyes non-stop ever since she set foot in.

Lass, let me give you a piece of advice: A lady’s beauty will never
enter the line of sight of dedicated monks and gays…

“You will be tested on your intellect this round. Alright,

listen in.” Master Liu was shaking his head the way people do when
fortune tellers explain their fortune to them based on divination
sticks at temples. He looked more like a nut-job than a respectable
young man from a prestigious family.

The examiner asked: “Let’s say the opponent was more

skilled than you and skilled with hidden weapons while you
were outclassed in both. What should you do in this sort of

The young maiden shyly raised her small hand and twist-and-
turned her body as she shyly said: “You could seduce him, try to
make him think he won, and when he’s distracted, castrate
him! If you manage to cut off the root of a man’s power, he’s
basically useless. After that, hehehe.”

Holy fuck! I correctly guessed what her opening would be, but that
second half… I never imagined she’d say that…

Aren’t you too ruthless? Your enemy might not be a bad person,
46 Report
you know? I imagined the scene of a highly skilled marital artist who
was also an elite hidden weapon user getting castrated by some girl
of a prestigious family… Damn…

Master Liu displeasingly denounced: “Nonsense! Absolute

nonsense! Is that something a girl says? Girls are supposed
to protect their chastity. All girls in the world do, so why are
you trying to act like a slut, seducing people, stealing what
people like and stealing their man?! Women shouldn’t get

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don’t you think you’re too selfish?!

I can’t believe people can’t tell you swing that way… Liu Shan Men
aren’t very sharp.

He continued getting angrier as he spoke, and it wasn’t long before

he slammed his large hand on the table, and said: “There are so
many guys trapped by the charms of females precisely
because of sluts like you. Get lost! I don’t want to see you!”

The young maiden looked like she got struck by lightning. She
confidently tried to show off in front of the guy she liked and that was
what she was rewarded with. He scolded her until she ran off crying…

Master Liu seemed like he enjoyed it, like he managed to vent his
anger over failing to keep his lover. He looked more alive than
before. He helped himself to a cup of tea, and said: “Ming Feizhen,
it’s your turn to answer.”

I continued looking at him speechlessly. I suddenly didn’t feel like

answering anymore, but decided to answer anyway, and said: “I’ll
plant a mine and blow him up.”

He frowned and said: “Answer properly!” You treat men and

women completely differently! Even an idiot could tell that I was
dissing you, and yet you’re asking me to repeat myself? Is this like
47 Report
some new way of discriminating against women?

But I must ask, what the hell is up with this topic?

A highly skilled martial artist who’s also skilled at using hidden


No matter how hard I think about it, the only answer that comes to
mind is: “Can’t you just one-hit KO him?” Does the problem lie
with me?

Master Liu took a sip of tea and said with his eyes half-closed:
“You don’t know how to answer? That’s fine. Okay, next

What the hell?!

There are two questions now?

That girl ran off for nothing then…

“There are fourteen people in the hall, and the person

you’re charged with protecting has been captured by the
enemy. How should you resolve the situation?”


Say, can’t you ask simpler questions? Like how did the pig die
when he ran into the tree?

If you ask me these sorts of questions, the only answer I’ll have for
you is: “Kill the guy on the left of the hostage first, then the
one on the right, then rescue the hostage.”

Master Liu let out a sigh and said: “The correct answer is to
feign surrender and deceive the enemy. Haa~ Ming Feizhen,
your martial arts skills are whatever, and you’re terrible at
using your brain. Looks like I’ll be continuing on to the next
48 Report
round without you.”

Did he just say he was going to eliminate me and bury my dream

to retire?


He stopped drinking as I signalled to stop with my hand. He looked

at me surprised, and asked: “What?”

Now that it’s come to this, I can’t hold back anymore. I have to put
you in your place. Old Liu, don’t blame me. It’s your son’s fault for
disrespecting his seniors.

I suppressed the sound around, and used Shu Yin Cheng Xian Arts
to speak to him, by speaking directly into his ears so that others
wouldn’t hear. I said to him: Master Liu… I know Su Xiao.”

Master Liu’s eyes opened wide before making a scornful

expression and shouting: “So what if you know him? Are you
trying to leverage that to gain favour with me or something?
This is Liu Shan Men! Listen carefully, Ming Feizhen…”

His voice got louder and louder. Fine, if that’s how you want to play

I said: “I know about the secret between you and Su Xiao.”

I saw a bead of sweat roll down his head as he said: “H-how do

you…? What else do you know?”

I replied: “You not only know him, but you’re also very close
to him. You’re so close to each other that you’re ready to
share a bed with him, right?”


He suddenly started laughing in a friendly way, so I played along
49 Report
with him.

“Hahaha, Master Ming, you’re so talented.”

“Hahaha, not at all, not at all.”

And that’s how I managed to pass the second round without a


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50 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 9

Getting Rid of the Root of Trouble

The third round of exams…

The most outstanding participant thus far is Tang Ye.

He was competing against a swordsman. The exam for this round

was combat. He didn’t hold back like last time and defeated his
opponent in five moves.

After defeating his opponent he faintly said: “Thank you for

taking it easy on me.”

He strikes like the wind, his execution is concise, and each

technique is executed with the goal of defeating his opponent in one
move and up until now has only used one hand. This is the reason my
evaluation of him continues to improve. I now believe he’s an even
match for my junior shiyi.

Su Xiao stood to one side looking at Tang Ye with admiration as

though he envied his martial arts. At the same time, Master Liu who
was standing behind him looked at him with hatred at least ten-times
Su Xiao’s admiration. He looked like he was rip his head off!

“Tang Ye wins! Next is Ming Suwen and the Drunkard

Wangqi, of Jiu Lian Villa.”

It was junior shiyi’s turn, so I cheered for her: “Junior shiyi, I

wish you a speedy win~”

“You sure have a way with words. I’m off now.”

A guy and girl appeared outside the door and looked on at Junior
51 Report
shiyi as well.

Shen Yiren cheerfully shook Shen Kuang’s arm and said: “It’s that
girl’s turn. How many moves do you think it’ll take for her to
defeat her opponent this time?”

Shen Kuang wasn’t sure if he was meant to be happy or sad seeing

his sister’s childish reaction and said: “You can tell with one
glance, why are you even trying to make a bet with
yourself?” Shen Yiren looked at him with spite like he was retarded,
and said: “What do you know? She’s highly skilled. I may not
even be her match.”

“Is she that good?”

“Didn’t you see her in the first round when she used Mount
Daluo’s Xing Luo Palms against that guy? Every move was
trained, succinct and beautiful. It’s obvious she was trained
by a reputable master. Those three examiners have shit for
eyes! They were about to let talent like that go!”

Shen Kuang, happy with what he just heard asked: “So that
means the guy she fought was pretty good too, right?” Shen
Yiren replied with a mocking look: “No. That guy is a waste of air.
He used Wudang’s Tai Chi which is taught by the old-fart. He
even applied the techniques incorrectly several times. I heard
she is his aunt. If his aunt wasn’t going easy on him, her first
strike would’ve been enough to take his life. Hey! There she
goes again! That’s Tian Luo Weaving Palms! I can’t believe
she can use that technique too!”

She really was using Tian Luo Weaving Palms.

I thought Junior shiyi was just here to kill time, but it looks like
she’s having fun.

I don’t blame her. There’s no shortage of female warriors in the
52 Report
pugilistic world, but there are hardly any on Mount Daluo. There
aren’t many who could put up a fight against her either. I know of
only three people who could go tit-for-tat with her. This meant that
my martial arts-crazed junior shiyi had no opponents. At the same
time, she can’t just go find some stinking men to fight, right? I’d be
the first to object!

Getting back on topic, she’s completely destroying him.

Drunkard Wangqi could be considered one of the skilled martial

artists of Nan Jing, but his Drunken Fist is completely useless against
Junior shiyi’s Tian Luo Weaving Palms. He doesn’t even have the
opportunity to show his skills. Junior shiyi decided she’d had enough,
so she used her sleeves to flick him in the face, and threw a kick
from her left. Wangqi barely managed to step back to evade her
sleeve flick, and was caught by her kick which hit his pressure point.
In the end he was left lying on the floor cussing.


Somebody blurted it before I could. I turned around and saw a

very, very sweet looking beauty with a lava-hot voluptuous body
standing behind me clapping. Her clothes weren’t the tight-fit type,
but it gave the impression that it was. The main reason for that was
you know… Certain places protruded…

It’s commonly said that there is a type of woman that is very hard
to chance upon, and all men in the world wish to meet. I think I’ve
met her today. Big eyes and boobs! That face and body have got to
be illegal! Who…

I wiped my drool…

Who is she? She ignored me and walked straight up to Junior shiyi

and excitedly grabbed her hands like old people in a village getting
an award from the village chief.
53 Report
“It’s been hard on you!”

You really are a village chief!

All my fantasies of her crumbled at that sight…

“Isn’t that the vice-captain of Liu Shan Men, Shen Yiren?”

“Why is she here? It looks like Liu Shan Men are serious
about this time’s recruits.”


Vice-captain?! She’s my future boss?

All of a sudden I joined the villagers and unconsciously praised the


Junior shiyi gently pushed her hands away and pursed her lips into
a smile in my direction. I think she was trying to send me some sort
of message, but I couldn’t decipher it. Then she suddenly said:
“Ming Suwen shall now retire.”

“Say what?”

I was a tad confused.

“What do you mean?”

“Yeah, what do you mean?”

Shen Yiren was more nervous than me. No, that’s not right. I was
just a little surprised, I wasn’t nervous in the least. Shen Yiren on the
other hand, was legitimately nervous. She kept pressing on with her
question: “What are you retiring from? What do you want to
retire from?”

Junior shiyi waved her hands and said: “I didn’t come here with
the intention of joining Liu Shan Men, so why should I bother
54 Report
fighting up to the last round? I don’t want to waste my time
on this. I’m bored now. If you want something from me, ask
for my nephew instead.”


You’re a pro at setting me up, aren’t you?!

I suddenly felt like my future boss was glaring at me with

bloodthirsty eyes.


*A reference to MMOs where you’ve got NPCs standing there

randomly cheering

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55 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 10
My Turn

I responded faster than the blink of an eye. I waved my hand to

brush it off and said: “Don’t look at me. I’m not her eldest

I wasn’t lying. Based on our seniority rankings, my shifu should be

her eldest nephew…

Shen Yiren looked at us with suspicion, and said: “How many

relatives do you have in your family? Did they all come here?

Junior shiyi shrugged, pointed at me and said: “It doesn’t matter

how many relatives I have. The point is, he’s in charge of
handling my issues.” Her tone carried a hint of dependency,
making my heart throb.

Wait, wait, wait! This isn’t the time for you to be throbbing! Come
on, don’t sell me out now!”

Shen Yiren glanced at me and said in an overbearing tone: “You?

You’re going to meddle in my business?”

What do you want me to do about it? You have to stand aside even
if you’re her future boss. It’s my junior shiyi we’re talking about here.
I looked at the big-boobed beauty with a sad expression.

I said in a serious, painful, brave and righteous tone: “In any

case, my aunt doesn’t want to work for Liu Shan Men. This is
our problem. I won’t cause you any trouble. If you insist on
making us compensate you, then… I’m willing to join Liu Shan
Men and slave away for you to make it up to you!”

Shen Yiren paused for a moment and then cussed: “Get fucked!
56 Report
You came here to take the recruitment exams, and now you
think you can talk your way in? You’re slyer than a fox.”

Damn it! At least I tried.


“What do you want me to do then? My aunt never signed

anything, so it’s not like you can stop her from leaving. Gugu,
leave first, I’ll handle things here. Worst comes to worst, I’ll
work as a slave for you…”

Shen Yiren looked like she lost it as she said: “Shut up! Have you
still not given up on trying to get in using backdoor
methods?! Miss Ming, you’re a rare talent that we would love
to have. I can raise your salary ten-times if you like. If there
are no problems, then could we sign an agreement now?”


Junior shiyi laughed out loud and said: “Forget ten-times, even
if you were to pay me twenty-times… Feizhen! What are you
doing standing behind her?”


Oh yeah, when did I get behind her?

Hearing Junior shiyi’s threatening tone, my legs automatically

walked my back to her side. But seven hundred silver ingots plus the
end of year bonus is tens of thousands silver ingots. I could build my
extravagant-dream-estate with that!

Right at that a moment, a clear voice said: “Don’t be like that,

sis. Maybe she really has problems to deal with. Miss Ming,
please don’t hesitate to tell us why you want to quit. If there
is an issue, we would be happy to help, and you can join Liu
Shan Men afterwards. Wouldn’t that be perfect?”
57 Report
The person who spoke out was a young maiden who was an
absolute beauty. She looked like the spitting image of Shen Yiren.
Are they sisters? The problem was, she was a disappointment below
the neck… Starting from below the neck, she was as flat as a board.
She had large eyes, but her chest region was non-existent. She spoke
with a much softer tone than the domineering vice-captain. How
could two sisters be so different?

But I must say, having two beautiful sisters standing next to each
other is very pleasing to the eye.

Junior shiyi used the move I used before to speak directly to me

without anyone else hearing: “Fei Zhen, help me.” I looked at her
with a confused look to say: “Why should I?”

She glared back at me to say: “If I get to the final round and
then walk off, they’ll take offence to it. Liu Shan Men aren’t

Why are you trying to reach the finals in the first place…?

And I don’t want her to reach the finals either. If she did, we’d have
to face off against each other…

I coughed, looked back at them and said with a tragic tone: “We
just received some sad news from home. My shifu, I mean my
aunt’s eldest nephew passed away.”

Shifu, I swear I’m not cursing you!

I clenched my fists and said with all the sincerity I could muster:
“While he was on his death-bed, he said he wanted to see my
aunt or else he wouldn’t die in peace, so my aunt needs to
head back to attend the funeral. At the very least, she needs
to make the three bows at his grave and send him her final

“He died? How old is your nephew? How did he die?”
58 Report
I answered frankly: “Syphillis.”

Shen Yiren took a big step back and said with disgust: “Eeek!
Stay away from me.”

Shifu, I swear I’m not cursing you.

Shen Yiren quickly regained her composure and said: “Do you
think I’m stupid? Would you be here taking part in the exams
if he actually died?”

“A pigeon delivered the message to us just now.”

“Where’s the pigeon then?”

“I grilled it and ate it already.”

“Where’s the letter then?”

“The pigeon ate it.”

“You’re just going to play dumb with me, aren’t you?!”

Shen Yiren’s beautiful eyes started to form tears of anger. Her eyes
which were meant to be filled with love became filled with
bloodthirst. I don’t know why, but all the examiners took a big step
back and covered their groins. What’s going on…?

“Don’t try and bullshit me. If you leave after passing two
rounds, you’re going to mess up our arrangements. You’re
not going anywhere!”

“I don’t care. My aunt has to attend the funeral so she’ll be

leaving no matter what. Your arrangements are your

Shen Yiren’s “younger sister” laughed naively after hearing our

conversation. It was like she lightened the heavy atmosphere a little.
Those sick-perverted examiners took a deep breath as though they
59 Report
were trying to catch the air she breathed out… Hey! Stop it already,
you sickos!

The younger “sister” said with a smile: “You heard her, sis.
Miss Ming has an urgent matter to attend to. Miss Ming, go
ahead and attend to your matters first. You can come back
after, and the terms my sister promised you will remain

“Stay out of it, Kuang.” She looked at her “sister” awkwardly

with a hint of panic. Our crappy lie failed to work on her, but worked
on her naive “younger sister.” By the way, what was the
“younger sister’s” name again? Kuang? Kuang? Kuang?* I’m a
little confused myself…

I hit my chest with confidence, and said: “My aunt isn’t going to
participate in the next round. Who’s her opponent? I’ll take
them on!”

“You?!” Before I could finish what I wanted to say, a blue shadow

appeared. Well look who it is. If it isn’t Master Liu…

“Trash, how dare you disrespect the vice-captain like that?

I Liu Yuan, will teach you a lesson to appease her on behalf of
Liu Shan Men!”

…You just want to silence me, don’t you?


*Same pronunciation but different characters.

Translator Notes: I apologise to anyone who had trouble viewing

the chapters yesterday as we exceeded the traffic limit again. It looks
like it’ll be an ongoing issue until we can resolve the hosting issue. If
you want to know more about that, check out the announcement I
60 Report

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61 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 11
Let’s Fight

Shen Yiren looked at Master Liu who forced his way through. She
maintained her domineering presence and posture, glared at him,
and then said: “Who’s this? Why’s he pretending that we’re

Puhahaha! Your superior doesn’t even recognise you!

Master Liu’s face turned red and he loudly said: “I’ll arrest you if
you don’t stop, trash!” He attacked me with his palm strikes,
leaving a number of shadows behind. He attacked me with seven
palm strikes as soon as he arrived at the scene. Some master of a
prestigious family he is…

He’s got talent. He advances and retreats like the wind. He’s
comparable to those guys performing on the streets… Please excuse
me, I got too caught up in my explanation. Stop frequenting so many
tea houses. Those places create a lot of Duan Zi’s.*

Alright, I’ll get serious too.

It’s been a while since I’ve actually fought somebody.

Let’s identify his flaws first.


Crap. I can’t figure out his moves…

His techniques don’t look like they’re from Qian Liu Villa’s, nor do
they resemble Old Liu’s specialty. I remember Old Liu demonstrating
it to me once. It was continually changing. It emphasised overcoming
brute force with technical manoeuvres and was difficult to counter.
62 Report
How the heck did Master Liu here, managed to turn Old Liu’s
techniques into this sorry excuse for a martial art?

Just what the heck is this?

Screw it, I can’t be bothered thinking.

Let’s go.


People in the martial world show respect based on martial prowess,

but very few knew of the invincible Ming Feizhen.

Most people think he doesn’t even know martial arts.

Most martial artists these days prefer to place more emphasis on

the external aspects of martial arts. By that I mean hand-to-hand
combat, swordsmanship, and staff techniques. It’s not that there
aren’t any internal style practitioners; it’s just that very few actually
master them.

Everybody knows that practicing internal based martial arts will

improve physical abilities. However, that only applies to the first few
years of training. As the practitioner becomes more and more
advanced, progress becomes slower and slower.

Let me make an example to clear it up. If one’s internal strength

was level 1 at ten-years of age, and then practised a top-notch
internal based style, then their internal strength at age twenty would
be roughly level 100. But even if they continue to train diligently
after that, by age thirty, they’d reach level 120 at best. And since
progress slows down, by the time they reach sixty, they’d just barely
have reached level 150.

In other words, if you were to compare the internal strength level

of a young man who invested ten years into internal strength, his
internal strength levels wouldn’t be that much different from an elder
63 Report
who spent their entire life focusing on training their internal strength.

It’s common knowledge that regardless of which internal style one

chooses to practise, it’s highly unlikely that one will be able to
surpass other practitioners by a long-shot.

The level one can achieve is limited by the time they have. The
only way to improve infinitely is to be immortal. The slow progress is
the reason most martial artists prefer styles which emphasise
external aspects. Provided your internal strength level isn’t too bad,
you’d be considered a skilled martial artist if you knew a lot of
techniques, and of course, rare techniques.

For example, the Yi Jin Jing manual from Shaolin is a classic which
has been passed down since ancient times could easily be the
internal style. However, the abbot of Shaolin temple’s internal
strength level is only slightly higher than someone as young as Shen
Yiren. Subsequently, you can see that it’s basically impossible to
make a name for yourself by relying on just internal strength styles.

This is precisely why people don’t show any recognition for

youngsters who may have a high level of internal strength but know
little in terms of techniques.

Liu Yuan continued to let his palms fly with feints thrown in here-
and-there. They’d definitely confuse the enemy.

Qian Liu’s Style is all about changing and adapting. After he joined
Liu Shan Men, he combined Liu Shan Men’s Five Elements Palms with
the essential parts of his Qian Liu Palms, so he increased his
technique repertoire even further. However, the Five Elements Palms
are only basic techniques taught at Liu Shan Men. They were
intended to be practised for health benefits, so it wasn’t really
practical for combats. In this way, Liu Yuan took a fantastic style and
transformed it into a style with no other function other than for show.

His basics weren’t bad, so normal people couldn’t beat him,
64 Report
allowing him to get away with it. And that’s how managed to survive
at Liu Shan Men.

Noticing that Feizhen wasn’t moving, Liu Yuan saw an opening and
struck his chest with a palm strike. Everyone in the venue went:
“Whoa~”. Most people who know Liu Yuan know that his techniques
are only good for show. The only thing he had going for him was the
fact that he learnt from a reputable master and had a solid
foundation so his blows had some power behind them. Normally, a
strike like that would’ve destroyed someone’s internal organs. People
were wondering if Feizhen was retarded. Who stands there and takes
hits like that?

Just as everyone thought the victor had been decided, a cold smile
crept up Liu Yuan’s face, and he struck at Ming Feizhen’s crown with
a palm-strike without hesitation!

That palm-strike was a heavy blow. Striking someone’s Baihui point

is the equivalent of killing them. Even a child who didn’t know martial
arts could severely injure a grown man by striking it, and here, Liu
Yuan put everything he had behind the strike. If it were not for Ming
Feizhen’s profound abilities, that blow would’ve severely injured him
if not killed him.

Ming Feizhen finally budged. The audience could now say with
certainty that he wasn’t retarded. He slightly tilted his head to evade
the strike. Liu Yuan seemingly knew which direction Feizhen was
going to move in. His palm strike hit Feizhen’s leg and he followed up
with a spin kick which struck the back of Ming Feizhen’s head.

The kick rocked Feizehn and send him backwards while Liu Yuan
chased after him and used the same palm strike, again aiming for
Feizhen’s skull.

Shen Yiren decided Liu Yuan was going too far and decided to
reproach him.
65 Report
Ming Feizhen regained his balance and looked extremely angry.

“Hey! Why do you keep trying to touch my head with your

hand?! I don’t even want to know where your hand has been
and what it’s been touching. Could you not touch me with
your hands?!”

Liu Yuan was shocked. There was still a shadow on his hand as he
asked: “Did you learn Iron Body?!”

Ming Feizhen replied: “Piss off! You’re the street busker


He lightly tapped Liu Yuan on the face. His strike looked like he
was caressing the air, but that one strike caused the shadow in Liu
Yuan’s hands to vanish…

Liu Yuan then fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth with stars
floating around his head.

He couldn’t get up.

And the crowd went silent…


*A reference to Duan Zi from天龙八部 (Demi-Gods and Semi-

Devils). The guy was useless and pretty much a pretty boy who only
had two moves at his disposal: one for running and one that only
worked when plot-armour worked its magic. Tea houses were places
people frequented to socialise. So he’s basically saying “Spend
more time training and less time playing because you suck.”

**Iron-body is commonly performed on streets (in ancient times of

course), so he’s insulted that Liu Yuan suggested he learnt some
shady low-level tricks street buskers use.
66 Report

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67 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 12
Please read the ‘Latest News’ post for an explanation of why there
have been no recent releases and what’s happening going forward.

Liu Shan VS Qilin

I put Master Liu’s lights out with one palm strike. Everybody looked
at me. I think they were surprised by my martial prowess. I saw
something strange in their eyes. I saw their eyes filled with respect
for me, eyes filled with awe of my prowess, eyes filled with… Pardon
me. Long story short, my image rose sky-high in an instant.

Immediately after that-

Shen Yiren took in a breath and shut her eyes as if she’d just seen
two dirty bugs and shouted: “Hey! Could you two please not go
around wasting time and making trouble when your martial
arts suck? We can’t accept this standard.”


Last year I bought a… Sorry, I’m off topic again.

Could you please not lump me in with this guy?! Didn’t you see my
awe-inspiring death-touch win?!

Junior shiyi looked like she knew it’d turn out this way and was
laughing hard, and it was clear she had no intention of helping.

I pointed to Master Liu who was lying on the floor with his eyes
rolled back, and said: “Hey, uhh… This guy is your underling,
right? Don’t you think he makes you look bad?”

“I don’t know who that guy is. Would you say you look bad
if I find a speck of dust at your house? Do you even have a
68 Report
dick? What kind of man is so petty?”

I just lost 100 HP to this lass’s mouth canon…

Shen Yiren’s younger “sister” tugged her and said: “Don’t get
angry, sis. I know Master Liu, his martial art skills aren’t that
bad. For this man to be able to knock him down proves that
he uhh…. Is strong.”

Are you complimenting a villar or a martial arts master here…?

I rebutted: “In any case, I beat your underling, so stop

bothering my gugu.”

Shen Yiren called my Junior shiyi by her name without paying me

any heed and said: “Ming Suwen, I won’t stop you since you
have matters to attend to. But I trust you won’t ditch your
nephew here.”

I frowned at her for addressing my Junior shiyi by her name. I’ve

only called her by her name a few times in my whole entire life!* Do
you have to be so forward with her?!

I don’t angry and asked: “What?! You’re saying you’ll be

keeping me here?” So I’m getting the monthly seventy silver
ingots salary now?! I was filled with bliss~ ah~ the bliss of a retired

“Hmm, I’m going to keep you here. I’ll have you slave away
for me from day-to-night, so that your gugu comes back for
you out of pity.”

I glared at my violent superior and couldn’t help but spit. Why does
everything she says sound twisted?

I looked to my Junior shiyi, ignored the situation and blinked at her

to say: “Gugu, Guo’er can’t stay by your side anymore!”
69 Report
Instead, Junior shiyi returned it with a cold smiled, that sent a chill
up my spin, as she looked at me with a domineering gaze and said:
“Feizhen, aren’t you glad to have such a beautiful superior
accompany you? You are, aren’t you?”

Oi, oi, oi! This wasn’t what we promised! Didn’t you promise to see
me off?!

“What are you talking about, gugu? Didn’t you have to

return home?”

Junior shiyi stopped smiling, stared at me with her domineering

eyes and moved her lip quickly.

Her lips read: This was your end goal, wasn’t it? With a large-eyes,
big boobs superior and naive younger sister by your side, you’ve
completely foregone any thoughts of becoming the sect leader. You
scum, I doted on you for nothing all these years!

I’m innocent!

I gave her a reply expressing my devotion to the organisation with

lip movements too: I swear to the heavens I had no idea of their
existence before coming here. This is a pure coincidence.

Junior shiyi: I’ve got to be brain-dead to believe you. Can you swear
you didn’t know you wouldn’t have beauties accompanying you here?

Me: …….

Well… They did write that on the recruitment notice…

“Are you two done or what?”

Shen Yiren stopped our conversation, but before she could

continue, a pretty girl by the door cut us off.

“What happened? Who knocked Liu Yuan out and then
70 Report
threw outside by the door? That was no light beating.”

An enchanting woman came in through the main doors. She didn’t

hesitate to help up Master Liu who I put out.

In that moment, my eyes found their way to her.

I saw Master Liu’s chest jump as soon as she touched him. Then
she swiftly pressed a hand on his back and helped him up. In just
three moves, Master Liu who was supposed to be out for an entire
day began to slowly open his eyes.

She was a qi master.

She shared her qi when she touched him. And for her to identify
that he was knocked out using internal strength means she’s skilled.

Shen Yiren scanned her unhappily with an “I knew it” look you
see prophets make.

“What are you here for? It’s too late for you Qilin Guards to
try and stop our recruitment activities.”

Oh~ she’s from the Qilin Guards… No wonder. I heard they were
always bumping heads with Liu Shan Men. Perhaps I should consider
joining the Qilin Guards. Who knows, I might be able to find a beauty
there. Shen Yiren paused before saying: “Fucking bitch, can’t you
tell we’re working here? If you cause trouble again, I’ll have
you thrown out.”

Now that I’ve heard what she’s called, I think it’s better to stay at
Liu Shan Men.

Miss ‘Fucking Bitch’ pushed Master Liu aside, and covered her
mouth as she said with a giggle: “What are you saying now Vice-
captain Shen? How would I dare cause you trouble?
Yesterday, I met with his majesty…”
71 Report
“And you talked more shit about us, and asked him to stop
us from recruiting new members?”

Miss ‘Fucking Bitch’ looked startled. It was obvious Shen Yiren hit
the nail on the head. Shen Yiren proudly continued on: “Do you
people have anything new other than these childish tricks?
His majesty didn’t agree, did he? If he did, we’d have
received a royal decree already.”

Now it was Miss “Fucking Bitch’s’ turn. She smiled proudly

and said: “You’re right. However, I managed to get another
request approved. Liu Shan Men haven’t recruited new
members so I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to carry
out the task, so I asked for a supervisor position, to help you
with quality checking.” Miss Bitch lifted an eyebrow in a flirtatious
manner and said: “All you new recruits, come here and let me
check you all out once.”


*Because of their seniority ranking, he shouldn’t be calling her by

her name, so when he does it feels like he’s speaking to her as a
woman and not as a senior, hence his jealousy.

Side note: He thinks her name is “Fucking Bitch” because he’s


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72 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 13
Fucking Bitch VS Qilin Arm

Afterwards, I found out Miss “Fucking Bitch” was actually called

Si Tuo. She was a second class warrior in the Qilin Guards squad, and
held a high ranking position.

Liu Shan Men and the Qilin Guards have never gotten along.

So she’s here to cause trouble.

And trouble we have.

“Hey, hey, hey, you can’t pass like this.” Si Tuo lifted an
eyebrow at Shen Yiren to mock her, and kicked an examinee flying
out. She tested the abilities of the examinees and failed a total of
seventeen potential-recruits within half-an-hour. After she failed the
eighteenth examinee, she didn’t forget to rub it in and mock Shen
Yiren: “No wonder Liu Shan Men has been so quiet. Turns out
all your recruits are retards. No wonder…”

Shen Yiren picked up a chair, threw it her way violently, and

added: “No wonder you’re brain-dead!”

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Si Tuo never imagined Miss Shen
would attack for real. She easily evaded the chair but dodging Shen
Yiren’s palm strike wasn’t so simple.

Everyone present was surprised, including Junior shiyi and myself.

We didn’t expect Miss Shen to have such a fiery temper that even
tigers would fear. She unleashed three punches and one palm strike
which Si Tuo evaded, but the next move…

Miss Shen surprised everybody when she planted her knee on Si

Tuo’s chest, grabbed her hair and pressed her head into the ground
73 Report
which was very un-feminine. She grunted under her breath and then
proceeded to cuss Si Tuo: “You fucking bitch! No wonder my
foot! You’re the retard! Quiet?!” She continued cussing and
banging Si Tuo’s head on the ground. That day, Si Tuo’s head made a
noble contribution to the hygiene of Liu Shan Men by leaving an
inerasable mark on the floor!

It was virtually a brawl between two thugs…

“You crazy bitch! How dare you hit me like this?! I’m here
as a supervisor on orders of his majesty! You’re violating a
royal decree… Ow!”

“I’m violating a royal decree? His majesty is conducting the

martial arts tournament to give us an opportunity and yet
you insist on causing trouble. I warned you already that if
you dared to mess around, I’d kick you out! You want to
report me? Do it! I entered the palace with Yan Shisan when I
was seven. Prince Qing bows down to me and the princess is
my best friend, so go ahead and report me! Try it!”

I never knew my superior had such amazing people backing her.

But even if he does bow down to her, that scene would just be too
degrading. I mean, who could say with absolute confidence that they
could ride on a tiger, I mean, a donkey…

Si Tuo isn’t a bad fighter, it’s just that Shen Yiren caught her off
guard. Her head had been smashed into the ground enough times to
feel wheezy, so she better be ready to counter-attack soon. Shen
Yiren really does have an explosive temper. She’s beating her up
despite knowing she’s hear on orders from the emperor. When it just
started, you could brush it off as letting off steam on impulse, but
now that they’re serious, things aren’t looking good.

My Junior shiyi standing beside me tightly clenched her fists,

eagerly watching as she shuffled her feet in place as though she was
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eager to join their fight.

“Junior shiyi… Weren’t you angry just a moment ago?”

“Angry about what? Feizhen, I like this girl’s temperament!

Can I give her a hand?”

Oi, oi! Stop. Please. These two have created enough of a mess as

“Vice-captain Shen.”

Said a cold voice from behind which broke up the fight.

A tall young man walked out from amongst the crowd.

I bow my head to any man who dares to step into this mess going
on right now. You’re a true hero!

I looked at the tall young man with big hands and feet carefully. He
was born to learn martial arts. His face was masculine and his overall
body symmetry and proportions weren’t bad. He was handsome but
in a different way to Su Xiao. He didn’t utter another word and
proceeded to walk up to Shen Yiren and Si Tuo. He gave off the
impression that he was a man of few words.

I know this guy, it’s the fairly skilled guy, Tang Ye.

Shen Yiren asked in an angry tone: “What’d you call me for?”

“Hmph, they’re definitely trying to stop you after seeing

your violent behaviour. No one could put up with it.” Si Tuo
used the opportunity to retaliate, but caught Shen Yiren’s watchful
eyes and the two continued on.

Tang Ye softly said: “Vice-captain, I am next in line. Miss Si,

please put me to the test.” He spoke to both of them in the same
breath, but the meanings behind his words were very clear.
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Shen Yiren scrunched her face and said: “I’m beating this
fucking bitch up because I’m looking out for you guys
standing up for you guys, and you don’t appreciate it?”

Shen Yiren’s younger sister finally had the chance to intervene.

She pulled her sister away and said: “Sis! You’re being violent
again! We can give those who failed another chance to
retake the exam, but Miss Si is here on orders from the
emperor. So hitting her is inappropriate no matter how you
put it.”

It seemed that the younger “sister’s” quiet voice calmed the

violent woman down. She may not be afraid of getting reported, but
if word of her beating an envoy from the Qilin Guards were to get
out, then the rumours would be nasty.

“You’re right… Hey, what’s your name?”

“My name is Tang Ye.”

“Fine. Since you volunteered, show me what you’ve got. If

you last thirty moves against this witch, I’ll pass you on the
last exam.”

Tang Ye didn’t show any emotional responses and just said:

“Alright.” He then pulled up his sleeves, revealing his muscular

My evaluation of him improved further.

I wasn’t wrong about him.

His true talent is yet to be revealed.

He had an impressive tattoo of the claws of a unicorn tattooed on

his right arm which he kept hidden under his sleeve.

“Fuck! That’s a muscular arm!”
76 Report
I looked at the man with the muscular arm in awe. Now this is a
great man. A special and noble man. This man is an elegant
philosopher… Shit, I’m off topic again.

Long-story short, he’s an awe-inspiring man.

Tang Ye took in a deep breath, turned to Si Tuo, extended one

hand outwards as a form of invitation, and said: “Miss Si, if you
would please.”


* After the introduction of the term, emperor (皇帝), by Qin Shi

Huang, all non-independent 王 became known as princes.
Independent 王, such as rulers of China’s tributary neighbours. Here
it’s a prince’s title.

**When they’ve been referring to Shen Yiren and Si Tuo as 大人 in

this chapter, I’ve substituted it with ‘Miss’ because there’s no official
position being attached to their name, and in Si Tuo’s case, we don’t
even know her position yet, so she can’t be ‘Vice-captain Si Tuo’ etc.

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77 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 14
In case you missed my post yesterday, it’s

That aside, I’m going to try and hit 5 chapters regularly with this
series to get through the volume faster. I’m not exactly the most free
man in the world right now, but truck it, I’ll attempt it anyway.

Goodbye Shiyi

Si Tuo began Fighting Tang Ye and I was sure it wasn’t going to be

easy for her to win. I’m not saying that because of the beating Shen
Yiren gave her, but rather the fact that Tang Ye was very skilled.

It was once said that the most important attribute for determining
one’s level of mastery was their comprehension abilities.

I disagree with that view. My unscrupulous shifu also strongly

disagrees with it.

The most important attributes for martial art practitioners are their
talent and disposition. Their comprehension skills aren’t the most

Through my many years of training, I’d say that being blessed with
luck is the most important attribute.

Putting everything else aside, my sleazy shifu was able to make a

name for himself in the martial world because he gifted my sect’s
founder Hero Shen Zhou some cornflour when he was in a pinch.
Hero Shen Zhou was deeply impressed as a result and took him in as
a private disciple.

But to tell the truth, he didn’t actually gift him cornflour. He was
actually stealing the cornflour when Hero Shen Zhou passed by and
78 Report
he thought he got spotted. So he decided to shar a portion with him
to keep him silent…

Si Tuo is one of those people blessed with luck. She was using the
Qilin Guards secret style, Qinlin’s Nine Character Formula. This was
the first time Junior Shiyi and I saw this style, but it was well-known
throughout the pugilistic world. We recognised it at first glance…
Well, to be fair, it was Junior shiyi who pointed it out to me. I felt it
was very familiar but I didn’t recognise the moves because I was
never interested and it was my first time hearing of it.

As for Tang Ye…

This man was the real deal. His luck was superior to Si Tuo’s.

His twin palms style is remarkable. He countered all of Si Tuo’s

attacks with his continually adapting style and even managed to
sneak in a few moves.

Junior shiyi whispered to me the moves he was using: “Shan Xi

Eight Probing Hands, Kunlun’s Three Gifted Palms, Tian
Shan’s Nine Cloud Tiger Fists, the Imperial Family from
Hebei’s Pigua Quan. Incredible, that’s Shaolin’s Boluomi
Finger Strike, Oh, and even Ming Jing Palace in Beihai’s
Wheel Flower Finger Style.”

I felt stupid listening to her.

What ‘Secret Pineapple Juice’?*

I’ve never heard of these styles.

Junior shiyi giggled and said: “You only know those ridiculous
styles that nobody’s even heard of, so of course you don’t
know these reputable styles.”

Hey! Are you saying shifu is some sort of dropout?!
79 Report
I just remembered… He’s her nephew, so of course she’s able to
talk down to him…

Shen Yiren gave Junior shiyi a surprised looked and said: “Not
even I can recognise a single technique. That’s Ming Jing
Palace’s Wheel Flower Finger Style?”

Junior shiyi responded with a smile and said: “His hand

movements are really quick and the blend of martial arts is
very complex. However, each technique has a source which it
originates and is well-structured which makes him much
more admirable. This proves that he has a solid
understanding of each technique.”

A look of joy crept up Shen Yiren’s face as she said: “He knows so
many styles… I want him!”

It’s only right, after all, Tang Ye has horseshoe triceps and his
martial arts talent is quite profound. I bet he has an unscrupulous
shifu and his master taught him martial arts starting from age eight.
I’ll even bet the first manual he was taught was Yi Jin Jing…

Keke, Si Tuo’s Nine Character Formation is useless against Tang

Ye. Forget thirty moves, fifty moves would still be a cake-walk for
him. Not only is Si Tuo unable to take the lead, but she’s also been in
danger several times.

Tang Ye wasn’t taken in by her beauty. Forget the old man that I
am, he’s just a twenty-two year old young man. I can’t believe his
ability to resist temptation is so strong.

Miss “Fucking Bitch’s” clothes were in a mess since her tussle

with Shen Yiren, so now that she’s in another fight with Tang Ye, she
had a fairly sexy appearance and her hair was in a mess. She liked to
dress in loose-fitting clothes, which was now even looser… Even her
shoulders were revealed. There was plenty of eye-candy.
80 Report
Si Tuo recognised her predicament and decided to forfeit, resulting
in a draw.

“Vice-captain Shen, I’ve cross-examined your recruits, and

this guy seems to be the only worthy one.”

That’s a line reserved for losers, Miss “Fucking Bitch”.

Shen Yiren paid no heed to Si Tuo and was occupied with joyfully
shaking the hands of her new subordinates. She looks surprisingly
friendly when she’s acting friendly.

But just a heads up, I think you revealed your true nature when
you dished out that beating…

Si Tuo stomped her foot and said: “We Qilin Guards won’t let
this go. I won’t let your assault on me go just like that! You…
You said your name was, Tang Ye, right?”

Tang Ye Bowed and said: “That is correct.”

Si Tuo held her eyes on Tang Ye’s face for a while before said:
“Okay, I’ll remember you.” Miss Si Tuo then left. She walked out
in a very reserved and modest manner. Had her clothes not been
torn in those three areas…

Although it was officially declared a draw, no matter how you look

at it, it was clearly the Qilin Guards’ loss.

First win… Bashing her brain into retardation, courtesy of Miss


Second win… She got her momentum destroyed and her clothing
ruined, courtesy of Miss Shen.

Credits go to those unnamed.

That’s 2:1! Shen Yiren completely owned.
81 Report
But since these people will be my future superior and colleagues,
I’ll stay silent. Amitabha, don’t look for me…

Shen Yiren clasped her hands together while she surveyed us with
a smile and nodded her head with satisfaction, and said: “I’ll accept
all those who lasted more than five moves against that
fucking bitch. But you must all work hard. Will you agree to
start working your way up from the bottom?” When they heard
this, half of the people present reacted with surprise. Of those who
fought with Si Tuo, over half of them lasted more than five moves.
They’ll have to start from the bottom, but hey, it’s basically the same
as having set one foot into Liu Shan Men.”

Miss Shen then used her finger wearing her transparent jade to
point to a few people.

“Su Xiao, Tang Ye, and you… Ming Feizhen. I’m recruiting
all of you right here and now. You three are official
constables of Liu Shan Men starting from today.”

Huh? Wasn’t I recruited by default? Are you telling me I have to go

through the whole process? I don’t want to be stuck with Su Xiao and
Tang Ye. I stood between Su Xiao who was on my left, and Tang Ye to
my right. An old man like myself was surrounded by two suave young

I don’t know why I suddenly felt a sense of indignation…

Shen Yiren looked at the three of us standing by her side. She

touched her chin and said: “Not bad! We’ll be counting on you
three from now.” What did she mean by that? Before I could get a
grasp on what she meant, she already began ordering around like

“What are you all standing there for? Sign the contract.”

Without moving my body I turned my head around to look at Junior
82 Report
Shiyi, only to find that she was looking at me too. Her face went red
when our eyes met and she looked down. I didn’t know what that
implied, but I felt a sense of pity. I silently muttered with my lips:
“Gu… Junior shiyi, I’ll be on my way now. I won’t…be coming
back.” It felt so hard to say those words to her. I’m lucky I didn’t say
that aloud or my voice would’ve sounded hoarse.


Junior shiyi who loved to smile was silent. She knew I never liked
Mount Daluo, don’t like the responsibility of leading a sect and didn’t
like the life offered by the pugilistic world. This day was bound to
come sooner or later, but I always brushed it off. Now that it’s come
though, I really don’t want to leave. Junior shiyi made some small
movements with her lips and then quickly left. The view of her back
looked small and thin, like she was sad after being abandoned.

I wanted to give chase, but my legs felt so heavy. I knew that if I

chased her, I’d never come back here. And if I did chase after her,
what would I be able to do?

Junior shiyi left me with one word upon her departure… Traitor.

I don’t have the guts to chase her, and I can’t chase her. I had a
vague idea about some things, and Junior shiyi was hiding some
things, but we both pretended to be oblivious. We were afraid of
tearing down that paper-wall between us. She’s a senior. She’s two
levels higher than me in terms of seniority… What can I do?

Junior shiyi had left for a good while I was sighing pointlessly.

Shen Yiren sighed and said as she watched Junior shiyi leave:
“Whoa, she’s gone already? Her eldest nephew must’ve died

I angrily shouted: “What the hell are you saying?!”

Shen Yiren tilted her head in confusion and asked: “Isn’t that
83 Report
what you told me?”


Okay, I did fucking say that……

Shen Yiren muttered to herself: “Weirdo.” Then she said to the

three of us: “Follow my younger brother to get the contracts
signed. Then get your uniforms sorted.”

Then her younger “sister” stepped out and said with a smile:
“Please follow me.”



Even though my goodbye with Junior shiyi was filled with sadness, I
still couldn’t stop this strange omen coming on.

What did I just hear?

“Younger brother?”

Shen Yiren scanned me from head-to-toe before glaring at me and

asking: “What else? You don’t have one?”

Holy shit! She’s a trap!

“No, I mean, where’s your esteemed younger brother?”

Her younger “sister” looked at me with her cute-large eyes and

said: “I’m right here.”

Who’re you?


I looked at the cute girl in front of me and felt like I just walked into
84 Report
a forest of fog.

“This girl is your brother? She’s… Your younger brother?”

I felt like a retard repeating myself, but seriously, I felt like my IQ

hit a wall at that moment.

Tang Ye asked me in a direct fashion: “What’s wrong? Did you

mistake Master Kuang for a girl?”


What he said combined with my hesitation caused Shen Yiren’s

younger “sister” to turn red right away. He looked down and
mumbled under his breath: “Did you mistake me… did you…
mistake me for a…”

Tang Ye said: “He’s a guy.” Then he took my hand and placed it

on “her’ chest. I could feel the disappointing wall, a layer of luxurious
clothing, a layer of soft muscle, a traps… Fuck.

“She’s” a guy?!

Su Xiao looked at me as though he couldn’t compare. What the hell

are you looking at?! You’re no better than him is! Before I could
return to the present, the hall had exploded.

“Hmph! Beast!”

“If you dare touch my dick, I’ll cut yours off!”

“You disgraceful excuse for a human being!”

“You sicko!”

“Holy shit, he’s after men too!”

“I wouldn’t even pay him one-hundred silver ingots!”
85 Report
In a single instant, I became the target of all the hate, curses and
the most despised person around.

But what completely destroyed me, was when Shen Kuang went
into a daze with his read face, grabbed his chest, shrieked and then
ran off… Yes, he ran off…

My brain froze up from information-overload.

The cause of all this, Tang Ye looked at me confused and asked:

“Why do they hate you? Did you not clean your hands after
using the bathroom?”

Shut up man!

As soon as his oblivious remark left his mouth, another negative

comment was attached to my list of negative reviews…

Could someone please tell me how to correct this situation?!


*波罗蜜指 VS菠萝蜜汁 Same pronunciation, but different characters

which give completely different meanings.

1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

Thank you for your generous donations, I will now get to translating
the chapter. This button will be reset after I have delivered the
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86 Report
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87 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 15
Liu Shan Men and the Three Swordsmen

“You three ready? Hmm… Not bad!”

Shen Yiren looked at the Su Xiao, Tang Ye, and I standing at the
front of the desk in our full gear and said: “Good, good. You three
can represent Liu Shan Men looking like this.”

I stole a look at the two punks beside me.

Tang Ye wore a purple robe with his collar up. His torso looked
wide, but his lower body looked narrow, however he still managed to
maintain a narrow waist. He looked like a true hero wearing the
constable uniform. Every time he moved, he looked masculine. That’s
a man with horseshoe triceps for you…

Su Xiao looked just as good. He wore a different uniform. He was

dressed in blue and white. The colour scheme helped mask his
narrow body. Thanks to his pretty face, people were bound to think of
him as a beautiful *cough* trap *cough* swordsman.

As for me… I’m not sure if the person who grabbed my uniform did
it on purpose or not but I got handed the uniform a gate guard would
wear. Yes, I’m talking about the dress-up Yan Xiaoliu* wore in ‘Wulin
Waizhuan’!! They’re obviously messing with me!! They’re giving me
the role of an irrelevant NPC!

I voiced my objection: “I look lame!”

Shen Yiren looked at me helplessly and said: “Whatever, we

don’t have that much clothing available. Just deal with it.”

Aren’t I the face of Liu Shan Men?!
88 Report
“I held the recruitment exams to find new-blood. I believe
you’re all aware that his majesty wants to start asking us to
carry out duties again, so I want to earn an opportunity to
show our prowess in front of him, and I’ve placed my hope in
you three.” Shen Yiren pulled her hair over her shoulder after she
said that. Now that was feminine, although still a far cry from her
brother “Miss Kuang… ”

“From now on, you three will be my colleagues. Introduce

yourselves again, so that you get to know each other. Tang
Ye, you go first.”

“I’m Tang Ye, my courtesy name is Yan Ling. I’m eighteen

this year. I come from Yan Jing. I’m a student of the Tang
family in the Ming Jing Palace in the Northern Seas, and I’ve
also studied martial arts under more than ten masters.”

“Indeed, you do use a variety of styles. Ming Jing Palace of

the North Eastern Seas is one of the powerhouses of the
martial world up North. You mentioned the Tang family… Are
you perhaps related to the late Ming Jing swordsman Tang

“Tang Nuan is my father.”

Tang Ye’s face was expressionless, but his tone got more serious
as he continued: “I learnt martial arts from him. The others
only taught me a few techniques, I never completed any
formal ceremonies with them, so you could say that I don’t
have a master.”

Respecting your masters and teachers is a very important concept

in the martial word, particularly when discussing which sect one is a
student of. It influences businesses, marriages and even your travels.
At Liu Shan Men, knowing your subordinates background and
standings was important, as it could cause messes otherwise. For
example, you can’t send a Shaolin monk to Shaolin to investigate if
89 Report
they embezzled donations or scammed people, and the same applies
for Wudang. Subsequently, the first thing Shen Yiren wanted to find
out about was our backgrounds.

“I’m Su Xiao, written with the Su character from in Su

Zhou, and Xiao with character for ‘know’. My courtesy name
is Xiao Han.” Su Xiao was very scholastic and didn’t have any hints
of being someone in the pugilistic world. He continued: “I’m from
Nan Jing, and I’m sixteen this year. My broadsword
techniques were passed down to me from my family.”

Shen Yiren gave him a nod and called him by his courtesy name to
show intimacy: “Xiao Han, your family is a prominent martial
arts style in Nan Jing, so your sword skills aren’t simple.
Make sure you train hard after joining us, understood?”

Su Xiao turned red and said: “Understood! I won’t let you


The fact that Su Xiao even got accepted flabbergasts me, because
to be honest, there are lots of people who have better martial arts
skills than him out there. He doesn’t even have one-tenth of Tang
Ye’s skills, yet he’s among the three selected. I can’t figure out what
Shen Yiren’s thinking.

Shen Yiren glared at me and said: “What the hell are you
looking at? It’s your turn.”

I’ll bet she’s giving me her attitude because she couldn’t get my
shiyi to stay. I mean, she originally didn’t want me. “Ahem. I’m
Ming Feizhen. I’m twenty-eight and from Nan Jing. My master
is uhh… Daluo…Yeah…”

“Say it properly. Who’s your master, what style do you use

and what sect are you from? You said you’re twenty-eight…
And you don’t have a courtesy name?”
90 Report
It’s written Feizhen for god’s sake! I can’t tell you my name…

I bit the bullet and said: “I’m a twenty-seventh generation

disciple from Mount Daluo. My master is… Priest Wu Shan. I
don’t have a courtesy name.”

Priest Wu Shan is actually my shishu who’s got a disease, but it

shouldn’t be a problem for me to use his name. First, he’s unaware
I’m using his name, and even if he does find out, he’s too busy
finding a cure up in the mountains to bother with something else. I
shouldn’t run into him in the next decade…

To my surprise, Shen Yiren nodded: “Not bad. Since you’re

gugu is a high rank member, you should be too.” But after
some pondering, she said: “Hold on. Doesn’t Mount Daluo have
a twenty-eighth generation of disciples? You’re saying you’re
from the same class as the famous swordsman Lian Zhui Yue

He’s my sixth brother** in the sect…

“I never thought you’d have such a high level of seniority.

Good, that’s good.”

I don’t know what Shen Yiren was recording but it looks like she
was recording what we said.

“Now, weapons. You three are to use sabres.”

This incurred the rejection of both Su Xiao and Tang Ye.

“I use my bare hands.”

“I use broadswords.”

“Give them to me then.”

I’ll go sell them off for money.
91 Report
Unfortunately, Miss Shen had to go and destroy our dreams:
“Don’t back talk me. You’re members of Liu Shan Men
starting today. You may not have official posts, but you’re
still considered half-an-official. You can’t just change the
rules as you please.”

Miss Shen is very domineering and persuasive when she handles

business, but she’s different to how she acted before. She’s not as
violent and more patient.

“Alright, one last thing. I want to know what your goals

are. Men should work for their country. Women may hold up
half the sky***, but I can’t let my subordinates be cowards.
Am I clear?”

She sure knows how to say unexpected things and shock people…
Miss Shen didn’t care about these things. She pointed at Su Xiao’s
nose and said: “Alright, you three take turns in telling me what
your goals are.”


*For your visual reference:

**As in seniority not actual blood brothers

***A proclamation by Mao Zedong

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93 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 16
Translator Comment: Thank you Christian for your support with
Son-con!! Please send him your thanks if you see him guys!

Superior at Work

Su Xiao gave his speech on his ideals in a delighted tone, and

repeatedly emphasised the importance of his father as well as his
definition of justice: “My father taught me to lead an honest life
and uphold justice. As a result of my upbringing, I decided to
uphold justice with my broadsword skills, and promote our Su
family’s sword style.”

I bet he didn’t notice that Shen Yiren was starting to get irritated.

She asked for his goals when joining Liu Shan Men yet he’s been
rambling on-and-on about completely irrelevant stuff. Any superior
would get irritated by this.

SFX: Cough

SFX: Cough

SFX: Cough

I coughed a few times to send him a hint, but instead, he looked at

me with curiosity and asked: “Brother Ming, are you sick?”

Why? Do you have medication or something?!

Man, this kid’s IQ… You know what? Just buy yourself a hammer.

Whether I’m sick or not is of no importance. The last thing I want to

see is one of us getting fired on the first day…

We didn’t get many new recruits in the first place, so if we’re one
94 Report
man down, then that means I’ll be stuck doing everything with the
block of wood better known as Tang Ye.

I tried to save the situation by throwing him a highly intellectual

line to help him get on topic: “Brother Xiao Han, you joined Liu
Shan Men to make a name for yourself as you had such
aspirations since you were young, right?”

“Huh? Liu Shan Men? I just came to try out…” I gave him a
death-stare, and he flinched. He saw Shen Yiren’s expression and
quickly added: “I actually want to be a good constable too,

I now know first-hand what it means to have a goose-like



Shen Yiren was evidently pissed. She silently looked at me, and I
think she was trying to say: “Make sure to teach him how he
should behave in future.”

I silently gave her a nod to say: “I’ll try my best…”

Ha! Thanks to the ordeal, I managed to win favour with Shen


Tang Ye then started speaking before he was asked: “I didn’t join

Liu Shan Men to be a constable. My only goal is to kill a
particular person.”

Oh, fuck me! Dude! Are you trying to play bad-ass?!

Shen Yiren unexpectedly didn’t look surprised. She just sorrowfully

sighed and said: “Looks like my guess was right.”

Tang Ye nodded and said: “That is correct. I joined Liu Shan

Men so that I could access the records of all the cases Liu
95 Report
Shan Men investigated in the past. I want to find out the
truth behind the Mei Xiang Li murder case.”

Mei Xiang Li murder case?

I dug around in my memories for information related to the case. I

easily recalled reading it in an issue of the ‘Black and White
Reflection’. Looks like there’s some truth to the saying “the more
you read, the more you know.”

An infamous incident took place on New Year’s Eve nine years ago,
on a harmonious day where families enjoyed their reunions in a small
village in the Northern Seas. Three-hundred and thirteen people died
overnight in the small village. There were rumours claiming that they
were poisoned, murdered out of vengeance, while others claimed
there was an epidemic breakout. In a subscriber exclusive section of
the ‘Black and White Reflection’, the author gave a very thought-
provoking theory claiming that a mass homicide was carried for
unknown reasons.

It’s rumoured that among the victims were a number of martial

artists from over ten different sects. It’s strange because what reason
would they have to be at some small village on New Year’s Eve in the
Northern Seas? Based on this question, the writer for the ‘Black and
White Reflection’ hypothesised that it had to do with vengeance. But
the truth is still enshrouded in mystery.

The village the incident took place at is called Mei Xiang Li.

Tang Ye continued on faintly, but I could sense his anger and

hatred: “My father was among the victims. I don’t like to tell
lies. Vice-captain, if you feel I’m not suitable, I can leave
right away.” If you’re going to quit then you need to show you’re
insistent on quitting, so take off your hat.

Aww Yeah, now I get to wear his uniform. I’d take his hat with a big
96 Report
Instead, Shen Yiren gave him a welcoming smile and said: “What
are you saying, what’s our job at Liu Sha Men? Our job is to
investigate cases and reveal the truth to help the innocent
and punish the evil-doers. Why would I expel you over that?
Yan Ling, don’t overthink it, just stay with us at Liu Shan
Men.” Her smile was so beautiful it was like a pear-tree blooming in
the night, a smile so beautiful it’d illuminate the moon. It was a
captivating and elegant smile. Tang Ye who was trying to take his hat
off froze in place.

Damn! Now that’s what I call smooth-talking!

I guarantee this dense guy standing next to me would take on any

tough opponent with a straight face, and would probably even take
on a hammer with his bare fists. But a gentle lady like that will soften
up any man. This lass is more violent than a grunt when she gets
worked up. I never expected her to have such a gentle side.

Our boss here sure knows how to handle her subordinates. We’ve
hardly said much to each other and yet she already has a good grasp
on how to deal with us. Su Xiao needs to be treated strictly and Tang
Ye needs to be encouraged. As for me… It’s called money, kekekeke.

Shen Yiren continued: “It won’t be easy to access the reports

though. Most of Liu Shan Men’s top secret documents are
stored in the palace. Without the emperor’s permission, you
won’t be able to enter the large file storage room.”

Tang Ye seemed to be aware of the fact, and just silently nodded.

Secret documents are in the palace, huh…?

Hang on.

I suddenly remembered a story my shifu told me.

That year when Yan Shisan was in charge, he got so ticked off with
Ximen Chuideng running amok in the pugilistic world that he
97 Report
challenged him to a duel at the Forbidden City on the 15th July,
which my shifu was the witness for. However, it was actually a setup
by Yan Shisan who had more than two-hundred elite archers on
standby just waiting for Ximen Chuideng to rock up.

And thus, on a night with a full-moon atop the Forbidden City,

Shisan laid in wait to spring on Ximen as soon as he came.

Kekeke… Okay, I’ve digressed again.

Anyway, the two of them did battle at the Forbidden City and when
it was unclear who the winner would be, the elite archers went
berserk with their firing, enraging my shifu in the process (because
they almost shot him…). In the end, he teamed up with Ximen
Chuideng and they were invincible. The more they fought, the more
excited they got. They even set fire to the imperial palace! And if my
memory does me justice, the first place they burnt was… Yeah… The
documents storage room…

I looked at Tang Ye with pity and gave him a pat on the shoulder.

I still didn’t feel like that was enough, so I took out three silver
ingots from my bag and handed them to him. I then gave him a firm
handshake and said: “Give it your best.”

Tang Ye looked at me weirdly before changing his expression to

look like he just got mugged and said: “Thanks…”


*Those kind of players who ignore pings, casually watch you die
instead of helping, grief and basically waste a player slot.

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99 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 17
Translator Note: Double release today because I didn’t upload
yesterday. I didn’t upload because I was getting a bandwidth update
to handle the immense amount of traffic (we almost busted the
monthly allowance the day before). The double release is to
compensate for yesterday as well as today’s release (ch 17 + 18;
told you I’d never fail to meet the quota I set). Enjoy guys, and we
should be good with traffic now. Ming Xu sponsored the hosting
upgrade, so send him a thank you if you see him.

“Big” Boss Shen

“Ming Feizhen.”

Shen Yiren finally asked me,

“What are your goals?”

In one breath and without blinking I said: “To serve the country
and be the vice-captain’s best subordinate!”

Hearing this, the two kiddos standing next to me looked at me with

contempt and a startled look.

Pfft! Are you two losers in any position to be giving me looks of


Your replies nearly jeopardized my life here! Hell, I probably

wouldn’t have lasted till my retirement!

Boss Shen looked at me to compliment me by hinting: “I like

what I heard,” before saying: “Feizhen doesn’t have any strong
points, but he’s got more experience in both the pugilistic
world and in life than you two, so you two should learn from
him. Look after each other from now on, okay?”
100 Report
Why do I feel like she wasn’t really complimenting me…?



The two nodded and then looked at me with contempt. I kissed her
ass for your sakes!

She clapped her hands to break up our little battle-of-stares, stuck

her chest out and said: “Alright, alright, you guys will have
plenty of time to get to know each other in future.” I’ll admit,
when she stuck her chest out, I didn’t hesitate to steal a few looks…
You know, a few glances at her huge boobs…

She continued: “As I mentioned before, my goal with

recruiting new members was to increase Liu Shan Men’s
forces, and re-establish our image in front of his majesty.”

Shen Yiren looked at the three of us with her beautiful eyes and
said: “The emperor has three major powerhouses in terms of fighting
power, namely: the Qilin Guards, his personal entourage and us at
Liu Shan Men. We’ve always been engaged in a power struggle since
Yan Shisan’s time, actually no, even long before that. We with each
other to win the emperor’s favour, the support of the imperial court
and resources in the martial world. But fight as we may, no side was
ever truly defeated.

During Yan Shisan’s time, Liu Shan Men was famous, feared and
unparalleled. But even so, that didn’t remove the Qilin Guards and
the emperor’s entourage from the picture. After Shisan left, Liu Shan
Men was relatively quiet, allowing the Qilin Guards to shine. But even
then, Liu Shan Men remained standing. In the end, it all comes down
to his majesty.

His majesty understands the principle of balance and without a

doubt understands that if his servants get hold of too much power,
101 Report
they’ll overstep their boundaries, threatening his authority and
power. When Shisan was around, his majesty maintained the power
balance, and continued maintaining it even after Shisan left. What
this means is that Liu Shan Men will definitely be able to return to its
former glory.”

She said a lot, but it left my right ear as it entered my left ear. My
gaze was fixated on her glorious valleys… Now that I’ve been looking
at them for a while, I think, compared to Shiyi’s they’re even…

“Ming Feizhen, Ming Feizhen. I’ve called you many times



“I just asked you, who holds higher seniority?”

Without a thought, I blurted: “You of course.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Boss Shen frowned and calmly said: “I asked you, based on the
time you joined your sect, between you and Hero Lian Zhui
Yue Jian, who’s the senior?”

“Huh? Are you talking about Xiao Liu Zi (sixth little

brother)**? He’s my shidi*”


I just said something I shouldn’t have!

Unsurprisingly, the two kids standing next to me gave me weird

reactions. Su Xiao blinked several times at me.

Tang Ye directly asked me curiously: “Lian Zhui Yue is in the

seventeen dragons in the ‘Black and White Reflection’. He’s
considered one of the rarest young talents, and you call
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him… Xiao Liu Zi?”

Looks like Xiao Liu Zi made a name for himself while I was
unaware, huh.

The three of them evidently became curious as they stared at me.

I laughed it off and said: “Have you forgotten? My shifu is

Priest Wushan. My junior’s shifu is the leader of Mount
Daluo, so how could I compare? I just joined the sect a few
years earlier than him.” After seeing their suspicion disappear did
I continue: “But why are you asking me this?”

Shen Yiren glared at me and said: “Did you hear what I said
before? I said your martial arts skills are terrible, so ask your
fellow disciples to teach you a few moves. That’s how we got
to talking about Lian Zhui Yue Jian.”

Ooohh~ I see now.

But did she just say my skills suck?

I’m a bit…

“That’s all for today. Yan Ling, Xiao Han, you two go on
ahead. Ming Feizhen, you stay behind.”

Hmm? Just me? The two young men were slightly perplexed but
left anyway.

There was just Shen Yiren and I left in the room.

There was no one around and the room was silent. There was only
my big-boobed superior and I in the room… If you want a book, I can
write you a best-seller!


I’m off topic again, damn it.
103 Report
She probably has business for her subordinates to take care of, but
couldn’t trust those two idiots with it.

Kekeke, you two are still children.

Being handsome comes with its woes.

I leaned over and quietly said: “What did you want to talk
about, boss?”

“You were checking out my breasts, weren’t you?”

Fuck! I started sweating due to panic…

I didn’t expect her to bring this up! I gave her the puppy eye look.

Shen Yiren’s beautiful face carried a hint of playfulness as she

smiled and said to me: “I’m listening. Did you check me out

What else could I do but grit my teeth and nod?

But that wasn’t the end. Shen Yiren bit down on her red lips and
seductively asked me: “What part of me were you checking

Oh, fuck!!


I’ll write my name backwards from now on if it’s not a trap! But
what can I do…?

While still gritting my teeth, I said: “Your boobs…”

Shen Yiren laughed elegantly and softly. Then she asked: “Do
they look good?”

Heavens, fuck, me! You’re teasing a dog in heat here…
104 Report
Don’t do this to me! You might as well crush my balls!

I replied to her as though I was crying tears of blood: “They look

great!” Immediately after I replied, I closed my eyes expecting a
physical attack.

To my surprise, Shen Yiren brushed her hand through her hair and
casually said: “You’re a man, aren’t you? Just admit it if you
did. What am I going to do, eat you or something?”

Say What?!

You’re not going to hit me?

Please allow me to call you Boss Shen! You carry so much

generosity in your “chest”.

Could this be the start of the romance of a superior and her


I put on a smile, looked at Shen Yiren’s mesmerising eyes and

smiled again.

Right then, I felt an ink-stone smack me in the face…

“Unfortunately, you still need to get hit. I have to remind

you who your superior is, and your position as a

She looked at me who was bent over from the pain with a smile
and said: “But you’re quite honest. I’ll destroy the balls of
those who take advantage of women and don’t have the guts
to admit it. What’s the point of having balls if you can’t even
man up. That’ll let him live a peaceful life.”

Well, thank you then…

“You can go now. And stop having dirty thoughts all the
105 Report

“Understood, I’ve been smacked awake.”


She thumped her shoulders and said: “What a busy day. I’m so
damn tired.”

I instinctively nodded and said: “It’s perfectly normal for you to

be tired. Look at your ‘burden’…”

“Burden my ass, get out!”

And another ink-stone smacked me in the face.


Lao Da = Boss. Here he’s giving another meaning to the character

“大(Da)” which means big as you saw from the chapter content.

*师弟 = Younger Fellow Student/Disciple in the same school/sect

**He uses an extremely casual way of referring to him, almost like

a nickname for a child which sounds belittling.

1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

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the chapter. This button will be reset after I have delivered the
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107 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 18
A Gloomy Place

In another one of the rooms at Liu Shan Men, the window was shut,
the door was locked and the candle was out. There was only a trace
of sunlight that’d shine through the door from time-to-time, changing
the shape of the shadow on the floor.

There were two people in the room, one standing and one seated.

The one standing looked feminine, exuding a gentle beauty and

was thin. Yes, it was Shen Yiren’s younger brother, Shen Kuang.

Shen Kuang bowed to the man sitting and said: “Captain, the
recruitment event is over. My sister, she… *cough*, the vice-
captain passed a total of twenty-seven people. Twenty-four
of them are treated as freshman and treated the same way
as the other normal members. The other three are different
as they passed all parts of the exam and have been accepted
into Liu Shan Men.”

The captain sat steadily in his chair as he said to Shen Kuang in a

very friendly tone: “Not bad, not bad. Those three aren’t bad.”

“You already know about them?”

“I arrived early and saw them from the sidelines. The

recruits aren’t bad, but your sister? Hmph!”

Shen Kuang was sweating bullets. The captain and his sister had
some issues between them to begin with, and Shen Yiren went and
fought with Si Tuo in front of the masses today. It looks like another
fight is brewing. Shen Kuang immediately changed the topic by
saying: “Those three are great. Recruiting those three will be
hugely beneficial for Liu Shan Men.”
108 Report
The captain was relieved after hearing what Shen Kuang said and
said: “Hahaha, true. Those three aren’t just mere talents.
They’ll also be valuable assets at the upcoming tournament
in two weeks. Your sister usually makes a mess of things, but
I must say she made splendid choices this time.”

Shen Kuang didn’t understand what he meant by them being

“assets”, so he asked: “Oh? How might they be useful in the
upcoming tournament?”

A broken boat’s metal can still be put to good use. Liu Shan Men
may not be as it once was, but there are still skilful fighters there.
Based on that logic, it’s possible to find people with skills better than
the three, and hence Shen Kuang’s question.

“It looks like you haven’t figured out what your sister is
thinking yet. Come here, I’ll tell you.” The captain looked like he
was in a good mood. After all, he even complimented Shen Yiren.
Shen Kuang expressed his interest.

The captain said with a smile: “The emperor is holding the

tournament to give Liu Shan Men an opportunity. Winning or
losing isn’t the end goal. The emperor simply wants to be
pleased. He knows full well how many people work at Liu
Shan Men and their worth. Forget your sister who’s been
here since Yan Shisan’s time. The emperor knows all about
me and the other elites here like the back of his hand. Your
sister is aware of this fact, and therefore recruited those few
skilled ones.”

Shen Kuang recalled the idiot known as Ming Feizhen, who even
mistook him for a girl. “So you’re saying, those three could
please his majesty?”

Shen Kuang thought to himself: “That idiot, Ming Feizhen

109 Report
The captain cracked his fingers and said in a confident tone: “Of
course. First, Tang Ye’s martial prowess is incredible. He’s no
less than the elites at Liu Shan Men. For one to be able to
learn a great style from a reputable master is rare, and yet
he learnt from many. Just as importantly, he’s skilled in each
style. He’s a highly gifted individual. If he was taught Liu
Shan Men’s top skills, he’d be in among the best of the best
in Liu Shan Men within months. He’ll easily win the emperor’s
favour. His majesty likes talent, so he’s bound to like such
young talent.”

Shen Kuang was worried because there was still Su Xiao, who
although is young, lacks in the martial prowess department…


“Su Xiao? He’s built well and is quite smart. He’s bound to
make a name for himself someday, but no, not at his current

“That’s what I meant.”

The captain shook his head with a smile and said: “Kuang, you’re
still too inexperienced. Don’t forget that winning isn’t the most
important thing in the upcoming tournament, but rather the
impression you give the emperor. As for how the emperor will see us,
that’ll also depend on what his consorts and princesses think.

Su Xiao is amazingly handsome and pretty. In fact he’s more pretty

than girls by a long-shot. He’ll definitely win favour with the ladies.
What your sister sees in him is his handsome face.”

“Oh, I see…”

Shen Kuang couldn’t help but admire Shen Yiren’s unique ability to
spot talent. But then he suddenly thought of someone. The person he
was thinking of wasn’t particularly skilled, wasn’t young, wasn’t
110 Report
particularly handsome, and was frankly, full of shit. But he was
recruited nevertheless.

When the captain saw the look on Shen Kuang’s face, he knew
what he had to say.

The captain faintly said: “Ming Feizhen is just like bait. That
brat’s martial arts skills are so-so, and he’s fairly useless.
But he has a good background. Mount Daluo was once one of
the three big sects alongside Shaolin and Wudang, so they’re
a potential powerhouse. Mount Daluo also has a lot of
disciples who watch each other’s backs. If one of them meets
with the trouble, they’ll be sure to help. Your sister recruited
him when she considered that.”

“Hmm, I see.”

“The martial arts tournament is a big opportunity for us,

hence why your sister is taking it very seriously. I myself also
argued with her multiple times over the tournament matters,
but it looks like her decision to conduct a public recruitment
was correct.”

“Yes, my sister has been running herself into the ground

over this.”

They continued their business talk.

Then the captain suddenly laughed and said: “Kuang, don’t be

so formal with me. We’re done with business, so let’s go.
Let’s go have some tea with your sister.”

Kuang froze in place… The captain had an argmuent with his sister
not too long ago. If he were to go see her with the captain now…
Would that cause any complications?

“What’s wrong? Your sister doesn’t want me to come

111 Report
Shen Kuang quickly busied himself with waving his hands as he
added: “No, no. Why would she not want you to come along
now? She’ll be fine with you coming, brother-in-law.”

The captain smiled and left the room with Shen Kuang.

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Vol.1 Chapter 19
Conflict on the First Day

It was day time and the sunshine was bright. I faintly heard the
conversation between the two kids beside me as I got to the good
part of my dream.

Su Xiao said with admiration: “Brother Yan Ling, you rise very
early. When I woke up, you had already packed away your
blanket and gone out to train.”

Tang Ye was putting on his robe to be worn when out and faintly
replied: “I’m just used to it. The vice-captain wants us to
gather at this time, so it’s time we head out.”

“I’m dressed and ready to leave.”

Tang Ye looked left and right. He frowned and asked: “Where’s

Brother Ming?”

Su Xiao awkwardly replied: “When I came out just before he

was snoring in the room, so I think…”

“I don’t understand how he got recruited.”

Tang Ye’s eyes looked serious as he shook his head and said with a
sigh: “I’ll go wake him. Brother Xiao Han, please wait a bit.”

At the time, I was at the part of my dream where I was sharing

poetry with Duke Zhou.

All of a sudden I heard someone speak to me. “Brother Ming.

Brother Ming, it’s time to wake up.”

“No, no… You need to share a poem…”
113 Report
Tang Ye asked with a blank face: “What poem?”

I replied in a daze: “Why is the moon full when we must


Tang Ye responded by said: “Why is the moon round when we

must separate? This poem doesn’t have a continuation.”

“There is. The next line is… I know the Pegasus Fist…” Tang
Ye pulled my blanket off without any hesitation, grabbed my arm
with one arm and yelled: “Enough! If you don’t wake up, don’t
blame me for not being courteous.”

“Fuck off!”

I just waved my hand with about twenty percent of my full power.

My palm hit Tang Ye’s chest. He let out a muffled grunt as his body
went up into the air and out the window, and before another peep
came out of him, he passed out… cold.

I wasn’t yet fully awake so I went back to sleep.

I felt someone pat me on my face a while later.

I opened my eyes with ease and saw a fair mesmerising face, but
the person’s hair was done up as a manly bun. The body of said
individual looked slender, but it was a pity that the chest region was

“Poor evaluation. Poor evaluation…”

The girl opened her withered eyes wide and asked: “Poor
evaluation of what?”

“Who are you miss? What would you be here in my run-

down home for?” I wasn’t fully awake so not only was my
pronunciation wonky, I also don’t remember very clearly the contents
of what I mumbled.
114 Report
The girl sulkily said: “What girl? I’m Su Xiao. Why haven’t you
woken up? We’re supposed to meet the vice-captain now.”

Su Xiao… Who the heck is Su Xiao?

Oh, the trap swordsman… I mean, the pretty swordsman, Su Xiao.

I massaged my aching temple, pulled the blanket over myself and

said: “What do want so early in the morning? Let them wait.”

I closed my eyes and returned to my conversation about

constellations, palm reading, and sharing poems with Duke Zhou. But
this bad-luck-inducing kid pulled my blanket off again!

Wait. Why did I say “again”?

But before I could explain it to myself, Su Xiao poured a pot of tea

on my face. He didn’t close the door so the cold winds in spring blew
in, and I was pretty much awake from the shock. ”

I looked at him angrily and shouted: “What the hell?!”

Su Xiao retorted: “You think you’re in the right?! We’re a

team. If you don’t show up, you’ll affect us!”

I can’t believe my teammate is so unreasonable. I gave up without

a fight and complained: “Fine! Since we both have our
reasoning, let’s split up here! Leave!”

Su Xiao was startled. He grabbed my collar and said: “That’d

mean you’d get off scot-free! Stop causing trouble! Get up!!”

I finally got out of bed after getting yelled at, my collar grabbed
and having cold water poured on my face three more times by Su
Xiao. I got dressed in a rush and ran towards the Vermillion hall.

Su Xiao continued to complain as we rain: “It’s all your fault

we’re going to be late!”
115 Report
I cried out with vehemence: “What can we do about it now?
And can you blame me? Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?”

“What do you mean? Brother Yan Ling went to wake you up

unsuccessfully. I don’t know where he went after either.
Didn’t you see him?” “He came to woke me up?”

No he didn’t. I only remember sharing poetry with Duke Zhou. We

even argued with each other, but I don’t recall Tang Ye coming by. I
firmly said: “He probably went ahead of us.”

We continued talking until we reached the Vermillion Hall. Su Xiao

felt small and timid when he saw everyone in the Vermillion Hall
dressed neatly and stood silently because he’s young after all. But
me? I knew it was a great opportunity!

I extended my long legs and dashed into the Vermillion Hall leaving
Su Xiao behind. I copped a scolding as soon as I set foot through the
door. Boss Shen sat in a chair and shouted in a domineering tone:
“Ming Feizhen, how dare the three of you arrive late on your
first day?!”

I ran over to the desk with my head hanging down, made my way
to Boss Shen’s side and quietly said: “Boss, it’s not like I wanted
to be late. It was all because Su Xiao is still young. He was so
excited last night he couldn’t sleep so I struggled to wake
him this today. I had to pour water on his face three times
and drag him out of bed.”


Su Xiao then calmly and slowly came through. I just finished

carrying out a great and noble deed, so I gloriously stood to the side
of our leader.

Our captain said to me: “It’s good that know to look after
those younger than you. Keep it up.”
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“Understood, boss! I won’t let you down!”

Boss Shen looked at Su Xiao and said with a sigh: “Xiao Han,
learn from Feizhen. I understand that younger people like to
sleep, but Liu Shan Men is different to a martial arts school.
There are strict rules you must adhere to. Don’t make that
mistake again.”

“HUH?” Su Xiao opened his eyes wide and looked back-and-forth

between Boss Shen and I. I gave him a “how about them apples”
look. He looked at me like I have no shame.

Boss Shen got a little angry and asked: “What? You got a

Su Xiao immediately lowered his head and said: “I dare not.” But
he kept his hateful and scornful eyes on me.

Come on~ don’t look at me like that. We were all late. You
suffering alone is better than both of us suffering.

Boss Shen suddenly asked: “So where’s Tang Ye?”

Su Xiao and I looked at each other , and asked in unison: “He’s

not here?”


*A phrase from a poem, 不应有恨,何事长向别时圆. It holds no

meaning for you as English readers so I’ve interpreted the meaning
of the line instead.

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118 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 20
Translator Comments: And that’s 7 chapters this week. I’m really
trying my best to pump out as much as I can. The text load for this
series suddenly almost doubled so I may not get 6 or more chapters
next week. To set a goal, which I’ll now be accountable for since I’m
announcing it, I’m going to try and break into the Rank #1000 or
higher on novel updates this month. Here’s a question for you,
how does a teenage NASCAR driver, drive better than us, when we’ve
been driving for longer?

Liu Shan Men’s Elite Rankings

Boss Shen looked at us like: “Would I be asking you if I knew?”

so I immediately obediently answered: “That naughty boy is
probably training and lost track of time.” That was the only
excuse I could think of so that’s what I said. After I said that, I gave
Su Xiao who was staring at me completely astonished a little kick.

Su Xiao forced himself to play along with my nonsense: “That’s

right… Brother Yan Ling is very focused on martial arts
training so he might’ve forgotten about the meeting. I… I’ll
go get him now.”

Shen Yiren waved her hand and said: “Forget it. It’s good that
he’s dedicated to his martial arts training. Just leave him to
it. Just pass on to him my message.”


Shen Yiren didn’t beat around the bush and got straight to the
point in an orderly fashion, which was very characteristic of her:
“You three are official members of Liu Shan Men starting
today. Let me ask you, what is your evaluation of how our
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constables usually work?”

The teacher’s pet, Su Xiao raised his hand to answer: “Arrest bad
people, help good people, as well as helping the people.”

A village chief basically does what you just mentioned, why would
they need you for those jobs?

Shen Yiren couldn’t help but laugh: “We don’t need to do that
sort of stuff, but generally speaking, you’re close. Our
purpose is to punish evil on behalf of heaven and preserve
the peace. We’re also tasked with upholding the law and
traditions. The Qilin Guards and the royal family are already
maintaining law and order. The Qilin Guards also contribute
towards preserving the peace, but as for punishing evil…”

Shen Yiren pointed at the shiny plague in front of the Vermillion

hall with the phrase “Punish evil on behalf of heaven” written on

“That plaque was gifted to us by the emperor whom

founded the kingdom. It is the number one principle we abide
to here at Liu Shan Men, so we must punish evil even if it
conflicts with the other two goals, understood?”

Su Xiao’s face turned red and got all giddy when he heard her as
he excitedly said: “Yes ma’am!”

How gullible. Do you have any sisters in your family who are
slightly smarter than you? Give me three hours and I’ll trick them
into becoming my wives. I don’t want one as stupid as you because
I’m afraid of the possibility that my offspring will turn out as stupid as


Shen Yiren gave a satisfied nod.
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“That’s good. I won’t waste my breath on needless words.
Go see Sir Sui for your mission. I hope to see you two listed
on the Liu Shan Men’s Elites list.”


Su Xiao then timidly asked: “But uhh… Vice-captain, what’s Liu

Shan Men’s Elites ranking?”

“You don’t know? Feizhen, do you know?”

“I’m not too sure…”

Boss Shen clearly didn’t have the patience to explain it, so she
waved her hand and said: “Well, get one of the guards to
explain it to you. After that, go see Sir Sui.”

I actually do know; that’s why I don’t want to hear it.

Liu Shan Men’s Elites ranking was a system created by the royal
court to rank skilled fighters.

Liu Shan Men were the bodyguards of the dynasty’s founder during
the founding days. They served him with their lives and offed
countless tyrants. That is why he specially created the ranking
system. He then had the top three fighters act as the leaders, and
gave them the titles: Ying Long (Lit. Responsive Dragon), Qing Lin
(Lit. Blue Unicorn), and Fei Yu (Lit. Flying Fish).

These three creatures, I mean, elites hold influential positions in

the royal court. But since there can only be one captain for Liu Shan
Men, the three had to decide on the role by comparing their martial
skills. The three of them had an Earth-shattering battle in the
Northern Seas which lasted for seven days and seven nights before
there was a victor.

Fei Yu defeated the other two and emerged as the victor, thereby
becoming the leader of Liu Shan Men. That’s why the uniforms of Liu
121 Report
Shan Men have a flying fish sewn onto it even now. Even Tang Ye’s
purple constable uniform has it.

The other two got mad after they lost and promptly left Liu Shan
Men. They leveraged their previous impressive accomplishments to
ask the emperor at the time for two posts, thus creating the current
system with emperor’s entourage and the Qilin Guards.

Ying Long went on to found the group comprising of the emperor’s

entourage, while Qing Lin went on to form the Qilin Guards. What
was originally used to rank those in Liu Shan Men became a ranking
system for all three squads.

It’s said that the ranking lists the top fifty fighters across the three
squads. Once you’re ranked in the top fifty, officials will be sure to
ask you to deal with matters in the martial world. Just remember that
it’s impossible for anyone to completely remove themselves from
matters in the martial world.

According to a guard’s explanation, it sounded like it was quite

easy to get ranked. All you had to do was complete enough missions,
arrest enough thieves, and beat up enough bandits in the pugilistic
world. Martial prowess ranking my ass. More like the rankings for
those who slaved away the most.

What should I do? I really don’t want to get ranked. There’s no

benefit to getting ranked.

What, you don’t believe me?

There are plenty of these types of rankings in ‘The Black and White
Reflection’. The most famous rankings in it are the Martial Masters,
and the Ultimate Beauties rankings. The Ultimate Beauties ranking
ranks the beauties in the martial world, which are divided into two
categories: (A) Beauty and (B) Fragrance. I think Boss Shen is ranked
third in the Beauty category… I only found that out yesterday.
122 Report
The Martial Masters ranking is as the name suggests a ranking for
the most skilled martial artists, which employs a top 100 system. But
since there are winners and losers in every fight, the rankings for it
change daily.

My shifu, the Demon Sect leader Ximen Chuideng and Liu Shan
Men’s captain Yan Shisan took turns competing with each other to
get into the top ten, but it was all for naught. Ximen Chuideng had a
terrible reputation for killing people like it was a necessity for him to
live like oxygen is. My shifu… His reputation is worse than he is as a
person! And who knows whose toilet Yan Shisan is scrubbing these

If those in the top ten of the Martial Masters ranking are leading
shitty lives like that, what makes you think there’s any worth in
making the rankings?

I reluctantly went to Sir Sui’s office in a small courtyard with the

little brat Su Xiao, whose eyes were gleaming with joy. Sir Sui is an
official at Liu Shan Men’s own ministry of personnel, and is mainly
responsible for regulating Liu Shan Men’s Elites rankings.

We saw a big fat eunuch sprinkling dirt onto the flowers in the
courtyard as soon as we entered the courtyard.

If my memory does me justice, Sir Sui is a eunuch…

The current rules during this dynasty state that a eunuch can
become an official if he is willing to study and take the exams, so Su
Xiao and I weren’t surprised. The two of us stepped forward and
courteously said: “Greetings, Sir Sui.”

Sir Sui turned around and said with a smile: “Please don’t stand
on ceremony. I assume you two know who I am since you’re
here. I’m Sui Tu Wan.”

123 Report
Three, two, one?**

Your father is a foreigner? I’m lost…


*Ying Long = Responsive Dragon (A winged dragon and rain deity

in Chinese mythology); Qing Lin = Blue Unicorn; Fei Yu = Flying Fish.
I’m going with the Pinyin, because calling someone “Responsive
Dragon” is…

**Sui Tu Wan is pronounced: Sooee Too One, and hence 3, 2, 1 in


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124 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 21
Translator Comments: The answer to the NASCAR question lies
within another question, which is: When was the last time you asked
yourself if changing the way you shift gears, accelerate or approach
the curb for example could improve your driving? As for the NASCAR
teenager, he’s constantly asking himself how he can improve by
even 1% all the time. The take-away: If you want to improve at
something, you have to demand more. Just going through the
motions isn’t enough. That’s why your driving (or any other skill set)
never improves. For this very reason, I continually try to read more
literature works (and research studies because I like it) to improve
my own literacy skills in hopes to bring you better translations. Being
the best doesn’t mean I’ve reached my limit, it just means I’m the
toughest challenge I’ve got. You guys should definitely ask the same
of yourselves too.

The One-of-a-kind Ruffian and The World’s Number One Scumbag

Sui Tu Wan.

Three, two, one.

No matter how you read it, his name is pretty Westernised…

Su Xiao and I headed to the location of our first mission per Sir
Sui’s instructions.

It’s said that there was someone bullying the kind yet cowering
from the bigger bullies here in this village. The villagers cried saying
that they reported the officials for ignoring the situation and
reporting that person’s bullying knew no bounds. It’s also said that
he’s a pervert. He goes after old ladies up to seventy-eight, to as
young as the hard worker next door from Uncle Niu’s family. As long
125 Report
as they’re a woman, he goes for them.

After hearing that, I almost thought my shifu was there. I was

contemplating it was the right thing for me to do and go kill my own
kin for the greater good.

Not long after, Su Xiao and I arrived at said person’s little village
called Peach Village. The village is close to the outskirts of Nan Jing,
but is still under the jurisdiction of Nan Jing. And since they reported
the matter to Liu Shan Men, we had an obligation to resolve it.

After listening to what Boss Shen said, Su Xiao’s head was filled
with nothing but thoughts of how to get listed in Liu Shan Men’s
Elites rankings. This troublesome kid just can’t let me live in peace. If
we got ranked, do you think we’d even have off-days? I retired so I
could earn money without lifting a finger, not to slave away into old

I’m going to screw today’s mission up no matter what.

After entering Peach Village, we made contact with the village

chief who filed the report. The village chief was around seventy, but
still looked energetic and healthy nonetheless.

“Greetings chief, we’re from Liu Shan Men. I’m Su Xiao,

this here is Ming…”

I waved my hand at him and said: “Whatever, cut to the chase.

Gramps, we heard you were getting bullied by a bully around

“Yes, that’s right!”

Su Xiao was stunned as soon as the village chief spoke. And he’s
supposed to be a local. Shame on him. Don’t you know those from
Peach Village are considered heroic individuals? When I came here in
the past, I mistook it for being the Northeast…
126 Report
The village chief evidently hated the bully. He stamped his feet,
thumped his chest and said: “That thug has no respects for
anything. I’ve never come across anybody so shameless. A
few days ago, he messed with the daughter of the Wang
family. When her family came knocking, he shamelessly
apologised and even asked for her hand in marriage. The
thug doesn’t have any money for a wedding, so he pawned
an ox for twenty silvers at Aunt Li’s place, saying it was to
hold a wedding banquet. In the end, he ran off with the
money and the girl. I reported him at your place three times.
You people came here three times and then told me you
couldn’t do anything about it. So what do I do?”

“Hmm, that’s…” Su Xiao was completely lost. After juggling it in

his head for a good while, he asked: “But why did he leave his ox

“Huh? What do you know? That ox was mine! He stole my


Now that is some fella. He’s a master con-man…

“Old Wang has lost his daughter, Aunt Li has her lost
money, and I lost my ox! What do you suggest we do?”

It was Su Xiao’s first time dealing with a case, and he was at a loss
for what to do, so he looked to me to ask for help. I put on a straight-
face and said: “We will bring the girl and your ox and the
money back.” Is this a damn tongue twister?!*

The village chief’s eyebrows turned upwards forming a smile as he

said with eyes gleaming with hope: “That’s great! I’ll take you to
him. Young people are so much easier to work with, so much
better than those old geezers!”

I felt ashamed hearing him say that.
127 Report
I bet the constables that came here the last three times didn’t
want to deal with it because it was troublesome. Liu Shan Men is
responsible for monitoring the martial world and its influence on
commoners in the first place, so these sorts of quarrels should be
reported to the magistrate. These sorts of issues shouldn’t be
reported to Liu Shan Men.

But thanks to that, I won’t have to screw the mission over.

I wouldn’t make the elites ranking even if I completed three of

these sorts of missions daily, so there’s nothing to worry about.


I came to a sudden stop. Su Xiao almost bumped into me, and said
in an annoyed tone: “Brother Ming, what’s the matter?”

I focused on my listening. I could hear the sound of weapons

clanging against each other to the East of the village. From the
sounds I heard, I could discern that there were three swords, an iron
rod and three single-edged swords. Why are there people fighting in
this sort of place? And by the sounds of it, they’re quite skilled…

“Village chief, are there martial artists in your village?”


The village chief blinked quickly several times.

“They’re all people passing by. They said they come from
Lan Zhu Tong or something. They get along quite well with
that bully. They’re bad people.”

I listened in carefully to the sounds while mulling over what the

village chief said and came up with a guess.

Su Xiao blinked and asked: “Lan Zhu Tong? What’s Lan Zhu
128 Report
I helplessly explained: “It’s Lan Jun Zhu Kong.”

Isn’t that the group that’s ranked seventh in the Demon Sect?”

He then looked at me with suspicion and asked: “How did you

know martial artists are here?”

I unleashed my talent for bullshitting and said: “Why else would

the village chief have reported it to Liu Shan Men? Do you
think he’s an idiot or something?”

The village chief cooperated excellently. He puffed his chest out

proudly, and I have to say, he did look pretty tough.

After being rebutted by me, Su Xiao apologetically said: “I’m

sorry, Brother Ming. I thought you were spouting nonsense

”I’m really hurt by the way you treat me as a comrade… Ha… I

really miss the soy sauce pork from Dong Po Restaurant.”

“…I don’t think I’ve offended you that badly.”

I sighed and said: “You must be thinking I’m trying to take

advantage of you again. What I was trying to say was…” I was
trying to exploit Su Xiao into buying me some soy sauce pork while
walking backwards. Consequently, I bumped into someone behind
me. I didn’t feel any resistance.

I turned around and saw that he was already lying on the ground
as if he was sent flying by a bull or something.

What the hell? Is he trying to scam me for money?

“Are you alright?”

“As if I’m alright!”

The guy lying on the ground had curly hair that looked like the
129 Report
aftermath of an explosion. He got up and made a scene to get me to
compensate him. The brat had facial acne. He was evidently the
usually energetic type and leaving a mess in his wake wherever he
went. It certainly looked like he was trying to scam me.

Curly stared at me and shouted: “You tired of living? They call

me the one-of-a-kind ruffian, and the world’s number one
scumbag, and here you are crossing me!” His muscle-less frame
quivered after he was done talking. It looked like he was dead-set on
sizing me up.

The village chief widened his eyes, stared at him, pointed at him
and said: “That’s him!”

I widened my eyes too. This curly-haired brat is the big bully in the
village? I could sense the cunning aura exuding from him.


* All the ‘ands’ in there make it a pain to read or say in Chinese,

and also why I wrote it like that.

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131 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 22
Young Man with a Sabre

“Su Xiao, go take a look over there. Let’s talk after we get
some information on Lan Jun Zhu Kong.”

“Alright, but can you hold a proper conversation with… Mr.

Scum here?”

Su Xiao blinked a few times and then said: “I’ll head over there
and try to gather some information.”

“Yes, yes, yes. Let’s do that. Mr. Scum, let’s have a chat,
shall we?”

After I said three sentences, the self-proclaimed, one-of-a-kind

ruffian and number one scum-bag curly-haired bloke rubbed his
hands with a smile like a luscious chrysanthemum and said: “Hey
bro, let’s just have a friendly chat. If you have a question,
feel free to ask, there’s no need to be so reserved. I’ll tell
you everything I know. What? A wife? I don’t have one. Hehe.
I don’t want a wife. I was preparing to send Miss Wang back.
Of course I’ll compensate them. I should compensate them by
all accounts. I’ll compensate them even if it means I have to
sell my pants. I’ll pay Aunt Li back too. I’ll pay her back twice
the amount. Actually, make that three times the amount. The
village chief’s ox? Hmm… As the representative and face of
young people of this village, I was going to swap his ox for a
younger one because his hard-working ox was so old it was
basically ready to die from illness. Actually, I was going to
get him two oxen, I mean ten oxen to repay him for always
looking out for me.”

I spent my breath teaching this slag how he should live his life. He
132 Report
puffed up his cheeks while still keeping my waist blade in check with
the part between his legs, and had changed for the better.

He really does live up to his nickname, scum. I haven’t come

across as many as bad as him.

“I won’t make things hard for you since you’re so

cooperative.” I sheathed my sword back into my scabbard. The
corner of the punk’s eyes lifted up as if he were about to cuss me.

I gave him a soft pat on the shoulder causing his entire body to
sink more than one-foot deep into the ground. His legs were fine
thought so the tough ground surface was probably formed from mud.
He was so surprised his face looked like an antelope face-to-face with
a pride of lions, causing his entire body to quiver helplessly.

I gave him a smile and said: “Answer whatever I ask you.”

Only then did Mr. Scum come out honestly…

Turns out his surname is Cha, and his first name is Pi. He may look
like a fighting-chicken right now, but he’s the son of a prestigious
family in Peach Village. His father was involved with dealings with the
emperor’s entourage in the past. He’s the descendent of a general.
His late father had wished for him to enter the palace and serve the
kingdom, and hence the character ‘Pi’ for his name*

Who would’ve imagined that this punk could turn the “pi”
character in “conquer and expand the kingdom’s lands” and
turn it into the “pi” character for ruffian? The bastard even turned
his surname “Cha” into the character “zha” for scum. I better be
careful when I’m around his ancestors’ cemetery. I don’t want to get
a shock when his old man jumps out of his casket to strangle him…

And now onto the main point…

Three uninvited guests showed up at his place a few days ago

claiming to be his father’s friends when he was still alive and said
133 Report
that they came from a place called Lan Jun Zhu Kong. They asked to
borrow some stuff from his place and then turned his place inside-
out. They stayed for a few days and refused to leave. They even
announced that they wouldn’t just let the matter go so easily.

Okay, we can’t not mention Mr. Slag’s asshole-mentality. At first,

he was really afraid of those three guests from the pugilistic world
occupying his place, but then he came up with the idea to bully and
con the villagers using their name as a form of backing. The bastard
conned the Wang family’s daughter, conned Aunt Li of her money
and the village chief of his ox.

This guy is the walking definition of the word shameless.

But there was one thing that caught my attention.

“You said that they claimed to be people from Lan Jun Zhu
Kong, right?”

The slag said with a crying face: “Yes… I’m telling the truth. I
wouldn’t dare lie to you!” I didn’t think he was lying.

“Do you know what sort of place Lan Jun Zhu Kong is?”


I don’t think he knows. If he did, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to

bully girls under the name of the envoy of the Demon Sect.

“So who are they fighting with?”

“I think it was some Forest Guards.” **

Forest guards my ass! I’d be a metropolitan guard if that were the

case!*** He must be talking about the Qilin Guards.

The Qilin Guards have always been responsible for finding the
whereabouts of the Demon Sect so that’s nothing strange. I listened
134 Report
in to the sound of weapons clashing against one another in the
distant suspiciously.

The Demon Sect’s martial arts? I don’t know, I’m not familiar with


“Energy Fusion is Hua Shan Sect’s technique. They’re

fellow disciples and they’re flaunting their skills like they’re
hot-shots.” I’m very knowledgeable on the internal techniques
taught by various prestigious sects, including the Demon Sect. The
three who came claiming to be members of Lan Jun Zhu Kong are
using Hua Shan’s internal Energy Fusion. Once one has mastered
Energy Fusion then the practitioner can imitate the techniques of
even the Demon Sect as long as they have a good grasp on the
actualised techniques that need to be executed.

“Huh? What did you say?”


If they really were from the Demon Sect, Su Xiao would need more
than ten lives. Those guys kill people without batting an eye. But Hua

Oh yeah, I’ve retired, so why do I have to concern myself with this


“Slag, bring me a pot of tea, my throat is dry.”


Su Xiao saw three people in blue shirts fighting with three men in
brocade guard uniforms. Their weapons and agility clearly outclassed
Su Xiao.

Ming Feizhen told him to just watch from afar, but one of the guys
135 Report
in blue looked like he was gaining the upper hand. Su Xiao couldn’t
tell who was who, and was worried the Demon Sect would win, so he
tried his best to come up with a plan.

To be frank, in such circumstances, new recruits would’ve run

away with their tail between their legs and reported it to their
superior. However, Su Xiao has a strong sense of justice, and after
hearing Shen Yiren’s speech, his sense of justice gushed forth.

Pretty Boy Su Xiao pulled out his trusty sabre he always had on
him after shouting: “You demonic trash, how dare you behave
so audaciously?!” His sabre was the Su family’s heirloom, the
divine sabre called Ancient Cold.

The fact that the blade was revered by the heavens couldn’t be
hidden despite the blade looking rusty and the handle being old. The
wielder was a young and elegant pretty boy. The sabre was like the
crescent moon at night.

The six were engaged in an intense battle, but were unconsciously

drawn to one particular person. Someone among them blurted out:
“What a handsome young man. What a sharp blade.”

Su Xiao with his sabre in hand confidently yelled: “I’m Su Xiao

from Liu Shan Men. Which one of you are the bastards from
Lan Jun Zhu Kong?!”

One of the guys with a blue shirt said: “Oh, so you’re from Liu
Shan Men. Okay, fuck you. I wasted my breath complimenting

Since that guy in the blue shirt dared to cuss at someone from Liu
Shan Men, it went without saying that he was from the Demon Sect,
and therefore meant that the three in brocade guard uniforms were

Right after Su Xiao formed his conclusion, the three guys in the
136 Report
brocade robe said: “Fuck you, Liu Shan Men. How dare you
come in and try to kill-steal after all our effort? You want a
piece of the pie? Not over our dead bodies.”

Those three were even ruder than the three in blue shirts.

Just one line from Su Xiao incurred the verbal-wrath from both
sides. Okay, so who’s with the Demon Sect?

Su Xiao got confused…


*Comes from the phrase开疆辟土 which depending on context can

be translated a number of ways, but in this particular scenario is like
“conquer and expand the kingdom’s lands (Lit. Cut open new
lands).” The third character in (from the left) is “pi” which is the
same character for his name which essentially means “break” in
this context.

**Forest is ‘Lin’ which is the same pronunciation as the ‘Lin’ in


***I changed it from “sanitation enforcer” to “metropolitan

guard” otherwise the joke wouldn’t make sense in English.

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138 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 23
Picking on the Weakest

It took a while before Su Xiao figured out that the guys in blue
claiming to be from Lan Jun Kong Zhu were members of the Demon
Sect, and that the guys in brocade guard uniforms were the Qilin
Guards who were in the middle of their investigation.

Su Xiao said in a confused tone: “Sorry comrades from Qilin, I

didn’t mean to steal your credit but we can’t let anyone from
the Demon Sect off either. Umm… Uhh… Can’t I take just one
of them back?” Su Xiao was unable to continue in a regal tone. He
does read, it’s just that he’s usually surrounding himself with those in
the martial world so his usual speech tone had changed.

The Qilin Guards shook their heads like epileptics and said: “You
want to take one of them? Did you know we hung a plaque
with ‘The three great detestations’ inscribed on it in our
large courtyard?”

“The three great detestations?” Su Xiao was lost. He’s new to

the world, how would he know the martial world’s classics? He softly
asked: “Pornography, gambling and illicit drugs?”

“Fuck off! The plaque has what our captain hates the most
inscribed in text on it.” The guys in brocade guard uniforms
grinded their teeth as though their superior was right beside them
supervising and said: “The most detested thing in the world is
that old fuck Ximen Chuideng. The second most detested
thing is everyone else in the Demon Sect. The third most
detested thing is you garbage bags from Liu Shan Men!”

Su Xiao who was fairly clueless about their bad blood history
casually waved his hand and brushed it off with: “Man, that’s all
139 Report
ancient history. Can’t you guys be more flexible? I’ll stand
here and watch. Once you guys can’t handle it anymore
more, let me have a go, deal?”

He didn’t expect them to take that even more offensively. The

guys in blue shirts didn’t pass up the opportunity to burst into
laughter. The three brocade guards were fuming: “Piss off, trash!
You’re the weakling here. This is a walk in the park for us!”

The three charged forward after they were done talking. The three
brocade guards weren’t the cream of the crop in the Qilin Guards
squad, but they were still formidable nonetheless. They’re a small
team who’ve learnt a formation called “The Ultimate Sabre and
Rod Formation of Three”. So there is one broadsword and two
rods, or one rod and two broadswords, which are worked in
combination, allowing them to defeat their opponents when the odds
are against them.

As you all know, if the weaker guy defeats the stronger guy, then
picking on the weak as the stronger one is a cinch.

The three of them initially weren’t scared of him because he looked

young. However, upon seeing the sharpness of his divine blade, the
three thought it was best to take him on with their formation.

The three in blue didn’t join the fray and instead discussed what to
do amongst themselves.

“So what shall we do now that they’re caught up in their

own conflict?”

“Let’s smash the younger guy and steal his sabre.”

“Sounds like a plan, I’m with you!”

Su Xiao was trapped inside their formation. Normally, when you’re

surrounded, you’d retreat as fast as possible. The most he could do
in that situation was to hold out painstakingly, but it all changed
140 Report
when the three in blue joined the fray.

The three of them were sword wielders. They unleashed the

“Selfless Sword Style”, the basic style taught upon becoming a
member of the Demon Sect. What makes that style formidable is that
it damages both the wielder and the enemy in exchange for dealing
massive damage. However, the three of them weren’t using the
mental cultivation methods taught by the Demon Sect. The executed
techniques were right, but the internal arts they were using were Hua
Shan’s Energy Fusion. Consequently, the damage dealt was reduced,
but at the same time they reduced the damage they’d suffer. It’s still
a worthy trade-off in the end.

Su Xiao didn’t train in his family’s sabre style too diligently, hadn’t
learnt Liu Shan Men’s martial arts, was young and had no experience
with combating real enemies, so the six of them gave him a tough
time. Two of the guys in blue stuck to both sides of his Ancient Cold
sabre, with one on his left, and one to the right. The brocade guard
wielding the rod grunted and put Su Xiao’s lights out.

The brocade guard didn’t expect the guys dressed in blue to be

waiting to steal Su Xiao’s treasured blade as soon as he passed out.
Unfortunately for them, it seemed that Su Xiao had such a tight grip
on it the two of them couldn’t flog it. Instead, the brocade guards
turned their attention to them.

One of the guys in blue got annoyed, threw a fit and tried to chop
Su Xiao’s wrist off.

The captain of the brocade guards regretted his decision and was
worried that they’d be too much to handle if they managed to get
their hands on the sabre. He gathered up all his internal energy and
struck Su Xiao’s back with a palm strike with everything he had,
slinging Su Xiao like a weapon at them to at least deal them some

Six people surrounded a young man not yet seventeen, grunting
141 Report
and trying to pursue their own ends, with his unconscious body in the
middle to separate them.



The brocade guards palm strike was extremely sharp while the guy
in blue swung his sword in a strangely rushed manner. The brocade
guard struck one of the guys in blue with all his might behind his
palm strike destroying his nerves and breaking his bones. The guy in
blue also managed to neatly slice off the brocade guards left arm,
causing blood to gush forth.

After the exchange of blows, both sides were one man down, but
because there weren’t mentally prepared, they were crying and
shrieking from the pain.

The brocade guard exclaimed: “You despicable bastard! You

pretended to stab the punk from Liu Shan Men and then
stabbed me instead.”

Another guy in blue angrily yelled: “You’re a slippery one too.

You changed the direction of your attack part way through.
You nearly took my brother’s life!”

The two of them glared at each other and suddenly regained their

“Did you say I stabbed someone from your side?”

“Did you say I changed the direction of my attack part way


The two of them acted weird and said: “I didn’t. I was aiming
for the little punk. Huh? Where’s the punk?”
142 Report

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143 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 24
If You Can Solve it With Brute Force, Try Not to Speak

I took a sip of tea as I was carrying Su Xiao. I couldn’t help but

cough. The slag brought me some dodgy tea leaves. There are
always remnants of tea leaves getting stuck in my throat.

Su Xiao was asleep like a napping Persian cat. His white skin had a
hint of pink, his limbs were beautiful, his teeth were white just like a
girl… If he didn’t need a bag over his head that is.

“Boss, we found the punk!”

A little henchman looking guy was excitedly yelling while pointing

in my direction: “Over there, over there!!”

The guys in blue and brocade guard uniforms finally noticed me.
They quickly turned around and glared at me.

The guy from Hua Shan pretending to be an envoy from the

Demon Sect shouted: “Who are you? Speak now or hold your
peace forever.”

If you’re going to pretend to be an envoy of the Demon Sect at

make the effort to make it convincing. No one in the Demon Sect
would waste time getting the name out of their opponents. I rolled
my eyes and ignored him.

The Qilin guard in the brocade uniform laughed and said:

“Ignorant Demon Sect disciple, can’t you tell? One look tells
you he’s not a resident of this place. Since he came to the aid
of that punk from Liu Shan Men and is wearing a constable
uniform, it’s a given that he’s from Liu Shan Men.
144 Report
Pfft!! Stupid! You mistook Hua Shan disciples for being Demon Sect
members and are trying to arrest them. You deserve to be an errand
boy for eternity.

Come to think of it, why are Hua Shan disciples pretending to be

envoys of the Demon Sect? And why here in Nan Jing of all places?
Aren’t they aware they hate the Demon Sect here in Nan Jing more
than anywhere else?

I silently considered the questions in my head and didn’t speak to

them. Instead I just signalled to them to come at me.

The guy in blue chuckled and said: “Fine. If you want to die so
badly, I’ll gladly grant you your wish!”

Me: “……”

The guy in the brocade guard uniform shouted: “Hey you, if you
don’t run along, I won’t hesitate to attack.”

Me: “……”

The guy in blue gave a long laugh and asked: “Are you mute?
Did our swordsmanship shock you so much that you’re at a
loss for words?”

The brocade guard didn’t want to look like he was less of a man, so
he said in a loud voice: “Get lost, demon-kind. He was scared by
our formidable formation. It’s got jack shit to do with you.”

Me: “Are you guys done talking? Do you want to fight or


The two leaders acted like they were embarrassed and cleared
their throats. They then surrounded me who tried to be friendly.

145 Report
The Guy in blue couldn’t keep his calm.

He knew he was in a bad situation.

He didn’t even catch a glimpse of the man standing in front of him

when he saved the punk. He’d never met anybody like that in the
twenty years he’d been in the pugilistic world. He only knew of two
people who had that level of qinggong*, their school’s leader and
their senior brother.

But just because someone had a high level of proficiency with

qinggong, that didn’t mean they were a good fighter. He thought that
it was unlikely that he could beat the three of them together.
However, he hesitated because he was afraid that going all out would
reveal the true nature of his martial arts and thereby the school he
truly belonged to. He was tasked with an important task this time
which was part of a bigger plot, hence why he came to Peach Village
and pretended to be an envoy from the Demon Sect. He couldn’t let
them get caught here so he hesitated.

The Qilin Guards however were very level-headed.

He felt it was best to attack together. He’d get rid of Liu Shan Men
first and then the Demon Sect. If the Demon Sect members escaped,
he’d still be accomplished for taking out two of Liu Shan Men’s
constables. It’s as Ximen Chuideng of the Demon Sect said back
then, it’s faster to take care of them all at once!!

They readied up. One of them was injured and couldn’t fight at his
maximum capacity but they still used their “Ultimate Sabre and
Rod of Three” formation to completely surround Ming Feizhen.
Inside the formation were the guys in blue and Ming Feizhen who
were to fight each other.

The guys in blue realising the grim situation they were caught in
decided to strike. They used a variety of moves to hide their true
styles and thereby identities. They were busy sending a signal to
146 Report
their seniors.

The three of them used the technique “Song of the Phoenix”

together. That’s a powerful technique from Hua Shan sect and also
the technique the three of them painstakingly trained. The three of
them prepared their Energy Fusion technique before unleashing it.
They unleashed the Song of the Phoenix attack with the purpose of
severely injuring Ming Feizhen, but more so to escape their current

As soon as the Song of the Phoenix was unleashed, the vibration of

the sword tip sounded like birds chirping, while also creating the
image of thousands of birds worshipping a phoenix. The three of
them had relatively even power levels, so the power of the technique
was multiplied when they executed it in unison. The song of the
phoenix could be heard by the ear as their sword tips moved.

Ming Feizhen held Su Xiao with his left arm while drinking tea with
his right hand. He moved his arm in a circle without blinking.

Be gentle.

The continuous thought of being gentle, gentle without limits and

execution of Tai Chi sent the three hundred birds flying towards the
group in brocade guard uniforms. In the blink of an eye, three
phoenixes were sent flying towards the Qilin Guards, sending them
into a frenzy.

Ming Feizhen pulled his arm back towards his body and the guys in
blue found that they lost control of the sword in their hands before
they knew it. The swords techniques didn’t come to a halt though.
Their executed moves carried through and continued being
unleashed on the three Qilin Guards. He was just one man controlling
three swords with one hand, and yet his executions of the techniques
were much sharper. The three Qilin Guards were stabbed at their
pressure points and died before the three hundred birds finished
147 Report
The guys in blue came to the realisation that he borrowed their
momentum to follow through, but how was such a gentle movement
able to deliver such incredible impact?!

The leader of the guys in blue was scared shitless. He said in a

trembling voice: “W-wu Dang’s Tai Chi!! You’re Zhang

“Screw you, your mum is Zhang Sanfeng!!”

Ming Feizhen angrily hurled their three swords back at them

causing them to see stars. He then exclaimed: “Do I look that

What he did next caused one of the guys in blue who still had his
conscious to lose his mind.

Ming Feizhen took a sip of tea. He took a sip of tea out of his cup
with his right hand.

This guy took their swords, defeated three Qilin Guards, and threw
their swords back at them with his right hand too!


That Hua Shan disciple was so frightened he passed out.

Ming Feizhen was befuddled and asked: “Why do people always

say that same line after I have a fight with somebody…?”


I looked at the six lying on the ground and then finished my tea.

Why are these guys such chatterboxes? Do you have to talk when
you could resolve the issue with brute force?

Hmph, look at me.
148 Report
I’m overpowered, invincible and haven’t been surpassed in thirty

I shouldn’t go about things in such a high-profile manner though.

It’ll make it hard for me to run my provident fund scam. Luckily Su
Xiao was out cold so nobody saw it.

Huh? Why’s there the sound of extra person breathing?

I quickly spun around and saw an astonished Tang Ye standing

there. It looks like he came running over and was catching his breath.
He looked at me with his eyes wide… And the six on the ground.



“How come there are so many people lying on the ground?

What happened?”


The worthless actor Tang Ye looked at me without moving. He just

silently looked at me without saying anything. His gaze started to get
on my nerves.

I easily came up with more bullshit.


“I saw you knock them out.”

I started sweating…


*The ability to move swiftly and lightly at superhuman speed, and

perform gravity-defying moves such as gliding on water surfaces,
scaling high walls and mounting trees.
149 Report

1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

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150 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 25
Can’t You Just Pretend You Didn’t See Anything?

“Brother Yan Hua…”

“My name’s Yan Ling.”

Tang Ye looked at me in silence and then pointed out the crux of

his problem: “Your martial prowess is incredible. Why are you
hiding your skills from everyone?”

Fuck… I can’t deal with this sort of pressure.

Back then shifu once said he’d teach me the Heart and Soul
Destroying Palm Strike, a palm strike where you hit so hard that your
opponent would leave the world for three days. Back then, I decided
not to learn such an evil style and let it disappear along with history
to protect all the kind women he tarnished, the reputation of the
beauties in the martial world, and the rights of women in the world.

I didn’t think it’d come back to bite me in the ass now. Man if I
knew it I wouldn’t have to deal with this mess now. I could erase
Tang Ye’s memories with a single palm strike.

I wore a bitter look on my face, grit my teeth and said: “I’ll wake
up on time every day from now on. Help me keep this a
secret, deal?”

Tang Ye had a cold look on his face like the stone lions, at the door
of Liu Shan Men, no, make that the face of a pixiu.* and exclaimed:
“Who do you take me for?”

I grit my teeth and asked: “What do you want then?”

“I went to wake you up this morning and got struck by your
151 Report
palm strike which completely obliterated my defence. I was
out cold for several hours before I awoke.”

Uhh… So why didn’t you take the opportunity to axe me on the

head just now?

“I’ve been practicing martial arts since I was young and

don’t think I’m bad.” Tang Ye lifted up his sleeve to flash his
unicorn tattoo.

“Do you know what this is?”

I respectfully replied: “Horseshoe triceps!”**


Tang Ye thought I misunderstood something he said and for an

instant, was lost for words. After that he said: “I lost my father in
the homicide in Meixiang five years ago. My mother passed
away not long after due to illness after becoming depressive
over his death. After that, I made a vow to avenge their
deaths. This unicorn head was the only clue left behind in
Meixiang, so I got it tattooed onto my arm to remind myself
to never forget the death of my parents.”

I listened to him in awe, and then gave him a thumbs up and said:
“Your horseshoe triceps really are amazing!”

“…In any case, I decided five years ago that I’d definitely
get revenge, so I started learning from reputable masters all
over the world. I dedicated myself to my martial arts training
every day to get to where I am today. I’d say my skills are
among the top in the pugilistic world. But you defeated me.”

Hey, hey hey! Damn, are you still holding a grudge? Man, I don’t
even remember that happening!!

“You’re extremely skilled. At the very least, you’re not as
152 Report
useless as you pretend to be. You did everything you could to
get into Liu Shan Men. What are you after?”

For the retirement concession, the medical concession, the

compensation for losing a job, and the work injury insurance.*** And
to put food on the table until I get those provident funds… He
wouldn’t believe me if I said this, would he?

“I don’t care what you’re after but you defeated me and

that’s an unarguable fact. Therefore, I need to get even.”

After he was done speaking, he extended both arms and the veins
on his arm were suddenly visible. The unicorn on his right arm looked
ferocious. His whole body exuded a very imposing aura.

Tang Ye extended one hand towards me and said: “Let’s fight!”

He must be using some special method of energy utilisation, which
would explain that phenomenon.

I’m having trouble believing he wants to fight me for real. What

shall I do?

Fight him?

I can’t bloody fight! I’m still carrying sleeping beauty Su here.

I scratched my head, and asked with a laugh: “Don’t you think

I’m stronger than you? You still want to fight?”

“Who says you’re stronger than me?!” The usually stone-

faced Tang Ye suddenly got furious. “You caught me when I was
off-guard this morning. I admit that your strength is quite
incredible, but you probably can’t beat me if we fight fair-
and-square, one-on-one right now.”

I said with a bitter look: “But I don’t have any reason to fight
you, right?”
153 Report
Tang Ye’s posture didn’t change and he didn’t show any signs of
backing down: “There is! If you don’t fight me, I’ll go to our
vice-captain and spill the beans.”


If you want to get your ass kicked so badly, I’ll happily kick it for
you. I specialise in subduing those who refuse to submit!

I’ve had enough! This punk is trying to ruin my beautiful life-plan. I

can’t take this shit no more! I took one step forward towards Tang Ye
who looked like he was getting more and more imposing. I took
another step forward, and then another.

This was my plan.

Walk over to him, smack his head in, the end.


I bet I could drop him dead before Su Xiao regains conscious.

Tang Ye looked very alert. Look at his stance. He’s courting death. I
took my time walking forward planning to enact my “smack his
head in” plan, but then got stopped in my tracks when someone
came running over from far away in the distance screaming.

“Master! We’ve got a problem!”

I looked and saw who it was. It was the slag.

That guy knows what panic is?

I loudly shouted: “What’s the matter?”

Tang Ye couldn’t hear the slag’s voice which was three miles away
and only turned around after hearing me shout. He couldn’t help but
chuckle because he knew the slag couldn’t hear my shout.
154 Report
But the slag replied from afar: “There are people digging the
mountain graves!”

Tang Ye looked like he heard the two important words “mountain

graves” and looked at me suspiciously.

What are you looking at? It’s called the Thousand Mile Sound
Travel technique. It’s an internal style technique. Spend another
twenty years learning it and you’ll be able to do it too.

But digging the mountain graves? That’ll incur a death penalty.

“Brother Tang, we’re both members of Liu Shan Men, so we

can’t prioritise our own matters over work, right? Digging
graves will incur the death penalty, are you going to deal
with it or not? If you’re not going to deal with it, I will.”

Tang Ye’s a reasonable person and seemed to understand that

dealing with the issue couldn’t be delayed, so he relaxed his stance.
The overbearing aura dissipated as well. It was evident it was
because he left fight-mode. I didn’t know this young guy had such
powerful internal energy.

“Alright, I’ll go with you. We’ll put our duel off for now.”


*Pixiu = A Chinese mythical hybrid creature, commonly, but

incorrectly referred to in the West by the Greek word “chimera”.

**Tang Ye was trying to show him the tattoo while Feizhen was
focused on the triceps. To express “horseshoe triceps” as we do in
the bodybuilding circle, you say “unicorn arm” in Chinese. So when
Tang Ye showed him the unicorn tattoo and Feizhen talked about his
triceps instead, Tang Ye basically had a “wtf” moment.

***He actually uses the phrase “The Five Concessions (Lit.

translation),” which includes: the retirement concession, the
155 Report
medical concession, compensation for losing a job, the work injury
insurance, and maternity leave pay. But since he’s a guy… I left out
maternity leave pay.

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156 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 26
Translator Note: “Slag” is what Feizhen sometimes refers to Zha
Pi as. If you’d prefer me to stick with just “Zha Pi” to be more
memory-friendly, please say so in the comments and I’ll make sure
it’s Zha Pi for your ease of reading.

Master“Behind” the Scenes

“Grave robbers still exist?” I scanned my surrounding with my

eyes. There were countless tombstones on the crooked hillside. It
looks like that’s Peach Village’s cemetery. There were two people
hastily throwing the dirt on the surface aside and trying to continue

When I got closer I noticed something strange. The tombstone, I

mean grave was larger in dimensions compared to the surrounding
ones. In a way it was lucky. It took a lot of effort from the two grave
robbers because the tombstone was made from stone.

“Zha Pi, who does the largest grave in the village belong

Zha Pi and Tang Ye can’t see that far and definitely couldn’t see
anything in detail, so they didn’t understand what I was talking
about, but Zha Pi answered: “Of course my it’s my family’s. Did
you forget my old man served as part of the emperor’s
entourage? His grave was erected by officials, so it’s
sumptuous.” It sounded to me like he’d be more than happy to
migrate into the grave. I thought to myself: “Fuck!”

I looked towards Zha Pi, made an apologetic expression and said:

“Sorry in advance then. The grave those two are robbing…
Belongs to your family.”
157 Report

Zha Pi angrily jumped up-and-down. “I was planning to sell that

tombstone when my financial situation was tight. Master
Ming, please help me get rid of those two people!”


This scoundrel… Scumbag you are indeed.

“Grave robbing will incur the death penalty. The emperor’s

entourage is different to Liu Shan Men. They’re essentially
officials in the royal court. Robbing their graves means
decapitation, no ifs or buts.” Tang Ye’s eyes showed a hint of
murderous intent when he spoke. It’s more accurate to say that he
was trying to provide another excuse for beating up those two grave
robbers than providing a judicial interpretation.

I didn’t get him. It’s the pugilistic world we’re talking about here.
Killing a grave robber is no big deal. What’s he acting all righteous

I nodded and said: “You can go on ahead if you don’t like it.”

“I won’t wait for you guys then.”

Tang Ye saw me carrying Su Xiao on my back so he didn’t force me

to come with him. He took a big step forward and blasted off. He
incorporated his qi energy after a few steps, increasing his speed in
the blink of an eye.

Not only are his fighting skills good, his qinggong skills are great

Young people certainly do have bright futures. Back when I was his
age, I was lying sick in bed counting the stars.

It didn’t take long for Tang Ye to arrive at the location of the grave
158 Report
robbers. He swept his leg outwards. It looked like a rushed and
impulsive sweep, but was a very powerful leg sweep. One of the
grave robbers couldn’t tell if it was a feint or a real attack and tried
to guard with both of his arms. He was sent back five or six steps
before he could stop himself.

By the time that grave robber managed to stop himself, Tang Ye

had already engaged the other.

“Who are you?!”

“Another clown from the Qilin Guards.”

Based on what they said, these two must be with the three from
Hua Shan. I systematically analysed the scenario based on the
information available.

They were after Zha Pi’s family’s grave, so they disguised

themselves as friends of his late father and hid in Peach Village. They
were probably trying to rob the grave and leg it before anybody
could figure out what happened, but ended up catching the attention
of the Qilin Guards, and were therefore forced to split up with one
team to stop the Qilin Guards while the other robbed.

That sounds about right. Who would rob a grave in the middle of
the day? You’d do it quietly and secretly even if it were at night,

Wait, doesn’t that mean that there’s something coveted inside Zha
Pi father’s tomb?

What could it be?

Millions of gold blocks! Gold as large as eggs! Kekeke, there are

definitely valuable treasures in there!

I suddenly felt hot.
159 Report
I rushed over to the grave. When I arrived I saw Tang Ye’s exciting
two-on-one fight. Zha Pi wasn’t fit, so he was way behind somewhere
in the distance. I checked left and right, and didn’t detect anyone
around. I also noticed that the tomb was slightly open.

I quietly snuck over with my back facing the tomb. I checked again
to make sure there was no one around.

I pretended to look into the distance…

I shifted my leg behind me and… Kicked!

I heard a crisp sound. I destroyed half of the diamond part at the

top of the tomb, and split the tombstone in two with my kick.

Keke. Mr. Cha, I’m just trying to help prevent people from
bothering you in the future, so you can’t blame me.

My eyes scanned the inside of the tomb as fast as Er Lang*.

Found Something!

I saw three things inside.

One book, an ash container and a box of gold.

What do you guys think is the most suspicious thing among the

I don’t know myself, but my hand instinctively reached towards the

box of gold…

Someone suddenly spoke out.

“Don’t touch that!”

Who’s there?! Who just spoke out during such an important

moment?! I looked around but didn’t see anyone. The voice sounded
really close. Whoever it is, is very proficient with the Thousand Miles
160 Report
Voice Transfer technique. Even shiyi couldn’t pull it off so well.

But don’t you even dream of snatching it from me! I found the gold

Who cares, I’m going to hurry and stash this money like a pirate
who’s scared of losing his treasures.

“Ming Feizhen! You’re stealing that which you’re supposed

to guard! Aren’t you worried about the vice-captain
punishing you?!”

That voice not only mentioned my name, but also brought up my

biggest fear!

I couldn’t help but return the gold and then said: “Great hero,
please spare me, we can talk this out.”

Unfortunately, my wicked thoughts didn’t stop. My evil eyes were

inspecting my surroundings to try and drag the prick out of hiding.

I heard the voice again: “Don’t bother looking, you won’t find

What?! I can’t see him and yet he can see me searching for him?
Surely he‘s not clairvoyant. Far out, there are so many masters in the
world! I suddenly had a thought.

If even I can’t find him, then I can’t let him escape!

“I’ve met many people before, but I’ve never met someone
with your level of qinggong. Please come out and meet me.”

“What good would meeting me do?”

“Judging from your voice, you must be a girl. I’ve never

married, hehe, we can be friends.”

My tone hinted: “Wanna go out?”
161 Report
The voice had trouble responding.

“G-girl my foot. I’m a man!”

“Huh? Your voice is quiet and gentle. Might you have learnt
the Demon Sect’s Sunflower Baodian?” I was convinced. It must
be the Sunflower Baodian. There’s no other way to explain his
proficiency with qinggong.

I scanned the area around me again, and said disappointingly: “I

give up. Who are you? Where are you?”

“You really want to know?”

I sincerely said: “I hope to meet you and nothing more.”

“I can tell you, but you must promise not to bully me in the

Huh? Bully? I couldn’t be more than happy to befriend such a

skilled martial artist, why would I bully him?

“Don’t kid me, I would not dare have such thoughts. Could
you now tell me where you are?”

“So you promise? I’ll tell you now.”

That voice said proudly: “Hehe, I’m right behind you. I’m Su


I turned my head around. Su Xiao gave me a smug funny face.

Fuck! Both my colleagues are only good at trolling me. Don’t they
have any other skills?!!

162 Report
*Er Land is a deity in Chinese mythology with a third truth-seeing
eye in the middle of his forehead.

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163 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 27

Su Xiao stared at me, eyes-wide with his almond eyes and

menacingly said: “Ming Feizhen, why did you open somebody’s
tomb? If I didn’t catch you, you would’ve stolen the box of
gold. Hmph, how dare you steal somebody’s burial gold?”

“For heaven’s sake, can’t you see I’m trying to conduct a

thorough investigation here? If I don’t find out what exactly
is hidden in this tomb, how are we supposed to solve the
case?” With Su Xiao as the opposition, I was able to quickly sift
through my thinking and figure out how to bullshit my way out. “Kid,
what are you second-guessing an adult for? It’s far too
dangerous for you to be here. Be a good boy, go home and
sleep. I’ll come wake you up next year.”

“Get lost! You just keep trying to act like an adult. Are
there any hot-shots or adults out there that are as messy as
you? And aren’t they members of the Demon Sect? What else
could there be to it?” The little bastard looked at me with a
suspicious expression and continued: “If you don’t explain
yourself properly, I’m going to report you to the vice-

Vice-captain. Vice-captain. Vice-captain. You two are only good at

using Boss Shen to push me around, huh?!

But to be honest, I’m most afraid of her out of all those in Liu Shan

I looked far into the distance. Tang Ye was still engaged in a

heated battle with the two poor Hua Shan disciples. Those two were
worse than the three I beat up. Tang Ye should be able to beat them
164 Report
even though it’s two-on-one. He doesn’t need my help.

I pursed my lips and then condescendingly said: “What Demon

Sect Disciples? Those guys aren’t from the Demon Sect.”

“They’re not from the Demon Sect? Then why?” Su Xiao

looked at me with his eyes wide, his red lips look charming and
tender… Is he really a guy?! I really worry that one day I’ll go
examine his body…

Keke, I need to be elegant, I can’t let myself get tainted.

“Have you seen any Demon Sect disciple come within one
hundred miles of the perimeter of Nan Jing, and have the
guts to announce they’re from Lan Jun Zhu Kong? The three
over there in blue and the two there are Hua Shan disciples. I
don’t know who sent them, but they’re definitely not
disciples from the Demon Sect.” I didn’t need to go into detail, an
inexperienced newbie like Su Xiao should be able to understand with
that much. After all, the two powerhouses in the martial world who
hate the Demon Sect most, namely Liu Shan Men and the Qilin
Guards are both based in Nan Jing.

Liu Shan Men’s powerhouses may not be around, but the Qilin
Guards best of the best are in the capital. The disciples of the Demon
Sect would never have the guts to walk around in Nan Jing baring
their face in public. As if they’d go around with a big sign on them
like that. Look, the Qilin Guards were on their tails as soon as they

“If you think about it, since they needed to disguise

themselves as Demon Sect disciples to be able to lie that
they’re old friends of Zha Pi’s late father, the answer is
obvious as can be. It means that Zha Pi’s late father was
acquainted with those in the Demon Sect and shared a
secret. They therefore had to disguise themselves as Demon
Sect disciples to get information.” I made it sound logical and
165 Report
sound so Su Xiao just nodded non-stop.

“It’s a pity that Old Cha probably knew what sort of person
his son was, and didn’t tell him the secrets. I don’t think the
Hua Shan disciples managed to get anything out of him and
were forced to occupy his place for several days, turning it
upside-down, and inside-out. And now they’re digging his
ancestors’ graves.”

Sorry, heroes of Hua Shan. If Zha Pi didn’t waste several days of

their time, they wouldn’t be stumbling around in a place like the
Peach Village. If news of this gets out into the pugilistic world, the
world will be less a few big names.


A sudden serious roar came from behind. The roar was filled with

I turned around to see the punk Zha Pi. He had finally arrived.

Zha Pi’s face was red as he vehemently argued: “Master Ming,

you’re going too far. My father was a government official.
How could he possibly have been involved with the Demon
Sect?!” He was making a big fuss as though he’d lunge at me and
try to kill me if I didn’t agree with him.

Su Xiao looked at me lost for words and quietly said: “Brother

Ming, the things you said are your own arbitrary thoughts.
Saying this in front of his son is… And you pried open his
father’s tomb too.”

Zha Pi with his eyes red said: “See, miss?! Master Ming, you’re
making claims without any evidence, right? My father always
led an upright life. He wasn’t greedy and never gambled, so
how could he have done something like that?! If you say that
again, sorry, but even if I can’t beat you, I’ll fight you to the
166 Report

“Piss off, I’m a guy!!”

Zha Pi was shut up by Su Xiao’s retort.

Su Xiao then continued: “Brother Ming, This… Brother Cha

may be a bad guy most of the time, but at the end of the day,
he’s a filial son. Be careful, if he truly gets mad, he may
actually fight you to the death.”

Fight me to the death?

Him? He’s filial?

I scanned Zha Pi carefully. Based on his unwillingness to give up

and imposing gaze, I deduced the following: “If my old man gets
deemed a criminal, I won’t receive a government pension
anymore. This isn’t a joking matter.”

Oh, I see!

I was suddenly enlightened. I certainly am not disappointed. This

punk is definitely the number one scumbag.

“Enough. This is a waste of time.”

Fucking retard!!

Let’s not bother with this guy and find some clues to resolve this
case instead.

As aforementioned, inside the tomb were three objects, a box of

gold, a box of gold, and a box of gold…

“Hey! Didn’t I tell you not to touch it?!”

Tch… It’s not even your gold.
167 Report
So as I said, there are three items, an ash container, a box of gold
and a book.

Do you even need to ask which item is the most suspicious?

“Brother Ming, that ash container is definitely suspicious!”


Are you seriously retarded?

Su Xiao wasn’t asking for my opinion. He rushed to open the ash



It was certainly worth of being surprised. There was a huge pile of

ash inside.


The stench inside was vomit-inducing. Please close the box after
you two are done puking. By the way, he opened your old man’s
container of ashes like that and you’re fine with it, filial son?!

I ignored those two idiots, grabbed the book and took a few steps

By then, Tang Ye had finished off the two Hua Shan disciples,

arrived at my side and asked: “This is…?”

“I got it from inside the tomb. It must be what they were


Tang Ye knows about my martial prowess now so there’s no point

in hiding anything. I might as well flip through the book in front of

We looked at a number of pages and immediately knew what the
168 Report
book was.

We were speechless.

“Brother Ming, Brother Yan Ling, what are you guys looking


“I’ve read it.”

Su Xiao anxiously asked: “What’s inside? Are there any


I quietly said: “Yes. And it’s a big discovery.”

“What is it?”

Tang Ye picked up and continued where I left off: “The book

contains detailed records of someone in the royal court who
received bribes six years ago until last year, totalling, five

Now Zha Pi was excited: “Wow! That’s a huge discovery! I

can’t believe my father left me a huge secret to leverage to
make a killing! Master Ming, who is it? Who’s the person who
took the bribes?”

I held my silence.

Tang Ye softly said: “The Orange Prince.”

Zha Pi and Su Xiao now went quiet too. The hot atmosphere
suddenly turned ice-cold.

Yes, you readers read that correctly.

Not Prince Cheng, not Prince Chen, Prince Cheng, Prince Cheng,
Prince Cheng, or Prince Cheng, but Prince Cheng!!*
169 Report
This Orange Prince I’m referring to isn’t some Bai Yue Fruit Selling
King. He’s the prince. The current emperor’s biological son.

This thing I’m holding in my hand right now is a record of the

bribes received by the prince.

There was a flash of lightning in the sky. It was difficult to tell

whether my face colour was dark or light due to the flash of light. My
face was like Bao Gong and Cao Cao – A very grey area.

I looked up at the clear sky. It looks like it’s going to rain.


*First, the character for Cheng here is “orange” (the colour in this
context). Second, he gave a whole bunch of homophones for
“cheng”; the original in Chinese is不是成王、尘王、城王、程王或者

**Bao Gong = a government officer during the reign of Emperor

Renzong in China’s Song Dynasty; Cao Cao = a Chinese warlord and
the penultimate Chancellor of the Eastern Han dynasty who rose to
great power in the final years of the dynasty.

We finally have some official art for this series!! Here’s Ming Suwen

And her chibi form…

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171 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 28
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple… Prince

“The Orange Prince?”

Shen Yiren glared at me in a beautiful way. “Why do you have to

be a damned trouble-magnet?! Of all things you could do, you
brought back this troublesome issue!”

In the end, Tang Ye and I decided to hand the records to our Boss,
and brought Zha Pi back to Liu Shan Men as a witness. We basically
succeeded on our first mission as a small team. But I think we over-
delivered. Liu Shan Men is basically housing a timed bomb right now.

But… Hey, how do you know I was the one who brought on this

“Well, wasn’t it you?”

Okay, it was me. But how did you know that…?

Shen Yiren hugged her arms. Her firm bee hips and soft valleys
were lifted upwards. She caught me off guard with that attack and I
saw stars. Shen Yiren noticed I was acting weird, so she extended her
feminine finger and pointed at my forehead.

“What sort of stupid shit are you thinking about now?”

Nothing… By the way, does anybody have a tissue I could wipe my

blood nose with?

Shen Yiren waved her hand and let me off the hook.

“Well, whatever. I don’t like the Orange Prince anyway. I’m

going to pass this stuff on to the captain so he can bring it up
in the royal court. That’ll teach that dog-faced-prince a
172 Report
lesson.” Shen Yiren grabbed the record, pursed her lips, showing
her dissatisfaction and continued: “Hmph, he gets all the love
and doting, he’s the empress’s son and he’s also the one who
disgraces the empress.”

“The Orange Prince is the empress’s son?”

“Fuck~ he’s the empress’s son and he’s still so greedy?”

Su Xiao and Zha Pi, two pointless existences didn’t let the Orange
Prince off. Did they seriously think that the Orange Prince sells fruit?

Tang Ye out of good will reminded them both: “You both should
refer to him as his highness. The Orange prince is the
emperor’s second son, and is therefore a special person. He’s
very intolerant and holds grudges. He’s recruited a lot of
warriors in recent years. Offend him and your life will be

Uhh… Didn’t you just call him “Orange Prince”?

I piggy-backed off what Tang Ye said: “It’s not limited to just

the Orange Prince. The other princes are not to be trifled
with either. Offend them and your life will be a disaster.”

I couldn’t explain what the princes are like any better, because it’s
all recorded in my favourite gossip magazine, the Black and White

To speak about the topic, we have to go back a fair bit. Many years
ago… One day roughly twenty or so years ago, an infant’s cry from
within the palace disturbed my peace when I was wandering the

That infant is the emperor’s first son.

He’s the Gracious Consort’s son.
173 Report
The emperor himself was overjoyed of course. He was in his early
twenties at the time. He had a beautiful empress, pretty and smart
concubines and consorts, and sexy maids around him all day for him
to feast on. It’s a pity he got married with the empress at fifteen but
never had any children.

The son of an empress is by rights supposed to become the

crowned prince! That’s a joyous occasion for anybody, so the
emperor was so overjoyed he ditched the court meeting and ran to
the palace where the empress and his concubines and consorts

But after rushing over, the scene he witnessed caused him to

break down.

The traditions in the palace back then were that two string seven
coloured dragon and phoenix lanterns would be hung in the palace
when a prince is born. It was done to wish good luck to the newborn,
descendants, celebrate the emperor having children, and that a heir
was conceived.

That year, as soon as the Emperor entered the palace, shiiiit… His
eyes were littered with lanterns.

Lanterns were hung outside his Gracious Consort’s palace, the

empress’s palace, and Consort Ling’s palace which gave the emperor
a seizure-experience… He was wondering what was going on.

In those moments the emperor’s mind was overwhelmed. He

almost forgot his Gracious Consort, Consort Ling and the empress
were pregnant.

But that day, the Gracious Consort gave birth, and then the
empress gave birth too. She even had twins!!

Not long after, the emperor’s most beloved Consort Ling also gave
birth to a chubby boy.
174 Report
As soon as the emperor arrived, the cries of four infants rang
through the air. The wise emperor stood in the courtyard with the
cold winter wind blowing against him. He didn’t know which palace
he should’ve entered.

But that wasn’t the end.

From then on, a pain-in-the-neck attached itself to him for twenty


The four princes, now the Red, Orange, Yellow and Green princes,
were born on the same day about half an hour apart.

Who should the throne be passed down to?

The empress’s two sons, the Orange Prince and the Yellow Prince
are legitimate members of the royal family, or rather, the two most
qualified to inherit the throne. Most people would be adamant on
having the eldest inherit the throne, but since they were born so
closely together, the question became “who should inherit the

If they decided to go with the eldest, then the Red Prince would be
crowned, but he’s only older by half an hour so it’s a bit…

Further, the Green Prince is the fourth prince without question. But
he has an unfortunate fate. He’s the son of Consort Ling whom the
emperor loves most and he’s also his favourite son, so shouldn’t the
emperor have him inherit the throne?

This issue gave the emperor a headache, but the heavens weren’t
letting him off easily.

A few years later another consort gave birth… To another boy!

He had son after son, so he now has seven sons, and therefore
seven princes!
175 Report
The emperor still doesn’t know who to pass the throne to even up
until today.

I entered the imperial palace a few years ago. When I saw the
emperor that time, he looked miserable and his eyebrows were
turning white when he was only forty years old. It was obvious he
was worried sick over the issue.

He wasn’t just bothered by the issue of the inheritor because his

sons are a handful.

It’s rumoured that six of the seven princes are fighting each other
over the throne. The retainers and officials all decided on the prince
they wished to support, and formed six parties. I don’t know what
they say in the palace, but in the Black and White Reflection, it says
the six parties are called: The Six Princes’ Parties.

The six princes’ parties have been gathering resources from the
pugilistic world, and many from the evil sects have joined them.

Why haven’t I joined them?

Please, they’re so flamboyant with their activities. It’s obvious

they’re trying to stir something. Trying to join them in hopes of living
an easy life is just idiotic.

I gave them a rough explanation of the six princes’ parties. Su Xiao

and Zha Pi, and even Tang Ye and Boss Shen were listening in

By the way, didn’t you two know this? Go read some more gossip

“Reporting in!!”

A guard yelled “reporting in” and then came running inside

looking panicked. He then acted calmly when he saw Shen Yiren
before setting foot into the guest hall.
176 Report
“People from the Orange Prince’s residence have arrived
and are looking for the captain.”

The guard bowed down and handed over the card. Shen Yiren
slightly frowned and took the orange card. She then sped-read the
text on it before asking in a surprised tone: “The Orange Prince is
coming himself?”

“Yes. He will be coming himself and asked to see the



Cheng = Orange

As promised, here is the divine Shen Yiren. May this artist be

blessed! Archer, I still haven’t gotten a response from the author yet,
he hasn’t been on yet. Other members of the group said Lee Tai Bai
(author) has multiple artists. Hopefully he’ll come on soon and
answer, I haven’t forgotten.

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178 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 29
The Orange Prince is Difficult to Deal With, But You Can Always
Hand Ball Him to Someone Else

The atmosphere in the guest hall became strange as soon as the

Orange Prince arrived, but Shen Yiren remained very calm.

She looked at Su Xiao and asked: “Su Han, what do you

suggest we do now that the Orange Prince is here to find
faults with us?”

Pretty boy Su answered as though he was ready to chomp his head

off: “Good timing! Let’s arrest him and bring him before the
emperor.” Little Su Xiao was very excited. But isn’t this a good
opportunity for you to see the emperor?! Are you expected him to
greet you cheerfully when you bring his son to him in hand cuffs?

Shen Yiren didn’t give any input, but according to my eyes that see
all, she resisted the urge to cut Su Xiao up for his impulsiveness
three times.

Shen Yiren then turned to look at Tang Ye and said: “Yang Ling,
you’re a better thinker, I want to hear your opinion.”

Tang Ye also seemed to be aware that our superior was testing our
analytical abilities as well as our ability to respond to such situations.
Tang Ye took a moment to think and then softly said: “The Orange
Prince is definitely here for no good. He’s after the records.
We should hide the records and Mr Cha, and then stall for

“That’s an average strategy.”

The look on Shen Yiren’s face didn’t change. Her usual cussing
temperament didn’t surface and she replied in an orderly fashion:
179 Report
“You can use that strategy to deal with a normal person, but
it’s not enough to deal with the Orange Prince.”

It looks like she didn’t get to her position by luck. I’m not sure
about her martial arts skills, but her thinking is well-thought out and
her ability to lead leaves Su Xiao and Tang Ye in the dirt.

Shen Yiren looked at me and said; “Feizhen, you’ve been

involved in the pugilistic world for a while, what do you
think?” Bloody hell, she really treats me like a veteran of the
pugilistic world… Jeez, I just did some reading, and my reading
materials were gossip magazines no less…

“Since the Orange Prince is here, we can’t just ignore him.

But since he’s already here when we just managed to get our
hands on the records, we have a pretty good guess as to who
sent those Hua Shan disciples.” I made two bullshit statements
that were sound, and then hand balled it back to Boss Shen.

Don’t keep making me repeat myself. I’m not here for charity work.
I’m here to leech until the day I die, alright? Why are you always
trying to make me work? Are you trying to milk me?

Shen Yiren thoughtfully continued where I left off: “That makes

sense. He’s in panic.”

What? What? What? For real? She took what I said serious?

“You don’t need to worry, vice-captain, after all…” I

continued as a mumble, “he’s here to see the captain, is he

Boss Shen opened her small mouth as she suddenly realised it. She
then showed a breath-taking smile which was filled with sly thoughts
and said to the guard: “Tell the Orange Prince, Captain Song is
at the Vermillion Hall, and take him there.”

Need help hand balling troublesome things someone else’s way?
180 Report
Get in touch with me.

Tang Ye and Su Xiao gave me the “that’s so underhanded”


Kekeke. Captain Song, don’t blame me for it. It’s your bad luck that
you’re not my direct superior.

Shen Yiren excitedly grabbed my hand and said: “Let’s go to the

Vermillion Hall and see what the Orange Prince has in store
to give Song Ou a hard time.” It seems as though this tough lass
doesn’t guard herself against males normally. She just grabbed my
hand, placed it under her armpit and ran with me tagging along. My
hand was just under her armpit. Just a bit to the side where her soft,
plump and tender goods were. She’s been training martial arts for
many years but she’s looked after her skin very well. Her skin is so
soft and supple.

Shen Yiren didn’t seem to be aware of the precarious situation she

was in. In fact, she squeezed my hand tightly.

Fuck, things are about to get hot!

I tried to be a gentleman for once and pull my hand back but Boss
Shen dragged me out the door with her. My hand couldn’t help but
touch a few soft and warm places. Behind me were sharp looks of
infinite envy and jealousy.

Zha Pi jumped and said: “If I knew the remuneration for

working as a public servant was so good, I would’ve joined
with my old man. Haa, I regret not doing so from the

Su Xiao however, looked at me with disdain and said: “The top

part of the character ‘beauty’ is the character for ‘blade’”*

Hey! Is this my fault?!
181 Report
Only Tang Ye stood there unmoving and sent me looks to say:
“Let’s have a duel tonight.”

That’s enough from you too!!

The four of us left Zha Pi in the guest hall and snuck over to the
Vermillion Hall. Shen Yiren who was familiar with the place created
two holes in the window at the back and hinted for me to watch with
her from there.

Tang Ye then copied her and silently opened two small holes on
another window using his martial arts skills for Su Xiao and himself.

Based on the distance between the two holes, if Shen Yiren and I
were to peek through the holes at the same time, then wouldn’t our
faces be almost touching? Is it okay to do this sort of stuff at a
government office? Come to think of what, why is Boss Shen treating
me so special since back there? Could she have developed feelings
for me by any chance?

I looked at Boss Shen and she paused for a moment. She then
gave me a smile and said: “There’s no need to thank me. You
couldn’t possibly open a hole in the window with your skills,
right? You’re smart but your martial arts skills are fairly
poor. Stick close to me when you peek. Don’t let yourself get

Fuck, she’s treating me like I’m half-crippled. I was wondering why

I was always receiving special treatment.”

“They’re here now. Quiet down!”

I looked inside. There were two people seated inside the Vermillion
Hall. There was a young scholar-looking person, and a tall and
handsome young one.

The one on the left that looked educated and refined, wearing the
flying fish robe was the person I’d never seen before, the captain of
182 Report
Liu Shan Men, Song Ou. He looks about thirty years old. His limbs
looked delicate and he had the aura of a scholar. It must perplex
people and it makes one wonder if he’s at the wrong place. Who
would’ve imagined that the captain of Liu Shan Men resembled a
scholar so much?

And the other dressed in bright clothing with a haughty attitude

was none other than the second prince. The empress’s biological son,
the Orange Prince.

He looked about twenty-four or twenty-five, so I guess the other

princes are around his age. I mean, four of them were born on the
same day after all. The Orange Prince was tall, had dark eyebrows
and large eyes. He looked quite similar to the emperor I’d seen. His
looks were cool, comparable to Tang Ye in fact.

When we made our way here from the guest hall, we took a detour
to avoid being detected so we arrived slightly late. They had already
begun talking. Their conversation caught Shen Yiren’s attention.

“If you don’t provide me with a satisfactory answer today,

you Liu Shan Men people can forget about partaking in the
martial arts tournament next month.”


*Original character =色; the top part is the character is刀; so what
he’s saying is “you’re playing with fire when you get seduced
by a woman’s beauty” essentially.

More artwork. This time it’s Su Xiao. That aside, I successfully hit
my goal of getting into the top 100 on novel updates, where I’ve got
a rank of 874.
183 Report

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184 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 30
Incongruous Verbal Warfare

Captain Song spoke in a stern tone: “What do you mean by

that, your highness?” Liu Shan Men is neutral and has never sided
with any of the princes’ parties. Their relationship with the princes
isn’t exactly good. As soon as he noticed that the Orange Prince was
coming on aggressively, Captain Song decided to be extra cautious.
“Liu Shan Men and your circle have never crossed each other.
You insist that Liu Shan Men is hiding a thief that stole your
records, and are asking me to hand over said person. Don’t
you think that’s nonsensical?”

“Nonsensical? You mean to tell me the records aren’t


“Of course not.”

Captain Song then straightened up and sternly said: “Liu Shan

Men is heavily guarded. All the thieves in the world run away
the moment they see our doors. And yet you’re saying that a
thief got in. Isn’t that nonsensical?”

The Orange Prince’s expression changed. He was almost ready to

flip out.

I almost laughed out loud seeing his face from the outside.

Captain Song genuinely doesn’t know what happened. We handed

the records to Boss Shen as soon as we got it. He came here looking
for a head, or heads, before we even managed to come up with a
plan. Therefore, Captain Song didn’t know anything about the

The Orange Prince however insisted that Captain Song had the
185 Report
records and was merely pretending otherwise to try and get
something out of him. The so-called thief mentioned is nothing but
another word he’s using to give Captain Song a graceful way out, but
what he meant was very obvious. He was basically saying: “You’ve
got my records. Don’t push your luck. Hurry up and hand it
over or I’ll take action.”

But Captain Song was completely clueless. He had no idea what

retarded act the Orange Prince was pulling. Thief? Go look for him in
the Ministry of Justice’s prison.

The Orange Prince pointed at him with a disgusted look and said:
“Hmph! Fine, you have the right to negotiate the conditions.
Tell me what they are, but don’t push it.”

Captain Song didn’t understand… He just felt that the Orange

Prince was acting weird today.

“What conditions? Pardon me, I don’t understand what you


Yeah, he genuinely doesn’t understand.

The Orange Prince laughed coldly and said: “If you don’t speak
out now, then you’ll be passing up this great opportunity.
Don’t blame me for leaving.”

Captain Song looked at him like “This prince is retarded”,

waved his hand and said: “In that case, goodbye.”

“Your barbarian!” The Orange Prince got angry and got up. He
rambled on-and-on while pointing at Captain Song’s nose. “How
ignorant. How ignorant!!!”

The Orange Prince had never encountered someone so headstrong

before, but he couldn’t actually leave either. He hadn’t yet managed
to get the record of his bribes. Captain Song however couldn’t be
happier to send him off. A prince coming to a government office to
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arrest a thief? Just what the hell…?

The two jeered at each other again, saying the complete things of
one another. Nothing connected to anything, and yet they were able
to talk for ages. Not many people in our country are that fluent in

Shen Yiren and I lost it laughing outside. Shen Yiren seemed to

love the way the Orange Prince and Captain Song were trying to put
the other one down and make them submit. She was laughing non-

It then occurred to me that our faces were against each other as

we peeked through the small holes. Shen Yiren’s beautiful face that’d
put flowers to shame was right next to me. My heart beat
uncontrollably sped up.

It was also in that moment that I realised that our rowdy Boss
Shen’s face was slightly red. I listened in and could hear that her
breathing pattern was erratic. Could it be that she’s not use to
interacting with guys and is just pretending to be calm?

Hehehe, I’ve got to test her out. I extended my evil hand out to
attack her from the side. Shen Yiren shyly took two steps back. Shen
Yiren seemed to reluctantly welcome it, while her eyes couldn’t
express her inner perverted thoughts… Keke, that’s just something I
took out of one of my porn books.

Why would I court death? Why would I do something that could

cost me my job?

I need to solve this case first, and then enjoy a laid back life at a
government office. My hand is holding the record which is in my shirt,
but Shen Yiren is too close-up to me so I can’t move my hand. I
couldn’t speak either, so I forced my hand upwards. That should be
enough to let Boss Shen know to step back, right?
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I shoved my hand upwards but Shen Yiren didn’t step back. Instead
her whole body quivered as though she froze up. I could feel her
freeze up next to me, but I didn’t know what happened. But… My
hand was still stuck. Hey boss, give me some space. Can’t you just
let me get my hand out?

My eyes were focused on what was happening inside so I didn’t see

what happened. I shoved my hand upwards again a few times. My
hand kept making contact with something soft and plump but was
still stuck. Far out, this girl is too strong. Can’t you just let my hand
through? Do you not give way when riding a horse carriage? This is
why females at the wheel are so…

Hmm? It’s soft?

When I said “soft” to myself, I suddenly remembered the reward

from Boss Shen back there.

No way…

Coincidentally, my skin felt like it had a sharp gaze on it. I couldn’t

take my eyes off the situation inside the small hole. I then looked out
the corner of my eyes to look at Shen Yiren who was beside me. It
was as I thought. She stopped looking at what was happening inside
a while ago. She was glaringly at me furiously. I followed her gaze
and there I saw my evil hands!

My hands were now stuck at the bottom of those glorious supple

twin valleys, and I just unknowingly shoved them upwards before.

Fuck!! I touched them!!!

Boss, it wasn’t on purpose!! Please don’t kill me!!

I dropped to my knees as though I was a hooligan who’d just

offended the boss of a gang, but the death blow never came.

Shen Yiren didn’t hit me. She glared at me with her beautiful face
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in full view. She took a few deep breaths, hushed me with a cute
hand gesture and then returned her eyes to the small hole.

Sh-she’s not going to kill me?

I noticed that her ears were red. My heart couldn’t help but thump
harder. Could she have…

I didn’t shove my hands upwards again. Instead I lowered them to

another soft spot. Ooohh~ she’s not resisting! Could it be that Boss
Shen really is-

“Fuck you, stop fucking touching me!!!!”

Boss Shen finally lost it. She pulled an ink stone out from inside her
belt, jumped up and viciously smacked me on the face with it. The
smack made a loud sound. I grabbed my face, squatted down and
cried in pain…

As promised, here’s the artwork for Ming Feizhen. The author said
he’ll be trying to get artwork out on a consistent basis, so I’ll be
uploading them when they’re released in the group.

1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

Thank you for your generous donations, I will now get to translating
the chapter. This button will be reset after I have delivered the
chapter to you.

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190 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 31

So What If I Touched Her?

Shen Yiren was panting, so I could see her chest rise and fall: “I
told you clearly that if you touched me again, I’d crush your
little brother. But no, you went further and further!”

Huh? That’s what that hand gesture meant?!

“It’s a misunderstanding. It’s a misunderstanding!”

“What misunderstanding? You. Come over here.” Shen Yiren

indicated for me to come over with one finger while her other hand
clinched the ink stone tightly.

“No.” You think I’m stupid?! If I go over there, you’ll flatten me.

Shen Yiren grit her teeth, stamped her feet and said: “Fine, I’m
coming over then!”

The two inside the Vermillion Hall wouldn’t let such a tragic
incident happen, and definitely not Captain Song who angrily
shouted: “Who’s that causing a ruckus outside the Vermillion

Captain Song and the Orange Prince wore awkward expressions as

soon as they stepped out and saw the vice-captain, and the three
new recruits outside acting suspiciously.

“Yiren… Vice-captain Shen, what happened?”

I spoke first: “Captain, the vice-captain wants to silence me!”

Shen Yiren roared: “YOU SHUT UP!”
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I don’t know if Su Xiao learnt to speak before the other could from
all the times I tricked him, but he cut in and said: “Sir, I saw it!
Ming Feizhen touched the vice-captain in an indecent
manner, so the vice-captain was punishing him.”

What he said didn’t help at all. Instead, the atmosphere went dead
silent. The normally fiery and proud Miss Shen went red in the face
like a ripe tomato. Of course she’d be embarrassed if it was exposed
that she got felt up by her underling in front of the captain and the
Orange Prince.

I didn’t dare to speak.

I just let the awkward atmosphere run its course.

Surprisingly, the Orange Prince was the person who broke the
silence. His gaze found its way to the book in my hand like he had
hawk eyes: “Wow! Song Ou, you pretended to not know, but
I’ve caught you red-handed now! That’s my book.”

The Orange Prince pointed at Captain Song’s nose and scolded him
again. I saw the look on Captain Song’s face. He was seriously
considering whether he should just gift the Orange Prince this
criminal who touched his superior indecently and be done with it.

The Orange Prince smiled smugly and said: “Well? This is the
thief that stole my book. Men, arrest him!” Four people from
the side of the prince’s side stepped forward, and rolled up their
sleeves to arrest me.

I looked at Shen Yiren, but she glared at me with a white face and
then angrily turned her head away.

Hey, hey, hey!!! What happened to loyalty?!! Is this the right time
to be throwing a fit? I didn’t steal the book. It was Zha Pi’s dad that
stole it from that retarded Orange Prince.

An unknown fire lit up inside my heart as the four men prepared to
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capture me.

I glared at Shen Yiren aggressively and asked: “I already told

you it was a misunderstanding. Shen Yiren, are you going to
help me or not?”

She seemed to be slightly startled and moved since she’d never

seen this expression of mine before. I saw her open her mouth a little
to speak, but before she could speak, someone else spoke out.

“In the September of the twenty-eighth year of Yuan

Sheng’s rule, forty-thousand ingots were received from He
Xili, fifty thousand silvers were received from the Zhang
family in Shandong, as well as a large residence, and five
acres of farmland in the capital suburbs.”

The further he read on, the more pale the Orange Prince’s face

“Enough, enough! He’s spouting nonsense!”

I don’t remember it, but I could tell those were the contents of the
records book.

The person who recited it was Su Xiao who was standing to the
side. He only looked over it once and yet he remembered the

Su Xiao smiled in a teasing manner and ask: “That’s roughly

what’s recorded in the book. Your highness, are you sure this
is your book?”

Whoa! Young Su Xiao is a pro at dealing with people!

The Orange Prince shot Su Xiao unfriendly looks.

I smugly tapped the hands of the four men and said: “Don’t touch
me, don’t touch me. Go wash your hands.” I then happily
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skipped over to Su Xiao and said to him: “Bro, gimme a kiss!”

“Piss off! You’re treating me like a girl again!” Su Xiao push

me away out of annoyance and at the same time mumbled: “You
saved me in the end… You’re not as much of an ass as your
appearance implies, so I won’t ignore you when you’re in

Haa~ people’s genuine feelings come through when you’re in

precarious situations.

“Don’t say anything. But the Eight Deities House really do

make great braised pork shoulders with soy sauce.”

“I don’t think we’re close enough for me to treat you to a


Tch… How stingy.

The Orange Prince was at his wits end. Just as he was about to just
arrest us both, a strong and angry voice from his side cut him off.

Captain Song thundered: “What the hell is going on?” He saw

us sneaking around outside the Vermillion Hall, and heard that the
records were with us, so he wasn’t going to give up until he got to
the bottom of it.

Just as I was about to get him to send the Orange Prince on his way
so I could explain to him in private, he belted: “Ming Feizhen, did
you really do indecent things to your superior?”

Fuck, for real?! Is that all you care about?! You’re hounding me
instead of pursuing a case of a corrupt prince?

I was going to explain myself, but Captain Song didn’t give me the

“I hope you know that such indecent acts towards your
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superior will result in amputating a hand and leg!” I don’t
know what triggered this scholar, but he was getting more and more
furious as he went on.

So much so that even Shen Yiren wanted to clear it up. I think she
came to understand that what happened really was just a

“He didn’t do anything, back there…”

“Shut up! Don’t interfere when I’m lecturing a subordinate!

Vice-captain, remember who I am. Is there any place for you
to speak out on behalf of others in front of me?”

What’s his problem? The guy won’t even let people speak. What’s
stranger is Shen Yiren who’s more stubborn than a Donkey and flies
off the handle at everything is so timid today. He’s giving her shit
and she’s not flipping out on him.

I was getting even more pissed. I was still pissed about Shen Yiren
tricking me before, and now I have to deal with this unreasonable

Fuck this, you forced my hand!

“Fine, fine, fine. It’s my mistake. I shouldn’t have touched

Miss Shen’s ass. I’ll take responsibility for it. Happy now?” I
extended my arm out in an arch, and pulled Shen Yiren into my
embrace. Damn, she feels good in my arms. “I’ll devote myself to
her from now on. I’m going to get together with her. We’re
good now, right?”

I never imagined Shen Yiren wouldn’t fly off the handle as I thought

she would. Instead she wore an affectionate expression, looked at
Captain Song, then turned back to look at me and asked: “Are you

I smiled haughtily and said: “Yeah! What’s the matter?”
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“Are… You crazy?” Shen Yiren opened her small mouth, but then
paused. She then suddenly laughed and said: “I’ll be waiting for
you to court me then, hot-head.”

I don’t get it. Why isn’t Shen Yiren angry?

Captain Song on the other hand was red in the face. However, the
look on his face slowly changed like characters in Sichuan opera. His
face went from red to white, and then from white to pale green.

Su Xiao’s look of despise returned in an instant. Even the Orange

Prince and his men took three steps back and scanned me as if to
say: “Are you insane?”

Hmm? Isn’t the atmosphere here excellent?

After a long silence, Tang Ye, the man with the horseshoe triceps
broke the awkward atmosphere. He lightly and quietly walked over,
but had no intention of solving the awkward situation and in a loud
voice said: “Didn’t you know that Vice-captain Shen is Captain
Song’s fiancé?”


Inspiration suddenly hit me and I had an idea as to what I wanted

to write in the reader’s column of the Black and White Reflection’s
next issue:

Dear editor, which of these is more serious:

Touching your direct superior’s ass, or touching the big boss’s

wife’s ass?

What should I do if I did both?

And uhh… What about if I touched her ass right in front of him?
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Oh right, I also said I’d steal his wife from him.

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197 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 32

The Combat Strategy for Facing Multiple Opponents is to Quickly

Drop Them

I hurriedly pushed Shen Yiren away and acted as though I hated

her. She staggered and nearly tripped over. She turned around and
gave me an angry look as though she was ready to rip my head off
like a mad tiger.

I had to push her away. My future was on the line…

“Keke, I was just joking before.” I was racking my brains for

words: “Vice-captain Shen and I were deliberately putting on
an act. We did it to… To get your attention when you were

Seeing me push Boss Shen away and plead innocence, Captain

Song’s expression changed for the better. He calmed down further
after hearing my explanation.

Captain Song cleared his throat and used the opportunity when no
one was paying him attention to fix his collar which came undone
when he threw a fit before, and said: “What do you mean? Why
did you want to get our attention? And what were you four
doing hiding outside of the Vermillion Hall when I was
speaking to his highness? Have you no manners?”

Captain Song’s brain finally started functioning! Please let his brain
maintain functioning for a bit longer.

I wore a sorrowful expression and said: “It all goes back to the
Orange Prince. Back to the summer of six years ago.”
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The Orange Prince finally came to his senses as though he awoke
from a dream and recalled that he was here to find faults with us:
“Shut up! Shut up! I don’t want to have anything to do with
your own issues. But I must get my book back. Return me my
book, you idiot.”

I was smiling cheek to cheek: “See, Captain? His highness is

getting so anxious over a book, so we need to stay alert.
That’s why we had to carefully hide outside the Vermillion

Captain Song frowned and said: “Just what exactly happened?

Your highness, did you really come here today just for that
book? Ming Feizhen, let me take a look at the book.”


Wait for what, bitch?!

The Orange Prince got pissed and anxiously tried to stop Captain
Song, but couldn’t handle the look of suspicion in Captain Song’s
gaze. The worst part though was that he realised that Captain Song
indeed didn’t know anything about it. He can’t loudly announce that
he accepted bribes, right?

This place is Liu Shan Men’s Vermillion Hall. A few buildings down
is the Qilin Guards Xuanwu Courtyard. If you make a scene here,
everybody might actually gather here.

The Orange Prince was cornered with the dissing. In the end he got
furious and pointed his anger at me. While pointing at me, he
shouted: “You thief! You have no regards for the law! You
dared to steal from my resident and now you even dare to
frame me. You must be punished, men, arrest him!”

“I dare you! On the 10th of August in the 29th year of Yuan

Sheng’s rule, fifty-four ingots were received from Shanxi
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Yumen, on the 13th of August, one-hundred and twenty
ingots were received from Yan Jindu…”

Su Xiao was upholding justice again. He wasn’t intimidated in the

least by the Orange Prince. I think pretty boy Su Xiao seriously thinks
that the prince sells fruit… I can’t see how else he could be so daring.

Captain Song got very suspicious after hearing those numbers and
dates read out. I can understand him losing his mind when he nearly
got cucked before, but he’s a competent captain now that he’s
regained his brain functioning.

Captain Song clasped his hands together and said: “Your

highness, please allow me to see this book for myself. If I
find that it is indeed your property, I will naturally return it
to you.”

The Orange Prince’s expression got worsened again. The six

princes’ parties have been gathering power for their battles. They’ve
invited many of those in the pugilistic world to join their respective
parties. To do that, they need money. Lots of money. Unfortunately,
the Orange Prince has bad luck. Of the six princes, he’s one of the
only two who are forced to stay in the capital.

It should be obvious that it’s difficult to gather funds in the capital

where the emperor resides which is why he resorted to bribes.
Unfortunately for him, I found records of his corruption on my first
day in the tomb. His misfortune is… I’d be dreaded too if I were him.

The proud Orange Prince stopped caring and loudly shouted:

“Master Jia, get him!” I saw a silver light flash before he could
finish speaking. The shadow of someone in white like a swan swiftly
appeared into the courtyard. The silver light was continually moving
like spilt mercury, yet was also coming down like heavy downpour, as
it made its way down onto Captain Song’s head.

The silver light was emitted from the light radiating off of the
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sword in the hand of the man called Master Jia. It looks like he wields

I don’t know what was going through Captain Song’s head, but he
seemed to be shocked by the speed of Master Jia and couldn’t react
in time. Shen Yiren gave him a kick from the side, and he rolled on
floor, barely evading Master Jia’s sword strike.

Haa… Why does that sword strike look so familiar?

It looks so similar to Hua Shan’s swordsmanship. His surname is

Jia… He’s Hua Shan’s leader Jia Yun Feng?!

Jia Yunfeng laughed coldly and then unleashed another attack

called Circle the moon with three rings. He caught Captain Song,
Shen Yiren and Tang Ye in his sword formation right off the bat. Nice
visual prowess there, Master Jia! Go and capture all those who can
fight you. That’s genius…

But from a battle strategy standpoint, his decision was right

because he successfully split us up into two groups.

Su Xiao and I were separated from the three of them.

The Orange Prince cussed: “What the fuck are you useless
idiots doing?! Get rid of those two scoundrels and then get
my book back for me!”

I grabbed Su Xiao and ran. We jumped through the window into the
Vermillion Hall.

“Aha! Those two idiots have trapped themselves. Go in and

smash them! And make sure to smash that scoundrel that
memorised the contents.”

As soon as Su Xiao and I entered the Vermillion Hall, four large

men followed in. Su Xiao immediately insulted me: “You idiot!
What did you come in here for? Now we can’t get out!” I
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didn’t comment and just chuckled.

The four men roared as they charged over and surrounded us.

I still wasn’t convinced and asked: “Are you sure you want to

The leader of the four chuckled and said: “It’s too late to beg
for mercy.”

The four men looked sturdy, and judging by the positions they took
when surrounding us, I surmised they were skilled wrestlers.

The four men were evidently battle veterans. They closed in on us

as soon as they surrounded us, so Su Xiao didn’t even have the
space he needed to draw his sabre. When he went to reach for his
sabre, he realised that he didn’t even have enough space to get his
hand onto the sabre’s handle. This is the beauty of surrounding your
enemies with a formation.

I was very thankful for all that Su Xiao did today. He helped me out
many times today. I felt like I shouldn’t have picked on him so much.
I decided that I’d reduce the number of times I pick on him in future
each day by one.

“Su Xiao, have you ever fought multiple enemies at once?”


“I’ll teach you how to then.”

Seeing the size of the four men – they were a head taller than him
– he worried a little and said: “Brother Ming, you should focus on
taking care of yourself first!”

I ignored him and struck the leader of the four on the neck with a
palm strike and dropped him.
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As soon as there’s an empty spot, they’ll try to cover the hole in
their formation.

But that didn’t matter because I struck out again instead of waiting
for them to fix the formation. My second palm strike hit the head of
another and he dropped too. There were only two left now. And look,
now that it’s two-on-two, he’s panicking. These sorts of henchmen
are just full of bark.

“H-how dare you hit my big brother…”

I wasn’t going to listen to his garbage so I just hit him between his
eyebrows which knocked him out.

There was no time to be hesitant. Before the last one could escape
I struck him under his ribs exactly where I aimed and he dropped too.

It may be a little boring, but that’s how you fight multiple enemies
at once.

“The most important thing to keep in mind when fighting

multiple enemies at once is to make sure you put them away
with one strike each, understood?”

I suavely blinked and prepared myself for Su Xiao’s upcoming


But instead he widened his eyes, and looked at the four unhappily.
He kept silent for a good while before discontentedly exclaiming:
“They were so weak. Why didn’t you save one for me?”


This is my bullshit nonsensical everyday life!!
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204 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 33

A Deadly and Brutal Young Girl

I ordered Su Xiao: “Hurry and go help out. The guy outside

likes to use sneak attacks. It’ll be bad if he succeeds.”


Su Xiao was surprised when he heard me, and like the god of
justice had possessed him again, he enthusiastically said: “I’ll go
take a look now. If there’s a need when the time comes…
Chop chop!”

His “chop chop” made me really want to stab him, but I knew
that it was fine outside. Yes, Jia Yunfeng is Hua Shan’s leader. Yes,
he’s a skilled martial artist in the pugilistic world. But, that depends
on who he’s up against.

Song Ou is Liu Shan Men’s captain, Shen Yiren is the Vice-captain,

and there’s also Tang Ye whose martial arts skills are close to their
levels, and yet Jia Yunfeng is trying to fight them three-on-one? He’s

I just wanted to send Su Xiao out and ask some questions I want
answers to.

As soon as Su Xiao left, I picked up the leader of the four men and
injected some of my internal energy into his body to wake him up.

His face looked down as soon as he awoke: “Kill me if you want,

cut me if you please. I, Tan Dadao am a man, I won’t sell out
my master for riches or glory.”
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“I know.” You just answered my questions.

I sealed his pressure point and he passed out again.

I then proceeded by picking the weakest one among the four. I

injected my internal energy into him and he immediately woke up.

“Y-you!” He looked like he saw a ghost when he saw me. I

immediately grabbed his neck so he couldn’t speak and gave him an
aggressive glare.

“Answer my questions honestly. I already asked that punk

Tan Dadao, and he spilled the beans. If what you tell me
doesn’t match up, you know what’s going to happen.”

This scoundrel was so scared he pissed himself. He’ll tell me

everything for sure.

Further, since I was choking him by the neck, his blood flow
would’ve been impeded so the chance of him lying due to having a
foggy mind was reduced. This is a torture method for getting
information out of people in the pugilistic world. I learnt it from a
disciple from the Beggars’ Sect when we were drinking together a
few years ago.

“Why was the prince’s record book in Cha Yuan’s house in

the Peach Village? How is all this related to the Demon

“I… I don’t know. Cough. Cough. Alright. Alright. I’ll talk.

It’s like this.”

I tightened my grip on his throat until his eyes looked like they
were going to pop out of their sockets and his face turned purple.
Now his brain wasn’t optimised for too much thinking and he started
telling the truth because he couldn’t stand it.

“Cha Yuan is a member of the emperor’s entourage and is
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responsible for investigating those in the capital. He
pretended to defect to the prince. We found out that he stole
the records book in the residence and intended to report it to
the emperor. The prince therefore sent people to capture
him, but before he could be captured he was killed by those
from Lan Jun Zhu Kong. We consequently thought that the
records had been picked up by the Demon Sect and that
they’d definitely threaten us with it. However, after a few
months of waiting, nothing happened. That’s why the prince
thought he might’ve hidden it in his house before he died
and sent people to search for it… Cough. Cough. Cough.
Please spare me, sir!”

“Oh~ so Lan Jun Zhu Kong really were involved? Why did
they kill Cha Yuan?”

“I really don’t know.”

I snapped at him: “Are you absolutely positive?!”


Okay, it looks like he really doesn’t know. I was just scaring him to
make sure.

The only plausible explanation is that the book contains secrets the
Demon Sect doesn’t want others to know, right? Killing people at
every turn certainly is characteristic of them.

But this has nothing to do with me. I just needed to know who we
offended and who was after whom. I just investigated the rest out of

“Okay, thank you.”

I chopped him on the neck which knocked him out.

I need to be low-key, avoid causing trouble and hand ball problems
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to my superiors.

Alright, that’s the plan.

I stepped out of the Vermillion hall and then looked left and right. I
then called: “Su Xiao. Tang Ye. Where are you guys…? HEY, SU

The scene before me scared me to death.

I now know what Su Xiao meant by “chop, chop”.

In the little flower garden in front of the Vermillion Hall, Su Xiao

had his rusted mud-like-looking divine Ancient Cold sabre up against
the Orange Prince’s neck. Actually, it looked more like he was going
to cut him with it. The Orange Prince was evidently inept at martial
arts since he couldn’t even beat that brat. His men were all missing
in action. In short, Su Xiao essentially got a cheap shot.

You the shit!

You’re a mere constable and you’re threatening a prince. How

many heads do you have again?

Su Xiao, however, smugly said: “Tell your men to stop or else.”

I looked towards Jia Yunfeng. Stop what? You mean we should


To be honest, this was the first time I looked at Jia Yunfeng

carefully. He looked around thirty. He looked fairly handsome, and
had a refined aura quite similar to Captain Song. However, unlike
Captain Song, he didn’t look like he was skilled in literacy or martial

Jia Yunfeng was battling it out with three highly skilled fighters.
Captain Song seemed to not participate to protect his reputation.
Tang Ye was the vanguard. He stopped all the changes in Jia
208 Report
Yunfeng’s sword strikes using his red arms. With Shen Yiren assisting
him, Jia Yunfeng was on his back leg. It’s a good time to stop now
guys, otherwise I’ll have to send white packets* to Hua Shan this day
next year. That’s a waste of my money.

As soon as Jia Yunfeng realised that the prince had been captured,
he leapt backwards. His swordsmanship may be inferior to Tang Ye,
but his qinggong was far more advanced than his. In just a few steps,
he’d returned to the prince’s side and pointed his sword at Su Xiao.

“You insolent girl, how dare you threaten his highness!”

“Damn right! Let go of me you ugly hag or I’ll have your

entire family and ancestors executed!”

Su Xiao was enraged, His face turned bright read. He smacked the
prince on the head with his sabre’s handle. He used it like it was a
small mallet. All my hairs stood up watching it happen.

Come on man, don’t do that! He’s a prince!!

Su Xiao angrily exclaimed: “Who are you calling a woman?!

I’m a guy!”

Alright, alright, alright! You’re the manliest guy in the world!

Fighting broke out in the Vermillion Hall. If the guards hadn’t

figured out that something happened by now, this place wouldn’t be
called Liu Shan Men. All the guards and warriors in the office
gathered. It was a jaw-dropping scene.

A warm wind blew in the small flower garden. A brutal young

beautiful girl laughed wildly and pressed a blade up against the
prince to threaten him without any regard for anything. And she was
his colleague!!

The Orange Prince grit his teeth, grinded them and said:
“Insolence. Insolence! Such insolence!! I’m going to report
209 Report
this to my father. I’m going to tell you how ridiculous Liu
Shan Men is! You bitch!” The Orange Prince then pointed at me
and said: “You too! None of you are getting away!”


What’s this got to do with me?! He’s the one that’s threatening

You got shit for brains?

All my colleagues started expressing concern for me. Yeah, that’s

right, most of them put distance between themselves and I in the
blink of an eye. Listen guys, the prince is just hating on me, I’m not
the plague.

Shen Yiren returned, patted me on the shoulder and said: “As

team mates, you guys have to shoulder the burden and
suffering together, okay?”

That’s a terrible idea! I’ve only benefited a few times. He’s the one
that started all the troubles!

Tang Ye was calm as usual. He gave me a stern look and said:

“Are we going to have our duel tonight?”

Fuck off! Look at the situation!

And you’re part of the team too, moron!

Tang Ye: But I didn’t threaten the prince.

Me: Well, me neither!

Su Xiao laughed out loud and said: “Tell your men to back off if
you don’t want your head to become Gautama Buddha.” Jia
Yunfeng reluctantly retreated two steps. Well… The Orange Prince’s
head looks like it’s becoming an half an Arhat already.
210 Report
Somebody suddenly spoke out: “Stop! Have you no regards for
the law? How dare you do this in a government office?!”

Someone dressed as a eunuch suddenly approached. Su Xiao of

course wasn’t scared of him, but the Orange Prince looked as though
he’d seen his saviour. His face looked like he was glad. “Eunuch
Nan, you’re here! Which means…”

Shen Yiren who looked like she was enjoying the show had an “oh
shit” look on her face: “Shit, Feizhen, I forgot I invited the
emperor here to inspect us today.”


A loud pitched voice suddenly rang through the air as it

announced: “His majesty is here!”


*You probably already know that red money packets are for lucky
money during Chinese new years. The white packets are for the

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211 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 34
The Emperor Arrives

Following the announcement, a tall, large and handsome man

dressed in a stunning robe came into the garden. There were two
rows of people following behind. Only the emperor would be able to
pull this off.

Not many people from Liu Shan Men have seen the emperor
before. They were all curious but didn’t dare to look in case they
angered his majesty.

The current emperor, a wise ruler whose bad luck streak didn’t end
until after forty had eyebrows that were starting to turn white. It’s
not easy to be a wise ruler, and dealing with his six sons who are
fighting it out really takes its toll on him. He looks a lot older than
when I last saw him. He looks like he’s fifty plus when he’s in his
early forties.

Emperor Yuan Sheng had gotten a little chubby. Perhaps it’s due to
his lifestyle in the palace. I couldn’t help but sigh when I saw him
walk through. He and the Orange Prince look like they were made
from the same mould.

While their features looked strikingly similar, the area between the
eyebrows of the Orange Prince makes him look more aggressive. The
emperor had a very kind gaze making him feel more like a close

The Orange Prince was acting like he found back up. He seemed to
completely forget about his corruption case and yelled like an idiot:
“Father! Father! I’m here. This evil woman is threatening

Su Xiao like the idiot he is, bravely – in a bad way – knocked the
212 Report
prince with his sabre’s handle so hard you could hear the bang ring
in the air in front of the emperor.

“Argh! Oww! Look father, she’s hitting me.”

“Well deserved. Who are you calling a woman?”

I suddenly felt like young Su Xiao here was a treasure that I

needed to pamper. I don’t think I’ll find another with his level of
talent in this life. He’s knocking the prince’s head in like it’s a
wooden fish…

Nan gonggong got flustered and exasperated, and shouted:

“Insolence! How dare you swing weapons around in front of
his majesty! Is this mutiny?!”

Su Xiao quickly said: “Your majesty, please forgive, umm…

Umm…” He got nervous when he saw the emperor. He barely
managed to utter a few sentences: “Please forgive my insolence.
This punk… His highness is too much. He brought people here
to harass us. I’m worried that he’d run off if I let go of him
and won’t be able to capture him.”

Emperor Yuan Sheng paused and then said with a frown:

“Insolence. How dare you behave so audaciously in my
presence, let him go!” He spoke in a very domineering tone. Even
those highly skilled in martial arts and those who’d gone through life
and death could not help but feel their heart rate speed up.

“Your majesty, it’s not that I don’t want to let him go, but
what if he doesn’t own up to his crimes and tries to harass

The Orange Prince chuckled and said: “We’re treating you

courteously here! My father told you to let go of me, so let
me go! As for starting with you, our quarrel…”

Watch me save a comrade!
213 Report
I gave Tang Ye a shove and he took a step back. I took the chance
to throw the book on the floor, creating a loud smack sound. The
entire courtyard went dead silent and everybody turned to look in my

“Brother Tang, watch where you’re going. You made my

drop my stuff.”


Now that’s some Oscar-level acting! We didn’t even rehearse and

yet he was able to react perfectly. He even picked the book up for

I slowly and eloquently extended my hand out to take it.

Everybody was watching us as though we were putting on a show. I
took the book and then waved it around to make sure everybody got
a glimpse.

The Orange Prince who was some distance away nearly dropped at
the sight of it.

“Father, the matter between me and them is a

misunderstanding. It’s no big deal. I’ll overlook this if he lets
me go.”

Su Xiao quickly withdrew his sabre and ran to our side as soon as
he heard that. Jia Yunfeng didn’t make things difficult for Su Xiao
either since the prince had spoken out, so he let the pretty girl off.

“What on Earth?!”

The emperor got impatient, so he waved his hands and then

pointed over to Captain Song and Shen Yiren: “Song Ou, Shen
Yiren, step forward and answer me.”

“Right away.”
214 Report
“Right away.”

“Liu Shan Men is your place and your responsibility. What

should I make of it when you create a mess like this? Shen
Yiren, you invited me to inspect the place many times. Did
you invite me here to witness this joke?”

Shen Yiren faintly said: “Your majesty, I honestly did not know
his highness would come here today. As soon as he arrived,
you accused us of housing a thief. Captain Song tried to
reason with him but he went and ordered his men to attack
us instead. Had Su Xiao not stopped him, we would most
likely have been hurt by his highness.”

Emperor Yuan Sheng coldly snorted as if to say: Shen Yiren’s trying

to play me. What, you’re saying the prince’s men could hurt you
when your that skilled and in your own territory? Now I want to hear
the rest of your fib.

“Who was it that threatened my son before? Step forward.”

“I-it was me.”

Su Xiao walked over and knelt down. He was so nervous seeing the
emperor for the first time. He replied with a stutter: “H-hi, your

Shit! You actually said “hi” to the emperor?

Su Xiao’s white face went completely red as he stuttered: “I

mean, greetings, your majesty.”

The emperor saw the sweat on his forehead and almost laughed
out loud but managed to resist the urge. He then cleared his throat
and said: “Who are you? Why did you do something so

“My name is Su Xiao. The ‘su’ character from Su Zhou, and
215 Report
the ‘xiao’ character from the word ‘dawn’. I am sixteen this
year, my family lives in Nan Jing. My family runs a martial
arts school. I…”

The emperor signalled to stop with his hand and asked: “What
are you telling me so much for?”

Su Xiao pouted and said: “Your majesty, did you not ask me to
tell you?”


The emperor pursed his lips together, but everybody could tell he
was fighting the urge to laugh.

In just a few exchanges of words, the emperor had taken a liking to

the simple-minded kid.

“Keke. Just get to the main point. Tell me why you

threatened the prince.”

“Right. Your majesty, his highness came here for no rhyme

or reason today and started an argument with Captain Song.
He even ordered his men attack us.”

“Nonsense. The Orange Prince is a prince. Why would he

attack a government office?” The emperor noticed that Su Xiao
was distressed. To relieve him, he gestured for him to rise and said:
“Stand up and speak. Tell me what happened from the
beginning again.”

“Understood. Understood.”

Su Xiao replied and then ran a few steps. God knows what he was

Su Xiao ran over to the Orange Prince and suddenly yelled: “You
216 Report
His words were slower than his fist which smashed right into the
Orange Prince’s face. The Orange Prince was stunned and groaned in
pain. He then swiftly reached for his sabre with his other hand and
held it up against the Orange Prince’s neck again.

Su Xiao: “Hahahaha. Now let them go.”

The young deadly and brutal maiden is back once again.


*The word “greetings” for “greetings, your majesty” is made

up of two characters. Su Xiao was so nervous he only said the first
character, which in Chinese can sound a bit like “Cripple”, which in
this context basically sounds like “I’m going to cripple you”. Since
I couldn’t replicate the joke in English, I’ve altered it to make it sound
rude as possible while still being within sensible parameters. So I
substituted it “Greetings” (formal) with “Hi” (informal). If you have
a better one, hit me with it.

In today’s special segment, we have two special guests. They’re

childhood friends. Please welcome Ming Feizhen and Ming Suwen in
their childhood:

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218 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 35
Wasn’t the Way that Ended Slightly Strange?

Jia Yunfeng follows the prince, but he didn’t expect Su Xiao to play
that card in front of the emperor. Before he realised it, Su Xiao was
threatening the Orange Prince once again. He couldn’t face the
prince anymore so he could only play the loyal servant card: “What
are you doing? You insolent wretch! Do you realise what the
penalty is for frightening his highness?!”

The emperor frowned and said: “How ridiculous! What are you

Su Xiao widened his eyes and replied in a terrified tone: “But…

But isn’t this what you wanted me to do?”

The emperor angrily replied: “I told you to recount the event,

not to threaten the Orange Prince!”*

Su Xiao became even more distressed and asked in a slightly

panicked tone: “N-no, isn’t this what you meant?”

“You can just tell me. The penalty for assaulting a prince is

But in the end, the emperor couldn’t hold it in and burst out
laughing: “You’re such an honest kid, and I know you didn’t
mean it. How about this, if I find that you’re innocent, I won’t
punish you, and I’ll even promise to stop him from harassing

Come to think of it, the current emperor doesn’t make a fuss out of
small issues. Martial arts are flourishing these days and the emperor
himself is surrounded by martial artists. So naturally, he’s quite
219 Report
The emperor likes Su Xiao’s simple-mindedness and therefore let
him off for threatening a prince.

The Orange Prince was furious. He was still angry about getting hit
and yet Su Xiao was forgiven?!

Su Xiao retold the entire story, but he only mentioned how the
Orange Prince was in the wrong, how he forced Liu Shan Men to hand
over the thief and how he ordered Jia Yunfeng to attack Shen Yiren
and co. He skipped over the part where we obtained the records. I
commend him for that. At least he knew that it wasn’t something he
could just blurt out. He was stuttering throughout, but that actually
made it sound more genuine to the emperor.

The emperor turned to face the Orange Prince and with a cold look
in his eyes said: “Cheng’er, you promised me just a few days
ago that you were going to change for the better and not
engage in conflict with others impulsively. What’s with
today’s surprise? You assaulted a government office? Heh,
my son sure is amazing.”

“F-father, I didn’t assault the office, th-these people, th-


In the distance, I pulled the book out, and raised it up high…

“…They didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a

misunderstanding. I was a bit too intolerant…”

The Orange Prince got depressed again. If I handed the emperor

the records, he’d be a goner from today. Seeing the look on his, Shen
Yiren and I looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

The emperor spotted me stealing the spotlight in the distance. He

got a bit suspicious, so he pointed at me and said: “You. You cut
me off multiple times. You’re quite the daring one. Come
over here and speak.”
220 Report
Ah shit, it’s my turn now.

I took a stride forward and greeted him: “Greetings, your


However, I was still trying to come up with lines.

What shall I do?

If I hand the book over in front of the prince, he’ll hate Liu Shan
Men forever. Attracting trouble isn’t a good long-term strategy for
staying afloat in life. But if I hold onto it, the prince might start on us

How should I deal with the records…?

“My name is Ming Feizhen. I am a normal constable at Liu

Shan Men.”


The emperor focused his gaze on me but stopped speaking half-

way through.

Huh? What’s wrong?

I blinked out of confusion. I couldn’t figure out what the problem

was… Wait, shit! I suddenly remembered that I spoke with him face-
to-face before.

Shit. Shit. Shit… He doesn’t remember me, does he? That was
many years ago, but the emperor is wise. Could he have
photographic memory? If he recognises me, I won’t be able to run my
concession scam. I can’t believe my retirement plan is going to be
ruined by the emperor himself!

The emperor, however, didn’t look like he met someone he knew.

To the contrary, he wore a frightened expression and asked: “A-are
221 Report
you alright?”

“I am fine. Thank you for your concern. You are too kind,
your majesty, to be caring about us. Your generosity and
benevolence knows no bounds, it extends beyond the four
seas, may you get wealthier by the day…”

As I was kissing up to the emperor, Shen Yiren suddenly asked:

“No, are you sure you’re alright, Ming Feizhen?”

Captain Song who stood to the side also asked: “Ming Feizhen,
are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine…”

I was baffled after being asked by them. What did they see to be
posing that question? I checked left and right, and myself, but there
was nothing out of the norm. Could they have realised I secretly
drank the stashed wine?!

Tang Ye quietly walked over, handed me a mirror and said:

“You’re welcome.”

I unwillingly exclaimed: “You’re welcome my ass… For fuck


I checked myself in the mirror. My handsome face was swollen like

hell. There were purple and green bumps all over. I realised I lost my
sense of feeling on my face when I went to touch it. No wonder I
didn’t realise, it was completely numb.

Was I poisoned? When did I get poisoned?

Everybody looked at me alarmed. I looked around once. It doesn’t

look like I can hold a normal conversation like this. But I still have to
resolve the matter with the book.

My thoughts became muddled. I suddenly thought of a plan and
222 Report
shouted loudly: “I’m poisoned!” I then looked up at the sky and fell
down. As I fell to the ground, I tossed the book in a random direction.
Those around me rushed over to catch my fall and call for a doctor. A
lot of them also yelled “be careful to not get infected”. Your
family’s virus is contagious too…

The book flew over in the direction of the Orange Prince like a
white pigeon. The Orange Prince was gleeful and extended his hand
out to catch it. However, he never expected there to be a force that’d
prevent him from grabbing it, so it bounced off his hand and flew into
the air again.

The Orange Prince’s face turned pale because the book flew
towards his father. But that was caused by his mysterious hand, so
he couldn’t do anything but curse his own hand.

The emperor is trained in martial arts so he managed to catch it.

The emperor was baffled. He looked at the book in his hand and then
at the enraged Orange Prince who was cursing his own hand. He then
opened the book.

The contents were incredible.

In memory of the Orange Prince, destroyed at twenty-five years of


Keke, not yet.

The depressed prince ran over to his father and put on his filial son
act: “F-father, I… I…”

“Heh, what a great prince you are.” The emperor couldn’t stop
laughing coldly, but he didn’t look angry either.

“Return home, right now. Get lost!”

223 Report
“What are you still here for?! Do you want me to read the
contents out loud in front of all these people?”

The Orange Prince grit his teeth, shot me a hateful glare and said:
“I understand that I am wrong. I shall return home now. I will
not leave my residence. I shall reflect on my mistakes!
Yunfeng, let’s go.” The Orange Prince left with Master Jia.

I was also lifted up and sent off to be treated.

The last scene I saw as I was carried out on a stretcher was the
emperor watching the Orange Prince leave and him throwing the
book to Eunuch Nan. He didn’t take another look. His benevolent
eyebrows made it look like he was smiling, but at the same time not

What the heck?

Well, this ended weirdly…


*The emperor used a form of speech only he’d use. When he said
“recount”, it’s the same characters as “return to the original” or
in this context “resume what you were doing”. Su Xiao thought
he meant “resume what you were doing”, as opposed to
“recount”, so he went and shoved the blade up against the prince’s
neck again.

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225 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 36
Conversation Between a Monarch and a Servant (Part 1)


We’re still at the Vermillion Hall. There were only two people in the
room. Everybody else had returned to their respective places

Seeing Shen Yiren refuse to take a seat, the emperor laughed


“What’s wrong? Are you expecting me to beg you to take a


Shen Yiren’s facial expression was still as though her usual

demeanour was pretence. She knelt and said: “I failed to teach my
subordinates properly causing you to suffer. Please have me

The emperor waved his hand and said: “Alright, alright, skip
that rubbish. I asked to see you because I wanted to know
how you’ve been recently. Did you think I’d punish you? Get
up and speak.”

Shen Yiren continued kneeling and didn’t raise her head. The
emperor watched her grow up so he dotes on her like she’s his own
niece. If it was somebody else who caused today’s ruckus, they’d
have been punished, but not her. Shen Yiren was well aware of that.

The lass usually has no regards for any rules or laws, so of course
the emperor knew her act was for something else. However, he was
well aware that her request would be something difficult to complete.

“Yiren, there are no outsiders. I want to have a heart-to-
226 Report
heart talk with you.” The emperor wasn’t putting on airs. He could
be lax with anyone. That’s just how he is. However, his identity as the
emperor means that he must be careful with every word he says and
every action he takes. But otherwise, he’s just like a close uncle to
Shen Yiren.

“To punish Yan Shisan’s mistake that year, I deliberately

gave Liu Shan Men the cold shoulder all these years. But I
know that you’ve been working hard. You sold your
household stuff to fund the repairs of Liu Shan Men’s plaque.
You even went as far as giving your hand in marriage to Song
Ou to expand the influence of Liu Shan Men. Why do you put
yourself through this suffering?”

Shen Yiren pursed her lips and a sad look appeared in her eyes and
then quickly disappeared. She then said: “I’m ashamed, your
majesty. My parents did everything they could for Liu Shan
Men. Expanding Liu Shan Men is my lifetime-dream. What
I’ve done can’t compare to what my parents did.”

“What you just said has made me feel even more guilty
towards your parents. Shen Jun was my childhood friend, and
our bond was like that of brothers. He has been my
benefactor on many occasions, and I remember them all. I
highly respect Mrs Shen who was a heroic woman.” The
emperor felt more apologetic towards the girl before him as he
recounted the past. “When Brother Shen passed away, I
promised him that I’d look after you. I feel that I’ve let him
down now though, since you and your brother are leading
such harsh lives.”

Shen Yiren kept her head down the whole time: “Your majesty, I
dare not threaten you into doing unjust things with my
father’s accomplishments. But Liu Shan Men has been quiet
for many years. There are only ten of the elites left from Liu
Shan’s Elite rankings. Has our punishment not been enough?
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I just feel that Liu Shan Men needs an opportunity to prove
itself, and serve you again.”

The emperor stayed silent for a very long time before softly saying:
“Do you know why I’m here today?”

“I’m not sure myself. I have invited you many times, but
you refused to come due to your work. I thought you
wouldn’t come today either.”

The emperor didn’t address what she said and said: “Did you
know the Qilin Guards captain made a report yesterday? He
wanted me to change Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings into Qi Lin’s
Elite Rankings.”

To Shen Yiren, that news was the equivalent of raining on her

parade. Her beautiful face instantly turned pale-white. In a shaky
voice she said: “That, that, umm, so, what did you decide?”
Shen Yiren couldn’t control her trembling voice after she finished

Liu Shan Men has been quiet for a long time and their reputation
has gone down the drain. All that’s left is its once glorious history and
the gold lettered plaque. If the Qilin Guards take that as well, then
reviving Liu Shan Men would be as difficult as resurrecting the dead.

“What do you think? How do you think I should decide?”

“I… I dare not question your decisions.”

The emperor’s heart ached seeing Shen Yiren’s fearful look. He

said with a sigh: “I’ve delayed the matter for now. Liu Shan
Men has accomplished many deeds for the royal court so I
can’t close it down entirely because of its performance these
last few years and Yan Shisan’s personal mistake.”

Shen Yiren’s anarchic mood calmed down a little, but then the
emperor continued: “I can delay it for now, but I can’t put it off
228 Report
forever. Liu Shan’s Elite Ranking lists the name of one-hundred of the
strongest fighters in the royal court. Originally, it was meant to
include Liu Shan Men, my entourage and the Qilin Guards. The Qilin
Guards now occupy sixty spots. More than twenty people from my
entourage are listed. As for Liu Shan Men… You know how it is.

Further, the Qilin Guards’ request isn’t unreasonable. They’ve done

a lot to create order in the martial world all these years, and have
never slacked off. They aren’t asking for a reward. They’re just
asking for recognition. I believe that that’s reasonable.”

The emperor finally said what he really wanted to say.

“Yiren, you’re Brother Shen’s daughter. You’re just like a

daughter to me, and your relationship with my daughter is
very good. I want to bestow the title of princess upon you.
Pass Liu Shan Men’s matters on to somebody else. You’re a
girl after all, so you’re not suited…”

Shen Yiren lowered her head further and said in a worked up tone:
“All I ask for is a fair chance.”

The emperor looked at Shen Yiren. His gentle gaze suddenly

became sharp.

“Shen Yiren! You do realise that if Liu Shan Men were to

rise again, the resources allocated to the Qilin Guards and my
entourage would be affected, right? The cake is only so big. If
another person wants a piece, then somebody is going to
stop them, and the person stopping you is no simpleton.”

“I know that.”

“You should also be aware the the Qilin Guards have grown
significantly all these years while Liu Shan Men was quiet.
The Qilin Guards now occupy a part of the martial world and
have a certain degree of influence. I feel assured with those
229 Report
in the pugilistic world keeping them in check too. My
entourage may look like they’re not doing anything, but
they’re actually investigating secret cases related to
retainers, ministers and officials, as well as protecting me.
They’ve done a fair amount for the people too. If they have
problems because of you, I won’t back you. My dear niece…
The road in front of you is rocky.”

Shen Yiren finally raised her head. The gentle look in her eyes had
vanished and her domineering and strong aura as the vice-captain
returned. She said: “I want to expand Liu Shan Men, so it’s a
given that I’ve prepared myself to face all the obstacles
ahead. I’ll take on anything that comes my way! I’m not
afraid even if it’s a sea of fire up ahead. If the road ahead is
tough, I’ll crawl if I have to!”

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230 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 37
Conversation Between a Monarch and a Servant (Part 2)

The emperor looked at Shen Yiren who raised her angry looking
face high like a swan silently the way a benevolent father looks at his
stubborn daughter.

Shen Yiren’s father was the emperor’s childhood friend. They were
together all the time from when they were kids into adulthood. The
Shen family has always headed Liu Shan Men. Had it not been for the
unparalled genius Yan Shisan and his insanity and absurdness, the
leader of Liu Shan Men would probably still be someone from the
Shen family. That said, Shen Yiren’s father was still the vice-captain.
He controlled the martial world from within Liu Shan Men for the
emperor. He accomplished many things for the emperor.

In the end he died at the hand of disciples from the Demon Sect
while carrying out a secret mission. The emperor felt guilty towards
the Shen family for these things.

He also felt pity and hurt for the stubborn girl.

Shen Yiren has no feelings for Song Ou. However, the Song family
are a prevalent family in the martial world. Song Ou’s father
possessed significant military strength, so the Song family had a
good deal of power. At that point in time, Liu Shan Men’s skilled men
were leaving one after the other. Shen Yiren’s parents both passed
away, so she sacrificed herself voluntarily. A beautiful and bright girl
took the initiative to marry into the Song family. The proud, men-
hating Shen Yiren decided to marry into the Song household for the
future of Liu Shan Men.

Shen Yiren’s lifetime dream is to become the captain of Liu Shan

Men. After Yan Shisan left, the person most qualified to take the
231 Report
mantle was Shen Yiren. However, for his family’s sake, he insisted
that his son needed to be captain for him to be at ease. Shen Yiren
agreed to it so as to not lose the support of the Song family. But
behind her strong front, she wept many times over it.

The emperor was aware of all that, but he didn’t have any right to
stop it.

Yes, not even the emperor could have his way with everything in
the world. During the time Liu Shan Men lost power, the emperor’s
entourage did all they could to fulfill their roles and serve, so should
they be rewarded or not? The Qilin Guards shed much blood in their
battles to suppress the influence and power of the evil sects. All their
victories came at the cost of much bloodshed on their side, so
shouldn’t they be rewarded? He can’t just promote Liu Shan Men
citing friendship as the reason.

But he should be able to at least give them a chance as the

emperor, right? The emperor is well-aware of Shen Yiren’s efforts and
how she’s held the fort all these years. The emperor suddenly
remembered her father after seeing her stubbornly prostrating
herself before him. Her father behaved the same way as her back
then when they had differing opinions and her father was insistent on

Emperor Yuan Sheng finally came to a decision after he was done


“To be able to have a daughter like this, Brother Shen did

not live a life in vain.”

The emperor gave Shen Yiren a nod and softly said: “The
rankings for Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings will be re-ranked at the
imperial martial arts tournament. I gave you this chance, so
it’s yours, and nobody can take it away from you.”

Shen Yiren’s eyes started to tear up but she held it in, and while
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choking on her tears said: “Th-thank you, your majesty!”

The Qilin Guards have attempted to prevent Liu Shan Men’s

participation in the martial arts tournament before. The emperor’s
entourage have also tried to stop them. Even the Orange Prince has
come and threatened to remove them from it. There wasn’t a single
particular reason for trying to prevent them. They all had their own
reasons, but Liu Shan Men has faced many hurdles over it. However,
with the emperor’s word, Shen Yiren could finally let go of that

“Do your best to prepare for the tournament. As for the

Orange Prince, I’ll tell him to keep his mouth shut. He won’t
dare to harass you.”

“Understood, your majesty!”

The emperor then sighed and said: “We’re done with business
talk, so won’t you sit and keep me company for a while?”


“I know you like to keep business matters and places

strictly business, but there are no outsiders here, so won’t
you call me uncle?”

The word uncle brought back many memories when she was a kid
for Shen Yiren. The tears she held back finally surfaced and she
whispered: “Uncle… I’ve let you down.”

The emperor helped her up and as soon as she raised her head up
to look, she found the emperor’s eyes were unsurprisingly brimming
with tears too. The emperor who was the biggest authority in the
entire country just moments ago had returned to being the endearing
uncle she knew as a child: “Silly child… Why must you insist on
separating yourself from your uncle as a monarch and his
retainers? Aren’t I your family? Come on, get up. Am I a
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stranger to you now that we haven’t seen each other for a
few months?”

Shen Yiren felt the warmth in her heart, the same kind felt by a
lonely child with no one to rely on finally finding his father. She could
finally put down the responsibilities as the vice-captain of Liu Shan
Men and confide with someone close like a normal family member.

The emperor pulled her to her seat and brought up many

interesting things in the past, making time feel like it was flying by.
The workaholic, Shen Yiren looked at the sky and started to worry as
to when the emperor would leave. She thought to herself: When will
he leave? I still need to work.

The emperor was really getting into it as he spoke and had no

plans to leave. However, they had pretty much talked about all there
was to talk about with regards to her childhood days. Since Shen
Yiren didn’t speak, he thought of a new topic. “Oh, that’s right.
What’s the name of the young man that passed out in the
flower garden before…?”

Shen Yiren returned to her senses and said: “Ming Feizhen! He

was the one who solved this case. He doesn’t have any
special skills, but certainly likes to mess around.” Shen Yiren
probably recalled the things Ming Feizhen did to tease and mock the
Orange Prince, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“It seems like I can’t compare to him. I tried to get you to

smile, but you wouldn’t smile once, and yet now you’re
laughing as soon as I brought him up.”

Shen Yiren continued laughing as she replied: “Don’t tease me,

uncle. Ming Feizhen just joined Liu Shan Men and there are a
lot of rules and regulations he’s not yet familiar with, thereby
often doing laughable things. He’s usually messy and
unreliable, but he’s very familiar with the pugilistic world and
is also quite the smart one.”
234 Report
“He’s smart? Heeh~”

Emperor Yuan Sheng laughed without saying anything. He’s smart?

More like slippery and sly.

He knew that he’d offend the Orange Prince if he were to hand me

the book directly, which would cause Liu Shan Men to become public
enemy. That’s why he chose that round-about method to hand me
the book without being detected and settled the chaos at the scene.
Two birds with one stone. But it seems like he got poisoned by the
piece of gold he touched…

The emperor felt a little guilty recalling his swollen face that was
purple. That must’ve been due to the venom becoming active.

“Judging by his face, I think he got poisoned quite heavily.

Is he alright?”

“I still don’t know.” Shen Yiren wiped the corner of her eyes
which were yet to dry. She cried for a bit, but quickly returned to
being her usual self. Shen Yiren is Shen Yiren after all. She wouldn’t
dwell in silence and weakness for long.

“I asked three highly-skilled doctors to take a look at him

and then came to see you, so I don’t know how he is yet.”

The emperor laughed and said: “He’s an interesting fella. His

act completely shut Cheng’er (the Orange Prince) down. He
really knows how to cause trouble.”

Shen Yiren laughed and said: “That’s just how he is. He looks
like an absolute mess, but when there’s a problem, he’s
always got a solution.”

“Haha. Let’s go. Come with me to pay him a visit. I have

something to say to him.”
235 Report
1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

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236 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 38
Bring Me Some Braised Pork Shoulders with Soy Sauce

“It’s the Five Poisons Divine Water. It must be the Five

Venoms Divine Water!”

“No, no, no. The Five Poisons Divine Water is highly toxic.
Those poisoned by it die upon contact. Mr. Ming is still alive
so it can’t be that. It must be the venom from a Golden
Crowned Snake combined with celandine etc.”

“I agree!”

The three doctors surrounded Ming Feizhen who was lying on the
bed asked to check his pulse and kept babbling non-stop. The three
of them argued back-and-forth with no one agreeing with the other.
And in the end, they still couldn’t determine what the venom was.

Chen Bianque said: “It’s the Five Venoms Divine Water. How
could it not be?! I know this venom best. It’s definitely the
Five Venoms Divine Water!”

Doctor Li said: “Golden Crowned Snake. Not only the venom

of a Golden Crowned Snake, but also celandine without a

Doctor: Zhang said: “I believe they are correct!”

Su Xiao standing at the side was anxious watching them. He

suddenly recalled something: “Gold! I remember there was a box
of gold in Cha Yuan’s tomb. We took it back with us as
evidence. Brother Ming said he wanted to keep it safe and
held onto it all the way back.”

Zha Pi who was also watching from the side got excited when he
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heard there was gold in his old man’s tomb and jumped up and
down. He quickly became extremely concerned and said: “Master
Ming, for your safety’s sake, I’m going to frisk you!”

He checked all over and touched something that felt like a box in
Ming Feizhen’s arms.

“Is this it?”

As soon as Zha Pi extended his hand out to grab the box, Su Xiao
called out as soon as his finger made contact: “Don’t touch it
carelessly! Don’t you see that Brother Ming’s been poisoned?
That thing definitely contains poison.”

“What’s wrong with touching it for a bit? You think the gold
is poisoned? If all of the gold had poison on them, Master
Ming would’ve been dead ages ago.”

Before he could finish speaking, Zha Pi started twitching like he

had an epileptic attack and retching. His face then changed colours.
His skin looked like it came alive as though there were countless
worms wiggling around underneath his skin. Those who saw it were
scared shitless. His face was swollen like a ball before he could even
say three sentences. His face turned so purple it was freakier than a
dead boar’s head.

His mouth went completely numb and he could only groan non-
stop. It was an evidently frightening condition.

Doctor Zhang clapped his hands and said: “Looks like this kid is

Chen Bian Que got surprised and said: “That’s it. That’s it.
That’s it. These are the symptoms of being diagnosed with
the Five Venoms Divine Water.”

Doctor Lee said: “I guarantee that he’s also been poisoned

by a golden crowned snake and celandine. I’m absolutely
238 Report

Fuck me… Are you people going to save him or not?

I awoke… Wait, no. I never passed out in the first place. I just took
the opportunity to pretend I passed out in order to stop the Orange
Prince’s commotion.

But I can’t believe the gold had poison. Who would’ve thought I’d
get poisoned… And Zha Pi was on the verge of death.

Su Xiao anxiously shouted: “S-save him!”

Doctor Li asked: “Save him? How?”

“Isn’t it your job to figure that out as a doctor?” Su Xiao

watched them stand still and got more anxious.

“Since you know what the venom is why can’t you save

Chen Bianque answered sincerely rightfully as a doctor: “Brother

Su, you’re young so you don’t know have much knowledge of
old things. The Five Venoms Divine Water was specially
concocted by Yuntian Palace. Once you get poisoned with it,
death is certain. Who could save him? It’s best that you put
some distance between yourself and him. The purple spots
on his skin contain venom. If you get any on you, you’ll be
done for.”

Doctor Zhang said: “I think they’re right.”

Doctor Lee sighed and said: “He’s dead for sure. He’s dead for

“What do you mean he’s going to die?”

I opened my eyes, extended my hand and made contact with Zha
239 Report
Pi’s wrist. Using my internal energy to get rid of the venom would
take too long, and it’ll cause too much noise, which will cause
suspicion to arise. Therefore, I decided to use another method and
gently mustered up my energy.

“Urgh… I… I’m dying. I… Eh? I can speak now?”

The swelling on Zha Pi’s face was reduced. His mouth which was
only able to groan and moan could open.

What I did was suck the venom in his body into my own. I can’t do
that under normal circumstances, but since I was poisoned right now,
I had several hundreds of times more venom inside my body. Since
the venom shared the same characteristics, it was easier for me to
suck. And naturally it was collected into my body.

I sat up. There was nothing wrong with my body really. It’s just that
my face was swollen.

The three doctors who saw me sit up rushed over to ask: “You’ve
been poisoned with the Five Venoms Divine Water, the
venom of a golden crowned snake, and celandine. You
shouldn’t even be able to move a finger right now, right?”

“Don’t push yourself. Don’t push yourself. Stay laid down.

Let me check your pulse.”

“Uhm, that’s right.”

I lifted my hand up and drew circles in the air with it.

“What Five Venoms Divine Water? I just got a bee sting

while we were out in the wild, alright?”

If you’re going to diss someone, make sure to completely shut

them down.

The three doctors’ expressions changed countless times. They
240 Report
looked at each other and then they all awkwardly laughed together.

“I knew it was a bee sting at first sight. I just wanted to

test the medical skills of my two old friends, so I didn’t
mention it.”

“I had the same thought, Brother Li.”

“I believe they are correct.”

Zha Pi who just recovered hopped up and said: “You useless old
farts! You said I was going to die for sure just before, didn’t
you?!” The punk lifted up a wooden bench and hit them with it. He
then started chasing the three doctors around in the room before
taking it into the courtyard.

Su Xiao crept over quietly like a mouse and asked in a concerned

tone: “Brother Ming, are you alright?”

I weakly answered: “What makes you think I’m alright? I got

poisoned… I just acted fine like that to piss off the doctors.
Su Xiao, I’m dying.”


Yeah! I’ve almost got full marks for acting.

I gently scrubbed Su Xiao’s head like a father that was about to

pass away. I don’t know what Su Xiao was thinking, but he started

“NO! NO! DON’T DIE BROTHER MING!” Su Xiao grabbed my

hand and placed it on his supple face. His supple and smooth hand
skin…. Shit, are you really a guy?!

Su Xiao acted like he was sending off a dying family member and

said: “BROTHER MING! Hang in there!”
241 Report
“Su Xiao, I’m not going to make it. However, I still have a
wish I haven’t fulfilled.”

“Tell me! I’ll see that it’s done!!”

“Haaa… I really want some braised pork shoulders with soy

sauce from the Eight Deities Tavern.”

Su Xiao’s cries became muffled: “B-but Brother Ming, I still

don’t feel like our friendship has developed to the point
where I need to treat you to a meal. Would it be okay for you
to take that regret with you to the grave?”

I angrily jumped up and exclaimed: “WHAT?! Our friendship

hasn’t developed to the point where you can treat me to
some braised pork shoulders with soy sauce when I’m on my
death bed?”

“Get lost, you’re totally fine! You were just pretending!” Su

Xiao pulled a funny face and continued: “No way am I buying it
for you.”

Huh? I was busted already? So… Is Su Xiao supposed to be smart

or stupid?

Su Xiao wiped his eyes and asked: “But are you sure you’re

I waved my hand and said: “I’m fine. What’s a bee sting or

two to a man?”

“But your head…”

I checked myself in the mirror and found that the venom was
indeed accumulating in my body and still had some affect. The
bumps on my head hadn’t gone away yet. Strange, this venom is
pretty strong. One who’s mastered Yi Jin Jing shouldn’t be affected by
poison. Tai Chi allows me to move my internal energy to my liking.
242 Report
But they seem to be of little use against this venom. Perhaps all
three doctors are right in their diagnoses. Perhaps this venom was
concocted using the Five Poisons Divine Water, plus the venom from
a golden crowned snake, plus celandine and the sort combined.

Fucking hell… Who’s the devil? Who wouldn’t fall for a box with

I suddenly heard a cheerful laughter from outside.

“Hahaha, I heard you were full of energy after being

poisoned. It looks like they were right.”

The emperor then entered the room. Why’s he here?!

The emperor doesn’t look like he’s here to find faults with me. He’s
also laughing happily.

“All of you, leave. I want to speak with this child in


Speak in private?!

Does he want to close some sort of deal?!

I pretended to struggle to get up and was weak. The emperor

opened with: “Don’t worry about greetings. I’m not so
arrogant that I’d have a patient perform formal greetings. Is
your name Ming Feizhen?”

What the? Why does the emperor care so much about me?

Could it be… I looked at the emperor. He had a special

compassionate look in his eyes. It’s not an expression you’d have
when meeting somebody for the first time. Could he have recognised

Shit! Shit! Shit!
243 Report

1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

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244 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 39
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The Case Within the Poisoned Gold Case (Part 1)

This is told from the emperor’s perspective.

The last time I left the palace was over half a year ago. I came here
for Yiren and Cheng’er but I’d say it counts as taking a break to take
a breather.

The matters with Yiren and Cheng’er can be considered settled,

but this Ming Feizhen fella was part of my calculations.

“Your name is Ming Feizhen?”

“Uuh… Yes, that is my name.”

I looked at this kid who stuttered as soon as he spoke. I found him

quite interesting and said: “Your surname is Ming? How
interesting. I don’t venture into the pugilistic world often,
but I hear most of the rumours. I’ve never heard of a young
hero with the surname Ming.”

I cracked a joke with him, but never expected him to get nervous
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and break into a sweat.

“I-I’m twenty eight this year. You can’t call me a young

hero anymore. My surname, Ming, is actually quite common!
You don’t have to think so much of it.”

Is it common?

I pondered it for a bit. Yeah, that’s true.

“Your surname is Ming? Hmm, there aren’t any prevalent

families in the martial world with the surname Ming. But if I
recall correctly, the sect leader of Mount Daluo in Bei Ping
had the surname Ming.”

Ming Feizhen suddenly wore a strange expression. He then lowered

his face and asked as though he was scared: “How much do you


I was a little confused and slightly angry. Ming Feizhen is but just a
mere low-ranking constable. Even if he’s ill and I said that he could
skip the formalities, that’s not a license for him to speak to me
however he pleases.

Forget it, forget it. That’s not important. I have something to say to
him and if I don’t get it off my chest, I’ll feel suffocated.

“Let’s skip the idle chatter. I have something to say to


Ming Feizhen now wore an expression as if the sky had come

falling down or it was the end of the world. He looked at me stunned,
grinded his teeth and said: “I knew you had something to say!”

Me: “Huh?”
246 Report
I must have a stupefied look on my face right now.

Ming Feizhen held his head and looked as if he were having a

breakdown, and said: “Your majesty! My appearance is so
distorted, and yet you’re still able to recognise me! You’re

What exactly does he mean by that?

I scratched my head and asked: “How am I godly?”

Wait a second. I was the one that wanted to speak with him. How’d
it turn into him asking me questions?

Ming Feizhen gritted his teeth and angrily said: “God, freaking
damn it, I actually got caught! Go on, tell me what you

This rascal!!

Watch your attitude. Watch it you attitude!!

What happened to him all of a sudden?

I glared at him out of curiosity: “I heard that you single-

handedly solved the Orange Prince’s case.”

Ming Feizhen complained with a sigh: “I wouldn’t be like this if

it weren’t for that shitty case.”

Why is this rascal speaking to me so casually? Is it because he got

poisoned or is it because of me?

It’s a long story.

It’s hard to fulfill the role of an emperor, and it’s not easy to fulfill
the role of a father. My late friend Brother Shen was very fortunate to
have a good daughter like Yiren. Of my seven sons, six of them are
247 Report
The six of them are forming parties and fighting each other for the
throne. To maintain harmony, I sent four of them to cities outside the
capital and only kept two in the capital. But even though there are
just two of them, they still make sure to make life hard for me.

He’s the son of my main wife, and is the queen’s eldest son. He’s
the one with the right to inherit the throne so he’s always been mad
at me for not bestowing the crown prince title upon him. As such, he
took bribes, engages in corrupt activities and is gathering power right
under my nose.

My entourage has always been on his case of corruption and

reported their progress to me. I’ve seen the book that Ming Feizhen
pretended to hand to me by accident before. However, I left him be
because one, he’s my son after all, and two, he’s also a prince. I
didn’t want to take any drastic measures if he wasn’t going
overboard, so the book didn’t serve much purpose when I read it.

But Cha Yuan who was faithful to his post died unjustly
investigated the case. I buried the book with him as a form of reward
and as a memento. I didn’t expect Cheng’er to still be chasing Cha
Yuan’s whereabouts and wouldn’t spare him even after death.

I knew what he was up to as soon as I heard he sent people to Cha

Yuan’s home. I could’ve moved the book before he found it, but that
wouldn’t allow me to send him a warning. I wanted to punish him and
his dead men for thinking they were above the law.

Instead, I had members of my entourage race to Cha Yuan’s tomb

and place a box of poisoned gold in there.

I was planning to send someone to give him a gentle warning after

his men died upon contact with it, so that he’d straighten up.

This is my script.
248 Report

1 Bonus Son-con Chapter

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249 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 40
The Case Within the Poisoned Gold Case (Part 2)

That was my plan.

But I never expected a passing constable to find out about the

secret, and even take the records and gold with him.

On my way to visit Yiren at Liu Shan Men, I head Cheng’er angrily

stormed Liu Shan Men’s office. My alarms were going off without
question. I can understand the book being taken, but how on Earth
did the box of gold get taken too?! Weren’t victims supposed to die
from poisoning as soon as they touch it?

I only found out he fell victim to the box of gold after seeing him
poisoned and hearing from Yiren that he was the one who solved the
case. I felt somewhat guilty towards him, because if he were to die
serving loyally in the line of duty, it would be an unjust death.

Getting back on track, my entourage told me the venom was

extremely toxic and just coming into contact it would be enough to
kill someone many times over, and yet he survived. Perhaps it’s
because he didn’t absorb much of the venom and was treated well.

Since he didn’t see me speak, he decided to be even more lax

lying on the bed. He looked like he wasn’t afraid of anything or
anybody and said: “Come on, spill it, what did you want to say
to me?”

H-he’s getting more and more overboard! Is that any way to speak
to an emperor?!

I must… I must…

250 Report
Could it be that he realised that he was poisoned because of me?
Heh~ how dare this rascal try to rile me up.

“You’re quite amazing, young man.”

“Don’t compliment me. I get a headache as soon as you


Am I lice or something?!

“Alright, let’s cut to the chase. Do you already know what I

want to say?”

“Long live your majesty, may you live for eternity. One who
is just does not speak with hidden meanings and imply
things. You’ve made yourself very clear, so of course I know”

“You’re a smart fella. There’s no need to say everything

explicitly when speaking with smart people. It’s good that
you understand.”

Ming Feizhen stared at me for a while. He then sighed and said:

‘Your majesty, you’re busy with thousands of things every day and
still have to fulfill the roles of a father. It must be tough on you. This
injury of mine is nothing. A bee sting or two is nothing. I’ll be fine in
very soon.”

Ming Feizhen spoke to me as though I were his friend. Who does he

take me for?! But what he said hit certainly home for me.

“People say that I own all the lands and rivers, but they
don’t realise how much effort it takes to take care of it all.
My sons are all a handful. I need to handle national affairs as
well as my family. If I didn’t, then just my harem alone would
grief me to death.”

“Your majesty, you may have sent four of your sons to

different places, but their mothers are still in the palace
251 Report
assisting them. Six princes and five concubines… It’d be one
heck of a headache if a fight broke out between them.”

“Oh? You know my family affairs very well. How insolent,

Ming Feizhen! How dare you make baseless complements
about the imperial family!!”

I deliberately glared at him with my eyes open wide to scare this

rascal that didn’t know better. However, he laughed and said:
“Everybody out there discusses the rumours about your
family. I could go for a walk around the block and hear five
different people with five different occupations discuss them.
Just because you don’t want people to speak about
something, doesn’t mean they’re going to keep their mouths
shut. If you don’t believe me, I can take you to the Eight
Deities Tavern in the Western City. As long as you’re willing
to treat me to braised pork shoulder with soy sauce, I
guarantee you’ll hear things you wouldn’t normally hear.”

The young man before me is only a few years younger than my

eldest son at max. Putting aside the monarch and peasant hierarchy,
he’s still younger than me. He, however, isn’t showing any signs of
fear. He’s behaving and talking as if we were friends who are on even

I have to say, I haven’t been treated like this in a long time.

Nobody has ever treated me as an equal since Yiren’s father passed

I leisurely laughed and said: “I’d be more than glad to treat

you to braised pork shoulder with soy sauce if it’s as you say.

Ming Feizhen then suddenly showed a bitter smile and said: “But
your majesty, my…”

“Just keep it to yourself. It’s just between the two of us.”
252 Report
“Thank you, your majesty!”


I wanted him to keep the poison matter secret and yet he’s
thanking me? What is he on about now?

“That’s enough, don’t spout nonsense. I know I caused you

to get poisoned, but luckily you’re fine. I’ll deal with the
matter with those from the Orange Prince’s residence, so
let’s say we’re equal.”

“What? Poison? Say what?” Ming Feizhen squinted his eyes like
a retarded kid and continued: “Poison… Are you saying you were
the one who gave the order to spread venom on the gold?”

…Is he a retard?

I stared at him and asked: “Yes! Didn’t you already know?”

Ming Feizhen widened his mouth and then closed it. And then
widened it and closed it again. He then answered stiflingly as if he
was choking on food: “I get it now…”

Ming Feizhen suddenly looked relieved. He then seemed to recall

something and sat up straight. His attitude towards me then seemed
like a boat that got back on-route and he straightened up.

“Y-your majesty, I was spouting nonsense before… It was

all because the venom affected my thinking. Please bestow
your benevolence upon me and pardon me.”

What’s his deal? He changes like the weather.

I laughed mockingly and said: “You look very alert to me.”

He went and acted all respectful, sincere and little: “Your

majesty, I’m a lowly peasant who’s never seen your
253 Report
greatness, so isn’t it normal for peasants like me to be taken
in by it.”

Normally? I’ve only ever come across like… Two peasants like you
in the forty plus years I’ve been alive. And they were all from Liu
Shan Men. The other one was Yan Shisan, who I sent off to scrub

I laughed and curiously asked: “I’ll pardon you in that case.

We’ll call this even if you take me to that Eight Deities
Tavern you spoke of, what do you think?”

Ming Feizhen acted as though I wanted his life and seriously

answered: “Your majesty, I’d rather you decapitate me

This greedy…

“Enough, enough. I’ve left the palace for too long so

they’re probably worried about me by now. Ming Feizhen, I
remember what you said. It’s my fault that the people spread
rumours. As my servants, Liu Shan Men should help me out,

I paused for a moment and then said: “You’re a talented man, I

can tell. Yiren… Is the daughter of my old friend. I treat her
as though she were my own daughter. Since you’re someone
she chose, make sure to help her out. I expect many great
things from you.”

“Understood. I wish you a safe return, your majesty.”

Ming Feizhen pretended to struggle out of bed.

I waved my hand and said: “Forget it, stop pretending. If I

were to punish you for your rudeness, do you think you’d
ever have enough heads for me to chop?”
254 Report
The rascal laughed and said: “Hehehe, that just goes to show
your infinite benevolence.”

Yiren told me she recruited three people recently. I don’t know

much about the one called Tang Ye. I’ve met Su Xiao who’s a kind,
honest and upright child. As for Ming Feizhen… He’s exactly how
Yiren describes him: A messy walking embodiment of trouble.

He’s an absolute mess… Looking at him remind me of Yan Shisan.

As I walked out of Liu Shan Men, Eunuch Nan greeted me: “Your
majesty, Let us return to the palace.”

“Yeah, let’s go.”

The sound of horse hoofs could be hard as the golden sun started
setting behind the tiled roofs of Liu Shan Men. I suddenly
remembered something.

“Ming Feizhen… That name sounds so familiar. Have I

heard it somewhere before?”

I turned around to look. I tirelessly searched my brain for Ming

Feizhen’s face. But because of his swollen face, I couldn’t recall

Perhaps I remembered wrong.

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Vol.1 Chapter 41
Translator Comments: Finally reached 100 likes and 108 followers
on Facebook. Thank you for your support guys! Looking forward to
continuing to grow!

Hey, Wake Up, You’ve Been Ranked

It’s been peaceful ever since the end of the Orange Prince’s
corruption case. Actually it’s been so boring, I’ve got nothing to do
that I’m panicking.

I couldn’t ask for more.

You must understand that being free at home and being free with
nothing to do at work are two different things.

Being free and doing nothing at home is a waste of your life.

Sitting around doing nothing at work and still getting paid however,
is the greatest bliss in the world.

I did everything I could to get the best compensation possible for

getting hurt in the line of duty. I avoided every shift I could skip,
every street I didn’t have to patrol and every job I could avoid. Su
Xiao always lectured me when he returned, and Tang Ye was always
looking at me resentfully to ask: “Are we going to duel tonight?”

Of course, I covered myself with my blanket so I wouldn’t have to

see anything. Hey! Who said I’m doing lewd stuff under the
blankets?! I heard you!

But I must credit the three doctors as their treatments really

helped. They diagnosed me as being poisoned with the Five Venoms
Divine Water mixed with some other types of venom. Fortunately for
me, the venom didn’t enter the fatal zones in my body or I’d be cold
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in the ground.

I did everything I could to get them to prescribe me some

Saussurea involucrata and other similar types of expensive herbs,
but those three doctors were as stingy as I am. They wouldn’t give
me anything other than red bean-paste to invigorate my spleen and
replenish my qi.

To compensate for it, I snuck into the warehouse and stole three
jugs of Laojiao*. They tasted absolutely fantastic!

My only regret is the box of gold. I heard Boss Shen shared it with
the new constables after the gold was washed. What a waste…

I’ve been flipping through Liu Shan Men’s versions of the Black and
White Reflection in my room the last few days. I easily learnt about
the system regulating warriors of the royal court.

Liu Shan Men, the Qilin Guards and the emperor’s entourage aren’t
regulated by the royal court’s orthodox regulation system. Boss Shen
inherited her father’s title as an A-rank warrior, but that only affects
her treatment, not her power and rights. She is only permitted to
regulate members of Liu Shan Men. The same applies for the captain
of the Qilin Guards. Sure, he’s a hot-shot everywhere he goes, but
he’s only permitted to regulate the Qilin Guards.

However, the universal system used to govern warriors by the

royal court is fairly rich.

The areas that officials govern usually have some sort power,
groups and individuals from the pugilistic world active there. Without
a strong warrior from the royal court to assist them, things can get
tough for them, so you can imagine how they are treated by those

The measure they use for measuring a warrior’s capabilities is

none other the Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings. The officials will start
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paying attention to you once you’re ranked, and even ask you to deal
with issues in the martial world in the area that they govern. But
along with the shit and tiring jobs…

The good part is, I’m always bludging work and avoiding my shifts,
so I won’t get ranked. As I was considering whether I should refill my
cup or not after my last drink, someone knocked on my door from

“Master Ming, Master Ming.”

I flew to my bed like a kite and pulled my blanket over myself. The
guard that knocked pushed the door open and came inside since I
didn’t respond.

My room is connected to Su Xiao and Tang Ye. We’re only three

rooms apart. The guards who’ve been responsible for delivering me
my meals these last few days have remembered where my room is.

I closed my eyes as soon as I heard him enter. The guard didn’t

just leave my meal there and leave when he saw me asleep as he
usually did though. Instead, he approached me, gave me few nudges
and said: “Wake up, Master Ming.”

Get lost. How do you intend to wake someone who’s pretending to

be asleep?

“Master Ming, hurry and wake up. You’ve been ranked!”


I got ranked for sleeping in my room for ten days?! What the heck
has the world come to?!

I woke up shocked and asked: “What rankings?”

The guard exultantly exclaimed: “Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings!

Vice-captain Shen asked me to get the three of you. Master
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Su and Master Tang are already in the courtyard. You’re the
only one they’re waiting on.”

I pushed the guard aside and ran to Su Xiao and Tang Ye. We then
went straight to Boss Shen’s office. “Ming Feizhen corps.
reporting in!”

Yes, that stupid name… Yes, my name was used because I was the
eldest. Other famous teams come up with different names, but I
don’t want to stand out, so I decided against it.

Having not seen our boss for a few days, she’s gotten even more
beautiful. She left her long hair down behind her freely today. She
looked more feminine than usual, but it was very befitting of her
usual demeanour where she doesn’t concern herself over petty
matters, and her generous and candid personality.

She didn’t seem to be in a bad mood as she giggled while looking

at us.

“Not bad. You three were ranked today on Liu Shan’s Elite

That’s the one. I was waiting for you to say that. Please give me a
reasonable and logical explanation!


“I promoted you guys of course.” I’ve found that Boss Shen

likes to act cool when she gets her way and will suavely wave her
hands, and say: “No need to thank me.”

Then she’ll close her eyes, and wait for us to praise and worship

Tang Ye looked like he found it strange and didn’t expect it either.

Nevertheless, he sincerely said: “Thank you, vice-captain.”
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Su Xiao of course was in party-mode. He grabbed my sleeve and
excitedly jumped up and down, and said : “How can we not thank
you? Did you hear that, Brother Ming? We’ve been ranked!
Look, look, I’m ranked two-hundred and fortieth!”

Only I was criticising: “Oh, quit it. You call that getting
ranked? Liu Shan’s Elites Rankings only have one-hundred
places. How’d you get ranked two-hundred and fortieth?”

Boss Shen then shot herself in the foot as she stared at me and
said: “You’re not entirely correct. The official version you see
only ranks the top one-hundred. Why ‘top one-hundred’?
That’s because the top one-hundred are selected from a
larger list. The top one-hundred is the official one everyone
sees. This is the underground ranking, which ranks the top
one-hundredth and one to the top four hundred. Ming
Feizhen, don’t spout nonsense if you don’t know what you’re
talking about.”

“What do you mean I’m spouting nonsense?”

I’ve been reading a lot of the Black and White Reflection these last
few days in my room. I counted my fingers like a mathematician and
said: “The official version of Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings only
ranks the top one-hundred warriors in the royal court.
Everybody knows the top twenty are relatively special. The
remaining eighty are ranked using the celestial stem**. The
top twenty one to top forty are designated the Jia level.
Ranks forty one to sixty are Yi level, and so one. Haha. Two
hundredth and forty? You won’t even make the Ren or Gui

Su Xiao pursed his lips, disappointed and kept silent.

“Enough from you, Ming Feizhen!” Shen Yiren stood up and

showed her beautiful face.
261 Report
Shit! The boss is going to lose it now! Before I could even start
evading, Shen Yiren grabbed my ear and pulled me over.

“Why do you always go against me? Who’s your boss?!”

“I-it’s you!”

“So whose orders do you follow then?”

“You! Now let go.”

This is embarrassing! Su Xiao was laughing. Su Xiao laughing is

nothing new. But Tang Ye, you block of wood… Can’t you even smile
like “Sucked in”? God, I want to hit you!

But our boss wasn’t done. She continued pinching me ear and said:
“Okay, in that case, what’s the status of the case of the thief
who stole the three jugs of Laojiao in the warehouse that I
asked you to investigate yesterday? Have you found the

Oh, about that…

“I’m still investigating it. The culprit is extremely clever,

sly, smart, suave and handsome. He didn’t leave any clues

“How dare you bullshit me!” Shen Yiren smacked me in the

face with an inkstone again… Hey, enough! What the hell is with you
and your bloody inkstones?! How many times is this?!

“Su Xiao found the three jugs in your room. Ming Feizhen,
you trying to be clever now, are you? You’re even stealing
wine from the warehouse now.”

Su Xiao!! You fucking traitor!

Didn’t we agree to keep that secret?! I treated you like a brother
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and yet you betrayed me?!

When Su Xiao saw the murderous intent in my eyes, he was

slightly confused, and quickly avoided eye-contact: “What we said
a few days ago doesn’t count. And Tang Ye said you didn’t
even return at night.”

Fuck you, Tang Ye! Make sure you hide yourself here you bitch!!

Tang Ye returned my look of determination and hinted: Alright,

tonight, how about it?

Me: Fuck you! Who’d want to meet you at night!

Tang Ye put on a blatantly obvious expression of disappointment.

Su Xiao didn’t understand our eye-conversation and looked on with
envy… Could you please not act like that? It makes the atmosphere
in our team weird.


*Laojiao = A very famous liquor in China

** The ten Celestial or Heavenly Stems are a Chinese system of

ordinals that first appear during the Shang dynasty, ca. 1250 BCE, as
the names of the ten days of the week. They were also used in
Shang-period ritual as names for dead family members, who were
offered sacrifices on the corresponding day of the Shang week.

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Vol.1 Chapter 42
That’s Because You’re Stupid

Shen Yiren set us straight: “Alright, stop picking on them.

You’re older than them, and yet you’re the one that’s least
reliable. All three of you are ranked. Tang Ye is ranked two-
hundred and twentieth, Su Xiao is ranked two-hundred and
fortieth, and you’re ranked four hundredth. Reflect on
yourself, alright?”

“Wait a second!”

I don’t want to be ranked, but since I’m ranked, they need to rank
me appropriately.

“Why are Su Xiao and Tang Ye ranked so high? Wasn’t I the

one that solved the case? Why are they the ones getting the

“If you’re looking at the big picture, then you’re right.”

Shen Yiren wore a helpless expression and continued: “But once I
recounted everything you did, Sir Sui felt that you didn’t
actually do anything incredible. As a matter of fact, you were
ranked thanks to them.”


3, 2, 1 thinks otherwise?

“I don’t accept this! I want a proper explanation!”

“First, Su Xiao was the one that stopped the fight between
the Qilin Guards and the Orange Prince’s men, right?”

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She wouldn’t believe me if I told her I took down all six of them,

“Right. And the one who took down the grave robbers was
Tang Ye, right?”


“And when Jia Yunfeng snuck attack us when the Orange

Prince came looking for trouble, Su Xiao was the one who
stopped the Orange Prince, while Tang Ye stopped Jia
Yunfeng, right? All you did was take the book from the tomb.
Heck, you even got poisoned and then ended up throwing it
wherever. In fact, you nearly put it into the Orange Prince’s
hands, right?”


“So your ranking is justified.”

Son of a bitch!!!

What sort of fucking logic is this?!!

Boss Shen ignored me. It was rare, but she was gentle for once.
She said: “You guys have worked hard. That was a very
important step. If you can’t even make the underground
ranks, you won’t get selected to compete in the imperial
martial arts tournament. I’m very happy that you three have
achieved this feat in less than half-a-month of joining. I’ll
give you guys half-a-day off work today, go and have fun.”

Su Xiao who was sixteen was still at the playful age. He happily
grabbed my arm and said: “Brother Ming, Brother Ming, where
are we going to go?”

Me: “Eight Deities Tavern! Dong Po Restaurant! Choose

266 Report
Su Xiao: “Ugh! I don’t want to eat braised pork shoulders
with soy sauce.”

You finally said it! You’re a stupid, tasteless, uncultured idiot who
doesn’t understand the intricacies, culture and beauty of braised
pork shoulders in soy sauce!

Tang Ye didn’t look happy. That punk is a martial-arts-training-nut.

He’s probably going to use this break to train. Fine, I’ll definitely trick
Su Xiao into treating me to braised pork shoulders in soy sauce!

Shen Yiren out of the blue said: “Yan Ling, don’t train today.”


Looks like she hit the nail on the head. Tang Ye didn’t look too

“I know you’re dedicated to your martial arts training. I

want you to become stronger too. But closing yourself off
isn’t going to help you improve. You’re still young so spend
some time on your own life. Go see how others spend their
time and life.” Boss Shen is only a year older than Tang Ye, but she
had much more life-experience than him. She was bestowed the A-
rank warrior title by the emperor himself after all.

I gestured to Tang Ye to drink: Let’s drink. You foot the bill.

Tang Ye smiled and nodded, so I guess he agreed.

Fantastic! Su Xiao’s treating me to food, and Tang Ye’s treating me

to drinks today!

Just as I was struggling to decide between the Eight Deities Tavern

and Dong Po Restaurant, Shen Yiren said: “But. One of you
performed very poorly. Yan Ling, Xiao Han, you two go on
ahead. Ming Feizhen, you stay back.” Tang Ye and Su Xiao
looked at each other, felt that something was a bit strange, but left
267 Report


Th-this again? She smacked me in the face with an inkstone last

time she told me to stay behind.

I’m not going to answer any of your questions pertaining to me

peeping at your boobs just now.

“You were checking me out again just now, weren’t you?

You’re always stepping out of line.”

Fuck, busted again!!

“I’m sorry, boss!”

I retreated a step as I feared her Divine Inkstonesmanship. Shen

Yiren stepped closer. Her long swan-like beautiful neck and her jade-
like tall stature meant that she only had to tilt her head upwards
slightly to look at me. Our eyes met. I didn’t know what to do.

She looked at me for a long time before asking: “Why?”

Is that a trick question?

“B-because you’re pretty.”

Shen Yiren paused, then blushed and asked: “I didn’t ask you
about that. I was asking you why you wanted to stay at Liu
Shan Men?”

Huh? That’s your question?

“To be honest, I recruited you in the first place to get your

gugu to join Liu Shan Men. I also knew your sect would be a
good source of support, which is why I made an exception
and recruited you officially as a constable.”
268 Report
She then continued: “Su Xiao is naive and pure. He’s not skilled yet
but his ideals align with ours. I believe he should stay as it’s the best
place for him to enact and pursue his ideals. Tang Ye may be out for
vengeance, but I believe I can help him find the culprit and help him
get his revenge, thereby making this a suitable home for him.

But I have no idea what you’re after. Ming Feizhen, answer me, can
Liu Shan Men provide you with what you want? Why did you choose
this place?”

“I want to ask you a question first, vice-captain.”

“Ask away.”

“It’s about that book. If I couldn’t get the book to the

emperor like that back there, and it was up to you, how
would you have dealt with it?” I paused for a moment and then
continued in a stronger tone: “Everybody knows that the
emperor dotes on his sons. He may not punish the Orange
Prince severely even if he knew about his corruption.
However, Liu Shan Men would end up offending a prince like

“I…” Shen Yiren paused to think and then said: “I’d still bash

I sighed and said: “How stupid.”

Shen Yiren looked at me with disdain and said: “You’re fucking


“I wouldn’t do something so stupid if I were you.” I rubbed

my face that was hurting slightly and continued: “But I’m very
proud that I have a superior who’d do something stupid like
that. That’s why I chose Liu Shan Men. Are you satisfied with
this answer of mine, vice-captain?”

Shen Yiren kept her eyes on me. I wasn’t sure what her evaluation
269 Report
of me was.

She then suddenly said: “Boss.”


Shen Yiren glanced and me and said: “In future, call me ‘boss’
when we’re alone. You’ve called me boss so many times that
I’m not used to it when you call me vice-captain.”

“Boss! I, Ming Feizhen shall serve you with every fibre of

my being!”

“Go and have fun with Yan Ling and Su Xiao. You have to
return to work tomorrow so don’t go overboard. Do you have
anything left to say?”

I rubbed my face that got smacked with the inkstone and said:
“No, nothing… Oh, you don’t close the door properly
sometimes when you get changed, so I stood guard for you in
case someone tried to peep. You don’t have to thank me.”

Smack. Smack.

I got slapped with an inkstone again… To hell with this Divine


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Vol.1 Chapter 43
The Orange Prince Wants to Stir Trouble

The melodies of bamboo musical instruments could be heard and

beautiful dancers dancing could be seen at the Orange Prince’s
residence, however, he was in no mood to enjoy the beautiful scene.

I heard he got even more irritated after and fell to the floor with a
loud thud while he had a cup of tea in one hand. I heard he got
injured from his fall. The dancers and musicians went pale but they
didn’t dare to stop playing and dancing. Everybody knows the prince
gets angry easily, but you can’t show your fear of his rage in front of
him or he’d get even angrier.

“Get lost!! All of you!!”

Everybody in the room felt like they’d just been spared the death
penalty at his order and swiftly left the room. There was only one
swordsman dressed in white who stayed by his side. That swordsman
was none other than the prince’s competent assistant, Hua Shan’s
leader, Jia Yunfeng.

“Who the hell is that guy?! How come my men didn’t find
anything after three days when he found it in the blink of an

The men the Orange Prince sent were Jia Yunfeng’s disciples, so he
was basically attacking him by saying that.

Jia Yunfeng embarrassingly said: “There’s no need to get

angry, your highness. I’ve looked into that guy. He’s just a
constable that was recruited by Liu Shan Men recently called
Ming Feizhen. Your highness, you know how Liu Shan Men
held a recruitment exam recently to reinforce their ranks and
show off at the martial arts tournament, so their recruits
272 Report
can’t be bad.”

The Orange Prince slammed his hand on the table and exclaimed:
“He’s not bad, while your men are fucking disgraceful! I had
Hua Shan, Song Shan and Qing Cheng, three large sects. You
were the one that told me your sect could take on three
sects, that’s why I went and offended the other two leaders.
You then came up with the stupid idea of having your
disciples disguise themselves as disciples of the Demon Sect
and getting them to steal the book from Cha Yuan’s home. In
the end, you couldn’t get the book and even disgraced me in
front of my father.”

The prince got angrier as he spoke. He then grabbed a flower vase

and said: “I’m grounded! I’m grounded! I’m the one that’s
grounded! You on the other hand are fucking fine. Fuck you;
grounded my mortherfucking ass!” As he was speaking he threw
the vase out and shattered it to pieces.

“Your highness, that’s a porcelain vase exclusive to the

palace during the Song dynasty.”

“So the fuck what?! I’m pissed off!”

I’m stubborn!

The prince was clearly throwing a fit and would’ve gone off

whether or not Jia Yunfeng tried to comfort him. Master Jia could only
stand at the door silently like the swordsman he was.

After a while when he calmed down a bit, he finally asked: “You

said… Liu Shan Men recruited three people right? What are
their names and what are their personalities like?”

“Yes. Liu Shan Men held a recruitment exam and recruited

three young men. One is called Tang Ye, another Ming
Feizhen, and another called Su Xiao.” Jia Yunfeng clearly did
273 Report
some digging around, and counted his fingers like a mathematician
as he said: “The most skilled fighter among them is Tang Ye.
He knows more than ten styles. If I were to fight him, I don’t
think I could defeat him within the first one hundred moves.
He was the one who fought me at the Vermillion Hall that

“His martial arts skills aren’t bad. I’d like to recruit him if
possible. What about that bitch who took me hostage?” The
prince got angry as he remembered the person who threatened him
that day. He licked his lips and continued: “I want to make her my
slave and make her have a taste of what it’s like to be

“That person’s name is Su Xiao…” Master Jia got a little thrown

off when he mentioned Su Xiao.

“I think he’s a guy.”

The Orange Prince was stunned: “It’s a he? A guy looking that

“I think so. I’m not too sure, because even Liu Shan Men’s
people aren’t sure themselves…”

“Yunfeng, where do you get your information from? How

did you turn a beauty into a guy? Are you telling me the one
that threatened me and held me hostage is a monster? Is
your informant the leader of the Demon Sect, or is he the
leader of the martial world alliance?”

Jia Yunfeng is without question smart and strong, but the three
Shen Yiren chose are just rarities. He could only sigh and accept it as
bad luck: “His name is Ming Feizhen. There’s not much
information on him. I just heard he’s the disciple of a famous
and reputable sect.”
274 Report
“So what if he’s from a famous sect? Can any other famous
sect compare to you? You just don’t want to help, right?” The
Orange Prince has been grounded for ten downs now and had no
freedom. He got angrier and asked: “Where are you, Batian?”

“Present. Please give me your orders, your highness.”

A big formidable, mean looking guy in a grey robe from outside

came in.

He was the largest tyrant in the capital called Xiang Batian. His
family was originally served the empress. Decades ago, the emperor
married her when he was still just a prince. They did a lot for the
empress so after the emperor ascended the throne and the empress
was in power, she brought them along. They’re a family which can
pretty much have their way in the capital.

Xiang Batian is a deviant in the Xiang family. He was born with a

strong mind and body, as well as loving to fight. He was picking
fights with gangsters in the capital before he was thirteen or fourteen
and also usually won. He attacks viciously, never pulling any
punches. Most of his opponents suffered severe injuries like broken
bones or damaged nerves.

The elders of the Xiang family felt that he was hard to restrain so
they sent him to Cold Mountain Temple, one of the eight largest sects
in Jiang Nan to study Buddhism and learn martial arts. They were
trying to improve his personality and temperament. Before they
knew it, twenty years had passed.

When he returned, he was an adult. He studied Buddhism and

learnt martial arts in those twenty years but his personality didn’t
improve. As a matter of fact, he got more violent and vicious. The
temple advocated peace and kindness. The elders of Cold Mountain
Temple understood his temperament, so they didn’t teach him any
high level martial arts. They just had him clean and do mundane
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Xiang Batian never could stand life in the temple. Add on the fact
that he wasn’t taught martial arts, and his hatred only grew. One
night, he strangled a samanera who was on cleaning duty with him to
death. He then stole some secret manuals in the attic he was tasked
with cleaning. He stole a copy of the “Cold Heavens Sabre Arts”,
and a copy of the “Golden Armour” manuals. He then left Jiang Nan
and spent over a decade mastering them before returning.

He didn’t rush to return. The first thing he did was return to Cold
Mountain Temple, and decapitated the shifu which put him on
cleaning duty. He even killed the seven monks who tried to
apprehend him. The incident shook all of Jiang Nan. That made it
hard for him to find his footing in the martial world, so he could only
serve government officials and the sort.

He then used his family’s relationship with the empress to join the
Orange Prince. The Orange Prince had always behaved like he was
above the law, so he was happy to have people like Xiang Batian at
his disposal.

The prince laughed evilly and said: “Haha, Batian, is life in the
residence alright for you? Are you still ‘using’ that female
entertainer I rewarded you?”

Xiang Batian played along. He laughed evilly and said: “She’s

fantastic! You’ve got good taste, your highness. That girl is

“That goes without saying. Not only do I have good taste, I

can also use my hips very well. Hahahahaha.” The Orange
Prince has been depressed these last few days, so he was very glad
to have someone who he could get along with.

Jia Yunfeng stood silently to one side with his eyes slightly shut. He
acted as the Orange Prince’s personal bodyguard as the leader of a
sect, so he was treated differently. Moreover, he was prideful and
wouldn’t talk with the prince about these unbecoming sorts of topics.
276 Report
“Master Jia, you’re not asleep are you?”

Jia Yunfeng was the Orange Prince’s best warrior. Xiang Batian was
always eyeing his position. He always wore a look of scrutiny on his
face when he met Jia Yunfeng.

“Master Jia, we’ve been working together for a year now,

so why are you still acting so distant?”

Jia Yunfeng had never liked Xiang Batian, so he frowned but

refrained from answering.

“Cut the bullshit. Batian, you can choose any of the

warriors from my residence. Pick and choose until you’re
happy.” The Orange Prince wore a cruel and cold smile which
contradicted his violent temperament, and continued: “I want you
to go beat someone up, capture another and kill the other!”

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Vol.1 Chapter 44

You Got Drunk After Two Sniffs. You Can’t Drink for Shit

The flower lanterns ascended to the sky, while the shadow of the
moon obscured things.

Our small team of three strolled along a four way intersection

towards the South of the capital.

Dong Po Restaurant is to the East of the capital, and the Eight

Deities Tavern is to the West of the capital. But because of Su Xiao’s
objections, we ended up going to the fucked up South of the capital.

I insisted on eating braised pork shoulders with soy sauce, but Su

Xiao would rather die than agree. We argued for-and-against back-
and-forth but couldn’t reach a conclusion. In the end, we didn’t go to
Dong Po Restaurant or the Eight Deities Tavern, instead, we went to
the third place I recommended.

This place is a relatively secluded unlike big restaurants like the

Eight Deities Tavern or Dong Po Restaurant. This place is just a small
restaurant. The interior decorations and furniture are relatively plain.
In fact, the tables and chairs are somewhat dirty. The weather today
is perfect for an outing but this place is dead as usual.

People who haven’t been here before probably don’t know its good
points, but I can attest that this place has great dishes.

This place has a special name: Years like Blades.

“Stop!” Su Xiao suddenly had a thought that there was more to

the name and asked: “Years like Blades? What blades?”
278 Report
I laughed smugly and said: “Hmph, ask them yourself.”

The shopkeeper across from us heard Su Xiao’s question, snorted

and said: “Sui Yue* is the name of a knife used to butcher

Su Xiao couldn’t believe his ears. He looked at me and asked:

“We’ve come all the way to the South and you still managed
find a place to eat braised pork shoulders with soy sauce?!”

I glared at him and retorted: “Don’t crap out of your mouth.

There’s no braised pork shoulder with soy sauce here!
There’s only braised pork feet here!”

“Isn’t that the same thing?!”

WHAT?! How dare you, you ignorant punk! How dare you insult
braised pork shoulders with soy sauce and braised pork feet!

Tang Ye ignored us and sat down first: “I’m covering the drinks,
and Su Xiao’s covering the food, correct?”

“Mixed pork feet flowers, Dong Po pork shoulders, gold

pork cheeks, spicy pig waists… Why is everything pork?!” Su
Xiao looked at me with contempt and said: “I want something

“Eat this then.” I chucked him the cucumber in my hand that I’d
eaten half of.

Su Xiao went red in the face. He threw it back at me and said:

“What are you trying to imply by giving me this?! You’re the
one that’s a sulking lady! I’m a man!”

Shit! You’re quite knowledgeable, young man!

I see that you’re very dirty-minded!
279 Report
“Waiter! I want this, this, this, and this…” I ignored him and
ordered a whole series of dishes I’d wanted to eat for a long time but
couldn’t of my thin wallet.

“Brother Ming! You’re not allowed to order so much pork

shoulders! Waiter, give him a bowl of soup, a small plate of
vegetables… Actually, peanuts will do.”

“Are you feeding a chicken?!”

Tang Ye ordered his wine while we weren’t paying attention. He’s

usually quiet and says very little. I wonder how he holds his liquor. I
think I detected a hint of discomfort on the shopkeeper’s face as
though the restaurant was in a chaotic mess.

I quickly asked the waiter what he ordered. When he told me what

he ordered, I almost spat the cucumber in my mouth out.

“What did you order ten jugs of green bamboo leaves


The waiter panicked and said: “Our green bamboo leaves are
different to other places. It’s much stronger. Just a few drinks
will make you drunk. Usually people buy in cups.”

Tang Ye replied: “It’s fine, just bring out what I ordered.”

Su Xiao clapped his hands and said: “Great! Great! We’re

usually always on missions. We finally get to have a drink

Forget Tang Ye, Su Xiao can drink now?!

I planned to get both of them drunk today! But now… Aren’t I the
one that’s going to end up getting drunk?

The waiter tiresomely brought the jugs over one by one: “Your
wine is here!” He then placed three large bowls on our table. He
280 Report
looked at us as if our bellies were going to transform into wine
barrels and looked at us with a gaze of worship.

Tang Ye opened the lid and lifted up the jug of wine. The strong
alcoholic scent filled the air like it was travelling along a transparent
thread that immediately captured our hearts.

I gulped down my saliva.

Well, screw it, it’s not like I’m paying, I’m just going to enjoy it.

Tang Ye filled up the three bowls and placed one in front of each of
us. He then raised his own bowl.

Su Xiao was acting like a mouse as he raised his bowl with two
hands, sniffed the alcohol and then put on a blissful smile all of a

I then raised my bowl too.

“Alright. We’ve been a team for half a month now. Thank

you brothers and sisters, I mean, brothers for looking after
me. In future, we shall work together, and share the burdens
and fortunes together. To our bright futures and friendship,

I finally finished giving my embarrassing speech.


I raised my bowl up and knocked it back. Mmm~ it sure tastes

great! I one-shot the bowl and blew all my air out after as though this
didn’t count as a drink.

“Ha! This wine is strong! You guys…”


281 Report
I saw two guys pass out before even taking a sip. Their heads
banged on the table, and when I checked, they were out cold.


You guys got drunk just sniffing it! You guys can’t drink for shit!

Oh well, now I don’t have to go out of my way to get them drunk.

I continued eating and drinking at the table. I ate the dishes and
drank the wine as they were served up. And of course I ordered the
pork feet that that Su Xiao stopped me from ordering.


I belched loudly. I cleared all the dishes on the table and finished
all ten jugs of wine.

The two kids were out cold, and missed out on the dishes and the

Time to get on with business.

I got up and said: “You, the one hiding over there, come out.”

A few large looking men came out from the dark alley. The leader
of the group was very tall. Judging by his breathing pattern, he
should’ve learnt the Qi Hardening technique, and Golden Armour
type of arts. The others were nothing compared to him.

The leader took big strides towards me while laughing loudly, and
said: “You three must be the three my master are after.
Announce yourself so that I don’t waste my time. I don’t like
to ask questions.”

My table was at a dark obscure corner. The light from street lamps
didn’t reach this location, and since I was looking down, he didn’t see
what I looked like.
282 Report
I kept silent.

“Didn’t I just say I don’t like to ask questions?”

He laughed hideously and threw his fist towards my face. He was

aggressive and his strike caused a ripple in the wind that sounded
like the cry of a night owl, while the force was like lightning strike.
His strike was powerful, but his fist turned soft part way through.

I caught his jelly-like body because he passed out and tossed him

Before he churned up his qi, he got struck by my palm strike.

Because my strike hit his meridians, he was going to be out for three
days, and he shouldn’t remember anything after waking up.

I shot a glance at the other four who were still clueless as to what

“Your master is in bad luck, I’m not free today.”

Before the look of surprise in their eyes disappeared, I attacked

with a palm strike which split into four directions and entrapped
them. All four of them passed out in an instant without knowing what

There was nothing special about my palm strike. I just boosted it

with my internal energy from Yijin Jing and executed it quickly. If you
could take that instant and split it into four different intervals, you
could probably get a clearer picture of what I mean. The four of them
got hit one by one.

Before they passed out, I caught a glimpse of their eyes which

showed that they had no idea what was going on, as well as the fear
you feel when something exceeds your comprehension. The look in
their eyes reminded me of the old days.

Back then… But doesn’t everybody look at me like that anyway?
283 Report
I looked up at the moon in the night sky.

I think the moon had a clear colour like that back then too.

There are a lot of other things I have to do tonight.

I’d better get moving.

After two steps, I turned around and yelled to the shopkeeper:

“Shopkeeper! The bill for the meal will be paid by the maiden

The shopkeeper ran out after, glanced at the sweet sleeping Su

Xiao who was smiling like an idiot and said: “Okay~ it’s your


*岁月(Sui Yue) = Years; the original phrase used here is岁月如刀

BONUS: More Ming Suwen artwork. The author has said he will be
getting one piece of artwork for one character each week. This one
was chosen among many entries. The artist is 三笙如月 (San Sheng
Ru Yue; Three Reedpipes like the Moon). If you want more artwork
from San Shen Ru Yue and can access Weibo, the artist’s Weibo
account is:

You can also find more of the artists works by baidu or googling 三

Archer, after a long wait and no response from Lee TaiBai, I looked
through San Sheng Ru Yue’s collection and he/she was also the one
behind the other Ming Suwen piece. Took a long time, but we found
out in the end.
284 Report

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285 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 45
Detective Ming Feizhen

“Village chief, thank you for opening the door for me so

late at night. By the way, why do you have the keys to Cha
Yuan’s house?”

“If I didn’t have a copy of the key, what would we do if

someone couldn’t return home at night? That’s why those
who trust me in the village have me keep a copy of their key
with me.” The village chief shakily took out a key and opened the
lock. Well, this is nice since I won’t have to damage Cha Yuan’s door

“Sir Ming, you must be considerate of us citizens as an


Since when was I an official…?

“Chief, I’m a constable, not an official.”

“It’s all the same. Sir Ming, I’m glad you’re here.
Something strange happened in our village and I’d like to
hear your judgement.” As soon as he stuck the key in, he stopped.
He looked at me and revealed a genuinely sly smile.

Fuck, is he threatening me?

“Alright, alright, let’s hear it.”

“It’s nothing much really. It’s just that people always

drown in a lake in our village during autumn. What do you
suggest we do?”

Are you people brainless? If people drown in autumn, why not just
286 Report
go in summer then?

The village chief’s reply was even more mind-boggling: “That’s no

use. They all drown in summer.”

“How the heck do they still die in summer?”

“We’re used to going there in summer. I explained it to

them as soon as the season changed.”


Fucking retards!

I ignored the village chief’s rambling, extended my hand and

unlocked the door. I then looked towards the village chief and gave
him an inexpressive smile.

“Please stop, chief. I need to conduct an investigation of

the scene, so citizens are not permitted to enter.”

The village chief thud his chest and said: “You officials!”

How many times do I have to say it? I’m not an official!

I quickly and quietly entered Cha Yuan’s house. I knocked left and
right to see if there were any suspicious places.

Although the emperor has explained the story to me, there’s still
something that I can’t get over.

That question is how do the disciples of Hua Shan know the Demon
Sects martial arts?

I had no explanation for that.

At first I thought that Hua Shan’s Energy Fusion Technique was

special and could be used to imitate the martial arts of other sects.
But after thinking about it, The No Man No Me technique is a
287 Report
technique taught to new disciples of the Demon Sect, but the Hua
Shan disciples were able to mix some genuine techniques with some
fake techniques and pass it off convincingly. Even the Qilin Guards
who specialise in subduing the Demon Sect couldn’t tell.

Some people think it’s easy to learn the Demon Sect’s basic
swordsmanship, but that’s not true.

Lots of martial artists don’t spare a thought for the fundamental

techniques of schools. But isn’t it said that experts can apply the
techniques to combat just by seeing them? Shaolin’s abbot’s Yijin
Jing is renowned throughout the martial world, but if you were to ask
him to perform Wu Dang’s kicks, which is from Wu Dang’s Long Fist
style that any farmer could do, he may not be able to perform the
whole thing. The underlying principles of each style are different, so
just merely watching isn’t enough. One needs to train it before they
can use it.

So saying that the Hua Shan disciples could use the basic
swordsmanship style of the Demon Sect is ridiculous. Most
importantly, what medium did they learn it through? I don’t think
there’s a prick like my shifu in Hua Shan who’d knock all the elders of
the Demon Sect out using poison and then steal their secret

Hua Shan is a famous sect of justice. Even if we say that they were
researching other styles, they’d research Shaolin’s Staff style, Wu
Dang’s Fists or even Emei’s Swordsmanship, not the Demon Sect’s
style. And this so-called research comes in two forms.

The first form is where two friendly sects engage in exchanges with
each other and learn from one another.

The second form is where disciples of a sect encounter other

disciples from other sects in the pugilistic world, memorise their
techniques, imitate them when they return and record them.
288 Report
There’s no way Hua Shan and the Demon Sect were holding
sparring sessions and exchanging knowledge. It’s not strange for
them to know a few moves if they encountered disciples of the
Demon Sect in the pugilistic world, but all the techniques from a
move-set? That’s unbelievable.

As such, the only interpretation left is that those Hua Shan

disciples learnt the techniques from someone who knows the Demon
Sect’s martial arts.

In other words, there are still members of the Demon Sect hiding in
the capital.

I entered Cha Yuan’s room and swept my eye over it. His son has
been living here since he passed away. The room was absolutely
filthy as though there were venomous snakes slithering around. I
should’ve expected that much since his son, Zha Pi, wouldn’t have
taken care of it given his personality.

I wasn’t hugely interested in the objects in the room, but the

overall feel.

The disciples of the Demon Sect have a system for choosing the
direction of the door, the location of beam pillars, where furniture is
placed, the materials and even its scent are different. The room was
messy but had a faint sense of familiarity.

It’s the exact same as the room of a disciple of the Demon Sect.

But the most important piece of the puzzle was still missing.

I looked around and then walked towards Cha Yuan’s spiritual

tablet. The room was a mess but the tablet looked like it was the only
thing looked after. It looked like somebody had been very careful
with cleaning it. Zha Pi is staying at Liu Shan Men and hasn’t been
back in more than ten days.

I touched the tablet with my left hand. It was made from bamboo
289 Report
and carried the scent of orchids. The scent was so faint that it most
likely would’ve been missed had it not been me.

The scent reminded me of something.

I used to always smell this scent many years ago.

This isn’t something from the central plains.

There’s a type of bamboo that’s proud but not lonely, which

contains a serene sent like the one from Empty Valley Orchid. This
bamboo is called Lan Jun Zhu, and is grown in a place to the West
called Lawless and Boundless.

Lawless and Boundless is one of the two large factions of the

Demon Sect. It’s where the headquarters of the Dark Moon Faction is

There was a big fight between Ximen Chuideng and the sects of
justice there five years ago.

I finally realised who was hiding in the capital.

I also finally realised why those from the Orange Prince’s residence
chose to disguise themselves as Lan Jun Zhu Kong’s members now.

It really is them.

It’s the Dark Moon Faction of the Demon Sect’s fourth rank – Lan
Jun Zhu Kong.

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291 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 46
Lan Jun Zhu Kong

There are a group of people that can be described as so.

They move around while avoiding attracting attention.

You’ll find them in temples as well as in the pugilistic world. You’ll

find traces of them in the marketplace as well as the palace.

They go about their business extremely low-key. You may know of

them, but you’ll be hard-pressed to state exactly what it is they’re
doing. What’s even harder is pinpointing their location.

They may not do much, but when they do something, it’s always
something huge. They’re usually elusive, but when they do appear,
they appear in a shocking manner.

They serve the emperor faithfully and take orders from him

They are the emperor’s entourage.

On a night with few stars. At an abandoned courtyard at the

outskirts of Nan Jing.

A tall handsome man stared into the courtyard. His surname was
Tie, and his given name was Hanyi. People in the pugilistic world call
him Tiexue Hanyi. They call him so as his martial arts have reached
their peak. His internal energy is in a league of its own making him
formidable. According to legend, a man once said that a large sabre
weighing more than thirty kilograms was used to cut down on Tiexue
Hanyi during his sleep. But when the blade was brought down, there
was only a clang sound. The blade got chipped, but Tie Hanyi was
perfectly fine.
292 Report
Tie Hanyi is ranked twenty-first on Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings. He’s
basically got a shoe in for the top twenty ranks to join those in the Jia
level. He’s also one of the highly skilled fighters in the emperor’s

There was a young looking beauty standing next to Tie Hanyi. She
had a silver bow strapped to her back and was covered with a black
cloth to keep it hidden. She too is a highly skilled fighter in the
emperor’s entourage. The pugilistic world calls her Ye Luo of the
Silver Bow Falling Leaf. She may be young but her archery skills are
incredible. She once shot through seven leaves which a single arrow,
hence her moniker. She’s ranked just below Tie Hanyi on Liu Shan’s
Elite Rankings at rank twenty-two.

Those in the pugilistic looked at the beautiful couple as a star of

calamity though.

Those in the pugilistic world aren’t afraid of Liu Shan Men if they
haven’t done any evil deeds. If they haven’t offended any officials or
ministers, then they need not be afraid of the Qilin Guards. But
everybody avoids the emperor’s entourage regardless of whether
they’re with the good or bad sects, because they’re the plague. It’s
literally like getting arrested for cleaning your own house.

The emperor’s entourage handles big cases of the royal family.

When they take action, it’s out of necessity and when the fuse has
been lit, meaning it’s too late to do anything. When they appear, you
know that there’s going to be a downpour of blood. Even if you just
happened to bump into them then, you won’t be able to escape

Since Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo appeared, it means this place had
caught their attention.

They were investigating an unsolved case, a case that was

considered a cold case.
293 Report
Cha Yuan was killed a year ago by the Demon Sect, but the
reasons surrounding his death are unclear.

Cha Yuan was a member of the emperor’s entourage and was once
in Tie Hanyi’s position. When he was still alive, he sneaked into the
Orange Prince’s residence to gather evidence of his misdeeds. It
always went smoothly, but he was somehow discovered during his
last infiltration after handing over evidence, which resulted in the
Orange Prince’s men trying to kill him. In the end, however, he ended
up dying at the hands of the Demon Sect.

Tie Hanyi was once Cha Yuan’s subordinate so he wanted to find

out the reason behind his superior’s death as well as find out who the
culprit was. Based on the evidence thus far, he deduced that this
courtyard was highly suspicious.

Everything was going to be come to light tonight.

Tie Hanyi pushed the door open and the two of them sneaked in.
The courtyard was supposedly once the property of an official, but
was then abandoned for unknown reasons. People rarely come by the
place so it was fairly deserted.

But there was somebody there in that deserted place.

“It’s a beggar.” Ye Luo looked at the man sleeping with his head
and face covered in the middle of the courtyard, and said: “Brother
Tie, be careful, it might be a trap.”

Tie Hanyi too found it strange but didn’t comment. He just gave Ye
Luo an order with his eyes. Ye Luo gracefully nodded and reached for
the bow on her back.

“I’m going to speak to him.” Tie Hanyi took a few steps forward
while Ye Luo stayed back outside the door to support him with her
bow. That’s their tactic as a team.

Tie Hanyi took two steps forward. Then the shadow of a person
294 Report
from the roof came flying towards him like an arrow. In front of him
was a punch, the wind was extremely strong, and the force of the
strike was like thunder. His opponent wasn’t any less skilled than

If Tie Hanyi were to retreat now, the opponent would go for Ye Luo.
Ye Luo may be skilled with her bow, but she was weak with close
quarter’s combat, so she mightn’t have been able to fend against the
attacker’s powerful attacks. Tie Hanyi paused, roared and then
retaliated with his own punch.

His opponent didn’t cower, and took three punches and a kick
head-on. When their fists collided, it was like two sledgehammers
banging against each other which would worry anyone.

Tie Hanyi just took a small step back and stopped his body while
his opponent used the Seven Stars Steps to retreat, putting a big
distance between them. Tie Hanyi now saw clearly that the opponent
was wearing clothing made of cloth and his appearance wasn’t
anything shocking. In fact, he looked like a forthright man.

Tie Hanyi shouted: “Who are you?!” After he finished speaking,

he noticed his inner breathing was slightly erratic. It turned out that
he was unable to completely nullify the attacks of his opponent and
had already suffered minor injuries. He finally realised why his
opponent used the Seven Stars Steps. He did that to nullify the
impact of his own punch.

Tie Hanyi was shook, and he sunk his breath to his dan tian: “Who
are you? Why did you attack me?”

The beggar on the ground looked like he got woken up by the

noise. He looked at Tie Hanyi and then suddenly shouted:
“Heavens, please donate some money to me.”

Tie Hanyi has already been attacked so he wasn’t sure if the

beggar was up to something: “Spare me the theatrics, who are
295 Report
you trying to fool? Get up!” He aggressively grabbed the shoulder
of the beggar which shattered the shoulder bones of the beggar.

The beggar cried and shrieked. He was in so much pain he was in

tears: “Oh my god, help me! I’m beating assaulted by an
official, please help me! You can’t do this even if it’s the

Tie Hanyi was stunned. Does this beggar really not know any
martial arts?

The beggar cried: “What did you hit me for?! It hurts! Oh my

god! My shoulder is broken!”

While maintaining his guard against the strong man he fought

earlier, he apologised: “Sorry sir, I thought you were a bad
person. Please come over here so that my colleague can
protect you.”

The beggar went from sad to happy. His sad face relaxed itself and
he revealed an evil smile: “There’s no need for that then. I’m
not a good person after all.” Tie Hanyi was alert once again. A
silver light flashed from underneath he beggar’s sleeve and reached
for his neck.

Tie Hanyi raised his right arm to guard himself, and when the blade
made contact with him, a clang rang through the air.

The beggar continued with his evil laugh but didn’t stop. He
slashed a hundred times at Tie Hanyi. His appearance was
regurgitating, but his skills as a martial artist were genuine.

The strong man from before had returned and now it was two
versus one. The surprise attack from the beggar threw Tie Hanyi off
and he lost the advantage, thereby putting him on his back foot.

Unsurprisingly, after ten moves when the beggar had enough

internal energy accumulated, he chopped at Tie Hanyi’s right arm
296 Report
again. Tie Hanyi couldn’t churn up his energy in time, resulting in a
skin deep cut that revealed his bone. Blood from his wound spilled

The strong man laughed and said: “How touching! I’ve heard
your alias before. If you don’t spill a little blood, how can you
live up to it?”

The beggar laughed evilly and said: “I once heard that

someone tried to cut you with a large sabre in your sleep but
couldn’t scratch you. Ignorant people would think that it’s
the Qi Hardening Technique, but they wouldn’t be aware that
not all sabres are created equal. A blade used by a farmer
can’t compare to a formidable blade.”

Tie Hanyi had no time to respond. He was already in danger as is.

He shouted: “Ye Luo! Fire consecutively to support me!”
However, wait as he may, her arrows never came.

Ye Luo appeared after being unable to cope with her situation. She
appeared with someone who looked like a teacher from the country
side who appeared silently and the two were engaged in battle. The
teacher looking man was wielding a sword. He was an expert with
the sword. His attacks were successive and swift leaving her with no
room to counter. After his first attack, Ye Luo was completely on her
back foot. She didn’t have a single opportunity to even set her bow

Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo couldn’t believe their eyes. They were in the
capital, not Heluo or the martial world in Jiang Nan, places where
martial arts fights are intense. How did they ever run into such
powerful foes?

There were two cries as Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo had their meridian
points sealed at the same time. Their bodies went numb as they fell
to the ground.
297 Report
Tie Hanyi roared like an injured lion: “Who on Earth are you

The strong man laughed and said: “You charged in here

without knowing what this place is? How many lives do you
think you have?”

What is this place?

Tie Hanyi was baffled. He raised his head to look at them but could
only see the moonlight, which shone onto the pillars of the courtyard
that had two phrases inscribed on them.

The two phrases were: Wen Jun is so elegant, yet does not know of
Lan Jun bamboo.

A name which had long vanished came to mind.

“Lan Jun Zhu Kong!”


Dan tian: Loosely translated as “elixir field”, “sea of qi”, or

simply “energy centre”. Dantian are the Qi Focus Flow Centres,
important focal points for meditative and exercise techniques such as
qigong, martial arts such as Tai Chi, and in traditional Chinese

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299 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 47
Anecdotes of the Divine Moon Sect

“What are you Lan Jun Zhu Kong demon disciples planning
to achieve by sneaking into the capital?!”

The strong man looked as honest as ever. He responded: “We

don’t intend to do anything. Ever since the Divine Moon Sect
went into chaos, we brothers have secluded ourselves in the
outskirts of the city.”

Tie Hanyi had kept track of the timeline. The Divine Moon Sect
went into a chaotic state five years ago. In other words, they had
been hiding here for five years.

“So you were the ones that killed Big Brother Cha Yuan.”

“Brother Cha?” The beggar gloomily approached them. He pulled

his bone back into place as if it were nothing. His Bone Shrinking Skill
was very well trained. It’s rare to see someone execute that with so
much proficiency.

“You’re members of the emperor’s entourage and yet you

call a disciple of the Demon Sect ‘big brother’? Hehehe, that
was nicely played by Brother Cha. I really want to join the
emperor’s entourage and have some fun now.”

“What the hell are you talking about?! How could Big
Brother Cha be a disciple of the Demon Sect?!”

The strong man bitterly asked: “Cha Yuan wasn’t one of us? If
he wasn’t one of us, he should’ve been able to reach the first
rank of the Jia Level in just a few years given his martial
300 Report
The beggar continued where he left off: “Not only was he a
member of the Divine Moon Sect, he was a member of Lan
Jun Zhu Kong. He went undercover in the emperor’s
entourage as the captain of a small team. When our sect
went into chaos, he took the initiative to contact us and said
that he could help us avoid our pursuers. In exchange, he
asked that we help him consolidate his position in the
emperor’s entourage.”

Ye Luo cut in and exclaimed: “That’s impossible! Don’t listen

to them, Brother Tie. Didn’t Senior Cha die to them in the

“Of course he had to go. That bastard did everything he

could to accomplish merits in order to leave behind a fat
inheritance for his son. He even went to the Orange Prince’s
residence to act as the insiders. I reminded him that he
shouldn’t go to the Orange Prince’s residence. But not only
did he go, he actually went and stole the records book for
you people. He was naive enough to consider handing the
turning the book over. He then took refuge here with us for
two years while he waited for things to settle so that he
could one day return to the emperor’s entourage. Fuck off!
The Orange Prince would dig holes in walls to find him for
stealing the records. When it comes down to it, he’ll just drag
us into the mess. How could we keep an idiot like that

Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo dropped their jaws at what they heard. So
that’s how Cha Yuan died. Their superior whom they’d always
respected turned out to be a disciple of the Demon Sect, and all his
accomplishments were achieved through the aid of these peoples.
Tie Hanyi went silent after hearing the story.

Ye Luo was different, she cleverly noticed a particular sentence

they mentioned: “Why is the Orange Prince’s residence a place
301 Report
to be avoided? You members of the Demon Sect are more
daring than anyone, and yet you don’t dare to go there?”

The beggar replied with disdain: “You people aren’t qualified

to know that.”

Ye Luo deliberately mocked them: Oh, I know! It’s because the Hua
Shan sect just so happens to be there, and you guys are afraid of

“Get fucked! Hua Shan Sect ain’t shit! Hey lass, don’t think
I don’t know you’re trying to provoke me. Listen, the
disciples of the Divine Moon sect aren’t afraid of anybody.
The only people they’re afraid of are… People in the Divine
Moon Sect.”

The swordsman dressed as a teacher frowned and said: “You’ve

said too much!”

The beggar waved his hand and brushed it off: “It doesn’t
matter, they’ll be dead soon anyway. You know how nice the
Orange Prince is. Our members are spread out all over the
place. What makes you think there aren’t any of our
members in his residence when we have members in the
emperor’s entourage?”

Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo exchanged eye contact. They were absolutely
shocked. There were members of the Demon Sect in a prince’s
residence too?! On the surface, it seemed as though the Demon Sect
had broken apart, but in reality, they were everywhere like weeds!

Tie Hanyi looked at Ye Luo. Ye Luo indicated she’d understood. She

lightly tapped Tie Hanyo with her left foot and sent her internal
energy into his body which he used to help him unseal the seal on his
meridian point. This method took a lot more effort to churn up
energy, but it wasn’t like they had the luxury of choice.
302 Report
Tie Hanyi loudly exclaimed: “You want to kill me? Aren’t you
worried that the emperor’s entourage will track you down?!”

The beggar laughed and said: “How strange of you to say that.
We just live in the vicinity as your average every day citizens.
We’re innocent. You’re a hero who’s ticked off a lot of people
while upholding justice. Getting killed by one of those people
you ticked off is completely normal. What’s it got to do with
us poor little men?”

Han Tieyi angrily exclaimed: “You think you can just avoid my
comrades’ investigations? Aren’t you afraid you’ll be

The strong man innocently said: “Your head will be hanging in

a small village thirty metres outside of Hang Zhou tomorrow.
So what’s it got to do with us?”

Han Tieyi was shocked. The tricks up these Demon Sect disciples
sleeves are cunning. The emperor’s entourage would still be able to
find some clues even if their heads vanished into thin air, but if their
heads were to be hung elsewhere unrelated, then this case will
probably never be solved.

The strong man then continued: “As for Miss Ye, she’s far too
beautiful. A feeling we haven’t had in so long is coming onto
us. We can’t pass up the opportunity to spend a night with
her tonight. There are three of us here, so I’m afraid it’ll be
tough on you miss, hahahaha.”

Ye Luo was stunned by what she’d heard. She lost all her strength
in her legs. When she sunk down, the teacher who was keeping
watch at the side noticed what she was doing.

“You trying being smart?!”

He stroked his sword in four directions on Ye Luo’s body. He sealed
303 Report
her meridian points using air and caused no harm to her skin. His
seals completely immobilised her. Ye Luo was startled and wanted to
say: “This person’s sword play is too advanced. I think he could beat
you one-on-one, Brother Tie. I’m afraid that today we’ll…

The teacher faintly said: “I never imagined you’d have such an

amazing skill. I truly admire your ability to send qi via your
feet.” The teacher spoke very eloquently, and was different to the
other two.

The beggar laughed evilly and said: “Oh, so not only are you
skilled with a bow, but your feet as well? I’m going to have to
see for myself tonight.” He stared at her body-lines and ran his
fingers over her body as if he had already procured ownership of her



The strong man laughed and said: “Hehe, Miss Ye, we’re
perverts who couldn’t care less about our lives. You’re Hero
Tie’s lover right? What a pity~ you have a lover and yet fate
won’t let you two be together. But don’t worry, we’ll sleep
with you on his behalf tonight, so that he at least can become
a ghost on the other side that knew what happened.”

The beggar suddenly said: “Then what are we waiting for?” As

soon as he was done talking, he shoved one of his hands deeply into
her shirt.

“How dare you, you sick pervert!”

Tie Hanyi was extremely enraged. His eyes were filled with blood.
Ye Luo’s identity is special. He has to protect her with his life. There
was no way he could let any harm befall her. He vigorously took a
deep breath and felt his body lighten up. He managed to undo the
304 Report
seal. He somersaulted to his feet, and punched towards the beggar’s

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305 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 48
We Run Into Each Other Everywhere in Life

The temple is a large meridian point on the human body that may
cause death upon impact. However, the beggar was skilled. His
knees softened as though they had no joints inside, and he seemed
like he shorten his body, thus causing Tie Hanyi’s punch to just
scrape his head.

However, the force of the punch was enough to make the beggar
dizzy and stunned. The beggar subconsciously drew his sabre and
cut at Tie Hanyi’s waist without hesitation. However, he only heard a
clang. Tie Hanyi’s qigong had kicked in and he recovered his
invincibility ability.

The strong man saw it and got mad: “You were faking it! Fine,
this woman can die!” He angrily kicked towards Ye Luo’s skull. Ye
Luo was completely immobilised, and if it were to land, she was
pretty much dead.

Tie Hanyi panicked. His breathing got obstructed. Before he could

save her, he felt a painful burning sensation on his back. The
beggar’s sabre which resembled a venomous snake broke through
his invincible defence while he was distracted.

The strong man’s kick was originally intended to be a feint. It was

intended to throw off Tie Hanyi’s breathing. Tie Hanyi suddenly
groaned aloud after being struck by two palms that were as hard as
iron on his chest, which created a bone-shattering sound.

Blood spurt forth from Tie Hanyi’s chest. The hero famous for his Qi
Hardening Technique had his chest bones shattered by man’s bare
hands, leaving him on the verge of death.

Tie Hanyi stared at the two of them with bloodshot eyes and said:
306 Report
“Y-you despicable…”

The beggar was still feeling sick from his attack. He stomped his
feet angrily and said: “And you people aren’t?! Would you
people have beaten Sect Leader Ximen if you didn’t resort to
underhanded tactics? Didn’t you people set up a trap for
him? Are you people capable of defeating Lawless and
Boundless? When you people use traps, you call it tactical.
When we use traps, you call us despicable. Man, fuck you!”

The beggar gave him a kick but he didn’t feel much since he was
already severely injured.

“I’ll show you despicable!”

The beggar tore Ye Luo’s collar off. The young girl’s white skin
which was ethereal, light like water, and soft like snow was exposed.
The thick fabric covering her waist that was like a fog, and the fabric
covering her budding bosom was about to be torn off by the beasts.

Ye Luo was stricken with despair and anger, so much that she
could pass out. She’s still yet to understand men, but she knew that
she couldn’t let those beasts have their way with her like that. That
would be worse than death. She opened her mouth slightly.

The strong man reached a hand out and grabbed her by her chin
because he figured that she was trying to suicide by biting her
tongue. Beneath his honest exterior, he’s a beast like the beggar.
He’s never seen a beauty like Ye Luo before. He indecently ran his
hands over her smooth face. His breathing got heavier. He was
panting like a beast that was eager to swallow its prey.

Ye Luo gave up all her thinking. She cried helplessly as she figured
she couldn’t do anything else if she can’t even suicide.

The beggar laughed and asked: “Having not touched a woman

for several years, you can’t resist any longer too, eh?”
307 Report
The strong man swallowed his saliva and said: “This girl is young
and yet her body is so… Sexy.”

The beggar’s eyes followed the strong man’s gaze. Ye Luo was only
sixteen and yet she was sexier than a lot of mature women. She had
a generous bosom, her waist was slim, her butt was curvaceous,
which together created a smoking body. The beggar couldn’t hold
back any longer. He reached his hands upwards and tore her skirt,
which revealed her fine legs, further increasing their raging sexual

The beggar had a bright hot fire in his eyes: “Oh fuck, I can’t
take this anymore! Let’s fuck her!”

The teacher of few words raised the sword in his hands and placed
it against the beggar’s neck.

“What do you think you’re doing, Tian Wen?” The beggar

gloomily raised his head to look at him, and then rolled his eyes,
laughed evilly and said: “Wow, Mr Tian, you usually maintain
formalities and etiquette, but now that you’ve seen a girl
today, you want in too don’t you?”


Tian Wen said in a cold tone: “The justice sects in the martial
arts world and our sect are sworn enemies. These two are
members of the emperor’s entourage, so kill them if you will.
If you kill them, those in the pugilistic world may even sing
you praise as a hero. However, our sect has strict rules about
raping women, so what do you think you’re doing? Have you
lost your mind?!”

The beggar aggressively replied: “Sect’s rules. Sect’s rules my

fucking ass! Our sect leader isn’t even around anymore!
What would we poor souls follow those stupid rules for? If it
were up to me, I’d suggest we go join them.”
308 Report
Tian Wen angrily said: “What did you say?! As long as I
remain the leader of Lan Jun Zhu Kong, I won’t allow my
subordinates to greedily pursue wealth or lust after women
the sick way you do. Since you insist on your ways, how
about you try your Bone Shrinking Techniques against my
Thirteen Fast Blades Sword Techniques?!”

The strong man exchanged eye contact with the beggar secretly
and then said: “Branch Leader Tian is right. How do we explain
ourselves to our fellow clansmen if we rape this girl today?
We can kill her but we can’t fuck her. Don’t be so thirsty.”

The beggar bitterly replied: “Well, since you’ve both said


Tian Wen’s face relaxed a little. He pointed his cold blade at Ye

Luo’s thin neck and said: “Hero Tie, Miss Ye, we’ve secluded
ourselves here for many years and not involved ourselves
with the pugilistic world. We don’t intend to in future either,
but you were the ones who came here today, and we’re
enemies, so sorry.”

Ye Luo had already given up and only wished to be granted death,

however Tian Wen’s words got her worked up again.

As Tian Wen raised his sword up to stab downwards, a strong wind

struck him from behind. He retaliated and sent the strong man back
two steps. Tian Wen frowned and asked: “Are you betraying me?”
But it was pointless as he got struck from behind with a palm strike.

It was the beggar this time.

The beggar was aware that Tian Wen was more skilled than him, so
after his successful sneak attack, he quickly sealed more than ten of
his meridian points.

Tie Hanyi was severely wounded but he was still alert. He hated
309 Report
the beggar from the instant he saw him, but seeing him pinpoint and
strike the meridian points so precisely under the dark blanket of the
night sky more skilfully than some of the most skilled warriors in the
emperor’s entourage, he couldn’t help but admire Lan Jun Zhu Kong.
They really lived up to their reputation.

“How dare you two treat me like this?!”

“Don’t be so annoying!” The beggar smiled evilly. “You got

married here and had a kid. A man like you who gets his fill
can’t understand us depraved men. How long has it been
since the two of us got to lay hands on a woman? This woman
is ours no matter what the fuck you say.”

The strong man apologetically said: “Branch Leader Tian, Lan

Jun Zhu Kong only has us three remaining members after Cha
Yuan died. We don’t want to leave you or betray you. Please
just reward us this woman.”

Tian Wen was powerless to stop them. He was immobilised. He was

so furious his entire body was trembling, as he shouted: “You sick

The beggar laughed and said: “Keep that up and I’ll show you
how much of a bastard I am. I know where your wife lives. Do
you want me to pay her a visit late at night?”

Tian Wen was fuming, but didn’t say anything. Instead he heard
the strong man exclaim: “Wh-where’s the girl?”

“What are you being so rowdy about?”

When he turned around to look, she really wasn’t there anymore!

They couldn’t comprehend what happened. The strong man yelled:

“Where’s Tie Hanyi?!”

The beggar was baffled. If the two of them got away, then Lan Jun
310 Report
Zhu Kong really will be done for.

“Who is it that is playing with me? Please announce


The strong man churned up his internal energy and shouted:


His shout shook the entire vicinity.

The voice of a man still in the courtyard said: “What are you
shouting for? What are the chances I’d bump into you guys
here? I didn’t know this was the hour for picking up women.
It looks like I always appear at bad times.”

The voice sounded young, stable, strong and was clearly coming
from quite some distance away, yet sounded like it was right at their
ears. The voice carried an aura that made them feel discomfort.

Ye Luo laid in said person’s arms and her half naked body was
covered by a single piece of clothing. The piece of clothing carried
the scent of wine. She inferred from the scent and his voice, she felt
like the owner of the voice wouldn’t be afraid of the sky falling down.
She felt her tense body relax as if she was on her beloved bed in her
room at home. Her racing heart slowly calmed down. As she calmed
down, she eventually fell asleep.

The guy placed Ye Luo down gently and said with a helpless
chuckle: “This girl’s such a sleepyhead. She can sleep

The beggar and strong man didn’t know who their guest was, but
they were well aware that his qinggong was extraordinary, and that
he’d be a formidable foe. They released Tian Wen’s sealed meridian
points so that he could help them. It wasn’t any time to be worried
about them offending him earlier. Tian Wen was aware of their strong
teamwork and put aside their own grudges for the time being. He
311 Report
picked up his sword and looked intently in the direction of the voice.

After the guy settled the two members of the emperor’s entourage
down, he slowly walked into the courtyard finally revealing his
appearance to the three members of Lan Jun Zhu Kong.

He was very tall. Tie Hanyi is taller than most people, but their
guest was pretty close in stature. His shoulders were wide, his arms
and legs were long, and his perfectly built muscles could be seen
through the way his clothes sat on his physique. He really seemed
like a man who wouldn’t be afraid of the sky falling down. His face
wasn’t particularly handsome, but looked very relaxed, and matched
his domineering tone. They also felt that while his appearance wasn’t
particularly unique, was very impressionable.

Said person before them was roughly twenty-seven or twenty-

eight, yet had a calm and steady temperament. It was though it
made no difference to him who his opponent was. It was though the
entire world was in his hands.

“We seriously run into each other everywhere in life.”

The guy gave them a friendly smile which sent a sense of fear they
were acquainted with through their bodies.

“Long time no see, my old friends of Lan Jun Zhu Kong.”

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312 Report
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313 Report

Vol.1 Chapter 49
The Master

He could identify them right away so it was apparent that he knew

their secrets. The three members of Lan Jun Zhu Kong decided that
they’d kill him when he was distracted.

At times like this, it was on Bishop Tian to stand at the forefront: “I

am Tian Wen of Lan Jun Zhu Kong. Who might you be, and
which sect do you belong to?”

“My last name is Ming, my first name is Feizhen. I’m a

constable at Liu Shan Men.”

“Liu Shan Men? Ming Feizhen?”

Tian Wen analysed his name, and then angrily asked: “Ming
Feizhen, Ming Feizhen… Are you messing with me?”

Ming Feizhen means “clearly not true or real”, so there was no

way Tian Wen couldn’t figure out it was a fake name.

Ming Feizhen replied indifferently: “I stopped going by my old

name a long time ago. Everybody around me refers to me as
so now. You three sure talk a lot, aren’t you going to

The three of them couldn’t wrap their heads around what he was
trying to achieve. They were secretly afraid. They replied: “It’d be
very strange for us to attack you. We owe you no old debts or
have grudges between us…”

Ming Feizhen suddenly cut them off: “Thirteen Fast Blades,

Seven Willows Wind Returning Sword, and Angry Eyes King
Kong Fists. None of these moves are from the Divine Moon
314 Report
Sect. Did you guys not use your sect’s martial arts even once
when you managed to beat Hero Tie into that state? You guys
sure are careful.”

Tian Wen faintly replied: “We’re used to it. We’ve been very
careful these past five years. We didn’t utilise our sect’s
skills even when helping Cha Yuan complete missions. We
were afraid people would come knocking.”

The beggar finally caved in and asked: “Hey punk, how do you
know our identities?”

Ming Feizhen sighed and said: “Your Dark Moon Faction and
Light Moon Faction fought until there was no way of
resolving the conflict by negotiations. Do you still not
recognise what your mistake was after witnessing your huge
sect get buried from internal strife? You can be as cautious
as you want, but you still operate using the Divine Moon
Sect’s systems. You used Lan Jun bamboo for Cha Yuan’s
spirit tablet. Who wouldn’t be able to figure out your identity
from that?”

The beggar stuttered: “Y-you know Lan Zhu bamboo?”

Tian Wen forcefully suppressed his suspicions, calmed himself

down and asked: “I’d heard that Liu Shan Men had gone quiet a
long time ago. I never expected them to have a talent like
you. What is your motivation for joining them?”

“For old friends.”

“To save someone?* So you want to save those two? If that

is so, we can look for another place to seclude ourselves to.
We can talk this out.”

Liu Shan Men and the emperor’s entourage are both regulated by
the royal court and their relationship has never been bad, so Tian
315 Report
Wen’s assumption was normal.

“I meant for old friends.”

“These two are your friends?”

“No, I don’t know those two.”

Tian Wen got even more confused: “Aside from them, there’s
only us here. Don’t tell me that we’re your old friends.”

Ming Feizhen laughed.

He smiled amicably again. Tian Wen and co. couldn’t shake off the
feeling that a sword was pressed up against their throat. They were
in a precarious situation but powerless to resist.

Tian Wen’s forehead was sweating as he asked: “Who exactly

are you?”

“Just a retired… Person who doesn’t want to bother with

the pugilistic world.”

The beggar couldn’t put up with the strange atmosphere and

thundered: “Who the fuck cares! Get him!”

After he thundered, he quickly pulled out his sabre, illuminating a

silver light. Tian Wen followed fit from behind and created countless
sword clones. The strong man gathered up all the internal energy he
could muster and raised it to its peak inside his body.

The beggar and Tian Wen’s martial skills were already among the
top-class in the world, so they had very few flaws. Their combined
sabre light and sword clones ruthlessly went towards Ming Feizhen
like tidal waves. There were just two of them and yet just their sword
and sabre were a force to be reckoned with. These were their
genuine skills from the Divine Moon Sect. The strong man took a
deep breath and leapt at Feizhen with everything he had like an old
316 Report

They didn’t dare to reveal their real skills when fighting Tie Hanyi,
and yet now they were worried that their maximum efforts wouldn’t

The man before them pressured them into putting their lives on
the line.

Ming Feizhen didn’t dodge, and instead shut his eyes.

A sabre, sword and fist approached him like an angry wild animal
that smelt blood. Ming Feizhen stood in place with his eyes shut and
let them attack him.

The more they attacked, the more worried they became. The more
they attacked, the emptier their minds felt. Their energy slowly got
sapped away, but they hadn’t yet seen a drop of blood from him.

The blades made contact with his body, yet seemed to be hitting a
strong wall of air that was keeping them away.

Tian Wen sadly said: “Strong Body Protection Qi…” His

statement carried discouragement, guilt, sadness and many more
emotions, but he was the only one who could speak. The beggar and
the strong man went pale in the face. Their hands and feet were
turning cold as ice.

“Strong Body Protection Qi!”

Converting your inner qi energy into an external energy to protect

your entire body is like a martial art of the gods. According to legend,
no one other than the top ten ranked masters in the Black and White
Reflection are capable of mastering that skill.

How were they going to match him when he’d mastered the skill at
such a young age?
317 Report
Tian Wen suddenly yelled: “No Man No Me.”

They got into formation for their sword formation with a hint of
indescribable ruthlessness. The beggar and the strong man were in a
daze at first, but then executed the same technique right after. The
beggar used his sabre, while the strong man used his finger, and yet
the power behind their sword technique wasn’t bad.

The force of their attacks had multiplied.

Ming Feizhen widened his eyes: “Oh?”

That sword formation is the Divine Moon Sect’s formation taught to

newcomers. Given their identities, the three of them shouldn’t be
using it during a battle to the death.

But it’s weird. There was once a disciple who defeated an elder in
the sect using that style. It wasn’t because he was particularly skilled
or the elder was weak. It was because when combined with the
specific mental cultivation script, and executed without regards for
consequences can become multiple times stronger.

It’s a style that inflicts damage to both the opponent and the user.
The power is increased multiple folds, but the damage inflicted upon
oneself is also multiplied. It’s like dealing eight-hundred damage to
your opponent and suffering one-thousand damage yourself.

When that disciple defeated the elder by increasing the output ten-
fold, he won the bout but lost his life after.

The three of them were highly skilled fighters in the Divine Moon
Sect, and they were now increasing the output together to its
absolute peak.

The power from their attack was like the Yangtze River coming in.
The force of the attack left a crack mark on the marble floor and the
sound would send anybody into shock. In that moment, the three of
them reached a level they could only dream of. It was only for a short
318 Report
time, and it was at a very high cost, but in that moment, the three of
them had individually reached the level of a peerless master.
Whoever it was that stood before them, be it a god or a demon were
no match for their combined effort.

Their sword strikes and energy were like a fierce tiger, charging at
Ming Feizhen.

Ming Feizhen retreated and hid in the corridor of the courtyard.

The force of their attack broke through all the bricks of the corridor
and they forced their way to the front of Ming Feizhen.

“That’s a very powerful internal energy there. I reckon it

matches the level of the top ten masters.”

Ming Feizhen finally displayed some emotion. He wore a look of



Ming Feizhen didn’t retreat or gulp his saliva out of fear. Instead he
fought back head-on with his own palm strike.

Ming Feizhen was surprised when he got forced a step back. He

looked at the three of them surprised and said: “That’s pretty
damn strong.”

As they collided, they reached a stalemate. After a few breaths, a

breaking sound was heard. The clash was like waves crashing against
rock faces. Even Tie Hanyi and Ye Luo who were far away were
affected. They groaned, demonstrating their discomfort. The clash
decided who was more skilled.

The three from Lan Jun Zhu Kong’s breathing started becoming
erratic. They went to extreme lengths, but remained in the safe zone.
They only bolstered the force by six or seven times. But they were
only even after raising their output by six times?
319 Report
The beggar shouted: “Fuck this! Let’s gamble our lives! Let’s
fuck him up!” He gave up all of his energy he accumulated in ten
years for the mental cultivation of the formation. The other two also
came to the realisation that they’d die even more terrible deaths if
their identities were to be exposed, and hence decided to gamble
their lives as well.

They copied him and raised their output to ten times.

The courtyard transformed into a war-zone of violent beasts.


*Old friends and save people/someone share the same

pronunciation, and given the context, they misunderstood Feizhen.

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