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Martial King’s Retired Life

MKRL • 武林之王的退隐生活

Starting from today, I am retired. But what should I be doing? I

neither have the skills, nor the mind to do business, my only
advantage is this pair of hands which have taken this world. What a

Author(s): Lee太白
Year: 0
Country: China
Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Mature, Wuxia
Tags: Adapted to Manhua, Ancient Times, Androgynous Characters,
Appearance Changes, Clever Protagonist, Comedic Undertone,
Devoted Love Interests, Dishonest Protagonist, Famous Protagonist,
Generals, Handsome Male Lead, Hiding True Abilities, Hiding True
Identity, Lack of Common Sense, Low-key Protagonist, Maids, Male
Protagonist, Military, Misunderstandings, Money Grubber, Multiple
POV, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Past Trauma,
Perverted Protagonist, Poor Protagonist, Protagonist Strong from the
Start, Quirky Characters, Royalty, Shameless Protagonist, Soldiers,
Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Trap, Underestimated Protagonist,
Translator(s): Lord Obsidian


UUID: b39b34d0-2ea7-11e9-b787-2d83e86102e1
USER: Undead
DATE CREATED: 2019-02-12

More info and chapters:
2 Report

Vol.2 Chapter 46
Miss, You Want a Pear?

The fragrant scent of Xuemei filled my nose. Bai Ling raised her
head up slightly, and moved her warm, moist lips right before my

Someone sends a delicacy right to your door, what are you going
to do: (a) eat, (b) not eat, (c) eat and then run?


I didn’t even consider the question, I already lowered my head.

Bai Ling’s lips that were like fresh flowers got covered by
something rough though. She frowned and angrily exclaimed: “What
are you doing?!”

I extended a finger out and placed it between our lips.

Of course I can’t kiss her for real. I can write off the first time as
being because I just woke up and mistook her for someone else, but
what would the second time be considered? It’s sick and perverted!

I took out a beautiful white pear from my shirt: “Miss, you want a

“Save it for yourself!”

Bai Ling slapped it away with her hand.

I don’t know what was wrong with her, but she seemed to be angry
with me. She angrily and violently grabbed my head and yanked me
over: “Get over here!”

I don’t know what style she was trained in, but her arm strength
3 Report
could compare to Tang Ye’s. She just yanked me over. The scent of
fresh flowers coming from her sweet lips and the warm breath
coming from her mouth was virtually like a line with a hook, pulling
my mouth towards her.

But I can’t submit!

General Manager Bai is very knowledgeable on martial arts so I

can’t reveal my martial arts before her. So at the crucial moment, I
had no choice but to-

I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my arms. I
then hugged her with both arms like a bear-hug. When I pulled her
hot body into my arms, it was like ice met with fire, melting even my
bones. I don’t know why the violent and beautiful eunuch finally
calmed down and stopped fidgeting.

In that moment, it felt like the entire world had stopped moving.

We were covered by the overcoat. Neither of us spoke. I don’t

know why she went silent now of all times, nor do I know why I went
mute now of all times. In the small space, it was silent like a winter

After a while, the small head by my chest budged. I didn’t dare to

let her go, so I continued holding on.

But she fidgeted around, which I presume was due to discomfort,

so I loosened up a little.

Bai Ling tried to get her head outside to get in a big breath of air.

She took shallow breaths and looked at me powerlessly: “Y-

You’re making me suffocate… What are you doing…?” I don’t
know if it was because I hugged her too tightly or because the space
was too small. General Manager Bai’s tone felt much calmer than
usual, and different to when we were watching the bouts before.
4 Report
She was just like a seventeen or eighteen year old girl. She didn’t
seem to realise herself that her tone had changed and continued to
stare at me angrily.

“I’m talking to you!”

“Oh, oh, I was in a rush so…….”

Wait a second! She’s getting angry first? Whose fault is this?!

“Shouldn’t it be me who asks you that question?” I didn’t

remove the overcoat covering us. We were close enough to smell the
breath of one another. “Why did you suddenly want me to kiss

Bai Ling’s lost looking gaze seemed to recuperate some brightness

when I put forth my question. She appeared to finally calm down.
And then she went red in the face.

“What do you mean? That… that was my penalty for losing

our bet.” Bai Ling took in a deep breath and re-centred herself.
Then, like a peacock, she proudly said: “Ming Feizhen, do you
know what sort of status I hold in the palace? Can I go back
on my word? I stick to my word, and if I lose, I shall do as I
promised. Don’t misunderstand. I-I don’t like men.”

I could virtually hear her heart palpitate. So it was obvious she was
fronting and incredibly nervous.

“Ah, forget it….. But what were you angry about just now?”

That’s the crux of the problem. The reason we have this weird
atmosphere is because General Manager Bai lost it.

General Manager Bai glared at me aggressively like a cat that had

its tail stepped on: “What’s it got to do with you?! Can’t I
suddenly feel unwell? Everybody experiences it every month,
didn’t you know that?”
5 Report
Hey, that’s women only, isn’t it?

Could it be that Eunuchs also…….

“Forget it then. But since you said you keep your

promises.” I smiled and said: “How about letting me kiss you
again for real?”

I scanned her carefully.

Bai Ling virtually leaned her entire body on me. I wasn’t sure if it
was because she was nervous or if it was because she was angry, but
her breaths on my chest started to intensify too. Sweat started to
form on Bai Ling’s cheeks and ran down her white neck due to the
stifled space, creating a beautiful line like water.

Is she really a eunuch?

Faced with my question, Bai Ling shook her head: “Since you
rejected me before, you won’t get another chance.”

Why do I feel like I suffered a great loss……?

“That’s it?!”

“What else do you want?” Bai Ling chuckled as she spoke, “I

gave you a chance. It was you who didn’t have the guts to
take it, so who can you blame?”

Th-th-this nation-ruining vixen! Watch me get back at you!

Worst comes to worst, I’ll forsake my reputation.

I revealed a naughty smile like a master forcing himself on a maid:

“It wasn’t because I didn’t have the guts, but because I
wasn’t prepared. Are you ready now, General Manager Bai?”

“Wh-What do you want?!”
6 Report
The atmosphere between us heated up again. Her ears and neck
uncontrollably went red. I stared into her eyes that could virtually
steal your soul from you and felt like I was possessed by a devil. My
throat and lips felt a little dry.

My eyes then suddenly spotted something like a layer of sweet

candy that looked moist on her lips. My eyes were virtually on fire.
General Manager Bai couldn’t stop herself from biting down on her
lip. She looked like she wanted to hide, but she had no idea that was
egging me on even more.


I’m going to transform into a pervert!*

“Big Brother Ming?”


Huh? This voice……

“Big Brother Ming? Are you there?”

Somebody suddenly removed the overcoat covering our heads.

The autumn sun shone onto us again. The blue sky and white
clouds appeared again and breathing became a lot easier for both of

Our surroundings were empty. The sea of people watching the

matches before had vanished. No wonder I didn’t hear anybody say
anything for so long, turns out there was no one around. I remember
Su Xiao’s semi-final bout was held here.

In other words, the audience should have headed towards the main
plaza of the imperial city interior to watch the finals with the emperor
7 Report
But the person who just spoke……

I looked over in the speaker’s direction and saw a cheerful and

pretty face. On their face was a smile as bright as the sun, with
flushed cheeks, like someone who had just restored their blood and
qi in their body, restoring their vitality. The speaker looked like a
young healthy beautiful girl.

On closer inspection, said young girl was none other than Su Xiao!

Why did Su Xiao have to come here now? I was so occupied with
talking to General Manager Bai just now that I forgot to pay attention
to the sound of footsteps around me!

Now this is slightly awkward. While hiding under the overcoat and
talking might not cause people to imagine things, it could impact
General Manager Bai’s stern and just reputation.

But having been in the palace for so long, when she noticed the
overcoat get taken away, she had already pushed me away and
returned to her dignified stance. So even if we were seen at a closer
distance, we kept a safe distance.

I might’ve been a little worried if it was someone else, but this is

Su Xiao we’re talking about. With Su Xiao’s intellect, we could bullshit
our way out even if we were ten-times more flirtatious. I quickly tried
to come up with an excuse for why we were hiding in the overcoat.

Su Xiao widened his beautiful eyes: “Big Brother Ming.”

I replied with a smile, took out a pear: “Miss, you want a pear?”

“Get lost!” Su Xiao angrily smacked my pear away, “I’m a guy!”

Hey! Hey! Did you two pre-arrange this?! Don’t just go throwing
away my pears!

“I thought you were here. I knew you would wait for me
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here! But Big Brother Ming, what were you hiding in the
overcoat for?” Su Xiao looked at me in a somewhat panicked
manner and then looked at General Manager Bai whose face was red,
“This lady is… Ah, General Manger Bai?”

“Yeah, yeah, you naughty kid, don’t you recognise General

Manager Bai?”

We were discussing national affairs so what did you come and

disturb us for?! Let me enlighten you as to what we were talking


Su Xiao didn’t say anything. He looked at me and then at General

Manager Bai. He then continued shifting his gaze back and forth
between us. He noticed Bai Ling and I were somewhat unnatural,
therefore, I had to break the ice: “Umm, Xiao, General Manager
Bai and I……”

Su Xiao stopped me. I don’t know what was up. It was like he
suddenly realised something. He rushed over, hugged my left arm,
glared at General Manager Bai and for the love of god said: “Big
Brother Ming has a lover!”

I didn’t say shit!! You have a shoe-size IQ, kid!

“Hey, what are you saying out of the blue……?”

But I heard a cold-piercing voice from my side. Bai Ling narrowed

her eyes as she stared at me.

“Oh, you have a lover now? I couldn’t tell.”

Your excellency Bai? Eunuch Bai? General Manager Bai? Why are
you like this again now?!

Su Xiao, still not content, delivered me another blow: “Of course.
9 Report
It’s his gugu!”

Hey! You want me dead that badly?!

“Even if he doesn’t have his gugu……” Su Xiao went red in the

face and pulled me behind him like a cat protecting its food. He
treated General Manager Bai like a vixen that would bring ruin to a
nation and vigilantly said: “He still has me! I won’t let you sully
Big Brother Ming!”

Hey! She’s a eunuch! She’s a dude! What the hell are you saying?!

“You’re too stupid, Big Brother Ming, don’t speak!”

I can’t possibly be stupider than you!

“So you won’t let me sully him as long as you’re around?”

Bai Ling stood still at first, and then she revealed a smile to indicate
a challenge because she didn’t acknowledge defeat: “Now that’s
interesting. There’s never been anything that I haven’t been
able to do since I was young.”

“General Manager Bai, please don’t be insensible like a ch-


“Shut up, Ming Feizhen! This is not your business!”

I got told to shut up again…..

“Su Xiao and Bai Ling, two young beauties (I think?) squared off. I
could see sparks fly between their eyes.

“Hey, uhh……” I stood in the middle stupefied. I cautiously took

out a pear: “Ladies, do you want a pear?”


10 Report

Xuemei is a flower

*In the part about transforming into a pervert, the literal

translation is “wolf”. But it’s word play because 色狼 (lit. translation
Perverted Wolf), which means pervert. Since those who are unaware
of the wordplay at hand there wouldn’t understand it, and for best
clarity purposes, I used “pervert”.

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11 Report

Vol.2 Chapter 47
The Young Girls, Pears and A Battle I Can’t Do Anything About

Bai Ling and Su Xiao exchanged glares below the ring outside the
imperial city.

Su Xiao noticed how beautiful Bai Ling’s body-line was. Her

curvaceous hips looked soft and her generous physique was wrapped
in a eunuch’s robe. The tight robe emphasized her seductive lines.
Her face was small and snow white. Her facial features were
exquisite; in particular, her beautiful eyes were like magnets that one
couldn’t take their eyes from. Su Xiao snorted and said to himself:
What’s the use of such big eyes? She looks like she’s out to seduce
people, how annoying! One glance and you can tell that she’s a
vixen! A vi-xen!

Looking at Su Xiao in front of her, Bai Ling felt that Su Xiao was just
someone who would cause one to lose their ways. He had narrow
shadows and looked fragile. The slightly revealed white skin of his
crane neck looked so weak like it would snap with a tap. He had long
legs, his hips were narrow and his physique was perfect. You could
say that one extra inch would be too much, and one inch less would
be too little. He had a delicate melon-shaped face. If he were not
dressed in a male’s clothes, she really would’ve mistaken him for a
peerless beauty.

Bai Ling said to herself: He’s still a guy at the end of the day!
You’re more feminine than the eunuchs in the palace. You’re nothing
but a vixen!

The two of them scanned each other. The more they saw, they
more they disliked the other. The atmosphere turned tense. A big
fight was about to break out.
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Bai Ling noticed that Su Xiao was still hugging Ming Feizhen and
Ming Feizhen didn’t look like he was aware. She started to get angry
without knowing why: “Ming Feizhen, come over here, I have
something to say to you.”

“Don’t come here! Don’t come here! You viciously scold

people every day.” Su Xiao clung to Ming Feizhen’s left arm tightly
and waved his hand at Bai Ling like he was trying to tell a spirit to get
lost: “Look at Big Brother Ming, you scared him!

Ming Feizhen kept silent.

Bai Ling got angrier, but she revealed a startled smile: “You’re
talking to me in that tone? What’s your surname and first
name?!” Bai Ling already knew Su Xiao’s surname and first name,
but she didn’t want to admit that she knew him as that would be the
equivalent of her admitting she bothered herself with some
insignificant fellow, hence why she needed to put on the act.

Su Xiao pulled a funny face: “Hmph, I’m Su Xiao.”

“Su Xiao, huh? What rank are you to be calling me

violent?” Bai Ling widened her eyes and coldly chuckled: “You
think this place is Liu Shan Men’s office?! Even if Shen Yiren
is favoured more than she already is, you think I can’t beat
up a minor constable guarding the gates inside these palace

Bai Ling checked her surroundings and was about to call someone

“Beat me? You better look at you’re talking to.”

Su Xiao pulled out a bronze token from inside his shirt. Bai Ling
looked at the bronze token and asked with astonishment: “Bai Hu?
You got promoted to Bai Hu?”

Su Xiao acted haughty. He revealed his bright-as-the-sun smile:
13 Report
“I’m an official too! You can’t hit me!”

If Su Xiao was still just a minor constable, Bai Ling would be able to
give him a beating using any excuse even if they operated under
different systems. Shen Yiren can’t butt heads with the general
manager of eunuchs even if she held more power and was more
favoured. It’s not a question of whether or not she wants to, but
something she can’t do. Shen Yiren wouldn’t do something so
reckless as creating enmity between herself and officials in the
imperial court for a mere low-ranking constable. So Su Xiao could’ve
been beaten without a chance at escape.

But now that he was an official, things were different. You can’t hit
officials of the imperial court even if you arrested him for a crime
unless you had established that he was indeed guilty. Further, it was
just an argument with her, the general manager alone. As the
general manager of eunuchs, a fifth rank official, she was many ranks
higher than Su Xiao.

There’s never been a precedent where a lower ranked official

dared to argue with a higher ranked official, mostly because they
were afraid of the power wielded by the higher ranked official as well
as the impact it might have on their future prospects. That said,
there are no documents which state that one cannot argue back just
because of a difference in rank. Among them, the most obvious cases
are the censorship officials and censorship supervision officials
getting into arguments over rumours. A commonly seen example in
the imperial court would be a seventh ranked censorship official
pointing at a second ranked official and spitting in his face as he
cusses him.

Su Xiao as he is now was completely unafraid of Bai Ling, and since

he just got a promotion, he didn’t care about his future. So while Su
Xiao is just a seventh ranked official, Bai Ling truly couldn’t do
anything to him despite him wanting to pick a fight.

Bai Ling looked at the token with surprise and said to herself:
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What’s going on with Liu Shan Men? They’re promoting even little
kids now.

When she looked at his hand he held the token with, she noticed
how his skin was snow-white and she just wanted to say: Your skin is
so white… This guy is disgusting!

“You’re a man that has skin whiter than a woman’s. Are

you really a man?”

“Who said my skin is whiter than a woman’s?!” She didn’t

know it was taboo for Su Xiao. Su Xiao widened his eyes, pointed at
Bai Ling’s small nose and shouted: “You’re the woman. Look at
your puny nose. Can you even breathe?!”

“What’s wrong with my nose?!” Bai Ling’s nose is smooth, but

she had never heard anybody critique her facial appearance, nor did
she realise she was a peerless beauty. She noticed that Su Xiao had
a tall and straight nose which was very pretty. She thought his nose
was the standard to pursue, so his words caused her to shiver all

Bai Ling grew up in the palace. There are many rules and the
palace and she interacted with very few people. After being
promoted, all of the eunuchs and maids only felt fear towards her so
she essentially never argued with anyone. She’s a smart individual
nonetheless, so she immediately found a way to get back at Su Xiao.

Bai Ling clenched her teeth: “Your ears look like… look like a
caterpillar that tripped over and died! They’re horrendous.”
She didn’t know if she was factual or not either, but after she saw Su
Xiao’s displeased expression, she knew she did the right thing and
couldn’t help but feel pleased. Her cheeks were glowing,
demonstrating that she was happier than winning a bet against Ming

Su Xiao’s ears are like crystal clear jade. His ear lobes are like
15 Report
whirling jade pendants. But Su Xiao felt thought that they didn’t look
good, and he never expected that damn eunuch Bai Ling to pick that
out of all things first. Su Xiao grew up in the world of commoners.
While he’s naive and simple at heart, he’s much better than Bai Ling
at verbal warfare. He had his comeback ready without even having to

Su Xiao pursed his thing ice-like lips and proudly said: “My mouth
looks better than yours.”

The topic of mouths was Miss Bai’s weakness. She was in a

predicament because she couldn’t clear up the issue of mouths with
Ming Feizhen just before. Now that the topic of mouths was brought
up with Ming Feizhen present, Bai Ling felt her lips burn and itch
again, causing her to blush again.

Bai Ling’s cheeks turned red like she was slightly drunk on alcohol.

“You… you…….” Bai Ling felt a dip in her confidence levels. She
had never seen herself as a woman, so suddenly engaging in a
competition of beauty left her somewhat perplexed. But her innate
instincts told her that if she were to lose, her entire value as a
woman would be nil. She couldn’t help but use her sleeve to slightly
cover her peony lips and small nose, leaving just half of her hand-
sized face revealed, which made her look even more alluring

“But I… I have bigger eyes! Hmph……” Bai Ling covered her

mouth with her sleeve and let out a mocking chuckle: “Your eyes
are puny. Can you even see?”

Su Xiao couldn’t accept that. Not only are Su Xiao’s eyes not small,
they’re actually close to the same size as Bai Ling’s. It’s just that Bai
Ling’s eyes droop down slightly, making it look like she’s crying and
pitiful, which makes her look mesmerising.

Su Xiao always shared that sentiment and felt that he couldn’t

compare, so her words ticked him off.
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“Midget!!” Su Xiao, “You’re a midget! I’m only sixteen and
I’m taller than you!”

Bai Ling couldn’t believe it. A man is trying to compete in height

with her?! I’ll have you know I’m a woman through and through!

“I’m not as tall as you… You’re… you’re flat chested!”

Su Xiao froze up like he got struck by lightning. He opened and

closed his mouth, “I-I’m a guy! What would I want a perky
chest for?! Okay, I’m flat, but what about you? You got a
perky chest?!”

Bai Ling revealed a ridiculing and proud smile: “You’re right. I’m
a eunuch and also flat-chested. That’s why there’s nothing
worth mentioning.” But after she said that, she shrugged her
shoulders up slightly and her clothing naturally spread out on both
sides. If you were to look at her silhouette, you could imagine two
voluptuous soft and white mounds filling up the small space

Su Xiao glared at the pleased Bai Ling with hatred like she
murdered his father, and Bai Ling responded by glaring back at him.

“Big Brother Ming, why aren’t you helping me out? Look at

this damned eunuch!”

“What did you just call me?!” Bai Ling angrily exclaimed:
“Ming Feizhen, if you don’t put this kid in his place, I’ll have
you go guard the castration room and have you watch people
get castrated every day!”

“Big Brother Ming!”

“Ming Feizhen!”

“Whose side are you on?!”
17 Report
“Whose side are you on?! You dare not help me?”

The anger of the two got directed at the silent Ming Feizhen. But all
they got was a quite one word response: “Apologise.”

Ming Feizhen’s gaze was blank as he looked at the three pears on

the ground and the two.

“The two of you… better apologise before I lose my


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18 Report

Vol.2 Chapter 48
An Actor Prepares

The two of them froze up. What’s Ming Feizhen up to now?


But Ming Feizhen just repeated the same thing.

“The two of you, apologise!”

Ming Feizhen’s gaze was firm and his tone was stern. He was like a
public servant with a strong sense of justice that had captured
countless bandit leaders as he spoke while wearing the look of one
who was upholding justice on behalf of the heavens.

“What’s wrong, Big Brother Ming? … Are you angry, Big

Brother Ming?” Su Xiao’s heart beat quickly. He never intended to
make Ming Feizhen unhappy. Ming Feizhen was usually generous and
tolerant, but he must’ve hit a nerve today.

Ming Feizhen widened his eyes and shouted: “Apologise!”

“Okay, okay!” Su Xiao glared at him and involuntarily said: “I’ll

apologise, okay?”

Bai Ling who had never seen Ming Feizhen serious before slightly
panicked and said: “Alright, Ming Feizhen. I too shall apologise
for your sake.”

As soon as Su Xiao noticed Bai Ling’s crafty gaze, he immediately

said: “Allow me to speak first. I was wrong to say that your
nose is flat, your mouth is ugly and that you’re a damned
midget-eunuch. I’m sorry. Are we good now?”

“I’m the one in the wrong.” Bai Ling suppressed her anger,
19 Report
clenched her teeth and said: “You tiny-eyed, puny-eared, flat-
chest-bitch, I’m sorry, okay?!”

“Y-Y-You!” Su Xiao pointed at Bai Ling, and just as he was about

to fire back at her, Ming Feizhen shouted: “Shut up!”

Su Xiao pursed his lips, shifted his small mouth to the side and
nearly cried.

Ming Feizhen then continued: “Who told you to apologise to

each other?”

The two of them exchanged glances and then looked back at the
serious Ming Feizhen. Bewildered as can be, they asked: “What
were you referring to then?”

“I wasn’t telling you to apologise to each other!” Ming

Feizhen then pointed to the ground, “And not me either. I was
telling you to apologise to the three pears on the ground!”



General Manager Bai knocked one down, Su Xiao knocked another,

and one of them knocked another down during their argument just
now, although the culprit is unknown. The three pears rolled on the
ground and were now lying there on the ground.

But pears?

So he got mad because of the three pears?

Su Xiao grumbled: “This isn’t braised pork shoulders in soy

sauce, so what are you acting so serious for? Moreover, I’ve
knocked your braised pork shoulders in soy sauce over
before but you didn’t get angry with me.”
20 Report
Ming Feizhen grabbed his chest as if he couldn’t remember that
memory: “I-I was okay until you mentioned it! The memory
has come back to me now! I haven’t settled the score with
you on that!! I was pissed for three months!”

Su Xiao innocently replied: “But we haven’t even known each

other for three months. That happened only half a month

“That means that I’m going to continue being pissed for

another two-and-a-half months!” Ming Feizhen stamped his feet
and said: “Is that so hard to understand?”

“Yes. Why are you angry? It’s just a few pears and a plate
of braised pork shoulders in soy sauce.”

“Just a few pears? Just a plate of braised pork shoulders in

soy sauce?” Ming Feizhen looked like he got struck by lightning. He
took three steps back and with his face completely pale, said:
“Where is the justice in this? Is that something a human-
being would say?! Su Xiao, I was wrong about you!”

Su Xiao was completely confused. His brain was filled with


“What are you…? What you’re saying is… you’re

constables, you know?” Bai Ling frowned slightly. “Confused”
was written all over her beautiful small face : “What’s this Dong
Po’s pork shoulders? Are you talking about food?”

“Enough! How dare you look down on Dong Po’s meats?”

Ming Feizhen waved his arm in a big circle and exclaimed: “Don’t
you feel that you’ve let Liu Zi, Uncle Wang Er, Zhang Dagua,
Young Miss Li, Zhao Old Si, He Hua and Cai Ping down?!”

“Who the hell are they?!”

“Dong Po Tavern’s chef and co., you violent people!”
21 Report
“Aren’t you exaggerating too much now? It’s just a few

Bai Ling took a step back and asked Su Xiao: “Wh-What’s up

with him? Is he usually like this?”

Su Xiao replied: “He’s not usually like this. But sometimes he

has cramps.”

It was the first time the two witnessed what a food-fanatic was like
when they lost it.

“Both of you, shut up!”

Ming Feizhen wore an angry expression. He rubbed his hands and

walked over, step by step.

“Big Brother Ming, wh-what are you doing?”

“What are you trying to do?!”

Ming Feizhen grabbed their small crystal ears like grabbing

chickens with eagle claw and pulled the uhh… two girls(?) over. Su
Xiao’s ear lobe was like jade, completely smooth and soft, which felt
great to the touch. Bai Ling’s ears were relatively elegant, but at the
same time exquisite and beautiful. They felt like a treasure of a great
artisan in one’s hands. Their sizes were just right. Ming Feizhen didn’t
hurt them. He just used his gentle Yin inner strength to pull them
over. With his qi creating friction on their ears, it felt like somebody
was blowing hot air into their ears non-stop, creating a ticklish
sensation all over their body.

“Stop! Stop! I’m sorry! Please don’t pull my ear.”

“Alright! Ow, stop pulling, it feels weird!”

What initially felt like a numb feeling turned into a terrifying feeling
like their ears were going to be torn off the next instant, a feeling
22 Report
they both felt at the same time.

Ming Feizhen’s hands suddenly transformed into sharp objects like

knives, like they could rip their snow-white ears off at any moment.
That was because Ming Feizhen was using his qi essence. He
sharpened his qi essence into a sharp form like a blade, but kept it in
is sheath. However, they felt a chill by their ears as if something
sharp was there.

Su Xiao and Bai Ling’s hearts thumped at the same time.

“N-No! I’m afraid of pain!”

“What did you put on my ear, Ming Feizhen?! Let go of


His qi essence then returned to a gentle state again, making them

feel like warm water was flowing into their ears. Their bodies turned
to jelly and they trembled all over. After that, their voices became
weak as mosquitos, and a tinge of pink appeared on their necks.
Their entire body was like jelly and felt numb like countless hands
were massaging their body.

“Ah… don’t. My ears… my ears feel so soft…..”

“You… you barbaric… bastard……”

The two of them reacted as if they were diagnosed with asthma.

They felt the warm current on their ears become stronger. They
couldn’t help but clench their teeth. They quivered all over and a drip
of sweat on their forehead rolled down their gentle snow-white
cheeks, down to their alluring red neck, gradually dow to their pink
collar bone, and over that softer, higher spot, forming a tight
collection of sweat. When their sweat reached that location, it was
obvious their clothing was fairly soaked, and their snow-white backs
were almost in plain sight.

Only when their ears had been rubbed to the point that they felt
23 Report
ridiculous by his damned large hands did Ming Feizhen finally say:
“Next, I’m going to rip your ears off.” His qi essence changed
dramatically, becoming sharp in nature again. What the two of them
felt was like Ming Feizhen pressed a small knife up against their ear.

The two of them revealed terrified looks at the same time.

Just as they were about to speak, they discovered that their body
was so weak they could only mutter under their breath.

Ming Feizhen shouted in a stern and righteous tone: “Apologise

to the pears!!”

The two of them gave it everything they had to shout: “S-Sorry!!

We’re sorry, pears! Big Brother Ming! Stop pinching me.”

“Ow, ow, I’m sorry! Stop pinching my ear! Sorry, pear!”

“Now that’s more like it.”

Ming Feizhen let go and the two of them reacted like all the energy
in their body and lower back got drained away. They couldn’t
straighten up their torso and dropped to the ground. If they weren’t
leaning on each other’s backs, they’d have fallen asleep.

“The two of you better reflect on your actions!”

After he said that, he left the two who were arguing without a
chance of surrender and walked off, leaving two speechless and
drained beauties.

After an uncertain amount of time, Su Xiao recovered some of his

strength. He suddenly said: “……. I-It’s all your fault. You
smacked Big Brother Ming’s pear away.”

What Su Xiao said angered Bai Ling: “You were the one that
smacked it!”
24 Report
“I only smacked one away.”

“I only smacked one away too.”

“Hey! Why don’t you have the courage to own up to what

you did?!” Bai Ling pat her face and continued, “You were the
one that smacked the third pear away, weren’t you?”

“How could it have been me?!” Su Xiao shouted so loud the

heavens could hear, “I didn’t even touch that pear. I never lie.”

“Really? Then who……”

Su Xiao and Bai Ling looked at each other blankly. They suddenly
felt something was wrong and spoke out at the same time.

“Where’s Ming Feizhen?”

“Where’s Ming Feizhen?”

Ah, no, Ming Feizhen (Big Brother Ming) ran off!

The two beautiful young girls cried out in unison: “That


As soon as I passed the city gates, I sprinted off. Since I usually

guard the small South gate, I can use the token on my belt to get into
the imperial city. Unlike Tang Ye and the others, I don’t need to visit
the office that manages eunuchs and maids to get permission.

I ran towards the plaza of the interior of the imperial city like the
wind to rendezvous with Tang Ye. The show is about to start, so how
can I be absent?

At the main plaza inside the imperial city were four tall towers with
a stage erected higher than the four towers in the distance. On there
were over twenty seats, with a dragon seat and phoenix seat
situated in the centre. The two seats in the centre were obviously for
25 Report
the emperor and the empress. The other surroundings seats were
needless to say for the royal family members.

There aren’t many members of the royal family in the capital.

There are only two princes, a few concubines and of course the

It was still early so there weren’t many people present. As for the
competitors, everyone but Su Xiao and I were present.

There were thirty two people in the finals.

The one other than Su Xiao, Tang Ye and I who could make Liu
Shan Men proud was Brother Bastard. He was present too!

He is the son of a reputable family, so his martial arts basics are

profound. After Boss Shen’s arrangements, he got paired up with a
guy weaker than even Yi Yixian who also made it into the finals. I
couldn’t help but sigh…… Why couldn’t he have been paired up with
my opponents? He would’ve been even safer if he fought that
Brother Ren guy.

But the arrangements were fair. Since Brother Bastard got

promoted, his opponent, Long Zaitian did too.

The two of them hold ranks which are close to each other after all,
so they were standing together speaking right now. But all I could
see was Brother Bastard getting bullied.

I scanned Long Zaitian with interest.

He still had his up-to-no-good smile as he ridiculed Brother

Bastard. Every once in a while, he’d pat him on his back and
intimidate him like a bully.

But underneath his rough exterior, he was quite the thinker.

He’s the toughest sort of person to deal with.
26 Report
Today is the last day of the imperial martial arts tournament. If
something is to happen, it’ll definitely be today.

Long Zaitian… sure is good at holding it in.

No, perhaps that’s not quite right. He’s a little different to his usual
self, as if he’s deliberately being flashy to cover up his unsettled
feelings. He was more flamboyant with his actions as though he were
slightly anxious.

I looked in his direction. Long Zaitian seemed to sense my gaze on

him and looked back at me. With the wide open space, I couldn’t
evade his gaze in time so our gazes met. He gave me a ferocious
glare, proving he still remembered the humiliation of calling me

But after that, he chuckled coldly as though he had come up with a

way to get back at me. He turned back around and continued
bullying Brother Bastard. Brother Bastard complained incessantly. He
too looked at me to gesture, “Your boss is in trouble and you’re
not going to help?”

There’s nothing I can do about it.

I waved my hand to indicate that if our boss can’t save him, what
could we underlings do? What about our balls man? Moreover, my
balls are better than yours several times over. Around Long Zaitian
was a group of Qilin Guards. All of them had a presence which stood
out from everyone else. Every move they made gave the feeling that
they were no simpletons. Such people are not easy to find, and yet
the Qilin Guards have over ten of them here. They weren’t just
blowing their trumpets when they said they’re many times stronger
than Liu Shan Men.

“Big Bro!”

Tang Ye standing in the distance waved at me. I nodded to indicate
27 Report
I’d be there right away.

I looked around slowly.

Xiao and General Manager Bai should have come back to their
senses by now, right?

That was seriously dangerous……. A fight between women is hard

enough to deal with as it is. When Su Xiao and General Manager Bai
argue, it’s like two women going to see their aunt all dressed the
same. If I wasn’t equipped with special problem-solving skills, I
wouldn’t be able to be here right now.



No way. I’m calm enough to laugh.

Yours truly has encountered many situations. There’s no way I

would be scared because of two little girls, I mean, little boys, wait…


The third pear? Why that would be me who smacked it away of


I took a pear out from my shirt and took a bite. The juice was nice
and sweet as I remember. And the refreshing feeling was just as I

I looked up to the blue sky feeling satisfied and had a thought.

Ha! Trolling and then legging it. Damn that was exhilarating!


In this chapter, Su Xiao and Bai Ling combined are referred to as
28 Report
“young girls”, that is not a mistake.

Baba = Dad/daddy/father

Volume 2 END

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releases and patron only specials!

29 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 1
Chronicles of the Six Dragons That Sealed the Nation (Part 1)

NOTE: If you feel like something is confusing at any point in this

chapter or the coming ones, refer to the footnotes at the bottom.***

On a night twenty-two years ago, the sixth prince, who went on to

become the blue prince was born.

It was a celebration to have a prince born, but his father, emperor

Yuan Sheng sat in his study with knitted brows, refusing to go and
see his son. It wasn’t because he didn’t love his newborn son, but
because the implications of his birth were far too significant, causing
him to feel helplessly troubled.

Three years ago, which was when the fourth prince, the red prince
was born, the emperor had the grand priest prophesise the fate of
the nation.

The emperors of this dynasty believe in numerology, and emperor

Yuan Sheng isn’t the first. Ever since the reign of the founding
emperor, whenever the emperors were met with a big matter, they
would ask the heavens to see their fate. If the prophecy said that the
success of his goal was unlikely, a wise man like the founding
emperor would abandon the idea.

It had become a custom for the dynasty. They always tried to seek
the will of the heavens whenever something big happened.

Since a prince was born, it was considered the very lucky, and
hence the emperor asked the current priest to see what the prophecy

It’s not a common practice to have the prophecy of the nation’s

fate read as it was no minor matter. Therefore, the priest responsible
30 Report
for calculating the nation’s fate was no common man either.

In terms of martial arts skills, he was in the top ten of the most
formidable in the Black and White Reflection. He had reached the
peak of martial prowess. In terms of cultivation, he had many aliases,
including: “crazy priest”, “demi-god”, “deity” etc. All of them
were praise for his profound level of cultivation. In terms of status,
not only was he the grand priest of the nation, he was also bestowed
with the power to overwatch all dao sects across the land. All the
priests of the land referred to him as the master of Daoism. His
surname was Lai, and his name was Jingzhen. People called him
“demi-god, Lai Jingzhen.”

While Lai Jingzhen was a daoist, he was a heavy drinker, ate meat
without concern, and frequented brothels like no tomorrow. He acted
casual and unruly, hence why people also called him the crazy priest.

Lai Jingzhen prophesised the nation’s fate. His cultivation was

profound. He doesn’t usually need to prophesise. Simply pinching his
finger was enough for him to find out heaven’s will. But this time, he
locked himself in the royal heavenly office for three full days and yet
still couldn’t come to a conclusion.

Becoming impatient, the emperor went to hurry him. Lai Jingzhen

pleaded for more time, saying that he just needed one more day to
find out the result. However, only after seven days had passed did he
come out. He placed a book with four words written on it in front of
the emperor’s study.

On the emperor’s table inside his study was a white sheet of paper
with seven words written in black ink. Those seven words were: The
six dragons shall seal the nation.

After the emperor finished reading, he suddenly thundered:

“Crazy Lai, what the hell is this?! How dare you joke around
with the prophecy of the nation’s fate?!” He shredded the white
sheet of paper and ordered the top three of Liu Shan’s Elites
31 Report
Rankings to arrest Lai Jingzhen.

The emperor’s rage was reasonable. The words “the six dragons
shall seal the nation” were the equivalent of high treason.

Emperor Yuan Sheng was the fifth generation emperor of the

dynasty since it was founded.

The founding emperor conquered and the following generations

worked to stabilise the nation and worked to expand it. When the
founding emperor established the kingdom back then, the nation
wasn’t stable. To the South was a small country who didn’t accept
the nation becoming ruled by imperialism and continued to harass
the borders. To the West were a number of large countries who were
vying for the lands. And to the North were the tribes that had been
eyeing the mainland for a long time.

Emperors that came after all made it their mission to eliminate

external threats. Emperor Yuan Sheng’s grandfather, Emperor Guang
Hai reinforced the borders by building iron walls at three borders. The
former emperor, Emperor Yuan Sheng’s father, Emperor Yu Zong
possessed outstanding martial skills that was feared throughout the
lands. He signed an alliance agreement with the Northern tribes and
defeated the united Western forces, and even conquered the
Southern lands. The Southern lands therefore became part of the
nation’s territory.

Emperor Yuan Sheng was declared emperor at a young age. He

was young but he was a good governor, never idling on national
affairs. He could be considered a competent young emperor.

In recent years, the West and North have continued with their
battles, but not one tribe dared to invade our nation. So as you can
see, under the governance of the emperors of this dynasty, tribes
from other lands and minsters acknowledge the emperors, and their
dominance extends to all corners of the lands. In terms of the
nation’s military, the army had always been powerful since the
32 Report
formation of the nation. There are countless martial arts masters in
the three offices, and while the pugilistic world is quiet, it is not
without its own masters.

In Emperor Yuan Sheng’s mind, his martial prowess is evidently

inferior to the two previous emperors. However, his governing skills
are admirable. Children have what they need to be fed, the elderly
have something to rely on, and the country is at peace under his
governance, thereby making it a much more peaceful time period
compared to the time his two predecessors ruled. When he reflects
on himself every now and then at night, he can’t help but smile, as
he knew that his efforts weren’t for naught.

But now Lai Jingzhen’s prophecy says that the six dragons will seal
the nation.

Dragons are obviously a reference to the true dragons, the

emperor themselves. And since the founding emperor has passed
away, he is obviously the fifth true dragon. What Lai Jingzhen said
about the six dragons sealing the nation is basically the equivalent of
saying that the dynasty will end with the next generation. That’s the
same as cursing the all the emperors up until now. That was
absolutely unacceptable!

Lai Jingzhen was a top-level master at that point in time, but he’d
only be equal to one of the ultimate three, so he couldn’t possibly
win against the three of them combined. Thus, he was arrested
before he could put up a resistance.

He infuriated the emperor, yet when he came before him, he wore

a natural look without any surprise or fear.

The emperor thundered: “I respected you as an expert,

bestowed you the title of grand priest, let you rule over all
the dao sects in the land, and treated you with more favour
than any other retainer. So why did you do something lowly
like cursing? You insulted the previous emperors, cursed my
33 Report
nation and started a rumour about six dragons sealing the

Lai Jingzhen bluntly replied: “That was what I learned from the
prophecy. Believe what you will.”

He infuriated the emperor to the point that the emperor grinded

his teeth. Emperor Yuan Sheng was just over twenty years of age at
the time and he was hot-headed. Hearing his response, he almost
ignored the difference in martial skill, drew his sword and sliced him!

But then Yan Shisan who was the brains, made a suggestion:
“Please calm down, your majesty. Demi-god is a daoist, but
he is not the only demi-god who is capable of prophesising
the fate of our nation. How about ordering three others to
examine demi-god’s prophesising methods? If there is an
issue, the three of them can point it out. That way, we would
not falsely accusing demi-god either. If you do not trust
those three either, then it is unlikely that there is anyone
trustworthy left in the world.”

Emperor Yuan Sheng considered Lai Jingzhen’s status. Indeed, he

couldn’t kill him just for those few words. Consequently, he went
along with Yan Shisan’s suggestion. When the martial arts
competition in the martial world took place on Mount Taishan when
the four princes were one month old, he invited the three major
sects, namely, Shaolin, Wudang and Mount Daluo to view the
ceremony with him. While it was to view the ceremony in name, it
was actually to get them to prophesise the fate of the nation again.

When the fourth prince turned one month old, Shaolin’s abbot,
Wudang’s leader and Mount Daluo’s Hero Shen Zhou came together.

After the ceremony, they went to the royal heavenly office to

examine the prophesising process.

The three masters of the time stayed there for half a month. They
34 Report
took longer than Lai Zhenjing. Since the three of them learnt
different things, their methods were naturally different. On the last
day, they met up to report their findings.

Their conclusion left everyone stupefied. They were the same

seven words: The six dragons shall seal the nation.

The emperor was bewildered: “The three of you have always

been people I have admired. Why would your prophecy be the
same as that insane man? And why did it take you twice as

The leader of Wudang replied: “Your majesty, demi-god Lai

Jingzhen is my grand disciple. His daoism was taught to him
by my disciple, and he has been taught everything. He knows
no less than I. I tried once using his method which took me
seven days. I then spent another seven days using my
method. I then cross-examined it with Hero Ming and the
abbot, thereby taking us fifteen days.”

The emperor calmed down a fair bit after hearing the explanation,
but his curiosity had amplified.

Lai Jingzhen came from Mount Wudang. The emperor was always
aware of that. He was also aware that Priest Shen Fa was his grand
teacher. Since that’s the case, their calculations were naturally
similar. As for the question of accuracy, that’s another topic. But at
least it was now clear the crazy man wasn’t just insulting the
previous emperor, or cursing the nation as a joke. Given that he was
a retainer of the nation, the emperor was relieved that he was

But one man’s word is not substantial enough. And so the emperor
then asked the Shaolin Abbot, Kong Xu.

Abbot Kong Xu replied: “Amitabha. Your majesty, we monks

do not believe in numerology. We believe in fate. I did not
35 Report
prophesise the fate of the nation. What I looked at was how
the nation looked. It was a long process that took me
fourteen days and nights. On the last day, I discussed it with
the two others and feel that those seven words are most

The emperor was still bewildered as to why the shape of the nation
mattered. But since monks discuss things on a profound level outside
the realm of common logic, the emperor didn’t think too much of it
and then turned his attention to Hero Shen Zhou.

Hero Shen Zhou looked suave and relaxed. He carried the aura of a
grand-master. His eyes were narrowed as if the monk was right and
didn’t speak a word.

“Hero Ming? Hero Ming?” The emperor pestered him twice.

Hero Shen Zhou continued to keep silent. The emperor worried that
he wasn’t respectful enough and offended him, so he didn’t dare to
continue pestering him.

But out of the blue, the leader of Wudang then said: “Your
majesty, Hero Ming has fallen asleep.”

The emperor: “……”

“Senior Ming, his majesty has something he would like to

ask you.”

Wudang’s leader’s voice was gentle, but was infused with his pure
internal strength. While it didn’t ring out, it shook the royal divine
palace. The emperor asked himself with surprise: “Is it just
because he’s a senior teacher? His internal strength is
stronger than that lunatic.”

But it still took Leader Shen Fa a few tries to get Hero Shen Zhou to
slowly wake up. His eyes were blurry. As a matter of fact, he didn’t
even know where he was looking.
36 Report
“Wh-What is it?”

“Senior Ming, his majesty has a question for you.”

“Yes, I wanted to ask you what discovery you made in

these last fifteen days.”

“Oh! Reporting, your majesty!” But once he awoke, Hero Shen

Zhou started with saluting, and bowing respectfully, then referring to
himself as “this peasant”, clasped his fist with one hand before him
and said: “This peasant discussed it with Abbot Kong Xu and
Leader Shen Fa on the last day, and also concluded with
seven words: There is no mistake with those words.”

“Oh?” The emperor’s eyes lit up, “But what sort of research
did you conduct during the previous fourteen days to come
up to that conclusion. Could I bother you to explain it to me?”

Hero Shen Zhou raised his head. He had a refined look in his eyes.
What looked like two willows moved without the wind’s breeze. He
looked old, but his voice was filled with energy. He shifted his qi to
his dantian, stood firmly and sternly, stroked his beard and replied:
“…… This peasant slept for fourteen days!”

The emperor: FUCKING RETARD!!!


*In the original source language text, it was “four characters”. I

changed it to “seven words” since it’s seven words in English and
we use words in English. And at the last part, with the different seven
words, it was originally “There is no mistake”, I changed it to
those seven words to keep the joke.

**To expand on the phrase Six Dragons Shall Seal the Nation: This
meant that the prophecy was that six male royal family members
(male royal family were referred to as dragons as you learned in this
chapter) would cause the nation to fall into ruin, sealing it off from
37 Report
external interactions causing it to suffer. This will make more sense
after reading the next chapter. For those who are familiar with
Japanese history, it’s the same as what Tokugawa Ieyasu did prior to
the Meiji era. The simplified and easier to understand translations
would be “The Six Dragons Will Ruin the Nation”. Would you
prefer me to use that translation or would you prefer me to keep the
other version with “sealed” in it to keep the tone of the language?

Translator Comments: Author supports continued translation of the

series! See comments below for conversation with author!

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releases and patron only specials!

38 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 2
Chronicles of the Six Dragons That Sealed the Nation (Part 2)

Unreliable geezer!

Emperor Yuan Sheng cursed in his mind. Hero Shen Zhou was
several hundred years old. Legend has it that he once fought side by
side with the founding emperor and that they were very close,
sharing a bond that couldn’t be broken. And that was how the Mount
Daluo on that mountain range became a sect of justice.

In terms of seniority, Emperor Yuan Sheng could address him as an

ancestor, so how would he dare show disrespect? Helpless, he then
turned back to the Shaolin abbot and leader of Wudang.

Priest Shen Fa replied: “While this is a major matter, you do

not have to feel offended by my grand disciple, your majesty,
as the six dragons referred to here are not the emperors of
past generations.”

“What?! What makes you say so?!” The young emperor was
enraged and he anxiously asked: “Alright, I am listening. What
do you mean by that?”

If Yan Shisan wasn’t by the emperor’s side holding him back, he

probably would’ve lost control of his anger.

What do you mean? I had enough with your grand disciple saying
“the six dragons will seal the nation”, and now you dare ridicule
the emperors of past generations as not being dragons before my
presence? Are you people from Wudang insane?!

Priest Shen Fa leisurely explained: “I am not saying that the

previous emperors were not true dragons. What I am saying
is that the six dragons in the prophecy are not the emperors
39 Report
of the past generations. If this makes you feel better, I could
also word it as: most of those six dragons are not true

“Six dragons aren’t real dragons, real dragons aren’t the

six dragons?! What on Earth are you trying to say?!” The
emperor’s anger was about to reach its limit. He forcefully controlled
himself and asked: “You are not trying to fool me to save your
grand disciple, are you?”

“Amitabha.” Abbot Kong Xu said his Buddhist phrase. Hearing it

calmed one down, so the emperor calmed down a fair bit. He then
looked over to see Abbott Kong Xu with his hands pressed together.
Abbott Kong Xu then said: “Please calm down, your majesty.
This was a conclusion the three of us came to. It is not the
thought of sect leader Shen Fa alone. While the six dragons,
are dragons, they are not emperors.”

The emperor’s eyebrows twitched. Something else came to mind,

and he suddenly started to feel a little afraid. He said: “Please tell
it to me straight.”

“Other than the true dragon, the emperor, there are other
dragons in this world. For example… the true dragon’s

“Dragons!” The emperor’s mighty face turned white as a sheet,

indicating that Abbot Kong Xu spoke his mind: “Are you saying…
that my brothers… Are you saying that I have brothers that
are still alive?!”

Emperor Yuan Sheng was the previous emperor’s youngest son.

Emperor Yuan Sheng had three elder brothers. Two of them passed
away when they fought for the throne when he was still young. The
whereabouts of his third brother were unknown. Because Emperor
Yuan Sheng was young back then, he only had positive feelings
towards his brothers, knew very little of their deeds and cared very
40 Report
little. So when the abbot mentioned dragons, that was what he
thought of.

However, Abbot Kong Xu shook his head and replied: “Your three
brothers have already passed away, and the number does not
match the prophecy. The dragons I speak of are not the
children of the previous emperor, but the current true
dragon, yours, your majesty.”

Emperor Yuan Sheng frowned and asked: “My sons?”

Abbot Kong Xu and Priest Shen Fa nodded together: “That is


At that point in time, the red, orange, yellow and red prince had
just turned one month old and were still infants. It was true that they
were princes and that they were connected to the fate of the nation.
However, those wet-behind-the-ear kids were still clueless children.
They still couldn’t speak even. So the emperor didn’t connect the
prophecy to them.

“That’s impossible.” The emperor chuckled: “You jest, abbot.

My sons have only turned one month old. You three have
seen them. How could they possibly influence the fate of the

This initially wasn’t about the fate of the nation. What the emperor
was most angry about was how Lai Jingzhen insulted the previous
emperors while he was an important individual, and thus his decision
to invite the three experts to clear his name.

The emperor considered the seven words “the six dragons will
seal the nation” nonsense. He never thought about what to do if
they were true.

“Abbot, priest, Hero Ming, you three are the greatest

masters at this time. I know that the three of you came for
41 Report
Priest Lai’s matter. I shall release him, so with regards to
these words……”

The emperor left his last sentence unfinished.

However, Priest Shen Fa said: “I did come here for my grand

disciple, that is correct. However, since this concerns my
grand disciple’s life, this is not satisfactory.”

“Wh-… what do you mean by that?” The emperor truly didn’t

understand what he was persisting for. It was as if that nonsense was
important. “What do you say, abbot?”

“Those seven words do indeed concern the fate of the

nation, and the six dragons mentioned are indeed your

The emperor couldn’t believe what he heard. He sternly

emphasised himself as he spoke: “Abbot Kong Xu, Priest Shen
Fa, do you not feel that you are going overboard?!”

Abbot Kong Xu looked straight at the emperor and calmly asked:

“Monks do not speak nonsense. How would I dare?”

Abbott Kong Xu had kind eyes, and a benevolent aura, so he was

more trustworthy than Priest Shen Fa and Hero Shen Zhou to the
young man.

The emperor couldn’t help but whisper: If the six dragons in the
prophecy truly refer to…… no, there’s no way. They haven’t been
born for long. It’s impossible.

The abbot looked at the young emperor doubtfully and asked:

“Your majesty, would you happen to still remember what I
said I did these past few days?”

“You said you were busy examining the shape of the

country.” The emperor seemed to suddenly realise something and
42 Report
quickly asked: “Could it be that what you were looking at were
my four sons……?”

“Amitabha. Please forgive my rudeness, your majesty.”

Abbott Kong Xu pressed his palms together and continued: “That is
correct. The four princes are talented individuals who have
great potential and are destined to become outstanding
dragons among the people. But unfortunately… while the
four princes are still young, they have enmity towards each
other that cannot be overlooked. If they grow up together,
their enmity will grow, and they will detest each other…..”

“And what’s the problem with them detesting each other?”

“In a commoner’s home, if brothers were to hate each

other, they would just avoid interacting with each other in
the worst case scenario. However, in the family of royalty, if
the princes were to hate each other, it would escalate into a
wild battle that would involve the fate of the nation.”

“Wild battle……” The emperor was on the fence. He somewhat

believed him, and somewhat didn’t. Something suddenly came to
mind: “But the prophecy says that there are six dragons
which will seal the nation. I have four sons, so how are there
six dragons?”

“Your majesty.” Priest Shen Fa suddenly said: “You are

destined to have seven sons. The six dragons in the prophecy
are six of the princes. As grand disciple Lai is still young and
has yet to reach higher levels of cultivation, he could only
deduce so much and could not decipher the implicit meaning
of the words.”

Emperor Yuan Sheng said to himself: You said that your cultivation
level is about the same as his. So how are you able to solve the
mystery of the words?
43 Report
Priest Shen Fa seemed to be able to read the emperor’s thoughts.
He smiled and said: “My cultivation is mediocre, and I too could
not decipher the mystery behind the words. I was only able
to decipher it thanks to the help of these two.”

Abbot Kong Xu smiled and said: “You need not thank me,
Priest Shen Fa. I only know how to read appearances and
shapes. I do not have the ability to read the will of the
heavens. Your majesty, the mystery was solved all thanks to
Senior Ming.”

“Hero Ming?”

The emperor turned to look at the who-knows-how-many hundred

years old geezer. His eyebrows were white and almost long enough
to reach the floor. He looked blocky, had large hands and feet, and
his wide frame made him look like an upright man, causing one to
shiver with fear.

Hero Shen Zhou’s name became famous in the pugilistic world in

the last century. While his name was well known, he had not shown
himself in the martial world in recent decades. Nobody knows how
profound his martial arts skills are or how sensational the deeds he’s
done were. The people who saw him thirty to forty years ago had
already passed away. Lots of his feats had become myths. His
existence was a legend in itself, as opposed to being a living person.
As such, the emperor didn’t trust him too much.

Priest Shen Fa read the emperor’s mind. He chuckled and said:

“Perhaps you have not heard of Senior Ming’s legends due to
your young age, your majesty. But Mount Daluo has the
number one character in the world right now. He is Senior
Ming’s private disciple. You must have heard of him, your

The emperor blurted: “The one who currently leads Mount

Daluo, the one they call Ming Huayu in the pugilistic world?”
44 Report
Shen Fa: “Yes, yes. Have you heard of him, your majesty?”

“Of course I have.”

The emperor originally wanted to invite Ming Huayu along with the
three, but who would’ve known that he was his shifu. Like others who
respected him, the emperor said: “I met him by chance last year
in Suzhou, and we listened to music in the same teahouse.”

“Oh?” Shen Fa chuckled and asked: “Was your impression of

him positive, your majesty?”

“I didn’t pay attention.” The emperor shook his head and

continued: “He had eight beauties by his side, my head spun
when I saw the sight. Had Shisan not told me after the fact, I
wouldn’t have known.”

“Mmm… cough, cough.” Leader Shen Fa coughed twice

awkwardly and continued: “Leader Ming is the only disciple Hero
Ming accepted in eighty years. He is now one of the great
heroes of the North. Such a disciple speaks volume of his

The emperor looked at Hero Shen Zhou and looked at him. He was
still on the fence about trusting him completely: “What opinion do
you have of the prophecy, Hero Ming?”

Before the emperor’s voice tapered off, Hero Shen Zhou suddenly
widened his eyes. His eyes contained a bright light, like a crystal
jade. If you were to look closely, you could virtually see the reflection
of light. Yan Shisan standing to the side reacted greatly surprised
too. Hero Shen Zhou’s name had been famous in the pugilistic world
for centuries like a myth. And indeed, his internal strength cultivation
was incredible!

Without catching him mould qi and lighten his body, Leader Shen
Fa’s wooden sword by his waist got snatched away with the wide
45 Report
wave of his arm like an eagle spreading its wrings.

Hero Shen Zhou turned around and drew his sword on the white
wall. The speed of his sword draw was like the wind and deep etches
were left on the wall.

In less than a second, he engraved:

Does thou know?

The roar of the dragons brought the support of the gods down
below the clouds.

The moon shook at the cry of the phoenix.

One fool banned nine states.

The devil ruined the dynasty of five generations.

Does thou know?!

He finished with that. Hero Shen Zhou’s burly body then looked like
it got swept up by a tornado, right up to the small skylight of the
royal divine office.

The skylight was very small and could probably only fit one person
through. Standing on the ground and looking up, one could usually
only see the moon and nothing else through it. Hero Shen Zhou used
an unknown method to leap away as he seemingly went through the
skylight like deity.

The emperor quickly shouted: “Hero Ming, please stay! I was

wrong to blame you! Please come back!”

But in the end, he couldn’t keep Hero Shen Zhou who left like the

The emperor’s gaze was fixed on the white wall where the poem
“Does thou know?” was just carved on like a fog that came down.
46 Report
But he heard the voices of the abbot and priest: “Hero Ming has
already left the solution. The solution to the problem lies
therein. Your majesty, if you can comprehend it, the nation
shall be blessed.” When the emperor turned to look at the two,
they had already vanished into thin air as well.

The emperor was lost. He asked Yan Shisan: “Th-They left?”

“The two great masters just left via the main door.”

“Th-The main door?”

The martial world says that Shaolin, Wudang and Mount Daluo are
the top sects among the sects of justice. The three sects could match
the seven white champion princes. The seven white champion
princes were the strongest fighting force in the pugilistic world that
the young emperor had seen, but he never expected the top of the
top three sects would be so incredible. Where else in the world would
you find such masters?

Had Yan Shisan not stood by his side respectfully, he would’ve

thought it was all a dream.

“The six dragons will seal the nation…… Does thou know,
does thou know……?”

The seven word prophecy and the three words “does thou know”
left a deep impression on the emperor.

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47 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 3
The Riddle in the Words and the Ming Family Gets a Daughter-In-

Hero Shen Zhou left. The leaders of Shaolin and Wudang left too.

The emperor stood there in place blankly, staring at the white wall
with the words.

Does thou know?

The dragons roar brought the support of the gods down below the

The moon shook at the cry of the phoenix.

One fool banned nine states.

The devil ruined the dynasty of five generations.

Does thou know?!

After looking at it for a while, the emperor suddenly realised that

phrases were formed when read vertically too!

“Dragons and phoenixes are retards”, “What the fuck are

you bitching for”?*


The emperor then realised it: He cussed at me?!

The next vertical line over was, “There are too many princes”,
which was pointing at how the fight for the throne would come due to
having too many sons.
48 Report
Then the next vertical line that the emperor saw was, “I’m tired”?

I’m tired?!

What the hell?!

You left in a rush because you were tired?! How dare you?! I asked
you to come to look into national affairs and that’s your reason for
leaving?! You damn unreliable geezer!

The last three phrases, “Forbid the Divine Moon”, “Clouds

move nine five”, “Shake the nation”.

They didn’t seem to make sense. But after pondering them for a
while, the emperor felt like it addressed a concern he had.

The phrase “Shake the nation” was straightforward and required

no explanation. But the other two phrases carried implicit meanings.

Divine moon? Was he referring to the Divine Moon Sect? The

demon sect called Divine Moon had existed since the founding
emperor’s era. Their leader had always resided in the Western
regions. They worked with the countries in the West to fight against
the imperial court. They were indeed a problem in the shadows.
“Forbid the divine moon”, could that be suggesting that the
Divine Moon Sect were going to bring harm to his children?

The very thought of it enraged him. If they dare touch a hair on my

children, I’ll go all out and eradicate them!

The phrase “Clouds move nine five” also confused him.

The cloud character should be pointing to one of the four major

forces of the evil sects, the Demon Cloud Heavenly Palace. They are
the most mysterious powerhouse in the pugilistic world. They’ve
always behaved in inexplicable and strange ways. So “Clouds move
nine five”…….. Could I……
49 Report
The emperor stared at the white wall silently in a daze.

But after a while passed, the emperor looked clearly bewildered.

The characters didn’t resemble a poem, nor could they be

considered phrases. The tones weren’t making sense, and neither
were they an antithesis. It was void of literacy refinement and colour,
and its meaning was even more so confusing. But after staring at it
for a long time, the emperor subconsciously began to shift his
attention. It was like the characters and the spaces between them
were imbued with an alluring magic. It was like looking at a demon
that one couldn’t shift their gaze away from.

The emperor initially pondered the implied meaning of the text.

However, looking at the text only made him feel heartbroken. The
text looked magnificent on the white wall. He stopped paying
attention to the meaning behind the text and just stared at the
characters themselves blankly.

The characters curved like the movement of dragons and snakes,

and the text emitted a powerful aura. The sentence “The roar of
the dragons brought the support of the gods down below the
clouds”. Instead of calling it a sentence of a poem, it would be
better to say it was fifteen separated words. The stroke of every
character had its own personal intent. Every slash of the sword had
its own aura. For example, the “dragon” character was carved with
ferociousness. The character for “roar” alone seemed like it could
blow the clouds away. Every character after it was just as amazing.
The emperor loved the “cloud” character in particular. It looked
heroic and seemed like it was flying, like a wind blowing the snow.

The emperor was so impressed he almost cried out!

While some of the characters had repetitive components, but it

was clear that there were some differences.

For example, the character for “ruined” in “The devil ruined
50 Report
the dynasty of five generations” was written leisurely, without
any suave feel to it. The second time it was written, it was written
with a strong demeanour, and stood out as an excellently written

Next, there was the repeated phrase “Does thou know”.

The first time it was written, the three characters were written
beautifully. “Does” was written beautifully, “thou” was written
eloquently and “know” was written naturally.

The second time it was written, it was written in a completely

different style. It was like two different people wrote them. The
second time, “does” was written nimbly, the “thou” character was
written uniquely, and the “know” character was written as if it were

The emperor got more surprised as he looked at it. It was like he

was no longer himself. He suddenly wondered to himself: C-Could
this be a sword taolu?

Emperor Yuan Sheng knows martial arts. His Li family has been
proficient with archery and equestrian ever since the founding
emperor established the dynasty. The founding emperor was a top-
level master at the time. The martial arts he passed down could
compare to the best arts in the world.

It was just that Emperor Yuan Sheng was still young at the time.
Since he was young, his martial development was naturally limited
by his age. And since he was born into royalty, he never had the
chance to spar with anyone. The empress dowager doted on him.
She wasn’t even willing to let him pick up a pet. He couldn’t improve
his martial arts much living in such an environment.

Secondly, although the founding emperor passed down his martial

knowledge, martial art training requires a teacher. It’s not possible to
master all the elements of a true master’s martial arts from a single
51 Report
book. An emperor is only permitted to train with his family members.
That further increased the difficulty of passing on the knowledge,
skills and inhibiting development. If by chance the exponent wasn’t
talented, the chances of the art being passed down incorrectly or
fading away entirely would be scary-high.

The founding emperor possessed formidable martial prowess, but

when he passed it onto his son, the second emperor, his son failed to
learn half of it. The second emperor lacked internal strength. He was
only half as powerful as his father. What he could teach the next
generation was even less. And the level deteriorated with each
successive generation. In the end, none of the emperors managed to
reach the level of the founding emperor. They couldn’t even execute
it with half the potency the founding emperor could.

Emperor Yuan Sheng didn’t lack potential. But due to the

aforementioned circumstances, he was only a second-grade fighter in
the pugilistic world at the age of twenty. The only difference was that
his horizons were broader than normal people since he learnt the
founding emperor’s incredible art.

When he had the thought that a sword taolu was hidden within the
text, Emperor Yuan Sheng’s comprehension of the text reached
another level. Extrapolating based on what he knew, he was further
convinced that the sword taolu was an incredible one.

The emperor had completely forgotten about the six dragons

sealing the nation matter as he was focused on the sword taolu. But
regardless where he started reading from, it just looked off. The more
he looked at the text, the more he found it changed. The more he
looked, the more amazing the techniques appeared. The more he
looked, the more confused he became. It was like watching forty-
three swordsmen wielding their swords before him, with each
technique coming from different sources that couldn’t be connected.
As he continued looking, he became distressed so much that he was
on the verge of puking, and broke out in a cold sweat.
52 Report
The emperor couldn’t help but continue looking. He looked at it a
few more times. He stopped looking at it as columns and rows,
instead looking at them in a disoriented order. He examined them
horizontally, vertically and diagonally, but to no avail.

While looking at it made him feel terribly sick and experience a

throbbing headache, he couldn’t resist the curiosity to decipher the
sword taolu. But after looking at them a few more times, he felt the
text was no longer carved on the wall. He just felt the power of them
increase more and more, and jump off the wall!

It was virtually like a sharp sword flew out of the wall, straight
towards the point between his eyebrows and through the other side
of his head. The emperor then suddenly felt a flash of pain between
his forehead like the sword was at point-blank.

He then suddenly felt a hot energy enter his arms, like the illusion
of a strong wind blowing away all the clouds before his eyes,
revealing the bright moon in the sky.

He then heard: “Your retainer, Jian Yue is here!” He then felt

somebody tugging him. A strong flow of energy entered his body.
The emperor got tugged away so that he couldn’t face the text on
the white wall.

When his eyes moved away from the wall, the emperor returned to
his sentences, and exclaimed “ah”. If his heart was not protected by
the internal energy of someone with profound internal energy, his
exclamation might have shot his blood pressure through the roof and
killed him.

The emperor huffed and puffed, with layer of cold sweat on his
forehead. After finally catching his breath, he asked: “Wh-What just
happened to me? Did I experience qigong psychosis by

He was so afraid he’d go mad that he didn’t dare to look at the text
53 Report
on the white wall again.

The one who saved the emperor from his sea of illusions was none
other than Liu Shan Men’s number one fighter, Yan Shisan.

Yan Shisan snuck a glance at the white wall and didn’t look again.
He congratulated the emperor: “Your majesty, there is a sword
taolu hidden within the text. You slowly entered qigong
psychosis as you followed the sword sequence.”

“Really?” The emperor still felt dizzy. He shut his eyes and said:
“But why would I fall into qigong psychosis?”

“It was all because Hero Shen Zhou’s skills are so

formidable. It truly is something rare to chance upon. The
forty-three words are the essence of Hero Shen Zhou’s sword
art. It is most brilliant, and without equal. Your cultivation
level is not high enough, so you will get injured if you look at
it for long, your majesty.”

“Y-You’re saying Hero Shen Zhou deliberately left behind

this sword taolu? Could the sword taolu be the key to
resolving the prophecy?”

“I do not know.” Yan Shisan slowly continued: “I just know

that not even I am not qualified to learn that sword taolu
with my martial arts. This sword taolu is completely different
to anything that I have ever seen. While I will not get hurt
looking at the white wall, I know that there is no way I could
learn the sword taolu.”

“Not even you?”

The emperor felt disappointed. Based on what he saw just before,

the sword taolu was indeed a brilliant work, and it was the key to
resolving the prophecy. Yan Shisan is one of the ultimate three
among the three offices. So if he was incapable of learning it, who
54 Report
else in the imperial court could?

“Oh right! Hero Shen Zhou comes and leaves without a

trace, but he has disciples! Shisan, go and capture, I mean,
go and ask that Ming Huayu to come here!”

Yan Shisan itched to say something. The emperor was clueless

about how the pugilistic world worked, so he could only say: “Your
majesty, Ming Huayu and I are acquainted. Hero Shen Zhou
can be said to be an individual whose whereabouts are
unknown. However, Ming Huayu is one who is completely

“Untraceable? What do you mean untraceable? He’s harder

to find than his shifu?”

“You are unaware of this, your majesty. Hero Shen Zhou

tours the world and will help those in need. And thus, there
are people who see him allowing me to find some clues.
However, Ming Huayu deliberately hides. If he doesn’t want
to reveal himself, he can disguise himself so well that you
wouldn’t meet him even if you were to run into him face-to-
face. I truly have no means of locating him.”

The emperor couldn’t help but frown. Yan Shisan was his
competent assistant who’d always demonstrated strength and
intelligence. While he is unorthodox in his ways, he always
succeeded whenever he attempted a job. Even the assassins from
the League of Assassins got captured in a month when he was tasked
with capturing them. Yet he’s now saying that can’t find a hero from
a sect of justice? Does that make sense? Clearly he’s avoiding the

“He deliberately hides? What would he, a sect leader of a

sect of justice be hiding from?”

“Your majesty, he’s hiding from his debts.”
55 Report
“That’s ridiculous! Mount Daluo is backed by the sects of
justice. How would anyone dare to find trouble with him?
What debts could he possibly be hiding from?”

“Your majesty… they are love-debts.” Yan Shisan itched to

say more, “Ming Huayu was born a player. If he doesn’t anger
three-hundred and sixty five women in a year, he’d anger at
least three hundred. Would you dare to reveal yourself if you
were him?”

The emperor went silent. He seemed to recall all the daily

bickering in his own harem and sympathised with him.

Not long after, he shook his head and asked: “Wait. It’s just
angering women. If he has the guts to do it, what’s he afraid

“Your majesty, he wasn’t afraid in the past, but not this


“Why?! Why can’t I look for him?!”

“Because he got married.” Yan Shisan helplessly continued:

“And he happened to marry two wives. His second wife is
Heavenly Sabre’s elder’s only daughter.”

“Heavenly Sabre’s elder? Isn’t he the one they call the

world’s number one broadsword master? I heard that he had
a daughter in his later years. His daughter is apparently a
beauty. She’s only fifteen this year and yet her name is
renowned throughout the north as a female broadsword
heroine. I heard her broadsword skills were brilliant.” The
emperor laughed and asked: “Ming Huayu still dares to flirt
around after marrying the daughter of a big-wig like that?”

The emperor felt sorry for him. He shook his head, smiled
helplessly and asked: “That guy is willing to throw his life away
56 Report
for women.” But then as he thought about it again, something was
amiss, “Eh? Did you say second wife? He married Heavenly
Sabre’s elder’s daughter as his second wife? What’s the
background of his main wife then?”

Instead of hopelessly hoping to catch Ming Huayu, the emperor

was more interested in listening to more gossip in the pugilistic
world. Plus, this news made him curious as a man.

Yan Shisan slowly replied: “The other woman… it was not big
deal initially, but after last year, her elder sister took part in
something big… so she too underwent a drastic change.”

“God damn it, Yan Shisan, stop leaving me hanging. Can

you stop talking in such a roundabout way?” The emperor
grumbled: “Can you just come out with it? What did her elder
sister do?”

“Her elder sister became the empress……” Yan Shisan waved

his hands and hopelessly added: “Ming Huayu married your
younger sister-in-law, our empress’s younger sister.”


“Your majesty, you know best what the temperament of

our empress is like. I heard her younger sister’s
temperament was the same as her’s. It is said that they are
just like twins. So…… Ming Huayu, he……”

The emperor’s urge to say something grew stronger with each

additional piece of information he heard. He opened his mouth to say
something but then felt it was better not to say it.

As if he had returned from a dream where he went into deep

thought, he sighed helplessly.

In the end, the emperor just gave a quiet response: “… Send him
my condolences then.”
57 Report

*Only applicable in Chinese. Sorry, but I don’t possess the aptitude

to recreate the word play in English. God bless the author for coming
up with this sequence. This is god-tier work. Wish I could do it justice.
Like I said before, I am thoroughly impressed with the writing of this
series in its original language.

**When the emperor reacted elatedly over the character for cloud,
it might be weird for non-Chinese readers, but it’s actually quite
normal to have a fondness for certain characters or the way they’re
written, hence calligraphy’s popularity.

***In the section where he breaks down the characters for “does
thou know”, I have switched the ordering of the original text to
match the English syntax.

****Taolu as I explained in one of the previous chapters is a

sequential set of moves which are comprised of individual
techniques, in this case sword techniques. If it helps, think of it like a
procedure of sorts, for example, gluconeogenesis. But instead of
performing the moves in the air, the emperor thinks that the text was
the result of Hero Shen Zhou performing the taolu on the wall.

*****The part with forty-three swordsman is originally thirty-four.

But since we have forty-three words as opposed to thirty-four
characters in the translation, I used forty-three since it would make
more sense than suddenly seeing thirty-four and wondering where it
came from.

******Qigong psychosis, also known as Zuo Huo Ru Mo is a Chinese

term traditionally used to indicate that something has gone wrong in
spiritual or martial arts training, applied to describe a physiological or
psychological disorder believed to result during or after practice
involving qigong. The condition was a result of improper practice of
qigong and other self-cultivation techniques. In this case, it is
considered improper practice since the emperor tried to learn
58 Report
something he wasn’t qualified to learn (albeit accidentally)

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59 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 4
Past Memory When All Six Dragons Were Present

There was no way to acquire the sword taolu on the white wall.
However, it was an important matter so the emperor had to keep it a
complete secret.

The sword taolu Hero Shen Zhou left behind was breathtaking. Just
a glance was enough to harm one. The emperor took a large sheet of
white cloth and covered up the forty-three words. Afterwards, it was
confirmed that not only did it affect literate and individuals who had
martial arts knowledge like the emperor, but even illiterate people.

The two eunuchs who were tasked with covering up the white wall
nearly lost their lives when their qi went out of control at the sight of
the characters. Yan Shisan then had to personally cover it with the
white cloth.

The power of the forty-three words was astonishing. Normal people

could not approach them.

After that, the divine royal office was out of bounds for outsiders
and guarded day and night at all times. However, the emperor did
task his entourage with secretly searching for someone who could
unravel the mystery of the sword taolu on the white wall.

Time flew by just like that. Three years later, the sixth prince was
born. Thus the emperor’s concern increased once again. His son
wasn’t just a mere seven words.

The priest, abbot and Hero Shen Zhou are the three with the
highest levels of cultivation in the world, and also the three with the
highest level of virtue. It was just as Yan Shisan said: if those three
couldn’t be trusted, there truly was no one else trustworthy.
60 Report
If their prediction was right, the world was bound to end at the
hands of the six dragons.

The more the emperor worried, the more reality reminded him.

The six princes slowly grew up, and at the mere age of seven or
eight, they had already begun to not think anything of each other.
The emperor taught them to value their brotherhood every single
day. But the six of them were born to rebel. Their bickering could not
be stopped by the place, time or anything you could think of.

Sometimes their arguments would escalate into fist-fights with all

of them tangled up in a beat-’em-up. It wasn’t the older ones picking
on the younger ones either. And there wasn’t a single hint of any of
them teaming up with another. It was always a battle royal between
them. The brother older by three years would run his fists into his
younger brother’s head, while the younger brother although unable
to match his elder brother, wouldn’t surrender, low-blowing his elder
brother. The elder brother in pain would dig at his younger brother’s
eye balls. The princes’ fights always created an uproar that’d never

Although the situation was so dire, the emperor kept persuading

himself that it was a common occurrence in the homes of
commoners as well, and not to think too much of it.

That continued until that hunting event seven years ago. The
eldest prince was eighteen and the youngest was fifteen. Hunting is a
standard activity the royal family engages in. Speaking of the royal
family, the kingdom they formed was won through combat which
didn’t come easy. Hence, it was tradition for them to ensure they
learnt archery, trained their mind and martial skills to remember
their roots. The hunt that time was set up for the princes. As such,
only the princes were permitted on the grounds, while the emperor
waited outside.

All six of the young princes set their sights on the toughest deer, in
61 Report
an attempt to impress their father. None of them were willing to give
way to the other.

The prince skilled at martial arts said he would hunt it with his
skills. The prince not skilled at martial arts said he’d hunt it down by
relying on his men. The prince without men relied on schemes,
adding oil to the fire as if he was afraid the world wasn’t chaotic
enough. After they were done talking, they started going at each
other physically and not one of them could be stopped.

The six princes had five mothers, all of whom had backgrounds you
couldn’t ignore. Each of the princes had their own ways of winning
over people. The prince with great martial prowess had his, the
wealthy one had his ways, the scheming one had his ways, the self-
righteous one had his ways, the handsome one had his ways, and the
lucky one had his own ways.

All of them had their own strengths. Each one of them was able to
call on a group of people to help in a fist-fight. Their helpers included
heroes from martial world, wandering warriors after wealth, and
some of them were people in the forest the princes secretly built
connections with. All of the princes had many men. It didn’t take long
for two-thousand people to be engaged in a fist-fight on the hunting
grounds. The wild beasts in the forest got frightened and didn’t dare
to ascend the mountain. What would qualify as a battle between
armies scared the wild beasts off, causing them to escape out of the

The emperor who was waiting outside of the hunting grounds was
smiling brightly, enjoying his tea and the massage his consort gave
him. The emperor loves his people and rarely has time to himself.
Thanks to the princes’ hunting event today, he had some time to
spare since he accompanied them. While enjoying his time alone with
his consort inside of his golden palanquin, there were some
considerate and caring things they said to each other and of course
they engaged in some intimate acts.
62 Report
As soon as the emperor held his consort’s small snow-white hand,
his consort lowered her beautiful face to hide her embarrassment.
Her eyelids fluttered and her ears turned red. The emperor wanted to
just turn his beautiful wife into a helpless white lamb who couldn’t
put up any resistance against him. Just as the emperor said: “Dear, I
haven’t seen you for a few days, I have missed you dearly.
How about I transform into a ferocious wolf today and,

Before he could say “show you some love”, the both of them
suddenly heard a loud scream from outside the palanquin.

“Fucking hell! There are wolves!” The scream shocked the

pair, who thought they offended the wolf-god, and hence they
immediately got dressed.

But it was no simple matter. What came next was the wild
whistling from the forest, the cries of the beasts, and the quaking of
the Earth like hundreds of beasts were rampaging.

Senior Eunuch Nan then quickly reported: “Reporting, your

majesty! Hundreds of beasts are insolently escaping the
hunting grounds. The soldiers ahead of us are subduing
them. It is not safe to stay here. Please pardon my rudeness,
but you must move!”

“What?!” After the emperor reacted with astonishment, he felt his

palanquin get lifted up by the men. The emperor and his consort
were shook around inside of their golden palanquin. Because of that,
his consort hit her head, wounding her beautiful skin. She
consequently ignored the emperor for several days and caused a
huge ruckus.

As soon as the emperor arrived back at the palace, he ordered an

investigation into the matter, only to be left stuttering for words upon
learning the truth.
63 Report
After the incident was investigated, the emperor found out that the
incident was caused by the in-fighting between is sons. The fighting
wasn’t the problem. The problem was the scale at which they took
the fight. The problem was that all six of them had their men lying in
ambush all over the forest, with over two-thousand people in total in
there. After the fight, there weren’t even half of them remaining.
Countless people died or got injured.

At the time, Yan Shisan still held his post, and led Liu Shan Men’s
constables in the investigation. They found out what needed to be
known within two hours. The two thousand aforementioned people
came from all over the land. There were those from groups in the
pugilistic world, those from the martial world, thieves from forests
and a few members of the imperial guards. There were even people
from the demon sect and the league of assassins. It was a complex
combination of people. The matter was so serious it made the
biggest and most brutal fight in the martial world look like play-
fighting between children.

When the six princes who were the masterminds behind the
incident, leaving the emperor utterly stunned returned to the palace,
they proudly brought up pieces meat from a deer, its skin and fur. In
fact, even traces of blood were still present, leaving one shocked.
Upon arriving back at the palace, the six naughty princes couldn’t
stop bickering, almost angering the emperor enough to put him in a

That finally reminded the emperor of something important.

The six dragons will seal the nation… The six dragons will seal the

If the six dragons were to gather together, they would grow more
violent each day. They would fight each other for power, and finally
slaughter each other, putting the nation in danger.

The emperor’s gaze looked glum. He looked at his six sons and
64 Report
emphasised every word he spoke: “You committed a big mistake
and yet you show no remorse. Our Li family has run the
nation based on none other than the principle of
benevolence. How did we end up with such violent
descendants?! Who started it?!”

They angered their father, resulting in him scolding them. The

naughty kids then calmed down. They couldn’t help but get goose-
bumps. However, they were adamant on passing on the blame,
swiftly pointing at each other.

“Enough! Chi’er, you’re the oldest, who started it?”

The six of them had fought countless times in the forest. During
the fight, all of their blood rushed to their head, so none of them
could clearly recall who started it.

The eldest prince didn’t say anything for a long time. He then
finally remembered that it was the third prince that yelled “fight”,
so he said: “Father, it… it was the third prince that started it.”

“So it was you, Huang’er.”

The third prince is usually impulsive. Of ten fights, five would be

ones he started. This time was no exception. As soon as he heard
what was said, he glared at the oldest prince angrily. But before he
could speak, in a deep voice, the emperor shouted: “Men! Remove
the third prince’s headwear!”

Remove his headwear, banish him from the royal family and make
him a commoner?

No matter how daring the third prince was, he couldn’t help but
turn pale in the moment. He immediately knelt down and begged for
mercy: “Father, I, I……”

All six of the princes were bossy ever since they were young.
Begging for mercy was something they were never used to. He
65 Report
couldn’t continue after “I”. He just knelt before the emperor and
allowed the guards to remove his headwear. The third prince quickly
looked around to search for his mother to get her to help him.

But then he heard the emperor say: “Where is Wang Tushui?”

Eunuch Wang stepped out from the side with a friendly smile and
announced: “Your majesty, your servant is here!”

In his low voice, the emperor said: “Write up my orders.”

Once a royal decree is made, it is virtually impossible to get it

retracted. Even the empress wouldn’t be able to save him in that sort
of situation!

The third prince kowtowed like a mad-man: “Please show

leniency, father! Please show leniency, father!”

The emperor completely ignored him and bluntly said: “Pass

down my orders. The third prince, Li Huangshu, possesses an
upright character, and is very considerate of me. I hereby
confer the title of Yellow Prince to the third prince, Li
Huangshu, along with the salary of a prince.”

The princes went into an uproar. The one that just reported the
third prince, the first prince was more bewildered than the rest:
What? He started it and yet he’s been conferred the title of prince?

The third prince was baffled. What the? I… started a fight and got
conferred a title?

Before he could finish speaking to himself, a flash of light appeared

in the emperor’s eyes. He frightened the third prince with his glare as
he continued: “Grant him Nan Yang Manor!”

Grant him a manor!

The third prince reacted like he got electrocuted. He was eighteen
66 Report
this year. While he’s usually indolent, he doesn’t covet the throne.
Grant him a manor? How could he approach the throne if he was sent
off to somewhere else, away from the capital? Further, he had never
left the capital once. He didn’t even leave the palace frequently.
What was he going to do once he went to a foreign place?

The third prince forced a smile and said: “Father, I am willing to

crawl at your feel forever.”

“With you by my side so often, I’ll get annoyed even if you

don’t hate it!” The emperor angrily continued: “You are to set off
now. Twenty warriors from my entourage will send you there.
Send another ten imperial bachelors to accompany him. If
you don’t learn to behave, I’ll have you stay in Nan Yang

He finally realised the emperor was serious. The third prince

kowtowed continuously, making loud knocking sounds on the ground
until his forehead bled.

“Father, father! I know I was wrong. I really know that I

was wrong. Father, please take back your order!!”

The emperor felt the urge to give in since he was his biological son
after all, and he had doted on him since he was young. Every young
man is a little violent. If he can change for the better… But when the
emperor glanced to the side, he was stunned.

Next to the third prince who was crying woefully while kowtowing,
were his biological brothers who were all smiling coldly in silence. As
a matter of fact, they wore ridiculing looks as if the person kneeling
in front of them was their enemy that they had to torture before they
were satisfied.

The emperor’s heart froze. He steeled his heart again and said:
“This is a royal decree. Do you intend to go against it? Men!
Take him away!” The guards replied and then dragged away the
67 Report
prince who was begging desperately.

The emperor slowly swept his eyes over the other five princes, but
didn’t say a word.

The five princes could feel their father’s ice-cold gaze, frightening
them. While the third prince started the fight, they too took part in
the fighting. If father punished the third prince so severely, what will
become of us? They couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

However, the emperor didn’t say anything, instead, just continuing

to look at them. He slowly stood up and said: “Get going.” He then
turned around and left.

The five princes were all relieved to have gotten away, but they
were still frightened.

The way the emperor looked at them at the end was honestly far
too strange. He looked at them the same way he looked at the third.

What is he thinking?


*When the emperor says his son wasn’t just a mere seven words,
he was referring to the prophecy. In other words, they weren’t just a
hearsay prophecy. The rest of the chapter explains why.

**Chi’er = Chi (赤) means red. I translated the part where the
emperor called him as “Chi’er”, because otherwise, it would have to
be translated as something silly like “red”, or “red-dy”. Sounds like
a shoddy power rangers rip-off.

***The palanquin here is more the size of a tent than the common
one-seated type. Technically, it might as well be called a tent.
However, I thought it would make more sense to you as readers to
read “palanquin” since you can imagine it, while seeing “lifted up
a tent” sounds stupid.
68 Report

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69 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 5
Master Cheng’s Dream

Since then, emperor Yuan Sheng thought of countless different

ways to send his children away from the capital one by one. He
conferred different titles to them, gave them land and then sent
them off to their designated locations.

None of the six princes were incompetent. They all had their own
skills. Emperor Yuan Sheng was aware that once the dragons would
feel restricted and struggle once they left the capital. However, he
wasn’t willing to let them stay in the capital and hurt each other as
they schemed against one another. The emperor’s three elder
brothers died because they fought over the throne. While two tablets
for two of his brothers could still be found in the royal family’s
cemetery, he knew that the ground below was empty. When his two
brothers died, their corpses weren’t intact, so what could they have

After two years of work, he sent the green, teal and blue prince to
their designated places just like the yellow prince.

Because the eldest prince, the red prince was the pillar of the
nation and his eldest son, he decided to keep him in the capital. He
didn’t grant him any land. The only one left was the orange prince.

But it wasn’t so easy to send the orange prince away.

The influence of the harem cannot be underestimated. The most

challenging thing for a man to deal with in this world is his lady, or in
this case, ladies.

And the most difficult one for him to deal with was none other than
the empress.
70 Report
The empress gave birth to the second prince, the orange prince,
and the third prince, the yellow prince. The emperor had planned to
send them off to their designated locations, but the empress
wouldn’t agree. The emperor and empress were together since
childhood and eventually married each other. Since the emperor was
someone with the type of personality to treasure old relationships, he
showed her the most respect, and usually wouldn’t act against her

She was the empress of the world who was very strict with herself.
While she sometimes goes overboard with her methods for dealing
with the other members of the harem, she doesn’t create problems
for the overall picture. She always kept the overall picture in mind,
and she was daring and decisive, rightfully making her the number
one woman in the world.

Back then when the emperor intended to move the capital to Bei
Ping, he went there on a tour with just a few men to see what it was
like. At the time, one of the generals of the imperial court wanted to
revolt and took that opportunity. He led his men and sieged the
capital, attacking day and night. He also sent skilled warriors to
sneak into the city to assassinate officials of the imperial court. He
also tried to open the city gates.

At the time, Nan Jing fell into chaos. The emperor was still very
young at the time while the princes were still newborns, and
therefore, there was no one to lead in the imperial court.

It was the empress who stepped up alone, managed the harem

and put the officials at ease. She ordered the masters within the
court to split up into seven directions and risk their lives to ask the
three of the seven champion white princes to come and help
suppress the chaos. That was how the revolt was resolved.

The traitorous general was a powerful general in the imperial court.

He was considered one of the most skilled fighters and brightest
strategists. At the time, the traitorous general only had one city
71 Report
which he could defend, and he had what it took to go up against the
imperial court. So if he were able to successfully take over the
capital, the consequences would be infinite.

If it wasn’t for the empress’s decisiveness, the capital would have

been in a crisis.

After that event, aside from his romantic feelings for his wife, the
emperor also respected her. Consequently, even when she was harsh
with her means when dealing with her sisters that were part of the
harem, the emperor couldn’t bear to fault her.

However, after he finished sending the green prince away and was
preparing to send the orange prince away, the empress cried and
made a scene, threatening to kill herself and whatnot. Don’t
underestimate her because she’s the noble empress. She does come
from a family that practices martial arts. If she gets serious, there’s a
fat chance she’ll actually hang herself.

She clung to emperor Yuan Sheng until he gave in. He tried to

approach her in different ways to no avail, forcing him to unwillingly
allow the orange prince to stay in the capital. And that is the reason
as to why there are two princes in the capital.

The red prince and orange prince lived right under the nose of the
emperor. While it looked like everything between them was fine on
the surface, they had secretly fought each other countless times.
With the empress backing him, the orange prince was able to one-up
his elder brother in their battles. But that wasn’t enough to satisfy
the orange prince.

He didn’t want to just beat his useless elder brother. His other
brothers who had been sent away were no pushovers. During the
time he had been stuck in the capital, his brothers must certainly
have been growing their influence and power.

The lust for battle the six of them shared seemed to be innate.
72 Report
Every time he thought about how his other brothers were growing
stronger, he couldn’t help but desire power.

Being stuck in the capital impacted his ability to grow his power,
but with the empress backing him, things were different. Since he
was also in cahoots with the evil sects, he quickly gained money,
resources and men. If he, Li Chengzhi was given another year’s time,
perhaps he would hold power that the emperor could no longer
overlook. But things suddenly changed.

The emperor sent his entourage to his manor to conduct a

thorough check after Liu Shan Men handed the emperor the records

The god-like detective Yan Shisan was no longer around, so the

orange prince wasn’t exposed so easily.

While they were unable to find any conclusive incriminating

evidence, the prowess of the emperor’s entourage was
demonstrated. The orange prince couldn’t sit and wait for his fall. The
people who were waiting to arrest him had already surrounded his
manor and were thinking of ways to arrest him. Waiting is the act of
a fool.

Even if it was slightly early, the orange prince resolved to act first
as he believed it to be the superior option.

If the emperor wanted to off him, why not go and become the


At this moment, the orange prince was walking in the corridor of

the palace. He was on the way to the audience that he would soon
rule over, and hence was filled with happiness.

He was in a great mood, such a good mood that was rarely seen.

He wore a smile like he was enjoying spring with excellent wine, as

if he could break out into a song.
73 Report
The servants that followed by his side didn’t understand the reason
for the usually violent and brash prince’s uplifted mood. Some of the
maids who saw his handsome face couldn’t help but have romantic
thoughts about him. They said to themselves: “When he’s not
wearing a moody look, he doesn’t look so scary. To the
contrary, he looks quite handsome.”

Nobody knew that the orange prince was thinking: “When the old
geezer is done for, I’ll be the ruler of all. Hahahaha! My dream is
about to become a reality!

The orange prince was different to the other princes ever since
they were young. He wasn’t willing to submit to anyone, not even his
father. He wasn’t satisfied with being under the rule of another. He
grew his powers in secret while putting up with hardships. He quietly
grew his powers until he had a power strong enough to strike like
lightning with a single strike.

All of the suffering he went through was for his small dream.

When he was young, he was loved deeply and enjoyed the luxury
of getting everything he wanted because he was the empress’s
eldest son.

He liked his mother most. His mother was very gentle with him and
never scolded him. He remembered one time when he was naughty
and pushed a maid into a pond and she nearly drowned. He knew he
did something wrong and hid under his bed, not daring to come out.

It was his mother, the empress that got him to come out from
under his bed by coaxing him like a small pet. She also gave him
plenty of delicacies, putting a smile on his face. But on the same day,
the emperor came not long after she managed to get him to smile.
The emperor looked at the happy prince enjoying his snacks and got
furious. He locked the orange prince up in the library for three whole
days. His punishment was to copy the “Analects of Confucius”
every single day, and he was not permitted to leave. He was only
74 Report
allowed to have plain noodles, mantou and some side dishes.

The orange prince still remembered the humiliation of it. And

whenever he did, a fire would light up in his heart. After that, he
formed a small dream.

The orange prince’s dream was passionate and just. It was just and
noble. It was pure and true. It was elegant and void of insignificant

Our orange prince thought of one thing when he looked at his

father, the current emperor: “I want him to call me Master
Cheng! Wahahaha! Wahahaha! That feels awesome!”

If he successfully takes over today, his old man will have to call
him Master Cheng! The thought of it put a big smile on his face like
every fibre of his being was brimming with merriment.

If his subordinates could read minds, they’d hang him up, give him
a beating and then throw him into a lake. It’d be better than getting
dragged into this shit-hole with this fool.

But the world is an unpredictable place. Who would have thought

that the idiot was the son of the empress. He just had to be a dragon,
one of the successors of the nation.

It looks like the prophecy of the six dragons sealing the nation was
looking more and more genuine.

The orange prince was forging forward on the bright path to

achieve his noble dream of getting his father to call him Master
Cheng. His men had snuck into the palace and his plan was going
according to how he intended for it to. If successful, the ruler of the
country will change today.

If the six dragons will seal the nation, Li Chengzhi will be the first
dragon; an evil orange dragon that will seal off the palace walls.
75 Report
And the imperial martial arts tournament was the best stepping-


*Cheng (橙) is the word for orange, and is the name of the orange

**Bei Ping is the former name of Beijing

***The reference to the empress’s sisters isn’t actually blood-

sisters, but rather since because they all share the same husband,
they’re considered sisters

****Mantou is like a meat bun without meat, just plain flour

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76 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 6
Flying Fish Pavilion and the Beautiful Young Girl

“The Duke of Jing has arrived! Sir Yu from the Ministry of

Rites has arrived! Sir Qi from the Ministry of finance has

The ministers of the imperial court strolled in one by one after their
arrival was announced loud and clear. They wore cheerful looks. They
looked like they didn’t come to watch a martial arts tournament but
to attend a wedding celebration.

Well it wasn’t surprising since it was the finals of the imperial

martial arts tournament after all. Officials who don’t hold ranks high
enough don’t even have the right to get a glimpse of it. It was
considered a great honour for officials who could watch it for the first

The large plaza called the Flying Fish Pavilion was a place
designated specifically for the royal family to enjoy martial arts
contests and similar events.

The title “flying fish” is the title the founding emperor

bequeathed the founder of Liu Shan Men.

The founding emperor possessed great martial prowess. Not only

did he possess profound martial arts skills, he also had a very heroic
aura and thereby managed to bring together many strange men.

The three greatest fighters who served him were bestowed the
titles: flying fish, ying long and Qing Lin. The three of them went on
to become the three founders, and their reputation was passed down
to the next generations. The “ultimate three” trio in the imperial
court became a thing since their time.
77 Report
It’s said that the three of them fought for three days and three
nights to determine the number one fighter in the world back then at
the flying fish pavilion. But it wasn’t until they determined the victor
that it got the name flying fish pavilion. Besides determining the
strongest fighter of the time, who was Flying Fish, the Qilin Guards,
as well as the emperor’s entourage and Liu Shan Men were also

From then on, the flying fish pavilion which hosted the historic
battle became favoured by the royal family. From then on, they
chose to host martial arts fights there.

The descendants of the founding emperor inherited his passion for

martial arts. Aside from watching, they wouldn’t hesitate to go down
into the ring to try their hand at it. It’s said that the current emperor
also liked stories of people going into the pugilistic world to make a
name for themselves and was addicted to stories of ring-fights. Now
that he was older, he behaved more stably; however, his interest for
ring-fights was just as strong as when he was younger. Every now
and then he would ask the warriors of the imperial court or even
warriors in the palace to show off their skills at the flying fish

The emperor sat with his empress, consorts, concubines and

princesses on the tower as they watched the fights and enjoyed tea.
The twenty or so seats below were reserved for the invited retainers.
Next to the emperor was a eunuch who commentated and added to
the entertainment.

A betting zone was allocated below and the retainers were busy
putting down bets for their fighter of choice. While they couldn’t
gamble with real money, they could at least use objects as gambling
chips. Those who were invited into the imperial city to spectate the
fights were either high-ranking retainers or relatives of the royal
family. Therefore, the bets were big. Nobody dared to not bet since
they were worried they’d ruin the emperor’s mood.
78 Report
The emperor managed gambling very well. He didn’t allow
retainers to dodge gambling debts and he didn’t allow the
contestants to hold back.

Such small martial arts contests were sometimes conducted once a


I heard the eunuch on duty say that Long Zaitian once fought a Jia
level warrior on orders of the emperor. The emperor then quickly
took the item that the empress gifted him as a sign of their love,
which also happened to be unimaginably valuable. It was an eight
white jade bead crown and he used it to bet on Long Zaitian losing.
When it got placed on the table, Long Zaitian misunderstood that the
emperor was hopeful of him, punched his opponent which infuriated
him, and then the entire venue went dead-silent…..

It was a gift from the empress, and it was a crown for god’s sake.
Would you dare to take it if you won the bet? Fortunately, the
empress paid money to buy it back afterwards, otherwise the
retainer that won the bet and Long Zaitian would be haunted with
fear for the rest of their lives. I heard that the emperor was forbidden
from entering the harem palace for seven days afterwards, but that’s
just hearsay……

In any case, it’s become a norm here for an audience to sit around
spectating while enjoying tea whenever there are people squaring off
here. So I guess you could say the flying fish pavilion was the
ultimate teahouse upgrade! But it was different today. You could tell
with one glance at the grandeur around.

Before me right now were four rings. All of them were larger than a
ring from the preliminaries and a ring from the semi-finals combined.
Based on my count, the base was built on nine thousand nine
hundred and eighty one wooden stumps, which supported the stone
material above firmly. It was thick and sturdy. It didn’t move so those
with strong internal strength wouldn’t have to be worried about
stamping too hard. On top of each of the large wooden stumps were
79 Report
layers of timber and smothered in a layer phoebe zhennan coated in
tar oil, so it was tougher than gold and iron. As such, you should
know that even if a fighter was to possess internal strength, equal
that of masters, not even one-tenth of the energy would be
transferred to the people close by if they were to fight on those rings.
And since there was a sculpted piece of art of a dragon and phoenix
on the phoebe zhennan, which was amazing, if somebody were to
accidently bump it over, they would have shattered the porcelain of
the previous dynasty.

I’ve only seen a ring which could stop the power of a fighter like
this twice. Once was when my shifu took me to the west to expand
my horizons. The westerners have abundant mines so they love to
use gold and iron. The other time was when I was play-fighting with
the Shaolin abbot and a skilled fighter from an evil sect at the Shaolin
temple. There’s a pure zen stone platform at the Shaolin temple. We
exchanged ten palm strikes with each other on top of it. I blasted my
power around randomly. Abbott Kong Xu smiled as though our hearts
were interlinked, and the skilled fighter from the evil sect struck
intensely on his third strike, but nobody below the platform got hurt.

Now you should know why the ring is crafted in such a complex

The first reason is because that the skilled fighters would

manoeuvre a lot like the wind and there wouldn’t be enough room for
them. The second reason is because the force behind their strikes
could splash onto the audience, thereby injuring them. The
spectators were all fragile old men. Nobody would want to have to
take responsibility for it, so it was better to be cautious. Thirdly,
which is also the most important reason, is because weapons were
permitted in the finals. Weapons had to be checked by the eunuchs
in the palace and then pass through all the checks at the various city
gates before they could be sent to the ring.

There were many contestants in the semi-finals, so there was a
80 Report
bigger chance of an accident happening if weapons were to be
utilised. However, there were only thirty-two people in the finals, so
there were only thirty-two sabres at best. Given the smaller number,
the chances of an accident could be minimised.

Take a look around. There are over a hundred guards from the
Qilin Guards and the emperor’s entourage combined guarding the
venue. If any of the thirty-one other people present had ulterior
motives, they’d be mince-meat before they could reach the emperor.
Heck, they’d be served up as a piping hot meat-stuffed dumpling,
and it wouldn’t take any effort.

What? Why are there thirty one?

That’s because I’m among the thirty-two contestants. If I were the

one to make an attempt on the emperor’s life, what would be placed
before the emperor wouldn’t be thirty-one dumplings, but two
hundred pork shoulders.

Speaking of which, I’m a little worried about Su Xiao. How are Su

Xiao’s martial arts skills any different to the spectators below? If it
wasn’t for Liu Zi giving him the win, he wouldn’t have qualified to be
here……. I’m not so worried about him losing, but about him getting
hurt badly by his opponent up there. Su Xiao arrived as I thought
about that.

“Big Brother Ming!” His beautiful, smooth forehead was

scrunched up. He looked angry like a mouse that just ate, “You! You
played me and then ran off?! What sort of man are you?”

I suddenly noticed all the gazes around focused on us. I quickly

shouted in the direction of those bastards: “Ears! Pinched ears!”
They all showed their disappointment with their gaze and took their
focus off us.

I could occasionally hear their whispers.
81 Report
“What a plague. He doesn’t even dare to make a move.”

“Pinched his ear? How disappointing.”

Disappointed your fucking ass! What were you all hoping for?!

Bloody Su Xiao! He’s getting better and better at screwing me over

without me even noticing. If I wasn’t use to this shit, I’d fall for it

While Su Xiao had arrived, I didn’t see General Manager Bai with
him. Fair enough, I guess. She’s not as free as us. She should be busy
with matters in the palace today and unable to come.

I waved my hand and greeted him: “You’re late. We were about

to begin drawing lots for our opponents.”

“You don’t say! It’s all your fault! You left me behind with
that vixen. I argued with her for ages before I could come

You argued again?

These two people met for the first time, so why are they on such
bad terms? Could it be that they hate each other for being sharing
the same gender tastes?

“What did you argue with General Manager Bai about this

“Move over, I want to sit too.”

Su Xiao was angry but he seemed tired from the running. He sat
down and moved over towards me. I was sitting on a stone step, so I
could only fit half a person next to me. With my build, there was
nowhere left to sit once I sat down. Su Xiao didn’t care and forced
open his own space. His vixen-like body leaned onto my chest but he
didn’t seem to mind. He shifted back like a kitten. He leaned onto me
82 Report
and you could imagine what his white jade like neck and back were
like. Because he leaned onto me, I could smell the faint flower scent
on him.

“I’m exhausted.” Su Xiao’s face was reddish. It looks like he was

afraid of arriving late and ran hard. You could see his slender legs
through his pants which proved they were firm and smooth. Su Xiao
kicked his feet like you would when performing a backstroke, which
was very much like a young girl.

How does this punk always manage to cross over the gender
boundary so effortlessly?!

I resisted the urge to peek at his jade-back and closed my eyes. I

kept repeating in my mind that he was my good brother and that I
couldn’t look, amitabha, amitabha.

But it was hard to erase the bad thought. Left with no choice, I
posed like Guan Yu stroking his beard and sternly said: “Hmm, why
did you two argue? It is easy to resolve the animosity
between enemies, but not easy to become enemies in the
first place.”

“Hahaha.” Su Xiao burst out laughing, “What are you doing?

Are you pretending to be Guan Yu? I’ll be Cao Cao then,
alright? Look, look.”

Su Xiao acted like Cao Cao in stage plays and pulled a face. He
looked very cute with his smiling eyebrows. This punk is like a kid. It
took just a tiny bit of effort to make him forget about his anger.

“So what did you argue with General Manager Bai about?
You had to have a reason, right?”

To be honest, General Manager Bai doesn’t have a personality

issue. It’s just that she doesn’t know how to interact with people too
well. Why did they argue when Su Xiao’s got such a talkative
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“You still talking about that?!”

Su Xiao frowned again and pouted his mouth.

“If you’re going to help her, don’t talk to me ever again.”


*Phoebe Zhennan is a large species of tree up to 30 metres (98 ft)

tall in the Lauraceae family

*Guan Yu was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei in the
late Eastern Han dynasty.

***Cao Cao was a Chinese warlord and the penultimate Chancellor

of the Eastern Han dynasty.

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84 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 7
The Imperial Martial Arts Tournament is…… Get Lost If You’re
Trying to Listen in for Free!

I hopelessly asked: “What exactly happened? How do I know

who I should help if you don’t tell me?”

Su Xiao who was leaning on me suddenly jumped up, turned

around and blinked his large eyes. He looked at me with disbelief:
“You’re not helping me? Shouldn’t you help me
unconditionally since we’re buddies?”

When did this kid learn to become so unreasonable like women?!

“Yeah, yeah, I’m always on your side.” I scrubbed his small

head and then changed the subject: “What happened?”

Su Xiao revealed a comforted expression like a cat sunbathing. He

pursed his lips into a smile and said: “We chatted for a while. We
were having a proper chat…”

I knew it. Su Xiao’s personality actually goes well with Bai Ling, so
they should be able to become good friends.

“But! When we started talking about the imperial martial

arts tournament, she said some frustrating things.”

“Imperial martial arts tournament?”

“Yeah. She said something about there being a fair number

of contestants this time, but not many were skilled. She was
worried that not even three would be selected from the
contestants this time.”

I almost laughed out loud. I could virtually imagine Bai Ling putting
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on airs as she usually does, acting proud like a teacher that enjoyed
educating people. She must’ve pretended to cough twice, and then
raised her head to say: “Since you asked, I shall kindly tell

She definitely then turned to face Su Xiao and bragged about how
she can read things so well and is knowledgeable about the martial
world. She must’ve given him an analysis for all sorts of stuff. She
likes to talk to people about things in the martial world.

I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head. You’ll scare off all
your new friends like that, General Manager Bai.

Su Xiao then continued: “She suddenly coughed, and then

something like ‘since you asked, I shall kindly tell you. I don’t
tell this to everybody’. Then she happily went blah blah

Hehehe. I didn’t laugh. No, serious, I didn’t laugh… Pfft!

“I was listening to her properly at the start. But then I got

frustrated when she said we don’t have anyone talented.
What made me mad most was that she underestimated Liu
Shan Men.” Su Xiao grumbled: “She said that while four of us
made it, it’s guaranteed that none of us will make it to the
end. She even said the winner will be one of the wandering
warriors if not Long Zaitian. God damn that pissed me off!”

“She’s very……..”

……. She’s quite right.

Nobody would think that Liu Shan Men is something worth paying
attention to given the state we’re in. Even Boss Shen feels that us
making it to the finals in itself is a win. The strongest in the
emperor’s entourage, Tie Hanyi has been defeated, and now there
aren’t many skilled contestants left. From Bai Ling’s point of view,
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she can judge a person’s skill without much observation. But Bai Ling
lacks people-skills. If she happily disparages Liu Shan Men right in
front of him, of course she’ll piss off Su Xiao.

“Didn’t she tell you the reason?”

Su Xiao angrily nodded and grumbled: “She did tell me. She
said that all four of us have problems. She said I lack the
skills. She said I won in the semi-finals thanks to a stroke of
luck and that I would lose in the finals in less than twenty
moves. She said Tang Ye may possess solid skills, but he
lacks luck. He got paired up with Tie Hanyi in the semi-finals
and was forced to go all out, thereby revealing everything he
had in the bag. He caught the attention of too many people,
so he’s very likely to lose in the upcoming matches. Song
Ou’s skills aren’t bad, but he doesn’t have much real
experience. He can’t win in ring fights. And she said you’re


“Say something, Big Brother Ming.” Su Xiao looked upset. He

looked at me seriously, “Forget you guys; my skills are

Can you be any more retarded?!

The most correct thing she said was the part about you! No wait.
Her comment about you should be considered a compliment!

“She’s right.” I waved my hand, “You don’t realise how

important the imperial martial arts tournament is. All the
participants give it their all. We’re just here to carry out a
mission, so we can’t compare to them.”

Su Xiao angrily retorted: “What do you mean we can’t

compare? Isn’t it just a martial arts contest?”
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“You don’t get it.”

I patiently explained what made the imperial martial arts

tournament special.

A martial arts competition of this level requires a lot of manpower.

Traditionally, it’s only held once every five years.

It’s been three years since the last imperial martial arts
tournament so the emperor has done Boss Shen a big favour. If it
weren’t for their connection, with the emperor’s nature of keeping
business strictly business, he wouldn’t have held the imperial martial
arts tournament two years early.

The imperial martial arts tournament has always been a trick the
reigning emperors used to promote and recruit talent. Since Liu
Shan’s Elite Rankings came into existence, the imperial martial arts
tournament became a tradition which has been practiced until now.

I took out a Black and White magazine from three years ago from
inside my shirt. I flipped to the page that reported in detail the
imperial martial arts tournament three years ago. While the level of
importance and level of skill the contestants had back then was far
superior, its meaning was about the same. It was a martial arts
contest, and was for the sake of finding talent for the imperial court.
The difference was the ultimate three fought for the title of the
strongest under heaven. Normal imperial martial arts tournaments
are opportunities to make a name for oneself.

Winning in the martial arts tournaments was for a warrior what

passing the imperial scholastic exams was for scholars. Besides
having a brighter future, their path in life could be vastly different.

“Look at what’s written here.”

“Where? Where?”

I pointed to that page and read it to Su Xiao.
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Three years ago, in other words, at the last imperial martial arts
tournament, there was a talented guy who possessed great skills,
beating all his opponents and left everyone at a loss. And thus, he
took out first place.

The emperor was elated. Not only did he promote him to third rank
official, he also highly valued him afterwards. But that’s not all. After
the tournament, the emperor betrothed the eldest princess to him,
thereby bestowing him with the title Jing An Fuma in front of all the
officials of the imperial court.

“Why was he called Jingan Fuma?”

“Do you seriously not know?” I widened my eyes as I looked at

Su Xiao. Frustrated, I said: “Because the princess had the title
Princess Jingan, so of course her husband would be Jingan

Su Xiao nodded: “Oh, so the princess was called Li Jingan~.”

“You’re… right there.”

Since we’re on this topic, we have to mention the fact that the
emperor is fairly careless. A princess’s maiden name is usually known
only by a small number of people, but the emperor went and used
her name as a title, thereby sharing it with the entire world. And so,
everybody came to know Princess Jingan’s name……

Su Xiao tapped on his head with his finger as he listened to me.

When he heard that part, he widened his eyes and asked: “Oh, so
you can marry a princess if you win?”

“That was an unprecedented imperial martial arts

tournament because he became royalty-class so quickly.” I
closed my eyes slightly and said: “The three of us care only
because it’s our mission. But it’s a rare fate that is hard to
come across. Therefore, the degree of effort put forth is
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different. You should take care. If you get paired up with
someone that fights like a suicide attacker, just run. Don’t
fight him. You won’t die if you surrender, but if you lose,
you’ll have to die as well. That’s a terrible business

Su Xiao nodded like an epileptic, smiled and said: “I wonder what

reward the winner will get this time. Last time the winner
was awarded a princess, so the reward this time should be
decently big too, right?”

Hard to say.

Come to think of it, the emperor didn’t seem to mention any

reward this time. He’s not going to marry off another princess, is he?

Let me see… the emperor has three daughters. The eldest princess
is married, while the second and third princesses are waiting to be
conferred maiden names. If the emperor’s thinking gets muddled, he
might actually marry them off.

“He just might marry off a princess.”


“I’m gonna have to give it my best then.”

“Easy-peasy! I’ll show the emperor my strong points!”

Why are there so many voices replying all of a sudden?!

I looked behind me and behind me stood seven or eight people I

don’t even know. They were listening in keenly. Wait a second.
They’re all contestants that are taking part in the upcoming finals.
They don’t know the value of the imperial martial arts tournament
either? Are you people serious?

A guy even asked: “Hey bro, do you think I have a chance at
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marrying a princess?”

How the hell would I know?!

What the hell are you people doing?! What are you all leaning over
in this direction for?!


*Fuma means son-in-law, but son-in-law here isn’t your typical son-
in-law. It’s a special title which indicates that the holder of the title is
the son-in-law of the emperor.

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91 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 8
Master Cheng and His Father

Ping An Palace.

This is one of the palaces inside the Forbidden City. It’s a gathering
place for members of the royal family where they casually converse.
Normally, the emperor acts as the host, while the princesses, princes,
the emperor’s harem and other relatives of the royal family gather

While the emperor is busy, he makes time to enjoy family

gatherings a few days every month.

Perhaps the prophecy made him miss out on chances to show his
love for his sons, hence why he particularly treasured his children.

Aside from the six princes, the emperor also has three princesses.

It seemed as though the emperor transferred his love for his sons
onto his three beloved daughters, He lets them have their way and
bends to their every whim, giving them everything they ever wanted.
And it wasn’t just giving them pearls.

Let me give an example. Martial arts are flourishing during this

dynasty. There are princes and princesses who don’t practice martial
arts. However, if a prince wanted to enter the pugilistic world and
train, he wouldn’t reveal it before the emperor, but would wish for it
silently deep down. But no matter how far-fetched things are, there
aren’t any princesses who enter the pugilistic world.

But Emperor Yuan Sheng went and broke that tradition. The
second princess had a strong interest in martial arts, and was
particularly skilled with a sabre. She asked the emperor to find a
reputable teacher in the martial world. The emperor wrestled with
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the request and then let her enrol in a school. Not even the princes
had the chance to experience such a great honour.

You could reasonably say that the current reigning emperor,

Emperor Yuan Sheng is the number one daughter-con-emperor in

It’s a pity that the eldest princess left the palace after getting
married while there’s such a lively event going on here in the palace.
I heard that the second princess had returned after finishing up her
training, but I don’t see her. I presume she couldn’t make it today.
The third princess never liked martial arts so she didn’t care if the
emperor asked her to come.

It’s a nice imperial martial arts tournament, and yet daughter-con,

Emperor Yuan Sheng doesn’t have a single one of his daughters
accompanying him by his side. It truly is a sight to sigh at.

The emperor sat inside Ping An Palace on his own, waiting for his
family members to arrive before heading out to watch the
competition together. However, wait as he may, nobody came. After
waiting for ages, somebody finally entered the palace.

A beautiful young individual stepped into Ping An Palace. They

were dressed in an orange robe, possessed an eloquent appearance
and looked graceful.

The orange prince stepped into Ping An palace and stopped five
steps in front of the emperor. He saluted him and said: “Greetings,
father.” His greeting was eloquent and perfect. The few maids in the
palace blushed. If they weren’t before the emperor’s presence, I bet
they would’ve screeched.

Each of the six princes has their strong skillsets, but in terms of
looks, the orange prince was easily the most handsome.

The orange prince inherited the Li family’s big bones, wide
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shoulders and back, tall stature and upright posture. He had a heroic
aura between his eyebrows and his eyes looked full of vigour.
However, the emperor had a rectangular face with a majestic and
solemn look. The orange prince on the other hand, had an oval-
shaped face and resembled the empress more. While he didn’t look
as majestic, he looked many times more handsome than the

Seeing the reactions of the maids, the emperor couldn’t help but
smile. He proudly felt: “That’s my son. He’s got the makings of
a great man!”

The orange prince has made countless mistakes, but the emperor
still doted on him like this regardless, leaving outsiders astonished.
However, it was easy to see that it wasn’t anything major. The
emperor watched the six princes grow up so he was used to the
reality that his sons were troublemakers long ago. When he sent the
blue prince away seven years ago, the naughty kid went and
gathered three thousand people to launch an assault on the imperial
palace. However, his efforts were squandered it in less than an hour
by Yan Shisan.

While he didn’t cause any damage, he still revolted. While his

revolt ended in failure, it was still a major crime. The emperor spared
him for that, so the emperor forgave the orange prince for taking
bribes too.

The emperor warmly said: “You’re here, Cheng’er.”

The orange prince looked around the empty Ping An Palace, and
replied in a pretend-surprised tone: “Has my mother, your
consorts and concubines not arrived?” They couldn’t come
because of the orange prince’s arrangements. He had his men notify
the harem that the martial arts tournament would begin in another
two hours, so they were all having their beauty sleep right now.

“Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go. Let’s talk on the way.”
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The emperor grabbed the orange prince and the two of them
walked out the door side by side. The skilled Qilin Guards in front of
them made way and a group of eunuchs followed behind as they
flamboyantly made their way to the flying fish pavilion.

“Sigh. Mother and Chi’er haven’t come back from Purple

Holy Mountain. Your mother is late again as usual,
hahahaha.” The emperor laughed cheerfully: “Your uncle has never
been reliable. It looks like he’s going to be late again. It looks like
only the two of us will be walking together.

The orange prince nodded naturally: “Yes.”

The emperor’s family is actually quite large.

Other than the seven princes, three princesses, and his harem, his
mother, the empress dowager was still alive. The empress’s younger
brother is also very close to the royal family. He wouldn’t pass on an
event like this.

The empress dowager believes in daoism, so she goes to Purple

Holy Mountain at this time every year to pray for the longevity of the
nation and the well-being of the people. She took the red prince and
national priest along with her. She should’ve arrived at her
destination by now, and should be rushing to get back.

The empress’s younger brother likes to have fun, so he’s probably

held up somewhere. With not much time left, the emperor had no
choice but to go ahead with the orange prince.

The orange prince followed the emperor’s big strides. He tried to

keep his excitement under wraps. The emperor looked at his son,
laughed and asked: “Cheng’er, are you still thinking about the
finance records?”

He never expected the emperor to bring it up like that. Could it be

he had discovered something? The orange prince couldn’t help but
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turn alert.

“I am ashamed. I know my faults in regards to the


“Hah, that’s nothing.” The emperor waved his hands. It seemed

as if his spirit had returned to the time he was adventuring the
pugilistic world because they were going to watch a martial arts
tournament today. He generously and heroically laughed: “Hahaha,
I did many more ridiculous things than you when I was
young. You can’t be more ridiculous than I was.”

The orange prince frowned. He couldn’t help but feel somewhat

guilty: “A-… Are you sure?”

“Of course. You call that minor incident a problem?” The

emperor waved his hand. He revealed an arrogant smile and asked:
“When I was your age right now, I hid a huge fortune from
your mother. Which do you think is a bigger deal?”


The orange prince went into a silence for a long time. He then
gestured with a thumbs up: “Father, you’re ama-… I definitely
can’t compare to you.”

“Oh, right. I have something to tell you.” The emperor took a

few steps forward and then quietly said: “I ordered Hu Po to go
and do something today, and it has to do with you.”

Hu Po is ranked seventh on Liu Shan’s Elite Rankings, and is one of

the most skilled fighters in the emperor’s entourage. He’s virtually
skilled enough to be in the same league the Qilin Guards’ god of
battle, Yi Ya. He’s also the strongest among the members of the
emperor’s entourage in the capital. But that’s not all. He’s also the
emperor’s personal bodyguard, who’s always at his side guarding
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The emperor sent him on a job related to me? Could it be that he
knows about my plans?

The orange prince’s heart almost stopped from fright. His face
turned pale. He stopped in his tracks: “F-father… you… I……” His
speech got muddled and he struggled to put together a complete

“What are you so nervous about?” The emperor chuckled

softly and then softly continued: “I just told him to send some
stuff to your manor.”

The orange prince almost called out to the Black Wind Thirteen
Wings with their secret code to come and save him. I almost lost my
throne before I could sit on it! But after hearing the whole story, he
calmed down.”

“May I ask what you sent to my manor that Hu Po would

have to personally make the trip, father?”

“It’s nothing really, just some spare change.” The emperor

smiled and added: “I asked him to give you ten-thousand taels
of silver. Would an average Joe be able to move that?

“T-Ten thousand?”

“Cheng’er, you’re my son. Why don’t you ask me if you

need spending money?” The emperor stopped in his tracks and
looked at his son with the look of a doting father, “You resemble
me most among all my sons. You’re impatient, unimaginably
impatient. Whenever you want something, you want it
immediately, ignoring what others say. But corruption is a
crime. It’s bad for the people and the nation. Remember, if
you need money in the future, just ask me, got it?”

The orange prince felt a warm feeling in his chest. He was lost for
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words in the moment. It took him a long time to put together a few
words: “Father… I…..”

“Don’t look like that, it’s just ten thousand taels.” The
emperor revealed a mischievous smile: “Don’t forget that your
dad rules the world. Of course I can spare that much.” But
then he anxiously added out of the blue, “But don’t tell your
mother. She’ll definitely ask if I’m stashing money.”

The father and son pair exchanged glances. Their gaze hinted that
they had countless things to say to each other, but they couldn’t say
a single thing.

The orange prince looked like he didn’t dare to look directly into his
father’s eyes. His gaze contained lots of things he didn’t think about
in the past and never waited on. Maybe he stopped waiting too soon.
It was a deep emotion. He suddenly felt that the man before him was
indeed his father who truly loved him.

“Father……. I…….”

The emperor revealed a warm smile, pat the orange prince on his
shoulder and said: “We’ve arrived. If there’s something you
want to say, save it for after the imperial martial arts
tournament.” He then stepped into the flying fish pavilion.

The orange prince watched his back that was steadfast yet
beginning to sag slightly. As he watched it, he felt an emotion he
couldn’t put into words. He stood where he was and took in a deep
breath to calm himself down.

He hesitated for a split moment and then silently followed.

A thought repeatedly appeared in the orange prince’s mind: Fuck,

this is great! Hu Po isn’t in the palace. My chance of success has
increased again! Don’t blame the exalted Master Cheng if you get
screwed over father! Wahahahaha.
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99 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 9
A Princess is Married Off As Soon As There’s a Disagreement

“His majesty has arrived.”

I lost track of time chatting with Su Xiao, and before we knew it,
the emperor had arrived. He and the orange prince went to their
seats, and the seats for the royal family’s relatives quickly filled up
soon after. However, I didn’t see a princess or the rumoured red
prince. It didn’t seem like the emperor’s harem was coming either.

I thought I’d get to see what the harem looked like today. What a

“Liu Shan Men’s vice-captain Shen has arrived!”

A high-pitched voice suddenly announced Boss Shen’s arrival,

setting off a wave of sounds from the crowd.

Yep, Boss Shen had arrived. She was here today as Liu Shan Men’s
vice-captain. She was dressed in a red and white warrior robe,
showcasing her heroic personality. Her slender white legs were
revealed, and with each step she took, you could see her naked thigh
move, attracting the eyes of countless people.

From far away, Boss Shen shot me a doubtful look, frowned and
then shook her head gently. It was like she was using her eyes to tell
me: If you can win, fight, if you can’t, run. Don’t push yourself.

I then gave her a thumbs-up to say: I’ll do my best.

I could sincerely feel her encouragement, so I immediately shot her

a determined look and gestured with my hand: That was my plan all
along! I’ll run as soon as I enter the ring. Perfect!
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Boss Shen looked like my teasing made her happy. She revealed a
sweet oh so sweet smile. But then she discovered something was off.
She gave me a rebuking look: But you are not to run without putting
up a fight!

Shit! She found out! I quickly switched the topic and sent her a
blow kiss: Love ya, boss!

Boss Shen smiled sweetly as she looked at me. Her gaze carried
the doting feeling you would show a child, but at the same time also
had a hint of mischievousness: Sweet-talker.

My, my, my. Boss Shen is just way too beautiful. But why is her


Song Ou who stood by my side angrily shouted at me then glared

daggers at me resentfully and added: “Ming Feizhen, our enemy
is right before us and yet you’re not taking it seriously.
Flirting with girls every day, you’re ridiculous!”

I forgot Brother Bastard was standing next to me!

“I was just reporting the situation to our vice-captain…….”

“That’s outrageous!” Brother Bastard was fuming, the guy was

ready to explode with anger, “We men are fighting with our lives
on the line, without whining. Back then when Yu the great
controlled the flood gates so well, General Yue Fei’s army
was thriving…..”

Su Xiao standing behind me chuckled and said: “He’s probably

jealous because the vice-captain is more concerned about
you than the captain.”

Concerned about me?!
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Come on, it’s obvious she’s screwing me over!!

Brother Bastard was busy spitting in my face. I glared at Boss Shen

far off in the distance viciously, but she instead pulled a funny face
that’s hard to describe before finally smiling and continuing forwards.

Her feminine look disappeared the next moment, and she became
the calm, decisive and incredibly domineering vice-captain of Liu
Shan Men.

Boss Shen walked up to a seat reserved for the royal family’s

members, looked towards the emperor and greeted him: “Liu Shan
Men’s Shen Yiren sends you her greetings, your majesty!”

The emperor was in a good mood. He smiled and said: “You’re

here, Yiren. Wang Tushui, give her her seat.”

Shen Yiren paused and then replied: “This is a seat reserved for
the royal family. I am afraid that for me to sit here would

The emperor waved his hand to brush it off: “What’s there to be

afraid of? The imperial martial arts tournament isn’t just
official business. There’s an entertainment component to it
too. Moreover, your subordinates are competing. Don’t you
want to get a clear view of it from here?”

Boss Shen didn’t have the chance to object. Eunuch Wang who was
laughing and after an opportunity for some credit had already led her
up to the seat next to the emperor. She sat on one side while the
orange prince sat on the either.

Song Ou was still here spitting in my face. Just when I was about to
shove a shoe in his mouth, the senior eunuch, Eunuch Nan suddenly
took in a deep breath. Due to him taking in a big breath, it felt like he
was imbuing it with powerful spirit, so I subconsciously covered my
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“Please quiet down everyone!”

His voice was sonorous, making his announcement audible over

the voice of the entire plaza, yet the gentleness in his voice reached
a great distance. His voice wasn’t extremely loud but made its way
into my ears nonetheless. His ability to deliver it with such skill
demonstrated that his internal strength cultivation was superior to
that of Long Zaitian’s. Just in terms of reach, he far exceeded Long
Zaitian’s capabilities. The emperor is surrounded by talent. I was
surprised to discover that Eunuch Nan was an internal strength

“This special martial arts talent selection event is held by

the courtesy of his majesty. His majesty has something to
say. Everyone please remain quiet.”

Eunuch Nan paused for a short while to let his voice die out.

Eunuch Nan waited for a while and then said: “Contestants, you
are the pillars of talent of our nation. The imperial court shall
recruit you if you perform brilliantly. That is the first thing.
Second, winning and losing is normal. Do not resent or seek
vengeance on your opponents.”

In other words, we are to compete sensibly. We are not to pursue

personal grudges under the guise of competition. Why does this
sound more and more…… My eyes naturally looked at Brother
Bastard and then Long Zaitian.

Long Zaitian reacted quickly. He noticed me look at him as soon as

I turned my head. He glared at me and asked: “What the hell are
you looking at?”

I waved at him and then said with a smile: “Vice-captain Long,

please go easy on Tang Ye later.”

“If you’re not confident, why not piss off now? Heh, I can’t
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stand looking at you, you weak-pussy-ass-slave.” Long Zaitian
snorted coldly, wore a mocking smile and said: “His majesty sure
has too much free time on his hands. With me participating,
isn’t it obvious who the winner is?”

I smiled and nodded. I then turned back to face Tang Ye and

exclaimed: “Later on, bash him to death! Don’t hold back!!” Or
otherwise, let me at him!

Long Zaitian looked at us. He gave Tang Ye a cold smirk and said:
“You’re first.”

He then pointed at Brother Bastard and cockily said: “You’re


He then looked at me, spat and said: “You’re trash.”


“What the fuck did you say?!”

Fucking cunt! Don’t stop me, Tang Ye!!

Somebody give me a corn. I’m going to stab him to death today!!

Long Zaitian extended his arm out into a fighting stance: “Ooh,
I’m so scared~ you want a piece of me, do you? Alright! You
asked for it! I’ll grant you your wish!”

Just as we were about to go at each other, Eunuch Nan’s voice

which sounded like the southern wind came over and entered our
ears: “The imperial martial arts tournament is one of the
imperial court’s traditions. The winner shall be rewarded.”

The very mention of the “reward” is like dumping water into a

boiling pan of oil. It’ll crackle and explode! I could virtually see the
mouths and ears of the entire audience paying attention attentively,
not missing a single word.
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While there weren’t many seated people inside the imperial city,
the onlookers standing around watching numbered far more than the
number of participants during the preliminaries and semi-finals. Not
only did maids and eunuchs gather here, people outside the palace
were also here. Many officials who weren’t invited also found their
way here. As a matter of fact, there were a fair number of family
members of the officials with them. There were lots of wandering
warriors and imperial guards. These people give themselves pretty
names, but they’re just audience members who stole a spot to stand
around and watch the contest.

While the flying fish pavilion is wide, it didn’t look very wide with
the sea of people there.

Everyone lost it and cheered loudly when Eunuch Nan mentioned

that there would be a reward. Their cheers were like a huge wave
surrounding the flying fish pavilion. But the emperor didn’t get mad.
Instead, he laughed like he was happy. I think that this is a tradition
that the emperor silently promised long ago. But I guess it makes
sense. The emperor should emit an aura like that in such a lively
place with a martial arts contest.

With their rowdy cheers, we couldn’t help but stop even though we
were ready to fight.

Eunuch Nan turned around to look at the emperor. The emperor

smiled and nodded. Eunuch Nan then took in another deep breath
and spoke out, overtaking the voices of everyone else present.

“Since the establishment of this dynasty, our dynasty has

seen many heroes. The imperial martial arts tournament has
always been a place where heroes have been chosen. And
heroes naturally have a beauty to accompany them.”

The mention of “beauty” made the entire venue silent. Everybody

was unsettled until Eunuch Nan continued: “My second daughter,
Hong Zhuang is beautiful, gentle, generous, and intelligent.
105 Report
They are awaiting their maiden names and I am willing to
betroth them to a hero. I hereby promise that the victor shall
become Hong Zhuang Fuma as praise and the establishment
of a beautiful fate.”

The entire audience inside and outside the venue went bonkers!

The reward for the imperial martial arts contest has always been
kept secret until the day of the contest where it is announced to
create an incredibly passionate atmosphere.

Now everyone was excited. Not only was a talented individual

going to be crowned today, the emperor was going to make them his
son-in-law too.

The sound of the audience discussing among each other was more
than ten-times louder than before. Thousands of eyes scanned the
thirty-two of us as if we were getting brushed over and over
thousands of times. They wanted to see who would have the fortune
of marrying the princess.

So the award this time is the second princess, huh?

I heard the second princess, Princess Hong Zhuang had come of

age this year. Everybody tries to marry their daughter when they’re
young nowadays. Whether it’s the north or the south, every family
tries to marry their daughter off when they’re thirteen or fourteen. I
think the emperor must be getting anxious about too. I guess it’s fair.
If the imperial martial arts tournament were held next year, the
princess would’ve become an old girl and probably wouldn’t be liked
by her husband. Luckily the imperial martial arts tournament was
held ahead of schedule.

I clasped my hands and nodded.

The applause in all directions was deafening. They slowly began to

end their discussions. While the crowd was excited, we contestants
106 Report
here were-

Song Ou listlessly said: “Stupid.”

With a cold face, Tang Ye said: “Lame.“ He then copied Eunuch

Nan and took a deep breath.

“Hey, can’t you at least pretend to be interested to show

some respect for the emperor?!”

Song Ou again listlessly said: “I have a fiancée already. You

think the emperor can still betroth the princess to me?”

With a cold expression, Tang Ye exclaimed: “Get lost!”

Su Xiao pitifully said: “Big Brother Ming, I’m hungry.”

Without a word, I pulled Tang Ye who was acting cool over and
hammered him……

The audience was excited and the contestants were prideful. This
imperial martial arts tournament has been blown up to epic

But it wasn’t just us who were disinterested. The Qilin Guards

didn’t look too interested either, well, except for Long Zaitian who
complained: “Tch, she can’t even compare to Miss Shen’s
toes.” But other than him, the other Qilin Guards didn’t react to it
either, like they didn’t care about becoming the emperor’s son-in-

“That is the end of his majesty’s promise. I now hereby

announce the official commencement of the imperial martial
arts tournament!!”

After Eunuch Nan ended his announcement, the contestants for the
first bouts ascended the ring one after another.
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There are four rings here, so four bouts are run simultaneously.
The first eight contestants flew up to the rings.

Just as I went to see who the eight were, I suddenly heard someone
shout: “Isn’t that Hua Shan’s leader, Jia Yunfeng? I’ve heard
of his opponent. I think he was an exiled student of Cold
Mountain Temple, Xiang Batian.”

The individual then pat himself on his forehead and added: “Both
of them are the orange prince’s men. That’s some luck for
them to be up against each other!”

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108 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 10
Water Can Carry a Boat

I looked at one of the rings, and indeed, Hua Shan’s sect-leader, Jia
Yunfeng was on one of the rings.

Among the thirty-two of us here, fourteen are Qilin Guards, four are
from Liu Shan Men and four are from the emperor’s entourage. As it
stands, it is much different to the contest three years ago.

Su Xiao, Tang Ye, Brother Bastard and I didn’t take part three years
ago, as we have just entered Liu Shan Men. Even Boss Shen hadn’t
accomplished much at the time, so you can imagine how bad it was.

The ten-plus wandering warriors were first-timers too. Among them

included Jia Yunfeng and Xiang Batian.

Jia Yunfeng wore a grey robe. He looked neither happy nor sad. He
stood there coldly in the ring as if the world owed him applause for
his handsome face.

Jia Yunfeng stood there in the ring while showing off his

extraordinary and noble aura, creating insurmountable pressure for
his opponent before even making a move. That’s a sect leader of a
sect in the martial world for you.

Hua Shan sect mainly focuses on swordplay, so they’re bound to

have collected some rare weapons.

Hanging on the Jia Yunfeng’s waist was a blue scabbard for a long
sword. The sword handle had an ancient design and a straight body.
The guard was extremely straight unlike the currently popular wing-
guard design. The blue scabbard had old marks from taking damage
which gave it an ancient aura. The sword must be the token of Hua
Shan sect’s sect leader, Hua Shan sect’s famous passed-down sword
109 Report
Beyond the Heavens Edge.

Based on my profound knowledge as the self-proclaimed gossip-

king and the explanations of weapons in the Black and White
Reflection, Beyond the Heavens Edge is a sword the first sect leader
of Hua Shan made from the miraculous metal found at the top of
mount Hua Shan. Mount Hua Shan is a dangerous place. Those who
make it to the top are far and few. Nobody had located any
miraculous metal up there in the past either. That’s why Hua Shan’s
sect leader predicted that the miraculous metal came from beyond
the heavens and fell down there from heaven when he found it back

When Hua Shan’s sect leader used that miraculous metal to forge
the sword back then, it took him an entire year to complete the sharp
blade with no equal, and named it Beyond the Heavens Edge. It’s
said that it’s sharp enough to cut jade and slice rocks like tofu. It is
ranked fifth among the most famous weapons, and is most definitely
a rarely seen weapon. I could sense the sharpness of the blade from
where I was standing; demonstrating the legends of the blade
weren’t exaggerated.

Opposite stood a brash looking brute. He wasn’t intimidated by Jia

Yunfeng’s composure or blade at all. He just focused on himself,
rubbing his palms together with a relaxed expression.

The audience started discussing among themselves.

“Who’s that Xiang Batian? He doesn’t look intimidated by

Sect Leader Jia at all.”

“Of course! Sect Leader Jia Yunfeng is most certainly

famous, but you haven’t heard of the skills of Xiang Batian.
Xiang Batian is a disciple of one of the seven champion white
princes. I heard he had to leave Cold Mountain Temple
because he disrespected his teachers and killed his teachers.
He even killed his shifu. What sort of sect is Cold Mountain
110 Report
Temple? It could be ranked among the top three of the seven
champion white princes! I don’t think their exiled disciple is
any less compared to Hua Shan’s sect leader.”

“That’s right, that’s right, that’s right! I heard that he has been
working for the orange prince for the last half-a-year. I heard he’s
ruthless. Anybody who crosses him gets beat up until he’s a corpse.

“He isn’t as skilled as Sect Leader Jia, but his underhanded

methods are extremely cruel. I heard that he wants to climb
the ranks in the orange prince’s manor. It seems like he
wants to take Sect Leader Jia’s place.”

Before they could finish, Xiang Batian suddenly revealed a cruel

smile making one think of a blood-thirsty beast, and thus terrified.
But seeing his savage smile made me have a sense of deja vu.

Nani? Haven’t I seen this guy somewhere before? Why do I feel like
I met him one night before? Sigh…… with such a Mr. Average face, I
truly feel sorry for his parents.

In the distance, the orange prince sitting next to the emperor

frowned, indicated that this wasn’t something he expected.

Hohoho. As the sages of old said, water can carry a boat, but can
also capsize a boat. The orange prince must not have expected this
development I guess.

Jia Yunfeng and Xiang Batian suddenly looked towards the orange
prince to ask for directions.

The orange prince stayed quiet for a long while. When nobody
around was paying attention, he made a chopping gesture with his
hand and the two of them understood his orders.

His hand gesture meant “survival of the fittest”.

Jia Yunfeng bluntly said: “Brother Xiang, be my guest.”
111 Report
Xiang Batian said: “I’ve been waiting for longer than half-a-
year for this day. I’ve finally got my wish, Sect Leader Jia.”

Jia Yunfeng suddenly felt something wrong. He frowned as he had

a thought: “We got paired up because you pulled some
strings? You want to fight me?”

“What else, you old priest? You think I want to eat, drink
and play with you or something?” Xiang Batian let out a hideous
laugh, “Jia Yunfeng will be no more after today!”

Xiang Baitian learnt his martial arts from Cold Mountain Temple
which is originally a style for monks. However, he loved to fight and
had no interest in Buddhism cultivation, so when he was learning
martial arts back then, he only stole “Cold Heavenly Sabre Arts”,
and “Iron Body”.

Cold Mountain Temple is one of the biggest sects and ranked in the
seven champion white princes. Among Dao and Buddhist sects, it
stands above Emei and is only beneath Shaolin.

As soon as Xiang Batian escaped from his school, he immediately

hid in a cave and began training.

You don’t actually use a sabre for the Cold Heavenly Sabre Arts.
What you actually train is an art that strengthens your hands. It’s
essentially a style where you use your hands as sabres. Just the Cold
Strength component is difficult to master. If one does not possess a
strong will, they won’t be able to handle the bone-numbing cold.
Further, you can’t be distracted while practicing it. If you can’t stop
quivering, forget training, the cold could turn you into an ice-block.
Even if you manage to learn the Cold Strength technique, you must
undergo frightening training in order to use a hand-blade to fight
against your opponents real weapons.

Now let’s talk about the iron body technique. The iron body
technique is a qigong art, and one of Cold Mountain Temple’s
112 Report
greatest arts. It is no less formidable than Tie Hanyi’s hardening
technique. In fact, if one masters the higher levels of it, they would
surpass Tie Hanyi’s technique. However, it is extremely difficult to
learn. You must continuously hurt your body and withstand the pain
to master it. As such, it is another style that requires a very strong

Since the old days, learning martial arts has always required one to
have a teacher, especially when learning internal arts as it’s easy to
suffer qigong deviation if lucky, and if severe, death. Without a good
teacher, it is not possible for one to master an art. There are very few
people who successfully master an art teaching themselves, and that
is the reason.

Back then, Xiang Batian was in his teens. He wasn’t one who could
conceive the elements of martial arts very well, nor did he have a
teacher’s guidance. Since he trained on his own, he ended up taking
many detours. Xiang Batian hid and trained diligently for twenty
years。 He blazed a trail and managed to find a way to practice both
arts at the same time on a whim.

He used the iron body technique to protect his body while he

trained the cold heavenly sabre art. When his proficiency with his
cold heavenly sabre art improved, he used it to break his iron body,
and then he rinsed and repeated the process. His method
surprisingly allowed him to master two arts in twenty years without a
teacher. He is an outlier to have achieved such a level as an exiled

As soon as Xiang Batian moves, he’s as fast as the wind and

thunder. As soon as he moulds energy, his hands become immensely
cold. Once his energy is gathered, it means that his internal energy
has reached a powerful level. He’s considered a top-class fighter in
the pugilistic world because of his skills.

With his cold energy in his hands, Xiang Batian’s hands are sharp
and he also has his body protected with his iron body technique. His
113 Report
hands can be sharp to the point where he can wound his opponents
with just a nip. He went on the offensive right away without giving his
opponent any opportunities.

Jia Yunfeng is a sect leader at the end of the day, so he wouldn’t

draw his sword on an unarmed opponent. He used his fingers as his
sword. He stabbed at Xiang Batian’s throat as soon as Xiang Batian
came within three inches of his reach. His finger thrust was like a
sword, piercing through the air with immense power, creating a
whistling sound. The audience showed their excitement when Jia
Yunfeng used such a dangerous technique right off the bat.

Xiang Batian didn’t retreat through. He hardened his throat and

took it head-on with his iron body technique, and then tried to chop
Jia Yunfeng, turning it into a trading-battle like a brawl.

Jia Yunfeng doesn’t usually talk to people like Xiang Batian. As a

sect leader, talking to a traitorous disciple like Xiang Baitian who
disrespects his teachers and killed his teachers was a disgrace. Other
than that though, Xiang Batian’s skills were unarguably good. It was
just that he oozed the aura of a thug, acted arrogant and crude in his
mannerisms. Such things were something Jia Yunfeng couldn’t get
used to.

And look, as soon as they fought, Jia Yunfeng looks steady like he’s
got the match in the bag.

The move Jia Yunfeng used was called “deity showing the way”.
It doesn’t pack much of a punch. It’s one of the backward technique
variants within Hua Shan’s sword arts. But in that split second, Jia
Yunfeng managed to transform it into a lethal technique that was
tens of times more powerful than the original technique.

Jia Yunfeng was well aware that Xiang Batian’s iron body was
formidable. However, Jia Yunfeng was more agile than him. He was
confident he could win with just his two fingers by instantly changing
his technique as long as he was within range.
114 Report
And voila, before he completed his technique, he evaded Xiang
Batian’s chop with his footwork and switched techniques. He stabbed
straight towards the upper part of Xiang Batian’s digastric muscle.
Striking as fast as the wind, Jia Yunfeng swiftly attacked with
nineteen sword strikes using his finger. That move is Hua Shan’s Tai
Ying Nineteen Consecutive Sword.

He won!

Just as Jia Yunfeng was about to push Xiang Batian off the ring with
one hand, a loud sound rang by his ear, inducing dizziness and an
immense headache. The sound was Xiang Batian’s roar. But his roar
alone made Jia Yunfeng almost lose his footing, while his ears were
aching like they were being ripped apart.

Xiang Batian didn’t get hurt. His vigorous roar was the best
evidence. But it wasn’t time to be figuring out why Xiang Batian was
fine after taking the Tai Ying Continuous Nineteen Swords technique.
What was more important was figuring out why Jia Yunfeng reacted
like that after Xiang Batian roared. While his roar was indeed
moulded with his internal energy, it shouldn’t have affected someone
with profound internal strength like that of Jia Yunfeng.

Jia Yunfeng staggered. His usual calm expression was replaced

with panic. When he tried to counteract, his hands slowed down.

Xiang Batian let out a hideous laugh: “What’s the matter? ……

Did you finally realise that you’ve lost all of your internal

That’s exactly how Jia Yunfeng felt. He could successfully mould his
internal energy to his dantian, but his meridians were unusually weak
as if he wasn’t himself. When he tried to forcefully mould energy, he
felt his dantian hurt as if his internal qi was pinned down inside by
hundreds of thorns. He broke out in a cold sweat from pain whenever
he tried to mould energy.
115 Report
“I see it’s true that the thorn-tears Heavenly Cloud Palace
concocts does indeed seal one’s internal strength.” Xiang
Baitian locked his sly gaze with Jia Yunfeng’s furious and surprised
gaze. He laughed and asked: “I stole some of it when his
highness asked Long Zaitian to use poison. I’ve been waiting
for this moment. Leader Jia, how does it feel to see Tai Ying
Consecutive Swords fail to kill?”

Jia Yunfeng struggled to shout: “How dare you poison me?!”

The angry-fire in his eyes was ready to shoot out. After a jingling
sound was heard, the sound of Jia Yunfeng unsheathing his sword
could be heard.

Beyond the Heavens Edge has been unsheathed!


*Backward technique is just a technique name. The term comes

from one of the technique in Chen’s Tai Chi (thank god I still
remember some of the moves).

**Digastric muscle is a muscle on your neck that stretches

between the mastoid process of the cranium to the mandible at the
chin. The upper part where Jia Yunfeng stabbed at sits almost right
underneath the rear-end of your jaw on either side.

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116 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 11
One Who Has Been Through A Lot, The Desolate Northern Breeze

Beyond the Heavens Edge has been drawn!

At the time, cold energy exuded in all directions in the ring. The
reflection of the blade was crystal-clear which spoke volumes to its

While Jia Yunfeng had lost his internal energy, his swordplay skills
were still intact. When he drew his sword, there was a cold line of
lightning that accompanied the blade. He then thrust it straight at
Xiang Batian, almost piercing his guts. Xiang Batian couldn’t react in
time and felt the pain in his chest. He quickly retreated. Jia Yunfeng
gave chase with his sword tip leading.

One retreated while the other gave chase. A drip of blood flew
through the air. Turns out Beyond the Heavens Edge had already
stabbed through his chest-flesh in that moment before.

Despite Xiang Batian’s efforts to retreat, he couldn’t put distance

between them. The tip of the sword was just a hair-length away from
his chest. But if he were to continue retreating, he would be ringed-
out. Qinggong wasn’t his specialty, nor did he possess wondrous
inner arts like Tang Ye, so he couldn’t climb his way back by grabbing
onto the wooden beams.

Xiang Batian’s caveman-like intelligence then kicked in. He focused

his energy to his feet and stamped the ground hard. If he did that in
the previous rings, he would probably make a hole and fall to his

But the rings in the flying fish pavilion were different. Their
bamboo components showed their sturdiness. They managed to
withstand Xiang Batian’s heavy weight and sling him like a catapult.
117 Report
Since Xiang Batian poisoned Jia Yunfeng, Jia Yunfeng naturally
couldn’t use his qinggong since his internal energy was a mess, and
as such, couldn’t chase him. However, the bloody mark left behind on
his flesh from Beyond the Heavens Edge’s tip was still there.

Xiang Batian escaped death. He cursed and raised his hands up,
turned them into sabres and charged over.

Jia Yunfeng didn’t panic because he was in a pinch. He knew that

his sword was his only hope. Relying on the sharpness of his sword,
he used six to seven quick moves to put Xiang Batian on his back-
foot. After that he used Hua Shan’s sword techniques to prevent
Xiang Batian from getting close. Although there were other bouts
taking place in all four rings, the emperor focused on their fight with
a strong interest.

“Those two are quite good. Jia Yunfeng’s Hua Shan sword
play is evidently masterful. That’s a sect leader for you.
Xiang Batian isn’t bad either. He doesn’t get scared when he
finds himself in a pinch. Cheng’er, what’s Xiang Batian’s

The orange prince smiled and said: “The Xiang family is

mother’s servants. Xiang Batian is the Xiang family’s
disciple. He joined me half-a-year ago. I don’t know the origin
of his martial arts myself.”

Shen Yiren chuckled coldly to herself: Bullshit-artist. You don’t

know? Have you forgotten how many times he’s done bad things
under your orders? I can’t believe you’d put all the blame on your

She couldn’t handle him and therefore shot a glare at him before
picking up the wine on the table and having a drink. She felt that the
taste was a little sweet, and was therefore no common wine.

Jia Yunfeng had finally made his comeback by relying on his sword.
118 Report
Spotting an opportunity, he used Hundred Birds Worshipping the
Phoenix! Beyond the Heavens Edge transformed into thousands of
bird beaks, entrapping Xiang Batian left and right.

The hundred birds worshipping the phoenix was once used against
Ming Feizhen, but was countered by him with Taijiquan. But the
version Jia Yunfeng used was a consecutive string of strikes without
any pauses. It was like unified version leaving his opponent with no
room to counter.

His move was powerful like a flock of birds flying over. Because of
Beyond the Heavens Edge transparent blade, it looked like thunger
claps as silver lights flashed between the two of them. The crowd
witness the sharpness of his sword earlier on. It looks like Xiang
Batian is going to get cut up this time. It looks like the white ring is
going to get covered in his blood and flesh at this rate.

But that wasn’t what happened. A shocking sound from inside the
ring of snow could be heard. The sound of metal clanging could be
heard from inside the ring of blades that only Xiang Baitian should’ve
been in.

But the most surprised person was probably Jia Yunfeng. He was
sure that Xiang Batian wasn’t armed and sure that all he hit his
targets with his slashes. However, Shang Baitian didn’t even have a
scratch on him.

Xiang Baitian managed to completely fend off Jia Yunfeng’s blade

that wasn’t reinforced with his true qi essence.

“You! Were you just putting an act before?!”

Xiang Batian’s voice was muffled by the sound of metal clashing,

and also very irritating to the ear: “If I don’t give you a chance to
show off, his highness and his majesty would suspect me.”

Jia Yunfeng was mistaken. He was completely wrong. Xiang Baitian
119 Report
wasn’t brash or a lacking brute martial artist like he thought. But it
was too late now.

Amidst the noise, Xiang Batian chopped Jia Yunfeng on his chest,
one hand after the other. The hundred birds worshipping the phoenix
came undone in that moment and flashes of light became reduce to
a single blade.

Jia Yunfeng flew through the air and landed on the ground. The two
chops were imbued with a fair amount of cold energy. Since Jia
Yunfeng couldn’t mould energy, he had no means of withstanding it
and was left unable to budge.

Xiang Batian slowly walked up to Jia Yunfeng’s side. He didn’t do

anything. He just looked towards the orange prince in the audience

The orange prince sitting in the spectator area didn’t show any
expression. He raised his cup of tea and silently made a hand gesture
to Xiang Batian. Others wouldn’t understand his gesture, but the
reaction from Xiang Batian and Jia Yunfeng was evidence that the
two of them knew very well what it meant.

The corner of Xiang Baitian’s mouth curled up into a hideous smile

while Jia Yunfeng’s eyes showed his unimaginable surprise, anger
and… regret.

Xiang Batian laughed. He retreated three steps, but before that, he

kicked Jia Yunfeng by kicking the up air, smashing it into Jia Yunfeng

Tang Ye watching below frowned and asked: “Big bro, why did
he do that?”

What Tang didn’t understand was why Xiang Batian chose that
move, not his internal strength level. Based on Xiang Batian’s
display, his style emphasises on external components, fighting
120 Report
strength with strength and not launching attacks through the air. The
two kicks he gave him were much less effective than kicking him
close up or palm striking him.

Ming Feizhen stroked his chin and in a very bored tone, bluntly
replied: “He must be trying to get rid of him for good.”

Before Tang could digest it, Jia Yunfeng who was lying on the ring
suddenly sprang up like a stake. It looked like he sprang up through
his own sheer willpower making the audience go crazy with praise.
They praised him for his profound strength and how he still had the
energy to counterattack.

But Jia Yunfeng himself knew best that he wasn’t himself right now.

Xiang Batian’s kicks weren’t intended to take his life. The first kick
was to cover Jia Yunfeng’s body with his energy causing his body to
become erect and unable to budge in a short-span of time. The
second kick was to spring Jia Yunfeng up. However, just looking at it,
it looked like Jia Yunfeng launched a sudden surprise attack and
Xiang Batian was forced to step back to evade.

The emperor clearly stated that they weren’t allowed to kill their
opponent, and hence Xiang Batian’s need to fake a scenario.

Xiang Batian reacted “scared” because Jia Yunfeng suddenly

sprang up. He wore an “angry” look and shouted: “You scheming
bastard. How dare you sneak-attack me.” He double punched a
soft spot on Jia Yunfeng’s body. A smack sound like a punching bag
came from his body.

Jia Yunfeng has a proud personality. He took the strikes without

making a peep. That was what Xiang Batian was after as well. Finally,
Xiang Batian punched him on his chest. Jia Yunfeng couldn’t stand
anymore and spat a mouthful of blood.

After he spat a mouthful of blood, he groaned out ould unlike how
121 Report
he was silent before. That was very unlike him. Tang Ye soon realised
the reason why he groaned in pain.

Jia Yunfeng’s left hand had been broken in many places without

When Xiang Batian punched him on his chest with his left fist, he
sneakily used qinna to break his left hand.

A swordsman’s hands are his most important assets. Jia Yunfeng’s

left fingers were broken in many places. Even if he had a skilled
doctor to heal him and he could recover his martial arts, his
swordplay would inevitably be much less powerful than what it was.
If treatment goes awry, he will never be able to wield a sword again.

Hua Shan sect focuses on mainly on swordplay, so their leader

must be skilled with a sword.

Hua Shan sect has been established in the martial world for
centuries. Jia Yunfeng isn’t the only outstanding disciple. Even if their
leader was to lose his sword skills, the elders would be able to take
his place. After today, Hua Shan sect will still be Hua Shan sect, but
Jia Yunfeng will never be Jia Yunfeng again. This event has
unquestionably destroyed Jia Yunfeng’s life.

Xiang Batian chuckled coldly when Jia Yunfeng cried out painfully.
Before Eunuch Nan declared him the victor, he booted Jia Yunfeng
out. Jia Yunfeng landed with a loud thud outside the ring.

With a neutral expression, Eunuch Nan declared: “Victor, Xiang


Tang Ye looked at Xiang Batian who was laughing happily and

bluntly said: “That punk is mine.”

If Tang Ye beats Long Zaitian, Tang Ye will face Xiang Batian next.

“He’s all yours.” Ming Feizhen’s gaze naturally found its way to
122 Report
the orange prince. He then looked at Long Zaitian and the Qilin
Gaurds. He sighed: “Man, we’re going to be busy today.”


*Qinna is a style that focuses on grabs, holds and locks with your

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123 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 12
Silver Bow Falling Leaf and Shocked Weak Su

The imperial martial arts tournament runs on quite a tight

schedule. Some matches are decided in just a few mere moves, while
others may duke it out for an entire day and still not reach a

To avoid such situations, some plans are set in place beforehand.

For example, when one bout ends, another is started immediately. As
such, as soon as Jia Yunfeng lost, the next two took to the ring in less
time than it takes to make a hot cup of tea.

The emperor sighed from where he sat for Hua Shan’s sect leader’s

“Jia Yunfeng… Why doesn’t he train properly when he’s the

sect leader of a major sect in the martial world?! My imperial
martial arts tournament has just started and the orange
prince’s manor has already lost a skilled member. How

He looked around and his eyes found their way to the orange
prince. He slowly smiled and asked: “What do you think,

The orange prince met the emperor’s gaze. Without revealing any
misleading expression, he respectfully said: “Jia Yunfeng isn’t
diligent towards practice. I had wanted to get rid of him for
some time now. I can now use this as a reason to substitute
him. Thank you for asking, father.”

“That Xiang guy’s strength truly is incredible though.” Shen

Yiren interrupted. She chuckled coldly: “Beyond the Heavens
Edge is incredibly sharp while Hua Shan’s sect leader is
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powerful, and yet he wasn’t even able to cut him. You sure
are very competent to be able to find such talent, your

The orange prince suddenly felt a jab to his heart. He naturally

understood everything that took place in the ring just then, but
because today was an important day, he was afraid the girl from Liu
Shan Men would see through his ploys and thus changed the topic.

“Xiang Baitian is a quick learner. It is an honour for him to

receive your praise, Vice-captain Shen.”

But he just saw the emperor shake his head with a dejected look.
The orange prince hesitated for a moment but still decided to ask:
“What’s wrong father?”

“I’m fine.” The emperor waved his hand and in a tone showing he
wasn’t too accepting of the results, and said: “It’s just that I
thought Jia Yunfeng would last until end. I made bets with a
few people beforehand. I just lost three pieces of suet jade to
your maternal uncle because of the two of them.”

Orange prince: “……”

Does he suspect me or not? The orange prince was spinning.

The emperor’s eyes suddenly lit up: “Oh? Who are the two girls
entering the the ring next?”

Two peerless beauties attracted the gaze of the emperor and the
crowd. One had a bow, and the other a sabre. The bow was all silver.
Rarely is there ever anyone who enters a ring-fight with a long-
distance weapon. The sabre emitted a bright light and a cold aura.
The cold energy was no less than Hua Shan’s famous weapon,
Beyond the Heavens Edge. As a matter of fact, it was sharper.

The orange prince took a look and without surprise said: “One of
them is part of your entourage, Ye Luo, a specialist in archery
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with outstanding martial arts skills. She’s made a name for
herself in the last two years. The other one……”

Shen Yiren continued: “You have met the other contest, your
majesty. He is my subordinate, surname Su, first name Xiao.
He is currently Liu Shan Men’s Bai Hu.”

“Su Xiao…… Oh! The kid that once threatened Cheng’er?”

The emperor suddenly laughed, “I heard he’s been all the rage
recently. I heard he arrested a Yi rank warrior within the Qilin
Guards’ ranks, and had him locked up at Liu Shan Men for a
few days. Is that the kid?”

Although the emperor appears to not take anything to heart, he’s

actually well aware of things. He remembers all these sorts of things.

Shen Yiren panicked to explain: “Please allow me to explain.

There was a reason for it. I previously reported……”

The emperor laughed and stopped her: “It’s fine, it’s fine.
Today is the imperial martial arts tournament, not a day
where we’re trying to get square. Take a look for me and let
me know what you think of Yiren’s judgement. Let me know if
the kid is qualified.”

He’s done.

I’m serious.

Su Xiao is dead meat!!

Miss Ye Luo’s achievements were recorded in the Black and White


Ye Luo isn’t a second rank Jia-rank warrior for no reason. The first
reason is because Tie Hanyi’s brain is roasted and won’t ascend the
ranks, thereby blocking her path forward. The second reason is
because she’s a Tie Zhen Divine Marksmanship specialist.
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No matter how good a person is at archery, it’s still just archery.
What Miss Luo learnt however, was a totally different beast.

Tie Zhen Divine Marksmanship is a style that originates from

Dzungaria. I heard of it since Mount Daluo is close to Dzungaria.

It’s a unique style that fuses internal arts with archery.

The archer doesn’t fire actual arrows, but arrows made from qi
energy. This style that adopts an original approach was designed
specifically for close-quarters combat. The practitioner uses a
specially made bow. Upon combining it with the exclusive mental
cultivation method, they can fire arrows with their qi energy. While
the qi-arrows don’t have a long range, they are more lethal than real
arrows at close-range. So the style practically has an unfair
advantage in a ring-fight.

Ye Luo could still win within ten moves even if Su Xiao and Ye Luo
were to engage in an empty-handed fight. Bow and arrow versus


“Brother Su, while we may be acquainted, this is a

competition, so I won’t pull any punches.” Ye Luo’s smile was
gentle and pretty. She held her silver bow, “The wind could wound
your handsome face. It’s not going to be good if your face
gets hurt. Are you sure you want to fight with me?”

Ye Luo confidently flaunted her leisure attitude as a Jia-rank warrior

would. It’s understandable why Ye Luo is looking down on him. From
what I’ve seen, Su Xiao can’t even make it into Liu Shan’s Elite
Rankings. At best, he’s between the Bing and Ding rank.

Su Xiao himself hesitated a bit too. Su Xiao never thought he’d

make it into the finals either. I told him not to force himself too. I
think he understood what I meant. It’s enough to just say some stuff
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about going easy on him and lose in a respectable way.

But before he could speak, the audience below applauded loudly. If

you listen closely, you’d notice that it was all females cheering.

“Bai Hu Su! You must win!”

“Kick that wanton woman out!”

“Are you talking to Bai Hu Su? Are you qualified to?! Are
you qualified to?!”

“Why is that girl such a slut?! How dare she seduce our Su

“Get lost bitch! Get lost!”

If you listen in closer, you’ll find out that the contents of what they
were shouting were rather nasty.

Actually, they were unbearable.

Not long after “Get lost bitch!” it was like a choir belting out in
the flying fish pavilion.

Su Xiao, my boy, why are all of your fans so rude?

And you miss… Did you forget the emperor is here watching?

Su Xiao finally stupidly said: “Miss Ye, please go easy on me.”


Ye Luo didn’t say anything, but she nearly crushed the bow in her

A moment later, Ye Luo smiled and asked: “Of course I will, go,
ea-, -sy, on, you! Oh, right. Brother Su, have you heard of a
particular style?”
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Su Xiao blinked and asked: “What?”

“Tie Zhen Divine Marksmanship.”

…… Yep, Su Xiao is dead meat.

“Tang Ye.”


“I’m going to lose when I get up in there. I’ll be leaving the

rest to you.”

Tang Ye curiously asked: “Where are you going, big bro?”

I pat him on his shoulder and looked at him with a compassionate

gaze you would use to look at a child in the family that hasn’t grown
up: “Don’t be like this. You have to grow up eventually.”


I silently prayed for Su Xiao in my heart to at least not get sent

flying in one move. I suddenly heard a grunt.

The groan was like a bolt from the blue to my ears. It clearly came
from a girl. The beautiful soft voice made me associate it with an
alluring woman who was somewhat upset, angry and exasperated,
yet tired and weak. But most importantly, the voice was very
familiar. It was Boss Shen’s voice. Why is Boss Shen like this?

I looked in her direction and noticed her beautiful face was

completely pale with her eyebrows pulled together tightly, and her
flower petal lips pursed together tightly, a sight that pricked my
heart. What’s wrong with her?

She’s not competing, so what happened?

I followed her angry gaze and looked at the ring closest to us.
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“Ah!! Fuck, me!!”

Tang Ye standing next to me too was exasperated: “What’s

wrong with him?!”

Tang Ye and I were flustered.

We and Boss Shen shared the same sight.

On the ring closest to us was Captain Song, our dear Brother

Bastard. Wait, no, I should now call him “shameless Brother
Bastard”. He was lying motionless on the right as if he had already
passed out. Next to him stood a Qilin Guard posing after throwing a
palm strike and resetting his energy.

If Brother Bastard didn’t get knocked out in one palm strike, there
are only two other possibilities: one, Brother Bastard likes sunbathing
in a ring, and two, the Qilin Guard is a retard that thinks his pose is

When did this happen?

Brother Bastard went and got whooped by an ordinary guard

before he even got to meet with Long Zaitian!!

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130 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 13
The Situation Suddenly Changed, The Tiger Hiding Its True Skills

Brother Bastard… lost already?

We focused all our attention on either Jia Yunfeng’s fight with Xiang
Batian or Su Xiao and Ye Luo. We completely forgot about Brother
Bastard, so we didn’t even notice him get into the ring. But he
actually lost to an ordinary Qilin Guard, and without a sound at that?!

Boss Shen widened her small mouth. Her face was completely
pale. She never imagined Brother Bastard could be so embarrassing.

What she had planned was for Tang Ye to exhaust Long Zaitian.
Tang Ye too was astonished. He looked at the ugly back and
grumbled: “That bastard deserves a beating……”

Wow… I never thought Tang Ye cursed.

Eunuch Nan made an announcement, bringing us back to reality.

“Victor, Qilin Guards’ Zhao Qi. Next bout, Qilin Guards’

Long Zaitian versus Liu Shan Men’s Tang Ye!”

When he announced Brother Bastard’s defeat, he also announced

the next bout.

The emperor looked at Shen Yiren’s pale face silently. The relaxing
atmosphere now turned oppressive.

The orange prince reacted as if he remembered something,

chuckled and said: I heard that Liu Shan Men’s men were all capable
fighters, and had always been the leader of the three offices of the
imperial court. How did their captain end up losing to an insignificant
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Qilin Guard? How strange~.” The Qilin Guard that defeated Song Ou
was just an Yi-rank warrior. After defeating Song Ou, he quietly left
the ring. He didn’t show any special reactions, making him look all
the more masterful.

Lots of people were surprised. With Liu Shan Men and the Qilin
Guards matched up, and the dark-horse guard pulling off a big stunt
like that, even if he were to lose all his matches thereafter, he’d still
be guaranteed rewards and riches. That explains why he wasted no
time heading back to enjoy his victory.

Shen Yiren didn’t seem to hear anything said. She was

expressionless. However, everybody knew that the proud Shen Yiren
definitely wasn’t feeling good.

The emperor bluntly said: “Tang Ye, Tang Yanling, a

descendent of the Bei Hai’s Ming Jing Palace. The martial arts
passed down to him are not to be underestimated, and
surpassed the previous generation and his teachers. In just a
few years, he mastered tens of styles, and is considered a
never-before-seen talent of the North in the martial world. I
truly believe what they say after his victory over Tie Hanyi.”
He then shifted his eyes to Ye Luo who was fighting Su Xiao.

“That child in the ring isn’t very skilled. But he is a

descendant of the Su family, so he must hold a strong resolve
for sure. You spent quite a bit of effort to recruit the two of
them, didn’t you? So many talented individuals put in effort
for a single individual, and yet he embarrassed himself. His
defeat has made their efforts go to waste.”

The emperor spoke bluntly like he was talking about someone else
the entire time. He then said to Shen Yiren directly: “Child, is it
worth it for Song Ou?”

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After a moment of silence, Shen Yiren replied: “It was my fault
for not thinking it through properly, not the fault of the
contestant. Please continue watching, your majesty. We, Liu
Shan Men will not let you down.”

Seeing her insistence, the emperor had nothing left to say. He just
shook his head.

On the ring on this side.

“My, my, my, one cannot overcome the fate the heavens
have in place for them.” Long Zaitian looked at Brother Bastard’s
defeat and came over shuffling his feet like a happy-go-lucky guy. He
held his treasured Wen Zhengming fan in his hand and fanned
himself. He loudly ridiculed: “What just happened? Did your
leader just get defeated? Look at these embarrassing morons
from Liu Shan Men, wahahahahaha.”

The Qilin Guards who stayed quiet all day burst out in laughter
loudly with Long Zaitian.


“Alright, move aside brothers. We can’t embarrass

ourselves like that. Hahaha.”

Long Zaitian laughed and somersaulted into the ring. Before he

left, he scoffed at us, but it wasn’t too clear what he said. It was
something like “Watch daddy’s performance”. I had no choice but
to take out a piece of melon seed skin and flick it towards his

“Oh! Motherfucking son of a bitch!!”

After the cursing, there was a thud sound. It sounded like

somebody’s head crashing onto the ring.

“Oh? What just happened? Did your leader just slip on dog
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shit on the way up to the ring? Hahahaha.”

The crowd laughed more than they did the entire day.

Alright, while the crowd is busy laughing at Long Zaitian, I need to

come up with a plan with Tang Ye.

I looked at Boss Shen.

She looked in terrible shape. Her face was completely pale. She
had waited and prepared for a long time for this imperial martial arts
tournament to demonstrate Liu Shan Men’s competence in front of
the emperor and revive their image. She was now sitting next to the
emperor as she watched Liu Sha Men’s captain get dropped. You
could imagine how bad she felt. Not only was she humiliated, she
was also in despair.

I need to do something.

I grabbed Tang Ye who was getting into the ring and called him
back: “Change of plans, Tang Ye.”

The situation has completely changed. We had four of us before.

The original plan was for me to lose my first fight, it was a question
mark for Su Xiao and Tang Ye, and Song Ou was supposed to win.
Then Song Ou was supposed to go on to beat Long Zaitian or have
Tang Ye deliberately lose to him. That way, Brother Bastard would
make it into the top-eight without any effort. At least that would give
the emperor reason to show us favour.

But Song Ou lost, Tang Ye might not win, I’m going to throw my
match, Su Xiao… well, he’ll be lucky to be alive. We originally had the
advantage, but it looks like we’re all about to lose this round. No
wonder Boss Shen looked like she was sinking in despair.

“What’s wrong, big bro?”

I quietly said to Tang Ye: “Listen in, Tang Ye, there’s a change
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in plans. Our original plan was to have you exhaust Long
Zaitian enough for our captain to win. But it looks like our
captain is out now, so your mission has changed. You need to
beat Long Zaitian.”

Tang Ye asked with puzzlement: “Why? Won’t we be fine if you

win in the end, big bro?”


Right, I haven’t told him my plans for myself.

“I can’t participate in this contest, and I… have always kept

a low profile, rarely showing my cards. So I beg you, please
beat Long Zaitian.”

Damn it! The whole entire plan has become complex because of
Brother Bastard.

Tang Ye muttered: “Big bro, that’s Long Zaitian, one of the

seventeen hidden dragons we’re talking about. Do you think
I’ll win?”

“If you’re willing to give your best…” I looked at Tang Ye’s

eyes and bluntly said: “Look, even if you lose before you get to
give everything you’ve got against me, don’t blindly run into
a dead-end. If you hold back and lose against an opponent
you could beat, wouldn’t it all be for naught?”


“He’s your opponent, figure it out for yourself.”

Tang Ye went silent, turned around and walked a few steps. He

dropped into the ring in a suave manner, and stood opposite to Long
Zaitian. However, he squinted and didn’t say anything.

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Long Zaitian laughed and said: “We’ve exchanged blows
several times since that day. It looks like you’ve improved,
Brother Tang. Not even Tie Hanyi can match you now.”


“Kid, I’m your senior at the end of the day. Is that any way
to treat your senior?”

Tang Ye closed his eyes for a while before slowly re-opening them.
He shot him an intense glare: “…… The next thing I’m going to
say will be, your ass is too dirty, I don’t want to kick it. Give
me your head instead.”

Tang Ye made a hand gesture for him to come at him.

A big fight is about to start!

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136 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 14
I’m Busy, Please Let Me Through

As soon as Ye Luo and Su Xiao engaged in a long-distance contest,

Ye Luo looked obviously angry. However, she wasn’t using fatal
blows. She used her silver bow as her weapon and then entered close
quarters combat with Su Xiao. Ye Luo most likely learnt from a
reputable school and teacher. Not only was she skilled in archery, her
palm techniques were also splendid.

Unfortunately, she was paired up with Su Xiao.

Su Xiao and his Cold Sabre are like masters of close quarters
combat when combined. Su Xiao’s broadsword skills aren’t so good,
but his personality is well-suited for broadsword styles. Su Xiao’s
personality borderlines on brash, daring and fearless; for example,
threatening the orange prince, storming the Qilin Guards’ office and
arresting Yi Yixian, and he even tried to chop their plaque. If we were
to consider it from a martial artist’s perspective, those actions have
virtually reached the point of evil and violence.

Broadswords are the king among weapons, so they require the

wielder to be prideful.

As such, while Su Xiao wasn’t skilled with a broadsword, and his

strikes weren’t fluid, he wasn’t afraid of death! Su Xiao didn’t evade
or hide. He put everything behind every blow. He didn’t care about
Ye Luo’s palm strikes, or maybe he just couldn’t tell how fatal her
strikes could be. When she put her true power behind her strike and
prepared to strike at him, Su Xiao went head-on regardless. He
fought like it was life-or-death. But thanks to that, it took longer to
defeat him.

The difference in their skill was very obvious. Ye Luo didn’t hold
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any particular rank in the first-ranked masters, but she was among
the top of the second-ranked masters, that’s if you don’t consider her
incredible Tie Zhen Divine Archery skills. Ye Luo’s martial arts style
made it inevitably impossible for her to become the top ranked
fighter in the emperor’s entourage. But that aside, she was a great
assistant on missions that was highly sought after. With her archery
skills on their side, not only would they be able to prevent enemies
from escaping, she could also be a powerful partner in a two-man
fight situation.

However, once she mastered Tie Zhen Divine Marksmanship,

everything was different because she was now a formidable fighter at
close-range alone. That jump allowed her to go from a Bing-rank
warrior to the second-ranked Jia-rank warrior within two short years.

Now let’s talk about Su Xiao. The cold sabre and the broadsword
style that his family passed down were the greatest combination.
However, Su Xiao was too young. His internal strength hadn’t
developed enough. If he wants to utilise the full power of his
broadsword skills, he’ll need to wait another three or four years. At
his current level, it’d be tough for him to even beat multiple bandits.
The two of them won’t trade more than ten moves. If Ye Luo gets
serious, I’m afraid it won’t even take her two moves to win. However,
Su Xiao’s life-or-death style of fighting caused Ye Luo to stiffen up.

Real arrows were not permitted in the imperial martial arts

tournament. Ye Luo didn’t think Su Xiao was so tough either. His
ancient cold sabre was incomparably sharp. Ye Luo tried to block
with her carefully crafted silver bow, but his sabre nearly cut it in
half. That gave Su Xiao a small advantage. As a result, Ye Luo had no
choice but to evade his blows. Ye Luo was fairly angry since she was
caught off-guard by his ruffian-like style. And so, the two of them
exchanged more than ten moves.

“You scoundrel!”

Ye Luo couldn’t hold it in and cursed him. She placed her feet
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behind her and jumped back, putting distance between her and Su

“You scoundrel, try this for size!”

Ye Luo held up her silver bow up with her slender hands. She
formed a shape like she was playing a fuqin with her fingers in her
left hand, and the qi in her changed as if layers of transparent silver
qi encaged her body. Even the audience members who didn’t know
martial arts could tell that it was the prelude before her unleashing a
powerful qi art.

Sitting his seat, the emperor said: “She is the sixth generation
of the Ye family’s divine marksmanship art. It’s not an easy
style to learn, and is heavily reliant on the innate potential of
the learner. Most of the disciples of the Ye family this
generation’s potential are average, if they don’t… Uhm,
that’s the mental cultivation art, and that’s the hand
techniques, Ye Luo isn’t bad.”

Ye Luo held her bow up with one arm and locked her focus on Su
Xiao intently. She used her thumb, index finger and middle finger to
pull her bowstring back into a crescent shape like half-a-moon. When
she extended her fingers, her qi spun together in a screw shape.
When she pulled her bowstring, her qi formed a round shape. When
Su Xiao saw her movements, he intended to push her back, but when
he saw her mould energy making her look like she was refreshed, he
felt something was wrong, and thus couldn’t make it in time to
attack. All he saw was Ye Luo replace her beautiful smile with a cold
smile after moulding her energy.


The collection of qi shot out following her release of the string. The
two moulded together and shot out in a spiral path. When her qi left
her bow, its force increased more than several folds.
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The speed of her qi-arrow travelled as fast as an iron arrow. Her qi-
arrow was invisible. Su Xiao had never seen an invisible arrow which
could hurt their opponent from a long-distance. However, he could
tell it was dangerous.

“What’s this?!”

Su Xiao had no time to guard. He swung his sabre without a

thought. His blade and the arrow collided. Su Xiao felt his wrist hurt
causing him to almost drop his Ancient Cold Sabre. He suddenly felt a
spontaneous burst of ice-cold qi energy from his body. As soon as Su
Xiao could grab his sabre again properly, he flung the qi-arrow back
along the route where it came from with his Ancient Cold Sabre.

As the person who fired the qi-arrow, Ye Luo was fully aware what
was happening. She was surprised to discover that Su Xiao deflected
it back to her with a stronger internal strength.

Su Xiao… is a hidden internal arts style master?!

Faced with danger, Ye Luo didn’t panic. She placed three fingers
onto her bowstring and fired two consecutive shots. The two shots
shot at the shot Su Xiao deflected back at her, but they looked like
they got sucked up. The two newly fired shots didn’t do anything
except look like they vanished.

Actually, it’d be better to say that they broke as opposed to getting

sucked up. It was like two small breezes running into a tornado,
getting completely absorbed by the stronger one. The two shots Ye
Luo fired with full power were completely useless.

She thought: This kid… managed to destroy three of my arrows

with a single slash… I can’t believe his internal strength can compare
to my father’s.

The arrow came back at her travelling very quickly, leaving her
with no time to fire another shot. At the forefront of the powerful qi-
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arrow seem to be some sort of object about the size of a mosquito or
fly. But there was no doubt there was something at the forefront of
the qi-arrow.

Ye Luo: It’s a hidden weapon!

When the arrow got closer, Ye Luo finally saw its black shape
clearly. It was a tiny melon seed skin……

Ye Luo: What the heck is this?!

Before she could shout out her thoughts, her qi-arrow had reached
her. The qi which was supposed to be concentrated into an arrow
dissipated like it was destroyed by light. All that was left was the
melon seed skin which didn’t stop. It hit Ye Luo’s temple, knocking
her out.

“Victor, Liu Shan Men’s Su Xiao!”

The voices of the audience filled the air. They didn’t suspect Su
Xiao’s abilities to win at all. They considered Ye Luo’s short-time with
the upper hand nothing but a small obstacle Su Xiao had to
overcome to become a hero. Those good-for-nothing girls, wives and
ladies were still Su Xiao’s loyal supporters.

Su Xiao was puzzled as he accepted his victory-cries filling the air

and thanked them.

I who was down below put my hand I used to flick the melon seed
skin away……

I’m not picking on you, Miss Luo. It’s just that I’m busy, so please
let me through.


*Fuqin is an ancient Chinese string musical instrument
141 Report

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142 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 15
Watch Me Lose… Fuck! Get Up!

Victors and losers in the other rings were soon determined. The
imperial martial arts tournament won’t wait for anyone. The next
round hence commenced. The venue’s atmosphere became
strangely tense.

The audience began to whisper among themselves as if some hot-

shot was about to enter the ring.

“Here he is, here he is!”

“Finally. I bet on him winning.”

“He’s the reason I’m here today!”

“That’s him, look. He’s here. Look at his prepared look!”

Other than sounding cheerful and excited, their voices also

sounded impressed and tense, so it was evident that they were
terrified of the figure that was about to take to the ring.

According to what they said, that individual must be an incredible

talent with a handsome appearance, highly intelligent……

Su Xiao who just came down from the ring said to me: “Big
Brother Ming, you’re here.”

…… Alright, it’s me they’re talking about.

“I know, he’s just some insignificant Qilin Guard waving his

fists around, so what?” As soon as I was done, Long Zaitian who
was paired up with Tang Ye glared at me furiously like somebody dug
up his ancestors’ graves. I ignored him, since Tang Ye alone will give
him a handful.
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“Big Brother Ming, be careful out there. Jia Yunfeng is very
skilled and yet he got beat up like that,” Su Xiao looked like a
concerned wife seeing her husband off to war and worriedly said:
“You’re not me, so run when you can’t win.”


I was stuck in a dilemma between being moved and speechless, so

I could only reply: “Okay, give me a boost then, give me kiss?”

“Eew!” Su Xiao took a step back. He tightened his grip on his

Ancient Cold Sabre, and moved his feet as if he was preparing to
spring in for the kill, “Don’t come close. You touched that Bai
Ling-thingy-mabob, and now you want to touch me?!”

“Aren’t you going to exclaim ‘I’m a guy’?”

“Also, I’m a guy!”

I see nothing has changed.

“Don’t worry.” I pat Su Xiao on his small head. I then turned

around to look towards me opponent in the ring and said: “I’ll be
back soon.”

“Look, he’s preparing to curse his opponent to death!”

Who’re you saying is cursing someone?!

“Liu Shan Men’s Ming Feizhen versus the Qilin Guards’ Wei

I deliberately went around the ring once to waste energy before

ascending. I did that to lower the chances of me being suspected, but
the crowd ended up backing off, out of fear for me. In the end, I
ended up attracting more attention to myself, and confused myself
144 Report
My opponent was a lean middle-aged man around forty years old.
He was lean and tall, with no flab around his body. His hands and feet
were large. His feet in particular were huge, comparable to an ape’s.
When he flew up to the ring, his feet didn’t budge and his
movements were fluid, demonstrating that he trained well.

Oooohhhh! Fantastic!

Not only is this guy good, he doesn’t look like he’s wounded either!
Thank heavens! I’ve finally got an opponent that’s not dead!

When I looked at him again, I suddenly felt something was strange.

This guy is certainly…… He’s strong.

Even though I only took a quick glance, I could tell that he wasn’t
any less skilled than Long Zaitian. His eyes were full of vigour which
was proof that his internal strength had been developed to a highs
level. Further, I couldn’t tell which school’s internal art he trained.
Seeing him, I thought to myself: The Qilin Guards definitely asked for
outside help!

If a Qilin Guard picked out at random was at his level, they

would’ve revolted ages ago. Your majesty! I suspect that there’s
some foul play here!

Not too far away in the emperor’s seat.

“Who’s that? He looks pretty handsome. Nobody at Liu

Shan Men in my memory can compare his dignified aura.

“He’s Ming Feizhen. Last month, due to a particular case,

at Liu Shan Men, you……” Shen Yiren’s mood had improved since
Su Xiao won and Tang Ye looked in good shape. As she introduced
Ming Feizhen and mentioned the case last month, she accidently
daggered the orange prince, “You met him due to a certain case.
At the time, he was injured. He had wounds on his face, so
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you might have forgotten.”

“Ming Feizhen… I don’t really rem-…… Oh, that kid that

didn’t have any manners?”

“That is right.” Shen Yiren smiled helplessly and continued: “He

comes from a reputable school and is clever with work. He is
the only head constable at Liu Shan Men.”

“You sure know how to put people down, Vice-captain

Shen.” The orange prince chuckled coldly: “You praised him so
much, and he turns out to just be a mere head-constable?”

Shen Yiren didn’t take any of his crap: “You are great with
jokes, your highness. There has never been a captain at Liu
Shan Men that wasn’t once a head-constable. But it is normal
for you to not be aware since you do not involve yourself with
the pugilistic world’s matters, and know even less about the
operations of the three offices.”

The orange prince went mull. He didn’t dare to mention how much
he was involved and even teamed up with the unorthodox evil sects.
But he couldn’t let himself look bad and admit he wasn’t
knowledgeable. Hence, he smiled to let the matter pass.

The emperor was busy scanning Ming Feizhen a few times: “Last
time I saw him, he was bed-ridden. I didn’t know he looked so
dignified when he stands. What school does he come from?”

“Ming Feizhen comes from Mount Daluo, your majesty.”

“Uhm, I seem to remember that being the case. He should

be around twenty-seven or twenty-eight now, right? Since
the time Ming Huayu became leader until now… he should be
a third generation disciple, right?”

“You are correct, your majesty. He is twenty-eight this

year…… But he is very messy and does not carry himself well.
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He is not a third generation disciple, but a second generation
disciple.” Shen Yiren chuckled and said: “He is Sect Leader
Ming’s junior, Priest Wushan’s disciple. While he is young, he
holds a high level of seniority. Swordsman Moon Chaser
refers to him as senior brother.”

“Oh? Second generation disciple?”

The emperor fell into a silence.

As for me, I wanted to know what was wrong with being a second
generation disciple. Finish what you started!!

Standing in the ring, I suddenly realised that the emperor was

staring at me intently like never before. Not long after, he finally
relaxed and repeated the facts he heard: “He’s a second
generation disciple, and his surname is Ming as well? Could
he be a descendent of the Ming family?”

I could hear the emperor’s conversation with Boss Shen clearly,

and of course, I could hear the things the orange prince said. But why
was the emperor so tense about whether or not I was a descendent
of the Ming family?

I blanked out and recalled a bunch of things……

Shifu! What did you do to his majesty?!!!

Don’t tell me you went after his harem too!!!

The emperor then sighed: “I’ve been searching for direct-

disciples of their founder for many years. I’ve found Moon
Chaser as well, but none of them could solve my question. I
never expected to meet one of them here.”

Huh? Question?

Don’t tell me he wants to clarify who the father of one the
147 Report
princesses are.

Shifu, what on Earth did you do?!! When you hit on girls in the
future, could you please consider “what if” the emperor one day
suspects that one of his daughters isn’t his?! He’ll hound your
disciple over it!

“You have a question for members of the Ming family, your

majesty?” Boss Shen continued as if she was in a bit of a dilemma:
“I remember that Ming Feizhen said he was from the Ming
family’s branch family, so I am afraid he might let you down.”

However, the emperor replied: “Don’t worry, I’ve had this

question for over twenty years. Perhaps Ming Huayu himself
cannot answer it. As for Ming Feizhen…… I just want to ask
on the rare off-chance.”

A question he’s had for over twenty years? I don’t think any of the
princesses are twenty yet, so it shouldn’t be what I’m thinking of……
Shiiiit. Don’t tell me it’s a prince.

I looked in the emperor’s direction blankly, and looked at the

orange prince who wasn’t wearing a smile.

Man…… If he didn’t look like the emperor, I’d have mistaken him
as the problem the emperor’s had for over twenty years.

“Cough, cough.” The Qilin Guard in front of me suddenly

coughed and then asked: “Can we start now?”

I answered him in an annoyed manner: “…… Come.”

Fuck! Why didn’t you jump me?

What did you think I was doing just now? I was deliberately looking
away to give you a chance! He looks like a bandit, but he behaves
like a gentleman.
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I looked at his bandit-like face again as well as his pose with his
sabre. Save it! There’s no way you can convince me you know more
than five characters!

The emperor wore a joyous smile and said: “I have not seen
Mount Daluo’s martial arts in a long time. Let’s see how good
this second generation Ming boy is.”

Boss Shen spoke as if she was in a dilemma: “Your majesty,

Ming Feizhen, he… his martial arts skills are actually……”

Exactly, watch what martial arts? Watch what martial arts? I’m
about to surrender here.

I turned around, stared at the Qilin Guard: “Alright, let’s begin.”

I swear to god i don’t know what happened.

The Qilin Guard took three steps back as if he got punched hard
when I glared at him, and then he fell backwards onto the ring.


Is he trying to frame me?!

Hey! Get up!!

“Good grief! He’s cursed another to death!”

“Liu Shan’s plague is overpowered!”

Even the emperor stroked his beard and looked on befuddled. He

then said: “He hurt his opponent with pure willpower! What
godly power!!”

Hey! Can you please not spout nonsense?! What happened had
nothing to me!

Boss Shen was spinning. She said: “Could this punk’s
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horoscope actually be possessed…?”

Boss, you traitor!

“Yiren, what was that style?”

“Even with my vast knowledge, I have never heard of such

a style in the pugilistic world. But Mount Daluo’s arts are
profound, so it might be some divine art.”

The emperor laughed cheerfully as he squinted his eyes to look in

my direction and said: “That brat is going pretty hard for my
daughter, hahahaha.”

Can we stop with this nonsense?!!

I quickly ran over and called out to the guy lying on the ground
trying to set me up: “Hey, can you stop pretending?! I didn’t
even touch you!” I looked at him as I desperately went circles
around him. I was trying to come up with a way to get him to get up,
but nobody could tell.

In the end, he just lay there in that position on the ground and
spoke: “I have known of you since long ago… Hero Ming.”

As soon as I heard “Hero Ming”, I suddenly recalled heaps of

details. A lot of unclear things suddenly became crystal clear for me.

“It’s you!!”

“We’ve been eyeing you for a while. It’s not too late to find
out now!!”

The person lying on the ground like a corpse suddenly sprang to

life, and smashed me on my chest with two punches violently,
sending me back a few steps. A powerful palm strike got thrust my
way. If I didn’t counterattack, I would get hit. But just as I wanted to
counterattack, I suddenly discovered that the position I was standing
150 Report
in was planned.

Where we were standing could be seen from the royal family’s

seating area clearly. If I were to reveal my martial arts, Boss Shen
and the emperor would recognise everything within in less than three

But then this guy wasn’t using an orthodox style. It was a style
from an evil sect from beginning to end. Isn’t he afraid of getting
busted?! I looked at the three people in the royal family’s seating
area. The emperor and Boss Shen were both utterly surprised by the
valiant man’s skills. The orange prince was the only one who was as
cool as a cucumber.

The orange prince looked like he was smiling like he didn’t care if
the guy’s identity got revealed. I suddenly realised that the situation
was bad. I had a feeling that the situation had turned out the way
Boss Shen and I predicted.

I was late to realise it. His iron palms had almost reached me. His
palm strike was like a hungry wolf that saw blood, but still
maintained its intelligence. All of his strikes were targeted at qi
points, cutting off the flow of qi.

“Amazing, Hero Ming. You truly are different to those on

Liu Shan’s Elites rankings and the seventeen hidden dragons.
I fought with Long Zaitian using this palm taolu a year ago,
and he couldn’t even handle fifty-percent of my power. I
defeated him in just two strikes. If he wasn’t still useful, you
wouldn’t have seen him today. You on the other hand, Hero
Ming, were able to take two strikes at full power without
suffering any harm. I truly admire you!”

He laughed coldly and then returned his qi. He didn’t stop moving
his hands as he spoke. His strong palms were like a snowstorm. Each
strike was like an explosion. He left seventeen hand marks on me.
151 Report

In case you have forgotten, Shen Yiren’s facts about him being
Priest Wushan’s disciple is incorrect because he lied about it.

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152 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 16
Black Winds Become Mystery

The emperor looked startled when he witnessed the unexpected

reversal and said: “Nice palm techniques. There’s softness
within the forceful strikes with varying tempos, unmoving yet
moving, and once he moves there’s no way of defending. His
palm techniques are so powerful. I don’t think it would be
easy to find another inner style specialist who could match
his strength.”

The emperor was right. For some reason, that Qilin Guard
possessed tremendously profound strength.

Long Zaitian and Tang Ye were engaged in a vicious battle in the

ring not too far away. Not only were their identities attracting, their
exchanges were intense. It was far more promising than this Liu Shan
Men’s head constable versus an ordinary Qilin Guard bout.

It was just that the emperor couldn’t shift his eyes away from the
two of them. More accurately, he couldn’t stop watching the Qilin
Guard. All of this palm strikes were akin to a snowstorm, retracting
one arm as the other extends alternatively like a wave coming to
shore and leaving, which sounded like thunderclaps. The emperor
was seated very far away, yet his heart couldn’t stop palpitating
which was a clear indication that the power behind his palm strikes
was more than a level above Long Zaitian and co.


Ming Feizhen took strike after strike but he never spat out any
blood, and when the strikes landed, there was no sound upon impact.
All of his bones and joints in his body must’ve had been shattered by
the palm strikes, which would explain why he was powerless to
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counter, thereby taking strike after strike consecutively.

Shen Yiren’s heart nearly popped out. She was concerned to the
point that she stood up, ignoring the emperor’s surprised gaze as
well as the impoliteness of her behaviour. She quickly knelt down and
pleaded: “Your majesty, I ask that the contest be stopped!
Ming Feizhen has already suffered grievous wounds, he
cannot continue.”


The emperor was silent at first. His eyes were still fixated on the
Qilin Guard and therefore ignored Shen Yiren. As a matter of fact, he
was more focused on the contest than before. With his back against
his seat, he lazily said: “Such powerful palm strikes, not bad,
not bad…… Hmm, but this style… it doesn’t look like an
orthodox style no matter how I see it. Yiren, you may be
young but you’re knowledge of martial arts can be
considered vast. In your opinion, what are the origins of that

Shen Yiren didn’t know why the emperor suddenly asked her about
that. Her eyes were locked on Feizhen who was getting pummelled in
the ring. He looked like his limbs were all virtually destroyed. With
much anxiety, she replied: “Please forgive me for my rudeness.
The victor has been decided in that ring. Please declare Ming
Feizhen the loser. Feizhen, he……. Constable Ming’s life is
hanging in the balance. I am afraid he will not be able to
make it.”

“Eunuch Nan is in charge of deciding the outcomes. He is a

veteran of the pugilistic world. Do you not think he would be
able to tell? Vice-captain Shen, I asked you, have you seen
that palm taolu before?”

Shen Yiren’s mind however, was filled with images of Ming Feizhen
getting pummelled into mincemeat. She wasn’t paying any heed to
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the emperor’s words: “Your majesty, can you not wait to ask me
that later?!”

The emperor shook his head: “Yiren, this matter… is very


Shen Yiren anxiously replied: “I, I don’t know!”

“Since you don’t know, Cheng’er, how about you answer

my question. What are the origins of that style?”

The orange prince watched Shen Yiren standing up out of her seat
and smiled: “I do not know. As Vice-captain Shen mentioned, I
do not set foot into the pugilistic world while my own skills
are poor. I was never qualified to discuss martial arts in the
first place.”

“That’s fine, that’s fine. There’s a specialist here with us.”

The emperor turned his head around to face the senior eunuch
beside him and said: “Wang Tushui, bring Eunuch Nan.”

Eunuch Nan was from the pugilistic world. He entered the palace
twenty years ago and suddenly became a skilled fighter rarely seen
in the inner sectors of the palace. The emperor treated him as a
person in the pugilistic world. He uses the word “please’ with him as
the emperor, which goes to show just how much respect he has for
Eunuch Nan.

Not long after, Eunuch Nan came up the steps to the royal family
seating area from the host area. He wore a neutral expression:
“Greetings, your majesty.”

Wang Tushui quickly repeated the question the emperor had to

Eunuch Nan. After he finished listening, he nodded gently and then
said: “Your majesty, there are many palm styles in the world
which make it complicated. Just in terms of the number of
styles and variations alone, there are one thousand and
155 Report
forty-seven styles, which belong to three-hundred and seven
schools. The guard in the ring can evidently use very
powerful palm strikes, which tells us that the emphasis of his
style lies in his power, and not the technique.”

The orange prince laughed and said: “It’s just a palm style,
what’s so great about it?”

“You are wrong there, your highness. In terms of power

alone, it is no less formidable than Shaolin’s Prajna Palms
and Wudang’s Two-metre Palms. It is just that it relies
heavily on power, thereby losing the true essence of it.
Focusing on qi control is the key component, yet it treats as
an auxiliary component. Such action is unorthodox in martial

“In other words, it’s an unorthodox style from the evil


“Wise insight, your majesty. You are absolutely correct.”

“Eunuch Nan, I have a question for you.” The Qilin Guard had
now hit Ming Feizhen with seventeen strikes and stopped. Shen Yiren
was anxious like she had a fire under her heart. She wanted to know
how Ming Feizhen’s wounds were and anxiously asked: “With such
forceful strikes, what would happen to the target?”

“The characteristics of this palm taolu are particularly strange. The

target won’t lose their conscious, but their breathing will gradually
become erratic. After a short while the force will explode, thereby
killing the target. But that said, the skill of the target would need to
be factored into the equation as well. If their cultivation is at the
peak, having their meridians sealed would be normal.

“Ming Feizhen he-!”

Shen Yiren’s mind was filled with the sound of thumps. Ming
156 Report
Feizhen dying was not part of her plan. She clenched her teeth,
turned around and ran out of the royal family seating area, and off in
the direction of the ring like the wind.

The emperor didn’t stop her though. He looked at Shen Yiren’s

back getting further and further away kindly and amiably. He shook
his head with a helpless smile: “She still hasn’t grown up. She
can’t handle seeing her subordinates suffer. She’s exactly
like her father.”

When he turned to look at the orange prince, his gaze changed:

“But that’s strange. Only warriors of the imperial court are
gathered for the imperial martial arts tournament. How did
someone so skilled from an evil sect sneak in? What do you
think, Cheng’er?”

“Father, why are you asking me these questions?” The

orange prince frowned and unhappily said: “He is a Qilin Guard. If
there was a problem, you should be asking the Qilin Guard’s
vice-captain Long Zaitian, and not me.”

“You are wrong again, your highness.” Eunuch Nan continued:

“I have been investigating the Black Winds Thirteen Wings
homicide these last two weeks, but no matter how I
investigated it, everything pointed back to the Qilin Guards.
But then there is another problem. The Qilin Guards are one
of the imperial court’s three law enforcement offices charged
with protecting the nation. The imperial court and the three
offices work very closely together so there is no chance that
they would betray the imperial court.”

Eunuch Nan looked at the orange prince and continued: “Hence

the emperor thought that perhaps it was not someone from
the martial world but people in the imperial court who
wanted to use the Qilin Guards for unscrupulous means. After
my endless investigations, I found out that you had gone and
went from the Qilin Guards’ place many times, your highness.
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Every time, you went you brought very few people and were
very cautious, hence catching my attention.”

The orange prince couldn’t hold it in and shouted: “Nan Junfei!

Who do you think you are?! You’re just a lowly servant! How
dare you slander me?!”

“I dare not, I dare not. But what I said was all true. His
majesty has also looked over the evidence.” Eunuch Nan looked
to the ground, suddenly smiled and said: “The imperial martial
arts tournament is a major event for the imperial court that
involves many warriors of the imperial court. If his majesty
was not certain, how would he have allowed the imperial
martial arts tournament to continue with the Black Winds
Thirteen Wings killing the imperial court’s warriors? You have
overlooked it, your highness.”

Just as the orange prince was about to rebut, the emperor spoke

“Cheng’er, stop.” The emperor said in a low voice: “If Yiren

was here right now, she’d be the first one to arrest you. I
have looked into your men already. What could those
thirteen from the Black Winds Thirteen Wings possibly do?”

The orange prince went completely pale. His eyes ran circles like
he was calculating his own skills and his men. Just in the royal
family’s seating area alone, he wasn’t a match for his father if they
had a fair fight, and he happened to have highly-skilled Eunuch Nan
whose true skills knew no bounds.

“Cheng’er, if you stop now, I’ll pretend nothing happened.

What do you say?”


“You showed your skills once at that dog-house and taught
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my men and me a lesson. You were surprisingly fearsome.”

The man who suddenly unleashed an incredible palm strike

revealed a smile: “I wonder if you remember me mentioning
that I had just mastered a power-focused qigong style that
could smash a boulder and kill a fierce tiger? I wanted to ask
you to let me try it but you took pre-emptive action, and thus
I have only managed to make my request a reality today.”

My breathing was erratic. I forced the words out of my mouth:

“Despicable… scum……”

The man looked at his large palms, laughed and said: “This new
internal style of mine assists my Fu Xiang divine palm
techniques that can break through anything. I killed three
Qilin Guards with it. It only took one strike to kill each of
them. I never had to make a second move. For you to still be
able to speak after taking seventeen strikes, your cultivation
is evidently profound. A rare talent indeed. I truly admire

He revealed a savage smile: “But even if your internal strength

were to be even superior, after having your meridians sealed by
these seventeen strikes, you won’t be able to budge for three hours.
You’ll just look pitiful the entire time.

Impossible… This guy shouldn’t be here.

I struggled to get up. I angrily looked at the man before me that

had changed his looks and physique. He used disguise and joint
manipulation high-level type technique to transform his physique

No, when I saw him last time, he was fatter than he is now. In other
words… he manipulated his joints last time while this is his normal
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Why didn’t I discover it……?

“Why are you here in the palace……?” I didn’t use my voice

transmission technique. I muttered under my breath angrily: “Meng

“Of course I miss Ming……”

“Fuck out of here. Meng Jiangnan is a fake name, isn’t

it…?” I bluntly said: “You just pretended to be the contact
person for the League of Assassins’ as a cover for your true

“Meng Jiangnan” laughed and said: “I sincerely admire your

intellect. I always thought that you were the Master of Night
Fortress thanks to your martial prowess. I never expected
you to be so smart as well. Night Fortress being located in
Jiang Nan’s martial world is lucky thing. It’s a pity that you’re
seeing through it now. Don’t you think……”

“Kuang Tian, Fu Xiang, Yu Ye and Zhong Ning.”

“Meng Jiangnan”‘s expression drastically changed. A flash of

killing intent appeared in his eyes. I ignored him and continued.

“I do make mistakes sometimes for real……. So it wasn’t

the Black Winds Thirteen Wings, but you guys.” I did my best
to suppress my voice and enunciate their name that would frighten
countless warriors in the martial world, “Second in the League of
Assassins, Path of Darkness!”

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160 Report
161 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 17
Kuang Tian, Fu Xiang, Yu Ye and Zhong Ning

Path of Darkness is a myth in the martial world. They are an evil

myth that betrayed the orthodox sects. This assassination group
strictly speaking can’t even be considered a group, because it only
comprises of four people, and all four of them are completely

Each of them has their own unique identities. They lead separate
lives, and don’t even have anything in common. The only one
common thing between them is that they’re all powerful fighters
among ten thousand men.

The four of them kill people in the martial world as they please
without any regards for the law. When the boss of the League of
Assassins once saw them together, he suggested they form a group
which was named: Path of Darkness.

The group has existed for less than six years, but they’ve
surpassed countless other assassins in the League of Assassins in
those six years. Kuang Tian, Fu Xiang, Yu Ye and Zhong Ning thus
became famous top-tier assassins in the pugilistic world.

Consequently, Meng Jiangnan is a fake, yet not a fake identity as

Ming Feizhen claimed since Fu Xiang is Meng Jiangnan, the contact
person for members in the capital. They’re one and the same person.

“Meng Jiangnan” or more accurately, the assassin Fu Xiang got

identified after just a few words. Surprised, he said: “Master Ming,
you really do know everything, huh? But I wonder how you
managed to figure out who I am.”

“You’re a careful person, a rare talent. Other people only use

disguises when they go out on missions while you use a disguise
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almost all the time, and then revert back to your true appearance
when you go out on jobs. It’s no easy feat to turn yourself into a fatty
with double your usual bodyweight. That is why I didn’t realise
anything at all.

Fu Xiang looked me with satisfaction as he listened to my


“You could’ve come into the palace with your usual

disguise since not many people recognise it either, but
because you tried to be cautious, you revealed your real
appearance. That’s admirable. I haven’t met many who are as
cautious and detailed as you.”

That’s right, while Fu Xiang looks brash and crude, he’s actually
very cautious and detailed. For example, he must’ve come up with
the plan when I tailed them and the three groups took turns running
circles. Not only is he cautious and detailed, he’s also very skilled.

“Thank you for the praise Master Ming.”

I then changed the topic: “But when you said ‘Fu Xiang Divine
Palms’ you revealed yourself.”’

It’s an aggressive style focused on power. I read about it once in

the Black and White Reflection. Seven female disciples from Emei
were killed three years ago and they suspected they were killed with
Fu Xiang Divine Palms. They suspected it was the handiwork of
someone in the League of Assassins. After putting all the pieces of
the puzzle together, I guessed that Meng Jiangnan was actually an
assassin and not a contact-person.

“…… And your name is Fu Xiang. The rest isn’t too hard to
guess, is it?”

“I never expected you to identify me through my martial

arts. But I don’t care because dead people can’t think nor can
163 Report
they tell others.”

“The four so-called Path of Darkness assassins… continued

to commit crimes ever since they appeared during the six
years they’ve been around. Committing crimes in the North,
South, East and West. They’ve already killed a hundred and
twenty one famous people. Among them includes Sect Leader
Cang and Elder Swordsman Lushan. All the people you guys
killed were famous figures. You’ve never refused any jobs
and even come after the palace this time.”

Fu Xiang laughed and said: “You sure know these martial

world stories very well, Master Ming. It’s a pity you didn’t see
through us.”

“It makes sense, I guess. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t you

guys. The Black Winds Thirteen Wings wouldn’t dare to pull
this off. It never was the Black Winds Thirteen Wings, but you
four. Only you four have gall and skills to pull it off. You
killed one imperial court warrior after another and are now
coming into the palace to pull off more hits.”

I thought about things for a moment and then asked with

puzzlement: “I want to know why you came up with this plan
to set me up? Why did you insist on getting rid of me?”

“We never wanted to do this. You asked for it, Master


Fu Xiang took in a deep breath and then let his qi circulate freely
inside his body to recover his internal energy. Those seventeen palm
strikes do take a lot out of him, so he needed to recover his qi now.

“The Black Winds Thirteen Wings were just pawns

gathering intel for us. Their purpose was to find out how
strong the three offices truly were. They can occasionally kill
some warriors of the imperial court that they’re confident
164 Report
fighting if they team up.”

The Black Winds Thirteen Wings are cold-blooded assassins that

could frighten a lot of people, but they sounded like children when he
mentioned them.

Fu Xiang stared at me as if he was looking at a nightmare and

pulled his eyebrows tightly together.

“We didn’t take the initiative to go after you; it was just

that you were in the way and unpredictable. Nobody knew
that the Black Winds Thirteen Wings were the culprits. But
you came out of nowhere, rocked up at the Qilin Guards’
main courtyard and managed to identify the Black Winds
Thirteen Wings as the culprits just by examining a few
corpses on your first day. You also told the emperor’s
entourage. The Black Winds Thirteen Wings lost two men
because of that. Even I couldn’t remedy the situation. So how
could we not be extremely cautious of you?”

“So it was my fault, huh…?”

Yeah, no, fuck you!

You killed them, they retaliated and killed your men, and now it’s
my fault?

“That’s not all. You identified the Black Winds Thirteen

Wings, causing the security in the palace to tighten up a
whole entire level. Even so, we only treated you as a worry,
and not a ticking time-bomb, not someone who could affect
the grand scheme of things. After that, you followed orders
to investigate the League of Assassins, so I set up a trap to
lure you in and kill you.”

Fu Xiang’s killing intent got stronger once he got there.

“I just never expected you to be a prominent figure. So
165 Report
much for thinking I’d never make a miscalculation. I never
imagined that the great master of Night Fortress, the one
and only evil sect in Jiang Nan’s martial world would actually
lower himself to being an insignificant constable at Liu Shan
Men. I was not exaggerating when I said you are

No, if we’re being precise, for the remainder of my life I might

live… alright, I’m not going to mention things which would make me

“It looked like you want to get yourself out of the imperial
martial arts tournament so I did everything I could to make
things hard for you. I did that to stop you from getting away
and to trap you here. I didn’t have a choice. My skills can’t
match yours so I had to use my wits and trap you here.”

“Is that why I won all my fights without even fighting? You
people are bloody……”

“You’re welcome.”

Welcome your fucking mum!

Fucking motherfucker! I got called a plague by people all because

of you assholes!!

“Don’t get angry, Hero Ming. You’ve always outdone my

predictions, including the divine art you just used to knock
that Ye missy out. I consider myself as having trained very
diligently daily and possess decent internal strength, but I’m
afraid I wouldn’t be able to defeat Tie Zhen Divine
Marksmanship with a melon seed even if I trained for my
entire life. We have another instance here. I struck with
seventeen Fu Xiang Divine Palm strikes before stopping. I
wasn’t showing mercy, it was that the style drains me of my
internal energy. I gave it my all with those seventeen palm
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strikes, but I haven’t even hurt you at all. All I managed to do
was seal your meridians.”

Fu Xiang shook his head, sighed bitterly and said: “I am sixty-two

this year. I started training Fu Xiang Divine Palms since I was
seven, so that’s fifty-five years of training. I thought I was
now strong enough to conquer the entire world, but forget
that, I can’t even hurt one man. Master Ming, do you know
how mixed my feelings are right now?”

“Who gives a shit about your motherfucking feelings?! You

people just have nothing better to do! What did you come to
the palace for?” I wore a gloomy look and continued, “Are all
your people here?”

Fu Xiang dodged the question. He smiled and said: “Why did you
have to sneak into Liu Shan Men, Master Ming? You are
working as a constable for no rhyme or reason, and you’re
starting from the lowest rank?”

Who told you that? Sixty taels a month is starting from the lowest
rank? You make that much sweeping the ground?!

But when I thought about it carefully, my heart beat hard. This guy
sure does know a fair bit. He looked into me and obtained accurate
information in a short amount of time. With me coming and going
here and there, teahouses, bars, eating out at Dong Po, and going to
buy wine at “Years Like a Blade”, who knows when I might reveal

Wait, wait, wait. Not even shiyi knows my goal. Surely they’re not
that resourceful.

“It’s fine if you do not tell me because according to my

reports, you… are doing it for a person, right?”

What?! The man actually knows!
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“That person is very important to you and that is why you
are insistent on staying at Liu Shan Men no matter the

Hey, hey, hey, you can’t mention it in a crowded place like this!

“Hey! Stop talking shit!”

Fu Xiang scoffed: “I speak no nonsense. I can understand

that feeling too. You are willing to accept and respect. It sure
makes one sigh. That person is……”

I shouted: “I told you not to spout nonsense!”

Fu Xiang stuttered: “You… fell for Liu Shan Men’s vice-

captain, Shen Yiren, right?”

“How did you know that?!”


Huh? Wait. Boss Shen? This guy must be mistaken.

Just when I was thinking that, a slender silhouette landed in the

ring gently like a snow flake. Her movements were swift. One jump
and she landed in the ring. Before she came over, she anxiously
shouted something.

However, when she landed, she was completely silent, completely

contradictory to how anxious she was before.

Her skin was like perfect jade, and white as snow. Underneath her
sword-sheath like beautiful shoulders were eye-grabbing, stunning
huge knockers that jiggled as she moved, showing off her proud
personality. She was dressed in a warrior’s robe, yet her body lines
were revealed. Who else could it be other than Shen Yiren?

When Boss Shen came over, she appeared to be furious, but once
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she landed, she was dead silent. Looking at her carefully, her
beautiful face had a seductive blush on it.

After a long silence, Boss Shen finally spoke.

“Feizhen,.. what did you just say……?”


It was like time had stopped.


*When Fu Xiang mentioned the trap to lure MFZ in and kill him, he
actually alluded to the Feast at Hong Gate which is a historical event
that was a trap ostensibly joyous but actually was a treacherous plot.
But I decided that putting that in the text would ruin your reading
experience if you weren’t aware of the reference and thus adopted
just the idea behind it for smooth reading. I try to minimise the usage
of footnotes as much as possible.

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169 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 18
He is Here, Yiren Came

“You… fell for Liu Shan Men’s vice-captain, Shen Yiren,


“How did you know about that?!”

That’s what just happened.

Strictly speaking, that doesn’t count as a traditional confession.

I didn’t take the initiative. The contents were provided by someone

else. I was just in charge of admitting.

Admit my foot! I didn’t admit it!

I waited for a long time but nobody spoke.

Boss Shen jumping up into the ring is against the rules, right? But
nobody stopped her.

I pretended to forget what just happened and tried to avoid the

awkwardness: “Boss, what… are you here for?”

“Feizhen, what did you just say?”

Whoa, she’s asking me straight-up! She’s different to other girls for

sure. She’s not flirtatious like normal girls. I can’t believe she can
speak so naturally after that awkward scene.

“But……” Boss Shen went red in the face. She sounded like she
was put in a dilemma: “Don’t say what you shouldn’t.”

She’s been affected!
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A voice suddenly came into my ears. It was Fu Xiang using voice

“Don’t worry, she didn’t hear anything.”

Boss Shen didn’t hear our conversation just now? But……

I see, so Fu Xiang was using voice transmission in our

conversation. I was caught up with the Path of Darkness’s actions
that I forgot for a moment.

I looked carefully and noticed Boss Shen’s blushing look wasn’t

because she was shy but because she was slightly short of breath
after running over.

Another voice then hit my ears. This time it was Boss Shen using
voice transmission.

“Our prediction was right. The Black Winds Thirteen Wings

have already replaced the Qilin Guards. This grunt is really
strong, right?”

Ooh, so that’s what Boss Shen meant by “what you shouldn’t


I gave her a nod to say: That’s right. He’s from the League of

This is what happened.

Boss Shen and I did indeed have other considerations with regards
to the imperial martial arts tournament.

I found the Black Winds Thirteen Wings traces in the Qilin Guards’
main courtyard and I discussed it with Boss Shen. We both agreed
that there was a traitor with the Qilin Guards. I then used special
means to continue investigating and found out that the Black Winds
Thirteen Wings wanted to go after the emperor on the day of the
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imperial martial arts tournament. As such, we took some pre-emptive
measures. We just didn’t know when and where or how they were
going to do it, hence why we had no choice but to wait for the
tournament to commence and wait for the time to strike.

But things outside of our expectations happened one after the

other. Brother Bastard losing is whatever, but I even ran into this
strong but ugly punk.

“Sorry…… It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have let you fight him.”

Back then Boss Shen told me to try not to avoid the Qilin Guards if
I ran into them, and fight them as much as possible for intel. Every
move, every word and every expression would be helpful. It was a
bullshit mission indeed, and realistically speaking, if I was actually an
ordinary constable and ran into Fu Xiang, I wouldn’t even make it in
time to say “there’s poison in your shit!”

“She cares for you, Master Ming.” Fu Xiang seemed to be able

to make out what Boss Shen said from her expression. Using voice
transmission, he said to me: “Even if I put you down, it doesn’t
feel too bad knowing that the woman you love cares for you,

Boss Shen looked stern. With a strong gaze, she said: “Your
match ends here. I’m taking him with me.”

Fu Xiang didn’t budge. His aura was grounded like a mountain, but
at the same time made one feel he could strike at any moment.

“I am afraid that’s not possible. You are not the judge,

Vice-captain Shen. Before Eunuch Nan declares the outcome,
I am afraid I will have to continue staying in the ring with
Brother Ming.”

“You dare tell me ‘no’?”

“I have heard that you are incredible, Vice-captain Shen. I
172 Report
heard you ran Liu Shan Men. Vice-captain Shen is the rule at
Liu Shan Men, and now that I have met you, I see that it is
true. However, we are in the imperial palace right now, and
in the ring at the imperial martial arts tournament. Don’t you
think you’ve crossed the line, Vice-captain Shen?”

Boss Shen appeared angry enough to explode. She didn’t let Fu

Xiang get his way.

“I’m going to take him away. You’re not qualified to

interfere, so cut the bullshit!”

Boss Shen frowned and then stretched her hand out and grabbed
my shoulder.

Fu Xiang didn’t back down. He stood in place without moving. But

his condensed collection of qi made him appear intense. As soon as
Boss Shen’s hand touches me, he’ll strike out right away. I knew
what he was thinking. If I leave with Boss Shen, he won’t be confident
that he can bring me down, and their plans for today will vanish into
thin air. As such, he was willing to make an enemy out of Boss Shen
if it meant he could keep me here.

As soon as Boss Shen extended an arm out, she could feel a wave
of qi rush over. She didn’t dare to advance another step. She thought
to herself: His internal strength is incredible. His martial arts tops the
people here today.

Shen Yiren could tell that she couldn’t match him just from the way
he stood.

“What exactly do you want?”

“That should be my question. I heard you already you’re

already engaged. I heard the groom was the eldest son of the
Song family who are part of the seven champion white
princes. In other words, the current captain of Liu Shan Men.
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What a nice match. A talented man and a beautiful woman.
You make people envious.”

Fu Xiang spoke at a natural and neutral speed while sneaking a

glance through the corner of his eys at Brother Bastard who had his
turn and was now looking like a whinger who lost: “I just don’t
want you to toss your fiancée aside for an unrelated man.
That would be sad for Captain Song.” Fu Xiang thought that
Boss Shen and I had some sort of illicit relationship and therefore
tried to leverage it against her to get her to back off.

Who would’ve known that Boss Shen wouldn’t give a toss. She
wore a cold expression and asked again: “I’ll ask you again. What
do you want?”

“My hand is itching and I want to have a spar with Brother


“…… You’ve already beaten Ming Feizhen to the point

where he can’t defend himself. Everybody who isn’t retarded
can tell who the victor is. Are you persisting because you
want to kill him?” Boss Shen then grabbed her sword handle and
thrust it forward down the centre-line of his body, “Since your
hands are itching, I’ll scratch it for you!”

Her sword strike was extremely swift. While Fu Xiang’s strength far
surpasses Boss Shen’s, things are somewhat different in a surprise
attack situation. The power of Fu Xiang Divine Palms was far too
powerful and he couldn’t hastily use it. He really is a talented guy
with incredible skills. He didn’t dodge when a sharp blade was being
stabbed right down his centre-line. He just smiled.

I could tell what he was playing at. He was waiting for the sword to
stop. This is the imperial martial arts tournament after all, so Boss
Shen wouldn’t dare to kill someone. Fu Xiang could see through her
bluff. Once Boss Shen stops, he’ll have an opportunity to strike back.
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The sword then went towards his chest and stabbed into his
muscles. Fu Xiang grunted and floated back a few yards. He sounded
angry. He clearly got hurt.

Boss Shen didn’t stop. She went straight for the kill. And to be
frank, he’s lucky to have dodged it. If he was one step slower, he’d
be skewered to death on the ring.

Boss Shen truly cares for me. Outsiders may see Shen Yiren as a
crazy bitch who dares to say anything and do anything. But from my
standpoint, nobody respects the law and rules than her.

She broke the rules to enter the ring and save me. I’m very moved
by that.

Boss Shen wanted to chase him down. I extended my arm out and
grabbed hold of Boss Shen’s beautiful slender small hand.

“Boss… I’ll deal with this.”

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175 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 19
Mystery Puts His Lights Out. Snow Falls Silently

Boss Shen angrily shouted: “Deal with? Deal with what?!

You’re about to lose your life.” She turned around to look at me
who had a pale face. It was like her heart had become tender too.

“Stop being stubborn and come with me.”

But before she could finish, Fu Xiang chased us like an accursed

ghost unwilling to leave. He revealed a ridiculing smile: “Vice-
captain Shen, you are very bold. You almost killed me with
that strike.” His voice was very energetic which was a clear
indication that her attack just now didn’t hurt him.

Boss Shen knew that she missed an opportunity to deal him a

heavy blow. She looked extremely dejected, but her expression
didn’t change. Instead, she just angrily glared at me.

I met her angry eyes which were kind of blaming me. I made an
open hand gesture and said: “I already told you I’d deal with it,
so what are you glaring at me for?”

“Alright, even if you are right, tell me how you are going to
deal with it in the state you’re in?”

I thought about it but could only think of one thing to say: “Little
kids shouldn’t concern themselves with adults’ affairs.”

“You actually believe that you’re an adult and more mature

than me?” Boss Shen glared at me with an even more serious glare.
But that didn’t last long because she then helplessly laughed: “Have
you lost your mind or are you actually confident? Why does it
feel that you’re not scared? Have you been scared silly?”
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“Didn’t I promise to gather intel for you? How can I give up
without doing anything? Don’t worry, I’ll run away when it’s
time to.” I stood up and moulded my energy to erase the pale look
on my face.

Now I looked much better.

“Nobody is more scared of dying than I am, so don’t


Boss Shen was going to say something, but I extended a finger

forth and placed it on her soft lips. I chuckled softly and said: “A
woman should behave and wait at home while her man
attends to business.”

Time virtually stopped once again.

The wind blew gently and carried a different sense of coldness with

If you were to look up at the sky, you would see the sky covered in


It’s snowing.

Winter hasn’t come yet, but the first snowfall of this year started
today as if it had plans of its own within the dark-unclear world.

The sky caused a silence inside and outside of the palace.

The snowfall was carried by the wind. Ice crystals landed on people
like flowers blooming, substantially increasing the charm of the white

Boss Shen didn’t freak out or move away. She allowed me to place
my finger on her lips. What surprised me even more was the heat
177 Report
being transferred from her lips to my finger that was just like the
impression Boss Shen’s appearance gave off, and just like her soft

“You’re hurt……” Boss Shen didn’t care about me placing my

finger on her lips and spoke like that. Her warm breath was like a
kitten’s lick which felt so nice in the cold.

“If I hit you now, I’ll definitely end up killing you, so I’ll
forgive you this time… Are you still not going to remove your

I slowly pulled my finger back and looked at her seemingly

transparent eyes. I chuckled and replied: “Boss, trust me…
There’s always a way to solve things.”

Boss Shen didn’t say anything. She frowned, and I could sense a
strong aura being emitted from between her eyebrows which
touched me.

“You are not to die. I don’t want any of my men to die. I

don’t want you to die, you hear?”

Those determined eyes… I felt like I could read the one they call
the-imperial-court’s-toughest-female-hero. A young girl in her tens
holding up all of Liu Shan Men is no easy task.

“I promise, I won’t die. At least not today.”

“Always talking glibly.”

Boss Shen sheathed her blade again, looked at me with a

thoughtful gaze and said: “Take care.” She then turned around and
slowly left.

I looked at Fu Xiang who was standing to one side and behind Boss
Shen’s back a few times with a complex feeling. It felt somewhat
surreal. Boss Shen thought that Fu Xiang was a member of the Black
178 Report
Winds Thirteen Wings and was afraid I’d get beaten to death. Fu
Xiang thought I fell in love with Boss Shen and she came to save me.
I on the other hand simply didn’t want the emperor to discover my

Snowflakes floated slowly in the air and my heart became clear

because of that.

The complexity of the matter virtually surpassed my imagination.

Who the heck caused everything to turn out this way?

My eyes subconsciously found their way to the royal family seating

area and my ears stood up on their own.

I could hear the entire conversation between the emperor and the
orange prince. There were things they didn’t know about each other,
but it was all clear from my point of view. And based off the intel they
have as well as the things Fu Xiang and co. have done, their goal
could not be any clearer.

I looked at Fu Xiang and spoke to him with lip reading: “Are you
trying to overthrow the emperor’s rule?”

Fu Xiang understood me. Somewhat surprised, he replied: “You

are very wise, Master Ming. You ended up seeing through it
in the end.”

“But I still don’t understand, why’re you not killing me?”

“I want to borrow your appearance for the part that comes


I see now. Now it all makes sense. Since I’m such a threat to them,
Fu Xiang could’ve killed me after I was hit, but he didn’t. I couldn’t
comprehend why, but now when combined with the knowledge the
Mystery want to get a piece of the pie in Jiang Nan’s martial world, it
makes sense. They could replace me there using their masterful
disguise skills. They could then use Night Fortress as a medium to
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commit more assassinations and slowly gain control over Jiang Nan’s
martial world.

“It’s just that you are too skilled, so I had no choice but to
paralyse you with my palm strikes, stopping you from ruining
our plan.”

“Fair enough. Your plan is tough and tiring, huh?”

“Thank you for understanding.”

We both laughed and the atmosphere in the ring became ice-cold.

“Last question.” My qi essence in my body stopped circulating

and the qi which gave me the pale look resurfaced on my face again,
reverting my appearance back to how it was before, “The current
emperor is no pushover, do you think you can successfully
dethrone him?”

“Meng Jiangnan”, otherwise known as the assassin Fu Xiang

revealed a genuine smile and replied: “Path of Darkness fears no

That was the last thing we said to each other.

We didn’t see this scene. We just heard others tell us about it after.
It sounded pretty brutal.

Fu Xiang took a quick step. Deeply-etched footmarks were left

wherever he stepped. He braced, transformed his palm into lightning
and viciously struck me, creating a huge sound. I looked like I got
struck by lightning and got sent flying out of the ring like a kite that
had its string snapped. Even though I crashed into the wall, my fall
didn’t stop.

A warm red drop of liquid from the skies filled with snowfall landed
on Shen Yiren’s jade-white-like face after she just got off the ring.
The liquid was hot compared to the snowflakes. She reached her
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hand out to wipe it away gently. It didn’t take her long to recognise
that it was blood, but she moved frighteningly slowly.

“I’m Ming Feizhen. From today onwards, I shall love my

country and devote my loyalty to it. I shall serve the imperial
court and am determined to be Vice-captain’s good
subordinate. Greetings boss!”

“Boss! Want a pear?”

“Boss, I’ll help you read over half of these documents, so

have an early night.”

“Mmm… Right now isn’t a good time for me to wake up.

Boss, please don’t wear low-cuts……”

“Because you’re silly. You go all out without consideration

for yourself for the sake of justice. That’s why I want to stay
by your side.”

“Why would I go to work during my off-time? Boss, did you

know you look really pretty when you’re working? Wouldn’t it
be a waste for me not to look at you?”

The memories slowly mixed in with the snow and poured into Shen
Yiren’s blurry eyes.

“Feizhen… You liar……”

Shen Yiren turned around. The drip of blood flew away while her
eyes were brimming with an impulse to kill.

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181 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 20
The Light In The Past Is Now But Smoke and Dust

Rewinding back a bit in the royal family’s seating area. The orange
prince who was adamant on his stance when questioned by the
emperor and Eunuch Nan went silent for a moment before saying:
“Please forgive me father, but I do not understand what you
are saying.” He sat in his seat without moving or showing a hint of
being unsettled.

The emperor frowned and solemnly said: “Cheng’er, are you

still going to be so stubborn? Forget it, I shall put your
ambition to rest. Eunuch Nan, bring him out.”

Eunuch Nan responded to indicate he heard the emperor’s orders

and then turned around to leave. Not long after, he returned with a
unique long-faced individual with yellow-ish skin and a skinny
appearance over.

The orange prince didn’t show any sign of surprise. He just casually
said: “General Manager Liu, you are the general manager of
my manor, and you’ve come all the way here to manage
things here too?”

“I was called upon by his majesty. I came for his majesty’s


The orange prince scoffed indifferently. He then grabbed a filled

cup of wine to the side of his arm and tossed it out. He cussed:
“Traitor, selling out your master for wealth and status. What
a scoundrel!”

Cao Jian didn’t move. He reached his long arm out, caught the
wine-cup and shifted it forward to catch the wine in it. His
movements were fluid and his reaction was quick. It was a surprise to
182 Report
learn that he was well-trained. Cao Jian courteously returned the cup
to the table, knelt down and said: “Greetings, your highness. I
would like to let you know today that my surname is not Liu.
My surname is Cao and my name is Jian, an Yi-rank warrior in
his majesty’s entourage. I have been by your side for the last
three years under his majesty’s orders. You have looked after
me for three years, so I dare not tell the truth. Please forgive
me, your highness.”

The orange prince turned sideways, not to accept his bow, but to
just laugh coldly whilst looking at him.

The emperor bluntly said: “Cao Jian reports back to me all the
things you’ve done each month. When you went where, what
you wore, what you ate, nothing escapes me. I know
everything you’re thinking and doing. I don’t care about you
taking bribes, but do you think you can explain today’s

“Explain what? Heh, interesting.” The orange prince clearly

didn’t care. He played with the white-jade ring on his thumb,
chuckled indifferently and continued: “First it was Cha Yuan, and
now General Manager Liu. I would think that they aren’t the
only ones, right, father?”

“You knew?”

“Did you think I’m a moron? Heh, all of the eunuchs, maids,
servants, elders, all of them were spies you planted by my

The orange prince looked into the distance as though he was

reminiscing something. He continued: “I knew that there were
some who were different ever since I was six. The way they
looked at me was different. Their looks were cold and
resolute. Yeah, just like your guards. It was the look of
someone who was putting up with it for the sake of
183 Report
completing a mission. I know that there are some people in
the palace whom are different. When I grew up, there were
some in my manor who were different too. I could tell. They
were so easy to see through. The way they breathed was
different. They were like a black dot on a white sheet of
paper. It wasn’t hard to figure them out.”

After listening to him silently, the emperor sighed and replied:

“You and I are the most alike among my seven sons… I was
the same as you when I was young. If you were just willing to
use your talent for good and fulfil your role as a prince, the
situation wouldn’t have turned out like this today.”

“So now it’s my fault? I can’t believe you have the nerve to
be talking about talent.”

The orange prince’s expression changed into a frightening

expression as if he was going to explode as he said: “Ever since I
was young, I liked reading military books, and learning about
strategy. I was willing to help protect our borders so that our
people could lead peaceful lives. When I was eight and had
my birthday with my eldest brother, he said…… he wanted to
be a rose in the flower garden. You gave him a piece of
white-jade in front of everyone. But when I told you I wanted
to be a general and that I wanted to lead the army to
protecting our borders, you wore an annoyed look. You
scolded me ‘you’re so young and yet you’re up to no good’.
You slapped me hard enough to give me a blood mouth in
front of everyone. I still remember it now. That’s your idea of
learning? That’s your idea of making use of your talents?!”

The emperor’s face went stiff: “I… I have my unfortunate


The orange prince took in a big breath as if he was only finished

184 Report
“After that, I accidentally pushed a maid into a well out of a fit of
anger. I immediately hid away afterwards. I was bewildered. If the
child of a normal household were to push another child into the
water, they’d just save the child and things would be fine. But
instead, you beat me and then locked me in the study for days. I only
got to eat mantou and salted vegetables during that time. I was
forbidden from reading military books and forced to read books
authored by sages.

You then raised me like I was retarded after that incident and I
started to hate you more and more. You didn’t let me study military
strategies so I secretly stashed them away and hid in my room to
read them. You didn’t let me get acquainted with military personnel
so I made acquaintances with those from the pugilistic world. I called
for the Black Winds Thirteen Wings, and the warriors of the imperial
court were killed by me. I was behind it all. And I’ve already done it.
What are you going to do about it, father?”

The emperor wrestled with himself and finally, painfully said: ”If
you stop now and hand over all the people responsible for killing the
Qilin Guards, I promise… I’ll only strip you of your rank. I’ll spare your

“Well thank you very much.” The orange prince chuckled

aloofly and added: “But that’s not the best outcome. I want a
better option.”

Without giving the emperor time to speak, he suddenly called out:

“Batian! Jiaomeng!!”

As soon as the orange prince called out, Xiang Batian who was
lying in wait below the royal family’s seating area leapt straight up
like a large bird. He wasn’t particularly good with qinggong, but his
internal strength was decent. He leapt several yards up with his first
jump and reached half-way up. He then he used a stone as a
stepping-stone to jump the remainder of the distance up to the
seating area.
185 Report
What was most surprising was “Jiaomeng” on the ring to the side.
He had just sent his opponent flying with his palm strike. The young
man flew away like a cannonball. The young man was oddly tall and
he wasn’t light, yet he got sent flying like a feather with that palm

He was far from the orange prince yet he amazingly heard him. He
spun around and leapt over. His qinggong was top-tier. He leapt over
two rings and upon landing in the last ring, he shouted out loud. With
a single jump, he jumped over ten yards like a proud dragon, landing
right before the emperor.

The emperor exclaimed to himself: What profound skill!

The orange prince took a step back and shouted: “What are you
waiting for! Do it!”

The guards around the emperor rushed forward but Xiang Batian
knocked a number of them over with a punch.

Fu Xiang casually threw a palm strike upon reaching the seating

area. A strong gust of wind blew forth from his palm. The power of Fu
Xiang Divine Palms shocked the entire venue once again. Just the
wind from the palm strike alone destabilised several guards while the
ones at the forefront suffered internal injuries from it.

Fu Xiang just beat Night Fortress’s master, the master of legend,

so he was understandably elated. The more he fought the more his
spirits rose. His internal strength from decades exploded onto the
scene. A single palm strike alone took care of most of the guards.

He threw another palm strike with his left hand but another force
countered his. Fu Xiang discovered that his opponent possessed
astounding internal strength so he didn’t dare to take his time. He
focused himself and threw another palm strike. Their palms collided
but no winner was decided. He found his ground and then looked
over to discover that it was Eunuch Nan who was by the emperor’s
186 Report

Fu Xiang laughed and said: “I’m amazed a dick-less guy like

you can put up a fight.”

Eunuch Nan exclaimed: “How arrogant!” But he too knew that Fu

Xiang was a strong opponent unlike any other he had faced before.
He used a quick palm strike but drew with Fu Xiang’s single palm

As Fu Xiang exchanged blows with Eunuch Nan, he suddenly felt

painful sensation in his back. His body shifted a little and a sharp
sword stabbed towards him.

“Heh, nice timing! I was worried I wouldn’t have a decent


Fu Xiang used his hand as a blade and slashed out a blade of wind
with the edge of his palm. Given his profound internal strength, his
slash was no less dangerous than a scimitar. It collided with the
newcomer’s sword but both ended up being forced a step back. Fu
Xiang thought to himself with surprise: How old is this lass to have
achieved such a profound internal strength level? They say that she
is the strongest among all the young females in the pugilistic world
and she sure doesn’t disappoint.

The owner of the sword who stabbed him in his back was the best
female fighter present, Liu Shan Men’s vice-captain, Shen Yiren.

Shen Yiren wore a cold smile on the corner of her mouth and
exuded her murderous intent in all directions.

“You killed my subordinate and committed treason. You’ve

done both of the things I hate most. Alright, I don’t need any
other reason to kill you now.”

Seeing her sword flicker, he got excited. He revealed an odd smile

and exclaimed: “You and your subordinate are in a shady
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relationship. You could still add ‘vengeance for my husband’
you know?!”

Shen Yiren didn’t care about his drivel. She swung her sword like a
gust of wind. Midway through, there seemed to be a hidden electric
current. She struck with her next strike like rainfall before her
straight thrust was complete. She executed three different intents
within a single move. Now that was truly frightening.

Fu Xiang had an ominous feeling. Liu Shan Men’s Six Shaped Art
was renowned throughout the pugilistic world, so it was not to be
underestimated. Realising that, Fu Xiang struck towards her
centreline with a palm strike powerful enough to split Hua Shan,
forcing Shen Yiren backwards. He then used a second strike to deal
with Eunuch Nan.

Both sides were on even footing. The orange prince had powerful
men while the emperor had numbers.

The orange prince and the emperor, the two faction leaders faced
off. The emperor was much more skilled than the orange prince so
there was virtually no need for them to compete. The only problem
was that the highly-skilled Fu Xiang was between them. Considering
the importance of the emperor, he couldn’t risk his own life.

At the same time, about ten Qilin Guards jumped up. Needless to
say, they were actually the Black Winds Thirteen Wings in disguise.
Liu Shan Men was outside the city while the emperor’s entourage
was guarding the viewing platform and therefore couldn’t make it in
time. As for the Qilin Guards, Long Zaitian ordered them not to enter
the flying fish pavilion today so only just over ten of them were
present. The Black Winds Thirteen Wings joined the fight and the
situation changed in the blink of an eye. The emperor was in trouble.

That was when Xiang Batian suddenly shouted loudly: “Your

highness, beware of sneak attacks. I’m coming to save you!
All of you make way!”
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He somersaulted over and landed before the orange prince.

The Black Winds Thirteen Wings were bewildered. The orange

prince wasn’t in any danger, so what was Xiang Batian shouting for?

He was quicker than words could describe. As soon as he arrived at

the orange prince’s side he slashed with one arm and then he
impartially grabbed the orange prince’s collar. Since he was so skilled
in comparison to the orange prince who wasn’t so skilled, he was in
his hands in the blink of an eye.

The orange prince frowned. He never imagined the situation would

change so fast.

Xiang Batian held the orange prince steady as he laughed and

said: “You’re right, your highness. His majesty didn’t just
arrange for two people to spy on you. There is yet another
one, and that is me!”


*While the idea that the orange prince can identify people based
on their breathing sounds ludicrous, it’s what the breathing tells you
that matters. In psychology, one of the ways of lie-testing is via
detecting changes biologically by measuring things such as heart
rate and blood pressure. By being able to control your breathing, you
can control your heart rate and blood pressure as well as affecting
hormones such as cortisol. So here, he could “shit-test” them by
asking them a question where under normal circumstances, one
would flinch or heart rate would increase. If he didn’t detect that
change, he could surmise that they are not your average
person/maid/servant etc.

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Vol.3 Chapter 21
I Know That You’re Waiting For Me to Act

“All of you stop or else I’ll snap his highness’s neck!” Xiang
Batian’s roar caused all of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings to back
off. Even Fu Xiang and co. were forced to stop as the orange prince
was the pillar of their operation. Without him, the plan wouldn’t exist.

Eunuch Nan and Shen Yiren who were locked in a battle with Fu
Xiang also backed down at the same time. The result had been
decided so they avoided a battle with Fu Xiang.

Fu Xiang and Shen Yiren both couldn’t help but breathe a breath of
relief. It was clear that neither side won. Fu Xiang is strong and his
palm techniques are miraculous, but in terms of internal strength,
you had Eunuch Nan who possessed profound internal strength, and
in terms of technique, you had Shen Yiren. As such, neither of them
could find the win in a short span of time.

Splitting up in this sort of tight situation could become a huge

handicap. The orange prince was captured by Xiang Batian precisely
because of said reason.

The orange prince didn’t panic despite Xiang Batian having

grabbed hold of him. He just shook his head with an expressionless
look and sighed: “So you were my father’s man too, Xiang
Batian. Now that I didn’t think of. You drank, gambled and
were lecherous, plus you killed your teacher and ran away.
And yet you’re being valued so highly?”

Xiang Baitian didn’t speak to the orange prince. He just reported to

the emperor: “Your majesty, I have not let you down.”

The emperor nodded and said with a smile: “Cheng’er, you

schemed, gathered men and bribed the Qilin Guards, but you
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didn’t think that your closest henchman would be working for
me, did you?”

“I see. I see……” The orange prince’s expression was absolutely

calm. He slowly turned to face Xiang Batian and said: “So that’s
why you desperately trying to get rid of Jia Yunfeng? You
were acting all greedy and like a scoundrel before me. Aren’t
you the scheming one?”

Xiang Baitian arrogantly replied: “You need not admire me,

your highness. It was all his majesty’s plans. I just followed

The orange prince nodded: “I thought it was odd too. Normally

you’re not calculative, yet you were very calculative this
time. It appears you really did receive orders from my

“Xiang Baitian is a member of your mother’s servants’

family. I promised him that I would resolve the enmity
between him and Cold Mountain Temple if he could
successfully complete this job.”

The Xiang family was the empress’s servants. So even though the
orange prince was capable of ordering them, the emperor was even
more capable of ordering them.

Emperor Yuan Sheng’s talent lies in using people well, and not
sticking to a fixed formula. He would use someone even if they were
like Xiang Baitian as long as they could complete tasks. The emperor
took two steps forward slowly. Eunuch Nan and Shen Yiren guarded
him from his side in case Fu Xiang or the Black Winds Thirteen Wings
acted. The emperor swept his gaze over the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings around the orange prince.

“Cheng’er, the people around you should wake up. Jia

Yunfeng is an example. He as a sect leader didn’t guide you
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well and instead helped you. I spared his life but I can’t let
him walk away easily. Xiang Batian crippling his right hand is
but just a small punishment. He’s fortunate to still have his
head on his shoulders. And do you know how many people
these random assassins from the pugilistic world brashly
following you have killed? That’s enough now. It’s time to
stop this. Now surrender!”

The emperor sent Xiang Batian an eye-signal. Xiang Batian

dragged the orange prince two steps back, back to the centre of the
royal family’s seating area, but he got blocked off by Fu Xiang.

“Get lost, or I’ll snap his neck!”

“No one shall pass beyond this point.” Fu Xiang laughed and
said: “We from the League of Assassins do the work once
we’re paid. We only kill people, we don’t save people. I don’t
care if you want to kill, and I won’t be in your way if I kill
either. It’s up to who’s faster.”

“Piss off! You don’t care? If you don’t care, come at me if

you’re so tough and see what I do to you.”

While Xiang Batian was talking tough, he was actually quite scared.
At the end of the day, he was holding onto the emperor’s son. Even if
he committed a heinous crime, it would naturally fall on the emperor
to punish him. Even if he were to be killed, there is only one person
in the entire world who is qualified to sharpen the emperor’s blade.
Who was Xiang Batian to be worthy of the emperor’s target of

The only reason Xiang Batian pledged his service to the emperor
was for money and because the Cold Mountain Temple was pressing
his matter to the point where he had no other choice. Not only would
killing the orange prince do him no good, his life would be in trouble
too, so there was no way he’d kill the orange prince.
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Although Fu Xiang was worried about hurting the orange prince if
he attacked, he knew that Xiang Batian wouldn’t hurt the prince,
rendering Xiang Batian’s threat useless against him. Therefore, he
blocked his path without any hesitation.

As the two of them were facing off, the orange prince suddenly
said: “You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you
only attack places which are undefended. You can ensure the
safety of your defence if you only hold positions that cannot
be attacked. With no attack nor defence, there is no need to

The emperor was aware that the orange prince had a love for war
strategy from a young age, but he never expected his nerdy nature
to come out now. He was confused by what he had heard.

The orange prince leisurely said: “Father, I know that you’re

waiting for me to act. As soon as I act, you’ll subdue me as
fast as possible. But I haven’t acted since the beginning of
the imperial martial arts tournament until now, which is why
you haven’t restrained me, and instead had Nan Junfei and
General Manager Liu try to force my hand.”

The emperor felt something was odd as he listened to him. The

orange prince wasn’t saying things somebody that’s been seized
would be saying. He sounded as he had plans in place already. He
was already in a pinch. Around him were guards while the warriors of
the imperial court had laid siege to the platform from below when
they knew of the incident. He had no way of overturning the situation
so how was he still so confident?

The orange prince laughed and continued: “Father, you’re

waiting for me to act when I’ve already made my move, and
you’re too late to realise it.”

The emperor felt what he said was odd, but he looked composed.
Could it be that he still has an ace in the hole? With that, the
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emperor replayed everything that had taken place today to try and
figure out where a hiccup occurred. Suddenly a bad possibility came
to mind. The emperor quickly tried to mould his internal energy. He
was fine when he just initiated it, but then he felt his qi become
erratic and was unable to use his strength. Panicked, he tried to
mould energy once again and he felt a throbbing pain in his dantian
as a result of it.

Everything before his eyes began to spin. His lower abdomen hurt
while his arms and legs became jelly.

“You wicked creature! You!” He could no longer stay on his

feet, consequently sitting back down. He looked to his side to find
that both Cao Jian and Eunuch Nan were suffering from the same
ailment. Everybody had dropped to the ground gasping for air and
became completely powerless.

But it wasn’t just them. Other than the few fighting in the rings, the
hundreds of the imperial court’s warriors below the platform, guards,
officials, relatives of the royal family and even the members of the
emperor’s entourage by their side were suffering the same ailment.
All of them were suffering from a poison akin to nerve-numbing
medicines. Nobody was able to stand. They dropped to the ground,
covering up the entire flying fish pavilion. The only ones who were
still standing were the few servants and eunuchs who didn’t know
martial arts.

The corner of the orange prince’s mouth crept up into a cold smile.
He stood in place without moving. Xiang Batian who was holding him
cussed when he saw the emperor drop: “Son of a bitch! What
have you done?!” But he lost his strength in his arms and couldn’t
hold the orange prince steady anymore.

“You dare curse at my mother!?” The orange prince reversed

Xiang Batian’s hold. He pulled out a small shiny blade from his waist
and slashed at Xiang Batian’s large rough hands, slicing off four
fingers. Xiang Baitian who was in so much pain he could no longer
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stand and dropped to the ground crying for dear heaven.

“Traitor!” The orange prince chuckled in a cold tone: “Throw

him off the platform!”

Two from the Black Winds Thirteen Wings stepped forth to carry
out the prince’s orders. They dragged Xiang Batian to the edge of the
platform. Xiang Baitian panicked and exclaimed: “No, no! I don’t
want to die! Your highness, please spare me! I will do
anything for you without hesitation! I’ll do anything!”

The orange prince scoffed and said: “You’ve been thinking

about how to capture me since the day you entered my
service for merit. I imagine you must’ve imagined this scene
countless times in your mind before. But I’ve never imagined
killing you.”

Xiang Batian laughed along with him when he felt that the orange
prince had calmed down: “You are most benevolent, your
highness! I have served you for half-a-year and always done
my best. As long as you spare me, I… I will capture that
bastard of an emperor for you.”

“My foot! You three-headed snake!”

Shen Yiren mercilessly added an insult: “If Jia Yunfeng were to

find out he lost to a scoundrel like you, I think he’d wake up
in the middle of his sleep. He’d be angered to death!”

“He’s already crippled, what difference does it make if he’s

dead or not?” Xiang Batian argued and then added: “I would do
anything for his highness whether it be climbing a mountain
of blades or crossing a sea of fire. I’ll kill you lot like stray
dogs! Vice-captain Shen, you best stop being stubborn. Ask
for his highness’s grace. Learn from me. It’s your fortune to
be able to serve his highness.”
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The orange prince laughed and said: “How self-presumptuous. I
never visualised the scene of killing you because your life is
worth less than an ant’s life to me. But since you insulted my
mother and my father, I can’t forgive you. Throw him off!”

The two Black Winds Thirteen Wings members were very

experienced. One of them hit Xiang Batian’s spine with his palm
strike, snapping it into three whilst the other dislocated his shoulders
so that he couldn’t move his arms. They then found a position and
kicked him off, ensuring that he landed neck-first into the ground.
The platform was high as it was, plus Xiang Baitian’s spine was
snapped so he dropped down to the ground without making a sound,
snapping his joints and splitting his nerves. Naturally, he died on the

The orange prince’s mood wasn’t affected at all like he really was
killing an ant. It was as if Xiang Batian’s death had nothing to do with

The emperor had never recognised the severity of the prophecy

more than now. Even he himself wouldn’t have killed a bastard like
Xiang Batian as if he was just another ant passing by. Seeing the
orange prince’s cold demeanour when he killed Xiang Baitian froze
the emperor’s heart.

The emperor just felt they were naughty kids when they were
young. And when they came of age, the emperor persuaded himself
that they were just in their rebellious stage of youth.

But the emperor couldn’t pretend he didn’t witness the result of his
decisions now. The six dragons shall seal the nation prophecy was
real and so was the orange prince’s revolt.

The chance of the orange prince succeeding existed convincingly

since the emperor had never been in such a pinch during his entire
rule up until now.
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The orange prince leisurely walked up to his father and
indifferently demanded: “Father, hand over the imperial jade seal.“

The young dragon that had come of age was now baring his fangs
at him.

“And then submissively… call me Master Cheng!!”

In that moment, the only thing the emperor wanted to say was
“Mother. Fucker.”

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Vol.3 Chapter 22
There Will Only Be Emperor Cheng Kong

The emperor couldn’t muster up any strength. He resentfully

asked: “When… when did you poison us?”

“It’s not a poison. It’s Heavenly Cloud Palace’s secretly

formulated numbing drug, Thorn-Tears. Didn’t Xiang Batian
inform you? But I can see why you’re puzzled. He must’ve
told you I had Long Zaitian slip the drug into the kerosene,
right?” The orange prince was in a great mood, so great that he was
almost about to break out into a song. His long-time dream was right
in front of his eyes. He explained: “How could I have told him the
truth when I knew that he was a rat? Long Zaitian put the
drug in all of the drinks in the flying fish pavilion, so you’ve
all been drugged by it. Thorn-Tears don’t affect those who
don’t know martial arts. But if you train internal arts, you’ll
suffer incomparable pain.”

“Long Zaitian… Long Zaitian!”

Long Zaitian and Tang Ye were currently far away on a ring. They
had already stopped fighting, since they clearly knew something had
happened. But since the emperor had been detained, they didn’t
dare to rush over. Long Zaitian had his anxiety written all over his
face. His heart was beating like it was going to explode when he
heard his name.

“Father, you have lost miserably today. Now hand over the
imperial jade seal.” The orange prince laughed with absolute
satisfaction: “If you don’t do as I say, I’m afraid even I can’t
control my men.”

Before he could finish, a daring member of the Black Winds
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Thirteen Wings had already silently snuck over the same way he did
when approaching Xiang Batian before. It was just that he wore an
odd smile like he was extremely ecstatic.

The leader of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings was the lean and tall
guy. He couldn’t hide the satisfied feeling he wore between his
eyebrows: “Your life is hanging in the balance now.” He was
one of the contestants before. He wasn’t armed with a sabre, but he
was grinding his hands against each other like they were knives.

Fu Xiang coldly asked: “Chen Yun, why are you so audacious

when the current reigning emperor is here?”

“He is indeed the current reigning emperor. But in a

moment, he’ll be… hehe.”

“You heard him, father.” The orange prince sported a cold look
and added: “All of them are desperate people. If you don’t
hand over the imperial jade seal, I’m afraid that not even I
could spare you.”

While the emperor was detained, he still smiled proudly and

without fear exclaimed: “Li Chengzhi, do you still remember
what your surname is? Do you still remember the surname of
the ruler of our dynasty?!”

The emperor didn’t wait for the orange prince’s response. He firmly
exclaimed: “Is there anyone in our Li family that is a weakling
who’s afraid of death?! My life is right here. If you really
want to commit treason and have no consideration for me,
then come and take it!”

What he said was resolute. There were no other ways this could go
now. The orange prince’s face turned white as a sheet as he
exclaimed: “Since you’re going to be so stubborn… hmph.
Don’t blame me then… I will have you call me Master Cheng!
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“Dream on!” Eunuch Nan shouted and then grabbed the
emperor’s arm, “Your majesty! Come with me!”

Eunuch Nan waved his hand as he spoke which caused a red

smoke to come out from his sleeve. However, since they were unsure
if the faint red smoke was poisonous or not, no one dared to
approach them.

They suddenly heard a clicking sound. The orange prince realised

what it was and ordered: “The throne has a mechanism on it!
Chase them!”

Fu Xiang froze up. He never expected Eunuch Nan to still have the
energy to move around after being poisoned. He threw two flustered
palm strikes which forcefully collected the faint-red smoke into one
spot. However, by the time the smoke settled, the two of them had
disappeared from sight. The throne now sat there alone without any
visible traces.

The orange prince asked: “What’s this smoke? Is it harmful?”

Fu Xiang laughed and said: “Heh, it’s just some trick from that
dick-less guy. It’s not poison. He just crushed up something
red into powder and then used his saved up internal energy
to turn it into a mist.”

“What red thing?”

Fu Xiang shrugged hopelessly and replied: “Tomatoes.”

“Tomatoes?” The orange prince looked at the empty seat. He

nearly achieved his ambition, yet was stopped by a tomato. He was
honestly mad. “I always said that the western regions don’t
have anything worth our time and money. And look, a
national matter went to shit because of a damned tomato!”

Fu Xiang said: “Your highness, the urgent matter at hand is

to subdue all forces in the palace that could potentially put
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up a resistance and find the imperial jade seal. Once you
have the imperial jade seal, we can write up an authentic
edict. As long as it has been sealed with the imperial jade
seal, we will be able to make our announcements to the

“You’re right. The urgent matter at hand is to find the

imperial jade seal.”

The orange prince turned around and looked at the relatives of the
royal family members and major ministers who all wore pale
expressions. They knew martial arts and were poisoned by Thorn-
Tears so they were all immobilised, while those who didn’t know
martial arts couldn’t beat Fu Xiang or the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings, so they didn’t provoke the orange prince.

The orange prince majestically said: “I won’t waste my time

with unnecessary drivel. You all should know what to do. I
shall ascend the throne. There may be those among you who
don’t accept it, but not to worry. Lots of people didn’t accept
my father succeeding the throne back then either, but the
empress dowager killed them all off for him. I don’t have her
help, so I’ll just have to kill them myself.”

All of the dukes, minsters and whatnot were now basically lying on
a chopping-board helplessly. The orange prince was just making an
illustration, but you couldn’t discredit the probability of the success
of his plan. And by the looks of things, his chances were getting
bigger and bigger.

A minister dressed in a civil official’s robe angrily said: “Your

highness, you are the empress’s son, the eldest son of our
empress, with an incomparably noble blood-lineage. You
were crowned imperial prince before you came of age, and
yet you are still dissatisfied? Plotting to overthrow a higher
power, detaining a ruler, and trying to force the abdication of
the throne, your rule would not be genuine. The people now
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and in future will only see you as a traitorous tyrant.”

The leader of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings, Chen Yun chuckled
coldly: “Old man, you talk too much. Do you think you’re
qualified to be criticising my prince?” He formed an eagle claw
with his hand. If he just grabbed him, he would kill him instantly.

“Scum! I’m not scared of you! Kill me if you have what it


“Alright, old man. You’re not afraid, huh?!”

“Stop!” The orange prince had Chen Yun who was about to kill
him stop. The orange prince took a few steps forward, looked at the
minster who spoke out, nodded and said: “So it was you, Grand
Tutor Zhao.”

Grant Tutor Zhao had taught him literacy in the past. The orange
prince loved learning about war tactics, but the emperor didn’t allow
him to learn about them. It was Grand Tutor Zhao who always risked
punishment to find a few military books to teach him.

“You treated me very well back then, so I shall not take

what you said before to heart. As for the contents of what
you said……”

The orange prince chuckled and indifferently said: “If I’m not a
tyrant, people would just see me as a good-for-nothing piece
of trash anyway. So why not be a terrifying tyrant that the
people shall always remember?”

Seeing how his former pupil turned out, Grand Tutor Zhao shook
his head and shed tears.

The orange prince sighed and looked up at the snowy sky. He only
felt that the cold winds were a unique characteristic just like the
decisive battle with his father today.
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“You and I are the most alike. When I was young, I had the
same personality as you.”

If only… if only you said that to me when I was young. But your
only ending now is that of a loser and calling me Master Cheng.

The orange prince then steeled himself and looked at Shen Yiren
who was seated to one side.

“Shen Yiren, my father dotes on you more than us princes.

Tell me where he went, or else I’ll have to make you suffer
physical pain.”

“What a joke. His majesty throne having mechanism is a

secret of the royal family. My surname isn’t ‘Li’, how am I
supposed to know?”

Shen Yiren was glad that the emperor was able to escape, so her
nonchalant attitude returned to her.

“Your highness, do you actually think that you will be able

to take over the Forbidden City and obtain the imperial jade
seal with these few helpers you found from the pugilistic

“Why not? The leaders of the four imperial guard units are
here and all of them have been poisoned by Thorn-Tears. The
lives of the leader of the three offices is in my hands too.
What can you people do?”

Shen Yiren seemingly refused to speak to him, since she viewed

him as a retard.

“Li Chengzhi, you should change your name to Li Ruozhi. Even

though the leaders of the imperial guard units may be here, that
doesn’t mean that you now run the Forbidden City. At best, you’re
just a thug who detained a hostage, but the imperial guards will
realise that something is wrong soon enough.
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His majesty has escaped danger, while the imperial palace is
massive. Do you think you could find him if you had one day? If you
can’t find him within half-an-hour, his majesty will use his exclusive
summoning method to summon either the seven white champion
princes or the ultimate three to come and assist. Do you think these
stinky-fish-looking-washed-up turds can protect you?”

The orange prince had no comeback causing Fu Xiang to burst out

in laughter.

“Vice-captain Shen, you sure like to make theories out of

strategies merely on paper, huh? Alright, let me tell you this,
we already had plans in place to search the imperial city, so
you don’t need to worry about it. As for the seven white
champion princes and the ultimate three, they certainly are a
concern. However, being the cautious person that I am, I
have already looked into their whereabouts and plans. It
would take them an entire night to rush here if they were
lucky, so they wouldn’t make it in time for this event.
Moreover, even if one of them does arrive……”

Fu Xiang raised his palm up and slammed it down. He created a

deeply-etched palm mark on the ground without even touching it.
Shen Yiren knew that the ground in the seating area here was the
same material used for the rings, premium phoebe. Even she
couldn’t create a dent that deep if she were to make direct contact
with the ground, yet Fu Xiang could create so much damage without
even touching the ground, thus displaying the power behind Fu
Xiang’s palm strikes.

Shen Yiren was well aware that Fu Xiang was highly skilled, but she
never imagined it be to this incredible degree.

Fu Xiang smiled and said: “Heh, when I fought with you and
Nan Junfei, I wasn’t at full power since I just fought a strong
opponent. But I’ve now recovered seventy-percent of my
power. This isn’t how this palm style is meant to be. I am just
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a novice making a fool of himself. How shameful.”

Shen Yiren was shook by what she heard: Th-… this is only
seventy-percent of his power? He is so skilled, that… that he may not
be intimidated by the ultimate three.

The orange prince couldn’t help himself from smiling indifferently

when he saw Shen Yiren’s reaction.

He then suddenly heard from the people examining the throne:

“Your highness, we have found the mechanism.”

The orange prince immediately commanded: “Two of you go and

call our secret-ops team. You must capture them. Once I get
my hands on the imperial jade seal, I shall become emperor.”

“Emperor Yuan Sheng is no more from today.”

The orange prince wore a cold look, stretched his arm out like he
was a ruler passing down a decree and announced: “There will only
be Emperor Cheng Kong!”


*Shen Yiren’s suggested name “Li Ruozhi” means “Retard Li”. I

couldn’t capture it since it’s just a rhyme in Chinese, and Chengzhi
and Ruozhi mean two vastly different things, so it’s a little hard to go
from Chengzhi which can be interpreted as “the bright Li” to
“retard Li” while ensuring you understand where the concept
comes from. It would sound autistic for SYR to have to explain it to
him and for the orange prince to not get the insult without an
explanation so I didn’t incorporate it into the original text.

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206 Report
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207 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 23
There Is No Hole Which Night Rain That Comes With The
Turbulence Does Not Enter

Basically all of the warriors in the flying fish pavilion were weak like
jelly right now, with only thirty-two of the participants being fine.

Other than Ming Feizhen, Ye Luo, and Song Ou who were knocked
out, all the other contestants were tied up to keep them restrained
on the rings.

Liu Shan Men had to surrender since their leaders had been
captured, while the Qilin Guards had been dragged into the mess by
Long Zaitian, and the emperor’s security detail’s leaders had fallen
into the orange prince’s hands too, forcing them to drop their
weapons and stop resisting.

As for the wandering warriors, they weren’t very loyal to the

imperial court to begin with. Plus, they felt that the father-and-son
fight was a family affair. It made no difference to them who the
emperor was. Putting their life on their line was stupid to them. So
the thirty-two who weren’t poisoned couldn’t escape the fate of
detainment either.

Everybody glared at Long Zaitian. If it were not for his “graceful”

act, they wouldn’t be in their current predicament.

Long Zaitian wore an “I don’t care” expression and went to the

orange prince to get his reward.

“Your highness, I have not let you down. I have completed

the mission you trusted me with.”

With the orange prince’s ambition soon to come to fruition, he

extended his hand out and said: “Sit! You were a big help this
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time, Minister Long. I told you that there would be nothing to
worry about with your assistance. Hahahaha.”

Long Zaitian laughed along with him, but his eyes were fixated on
Shen Yiren’s white face, her voluptuous lines, her long-white legs…..
Basically he looked at every nook and cranny he could, okay?

The orange prince noticed where Long Zaitian was looking but he
didn’t bust him. He laughed and said: “Here, Minister Long, a
toast to you.”

Long Zaitian asked with surprise: “Oh? Thorn-Tears wine?”

The orange prince almost spat as he laughed: “Hahaha, good

one, Minister Long.”

The two of them clinked their cups and finished them.

The orange prince felt relieved being able to release everything he

had pent-up all at once. He looked at Shen Yiren: “This woman
doesn’t know a thing about romance. My fourth brother once
pursued her for many years and is still unsuccessful. Yet she
chose Song Ou or whatever his name was. Why are you so
infatuated with her, Minister Long? You leave me truly

Long Zaitian scratched his chest like his heart was becoming
impatient: “You are a dragon, your highness, and you will soon
become the emperor, so it is understandable that you do not
fathom the crude thoughts we ordinary people have. I fell for
this Shen girl at first sight many years ago. But it is as you
said, your highness, first it was the green prince, his
highness, and then Song Ou getting in my way. I hope that
you can help me make my wish a reality, your highness.”

Shen Yiren paid no attention to their conversation. She was busy

coming up with an escape plan and a way to counterattack.
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They haven’t completely lost yet.

The power of Thorn-Tears was strong, but they still had a chance.

But as Shen Yiren moved around silently, she suddenly noticed an

unbelievable scene. Many imperial guards were fine since they didn’t
practice any internal arts, and were therefore free from the pain of
thorn-tears. But they obeyed the orange prince. They took the
warriors who were incapacitated, brought them together and tossed
them onto the rings.

It wasn’t odd for them to obey the orange prince since he was a
prince, but then it didn’t make sense when she thought about it
properly. The imperial guards usually take direct orders from their
captain and the chance of them meeting a prince is fairly small. Of
course, there was the off-chance that the orange prince was forcing
these imperial guards to work for him. However, the orange prince
hadn’t even gone down to the rings. The chance of them taking
autonomous action was minute. What if… these imperial guards
were the orange prince’s men?

More accurately, what if the orange prince was their commander?

Shen Yiren suddenly realised something.

The orange prince’s forces weren’t just the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings and the man called “Jiao Meng”. He still had a lot of power
he had yet to show.

Shen Yiren pieced together all the events that took place today,
ran over them in her mind again and realised that there were lots of
things that were unnatural.

The orange prince knew the emperor was coming after him. He
even knew that Xiang Batian was a spy…… That’s just too strange.
The orange prince doesn’t reside in the palace, so how……

That led Shen Yiren to a conclusion she was certain of.
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There’s a traitor!

There must be a traitor!

It’s not Long Zaitian but someone with more influence within the
imperial palace. The orange prince must’ve placed a spy by the
emperor’s side.

A frightening thought suddenly surfaced in Shen Yiren’s mind. She

thought of one person who is most likely to be the traitor, but at the
same time, she hoped that it wasn’t him.

If the traitor who she was thinking it was, then maybe everything
she does will be for naught.

When the emperor and Eunuch Nan exited the secret path, it was
already very late.

The snowfall made the dark sky more apparent, and now it really
had merged with the darkness. There wasn’t a star to be seen in

The path from the throne leads straight down underground. There
wasn’t just one path dug out as it was intended for escaping
dangerous situations. The multiple paths would serve to mislead and
confuse pursuers. The flying fish pavilion is situated inside the
imperial city. The emperor was now inside the Forbidden City so he
had gone quite some distance.

The emperor had lost all of his internal strength, making it hard for
him to walk. He was only able to make it through the secret path with
Eunuch Nan’s support.

The emperor thanked him: “Thank you, brother Junfei. I don’t

know how that unfilial son would’ve humiliated me

Eunuch Nan’s original name is Nan Junfei. He came from the
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pugilistic world and met the emperor many times in the past.
Afterwards, he pledged his services to the imperial court. The
emperor recognised him so he promoted him throughout his time.
Nan Junfei was a famous figure in the martial world in the past. He
possessed astonishing skills. The emperor had always refused to
treat him as a servant. When there was no one around, he would
follow the practices of the martial world and refer to him as
“Brother Junfei”.

Flustered, Eunuch Nan replied: “You should not call me that,

your majesty. I would be beheaded for that.”

After checking to see that there was nobody around, he said:

“Your majesty, his highness has occupied the flying fish
pavilion now. I do not know what other tricks he has up his
sleeve. So please advise me on what to do from here on out,
your majesty.”

The emperor’s anger and resentment resurfaced at the mention of

the orange prince. That naughty kid dared to plot against me, and he
was even successful. The emperor was always informed of the
orange prince’s plans and actions, hence thinking he was always
impregnable, and even gave him countless chances to admit his
wrongs. But based off the current circumstance, it looks like he
underestimated the orange prince.

Not only was his plan much more complete then he imagined, his
men were also skilled. The one that disguised himself as a Qilin
Guard, “Meng Jiao” something or rather was honestly amazing.

The emperor regathered himself and replied: “The important

task at hand is to regain our strength. As long as I have my
skilled-fighters beside me, that unfilial son won’t be able to
pull any funny tricks. Hmph!”

The emperor scoffed indifferently and said: “At the end of the
day, he only has about ten men. They couldn’t have snuck
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into the palace without the imperial martial arts tournament,
which goes to show that they have no chance against my
tens of thousands of imperial guards. Once I eliminate this
poison from my body, the imperial guards alone will be
enough to apprehend him.”

Eunuch Nan asked: “So shall we first make contact with the
imperial guards?”

The emperor nodded: “We also have to look out for an

opportunity to call for backup. The ultimate three all have
missions of their own and are too far away, However, Hu Po
is in the capital.”

The emperor took out an obsidian pellet from his shirt. What he
took out was called a dragon’s apricot. It’s an object royal family
members can use to call their guards. This particular pellet was used
to call upon Hu Po and his men for the most urgent situations.

Eunuch Nan and the emperor exchanged glances: “Once we

release this, we need to immediately move. Brother Junfei,
my pace is slow, so I’ll need to rely on you.”

Thorn-tears locks one’s meridians, so you will feel indescribably

limp and numb when you try to mould qi, as well as feeling like jelly
all over. Eunuch Nan was aware of this so he relaxed his body and
didn’t use his strength. Surprisingly, he was able to walk as per
usual. The emperor tried himself but he found no success.

Eunuch Nan nodded to indicate he understood.

The emperor thought to himself: Cheng’er, perhaps I wronged you

in many ways in the past, but that does not excuse what you have
done today. I hope you look after yourself……

A yellow firework appeared in the sky not long after, creating a

unique streak in the sky as it melded in with the snow.
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“Let’s go, Brother Junfei.”

“Your majesty, I am strong, so how about I carry you?”

“Haha, this thorn-tears drug is very strong. I’m amazed you

can resist it. You were called “Southern skies rainy night”
back then, and indeed, your qinggong and internal strength live up to
the reputation.”

Nan Junfei, Yu Ye, laughed: “Thank you for your praise, your
majesty, I dare not claim it for myself.”


*I’m changing “Emperor’s Entourage” “Emperor’s Security

Detail” if you don’t mind. I believe it is a better choice of words

**Yu Ye = Night Rain (Go back to the things MFZ said during his
fight with Fu Xiang)

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214 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 24
The Benevolent Emperor and The Never-Ending Treacherous

An odd group of imperial guards appeared by the northern gate of

the Forbidden City. They were dressed in all black. They didn’t
resemble orthodox troops at all. To the contrary, they looked like a
group of wanderers from the pugilistic world.

The group numbered around two-hundred. Judging from the

structure of their formation, it appears they were separated into ten-
man squads, therefore a total of twenty small squads.

They were the orange prince’s private military. By the looks of

things, they were already lying in wait within the palace long ago.
Their appearance was far too sudden, not to mention their odd attire.
Even those from inside and outside of the imperial city as well as
those behind the thick palace walls of the palace had no idea how a
large group like that entered. But here they were inside.

They had received orders to chase down the emperor’s


Initially, they weren’t sure where the emperor was hiding.

However, the help-signal the emperor sent into the sky gave them
direction not long after they commenced their search.

And thus, two-hundred men who were like blood-thirsty wolves

split up into twenty teams, spreading their web out as they
commenced their search. In case they ran into imperial guards who
would stop them to question them, they all had a token on them that
would allow them free-passage without limits within the imperial city

The private military group cautiously searched every suspicious
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clue, every path and every location they deemed suspicious.

One of the small teams was most proficient.

The leader of that small team, who was also the leader of the
entire group, was a man who looked tall and strong. He had a strong
back and was muscular like his frame was made from iron. With one
glance, you could see that he possessed the appearance of a
formidable general on the battlefield.

Few people knew his name, since even he himself rarely used it to
the point he almost forgot it. Those who know him these days refer to
him as Zhong Ning.

Zhong Ning of Mystery.

He was in charge of finding the emperor for this revolt.

Half-an-hour had passed since the operation in the flying fish

pavilion began. No matter where the emperor showed up now, it
could have a huge effect on the outcome of the overall operation, so
he had to search with all his effort.

As they sped through the imperial city, they suddenly heard

someone shout: “Stop!”

Zhong Ning and the rest of the group stood still. They turned
around to see a patrol unit comprised of about twenty imperial
guards. The imperial martial arts tournament was held at the flying
fish pavilion today while they were on patrol and didn’t get to watch
it, so they felt unlucky and therefore tried to hide their anger. They
never thought they’d run into this group of nobodies so they were
eager to vent.

“Who are you people? How dare you run around in the
imperial city grounds?” The leader of the imperial guards noticed
that they had weapons on their back and exclaimed: “Oh my, you
even brought weapons? Bringing weapons into the imperial
216 Report
city without permission… how many heads do you have?!”

Zhong Ning didn’t want to cause extra problems for himself so he

followed the rules and showed the token: “We are from the
orange prince’s manor and are here on orders to pursue a

“Oh? The orange prince’s manor?” The leader seemed to

somewhat fear the orange prince’s name so he revealed an odd look
and continued: “Even so, you can’t just run around in the
imperial city. Don’t do that next time.”

Zhong Yi saluted them the way you would in the pugilistic world
with a hand clasped over a fist:

“Thank you sir.”

The leader of the imperial guards gave him a glare and said: “Go

Zhong Ning ran past the group of imperial guards. Zhong Ning
suddenly raised an eyebrow when he passed by the group of imperial
guards. He turned his head around to look at one of the men among
them. While he was in a disguise, there was no mistaking it was him.

Zhong Ning suddenly spun around and shouted: “Wait.” He

emitted his formidable qi with his shout, creating an echo in the
empty palace walls, and the result was apparent.

The leader of the imperial guards stood in place. A layer of cold

sweat formed on his forehead as he asked with struggled to speak:
“What is it?”

Zhong Ning ignored him completely. He just looked at one

particular person. He quickly spotted two people who wore clothes
that didn’t fit them and looked around forty or fifty. It was him. He
stood out from the group. His comrade gave him a signal.
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He found their main target!

Plan number two. Start.

Zhong Ning tried his best to suppress his excitement and

emotions. He chuckled apathetically and said: “Hiding a tree in a
forest. How smart of you to come up with a plan like this,
using a passive strategy to erase suspicion. Unfortunately for
you, you can’t hide from my eyes.”

One of them looked very handsome. He had the eyebrows of a

middle-aged man and revealed his majestic aura. He was confident
he was well-hidden, but he still got discovered. He couldn’t stop
himself from sweating. Where did it go wrong?

But the middle-aged man replied calmly nonetheless: “Do you

know who I am? You dare apprehend me?”

Zhong Ning revealed a cold smile: “I’ve spent ages searching

for you. You think I don’t know who you are? Your majesty…
you sure made things hard for me.”

The emperor felt dismayed. He himself was unsure where he

slipped up. His perfect plan had crumbled.

This particular imperial guard unit really did just coincidentally

pass by, and got a fright by the emperor and Eunuch Nan who were
hiding in the flower garden. They almost passed out after listening to
the emperor’s explanation. They emperor gave them a divine
mission, and that was to get the two of them to their destination.

After only taking a few steps, they realised that there were people
searching for them in the palace. The emperor consequently came up
with a plan, and switched his role, hiding his identity as the master of
the palace and disguising himself as a guard to investigate the
private military of unknown origins. They forgot to hide themselves,
but never expected to be discovered with just one glance.
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The emperor stopped caring and shouted: “Men, arrest these
rebels! I shall reward you handsomely.”

Seeing the savage smile the group of people dressed in black

wore, the imperial guards couldn’t be any clearer as to who they
were. They drew their weapons from their waist. They were more
skilled than the imperial guards, but they had two-times the number
of men. In an instant, they were locked in battle with each other.

At the same time, the emperor and Eunuch Nan ran off.

Zhong Ning shouted: “Where do you think you’re going?!” He

pulled out two large sabres from his back, revealing two flashes from
the metal blades. He swung his blade and a head flew over to the
emperor and Eunuch Nan’s feet. The eyes on the head were open.

The emperor, shocked, thought to himself: How does he have such

domineering sabre skills?!

Zhong Ning shouted: “Move men, let me at them!” His blades

transformed into ferocious tigers, making it appear as though he
wielded two tigers. The eighteen imperial guards were basically half-
dead by the time they saw the blades.

The emperor felt apologetic to them. These are the guards of the
palace. Good men you all are!

“Scum, how dare thou!”

The emperor picked up a long sabre from the ground and slashed
at him with complete disregard for his own safety. Without even
looking, Zhong Ning whipped his leg behind him and gave the
emperor a heavy kick to the chest. The emperor currently didn’t have
his internal energy to protect him and couldn’t avoid the kick in its
entirety, so the kick sent him flying.

Zhong Ning savagely said: “You don’t need to be in such a

rush to die. I’ll have no problem catching you after I’m done
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killing these imperial noob guards!”

Eunuch Nan helped the emperor up. In a shaky voice he said:

“Your majesty, you must look after yourself, the bigger
picture is most important!” He then dragged the emperor away.
The emperor was hurting for the guards. My good men, my guards
were killed by such scoundrels. I can’t help but shed tears for you.

Eunuch Nan led the emperor away as fast as he good, creating

wind below their feet, but he didn’t care about any limiting qi at his
dantian. He couldn’t ask for anything more than to grow a pair of
wings and fly right now. They ran randomly through the palace.
When they looked up, they saw a sign indicating it was the laundry
room. Who knows where the workers there had gone to.

Just as the emperor was about to continue running forwards,

Eunuch Nan suddenly pulled the emperor back and softly said: “Your
majesty, hide in the water tank!”

Upon closer inspection, they found that there were over a dozen of
water tanks in the laundry-room’s courtyard. There was no stored
water in them and could fit two of them. Without saying much and
ignoring taboos, the emperor immediately pulled Eunuch Nan into a
water tank with him.

Not long after, the group that killed the entire small imperial guard
unit had caught up.

Zhong Ning immediately focused his attention on a water tank that

showed signs of being moved, but he didn’t say anything. He
pretended to search the laundry room for a while. The emperor didn’t
dare to breathe out in the water tank. Zhong Ning muttered:
“They’re not here. This is a filthy place in the palace. That
bastard is the current emperor after all. He wouldn’t lower
himself to hiding here.”

The emperor was furious with what he heard, but he couldn’t do
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anything about it.

After searching around for a while in the courtyard area, he

shouted: “Let’s go! Let’s go over there!” And then they ran into
the distance.

After a long while, the emperor finally poked his head out to check
outside, and indeed, nobody was there.

The emperor let out a breath of relief. But since they were
searching for him outside, he still couldn’t leave. And so he had no
choice but to return back to sitting in the water tank. Thinking back
on the martial arts displayed by the private military group leader, the
emperor couldn’t help but be amazed at his skills. Many on Liu
Shan’s Elites Rankings wouldn’t be a match for him.

After contemplating their situation, he deemed it to be glum. The

path ahead was unclear. The emperor was sort of out of it as he
murmured: “Where do we go now?”

Seeing the dilemma the emperor was in, Eunuch Nan saw it as an
opportunity to speak: “Your highness, I have a plan. May I

The emperor was aware he was knowledgeable and a veteran of

the pugilistic world so he excitedly asked: “What kind advice
might you have for me, Brother Junfei?”

“This plan is actually very idiotic, and is based on being

pragmatic.” Eunuch Nan cautiously continued: “We are too far
from the palace door. I am afraid that neither of us is able to
fight off pursuers in our state.”

“You’re right.”

“As such, I would boldly like to ask you to go to your

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“My study?” The emperor gave a confused frown: “What
purpose are we going to my study for?”

Eunuch Nan lowered his head and courteously said: “To grab the
imperial jade seal.”

“Nan Junfei! What is the meaning of this? The orange

prince wants to steal the imperial jade seal and you want me
to take it out? Isn’t that the equivalent of presenting it to

“Please calm down, your majesty and listen to my

explanation.” Seeing how angry the emperor was, Eunuch Nan
waited for a while. Once he saw that the emperor was opening up to
listen to his explanation, he continued: “His highness’s main goal
is to obtain the imperial jade seal. Once he obtains it, he may
not even need to capture you, and could directly use it to
commit treason. He does not know where the imperial jade
seal currently is. While your study is large, finding it is but
just a matter of time. In my opinion, the most urgent matter
at present is for you to move the imperial jade seal’s
location. We cannot leave it in the study anymore.”

“Your majesty, the men died terribly! Please take the risk
for the men that gave up their lives if not for yourself!”

Seeing as Eunuch Nan was saying all this out of loyalty, he didn’t
dare to lash out at him again and his anger slowly dissipated. He
pondered the suggestion for a moment and then nodded and replied:
“What you said makes sense. If Cheng’er gets his hands on
the imperial jade seal, then the situation will be even worse.
Let’s go to my study as per your suggestion.”
222 Report
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223 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 25
Su Xiao and Big Brother Ming

Snow filled the skies like flower petals. A slender silhouette

struggled along the roads of the imperial palace outside of the flying
fish pavilion at the same time the orange prince and the emperor
began their never-before-seen big bitch-fight.

“Big Brother Ming… hang in there.”

Su Xiao was carrying Ming Feizhen who weighed much more than
him. His kitten-like body looked like it was going to be crushed under
his weight at any moment, yet he walked on with determination,
continuing to put one foot in front of the other through the snow as
he headed towards the imperial medical office.

Su Xiao kept mumbling: “Let’s go and see the doctor, the best
doctor… You’ll be alright.”

Su Xiao wasn’t aware of what was happening on the imperial

platform where the emperor originally was, nor did he care. He was
just an ordinary participant in the imperial martial arts tournament. If
he won, great, if he lost, so be it. Su Xiao didn’t mind winning or
losing too much. But he never expected Ming Feizhen to lose, and to
lose so tragically.

Su Xiao saw Ming Feizhen get sent flying with a palm strike with his
own eyes. That person’s strength was like that of a titan. A single
palm strike sent someone as tall as Ming Feizhen flying in a straight
line through the air and crashing into the palace wall like a

Ming Feizhen’s body was curled up like a prawn appearing as

though all his joints were broken.
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Su Xiao’s heart almost stopped beating. When he saw the scene,
he ignored everything, tossed the imperial martial arts tournament
into the back of his mind and brought Ming Feizhen out of the flying
fish pavilion.

Su Xiao was sniffling with his handsome white nose.

“I… I’m not crying. There’s nothing to cry about. They were
lying. I don’t believe them.”

Su Xiao’s Big Brother Ming was now unable to stand up after being
wounded with that heavy palm strike. According to the palm style
experts at the venue’s observations, they remarked that the power of
his palm strikes were ferocious, and his skills were also a rare-find
and miraculous. Ming Feizhen got struck in seventeen places and his
meridians got hit as well. Plus, he took a hit to the chest. He wasn’t
going to make it past tonight even if he was fortunate.

It’s not that Su Xiao never asked anyone, but the people he asked
all gave the same response. All ten of the ten people he asked said
that there was no saving him.

Su Xiao said to himself: “That means that all ten of them were
wrong!” He carried Ming Feizhen in his arms and trudged to the
imperial medical office with great difficulty.

It was fortunate that Su Xiao had practiced martial arts from a

young age so he possessed a strong physique, otherwise someone as
tall as Ming Feizhen would’ve crushed him. But even so, he was
fatigued and covered in sweat nonetheless. Besides the smell of
herbs and the sort being more prominent there, the imperial medical
office was also different to all the other places in the palace. Having
worked in the imperial city recently, Su Xiao was somewhat familiar
with some of the rules.

Su Xiao looked into the courtyard and shouted: “May I ask if

there is anyone there? I have an injured person with me! I
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have an injured person with me!”

After a while of shouting, he saw the door creak open. An elder

looking around sixty stepped out from inside. He was skinny, had a
small nose, small eyes and was relatively comical-looking. He had an
old medical book in his hand. He wore Western glasses and looked
like an educated elderly.

He scanned Su Xiao for a long time before finally saying: “What

are you shouting for? What are you bringing a patient here to
me for? This place is the medicine warehouse. The doctors at
the imperial medical office are the ones in charge of treating
patients. Where are you from lass? I was just about to enter
the herb garden to harvest this year’s new ripe shiny snow-
whites. It becomes usable upon meeting with snow. I cannot
be late.”

“I-Is this not the imperial medical office?” Su Xiao was more
anxious than he already was now. He had walked for so long, so how
could this place not be the imperial medical office? Big Brother Ming
won’t last. Noticing that the elder was holding what looked like a
medical book as well as having heard him mention going to the herb
garden to get herbs, and the mention of high-grade herbs, he came
to a conclusion. If he doesn’t understand medicine, how could he
collect herbs?

And so Su Xiao asked with a ray of hope: “May I ask who you

The elder closed the door behind him and headed to the herb
garden. Only after taking a few steps did he answer: “My surname
is Dai, I am an academician at the imperial medical office,
and work part-time as an envoy for the medicine
warehouse…… You can call me Imperial Doctor Dai. What’s
the matter? Do you have a problem?”

I knew he was a doctor! Su Xiao wore his joy on his face: “Yes,
226 Report
yes, yes. Imperial Doctor Dai, my brother has been injured.
Please take a look at him.”

Imperial Doctor Dai stopped in his tracks but kept silent. He looked
at Su Xiao and then at Ming Feizhen. He sighed: “Sigh, you’re still
young and yet you’re babbling nonsense. What a pity that an
unparalleled beauty’s brain is dysfunctional.”

Once he was done speaking, he continued walking toward the herb


Su Xiao chased after him like an ant that stepped onto a hot pot
and asked: “Wh-What did you say? What is a pity?”

“You asked me to take a look at him, yes or no? I’ve taken

a look already.”

“But you have not even checked his pulse……”

“Check his pulse? Heh.” Imperial Doctor Dai chuckled

apathetically as if he was mocking him: “Why do I need to check
his pulse? I can just use my ears to listen and eyes to see.
That is adequate.”

“What do you mean doctor? I don’t understand! Please

hurry and help me……”

“Relax, relax. Why are you so impatient? Let me explain to

you. I was born with exceptional hearing. I can hear one’s
pulse within a ten-foot range.” The doctor shook his head and
continued: “Judging from this person’s physique and pulse,
he’s full of vigour, and in fact healthier than anyone, young
and free of ailments, and could possibly live over a hundred
years old. If he looks after himself, he would still be full of
vigour after turning one-hundred. As a matter of fact, he
might be just as physically healthy as when he was young
too. But, I presume he likes fighting and got into a fight with
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Su Xiao nodded as he listened. His anger crept up in his chest as

well. As he was frantically nodding, he said: “Yes, that’s right. Big
Brother Ming was beaten up by someone.”

“That’s strange. The person that wounded him possesses

incredible strength you wouldn’t often find. And what was he
thinking to let himself get hit with one, two, three, four… eh,
seventeen palm strikes? Does he think he’s a deity? He’s got
injuries at seventeen meridian points, and even let himself
get hit with a palm strike to his RN17 meridian point on his
chest. As a matter of fact, it’s completely obliterated. He’s
just a vegetable that’s barely breathing right now, and yet
you’re taking him to see a doctor? If you’re not brain-dead,
why would you take a dead person to the medical office?”

Su Xiao’s heart froze up at what the doctor told him: “C-Could

you please at least check his pulse?”

“Lass, stop wasting your time and effort. My ability to read

a pulse is superior to everyone else.”

Su Xiao angrily exclaimed: “I’m not a girl!”

Imperial Doctor Dai sighed again: “And yet you claim to not be
brain-dead. Sigh, what a pity.”

“Please take a look at him, hey! Don’t go! Please take a

look at him.”

The doctor waved his hand: “Don’t waste my time.” He headed

off to the herb garden and closed the fence behind him. Su Xiao
carried Ming Feizhen who was stuck outside the fence and watched
the doctor vanish into the distance.

Su Xiao clenched his teeth, and grabbed his sabre-handle in

reverse. The ancient cold sabre struck, making four slashes, thereby
228 Report
reducing the fence to pieces.

As a scholar, Imperial Doctor Dai had never seen anyone dare to

swing a sabre in the palace, so he couldn’t help but panic: “Wh-
What are you doing?”

Su Xiao looked at his fearful look and got even angrier. He kicked
upwards, sending Imperial Doctor Dai into the air.

“Check his pulse!”

His angry voice carried a tinge of sobs: “Otherwise…

otherwise… I… I… just check his pulse!”

“Hey lass, he’s clearly already… alright, alright, alright. I’ll

take a look. Let me up.”

Imperial Doctor Dai stood up from the mud and patted the dirt off
him. He then grumbled: “I was just peacefully sitting at home
and yet I still managed to run into a……” He didn’t dare to finish
his sentence because he was afraid Su Xiao would hit him again.

Su Xiao placed Ming Feizhen on a bench. Imperial Doctor Dai

picked up Ming Feizhen’s hand to check his pulse and find anything
different. His pulse was still like a dead person. Well, he was a dead

Suddenly, a group of people dressed in all-black, completely unlike

clothing in the palace, charged through the door. When Imperial
Doctor Dai noticed their murderous aura, he hid behind Ming Feizhen.

Their leader said in a deep voice: “Liu Shan Men’s Su Xiao, is

Ming Feizhen here?”

“That’s right. I’m Su Xiao. Big Brother Ming is here too.”

“His highness, the orange prince has orders. No

participants from the imperial martial arts tournament are to
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leave the flying fish pavilion on their own accord. Come back
there with me now.”

“The orange prince’s orders? It’s not his majesty’s orders

then. And who are you?” Su Xiao frowned: “I don’t even know

“From now on, there will only be the orange prince’s

orders. There will be no more orders from the emperor.” The
man chuckled coldly and continued: “And my surname is Zhong,
my first name is Ning. Remember it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhong Ning charged inside. When

he came in, it was like a gust of wind entered. Su Xiao’s martial arts
skills and Zhong Ning’s skills are worlds apart. Su Xiao didn’t even
see what Zhong Ning did. All he felt was a hot sensation on his neck
before passing out without being able to react in time.

After seeing Su Xiao’s appearance clearly, he grabbed Su Xiao

around his slender waist and pulled him in. He noticed how his hips,
long legs, and beautiful face surpassed every other woman he had
seen before. Wait, no. It’s a guy. A guy?!

Zhong Ning couldn’t resist the need to check with his hand. He
pinched Su Xiao’s behind, and Su Xiao’s butt clearly satisfied him
enough to put a joyous smile to his face.

“What a beauty. How about serving his highness and

letting me have a go? That sounds great to me, hahahaha.”

He continued laughing. Just as he was about to grab another body

part on Su Xiao’s body with his hands, he suddenly heard a voice
from inside the herb garden.

“You don’t have to go that far if it’s just a death-wish that

you have.”

It soft was a soft voice. Very, very soft. However, Zhong Ning’s
230 Report
arms, legs, and the rest of his body began to stiffen up, immobilising
him entirely.

The corpse named “Ming Feizhen” had spoken out. Not only had
he spoken, he had slowly began to move.

Ming Feizhen slowly stood up from the bench and spoke. His words
were like a magic spell. Once picked up by the ear, his limbs felt
weak and wouldn’t listen to his commands.

“I was forced to keep my eyes shut to suppress my

murderous intent in order to avoid hurting those around me.
But some damned people who deserve to die had to come
here. Would you consider this a coincidence?”

He opened his eyes, and his eyeballs looked completely blood-red.

There was very little white visible. Whatever his eyes looked at
became virtually blood-red in his eyes. It was like his eyes were balls
of red-glass.

Humans shouldn’t have eyes like that. Nobody in the history of

mankind has had such terrifying eyes before.

Those that got caught in those blood-red demon eyes became


Nobody. Nobody could see how he moved.

But by the time they returned to their senses, Su Xiao was no

longer in Zhong Ning’s arms.

They followed the man’s movements within their minds with terror
until his voice itself pierced the terror, inducing even more terror

The owner of those terrifying eyes calmly asked: “Who hit the
kid just now?”
231 Report

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232 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 26
Fu Xiang Loses Favour to the Sly Young Dragon

Back at the flying fish pavilion, Long Zaitian who was pleased with
himself laughed loudly along with the orange prince who was ten-
times more pleased with himself. They were drinking and merry. The
two of them chatted merrily together.

The orange prince bowed to thank Long Zaitian, while Long Zaitian
understood the formalities, behaving like “if this wasn’t the case,
how would i have a beauty to keep me company?”

Long Zaitian started fanning himself with his treasured Wen

Zhengming fan: Cheng Kong shall rule from today while Yuan Sheng
makes way. Your majestic name shall echo through the lands for
years to come.

The orange prince pointed upwards with his finger with the white-
jade ring: That can’t compare to having a beauty by your side,
enjoying the freedom and winning the envy of others like you,
Minister Long.

The two of them chatted and laughed. The initially heavy

atmosphere turned friendly.

But all of the warriors in the flying fish pavilion glared at the
fatuous prince and treacherous minister as they cursed them with
every word they could come up with. No one knows who started it,
but they didn’t stop.

The orange prince didn’t care at first, but after listening to them for
a while, he couldn’t help himself from slinging an insult back at them.
That’s how the verbal war broke out. It might not be so bad if you
just leave them to their own device, but the moment you sling
something back at them, then all hell breaks loose. The warriors
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cursing realised their cursing was effective, so they laughed and
relished in cursing at them even more. There was one guy that stood
out. He was a constable from Liu Shan Men. Man, he cursed them
over everything, leaving no stones unturned, used all sorts of words
and then improvised to come up with even more insults. Everybody
included the orange prince was laughing at his insults.

But who was he?

That would be none other than Zha Pi! After Ming Feizhen got
promoted, he promoted Zha Pi to a small-time constable guarding
the doors. Today was his off-day, so he came to watch the matches.
He never expected that not only would he end up detained, but that
his big bro would be beat up too. And so Great Master Zha who was a
man with profound pugilistic-ruffian-qi decided “fuck it”.

Zha Pi’s insulting arts were acquired from his time on the streets,
the true authentic stuff. His late-father was an official too so he was
at the very least home-schooled. So when he started cursing at
people, it was on another level compared to crude insults these
vulgar martial artists used.

As soon as he started, he was unleashing hell, quoting copious

authors, spitting: bitch, bastard, motherfucker, sisterfucker, get
fucked, fuck yourself… He went at the empress to the empress
dowager to the empress’s brother. He brought in farmers rescuing
poisonous snacks, corn-eating rodents… He went after the emperor’s
ancestors, and said that Emperor Sui Wen raised a traitor.

He got the orange prince so mad he was grinding his teeth. If he

weren’t short of men, he would’ve ordered his men to slap every
single one of the martial artists across the face.

“How dare you speak to me like that you low-life piece of


The orange prince glared at the gossiping warriors. The royal
234 Report
family members, ministers and officials showed the orange prince a
certain degree of respect, even though a fair number of them weren’t
willing to surrender. But the orange prince refrained from swearing at
them when he considered his status. It was different with the
warriors though. They weren’t used to seeing a son screw his father
over in such an uncultured way. They were saying how his mother
would’ve been better off giving birth to a sweet-potato instead. The
orange prince was unwilling to stoop down to their level and argue
with them. The Black Winds Thirteen Wings couldn’t out-curse so
many of them alone, especially the constable from Liu Shan Men who
was using vulgar language, talked fast like the wind and argued
heatedly like a learned man.

Today was the most important day. He was the great Emperor
Cheng Kong whom even Emperor Yuan Sheng had to call Master
Cheng. If he couldn’t even take care of these martial artists, then he
wouldn’t be like an emperor, so of course the orange prince wanted
to get in there and have a go at them.

But there was nothing he could do. He had nowhere to vent his
anger. That was when Long Zaitian suddenly said: “Your highness,
they are just a bunch of insignificant mongrels. There is
something more important to attend to right now.”

“Something more important? Oh, right. Look at me…

Minister Long, you truly are my competent minister.” When
the orange prince complimented him, Long Zaitian bowed to thank
him. The orange prince then shouted: “Where is Fu Xiang?!”

Fu Xiang stepped out from amidst the imperial guards, bowed with
his hands and asked: “What orders do you have your
highness?” Fu Xiang and Long Zaitian exchanged glances when he
stepped out. A spark of lightning appeared between their eyes when
they exchanged glances. That was their ambitions and fear for one
another clashing.

Fu Xiang who took on the name Jiao Meng was responsible for
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protecting the orange prince right from the beginning. Though he
could now return to being addressed as Fu Xiang, the way he was
treated didn’t change much. That left him somewhat puzzled. Long
Zaitian could sit next to him, while Fu Xiang, the man with the most
merit was merely standing to the side as a guard. In terms of martial
prowess, he was more than twice as good as Long Zaitian. In terms
of prestige, Fu Xiang was one of Mystery’s members. In terms of
reputation in the martial world, he was several times superior to the
Qilin Guard who never leaves the capital, Long Zaitian.

But Fu Xiang was stuck wearing the Qilin Guards uniform, and
could only stand next to the orange prince,

Fu Xiang understood why and the orange prince understood it even

better. This was his position. Regardless of how skilled he was or how
significant his accomplishments were. An assassin was doomed to
remain away from the public-eye. Perhaps the orange prince was
going to have him enter the imperial court and get closer to the
centre of power under a different identity. Indeed, that was the
orange prince’s plan. However, that was a plan to be enacted in
many years’ time after setting up various pretexts. His disguise arts
were not to be used regardless of the circumstances.

Fu Xiang was sixty this year, yet he looked thirty or forty from his
appearance. He had trained his body and practiced lots of qigong all
these years, allowing him to look and feel young regardless of age.
But an interesting question was if his desires grew with his age as a
result of him keeping a serene mind for many years, subsequently
leading to him joining this plan of the prince with his comrades in

However, his current situation told him that he was different to

Long Zaitian. He wasn’t the one the orange prince needed. Long
Zaitian poisoned the warriors and accomplished a deed that was to
the benefit of the orange prince, and that was considered merit
without question. But the important difference was that Long Zaitian
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made an accomplishment as himself, so he could be promoted in the
future, and pass down prestige to his descendants as well as leaving
them with an abundance of wealth.

The orange prince wanted to form a new political power, so he

needed men to form a new team. It wasn’t as though the orange
prince couldn’t rely on these royal family members and major
ministers who didn’t accept him, but rather that the orange prince
didn’t dare to rely on many of them. He himself was a traitor, so how
would he dare to employ ministers of the former ruler?

The orange prince needed his own team, and Long Zaitian was a
good choice for a foundational member. He was the vice-captain of
the Qilin Guards who was stationed in the capital. There are three
vice-captains in the Qilin Guards office, but Long Zaitian was the only
one stationed in the capital. This meant that other than being
thought of highly by the commander of the Qilin Guards, he was also
very knowledgeable about the capital’s defences and so forth. Long
Zaitian was going to be the one the orange prince needed to rely on
in the future in terms of control over the military offices. As such, the
orange prince put in lots of efforts to recruit him. Most importantly,
Long Zaitian was considered a traitor without question by the three
offices. He was doomed to never be able to return to his old team
with that stigma now. Hence, the orange prince didn’t have to worry
about employing him.

At the end of the day, the three offices, and even the entire
imperial court were just a machine for the ruler to use in his rule. It
was fine if they weren’t loyal. The orange prince was of the belief
that a team formed on benefit and profit was the most effective team
for operations.

“Fu Xiang, are your men still around?”

Fu Xiang courteously replied: “They are. What are you orders,

your highness?”
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“I don’t have any orders, but you still have the same
number of men as before which is really odd. Where are the
people that returned?”

Fu Xiang then realised that the orange prince was actually finding
fault with him.

“Your men have been gone for too long, have they not?
Have they made any discoveries? It’s been a long time. Didn’t
you tell them to send someone back to report every thirty
minutes?” The orange prince wore a sombre look and continued:
“Aren’t your men exceedingly useless? They can’t even get a
small task like that done properly?”

Needless to say, the orange prince was referring to the emperor’s

whereabouts. Three hours had passed, yet he hadn’t heard anything
from the emperor. All of the dukes and ministers as well as a
weakened Shen Yiren to the side started listening in closely.

The orange prince wasn’t worried about letting them hear him
nevertheless. The orange prince and mystery had prepared three
stages to their plan.

Forcing the abdication of the throne here in the flying fish pavilion
was only the first part.

The orange prince knew the emperor’s personality far too well. He
was someone who would rather die than submit ever since he was
young. Further, while the orange prince didn’t like the emperor, he
was a filial son toward his mother. He knew that his mother and
father had strong feelings for each other so he couldn’t bring himself
to use crueller means, such as torture.

Therefore, they were going to trick the emperor instead of

capturing him when they found him. They were going to trick him
into going to his study to retrieve the imperial jade seal, and then
have Yu Ye, Eunuch Nan who was by his side snatch it from him.
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But Yu Ye alone couldn’t succeed. They needed another assassin to
assist, and that was where Zhong Ning came in. Zhong Ning would
join a private military and then would chase the emperor down with
brutal methods to force him to the brink of break-down. They needed
someone strong and domineering to achieve that, so Zhong Ning who
looked tough and was strong was absolutely necessary to that step
of the plan.

That was why Eunuch Nan risked his life to smuggle Zhong Ning
and the private military into the palace as well as providing them
with a pass-token.

But three hours have passed and it would be harder to carry out
the operation once night falls. What’s going on? Is there no news? No
wonder the orange prince got anxious and had to speak up.

“Please rest assured yourhighness.” Fu Xiang clasped his

hands and said: “It is not an easy task. It requires time and

The orange prince frowned and asked: “How much time and
patience do I require then?”

Long Zaitian was listening from the side the entire time as he
carefully drank his wine. He didn’t know about the plans for the third
stage of the plan. It was a top secret. Not even all members of
Mystery knew. The only ones who knew of the full plan were the
orange prince, Fu Xiang and Kuang Tian. Not even Yu Ye, Eunuch
Nan, their spy in the palace for over a decade who was also tasked
with snatching the imperial jade seal knew. Zhong Ning who was
going after the emperor wasn’t aware of the entire plan either.

However, Long Zaitian has the skills of a fish in troubled waters.

Long Zaitian wasn’t any better than Fu Xiang at proper work, but
when it came to dragging people down with him then taking
advantage of the situation to use them as a stepping stone to climb
up, Long Zaitian was a professional among professionals. It was a
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skill he refined in all the years he dealt with people from the imperial
court combined with the experience he gathered as the subordinate
of the captain of the place they call The Devil’s Qilin Guards. He took
his time listening to their conversation and then looked for a chance
to butt in.

“We’re talking about two-hundred men here, and yet not

one came back to report in. Don’t go screwing up now.”

The orange prince’s questioning cornered Fu Xiang. He suddenly

had an idea and replied: “Your highness, sometimes no news is
good news.”

His response couldn’t be any more obvious.

If Zhong Ning came to report every half-an-hour, then that meant

he had no leads. However, if he did find the emperor, then it would
take him some time to pursue him. Given that it takes time like that,
having no one come back to report in was actually good news.

“Huh? Did I hear that right?” It was as though Zha Pi possessed

Long Zaitian. He fanned himself with Wen Zhengming’s fan, “No
news is good news. That would mean we’re in trouble if he’s
not in trouble. You’re calling a botched job a job done well?
Failure must be an accomplishment then. Your highness,
what do you think?”

The orange prince nodded and exclaimed: “He’s right! Minister

Long is right.”

Fu Xiang shot Long Zaitian a violent glare: “What are you

saying, Vice-captain Long? You’re not part of the inner circle,
so please don’t interfere with my conversation with his

“Eh? What do you mean? I am his highness’s loyal

subordinate and I was just pointing out your faults, is there a
240 Report
problem? And what did you call me? His highness personally
conferred me the title of General of the Front of the Hall. You
called me vice-captain? What’s this? What’s this? Someone is
missing the old rule when today is Emperor Cheng Kong’s
first day on the throne.”

Long Zaitian pulled his eyebrows together and bickered with Fu

Xiang. To be frank, his pose with his nostril pointed up to the sky
while fanning himself is an awful sight to behold.

Fu Xiang is considered a very knowledgeable person in Mystery,

but he wasn’t as clever as the clown Long Zaitian when it came to
talking. He caught two mistakes within three sentences and one of
them was hard to wriggle his way out of.

The orange prince continued nodding like a retard though: “Yes,

Minister Long is right. You should change the way you
address him, Fu Xiang. This is my General Long, not Yuan
Sheng’s Vice-captain Long anymore.”

“You need not blame Teacher Fu, your highness. He is from

the pugilistic world, so he needs to learn our culture slowly.
He is still unaware of the taboos. As they say, the ignorant
cannot be blamed.”

“You’re right. The ignorant cannot be blamed.”

Fu Xiang was about to explode. What is going to happen if Long

Zaitian leads the orange prince astray? Everything he says is right.
Truthfully speaking, Fu Xiang doesn’t know the taboos. The orange
prince was a usurper and that was what he was concerned with all
this time, but he had no one he could talk about it to, so with Long
Zaitian bringing the old rule and new rule into the mix, it naturally
struck a chord with the orange prince.

After gaining the upper hand, Long Zaitian felt extremely pleased
with himself and didn’t hesitate to flaunt it.
241 Report
Fu Xiang shot him an aggressive glare and added General Long to
the list of people he would have to compete with in the future. He
then looked to Shen Yiren by the side who was weakened yet still
looked magnificently beautiful. Fu Xiang was entering his sixties. He
didn’t view the matters between men and women with too much
importance, except Shen Yiren was well-versed in both literacy and
martial arts, and looked beautiful which just happened to suit his
tastes. When Fu Xiang’s old eyes caught sight of Shen Yiren’s well-
endowed breasts, his eyes got stuck on them and his carnal desires
rose inside him.

Fu Xiang said to himself: Fuck! She’s great at martial arts, she has
a beautiful face, massive tits, fuck you could die of an erection she
causes. Long Zaitian picks fights with me at every corner and even
this ultimate beauty is his. Fuck this…… The first person I kill when
the prince is crowned will be him!

His vicious thoughts filled his eyes with murderous intent.

“Fu Xiang, what are you thinking about? I asked you a


When he heard the orange prince’s voice, his murderous intent

vanished. However, he didn’t hear what the orange prince said
clearly so he stuttered for words before catching sight of something.
He clasped his fist with his other hand and rhetorically asked: “Look,
have they not come back?”

The orange prince focused his gaze. Someone coming back to

report was in the distance!

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242 Report
243 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 27
Lesson In Medicine. Perhaps True, Perhaps Not.

What the hell? Only after I knock the punk out subconsciously did I
realise that he seemed to be with Fu Xiang.

And after I beat him silly with one move, my mood improved

Kuang Tian, Fu Xiang, Yue Ye, Zhong Ning. This guy must be the
youngest one, Zhong Ning.

He’s in full gear like he’s about to head out to a war battlefield.
Fufufu, so you’ve fallen this low huh? Capturing small-time
constables who’ve left… isn’t that what door-guards do?

Wait, could it be… could they be trying to capture me and take me

back because I got promoted recently? You’re making too much of a
big deal people.

I went to check up on Su Xiao. He was fine. Zhong Ning just sealed

his sleep-meridian point. He didn’t suffer any physical injuries. It was
just that I did hear his reason for holding back which was why my
desire to murder surged back up.

As soon as I had the urge my foot had already stepped onto his
hand. I didn’t put any strength into it but I had shattered his hand
bones to bits and pieces. His five senses had already shut down,
leaving him muddle-headed so he couldn’t even feel the pain. Even
the pain of his bones shattering was meaningless to him.

It wasn’t easy for me to forcefully suppress my urge to kill. This

happens to me really easily. Whenever I want to get serious, I lose
control of my murderous intent. This is a disadvantage of practicing
Spring Wind Rainy Nights Divine Art. Once you get to a certain level
244 Report
of mastery with it, your murderous urge increases by the day causing
you to become violent and blood-thirsty, and it will also affect your

For me personally, whenever I want to get serious, my urge to kill

gushes forth and my eyes turn blood-red. After Fu Xiang hit me with
his last strike, I was planning to just pretend I was asleep and leave
on my own. I never expected Su Xiao would take me away.

My eyes suddenly turned red back there, which I surmise was

because I saw Shen Yiren’s sad look in the snow, so I didn’t dare to
open my eyes. I didn’t dare to wake up in case Su Xiao discovered it
for the same reason.

Every time my eyes turn blood-red, I need to mould energy and

release it. I initially thought I’d need a longer amount of time, but by
some stroke of luck I ran into these unlucky guys.

I stroked Su Xiao’s small head. He “meowed” because it was a

little ticklish and tucked his head into his white neck a little. It was a
touching scene. My hand seemed to escape control… stop! Control
yourself hand!

Hehehe, he’s deep asleep. Su Xiao was tense right at the start of
the day due to the imperial martial arts tournament as well as
carrying me while running around and worrying. And that was why he
was so sound asleep.

Su Xiao…..

I recalled Su Xiao carrying me as he struggled to walk and spoke to


“Let’s go see a doctor. We’ll go and see the best doctor……

You’ll be okay.”

“I, I’m not crying. There’s nothing to cry about. They were
lying. I don’t believe them.”
245 Report
I recalled the tough look like a small tiger he sported when he
threatened this doctor too.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. How is this kid so cute?

I suddenly recalled Boss Shen’s look when I was pretending to be

unconscious. Her murderous intent in her eyes was genuine. Her
murderous intent at the time was probably colder than snow. She
then went off to challenge Fu Xiang. That was the first time I saw
Boss Shen fight with everything she had. She really is skilled.

I couldn’t help but reflect on myself after seeing Su Xiao and Boss
Shen get into trouble and feel sad because of me.

I owe these beauties a great favour.

Wait, shit! Su Xiao’s a guy!!

That’s called strong brotherly-bonds!

A slightly excited-elderly voice spoke out from the side: “This lass
over-stressed herself. The meridian poke was just an external
force. The true reason was because she expended too much
energy mentally. A fifteen, sixteen year old girl can’t handle
so much.”

I was startled for a moment. I then looked at the repulsive-looking

old geezer with small eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. Was this
geezer always here?! I quickly scanned my surroundings. This is no
imperial medical office. This is a medicine warehouse! Su Xiao went
to the wrong place. Good grief, lucky this doctor was here, otherwise
god knows what catastrophe he would’ve caused.

I tried to look for the words as I asked: “Doctor, you……”

“Eh?! You’re well now. Let me check your pulse. Uhm! Your
pulse is stable and strong. It’s slow but the beats are strong.
You’ll be able to live past one-hundred, but maybe not two-
246 Report
hundred! My bad, my bad, my bad, what am I saying…… Oh?
Your pulse is stable as if you don’t have any injury. I did say
you didn’t look like you were injured. I just didn’t know why
you were like a dead-person. I can’t pinpoint the reason, but I
am ninety-percent confident of my pulse readings.”

The old-rat looking doctor ran left and then ran right. I was truly
concerned that I might accidentally stomp on him and kill him… But I
think I’ve seen this doctor that’s overly-passionate about medical
studies, and speaks like he’s in ancient times before. I looked at him
carefully and a silhouette of a particular person surfaced into my
mind that resembled him.

He’s… Imperial Doctor Dai?!

“Aren’t you Head Imperial Doctor Dai? This is the herb

garden. Why are you here?”

“It’s a long story. It’s a long story. But ever since coming
here, my days have been a lot more relaxed. Hmm…… Good!
All five of your organs are healthy too. Your bones are like
iron. I really wonder how you were raised. How does one
have such a great body? I would think that not even a god’s
would equal yours.”

“Thank you for your compliments, Imperial Doctor Dai. Hey,

that’s ticklish. Stop touching me…… But not only are you the
Head Imperial Doctor, you’re the greatest doctor in the world
at present. You’re highly revered in the imperial palace, even
the emperor insists that it must be you who he sees, so
how…… Stop, stop, stop! Don’t tug on my pants!!”

“Uhm! Just as I thought. It curves like an eggplant, is

vigorous as an angry frog and pointy like a dragon’s head. I
knew it was an incredible weapon in the human realm!”

“Hey, hey, hey, hey! Why are you making this perverted
247 Report
during a word and a blow?!!”

The doctor completely ignored my question. He continued grabbing

my hand as he checked here and there. Sometimes his eyes would
light up and he’d try and tug on my pants. This medical-study addict
is insane as he was before!!

“Young man, I noticed that your face looked pale before.

You let out more air then you breathed in while your pulse
was dead. It was there, but it was so weak, it was just about
to stop. But then you got up full of vigour in an instant, with
a pulse not only unlike ordinary people, but far superior to
them as a matter of fact. H-How was that possible? Could I
bother you to explain the mystery to me?”

I smiled and replied: “I believe that you’re right ninety-

percent of the time when reading pulses. Even if there were
others who had superior skills to you, I don’t think that there
would more than one other person. You read the pulse
correctly, but a pulse can trick you.”

“A pulse doesn’t lie.”

“A pulse can’t, but a person can.” I chuckled faintly and

continued like a school-lecturer: “I presume you’re aware that
one can change their pulse through their own strength at
times. Some think that a technique which makes one appear
dead is useless. To be frank, there are lots of styles which
are useless. But I have yet to see an internal style which is
useless. When you can control your pulse, you can control
the speed of your qi, and so you have total control of them.
So how is it useless?”

“Oh? Could it be……”

“Correct. This is the turtle breathing technique mentioned

in the pugilistic world, an internal style that allows one to
248 Report
fake their death. I just used a different variation, which I’ll
spare you the details of.”

Imperial Doctor Dai reacted with joyous surprise: “That is

amazing! Man. Kid, I never imagined I’d come across a
master like you. I dare say that I have never seen anyone as
knowledgeable as you other than my teacher, Jing An Fu Ma.”

I chuckled and replied: “Of course. Jing An Fu Ma is obviously


An individual opposite us suddenly yelled out.

“Hey, hey! You people. You think we’re props or


It was one of Zhong Ning’s comrades who was also dressed in all-
black. I must ask, would you die if you wore an imperial guard
uniform? Walking around the palace in all-black… aren’t you being
excessively arrogant?

But they ignored me and continued talking among themselves.

“Hey…… Nobody said that, so why would you call yourself a


“He doesn’t look at us when he speaks, so what’s he taking

us for if not props?”

“He didn’t call us a prop though. What prop? Hey, what’d

you push me for? Push me and I’ll push you!”

After just a mere few sentences were exchanged, they started

fighting like an undisciplined group.

I must say, you punks are hell arrogant…… You’re fighting with
each other right in front of us?
249 Report
Imperial Doctor Dai said: “Buddy, I don’t know where these
men came from and they don’t look like good people to me.
Would you mind…..”

“Of course.” I didn’t wait for him to finish. I flashed behind them,
“Imperial Doctor Dai, do you know which meridians can save
someone and which meridians can kill them?”

“My teacher said that in the study of meridians, whether

it’s killing or saving one, it all depends on the wish of the
executor. As long as you use an appropriate method, you can
choose to kill or save.”

The ugly looking doctor sounded pretty tough when he said that.

I nodded, smiled and asked: “Do you know which meridians

can put one in a confused state of mind?”

His expression changed as I expected and he replied with an open-

mind: “I’m all ears!”

“The study of meridian points in medical studies and

martial arts is different. While their explanations differ,
meridian points are still meridian points nevertheless. If you
strike here with Yin power, you will knock the target
unconscious for three days, and upon waking, they will have
lost their memory.”


“If you stab from here and then these three consecutively,
you can erase one’s memories of the last seven days.
Remember, while that is how it is used, you adjust the length
of it by adjusting your force output. However, this is a large
meridian point on the human body. You will not be able to
touch it without a decent amount of skill. Remember that
250 Report
My finger strikes were like the wind. I stabbed at the guys in black
while explaining the functions and application of each move. The
doctor shook his head like an epileptic, like a student that was taking

“That is most profound!”

“This spot and this spot control one’s memories. Do not

touch them without thinking. It may very likely lead to
memory loss or in severe cases, cause dementia. However,
these three points are also the key to curing memory loss. If
you cannot undo them, then the patient with memory loss
has a severe condition and cannot be cured.”


“Next!” I moved my legs in circles consecutively to boot them all

out of the place. There was one last one left waiting to be booted. I
turned around to pick up Su Xiao, landed in front of Imperial Doctor
Dai and asked with a smile: “I’m hungry. Can you take me
somewhere to eat?”

“Yes! Shifu!”

Stop messing. Who’s your shifu?!

I’m not your shifu!

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251 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 28
The Only One Who Is Generous, Benevolent and Modest Is I, Cheng

Fu Xiang’s reputation was severely damaged by Long Zaitian in the

flying fish pavilion. But thankfully, his men had finally come back to
report in and make a good showing. And it wasn’t just one team that
came back. A total of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven teams

They didn’t return to report in for a long time, but now they had,
and seven teams had returned at that. Fu Xiang felt relieved and
daggered Long Zaitian, but Long Zaitian just looked unhappy. Fu
Xiang, feeling relieved loudly ordered: “Come up and report to his
highness. Hurry up!”

Of course, he didn’t forget to turn around and seek credit for their
work: “I did tell you they would return anytime now. Please do
not worry, your highness. The people that this old man
trained cannot be failures……”

Before he could finish, Long Zaitian started taking shots at him:

“Wow, wow, wow! Are you seriously talking to his highness in
that rude tone? Throwing your weight around because of
your advanced age, huh? Wow, ‘this old man’? What, you
think you’re old enough or do you think you’re of high

That was a very disparaging remark, hence why Fu Xiang’s

expression changed: “Long Zaitian! What are you after?! I have
always spoken like this. His highness is right before you.
Don’t even think of trying to sow discord.”

“Wow, wow, wow. Now that’s just overboard. You need to
252 Report
brush up your acting skills.” Long Zaitian looked at Fu Xiang as if
he had high hopes for him and continued: “Old Fu Xiang, in the
political world, reason is vital. I shall educate you on the
topic as your senior on the topic.”

Fu Xiang was speechless. Fu Xiang was sixty this year while Long
Zaitian couldn’t be more than forty at most. He was old enough to be
Long Zaitian’s father, yet he was calling himself his senior? Long
Zaitian was a brash man and looked brash for that matter. Fu Xiang
placed heavy emphasis on looking after his appearance so he looked
lively and energetic even though he wasn’t handsome. If they stood
next to each other, you really wouldn’t be able to tell who’s older. He
didn’t know what to verbally sling back at him so he just brushed it

Long Zaitian then said: “There’s no minister that doesn’t act.

Ask his highness. Ask him if it’s common for us vassals to
act. But your acting fails! You can’t get in over your head
with your acting like that. You’ll make his highness angry like
that. I can understand you accusing me of sowing discord, I
mean, I get that you’re just trying to look good in front of his
highness. But your tone is too overbearing. You’re going to
ruin the harmonious atmosphere between us as colleagues.
Am I right, your highness?”

Long Zaitian is seriously a scumbag. He actually went and accused

me of acting in front of the orange prince.

Ministers acting and pretending in front of ruler is something that

has always been done since the existence of imperial courts. But the
court-veteran Long Zaitian could come up with all sorts of trickery.
He’s even informed of the environment the orange prince grew up in
so he was able to take advantage of the orange prince’s sensitive

“Keke. It’s not good for there to be too much tension

between colleagues. You are both important pillars of mine,
253 Report
so stop arguing.”

The orange prince helped neither side and instead suggested they
stop. But then the orange prince went on to say: “Fu Xiang, you
will be following me on my journey in the future. Calling
yourself ‘this old man’ is kind of……” The orange prince said in a
softer voice: “I’ll make you the military chief, so you should
refer to yourself as ‘I’ in future.”

Fu Xiang was aware that a military chief was no insignificant rank.

However, it was a far cry from Long Zaitian’s grand general of the
front of the hall. And because the orange prince was the one who
recruited Long Zaitian which dealt another blow to Fu Xiang’s
arrogance. Fu Xiang couldn’t help but show his reluctance: “Thank
you, your highness. I mean, your minister thanks you, your

With Long Zaitian stirring trouble like this, Fu Xiang knew that his
achievements today might be reduced to naught. He couldn’t help
but feel a little disappointed since he was skilled and was an
intelligent individual in the pugilistic world where he had spent half of
his life, and yet was felled by the schemes in the imperial court.

The orange prince ordered: “Alright, you’re all here. Report in

to me one by one.”

The team-members came over one by one. They all squat down
like they were taking a dump neatly in front of the orange prince.

Fu Xiang wanted to reclaim his glory with this group of men he

trained. However, he turned gloomy when he saw their pale
expressions and shortness of breath like they just escaped death.

Just as he was about to give them a hint, one of them reported in

loudly like a ringing bell: “R-Reporting, your highness! Th-The
fifth team is no more.”
254 Report
“Uhm.” The orange prince nodded at first but then realised what
he said, “Huh? No more?!”

Long Zaitian furiously grabbed an orange and tossed it with his

Helmet Smasher Orange technique at the face the guy who reported
in causing the guy to nearly pass out from the impact. Long Zaitian
scolded: “Vanished?! I can’t believe you can lie like that! What
sort of bullshit are you spouting when Emperor Cheng Kong’s
ascension is right at hand today?! Say something that makes

The orange prince was more surprised than he was angry. But after
hearing the three words “Emperor Cheng Kong”, he regained his
composure. He then noticed that it was indeed a serious matter that
couldn’t be neglected. He therefore naturally started to become
unhappy with the members of Mystery. As a result of his actions, the
orange prince saw Long Zaitian in a better light yet again. He felt
that at the end of the day, Long Zaitian was a truly talented minister.
My hand-picked general knows how to be considerate on my behalf.
He scolded them before I could.

“Calm down, Minister Long. I understand that it’s common

for people in the pugilistic world to be crude and brash.” That
was Fu Xiang taking a dig at Long Zaitian. Fu Xiang’s expression
changed a little and he felt momentum. He’s an old and prudent
man. He’s not impulsive. The orange prince demanded: “Explain in
detail what exactly happened.”

“R-Roger!” The guy crawled back up and stuttered: “When we

went past that place and realised someone had gone in, we
went in to take a look, but we were unexpectedly ambushed.
I was the only remaining person in my team in the blink of an
eye. I rushed to come back and report, and… and here I am.”

“Explain yourself properly!” Such a confusing explanation

would make any listener bewildered. The orange prince frowned and
said: “Do you know how important this is? There is no room
255 Report
for playing around here. Are you messing with me right

Anger surfaced in the orange prince’s eyes. The guy was so

frightened he straightened up. Long Zaitian stood up again and
exclaimed: “That sounds stupider than a story of a horse
taking a shit at a park! If the person standing before you
wasn’t our generous, benevolent and modest Emperor Cheng
Kong, your head would be rolling on the ground right now!”

“Yes! Yes! I! I!”

Fu Xiang knew that guy was a skilled fighter but poor with words,
so he immediately picked a better speaker from another team: “You
explain it. Explain to his highness what happened.”

He was a good talker alright. He quickly described the

phenomenon their team witnessed while on their patrol, providing a
time-stamp and precise location. They were searching for the
emperor, but then they suddenly heard about it.

“The captain is missing.”

Their captain was Zhong Ning. He was in charge of managing these

mercenaries, but then he suddenly disappeared. Since that was odd,
the mercenaries searched for their captain whilst searching for their
target, the emperor, thereby costing them a lot of time.

“We then ran into… that person. He sent us all flying out
without evening raising a finger. We did not even see his face
clearly. We… we do not even know if he is a human or a
ghost. But we were attacked and thrown out as soon as we
entered that place. And the members who were thrown out
were all thrown out in an unconscious state. We could not
wake them no matter what we tried. We were told to not let
an entire team lose contact in training. Therefore, we are the
last remaining member of our respective teams. As such, we
256 Report
rushed back here to report in.”

The orange prince finally understood the situation now. Zhong Ning
is missing and his status is unknown. But based on what this guy
reported, there’s somebody messing with him in the palace and
knocked out a number of mercenaries. How dare they!

Today is my big day and yet someone dares to mess with me?!
Does he think I have no men?!

The orange prince frowned and asked in a frustrated tone:

“What’s the place you mentioned?”

The guy who reported in looked like he was in a dilemma. He

stuttered: “A-At the imperial kitchen……”


When Master Cheng realised what he said, he picked up a tomato

on the table and threw it at him, causing him to be covered in tomato

“The imperial kitchen?! How could there be a skilled fighter

at the imperial kitchen?! What are your men doing?!”

“N-No, it is true.” The guy with his face covered in tomato juice
continued: “That person is at the imperial kitchen. He is very
skilled. One punch and……”

“One punch the fuck what?! A skilled fighter from the

imperial kitchen?”

The orange prince jumped up and down like a rabbit trying to

reach an eagle in the sky and kicked the unlucky mercenary in the
face, leaving him with a bloody mouth. The generous, benevolent
and modest Emperor Cheng Kong finally lost it and got aggressive.

“Don’t fucking bullshit me!”
257 Report

*I can imagine that the first section about ways of referring to

yourself is tiring to read to you. As you may already know, there are
heaps of ways of referring to yourself in the Chinese imperial court.
Essentially, they’re talking about a number of different ways, which
in this case are essentially


Both of them basically mean “I” in English. The difference being,

the first one is used by officials and ministers, while the second one
is used by elderly males who aren’t officials. In the imperial court,
you should be referring to yourself based on your role in the palace,
such as a minister, servant, eunuch, prince etc. For sanity purposes
and reading efficiency, I will revert to using “I” for all subjects unless
I must differentiate like in this chapter.

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258 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 29
Ghost of the Imperial Kitchen

“This is the place.”

“Yeah, here.”

Two big men, one armed with a sabre and the other with a rod
stood at the front of the kitchen, but didn’t dare continue forward.

The two of them exchanged glances.

“Brother Zhang, your specialty the Big Whirlwind Slash’s

overwhelming power rules Hejian! Don’t hold back when you
go in. As soon as you see that ghost, slice him into six with
three slashes! Slash him like a savage!”

“Brother Li, your school’s Cross Soul-Chaser rod style is

powerful too. Cross Soul-Chaser style could knock someone
out before they could react. When you see him, you don’t
need to say anything, just batter him!”

“Yeah, fuck him up.”

“Yeah, fuck him up!”

The two of them were fired up and looked awe-inspiring. But then
after a while…

“…… Why aren’t you going in?”

“What a stupid question. There’s a ghost inside, who would

want to go in first?!”

“Have you no shame? Didn’t you say cut him into six?”
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“You said to batter him as soon as you saw him! Have you
no shame?!”

The two of them argued endlessly until a voice came from inside.

“Where did you say there was a ghost?”

I think that was the first and last thing I said to them because I
enjoyed slapping them afterwards.

Where in the devil are these people coming from?

I looked down at this uhh… and the dozens of people in black I

slapped out of convenience before. When you’re dressed in black like
this, it’s dead-obvious you aren’t up to no good, yet they dared to
strut around in the palace with no reserve. I don’t know that there’s
anyone braver than them.

A fragrant smell suddenly hit my nose. Imperial Doctor Dai was

carrying a dish of refreshments. I don’t know what it is but there was
steam coming from it. The very sight of it would make you drool.

Imperial Doctor Dai courteously smiled and said: “There are

some refreshments that have just been made. See if this…
you got it?” After I taught him about the meridians controlling one’s
conscious mind, he seemed to firmly believe that I was his second
shifu, and then he started behaving like this. He was a medical-
studies fanatic, however, he wasn’t someone who’d hurt anyone so I
didn’t bother him.

“Alright, thank you.” I grabbed the refreshments and took a

bite. Wow, did it leave a nice fragrance in my mouth. The imperial
kitchen’s dishes lives up to its reputation!

That’s right.

I brought an unconscious Su Xiao with me to the imperial kitchen

following the lead of Imperial Doctor Dai. And right now, I’m eating
260 Report
their food without permission!

Kekeke, don’t look down on me! I’m actually trying to make sense
of the entire incident here…… Where are the braised pork shoulders?
That’s minus points! I reluctantly collected all the food I could find
together, but not even all of it together was enough for me. And so, I
sat to one side and slowly enjoyed them. Su Xiao was sound asleep
next to the boiler as if he was having a sweet dream.

“Huehue… Big Brother Ming, I scared you, didn’t I……?”

It sounded like he saw me in his dream. I don’t know what he was

doing but he was smiling sweetly.

“It’s snowing heavily. Why are you drinking outside?” Su

Xiao was holding firewood. His face twitched gently, “You’re such a
scaredy-cat. You’re crying over something so trivial.”


What?! How dare an insignificant Su Xiao act so arrogant in his

dreams? I wiped my finger on the dust of the boiler and then
carefully drew on his face……

Hehe. Alright, time for proper work.

I cleaned my hands and then grabbed a meticulously made cookie,

rolled it up with some chives, coriander and some paste. I rolled it
and rolled it and into my mouth it went…… I’m ninety-percent certain
that Mystery got involved with the orange prince’s revolt after he
invited them. The orange prince doesn’t look like he’d amount to
anything, but his plan this time has impressed me.

His plan was very meticulous, and his clever arrangements were
definitely most impressive. I surmise that everyone in the flying fish
pavilion is currently under his control. It’s probably the combination
of Mystery’ skill and their way of operating.
261 Report
As the League of Assassins’ second ranked assassination group,
Mystery isn’t just a group skilled fighters. Their setups are

The Black Winds Thirteen Wings began killing Qilin Guards before
the imperial martial arts tournament to divert attention. But that
wasn’t all. They were also testing the imperial court’s potential. And
since I went and exposed the Black Winds Thirteen Wings
unknowingly, I immediately became treated as a target for
elimination. Because I went right to their door, they turned my own
plan against me, and pretended to be the contact person for the
League of Assassins’ so that I’d drop my guard, thus luring me into
the trap one step at a time.

They must’ve used this setup in every part of their plan.

Let’s use the imperial kitchen as an example. Not a single helper in

the kitchen was in sight. This is the kitchen that prepares the meals
for outer sections of the palace. They might have had to serve food
and drinks to the flying fish pavilion at any moment, yet not a soul
was in sight. As a matter of fact, they left many delicious dishes
behind like they got called away in the midst of work.

And… the food tastes a little strange.

“Imperial Doctor Dai, do you see a problem with these


Imperial Doctor Dai was revising the new knowledge I shared with
him. It took him a while to react. He picked it up and sniffed it. He
frowned and replied: “There seems to be a faint scent, yet not.
However, I can say for sure that a potent numbing-drug has
been added to it. The formula is very unique too. It’s not easy
to cure… If it’s not Thorn-Tears, then it’s Soul Diffuser.”

“It’s Thorn-Tears.”
262 Report
I picked up a meat-bun and took a few bites. Yep, I’m right. It’s
Thorn-Tears. Thorn-Tears is a specially made drug by Demon Mirror
Cloud Heaven Palace. As soon as someone in the martial world drinks
it, they’ll become numb after some time. Their true qi essence at
their dantian will be stopped like it’s pinned down by thorns. Any
slight movement will cause excruciating pain.

I swallowed it and then grabbed a cup of wine.

The cup seemed to be made from white-jade with incomparable

exquisiteness. A cup of wine from a jade-cup in the palace is one-
hundred and eight per cup! Let’s see how it tastes. I heard people
bragging…… I had a drink. Oh! This wine tastes great!

It looks like this Thorn-Tears was what the orange prince used to
control the flying fish pavilion.

Fu Xiang and Zhong Ning have arrived. I imagine Yu Ye and Kuang

Tian are close by too. Compared to Kuang Tian who moves around a
lot in the pugilistic world, the other three are relatively mysterious.
The Black and White Reflection only made mentions about Yu Ye
many issues ago. It claimed that he may be serving the imperial
court and became a guard for the inner court. I don’t know if that’s
true or not.

Mystery won’t fight battles where victory is uncertain. The imperial

jade seal and the emperor’s decree are required since the orange
prince wants to steal the throne. These guys in black can’t possibly
be running around in the palace around aimlessly. They must be
preparing for what’s to come next. It looks like their plan to steal
those two items will be the next impressive move Mystery makes.

Fu Xiang’s stupid face resurfaced in my mind. That guy looks

stupid, but he’s a sneaky and clever one. He’s able to come up with
clever and complex plans if you give him time. He’s not to be
263 Report
I closed my eyes to think about the possible things that could
happen from now, but I couldn’t come to a decisive conclusion.

What I’m most concerned about is the situation at the flying fish
pavilion. With Boss Shen’s personality, she’s definitely going to give
the orange prince shit. If they get into a fight, the orange prince isn’t
one who’d show pity even if she’s a beauty.

I drank another mouthful of wine and it left a fragrant taste in my

mouth. I only felt the wine had a nice fragrance to it. It carried a hint
of sweetness with it. The first drink didn’t taste sweet, but why did it
taste so sweet on my second drink? I tried it again. This isn’t the
scent of wine, but the taste of a drug mixed with wine.

Wait a second! Thorn-tears is virtually colourless and tasteless

drug. It wouldn’t result in this. Something else seems to have also
been added to this wine besides Thorn-Tears!”

I drank a few more mouthfuls and figured out what the drug was. I
suddenly had a new revelation about the entire incident. I see how it
is…… I went silent for a while and then said to Imperial Doctor Dai:
“Imperial Doctor Dai, it looks like more and more people are
coming here. You should return to the herb garden first. I
still have some business to attend to.”

“Oh?” A flash of light appeared in his eyes. He swept his gaze

around his surroundings, “Haven’t you already finished eating
everything here?”

“I’m talking about legitimate business!”

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264 Report
265 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 30
The Shen Family’s Daughter Speaks Without Reserve

Back to the flying fish pavilion.

The cursing underneath the imperial platform was like waves at

sea. Even the mercenary reporting in on the platform had to shout at
the top of his lungs.

Emperor Cheng Kong was furious and was ready to unleash the
martial arts he’d been training in for years on the Mercenary. But
Long Zaitian quickly pulled the orange prince over: “Your highness,
your highness, calm down. Please listen to me.”

“No, that punk deserves a beating!” The benevolent,

generous and modest Emperor Cheng Kong ignored his grand
general’s advice. He pointed at the guy and shouted: “You! Come
here! Get over here! I’ll use just one hand! My fucking god I’ll
knock the snot out of you!”

The guy was no legitimate soldier. He was just a mercenary,

serving Mystery for money. He kept his head down and counted his
fingers, pretending that he didn’t hear the orange prince.

“Wow, you pretending with me, huh?! I won’t hit you. I’ll
smash you to death! Don’t give me a tomato, it doesn’t feel
right! Where’s my orange?”

“Your highness, your highness, your highness! Calm down!

You must calm down!”

The mercenary angered the orange prince even further, but Long
Zaitian was patting him on his back to calm him down.

“What is the point of fussing over it with a mere servant? I
266 Report
have something to tell you.”

The orange prince huffed and puffed. Long Zaitian had calmed him
down a little, but he was still daggering the mercenary.

“My fucking god. If Minister Long wasn’t standing up for

you, I’d… hmph. Minister Long, please speak.”

“Your highness, these insignificant nobodies are not vital

to the plan. These fodder in the pugilistic world cannot
compare to our elite warriors.”

The orange prince nodded after he heard what Long Zaitian had to
say like “Oooohhh, you’re right”.

Fu Xiang frowned at what he heard. He was different to these

mercenaries. He wanted to rely on the imperial court and the orange
prince in the future. Long Zaitian makes too many caustic remarks.
Everything he says is a sneak attack that undermines Mystery’s
competence. Fu Xiang tried to come up with a plan in his mind and
find an opportunity to show off. As he tried to craft his plan, the
unjust feeling caused by Long Zaitian’s remarks grew inside him.

Based on Mystery’s status in the pugilistic world and Fu Xiang’s

personal competence, he benefited in every way when he got on the
orange prince’s good side at the start. He was the one that then
came up with the majority of this plan to help the orange prince
ascend the throne. An insignificant Long Zaitian was no match for
him. However, the scoundrel had him on his back-foot the entire
time. He virtually lost his position as the orange prince’s strategist
with just a few words from Long Zaitian. He used tricks used in small
sects, which were distinguishably tricks in the pugilistic world and
tricks in the imperial court. Chances are he was going to cop a lot
with the stigma of someone from the pugilistic world before he
enters the imperial court. He couldn’t help but worry to himself.

“Your highness, what’s important is that skilled fighter
267 Report
hiding at the imperial kitchen.” Long Zaitian then slowed his
speech down: “Due to our secretive way of operating, we have
all the capable fighters in the imperial palace gathered here.
And I personally took care of them. You are well aware of
this, aren’t you, your highness? This is just a minor of
accomplishment of mine, right?”

The orange prince nodded: “Yes, yes. Of course it is.”

“Right, right, right, so let’s not mention it anymore. I do

not covet merit, so let us forget this accomplishment of mine.
Let’s forget it. Let’s forget it.”

“Hey, don’t be so modest, Minister Long!”

Fu Xiang’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground when he heard what

Long Zaitian said. He thought to himself: “I’ve never seen
someone so shameless!”

“What I want to say is, we have already brought all of the

skilled fighters inside the imperial palace under control. I am
afraid that the situation might change if we missed one. We
really cannot predict what these people from the pugilistic
world will do, so we should bring that place under control.”

“What mysterious skilled fighter is the imperial kitchen

hiding?” The orange prince scoffed, “I grew up in the palace. Do
you think I don’t know about the imperial kitchen? They can
wash dishes and utensils, but they’re too weak to even pick
up blades.”

“There may be a hermit hiding there. Your highness, we

cannot be careless.”

“That’s…… You’re right. What do you suggest we do in your


“I am a martial artist, so naturally……”
268 Report
Fu Xiang suddenly stepped up, bowed with his hands and
exclaimed: “Your highness, this old… I am willing to head over
and capture said person. I shall lay the foundation of your
new rule with his head!”

The orange prince wore a happy expression and replied: “Oh? Fu

Xiang, you……”

“You are a very dedicated man, Teacher Fu.” Long Zaitian

finished off with a serious expression: “I also know that this was a
problem you started. Your subordinates are incompetent,
and couldn’t beat him. That would make you look bad, would
it not? But how can we let someone take on a job that the
fate of the nation is riding on when he just wants to chase a
personal vendetta?”


Fu Xiang was enraged: Long Zaitian! I’m going to cut you to pieces
sooner or later!

Before the orange prince could finish, Long Zaitian added: “We
need to send some efficient and strong elites. Unfortunately,
we have no such men.”

Hearing “strong elites”, the orange prince suddenly realised:

“What do you mean we don’t? Aren’t the imperial guards
under me elites?”

Long Zaitian clapped his hands and exclaimed: “Perfect! You can
drive out the invaders with the imperial guards! You most
certainly have the aura of an emperor!”

As soon as the orange prince heard that it was a good plan, he

called for men. He sent half of the imperial guards watching over the
warriors to go and deal with that mysterious skilled fighter.

Having successfully won the orange prince’s trust, Long Zaitian
269 Report
daggered Fu Xiang arrogantly.

Fu Xiang and Long Zaitian glared at each other. Fu Xiang was

worried to death. His concern was hard to describe. This wasn’t his
one-and-only accomplishment. The majority of the plan was his hard
work as well. Fu Xiang even went to great lengths to get rid of Night
Fortress’s master, but the orange prince didn’t know. The orange
prince had never heard of Night Fortress or whatever, and of course,
he was even more oblivious to all the difficulties that he faced.

Just as the orange prince was gleefully pleased with himself, he

heard a voice like a bell that was blown by the wind. It was a clear-
cold-jade-like voice belonging to a female.

“An emperor’s aura? Heh, what a joke. You would capture

even your father for the throne.” It was Shen Yiren who was
sitting on the ground sluggishly. She stared at the orange prince
coldly and the corner of her mouth curved up into a cold smile:
“You’re not even worthy of being a human being. Emperor’s
aura, my foot.”

The ministers and royal family members were shocked to hear her
say that. Her words hit the orange prince right where it hurt him. He
clenched his teeth and walked over. He slapped her right across her
beautiful snow-white face, leaving a red mark.

“Bitch! Take that back or I’ll rip your tongue out regardless
of what your rank may be!” The orange prince grabbed her hair
and continued, “Say it! Take it back! Say that you, Shen Yiren
will serve me from now on.”

Shen Yiren’s powerless body dropped to the ground. She’s only as

tall as an ordinary girl. Her back was straight and her chest was
perky while her legs were slender and long. When her body hit the
floor, her round white pearls that were soft as tofu popped out of the
top of her shirt. Even her backside was indescribably breath-taking.
270 Report
She frowned from the pain, and pulled her beautiful eyebrows
together like a wild fox.

A burning sensation started in Fu Xiang’s pants when he saw the

alluring sight. His sexual desires surged up: How can I let Long
Zaitian have this alluring woman?

The orange prince shouted as he grabbed her hair: “Say it!”

Shen Yiren’s hair became messy. Her voice sounded like rainfall
behind her black hair carried a calm voice that would make one’s
heart cold.

“…… Take your hand off me.” Her voice was blocked out by her
long hair, so it was muffled. However, there was an unconcealed
murderous intent in her voice: “….. Remove your hand if you
don’t want your mother to lose a son.”

The orange prince never expected her to not lose a single hint of
her pride in this situation, therefore angering him exponentially. He
only heard Fu Xiang suddenly speak out from his side: “Your
highness, this woman fails to appreciate kindness. She
deserves to die for going against you, your highness.”

“I can’t kill her. She is the descendant of an official who

rendered outstanding service and holds a high rank.” The
orange prince still had his rationality intact. He knew what he should
and shouldn’t do, “We have not killed officials of this rank
before in our dynasty’s history.”

But that was Fu Xiang’s plan. His plan was to use retreat as a
means to advance. As soon as Long Zaitian noticed Fu Xiang’s
expression that looked like he was smiling and yet not, he knew the
situation was dire. However, he was too late to stop him.

“I see. However, we cannot forgive her after she angered

you, your highness.” Fu Xiang smiled and continued: “There is
271 Report
nothing outstanding about this woman, but she is a true
beauty without a shadow of doubt. Therefore, I suggest…
how about making her a courtesan so that she learns the
manners needed to serve men. That would be a good way to
curb her wild nature too!”

The orange prince thought it was reasonable. He therefore

revealed an indifferent grin and nodded: “Let’s do that then!”

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272 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 31
Sorrows Hidden In The Snow, Fu Xiang’s Concerns

“Traitor! You Dare?!” The speaker was Song Ou who had woken
up and got thrown into the group with the dukes and whatnot and
ministers. Brother Bastard had been awake for a long time. Seeing
his fiancée in a pinch, he naturally got angry: “Your highness, you
are a noble prince of royal lineage. Why would you listen to
the nonsense of these barbarians from the pugilistic world?”
After Long Zaitian separated the boundary between people from the
pugilistic world and the imperial court’s warriors, Fu Xiang was most
worried about this. He was angry but he kept it inside and didn’t
show it on his face. He chuckled coldly and said: “I was wondering
who it was. Turns out it’s the Song family’s eldest son. Your
highness, Young Master Song here comes from one of the
seven white champion princes’ families. He is very trusted by
Emperor Yuan Sheng, so I do not think he will help us.”

The purpose behind his words was to remove his position from the
orange prince’s mind.

In reality, Fu Xiang didn’t have to go out of his way to say that

since the orange prince had always looked down on Song Ou.

Song Ou and the orange prince do share somewhat similar

backgrounds. They both come from families of high-standing which
affected their fate. The difference between them was that the orange
prince possessed an ambition and talents on par with his
background, while Song Ou was just a good-for-nothing.

The orange prince’s experiences allowed him to understand that

while Song Ou was the eldest son of the Song family, he was just an
abandoned pawn as well. Even if he did need to garner the support of
the Song family once his rule was established, Song Ou was still
273 Report
unneeded. Given the orange prince’s status, there was no need for
him to ingratiate himself with Song Ou. That would only be lowering
himself. If the Song family knew how to behave, they would send
someone important to congratulate him. That’s how an emperor was
meant to communicate with the seven champion white princes. A
strategy like ingratiating yourself with someone to form connections
was something only people of the pugilistic world like Fu Xiang would
think of. It’s natural for him to think that in fact. He overlooked the
fact that if the orange prince were to ascend the throne, then he
would be the emperor. There’s no emperor who would call on his
ministers and ask to shake their hands. Having been in the pugilistic
world for so long, there was no way Fu Xiang could comprehend the
orange prince’s thinking. So what Fu Xiang said was just unnecessary

Not getting any response from the orange prince, Song Ou started
to panic: If Yiren were to become a courtesan, I would be too
disgraced to show my face again! I won’t be able to face anyone in
Jiang Nan’s martial world even if I am from the Song family!

“Your highness, we can negotiate as long as you spare

Yiren. I do not need anything. I just wish for Yiren to be

Fu Xiang laughed and said: “You think you can get his
highness to change his mind with a word from you?” His tone
sounded bland, but his deep desires virtually seeped into his tone. It
was like you could detect him saying “make her a courtesan!
Courtesan! Courtesan!”.

“It does not matter what it is! As long as my Song family

can meet your demand, you just have to say the word.”

“You?” The orange prince sneered and responded: “What can

you provide me? Even your fiancée that you have yet to
marry can push you around. I don’t think the Song family
would even be willing to pay twenty taels to rescue you if I
274 Report
were to butcher you. Negotiate with you? What are we going
to discuss, how to be a slave to your wife? Get lost!”

After he finished speaking, he kicked Song Ou aside. Though Song

Ou wasn’t poisoned by Thorn-tears, Fu Xiang personally sealed his
meridians so he had no way of using any of his internal strength. As a
matter of fact, he was worse off than Shen Yiren and everyone else.
He almost passed out from the kick to his temple he received from
the orange prince. He lay there on the ground without enough energy
to even turn around.

“If I’m coming to discuss something, I’m going to discuss it

with someone important.” The orange prince let go of Shen
Yiren’s hair. Shen Yiren’s hair fell down like clouds parting, which
gave off an eloquent aura.

The orange prince bluntly said: “Shen Yiren, don’t be

impervious to an obvious situation. After I ascend the throne,
you will still be Liu Shan Men’s vice-captain.”

The orange prince didn’t actually consider making Shen Yiren be a

courtesan. He was just enraged and in the moment. He needs many
helpers once he ascends. The three offices are integral parts of the
warrior-system that has existed for a hundred years. It’s a deep-
rooted tradition that can’t be meddled with without careful
deliberation. The orange prince can delegate different individuals,
but he can’t get rid of them entirely.

The Shen family has been officials for generations. They are the
descendants of Liu Shan Men’s patriarch, Flying Fish. They have
always been the captain of Liu Shan Men. Though Shen Yiren’s father
wasn’t as talented as Yan Shisan, he was still an established figure in
the imperial court. The potential of those who remember the favour
are not to be underestimated, even if they only remember ten-

Furthermore, though there are few members at Liu Shan Men’s
275 Report
office in the capital, if all of their constables spread out around the
land were to come together, they would give their opponent a real
headache. Forcing Liu Shan Men to revolt for a moment of joy
wouldn’t be to their benefit. The orange prince is good with war-
strategies, so after careful deliberation, he came to grips with the
pros and cons.

But it was hard for him to back down now because he said all that.
As such, he now had to think of a way to back down without looking
bad now.

“You sure?” Shen Yiren wrestled with the pain she felt and slowly
sat up. She looked at the orange prince with a sharp glare and an
aura of justice came up to her eyebrows: “If I am the captain of
Liu Shan Men, the first thing I do will be to arrest you traitors
and bring you before his highness.”

With such decisive words, the deal was sealed. There was no
turning back now. The orange prince was enraged by what he heard
while Fu Xiang was gleeful.

He looked at Long Zaitian vengefully and then back at Shen Yiren’s

beauty. His original plan was to steal Shen Yiren away for himself
once she became a courtesan. Hearing Shen Yiren butt-heads like
that with the orange prince, he believed ninety-percent of the plan
was successful.

Long Zaitian suddenly coughed and said: “Your highness, I have

something to say.”

When the orange prince saw how Long Zaitian wanted to speak, he
suddenly recalled that he already gifted Shen Yiren to him.

Fu Xiang knew he wanted to speak so he took initiative to strike

pre-emptively: “General Long, I hope you are not going to ask
his highness to spare Shen Yiren. His highness cannot go
back on his words so easily.” This is called “learn and apply”.
276 Report
Now shut the hell up.

Long Zaitian however, ignored him and laughed. He pointed to the

dark sky and said: “Your highness, look. Look at the signs the
heavens have sent. It is snowing so heavily and the sky is
cloudless. What does that make you think of, your

The orange prince’s attention got taken in by him thereby

forgetting the rude things Shen Yiren said.

“What about it? Isn’t it just snow?”

When it comes down to it, it’s my grand general that respects me.
The orange prince forced himself to suppress his anger and he asked
Long Zaitian: “Minister Long, what are you trying to say about
this snow?”

“The meaning is noteworthy.” Long Zaitian revealed a

mysterious smile, “Today is the day you achieve your ambition
and the heavens chose today to snow, creating a cloudless
sky. Have you realised something, your highness? It is sign of
change the heavens have sent to respond to you, your

“Oh? Hehehe, I’m not that lucky, hahaha. Man, changes in

the weather are normal. It’s no big deal. It’s just a
coincidence.” He was modest for a couple of sentences, but then he
was somewhat perturbed, so he asked: “Minister Long, would you

“Of course it is not a coincidence. Think about it, your

highness. What day is it today?”

“What day?”

“It is three days before winter starts. Winter has yet to

come so logically speaking, how would there be snow today?
277 Report
The heavens made it snow before the date which makes it a
good omen!”

“Oh? Ahahaha. You’re right. You’re right! It certainly is a

good omen!”

The two of them exchanged glances and then laughed loudly which
led to Fu Xiang face-palming himself: God, these two retards……

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278 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 32

The orange prince was led by the nose by Long Zaitian, forgetting
everything. Fu Xiang however hadn’t given up on his plan to defile
Shen Yiren.

Fu Xiang used voice-transmission, only letting Shen Yiren alone

hear him: “Beauty Shen, you’re flustered and panicked now
after hearing you would have to be a courtesan, right? As
long as you plead me, I can take you in as a mistress. It’s
better than being toyed with by those old men.”

Shen Yiren just looked at him like something filthy and sighed:
“With your skills and intellect, and your status as an A-level
figure in the pugilistic world, you were stuck being an
assassin in the League of Assassins. Mystery was always a
legend in the underground. With your skills, you would’ve
stood at the pinnacle. But among Kuang Tian, Fu Xiang, Yu
Ye and Zhong Ning, you’re only ranked second. I initially
wondered why someone like you would stoop this low, but
now it’s just laughable. It’s far too obvious why.”

“What did you say?”

It was as though Shen Yiren could see through him. She swept her
beautiful eyes over him causing him to feel a desire to back down.
Shen Yiren bluntly replied: “You learnt your martial arts from a
reputable teacher and I believe you surpassed your own teacher. You
practice qigong frequently to maintain your young appearance, but
you can’t hide the wrinkles at the corner of your eyes. You can’t
reach your level in your style without decades of practice. It’s not
that you’re not willing to work hard, but because you’re a chicken
which is why you didn’t dare to set foot into the pugilistic world at a
279 Report
tender age.

You wanted to ensure everything was ready. You wanted to train

until you were invincible before setting foot into the pugilistic world.
However, you still couldn’t establish yourself as a prominent figure in
the martial world, and was left with no choice but to join the League
of Assassins and work as an assassin. Your plans are perfect, but you
lack the guts. This shows that you don’t dare to go all the way with
things you do. It’s rare to see people in the pugilistic world with such
skills yet be such a pussy at the same time.”

“Enough, you bitch!”

Having been seen through, he violently exclaimed: “Still prideful,

huh?! I’m afraid you won’t be able be to handle all the tricks
the old fools come up with when you become a courtesan! I’ll
make Song Ou watch me pop your cherry and beg me for
it…… No, seeing you and your boy-toy Ming Feizhen flirting
with each other like that, I don’t think there’s any point in
having Song Ou watch. When I fuck you, I’ll take you to Jiang
Nan to fuck you! I’ll let your lover watch you please me in his
old home.”

Shen Yiren’s gaze was still ice-cold as ever. She was indifferent to
what he said, but when she heard the three words “Ming Feizhen”,
she was infuriated. She didn’t know what he meant by Jiang Nan and
all, but she clenched her teeth and then shouted: “Fu Xiang, you
bastard! You killed Ming Feizhen! If I, Shen Yiren don’t
avenge his death, I’ll have been called ‘boss’ for nothing!!”

One could not help but be shocked at how she was had such strong
killing intent even when she didn’t have an ounce of strength in her

Fu Xiang wasn’t scared of her. He chuckled coldly and asked: “And

you still won’t admit to having an affair with him? You think
you’re convincing when you react like that?”
280 Report
Fu Xiang spoke to her using voice-transmission so he didn’t make
any sound. However, others could hear Shen Yiren shout. The orange
prince therefore turned his attention toward her. That was Fu Xiang’s
true goal. He wanted to provoke the orange prince to get him to
return to this topic.

The orange prince frowned and said: “What are you shouting
about?! What boss? If you knew who the boss was, you
wouldn’t be in your current predicament.”

“I only know that I am to be loyal to my post.” Shen Yiren

stopped talking to Fu Xiang as well. She turned her attention to the
orange prince and said: “Her majesty has done me favours and
you’re her son, so I never wanted to go against you, but your
mistake is too big.”

The orange prince couldn’t believe her. He looked at the stubborn

girl: “Aren’t you afraid I’ll make you a courtesan?”

“If you want to torment me, try it. Do I look like the type to
just take a beating without hitting back? Li Chengzhi, name
one occasion you beat me in a fight since we were kids.”

Shen Yiren entered the palace and played with the princes and
princess ever since she was young. She was their playmate. It was
obvious who won once you saw the orange prince’s pale face. Back
then, Shen Yiren entered the palace to accompany the princess. The
orange prince put on airs and wanted to bully his sister, but ate little
Shen Yiren’s fists right away.

Shen Yiren was trained by her family and then learnt from Yan
Shisan as well. The orange prince was no match for her when she
was around eight or nine. Once Shen Yiren grew older and taller, her
skills improved as well. At twelve to thirteen, Shen Yiren always beat
him to pulp when he was around eighteen or nineteen causing him to
cry mommy and she didn’t let him go until he called her “elder
sister Yiren”.
281 Report
The orange prince went red in the face when that embarrassing
past of his got dug out. It was like he had returned to the past.

Shen Yiren sighed and said: “I never thought that you and I
would drift apart after we grew up. You loved and respected
your mother since you were a kid. Since when did you start
treating women like this? I never wanted to mend my
relationship with you, but never imagined this day would
come. I never imagined we’d be in this situation.”

The orange prince’s face and ears were red. He found it hard to
utter: “You make it sound nice and all, but what did you say
when you beat me up back then?”

“Chengzhi, that was just us playing around.”

The orange prince truly felt he wronged her when she changed the
way she addressed him. He felt a little warmth in his chest. Just when
he was about to steel his heart, his heart was swayed a little.

But then he heard Shen Yiren say: “However, from today

onwards, I am a soldier, and you a brigand. That is all. As
soon as I escape, I’ll definitely arrest you.”

“You! You! You!!”

The orange prince’s face went white as a sheet. He cried out like
an angry doll: “You don’t appreciate favours! You don’t
appreciate favours! Alright, alright, alright! You asked for it. I
think you’d look quite pretty as a mute. I can let you
ministers play with her! You don’t have to thank me!”

Fu Xiang was joyous with what he heard. That was exactly what he
wanted. He looked at the great beauty whose curves didn’t look like
they could be contained by her clothes. He looked at her slender
waist hidden and huge-soft knockers. Any man who saw her would go
crazy for her. Who could resist such seduction?
282 Report
But then when he looked at the officials and co. there was nothing
but an awkward atmosphere with them. Fu Xiang was surprised.
What’s wrong with those old fools? Are they so old they can’t
appreciate a beauty anymore?

If Fu Xiang were to look more closely, he would see that other than
the awkwardness, their anger was in their eyes.

Shen Yiren is the youngest person to have set foot into the imperial
court. She started working at Liu Shan Men before she was thirteen
and continued working there until today.

When her father passed away back then, as a young girl, she said
to Yan Shisan: I want to become an official. I want to be a high-
ranked official at Liu Shan Men.

Yan Shisan laughed: Lass, you sure could beat boys.

And he really did make her a fifth-ranked official.

Summer or winter, she wore a uniform that didn’t fit her and

wobbled her way before the emperor like she would trip if she wasn’t
careful. The officials all remember her cute and serious look as she
tried not to make mistakes when she spoke. It was just like it
happened yesterday. That young-determined girl got Liu Shan Men to
stand on its legs alone. Her face showed her bitterness and
determination. Anyone with a conscience wouldn’t want to add
another burden onto her tender shoulders and make her suffer any

Most of the academic officials who came into the imperial court
were very old. Fifty years old would be considered young for them.
Shen Yiren could be their granddaughter at their age.

Why has Shen Yiren been able to stand tall without being taken
down all these years?

That’s because besides the emperor, the members of the royal
283 Report
family and the major ministers all doted on her like she was their

From their perspective, the orange prince’s revolt was a family

matter. As ministers, ignoring him and looking at him coldly was
called loyalty. Not speaking out against him was called a wise man
keeps himself safe from harm.

But you want to make my granddaughter a courtesan?

Every single of the officials, regardless of departments were

fuming. They had to get it out of their system. They got up and
furiously shouted: “Go fuck yourself!”

He was one of the elders of the imperial court. He served as prime

minister since the orange prince’s grandpa’s time. He was known for
being a political-goof who was invincible at avoiding trouble. He was
happy just to get by without trouble.

So if he were to start, all those who could be considered his

students let loose. The ministers who had kept silent the entire time
suddenly exploded.

“I am from the department of rituals. I shall put these

traitors in their place!”

“Piss off! Your mum can go be a courtesan! Whoever goes

to see her is a thirsty boy-toy! I am the head of the labour
department. I’d like to see who dares touch Vice-Captain

“Yiren, beat him up! I want to see how an orange prince is

going to oppose the heavens!”

The old Prime Minister Li Si’s students helped him up as he shook.

He pulled up his sleeve, pointed right at the orange prince’s face and
cursed: “I’ve put up with you for a long time! Bring it on if
you’re so tough. I’ll one on one you!”
284 Report
He sounded as impressive as the emperor rewarding the three
armies on a ceremonial day. The academic officials who were getting
on with age ignored the weapons next to them, jumped up, shouted
and cried as they rushed over without a care.

These officials were important for the orange prince. The orange
prince gave orders not to hurt them. They don’t know martial arts so
they weren’t affected by the wine with Thorn-Tears. They were only
controlled by the mercenaries. They weren’t bound either since they
weren’t afraid of these officials doing anything.

But he never expected that to be his Achilles!

More than thirty-percent of the fiery group that rushed over were
old men with white hair. They would probably crumble if you touched
them. After receiving orders from the orange prince, they didn’t dare
to stop them. They supported each other and rushed over. Forget
blades cutting into them, just tripping would reduce them to ashes.

And so the mercenaries backed away leaving an open path so they

got to charge at the orange prince as though it was no-man’s land.

The orange prince started to panic. His fighting spirit was only just
slightly more intense than old Prime Minister Li. He wasn’t a match
for the combined might of the other officials who were tougher. With
all of them charging at him at once, the orange prince was like an
island surrounded by water.

The orange prince retreated a number of steps. Flustered, he

shouted: “Guards! Guards! Assassins are after Emperor Cheng
Kong! Guards!!”

But since everyone was so far away, nobody could make it.

Long Zaitian was closest. He was doing circles with his wrists as he
prepared to go to the orange prince’s aid. However then when he
looked closer, shit!
285 Report
The leader of the pack was the current prime minister. Among
them were Minister Wu Ying, Minister Wen Hua, and Grand Academic
Minister Ji Quan. One of them was Long Zaitian’s father’s teacher.
They were all elders!

Not even the grand commander of the Qilin Guards would dare
touch them if he was here let alone me.

So he relaxed his fist and stood properly, allowing the elders

passage. He indicated his stance: This is your issue with Emperor
Cheng Kong. I have no right to interfere.

The orange prince was stuck in the middle between the major
ministers. As soon as they struck at him, the orange prince
immediately got drowned by their sheer numbers.

Fu Xiang immediately rushed over. However, as he slipped on his

focus, a gust of wind blew at his ear. The qi from a sharp sword
slipped past his neck and he felt the pain of a slit. Fu Xiang reacted
with shock: Enemy attack!

Luckily for him, he was skilled, thereby allowing him to move his
head out of the way so he put a distance of three feet between him
and the assailant. However, his opponent was truly too swift like they
were going to pierce through his skull. Fu Xiang expended much
effort to evade, but there was still a shocking wound on his neck.

Fu Xiang turned his head to look and was surprised to discover who
his assailant was!!

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286 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 33
I Was Always Loyal. Dragon In The Sky

A string of blood flew off from Fu Xiang’s neck and landed on the

ground like rainfall while Fu Xiang landed back on the ground from
the air like countless grapes falling. Drops of dark-red blood trickled
onto the ground like raindrops which was not only pleasing to the ear
but also dyed the ground red. Fu Xiang thought of a number of
different people who might have attacked him in the split moment.
He even considered his own men who he thought might have turned
on him, He even considered that his own men might have turned on
him or that a violent riot had erupted. Never did he imagine that it
was her!

Shen Yiren who was supposed to be immobilised by Thorn-Tears

was as imposing as a sword and her sword was sharper than a
normal sword which indicated that her internal energy was normal.
Her hair was sprawled messily like a female-demon. A flash of blue
awn appeared on the tip of her white-slender finger which didn’t take
on a fixed shape, curving and being dexterous like a lively-slippery

Fu Xiang thought to himself: It’s sword-awn! She’s so young and

yet she’s managed to master sword-awn!

His feet didn’t slow down as he thought to himself. He continued to

retreat. The wound on the side of his neck was a big one. One slip up
and he could die. While the strike didn’t take his life, he was bleeding
heavily. Moulding energy would put him at risk of severe injury. If he
didn’t stop the bleeding now, consequences would follow him in
future. Fu Xiang didn’t have time to counterattack so he
subconsciously tried to seal his meridians to stop the bleeding.

However, his young opponent didn’t give him the chance to. The
287 Report
sword techniques Shen Yiren unleashed with her finger kept on
varying. The most severe wound Fu Xiang had was the one on the
side of his neck. She didn’t go after his neck though, instead striking
left and right, high and low, but all her thrusts were aimed at his
limbs, giving him no time to seal his meridian and heal himself. If Fu
Xiang were to seal his meridian to stop the bleeding, he would take a
lot of other injuries from Shen Yiren’s onslaught of attacks.

In just a moment of hesitation, he felt the left side of his chest

become wet. His blood had dyed his shirt red. The areas around his
neck had turned numb. He had lost all feeling there which was a
clear sign he was slowly headed towards danger. If he were to let this
continue, his fighting power would be greatly diminished.

Fu Xiang was without question the strongest in the flying fish

pavilion, yet Long Zaitian kept putting him in check and now Shen
Yiren was able to bind his hands and legs. Given those experiences,
how could he not be mad? Shen Yiren’s cold words resurfaced in his
mind: Your plans are perfect, but you lack the guts. This shows that
you don’t dare to go all the way with things you do. It’s rare to see
people in the pugilistic world with such skills yet be such a pussy at
the same time.

Fu Xiang was furious. He roared like a wounded animal, ignoring

the wound he had on his neck. He moved his arm and unleashed a Fu
Xiang Divine Palms strike aimed at Shen Yiren. As a result, his nerves
went into overdrive causing a large volume of blood to spew out.

He never expected to see a smile on Shen Yiren’s beautiful face.

The beautiful physique that chased him down had now stopped
giving chase. She went up on tippy-toes, turned and she moved
positions, moving a number of inches along with the gust of wind
from the palm strike. She stretched her snow-white arm out and
picked up a sword from the table. She took another step and then
used the force behind Fu Xiang’s palm strike to land like a leaf
landing on water. She glided toward the ring under the control of the
288 Report
gust of wind like a swallow in spring.

Fu Xiang realised he fell for her plan! Shen Yiren left and didn’t
come back.

As soon as Shen Yiren landed in the ring, the blue mountain she
held in her hand was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Her usage
of the sword-awn technique where she uses her fingers as a sword is
so formidable witnesses can’t help but be shocked. Thus, needless to
say, it was much more incredible when she executed it with a real
sword. Those watching over the warriors on the ring were no match
for her.

She managed to subdue the imperial guards in just a few moves

and then cut the ropes binding the warriors of the imperial court. The
warriors who were competing today outside of the Black Winds
Thirteen Wings didn’t drink Thorn-Tears. They were just tied up with
leather ropes and couldn’t break free. However, they managed to
break free after Shen Yiren came to their rescue with sword-awn.

Fu Xiang poured his energy in to his finger making it like the wind
and sealed his meridian before quickly leaping over to the rings.

Wherever Shen Yiren’s blade went, a warrior was released, causing

countless changes at the battlefield in the flying fish pavilion.

On the imperial platform, the orange prince was getting beaten up

by old ministers. They beat him without mercy and their morale rose
as they hit him while cursing him. The orange prince was like a
water-ladle floating on top of the water getting pressed down into the
water and then coming back up over and over. His face was soon
bruised. He called out loudly: “Minister Long, save me! Save

However, Long Zaitian’s attention was fixed on Shen Yiren’s side.

After seeing Shen Yiren land in the ring and begin to release warriors,
his job here was done too. He shouted in the orange prince’s
289 Report
direction: “Coming!”

Long Zaitian moved agilely. He somersaulted through the air and

over the heads of the group of ministers. With his monkey-grip, he
grabbed the orange prince and pulled him up, saving the orange
prince from the sea of people.

All of the ministers were enraged. They shouted at Long Zaitian

stuff like “You traitor, watch me take you on one-on-one.”

Long Zaitian wore a sneer on his face and then did something
nobody ever expected. Right before he landed on the ground, he
spun around and tossed the orange prince. The orange prince finally
escaped from the sea of pain only to get tossed flying away by Long
Zaitian before he could give his thanks. Long Zaitian clasped his fist
with his other hand to bow. He smiled and said: “I dare not ask for
your thanks.”

The orange prince was stunned. He furiously thundered at Long

Zaitian: “You minion! What are you doing?!”

Long Zaitian shouted. He then grabbed the collar on the back of

the orange prince’s shirt and slammed him onto a seat. The seat
broke due to the impact while the orange prince cried out in pain.

“What the hell are you crying about?!” Long Zaitian then
grabbed the front of the orange prince’s shirt, drew his arm back like
pulling a bow-string back and then slapped the orange prince over
and over across his face as he thundered: “You retarded Emperor
Cheng Kong! You dare hit my goddess! This is what you get
for hitting her! This is what you get for hitting her!”

Long Zaitian slapped him four times consecutively. It hurt the

orange prince so much he nearly cried “not even my mother has
hit me like this before”. Both sides of his face quickly swelled up.

As soon as he finished his four slaps, Long Zaitian felt a strong gust
290 Report
of wind attack him. The wind carried with it multiple different
weapons, which meant that the Black Winds Thirteen Wings were
coming to the orange prince’s rescue.

The very mention of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings could shake
the martial world so they were not someone you would want to
provoke. Long Zaitian wasn’t delusional to the point he’d think he
could beat so many of them. He knew he was in a pinch so he
decisively tossed the orange prince off the platform. And as
expected, they went to rescue the orange prince before he fell to his
death like Xiang Batian.

The orange prince’s face was bruised from the beating the
ministers dished out on him, and then Long Zaitian slapped him, so
his entire face was swollen. Chances are, not even his mother, the
empress could recognise him anymore at this point. He panted as he
pointed at Long Zaitian: “Long Zaitian! You committed treason.
You… you must be sick of living!!”

“Kiss my ass.” Long Zaitian retorted with disdain: “You’re the

one that underestimated our three offices. Miss Shen said it
well, I’m a soldier, you’re a brigand. How did I commit

“Heh! Has your brain malfunctioned?!” The orange prince

seemed to find Long Zaitian’s jeering funny. He loudly exclaimed:
“You already surrendered your loyalty to me, so how are you
betraying me? I can remind you if you don’t have a brain! You
accepted my bribes so there’s evidence against you. You
conversed happily with me on the imperial platform today
which everybody can be witness to. You’ve already been
labelled as my henchman. Careful you don’t end up like Xiang
Batian trying to play to three sides!”

Long Zaitian waved his hand like he didn’t care: “Xiang Batian
was fickle so how am I the same? I’ve only been loyal to one
person from beginning to end, so what do you mean I’m
291 Report
playing to three sides?”

“You think the Qilin Guards will still accept a traitor like
you? You’re the one who drugged everyone with Thorn-Tears.
Everyone saw you protecting me. You think you can wipe the
slate clean with a few words?”

“That’s why I’m saying you’re stupid. I did drug them, but
why is Miss Shen fine?”

The orange prince looked at Shen Yiren who was gliding across the
ring suavely. She certainly was fine. The sight caused the orange
prince’s heart to freeze up.

“My men have always been watching you. How… when did
you team up with Shen Yiren?!”

Long Zaitian didn’t give an immediate answer. Instead he chuckled

coldly and said: “And you claim yourself to be skilled at collecting
intel. You watched me for twelve hours each day. You sent me a
group of divas, and sent a stash of gold, money, pearls and treasures
to my house leaving me with no choice but to accept them as a
means to prevent me from betraying you. But why didn’t it occur to
you that I hadn’t been home for months after you sent me the

“You… you son of a……”

Long Zaitian shook his head and sighed: “If it weren’t for
Mystery being so powerful, you wouldn’t even have the right
to mention a revolt.”

He didn’t wait for the others around to react once he finished. He

copied Shen Yiren and leapt toward the closest ring. His qinggong
skills are inferior to Shen Yiren and he didn’t have the gust of wind of
Fu Xiang’s palm strike to ride. Thus, he got exhausted half-way and
had to somersault to land on the ground instead of trying to leap
292 Report
further. Upon landing, he then ran up the ring.

There were only a few members from the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings on the imperial platform. Seeing Long Zaitian betray them, the
other members went at him in full force.

The members of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings ran over from all
directions wanting to smash his head in. Long Zaitian fought them off
as he ran, continuously striking. Their battle was powerfully imposing
like a tiger fighting off eagles swooping in at it. He then noticed an
opportunity and jumped onto the steps of another ring.

One of the members of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings shouted:

“You want to find a helper from the rings? You’re

Just as Long Zaitian was about to climb the ring, two gusts of wind
blew toward him which meant that two were coming for him.
Attacking from above always gives one the positional and physical
advantage over the one below. Long Zaitian couldn’t evade in time
so he was forced to block.

However, despite seeing the two of them, Long Zaitian didn’t

block, allowing the two of them to grab his shoulder bone with their
Metal Rock-Splitting Claws, hurting him so much cold sweat appeared
on his forehead and trickled down. They never expected it to be so
easy either. Just as they were about to rip his arms off, they felt a
strong force control their necks from behind.

Long Zaitian leveraged his tall stature. When the two of them
jumped him, he grabbed the back of their necks at the same time
and then bashed their heads against each other. After a loud crack
sound, the two of them were seeing stars. The others were surprised
to see Long Zaitian put the two’s lights out before succumbing to his
injuries, causing them to freeze up.

Long Zaitian clenched his teeth, whipped his hands and then gave
293 Report
it his all to muster everything he had and punched the two of them
with his two fists like a massive wave crashing into the shore. His
punches cracked their bones which could be clearly heard, indicating
he put everything he had into his punches.

Long Zaitian’s face looked like he got his head dunked in water as
flames of fury surfaced into his eyes.

“Three of my brothers died to your eagle claw technique,

and it was you It was you two sons of bitches that killed

The two of them took three punches each, all of which were in
lethal places. Long Zaitian roared, opened his fists to the side and
smashed them into their backs, sending the two of them flying like
cannonballs. Their landing posture was one even a yoga master
would struggle to get into. Obviously, their bones were snapped and
their lights were out.

Long Zaitian had avenged his brothers and unleashed everything

he had in the moment because of his anger. He was exhausted now.
He quickly climbed to the top of the ring and ran toward Shen Yiren.
But as soon as he reached the top, what his eyes saw sent him into
another world of surprise.

He only saw Shen Yiren duking it out with Fu Xiang on one side.
There was only the two of them. There was no backup. Long Zaitian
remembered Shen Yiren had released a few people so why was there
no one else in sight? Upon careful inspection, his heart froze. Eight
corpses lay on the ground. When he saw their faces, he realised,
those were the warriors of the imperial court who were freed.


I read that my grammar has been getting messier and messier
294 Report
with every volume of this series. I know I had 3 chapters that had lots
of mistakes this volume, but I know what I did wrong there and have
made sure not to do it again. Putting aside the fact that the author
who lurks this place is happy with the translations (he speaks
English), it’s alarming to me considering I translated professionally
part-time for businesses for a year previously(2015), and the fact
that I spent time trying to improving my English by investing money
and time on English books. I’ve been building my vocabulary
repertoire and introducing more variety into sentence structuring
etc., but it sounds like it has made things worse somehow. I also
heard that my translations have deteriorated so we do have readers
who’ve read the raws and can compare. Raw readers who are cross-
checking my translations with the raws, please provide your critique
on translation quality for my sake. The author would be keen to know
too. I thought I was improving, but if all I’m doing is making things
worse, we got a real problem.

So I would really appreciate it if you could take a minute to let me

know below in disqus what I’m doing well, and what I can improve on.
To everyone already helping me out with corrections, thank you! I
want to ensure the highest quality possible, so don’t hesitate to point
things out. I can’t improve what you don’t tell me. Be specific.

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295 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 34

Fu Xiang chased after Shen Yiren right after she leapt over to the
ring. She had released just eight people when Fu Xiang blasted a
gust of wind from his palm strike toward her that forced her to evade.
However, four warriors who she had just released were murdered by
Fu Xiang’s brutal palm strike that was like lightning strike. Shen Yiren
went to save them but Fu Xiang moved and then unleashed a string
of palm strikes consecutively, killing another four.

Fu Xiang laughed: “You mocked me for not going all the way
and lacking guts, but look at you.”

He struck again three times consecutively while laughing. They

fought one-on-one, but Shen Yiren wasn’t a match for Fu Xiang in her
current condition. Shen Yiren attacked a few times, but Fu Xiang won
the upper hand after just a few moves from her.

He laughed and mocked her: “Vice-captain Shen, you had the

opportunity to release more people. All you had to do was kill
the imperial guards stopping you, but you instead took your
time bringing them under control. You also had the option of
releasing more people while I was busy killing these people,
but instead, you came here to try and rescue these people
who were doomed. You had far too many chances. You
messed up because you were being wishy-washy as a

“I’m different to you.” Shen Yiren looked at him with a firm gaze
and said: “These imperial guards revolted with the orange
prince so they’re criminals. I would’ve killed them without a
word if I ran into them in the pugilistic world. However, I’m
currently in the palace so I must follow the rules here. I
296 Report
would be violating the rules if I don’t have them
interrogated. Those you deemed ‘doomed’ were people I
personally released. They were brave warriors who had the
courage to put up a resistance when we’re in such a dire
situation. I wouldn’t be able to face their souls on the other
side if I didn’t rescue them. You on the other hand, have
lived for so long and yet you have no sense of morality or
care for bonds. I feel sorry for your parents.”

Her words were undisputedly full of justice. Fu Xiang had no

response for them.

Then a voice from behind called out: “I’m coming!”

Long Zaitian tumbled and crawled his way over after his fight. He
landed between Shen Yiren and Fu Xiang. As soon as he landed, he
immediately bounced over to Shen Yiren’s side. He smiled and said:
“Miss Shen, everything went according to our plan.”

He then wore a bitter smile and added: “It’s just that our
enemies turned out to be stronger than we expected so our
plan failed.”

“Plan? You two were always in contact?”

Fu Xiang looked at Long Zaitian and Shen Yiren who was panting
for air. He didn’t wait for Shen Yiren’s reply. Instead, he revealed a
weird smile and ridiculed her: “I see how it is. Poor Young
Master Song got knocked out by his highness for your sake
too. You sure are a philanderer, Miss Shen.”

“I’ll follow whoever I please. What’s it to you?”

“Of course, of course. I was just wondering if I’d be

fortunate enough to have the honour of joining you.”

Shen Yiren didn’t respond this time.
297 Report
Fu Xiang said that to see what Shen Yiren’s condition was like. He
knew that she hadn’t made a complete recovery when he heard her
shaky voice and saw her very pale face. Now that he was at ease, he
said: “So you were a spy, huh, Long Zaitian. No wonder why
you had his highness send half of the imperial guards away. I
told his highness you couldn’t be trusted and I was right.”

The prince was slowly running toward this direction from far away
accompanied by two guards. As he ran he embarrassingly spouted “I
knew it too. I knew it too! I was just giving him a chance to
wise up! I’m a very smart guy!”

The orange prince’s party’s true power was now bared for all to

Other than the highly-skilled Fu Xiang, the five members from the
Black Winds Thirteen Wings slowly got surrounded. Though half of
the imperial guards had been sent away, there were still hundreds of
imperial guards below the ring. Every prince is allowed to have one-
thousand five-hundred imperial guards under his control. The
prince’s imperial guards weren’t meant to be in the palace. They
managed to get in because Eunuch Nan opened the palace gates for
them. But nobody knew that.

It was Long Zaitian and Shen Yiren versus six highly-skilled fighters
and hundreds of imperial guards. Slice it as you like, they were

Long Zaitian scanned their surroundings. There were the two that
he just killed. There were only seven members from the Black Winds
Thirteen Wings present at the flying fish pavilion. The other six had
gone off to capture the emperor. They had to bring this place under
control before the emperor was captured or everything would be

Realising that, Long Zaitian’s face turned pale. He laughed and

said: “Haha, Old Fu, you certainly possess profound internal
298 Report
strength and extraordinary martial arts. I’m surprised you’re
still alive after that wound Miss Shen inflicted on you.”

“Long Zaitian, I see you’re talkative as ever. But it’s

pointless for you to buy time. You forcefully moulded energy
before and are left with less than thirty-percent of your
energy. You won’t be able to recover in less than an hour.” Fu
Xiang laughed and went on: “As for your Miss Shen, let me tell
you something about her out of good-will. She’s been having
an affair with that bastard, Ming Feizhen for a while.”

Long Zaitian reacted like a man struck by lightning. His face

twitched and he asked a question looking like he was vomiting blood
at the same time: “Miss Shen, i-is that true? So you kept
flirting with him to tell me to give up?”

Long Zaitian got thrown off his game by his opponent. Shen Yiren
shot him an angry glare.

Shen Yiren thundered: “Look at the situation we’re in! I can’t

believe you’re still spouting this nonsense!”

Long Zaitian instinctively straightened up his posture. Shen Yiren

loudly exclaimed: “You should all be starting to feel like you’re
recovering now as well. Whoever can still fight, get up in the

Fu Xiang’s expression changed for the worse. He too didn’t expect

that reaction from Shen Yiren. Shen Yiren was most certainly afflicted
by the effects of Thorn-Tears. Fu Xiang stayed hidden, waiting for the
right moment when it was confirmed that everybody had been
affected by Thorn-Tears. Fu Xiang is a cautious man. He wouldn’t
take action unless he was nintey-percent confident.

Shen Yiren had evidently recovered her strength though not

completely. However, she wasn’t feeling weak all-over. Fu Xiang was
afraid that the members of the emperor’s security guard detail and
299 Report
the Qilin Guards had recovered their combat abilities like Shen Yiren.
If that happened, the flying fish pavilion would become impregnable
once again.

But they didn’t move after what Shen Yiren said. Well, that’s not
entirely true since they all wore painful expressions similar to Shen

Thorn-tears is an anaesthetic that’s made by Demon Mirror

Heavenly Cloud Palace. It’s not a poison. Technically speaking, it’s an
unbeatable drug. Even if there was something that could match, it
would cost an unbelievable amount of money and effort to acquire.
Mystery spent all of their money and took three years to get enough
to poison the people here in the flying fish pavilion. Forget a skilled-
doctor, not even the pharmacist from Heavenly Cloud Palace who can
make it would be able to make such a large volume in a short
amount of time.

Shen Yiren shouted: “I know that you are all in immense pain
right now. But we have no time right now. Please come forth
and protect the imperial city!”

However, she spoke with a pale expression and shaky posture.

Long Zaitian couldn’t help but panic when he saw her in that state:
“M-Miss Shen, what drug did you have me put in the
drinks?!” Long Zaitian didn’t have an antidote. He only obeyed Shen
Yiren’s order to add another drug to the drinks after adding Thorn-
Tears. However, he didn’t know what the drug was.

After a moment of silence, Shen Yiren replied in a shaky voice:

“Poison hemlock……”

“Poison hemlock?!” Long Zaitian was astonished. He loudly

exclaimed: “That’s a poison!”

“You cure us of Thorn-Tears quickly then if you’ve got
300 Report
another way!”

Everyone in the flying fish pavilion gasped after they heard what
was said. The warriors who were still able to hang in there started to
feel their qi at their dantian become erratic like a sabre was slashing
randomly at their dantian. Poison hemlock is a strong poison which
can erase Thorn-Tears, but it is strong as aforementioned.
Consequently, they naturally felt a little worried.

The hairs on the back of Fu Xiang’s neck stood up when he heard

the gasps from all side. He looked at Shen Yiren and asked: “You
used poison hemlock to cure it? I said you weren’t brutal
enough but it looks like I was wrong. Not only are you brutal,
you’re a maniac too. You went and poisoned all the warriors

Shen Yiren lowered her beautiful face. She suddenly stood up

straight and shot the sword in her hand at him like an arrow. A sword
aimed at Fu Xiang’s neck flew toward him like a lightning bolt. Fu
Xiang never expected her to still be able to fight, so he evaded in
quite a pathetic manner.

“It’s just a bit of poison. You ramble too fucking much……”

Shen Yiren slowly stood up with a pale expression. She took in a deep
breath and then shouted: “His majesty has gone missing! Why
are you not doing your part with all you’ve got as vassals of
the imperial court? Even the elder ministers who are weak
put up a fight. Do you remember what your job is?”

The warriors lying on the ground with painful expressions

witnessed the elder ministers’ act. They certainly were weak, but
despite that, they still mustered up their strength to fight back. Their
fire of anger in their chest was still alight…… Except, they were far
away so they didn’t know the elder ministers actually fought back for
Shen Yiren’s sake.

The orange prince finally arrived. He loudly shouted: “The
301 Report
emperor is dead. I am now the ruler of this place. You are
servants of the imperial court. You dare disobey my orders?”

Shen Yiren coldly said: “You’re just a traitor. What right do

you have to be giving orders?”

The orange prince retorted: “Do you have an imperial decree


“I do!”

He never expected for Shen Yiren to say: “Members of the three

offices knew from day-one that there was an imperial decree
that had existed since our first emperor which has been right
in front of us…… Where is Liu Shan Men?!”

No one knows where they got their energy from. Perhaps the
members of Liu Shan Men weren’t heavily poisoned because they
didn’t possess profound strength. Together they shouted with vigour:
“Enforce justice on behalf of the heavens!”

Long Zaitian seized the moment and the Qilin Guards came forth:
“Protect our lands and our people!”

The emperor’s security detail came back to life: “I am present!!”

Fu Xiang’s expression changed instantly: This bitch Shen Yiren is a

sly bitch. She deliberately provoked the orange prince into insulting
her, knowing that the elder ministers wouldn’t turn a blind eye. So all
the steps she took was to create this opportunity to turn the tables!

As expected, the pale-faced warriors all fought the pain in their

dantian that was like sabres cutting into them to rise up. One of them
loudly shouted: “Liu Shan Men’s Zha Pi has heard your

The others then went along.
302 Report
“His majesty’s security detail’s Shen Fala has heard your

“His majesty’s security detail’s Luo Limo has heard your


“Qilin Guard Wei Lanmao has heard your orders!”

“Qilin Guard Wei Sutong has heard your orders!”

The group that rose up and responded to the call suddenly

transformed into fierce beasts and started to fight with the imperial
guards while fighting the pain from the poison. The poison hemlock
had begun to cure their Thorn-tears effects. Though they were still
suffering some of its effects, they had recovered their strength. Some
were even able to use fifty-percent of the strength now.

But more importantly, they had gained morale.

Fu Xiang clenched his teeth and exclaimed: “You bitch, Shen Yiren!
I underestimated you! We six can’t kill these hundreds of warriors,
but killing you won’t be an issue. I’ll grant you your death-wish!! He
then raised his palm and struck with all his might like an elephant
stomping with the intent of crushing.

Long Zaitian wanted to protect her. However, a member of the

Black Winds Thirteen Wings kept him occupied.

Shen Yiren had overextended and was exhausted. She had trouble
keep her eyes open. She trembled as she said: “I wasn’t… talking
about them.”

“Then who else?!”


Screams of pain loudly rung through the air to him from behind.
Two members of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings then went flying
303 Report
through the air before dropping onto the ground with a thud. Their
necks were covered in wounds inflicted by a sword and they had
succumbed to their wounds.

Like a fire-dragon soaring through the sky, a burning-hot qi seeped

into the air. A purple silhouette appeared from the sky from the rear
like he emerged from a burning Earth.

When his palm collided with Fu Xiang’s, both of them retreated a


The titan and the fire vanished, revealing his opponent.

Fu Xiang looked at his opponent. A faint white-smoke was being

emitted from him like an intense fire had been put out.

A tall and handsome young man dressed in purple with a cold

expression held the sword Shen Yiren sent flying to him early. He
faintly said: “Liu Shan Men’s Tang Ye has heard your order.”

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304 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 35
Fire Soaring In The Sky. Titan That Continues To Glide

Fu Xiang looked at the young man before him as well as the sword
he held in his hand. He realised that he had fallen for another one of
Shen Yiren’s tricks but unconsciously became wary of Tang Ye as

The young man didn’t look old but just standing there alone was
enough to show off his extraordinary aura. He wore a cold
expression, but his chivalry and talent were faintly visible in his eyes.
His eyes revealed an aura only a highly-skilled master would possess.
If Fu Xiang’s eyes weren’t lying to him, the young man before him
might be on his level.

He initially thought he beat Tie Hanyi by a stroke of luck, but he

now realised that he was the real deal.

“Tang Ye… based on my intel, you’re a descendent of the

northern sea’s Ming Jing Palace.” Fu Xiang looked at the heat
energy oozing out from his body with confusion. He went on: “The
northern sea’s Ming Jing Palace is a large sect in the north.
Their specialty is most certainly profound, but their internal
style focuses mainly on cold yin energy.”

Fu Xiang looked at the marks left on his hand that clashed with
Tang Ye’s just before

“Where did you learn you learn Yang internal arts from?
Based on your execution, I assume you’ve been practicing for
over a decade since you were a kid, right?”

Tang Ye bluntly replied: “It’s called Yang Blood True Qi. It’s
Kun Lun’s art.”
305 Report
“Oh? You’re a disciple from Kun Lun?”

Besides Jiang Nan’s martial world, Shaolin, Wu Dang and Mount

Daluo are the leaders of the orthodox sects, followed by Kun Lun,
Emei, Kong Dong and Dian Cang. Kun Lun is a school that teaches
many other subjects outside of martial arts. However, since it is
located further west, it’s hard for their disciples to reach Nan Jing. Fu
Xiang is a cautious man. He gathers all the information he can
possibly gather. His old habit was kicking in again.

Tang Ye blandly replied: “No. Stop sticking your nose into my

business. Focus!”

When Tang Ye shouted “focus”, he flipped his hand and whipped

it without looking, sending the long-sword in his hand flying over. It
cut the ropes restraining a warrior behind with absolute precision,
causing no wounds. The warrior he released happened to be from the
emperor’s security detail. The guy who was released immediately
picked up the sword and continued releasing more people. The two
members of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings overwatching them had
already been incapacitated and were unable to get up.

There were only three members from the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings left right now. One of them was fighting Long Zaitian while the
other two immediately sprung into action to stop them. The
mercenaries who weren’t too shabby understood the severity of the
situation so they protected the orange prince to prevent Tang Ye
from coming close.

Fu Xiang was going to assist given the situation, but then he saw a
purple silhouette enter. That was Tang Ye who was now locked in
battle with Fu Xiang.

Tang Ye relied on a strong gust of wind to attack with his hands.

This was the first time someone dared to face Fu Xiang face-to-
face after seeing his true skills. Fu Xiang blocked Tang Ye’s two
306 Report
hands, took two steps back and then countered with one palm strike.
Tang Ye couldn’t compete with him in terms of internal strength so
he had to flip and then retreat. However, he recovered incomparably
swiftly upon landing and then smashed his palm into Fu Xiang’s. If his
opponent wasn’t highly-skilled, he would be thrown off by Tang Ye’s
fighting style that utilises lots of changes. That would lead his
opponent into moulding energy incorrectly, thus putting themselves
in danger.

Fu Xiang struck with a simple single palm strike again. His Fu Xiang
Divine Palms had reached the level of a great master so he didn’t
need to mould energy. Power was naturally generated onto his hands
by simply extending his arms. Tang Ye’s sneak attacks couldn’t catch
him off guard. Usually, his opponent was bound to die once he struck.
This was the first time he didn’t dare to put all his might into his palm
strikes, leaving thirty-percent in the tank.

Fu Xiang knew that Liu Shan Men’s minor lord was skilled. Though
Tang Ye’s internal strength was inferior to his own, the internal style
he trained was indeed unique. He didn’t feel like he was particular
strong on their first exchange, but then Fu Xiang finally felt that his
internal strength wasn’t being released smoothly when they clashed
the second time. His nerves in his left hand in particular throbbed
with pain which gradually increasing. The pain was akin to getting
burnt, causing his internal energy to be blocked.

Fu Xiang thought to himself: This kid’s internal strength is

profound, but far inferior to mine, so it’s nothing to be concerned
about. But the internal style he trains is honestly terrifying. It
specifically tries to burn the opponent’s meridians and injure their
organs. Even if I don’t come into contact with him, the qi on his body
makes the air around us hot too, not to mention the qi he applies to
his hands. Touching them feels like my hands are getting burnt. Just
what style is that?

Fu Xiang only thought that the style he trained was one he was
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personally unfamiliar with. However, the qi was righteous, which was
evidence it was an orthodox style.

He then thought about something else and said to himself: Even if

his burning qi could be stored in his meridians for a long time before
taking shape, he needs to gather it on his palms before he attacks. I
don’t believe that you can maintain it on your palms forever. What, it
doesn’t burn you and burns just me?!

Hence, the next time they engaged each other, Fu Xiang didn’t
take Tang Ye’s strikes head on. He avoided hand contact by weaving
his hands. He wanted to find out if Tang Ye could keep his True Yang
Blood Qi in his hands.

His tactic worked as he expected. Tang Ye didn’t use Yang Blood

True Qi as he did before.

But Fu Xiang’s joy didn’t even last for a second as Tang Ye’s
abilities blew Fu Xiang’s expectations out of the water again.

Ever since Fu Xiang started avoiding contact with his qi, opting to
use a technical method of fighting, Tang Ye switched up his tactic as
well. He fought technically instead which was just how he liked it.

Fu Xiang’s style was simple and unadorned. He practiced Fu Xiang

Divine Palms since he was young until now, using just one style to
beat all of his opponents. His combat-style and Tang Ye’s were
complete polar opposites. Tang Ye’s way of fighting was like
participating in a martial arts knowledge lecture.

Tang Ye sneered indifferently. He changed his hands techniques

non-stop in an incredible fashion.

“Wh-What is this?!!”

Tang Ye threw consecutive punches with his left and right arm, but
with three different methods of execution being heavy, soft, strong
and swift, which also came from three different styles. He kicked high
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like a mountain piercing the heavens. He grabbed a sword with his
left hand and yet utilised Liu Shan Men’s basic sword art. He
continued to strike, unleashing skills from five different styles.

Fu Xiang started to get slightly flustered due to Tang Ye’s flurry of

moves from various schools. After much effort, he managed to regain
his composure and cussed: “I don’t care if your techniques are
even more unique and miraculous! They can’t hold a candle
to the power of a single palm strike of mine!”

He countered Tang Ye’s continuous changes by going with his

original tactic, and thus struck out with a palm strike as usual.

Tang Ye however, evaded the strike and then used Kun Lun’s Soft
Hands. The technique consisted of encaging the force of his palm
strike and reducing it significantly. He then suddenly twisted his body
and moved his arms in a semi-circular shape. That was Wudang’s
Soft Palms Art. Using that, he erased the gust of wind generated by
the palm strike and adjusted his posture.

Finally, Tang Ye concentrated and gathered his qi. He flicked

simultaneously with his fingers. That was Spinning Flower Wheel
Finger Arts Feint Strikes. He flicked three times consecutively with
one hand. He reduced most of the force behind the palm strike using
a combination of technique and speed.

Fu Xiang was astonished by what he saw. There was no way his

tactic of sticking with his original tactic to counter Tang Ye’s
countless changes would work, especially considering the swift speed
at which he switched moves. Some in the martial world refuse to
master one style, instead choosing to train various styles. However,
the end result is a style that’s full of obvious openings and
weaknesses. Fu Xiang himself had personally killed lots of those sorts
of idiots.

Tang Ye was a completely different beast though.
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He didn’t combine over ten styles together. He wouldn’t have the
skill to do it at his age.

What he possessed was incredible fighting talent.

The amazing part about Tang Ye is his excellent judgement. He’s

able to use the right style at the right moment based on the changes
that occur during a fight. His eyesight, body and strategies were all
perfectly combined when he diffused the power of Fu Xiang’s attack.
The tactics he used were even more impressively creative. Using
brute force to pressure Tang Ye was honestly Fu Xiang’s only counter
against Tang Ye. Every move Tang Ye makes is calculated. It’s
amazing how he can grasp a battle so well despite his young age. Fu
Xiang himself who had worked as an assassin for a long time knew
he couldn’t beat him in that aspect.

It was a talent, or perhaps the result of his diligent training.

Whatever the case, it was a fearsome weapon. Fighting him was the
equivalent of fighting multiple opponents.

When he traded blows with Tang Ye, he knew that his skills weren’t
inferior to Shen Yiren, but he was definitely superior to Long Zaitian.
In terms of battle IQ, he was most likely superior to both of them.
Who said Liu Shan Men has no talent? Haven’t you got yourself a
treasured piece of jade here?!

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310 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 36
Fu Xiang the Dragon that Descends VS Heaven Shocker Tang Ye

Fu Xiang sighed to himself that he was unlucky to run into a

treasure now of all times. He was honestly a little worn out from
today. Fu Xiang wasn’t initially worried about fighting for an
extended period of time since he possessed profound internal
strength. He’s tried fighting with someone for three days and
managed to score the win due to him having more stamina.
However, he had to go all out against Ming Feizhen, then he had to
put on an act with Eunuch Nan in front of the emperor, then he
fought with Shen Yiren where he never got to catch his breath after
her. Tang Ye was now his fourth opponent. Fu Xiang isn’t made out of
iron after all so he was starting to fatigue.

Moreover, trading powerful blows against Tang Ye’s continually

changing hand techniques was taxing.

Just as he was at a loss for how to beat Tang Ye’s unique fighting
style, Tang Ye suddenly retreated which surprised him. Tang Ye
retreated like an eagle soaring through the skies. He glided through
the air, suddenly made a turn and gave the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings member locked in battle with Long Zaitian a big elbow to his

The guy he hit wielded two hooks. Long Zaitian was already
pushing it by fighting him bare-handed. Just as he saw Long Zaitian
tire out, he was sure he could take his life. But then he took a heavy
blow to his back, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood. Thus,
Long Zaitian was able to escape his predicament. He laughed out
loud and then kicked the downed-man away.

A moment of distraction caused Fu Xiang to lose another man. He

charged over furiously only to discover that Tang Ye had taken his
311 Report
two hooks. Tang Ye spun around and used an odd hook technique.

The technique used by Tang Ye was strange. There was a strange

change mid-way through his attack. Since it was executed in tandem
with Tang Ye’s Yang blood True Qi technique, it was a different
animal. Fu Xiang got caught with surprise. He couldn’t make out the
moves so he didn’t dare to force his way forward, thereby opting to
retreat for now, judging it to be the better decision.

Long Zaitian shouted: “The Green Leviathan’s Group’s

Leviathan Hooks the Sea, nice!”

Hooks are a unique weapon that’s rarely seen. Without years of

practice, it’d be impossible to grasp even the basics. Tang Ye
however, used a brilliant technique as soon as he got his hands on a
pair. It was like he’d practiced for decades so who wouldn’t be

“Nice!” Long Zaitian shouted another compliment that was louder

than his last: “Triple Talent Hook Arts! Brother Tang, I was
right about you!”

Tang Ye used one set of techniques on one hand and another set
on his other. He used them as independent hooks and as twin hooks.
Different weapons naturally mean different techniques. Tang Ye used
the two hooks as two singular hooks so it was perfectly
understandable as to why Long Zaitian was surprised.

When Tang Ye wielded the hooks, it made the ring look like a tank
of mercury. He leapt up and somersaulted, landing two yards away
from the orange prince. Fu Xiang didn’t believe it at first, but he now
understood what Tang Ye was planning. He was going to solo the
orange prince’s men in the flying fish pavilion alone.

“What an arrogant punk. You have to get past me first if

you want to touch his highness!”
312 Report
Tang Ye didn’t take on Fu Xiang’s palm strike. Tang Ye was
thinking: He can go hit the air or something, I’m going to go and hunt
my target.

Fu Xiang held back to avoid casualties or damage. He didn’t dare

to use his full power in case he hurt the orange prince, but that gave
Tang Ye the opportunity to swiftly circle around the orange prince’s
group of guards. The hooks flew into the air and hooked into the
necks of two of the mercenaries causing them to shriek in pain. The
orange prince suddenly found himself isolated and without

The orange prince Shouted: “Y-You dare?!”

Tang Ye just gave a blunt response: “Your highness, you

revolted. I am Liu Shan Men’s Tang Ye. I have received an
order to arrest you. Please cooperate.”

“No! Come get me yourself if you can!”

The orange prince pulled out an exquisitely decorated ancient

sword from his belt. The blade emitted a shiny light. It certainly was a
high-quality sword. The orange prince isn’t diligent so his skills are
so-so. His teachers on the other hand, were virtually all masters so
he knew a move or two. The orange prince shouted loudly and
stabbed with his sword. He looked the part for sure.

Tang Ye didn’t evade. No one knows how he moulded energy, but

he just reached his left hand out and gently caught the sword.
Without even looking, he casually pulled the sword over and
performed a figure-eight before throwing it behind him toward Fu
Xiang who was sneaking up from behind. Fu Xiang caught the tip of
the blade. If he put his strength into it, it would become an internal
strength deadlock.

“Get lost!!”
313 Report
Tang Ye roared. The metal blade of the ancient sword shined its
light in all directions nine times like a dragon’s movement. Not even
Fu Xiang was able to catch it with his strength, leaving him with no
choice but to let go. The orange prince himself was dumbfounded
too. He thought to himself: “This Heaven Shocker Blade has
been with me for years, yet I have never seen it shine like so.
How did it become so powerful after this shit-face got his
hands on it?!”

Shen Yiren had finally suppressed some of the poison. She saw
Tang Ye’s sword technique. Her eyes reflected the light emitted from
the metal blade. She joyously said: “Fantastic! Kun Lun’s sword
art certainly lives up to its reputation. Such fierce and swift
techniques. That’s The Dragon Flashes Nine Times in the Sky!
No, eighteen times!”

The Dragon Flashes Nine Times in the Sky has nine variations.
Tang Ye then went and added Ming Jing Palace’s unique footwork,
creating the perfect storm of yin and yang. The sword also exuded
two different powers being yin and yang, thereby turning the nine
flashes into eighteen flashes.

Fu Xiang never wanted to deal Tang Ye a heavy blow. What he

truly wanted to do was to use retreat as a means to advance. Taking
advantage of Tang Ye leaping into the air to execute his sword
technique, he switched positions with him and ignored Tang Ye’s
sword strike then ran toward the orange prince.

“Fu Xiang! Hurry and protect me!”

“Don’t worry, your highness! No one will be able to lay a

finger on you with me here!”

However, he got stopped again. Tang Ye’s move didn’t end there.
He wasn’t after the orange prince or Fu Xiang. He created a
whirlwind that was intended to destroy. He leapt up in an instant and
ran the ancient sword through the last member of the Black Winds
314 Report
Thirteen Wings who was fighting a few of the warriors of the imperial
court who had just been released.

This particular member wielded a a weapon like a nine-section

whip. The weapon is one of the most difficult weapons to master. It’s
straight as an iron rod and yet curved like a snake. It was both tough
and soft. It was a hard weapon to guard against when a skilled user
wielded it.

It was as though the Black Winds Thirteen Wings had met their
natural-born nemesis today. Despite how odd and rare their weapons
were, they weren’t unique in any way for Tang Ye. As a matter of
fact, he was able to use high-level skills with them right off the bat.

Seeing Tang Ye and Fu Xiang fight on equal footing for so long, he

naturally knew that he wasn’t a match. However, the chained-whip-
like weapon is no ordinary weapon. Breaking through his defence in a
short timeframe was no easy feat and he was using the weapon to its
maximum potential at the time.

Normally, not even Tang Ye would be able to break down his

defences in a short timeframe, but this time it was different. Tang Ye
didn’t aim for the gun. Instead he used techniques that corresponded
with his own. He used The Dragon Flashes Nine Times in the Sky
against him.

The assassin thought to himself: Your overconfidence will be your

downfall. Don’t blame me.

Just as he was about to use his chain to tie his hand holding the
sword with before dealing with his other hand, the sharp blade of the
ancient sword had cut the chain into pieces before nine flashes had
even landed. Tang Ye had managed to identify the weakness in his
style and realised his weapon was his true trump card, thus
destroying it swiftly and effortlessly with his sharp blade.

Tang Ye then tossed the Heaven Shaker ancient sword to Long
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Zaitian. He formed a gust of wind below his feet which he used to
leap back over to Fu Xiang.

Tang Ye cut the chains of the chain-whip-like weapon extremely

quickly. So quickly he had returned before Fu Xiang could move his
feet. He thought to himself: There’s no chance of me beating him on
technique or speed. For the sake of today’s plan, my only hope of
winning is relying on my internal strength to fight with brute force.

After he made that decision, he and Tang Ye began to try and

dismantle the other’s techniques one palm strike at a time.

Tang Ye’s palms were like Guan Yin’s thousands of hands. He

utilised palm techniques from multiple styles, but Fu Xiang’s
awkward power and technique fighting style countered his own
efforts. Once Tang Ye gathered his qi, the air around them turned hot
again because he had used Yang Blood True Qi once again.

Fu Xiang had a way to counter it a while ago. He just had to avoid

trading palm strikes with him. He was fine as long as long as Tang
Ye’s palms couldn’t contain the odd hot qi.

Fu Xiang forcefully moulded energy and struck with his palms

again. He put more than two-times the strength behind his palm
strikes than before so Tang Ye couldn’t get close. Though that cost
him a lot of energy, the consequences of playing to Tang Ye’s tune
would be even more severe.

Tang Ye was now unable to get close to Fu Xiang but the

atmosphere only got hotter. Tang Ye however, didn’t look like he was
fighting any pain.

Fu Xiang noticed that Tang Ye was moving as usual as he

unleashed hand-strikes powerful enough to create gusts of wind. The
area around his palms was probably hotter than boiling water. Based
on Fu Xiang’s superior sense of touch, he felt that his palms were
virtually as hot as bright-red soldering iron. How was one able to
316 Report
contain such heat in their hands? He must be using a trick!

Fu Xiang didn’t buy it!

And he must be expending a massive amount of internal energy to

keep up with his fighting style. He shouted: “I’m getting serious
now!” He then struck with two palm strikes, clashing with Tang Ye’s

Tang Ye got sent flying backwards from the shockwave as he

expected. Unfortunately, the hot energy still entered his meridians
causing burn wounds on the meridians of his hands. Fu Xiang looked
at Tang Ye with utter disbelief as Tang Ye rushed back toward him
like a cursed spirit that wouldn’t go away. His palms were flesh and
bone too, so by what power was he able to reach such a level?!

Tang Ye’s hands then suddenly glowed red due to his usage of
Yang Blood True Qi. But he clearly saw the red-blood colour fade
from his hands and turn black when they exchanged blows.

It was the black colour you find on iron. There’s only one reason
that someone’s hand would be that colour, and that is they were
using the high-level Iron Palm technique similar to Tie Hanyi’s

Fu Xiang suddenly had a spark of realisation. He thundered: “Iron

Palms Style! You fucking played me!” Fu Xiang was too late to
realise it. His breathing was in disarray and he had wasted plenty of
energy. Tang Ye’s palm aimed toward him like Yangtze River coming
to shore. Not one technique was delivered as a heavy blow, instantly
burying Fu Xiang in his flurry of attacks.

Long Zaitian who stood to the side was full of compliments: “Iron
Fist, huh? One must have great patience and determination
to master it. Tie Hanyi is formidable as is. I’m afraid one
can’t achieve that level with Iron Palms before the age of
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Long Zaitian looked at Tang Ye’s emotionless expression and
sighed: “It’s hard to imagine how such a young man can be so
rational and determined.”

“One requires two things to master a style like Iron Fist.

They are discipline and determination. It’s not that hard
really.” Shen Yiren watched Tang Ye with compassionate eyes as
well feelings no one knew. She faintly said: “When your mind is
occupied with vengeance every day, you will live with
discipline and your determination will be unshakable. This…
applies for everyone.”

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318 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 37
Liu Shan and Qilin, He Who Kills More Enemies is the Victor

There were still a fair number of imperial guards under the orange
prince’s command who could put up a fight in the pavilion. However,
their leader had been defeated so they too had no way of fighting on,
thereby quickly surrendering one after another. The warriors who
used hemlock poison to neutralise the poison from Thorn-tears were
starting to slowly give in to the effects of it. They forced themselves
to fight because they felt brave after Shen Yiren’s speech, but they
were slowly struggling to resist the poison now. Shen Yiren had
prepared hemlock poison earlier and ordered it be passed around.
Those who were heavily poisoned sat down and tried to control their
breathing. Those who were poisoned lightly took up the responsibility
of guarding the venue as well as watching over the troops who had

There were a total of eight-hundred and seventy three rebels in the

pavilion, most of whom were imperial guards and the minority were
the warriors from the pugilistic world.

The masterminds of the revolt, the orange prince didn’t even have
a chance to react before he got grabbed by Tang Ye’s eagle claw like
a chick and hung up. Tang Ye also took the advantage to seal his
meridians. In short, the orange prince got put in his place before he
could try anything funny. Tang Ye tossed the two leaders, the orange
prince and Fu Xiang together before casually going and restraining
everyone else.

All the vassals of the imperial court were delighted to see the
orange prince get captured.

Soon, there were three layers of people surrounding the orange

prince who spat on him to express their loyalty. Needless to say,
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there were others who decided to use other special methods. It
would take more than three days to list all of the wicked deeds
committed by the orange prince.

The elder Prime Minister Li who was prime minister for two reigns
maintained his mannerisms and held the venue together. He
bunched his robe together and looked calm like he was heading to a
conference with the emperor. He spoke in a long-winded fashion: “I
witnessed even more serious crises back then. This level of
turbulence is but child’s play to me. A failure of a child got a
few nobodies from the pugilistic world to cause chaos? What
was achieved?”

He looked like a deity, appearing calmer than Jiang Ziya sitting at

the fishing platform. The other major ministers and elder ministers
looked as equally calm. Now that is the way wise vassals carry
themselves. The others quickly followed suit as though nothing
happened. The only thing to look at was the orange prince’s face
covered in saliva.

When Shen Yiren saw the orange prince’s face devoid of pride…
okay, his nose was bruised and his facial features had become
contorted, she couldn’t find any words. Shen Yiren just took a guess
as to what he was thinking: “What’s the matter? Still not
admitting defeat?”

“Defeat? When did I lose? Heh, it’s just starting.” The

orange prince revealed a look like he wanted to cry soon, but his
tone was firm: “Shallow water can’t trap a dragon. I’ll break
free eventually!”

That said, it was hard to believe he was the speaker given the
shape of his face.

Shen Yiren frowned and then violently exclaimed: “Fuck you!

Speak loud and clear. What the hell is a man crying about?”
320 Report
The orange prince angrily shouted back “Who cried?! Who’s
crying?! I’m laughing!”

Shen Yiren froze. After taking a careful look, she realised that if she
were to get rid of his bruises and get rid of the swelling, then indeed
it would be believable that he was smiling. The reason he squint his
eyes shouldn’t be because he was tearing up but it was someone’s

“I only lost because I had a bad eye for people and

misplaced my trust with Long Zaitian.” The orange prince
looked up to Long Zaitian to reveal an evil sneer like a guy’s anal
cherry got popped…… It was sickening enough to make one puke.

“I never thought Long Zaitian would dare betray me!”

“You need to learn to put a limit on how much you look

down on people.” Long Zaitian was lazing around after the fighting
came to an end. He smiled disgustingly like a big-red cat that just
sunbathed: “Did you properly investigate what sort of person
I, Long Zaitian am? I am a genius who got promoted to vice-
captain in a matter of years. You actually thought I was
someone who would revolt?”

He then got serious and went on: “I could understand you

underestimating Liu Shan Men, but aren’t you too full of
yourself thinking so lowly of us Qilin Guards. We have had no
equal in almost ten years of managing the pugilistic world.
The demon sect was infamous for a century and look at how
they ended up. We Qilin Guards annihilated them. Our grand
commander’s name could shake the world.”

Fu Xiang suddenly spoke out: “If you served his highness, you
would enjoy infinite wealth and could have any beauty you
desired. And yet your reason for not revolting was because of
your grand commander?”
321 Report
Long Zaitian looked at Fu Xiang with disdain and responded:
“Since I Long Zaitian acknowledged our grand commander,
my life was his. I’ll never regret it. A man doesn’t go back on
his word. I see that you assassins don’t understand that, Fu

Fu Xiang went silent for a moment before responding: “There’s

still something I don’t understand.”

He then lowered his head and slowly asked: “I’ve been

wondering this entire time how you and Shen Yiren teamed
up. My men kept surveillance on you for twelve hours a day. I
knew everything you were doing, so when and how did you
exchange information with Liu Shan Men?”

Long Zaitian ridiculed him: “It looks like you won’t be able to
go in peace if I don’t tell you. Well, it was thanks to Liu Shan
Men’s Su Xiao. That lass barged into our office and
apprehended one of my men.”

Fu Xiang suddenly widened his eyes and realised it: “Yi Yixian!
The one who got taken to Liu Shan Men!!”

Long Zaitian responded: “Hehe, that’s right. It was him. When

Yi Yixian got sent back, he naturally reported to me.
However, what he reported to me was Liu Shan Men’s
suggestion to join hands. Miss Shen is wise. She had already
seen through the fact that the Black Winds Thirteen Wings
were hiding in our office. We have our own ways of
communicating discreetly. We haven’t used it in a long time
but since Miss Shen wanted to join hands with us, she
naturally could receive the intel I sent out.”

Shen Yiren then calmly added: “It was Feizhen’s idea. He was
the one who pointed out the issue with the Qilin Guards
activities and that the Black Winds Thirteen Wings hiding in
their office. He therefore concluded that the one behind the
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scene was someone with great influential power. He
suggested I use Yi Yixian as a middle-man and he was right
that someone wanted to stage a revolt.”

The orange prince looked up at Long Zaitian and glared at him: “I

had always heard your two offices didn’t get along. That was
correct, right? Your two offices have been in conflict for
years, so how did you manage to ally with each other?”

Shen Yiren bluntly hurled an insult: “Li Chengzhi, you really are

The orange prince clenched his teeth: “You dare insult me?”

Shen Yiren daggered him: “I’ve hit you already as well, so

what if I insult you? Shame on you for being in the capital for
so many years. Our offices have fought with each other for
almost a century, but don’t you know what we were fighting

The orange prince justifiably was unaware of those ancient stories.

He’s not even passionate about martial arts let alone stores about
the martial world a century ago.

“Back then, Patriarch Fei Yu and the first grand

commander of the Qilin Guards fought tough battles
frequently. They were once surrounded by hundreds of
bandits and were faced with a crisis. The two of them once
said: “He who kills more enemies is the victor!”

Shen Yiren’s eyes looked like stars in winter: “What Liu Shan
Men and the Qilin Guards have always competed over was
who could kill more enemies. Do you get why we joined
hands? Our three offices will always point our blades toward
the enemy.”

After a moment of silence to adjust his emotions, the orange prince
323 Report
finally let out a long sigh.

“I see now. I was captured because of a legitimate reason. I

trusted the wrong person.”

But before Shen Yiren and co. spoke, a “crying face” which was
actually a smile resurfaced on the orange prince’s face.

“But then do you get it? I still haven’t lost. There’s still no
news of father. My plan hasn’t failed for as long as he isn’t

Long Zaitian asked with puzzlement: “How can you be sure his
majesty is in your hands when the palace is so large?”

The orange prince’s response was accompanied by a laugh:

“Hahaha, he was always in my hands. Kuang Tian, Fu Xiang,
Yu Ye, Zhong Ning. Do you not know who the mysterious Yu
Ye is?”

Shen Yiren frowned and zipped through the events again from the
time the emperor was almost captured. In the midst of her thoughts,
she suddenly blurted: “Nan Junfei!”

The others reacted just as one would expect.

Eunuch Nan went with the emperor. The emperor didn’t have any
other guards with him and was poisoned by Thorn-tears. He was
basically in the orange prince’s hands now.

Long Zaitian and the others suddenly ran out of ideas.

The elder Prime Minister Li Si didn’t understand it at first but after

listening to her, he suddenly cut in: “In that case, your men must
not know that you have fallen into our grasp. Both sides have
a hostage. All that’s left then is a competition of military
324 Report
That’s an elder of two reigns for you. After pointing that out, the
figures of the pugilistic world came up with a solution to their

While the others were still confused, Shen Yiren nodded and said:
“You are right, prime minister. We can leverage the fact that
they don’t yet know that we have captured orange prince to
come up with a counter-attack plan and snatch his majesty

Prime Minister Li smiled with joy and nodded: “Very smart of

you, girl.”

But then the orange prince suddenly looked upward and laughed
before saying: “You sure are full of yourself. You think I’m
unprepared? Go and report the situation here to Kuang Tian.
Tell him not to let the emperor go until we obtain the
imperial jade seal!” The orange prince then wore a serious
expression and shouted: “Fu Xiang, go!”


Fu Xiang opened his eyes which shot out two rays of lights. It was
like his strength had been concentrated into his leap. Taking
advantage of the height of the ring, he leapt over ten yards far away.
The profoundness of his internal strength truthfully surpassed Tang
Ye’s imagination. Tang Ye consecutively sealed six of his meridians
and thought that he would be restrained for at least two hours going
by his restrained look. But he never expected that the qigong Fu
Xiang practiced had a hidden ability to help him recover extremely
quickly. In just half-an-hour he had recovered fifty-percent of his
strength. With that, he unlocked his six sealed meridians and waited
for the right time to come.

He then realised that the orange prince was just buying time with
all his questions.
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The orange prince exclaimed: “Inform him of the situation
here. I must make my father call me ‘Master Cheng’!”

Fu Xiang was only concerned about Tang Ye. Anybody he

encountered once he got away from the ring was of no concern. He
transformed into an elephant-like figure and ran across. None of
warriors in his way were able to hold him for a second. Some were
knocked flying when he ran straight into them, and those knocked
away broke their bones and had their nerves destroyed on the spot.

Tang Ye’s qinggong proficiency was about the same as Fu Xiang’s.

However, Fu Xiang had accumulated a mass of energy for a long time
which allowed him to make a massive leap with his first leap. With
over ten yards between them, there was no way Tang Ye could catch
him. As he hesitated again, Fu Xiang had gone even further.

Shen Yiren shouted out to stop Tang Ye who intended to give

chase: “Tang Ye, Stop! You watch this place! You are not to
leave without orders!”

There were still many others in the flying fish pavilion who hadn’t
recovered yet. Tang Ye was the only one who could control all the
people present in the pavilion, so he couldn’t leave. If he did, the
consequences would be dire.

A cold look appeared in Shen Yiren’s eyes. She clenched her teeth
and exclaimed: “I’ll be the one to kill him!”


Jiang Ziya, also known by several other names, was a Chinese

noble who helped kings Wen and Wu of Zhou overthrow the Shang in
ancient China. He’s the titular character of the Feng Shen Bang
326 Report
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327 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 38
Shen Yiren Gets Caught In A Pinch. Maybe Real Maybe Not

Shen Yiren ignored the people around her advising against her
decision and furiously gave chase. Her qinggong was superior to Fu
Xiang and Tang Ye’s. Fu Xiang’s leap just before was full of vigour,
while hers was like a sparrow taking flight. She was light and had
accurate control of the height of her leaps. Her slender waist and
long-slender-snow-white legs were bared for all to see. It was now
night-time. The floor was covered in snow, so Shen Yiren appeared
even more like a tall-proud-white deer running across the field of
snow. Her long-slender legs alternated. Her beauty had no equal.

Long Zaitian watched Shen Yiren chase after him. He came out of
his fantasy after a while and thought to himself: “Oh shit! Miss
Shen went all out at one stage after being poisoned so the
poison went even deeper. She’ll be screwed even if she does
catch Fu Xiang!”

Shen Yiren carried the antidote for hemlock poison on her but she
never took it in order to suppress the effects of thorn-tears. She had
just consumed it now so she should be focusing on re-adjusting her qi
to get rid of the poison. There was no worse time to be fighting. Long
Zaitian was confused as well since Shen Yiren is usually calm and
collected. So why was she so insistent on killing Fu Xiang? Was it
because he insulted her?

But he didn’t have time to spare on trying to decipher her reason.

“Brother Tang, you watch over this place. Qilin Guards,

listen in. All of you are to listen to Tang Ye!”

Long Zaitian loudly repeated “shit, shit, shit…” and gave chase.
But his qinggong was a far-cry from the two of them, not to mention
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he hadn’t even rested for half-an-hour after consecutive tough
battles, so he was tired. If the other two were flying, he was an old
cow plodding along slowly, getting virtually nowhere.

After leaving the flying fish pavilion and travelling some distance,
he suddenly realised something and quickly ran back. He ran back
and shouted: “Motherfucker! What the fuck would you listen to
Tang Ye for?! All of you come with me! I can’t fucking beat

When he left the pavilion, he realised that his condition was worse
than Shen Yiren’s. Chasing them alone would be the equivalent of
marching to his own death so he quickly ran back to call his
comrades. Seeing all of his own men standing there like retards, he
got even more pissed off: “If I die, none of you will ever get
promoted, so hurry the fuck up over here! All who are good
fighters, get your asses over here! I need at least twenty of

Tang Ye knew he’d come back to get back-up so he had hand-

picked a few already. His choices weren’t just from the Qilin Guards
though. There were members of the emperor’s security detail and
even a few from Liu Shan Men. Seeing that, Long Zaitian felt a little

However, by the time he had put a team together, Shen Yiren and
Fu Xiang had gone far away, and he had no clue where to.

Fu Xiang ran with all he had, not daring to lose a moment.

He hadn’t fully recovered yet. The damage Tang Ye dealt to him

was fairly severe. But the worst ones were the burns the meridians
on his palms and wrists suffered. His style relies on his palms after
all, so his meridians on his hands were vital. Once damaged, his skills
would immediately be diminished.

But from another perspective, he was lucky. If his palms weren’t
329 Report
strong, there’s no way he would’ve been able to exchange blows with
Tang Ye for that long given the heat of Tang Ye’s Yang Blood True Qi
technique. If he wasn’t, he would’ve suffered wounds that are
impossible to heal from.

The vexing feeling in Fu Xiang’s chest increased progressively with

every step he took.

He was the brains in Mystery and was thereby greatly respected.

Other than the leader of Mystery, Kuang Tian, others had no place
questioning his martial arts skills either. Even the major figures in the
League of Assassins thought well of him. But he virtually hit wall after
wall since arriving in the palace. Nothing had gone his way at all. Not
only did Long Zaitian shatter his expectation that he had a bright
future in the orange prince’s imperial court, even his plan he
carefully crafted with much effort was seen through by Shen Yiren.
And finally, he lost to a younger Tang Ye in a fight.

Now he was severely wounded and relegated to the role of a

messenger. How did he fall this low?

Fu Xiang got angrier and angrier. His steps got heavier and
heavier. His footsteps got louder and louder as the vexing feeling in
him increased. The anger in him continued to grow.

Fuck! How the fuck am I supposed to accept this?!

Once the plan comes to fruition, I’ll kill Long Zaitian and Tang Ye
first. I’m going to fuck Shen Yiren until she admits she likes it. That’s
the only way I can vent!

Just as he was swimming in his thoughts, he suddenly heard the

sound of another pair of footsteps. He turned his head around to look
and he saw a slim, shapely and graceful silhouette was approaching
him at fast speed. After looking more closely, he was even more
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Shen Yiren was like a flying bird, easily closing the gap he went
through much trouble to create. Her and her huge knockers
approached him in the pitch-black night.

Shen Yiren pulled her beautiful eyebrows together. With immense

murderous intent, she shouted: “Pay for Feizhen’s life with your
own, bastard!!”

Fu Xiang gave up continuing forwards when he saw her qinggong.

He did have a lot of stamina, that was a fact, but he couldn’t outrun

This bitch bullies people too much! You think I don’t dare kill you?!

When he noticed that there was no one with her he decided that if
he were to capture her, he would have another hostage, thereby
increasing the chances of the success of their plan.

He then couldn’t hold back his anger any further. He turned and
prepared his palms for a fight: “I wouldn’t have fallen like this if
it wasn’t for you messing my plans up! You asked for it!
Don’t blame me!”

The two of them had exchanged blows twice in the flying fish
pavilion so they had a reasonable grasp of each other’s skills. This
next exchange would be with their lives on the line.

The aura of her sword and the winds blasted from his palms
clashed in the snow, gradually creating a mass of qi. All the
snowflakes within one-yard couldn’t approach them. There was only
one grey-coloured spot on the ground with everything else around
white which stood out even in the dark night.

They had exchanged over a hundred moves in a short amount of

time. There were countless brushes with death during their
exchange. In several instances, if Shen Yiren didn’t evade as quickly
as she did, her head would’ve exploded from Fu Xiang’s palm strike,
331 Report
while Fu Xiang missed chances to deal her a heavy blow since she
fought like she was throwing her life away. If he didn’t back off, her
blade would’ve taken his life.

Shen Yiren knew that Fu Xiang hadn’t undergone a complete

recovery. She knew that there would be dire consequences if she
didn’t kill him now. She aimed and then swung her sword at him. Mid-
way through her swing, she changed directions and in a semi-circular
motion went toward his neck at breakneck speed. That was the
ultimate technique of Liu Shan Men’s Six-Shaped Swordplay, and also
a technique Shen Yiren occasionally hit perfectly. It couldn’t be
replicated again.

Fu Xiang felt a cold breeze headed toward his neck and thought to
himself: “Fuck me!”

She just had to mould energy and he’d be dead instantly. However,
Shen Yiren was wobbling on her feet so it only cut the skin on his
neck instead of piercing it.

Shen Yiren had no time to worry about things that had yet to
happen. Her head was spinning right now. Everything before her
eyes looked hazy and she couldn’t maintain her balance. She
dropped her sword onto the ground and grabbed her forehead while
her eyelids felt exponentially heavier.

Despite knowing that she couldn’t fall now, she couldn’t fight her
conscious that was slowly fading.

Fu Xiang laughed with absolute glee and then suddenly realised:

Hemlock poison’s venom is powerful. It expends a lot of energy even
if one does have the antidote. You must rest after taking the antidote
and you will naturally feel incomparably exhausted which meant
sleep was setting in. This girl must’ve taken the antidote but not
rested and chased after me without care for her own life. Hahaha,
the heavens are with me!
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Fu Xiang joy filled his body. His lust surged up once he saw Shen
Yiren’s beautiful eyes look drowsy and her voluptuous figure on
display. He smiled hideously and said: “You just need a rest my
dear beauty. What are you so anxious about? I shall sleep
with you, and after some rocking and thumping, you’ll
naturally feel better. Don’t worry!”

Fu Xiang rushed over and grabbed her two arms. He then jumped
over into the flower-garden using his qinggong.

Shen Yiren smelt the strong smell of a wild-beast in heat. She

extended her arms out to push him away. Fu Xiang didn’t care about
the details. He just grabbed her clothes with his large-rough hands
and tore her clothes off, revealing her beautiful white skin
underneath. Her clothes on her snow-white neck got torn off.

Her skin looked more pure than the snow under the moonlight. Her
skin was smooth and supple like water. Her jade-back that was like a
white wall was clear. It was virtually impossible to find a visible vein
or blemish on her skin.

Shen Yiren showed her weak feminine side that she rarely showed.
She moaned and she covered her body with her two slender snow-
white-like arms without thought. Her torn clothes barely kept her
huge jade-melons covered. A little bit of her luscious skin was
revealed. It was like her shirt covered two snow-white pouches with
premium wine in them. If there wasn’t a canyon between the two
snowy mountains, people would actually make that mistake.

Fu Xiang’s gaze behaved like his hands, running themselves down

and across her body. His eyes were virtually shooting beams of light.
His voice trembled as he exclaimed: “Fucking sexy! And she’s a
virgin! How the fuck is she so sexy?!”

The cold breeze in the snowy night blew against them. Shen
Yiren’s body was weak, and her powerless hips made her look like a
beauty that was caught in the wild. She desperately tried to wrestle
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with her desire to pass out using her determination. But because of
that, she was aware that someone was harassing her.

Fu Xiang was drooling for Shen Yiren back at the flying fish
pavilion, and it was even harder for him to suppress his lust now. He
had stripped himself down leaving only his outer shirt on.

In her hazy state, Shen Yiren silently bit down on her tongue which
helped her regain some alertness. She said to herself: “I can’t die. I
can’t die! I can’t let myself die before I avenge my father and

Once Fu Xiang took his pants off, Shen Yiren’s eyes started to look
slightly sober again. She looked at his ugly rod swinging back and
forth in front of her. Not only did it look ugly, the rough nature of it
exuded from it. With that, she unleashed her Hurricane-Descendent-
Destruction Kick upwards!

A man cried out in pain from the bottom of his heart in the pitch-
black night which echoed in the winds……

Fu Xiang cried out in pain. He crouched down and grabbed onto his
balls for a long time. He was bleeding from her ferocious kick! His
lust then transformed into rage!

“I’m going to rape you three times first! Then I’ll strangle
you to death, so that you can become a beautiful-
mesmerising corpse!”

Fu Xiang extended his hand out to grab the front part of her shirt.
Shen Yiren managed to find the strength from somewhere to grab it
to stop him from tearing it off. Fu Xiang was outraged. He didn’t care
whether she lived or died anymore. He therefore moulded energy
and thrust a palm toward her!

Shen Yiren heard the wind whistle violently which indicated to her
that it was going to take her life. She shut her eyes and waited for
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your young life to leave her body.

Dad, mom…… big brother. I’m going to die……



Nothing happened.

When she opened her eyes again, she witnessed an odd scene.

The one who was coughing up blood was Fu Xiang.

But look as she may, she couldn’t see who wounded him.

Shock crept up onto Fu Xiang’s face as well as a strange

expression that couldn’t possibly be any stranger.

Fu Xiang’s body became distorted out of the blue.

There was none other around him aside from Shen Yiren in the
flower-garden. However, there was a very clear palm mark on his
neck. Then something even stranger suddenly happened.

Fu Xiang’s lower abdomen sagged down shockingly. It was like an

entire region sagged down, like somebody gave him one brutal palm
strike. The crunchy sound of bones cracking then came from his
chest. His shoulders snapped. And then the bones in his legs looked
like they took a hit causing him to get sent flying. But there was
nobody around the entire time as this took place.

Shen Yiren whose mind was foggy found it extremely odd. She
couldn’t even describe the odd scene she witnessed. It was as
though there was someone invisible around giving him a thrashing.

For Fu Xiang, he was even more shocked because he knew that the
attacks didn’t come from outside or someone else. He knew that very
well from the first palm strike.
335 Report
It… it… it was Fu Xiang Divine Palms!

The Fu Xiang Divine Palms style he had diligently trained in his

entire life hit him from some unknown location. He got struck heavily
on his neck, then his abdomen, then his chest, then his thigh… and
other places too. Every single palm strike was heavy and hard. He
was the only one in Fu Xiang School who could hit like that. It was
like it was his patented version that nobody could imitate.

It was his own strength that hit him.

He was hit with one palm after another. His body twisted, snapped
and bent. It was extremely strange. He couldn’t make sense of the
situation. He’d never experienced this sort of pain in all his years as
an assassin. He always acted with caution and therefore only fought
when his win was certain.

Even when he did get hurt, none of his wounds were fatal. But he
was hammered with strike after strike inside his body, and every
single one of the strikes were lethal. He had never been so close to

However, what drove him madder than the pain was the horror in
his heart. He had never been more scared than now at this situation
he had no explanation for. His fear felt like it was going to crush him.
It was so terrifying that the pain was frankly inconsequential.

What on Earth is going on…?

Who on Earth is it?

Why is this happening to me?

The questions filled his mind until he heard a voice he’d heard

“Fu Xiang.”
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The voice was clear. It didn’t seem to be a memory or a voice-
transmission technique. It was like somebody really was in his brain
talking to him.

Wh-Who are you?! Where are you?!

Fu Xiang withstood the immense pain and searched around him,

but he didn’t even find a shadow.

“Speaking to you is the mental conscious I hid in your

body. When we fought, I did something to your body. If you
can hear my voice now, I assume that must mean you laid
your hands on Shen Yiren as I thought you would.”

It’s you! How’s this possible?!

Shen Yiren finally couldn’t fight off the desire to sleep and her
beautiful body collapsed. Her smooth and supple skin shook in the
cold winds. The front of her shirt she grabbed tightly finally slowly
slipped out of her hand as her grip loosened.

Shen Yiren’s body suddenly felt a faint warm feeling like somebody
princess carried her. A warm woollen feeling covered her body. It was
soothing like sitting next to a fire. Shen Yiren curled up her body like
a kitten. Her hands which could barely grab onto her snow-white
parts rested themselves on his chest. He seemed to feel that it
wasn’t a good place for her hands to be but he couldn’t help it.

Her nose was filled with the scent of young man that was warm as
the sun.

The heroic and proud Shen Yiren felt a strange feeling rise up in
her heart. It felt off with him having his arms wrapped around her
waist that was numb and weak, but her body couldn’t muster up any
strength. She just wanted to lean on his body forever.

For a moment, the girl who was yet to be twenty with lofty
ambitions and intended to rely on herself forever felt that her haven
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she could be in peace was in this man’s arms.

She slept more soundly than ever now.

Fu Xiang was basically dumbfounded. He replayed the owner’s

voice repeatedly in his mind, but the owner appeared. He appeared
without a sound like a ghost.

“You deserve it for being up to no good. But whatever the

case, I need to ask you.”

“Does the taste of being hit with your own palm strikes feel

The man’s voice sounded lazy and yet like it was showing him pity.
It was identical to the voice in Fu Xiang’s mind. The image in his
mind and the smile at the corner of the man’s face were identical.

“It’s you. It’s you as I thought…..”

Just before Shen Yiren completely passed out, she clearly heard Fu
Xiang shout a name in his panicked and helpless tone.

“…… Ming Feizhen!!”


*The part of the title “Maybe Real Maybe Not” is also a play on
words. Ming Feizhen’s name means “Clearly not real” for those
who forgot. So you could also read the title as “Shen Yiren Gets
Caught in a Pinch. She’s not sure if she heard Ming Feizhen’s
name or if it was just her imagination.” Could also be read as
“… if Ming Feizhen was the one who came to her rescue.”
Told you this series was very challenging to translate.
338 Report
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339 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 39
Heart Slaying Sword and Dream Infiltration

Fu Xiang looked at me on the brink of despair himself. My

appearance here, or rather, my appearance looked full of energy and
I didn’t have a blemish on me. That must’ve given him a big shock.
But from my perspective, the reason he’s squirming must be due to
the force of his own palm strikes hitting him. Fu Xiang was like a
wounded animal. He faced me and thundered loud enough to crack
through the snowy night. His throat was wounded so his voice was
extremely husky. As soon as he opened his mouth, he chucked up a
mouthful of blood due to having suffered severe internal wounds. But
despite that, he was so angry he still shouted: “Ming Feizhen! Wh-
What did you do to me?! Why are you unscathed?!”

I covered the ears of Boss Shen who was in my arms. I looked at

his eyes and quietly moulded energy. He suddenly froze up. The rage
in his eyes decreased a fair bit. He was even more confused why his
anger seemingly got sucked out of him by my glare.

“You confused? But someone who’s trained their internal

strength to your level should know of Heart Slaying Sword
and Dream Infiltration, right?”

Those with profound inner strength will possess a fierce gaze that
seemingly has a substance in them. Once one has attained that level
of proficiency, they can kill someone just with their gaze. The
principle is that their inner qi shoots out and causes the qi in their
opponent’s body to attack itself. Hearty Slaying Sword and Dream
Infiltration are manifestations of that principle. It’s just that these two
arts are another level above.

Heart Slaying Sword relies primarily on one’s heart’s thoughts’

internal strength to attack the opponent’s heart.
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Dream Infiltration relies primarily on the wielder’s brain to infiltrate
the opponent’s mind and give it commands.

If you can master these two styles, you can kill without lifting a
finger. You can confuse someone’s mind without lifting a hand, and
could even turn people into your puppet. That’s why styles which are
on the level of the two are referred to as mind-control arts by those
in the pugilistic world.

Mind-control arts are a large category. The strongest and most

miraculous techniques are Eye Techniques.

It also gets called Soul Confusion Techniques and many other

different things. But they all trace back to the two mind-control arts,
Heart Slaying Sword as well as Dream Infiltration.

But the training for mind-control arts is tough to learn as they rely
heavily on the potential of the practitioner and they have lots of
disadvantages. If your internal strength is inferior to your opponent’s,
your opponent will reverse it on you. Mind-control arts also have a
heavy emphasis on mental fortitude. If your internal strength is
superior to your opponent but your mental fortitude is weaker, you
still will have it reversed on you.

In other words, even if you possessed profound skills, if your

opponent has strong mental fortitude and doesn’t give in, you still
might fail to make it work even if your target was a cow. Actually, the
backlash would be extremely harsh. Consequently, it’s unlikely this
sort of martial art is passed down. Lots of people who learnt it used it
for evil, so over time, it became viewed as an unorthodox-evil art,
and not a martial art.

According to what I know, there are less than ten schools in the
pugilistic world who have reached this level, and most of said
practitioners were kept by the unorthodox sets.

…… Mount Daluo was one. The Demon Sect was another.
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That’s why I……

But there are a lot of problems with the research on the two styles
which is why most mind-control arts can’t kill people without contact
or brainwash people. At most, they can only cause internal injuries or
confuse their enemy for a while.

Fu Xiang revealed a hideous outraged expression: “Nonsense!!

There’s no way you used Heart Slaying Sword and Dream
Infiltration on me.”

I bluntly replied: “I haven’t finished. You’re old as and yet

you’re still so jumpy. You might not know much about this
internal style, but it’s called Steal of Heart Camouflage.”

Strictly speaking, the trick I used on Fu Xiang can be considered a

technique within Dream Infiltration.

It confuses the target, thereby influencing the target’s

subconscious to control their skills. I think some people call it

But whatever.

This technique was one of the ones recorded in the Spring Wind
Rainy Night Divine Arts manual. Though the conditions for its usage
are tough to meet and can only be used on one target, not to
mention it can’t influence the target’s thinking or mental conscious.
It can only control their body for a short timeframe. However, it
should be the best method for today.

Fu Xiang seemed to realise something as he exclaimed with utter

surprise: “The Demon Sect’s divine art, Spring Wind Manual!”

“You’re right. But not right at the same time. I can use the
stuff in the Spring Wind Manual. It’s just that I can use them
at a relatively higher level.”
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Fu Xiang shook his head like a madman, like he was trying to
shake his head off: “Who on Earth are you?! That’s impossible!
That’s impossible! If you’re not hurt, then the force I hit you
with back there……”

I chuckled with satisfaction.

“Didn’t you notice that your energy recovered particularly

quickly this time? You expended all your energy on those
seventeen palm strikes you hit me with, yet you recovered
within half-an-hour. Is that possible? You think you’re a

Fu Xiang’s expression changed. He evidently realised that his

energy had recovered at an unbelievable rate.

“The reason for that is that the force from all of your palm
strikes are still inside your body. You didn’t use it up
completely. I returned the force of all seventeen of your palm
strikes to you and hid them in various places inside your
body. Usually you would be able to slowly neutralise the
pent-up force after a few days effort given the level of your
internal strength as well as the force of the palm strikes
originating from your body in the first place. But I guessed
that you would be fighting a lot today and would expend lots
of your internal energy. Whether or not you’d be able to
withstand the force of your own palm strikes depended on
how much internal energy you had left after your fights. And
maybe the command I implanted in your body using Steal of
Heart Camouflage was for the force hiding in your body to
explode automatically when you threatened Shen Yiren’s life.
If you didn’t threaten her safety, it wouldn’t have activated.”

Fu Xiang looked like he couldn’t handle what I told him and

dropped to his knees on the ground. He continued mumbling:
“Impossible… there’s no way you could’ve blocked the force
of my palm strikes……”
343 Report
You still on about that? I was so bored I shrugged my shoulders.

“Your palm strikes are quite strong. But aren’t you being a little too
full of yourself? Do you know that making me ‘block’ is an honour
very few in the martial world have? You were very diligent with your
training, and Fu Xiang Divine Palms isn’t bad. It suits the qigong you
trained. Every time you strike, you make sure to conserve energy so
that you can fight for an extensive period of time. In fact, you could
fight for days.

But have you realised it? All of your fights have been fights where
you exchanged heavy blows. Every time you reached the point where
the level of the fight was enough to be frightening, you relied on your
stamina to win. That’s a shortcoming of your Fu Xiang Divine Palms.
You can’t connect them. The force of every palm strike is clear and
distinguished, so once you use Fu Xiang Divine Palms at maximum
output, you expend ten-times more internal energy than usual. In
other words, when you need to use maximum output to win, you
keep delaying good chances to engage.”

“You shut up! Shut up!”

“You lost to Tang Ye today, didn’t you? He tricked you into

emptying your internal energy, didn’t he?”


“So you lost fair and square.”

Fu Xiang seemed to age another ten years due to the shock my

words delivered to him. His knees couldn’t support his weight. He
couldn’t help but curl his body up like a prawn. I knew that it was
because he couldn’t withstand his own internal energy eating at him
and that they were symptoms of his skills being destroyed.

“Why…? You’re the master of Night Fortress. You’re an

unorthodox sect like us…… Why must you stop me? Why do
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you want to kill me……?”

“Why? You don’t seem to know your place.” I wiped my smile

off my face and firmly continued: “I have enough reason to kill
you a hundred times just for the lecherous thoughts you had
for her just now.”

It looked like the cold night itself was tormenting Fu Xiang who was
curled up and quivering on the ground.

“But I won’t kill you. The pugilistic world has its own rules.
You may have offended me, but out of consideration for the
origins I share with the League of Assassins’, I’ll spare your
life today.”

I looked at him and sighed before I slowly finished what I intended

to say: “You should be content with me erasing just your

I added one last fraction of strength into his body which caused his
qi essence to burst. Fu Xiang spat out a huge amount of blood before
his eyes rolled back into his head and he passed out. He has lost all
of his martial arts skills. He’ll just be a weak-frail old man even if he
could heal all of his wounds completely. The man known as Fu Xiang
has basically now been erased from the pugilistic world.


*From last chapter, the weapon Tang Ye wielded with the chain is
akin to a nine-section whip, but is somewhat different. I can’t even
find an image for it so you will have to use your imagination there.
It’s no longer practiced (maybe a few do that I’m unaware of) due to
its sheer difficulty to master. It falls under the soft-weapons category.
I never learnt any soft-weapons so I can’t tell you much about how it

**To break down MFZ’s description of Fu Xiang’s fighting style if
345 Report
anyone is confused: Fu Xiang style of fighting is the heavier hitter
who looks to throw heavy blows. An example would be a fighter with
a particularly strong kick or punch like a heavy right overhand. He
tries to land that move all the time as opposed to stringing combos.
You can’t throw at max output forever, so he conserves energy when
he throws them. He doesn’t throw them at max output often so he’s
physically not used to it, thereby expending more energy when he
does throw them at full power (this is all about efficiency with the
three main energy systems important to fighting but you don’t need
to know about them). To conserve his stamina, he also passes on
opportunities to attack. Using myself as an example, in one fight
against a guy who was oiled up to the grills, throwing straights were
difficult and a poor prep led to me gassing against him, not to
mention him being two heads taller. So despite having the
opportunity to go in and throw a flurry of attacks when he missed
(MFZ’s: “… good chances to engage”), I stuck to going to a wear
down strategy and win on points which is similar to what Fu Xiang
does against powerful foes.

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346 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 40
Explosion in the Snow. There are Curveballs in Life.

Fu Xiang lay sprawled on the ground completely lifeless. I now

need to concern myself with the sleeping beauty in my arms. I looked
down at Shen Yiren in her lazy slumber. She was sound asleep like
she hadn’t slept for several nights but at the same time like a kid
afraid of losing her doting parents. She grabbed onto my collar
tightly and wouldn’t let go. Shen Yiren usually spoke and behaved
carelessly and sounded rougher than a guy when she started using
profanity. But she was particularly lovable in her quiet state right

I couldn’t help but stroke her smooth beautiful face with my hand.
Her skin was shockingly supple like you could squeeze water out by
pinching it.

Boss takes care of her skin really……

The beauty in my arms moaned.

Frightened, I pulled my hand back quickly! Dear magistrate, I’m


But Boss Shen didn’t look like she was going to wake up. It seemed
to be a reaction from her dream. Only then could I calm down.

She murmured something indistinct. I had to mould energy to hear

what she was murmuring clearly. Boss Shen’s usual firm voice was
nowhere to be heard. Instead, she sounded cute and gentle: “……
Big brother.”

When a beauty that’s always pointing in your face and ordering

you around is lying in your arms, and you can feel the warmth and
gentleness of her body plastered to your body, what… will you do?
347 Report
I think I’ve got a… boner.

But then I came back to my senses. Big brother?

Who’s she calling?

I was carrying Shen Yiren who seemed half-woke half-asleep. Her

eyes were barely open but I could see her beauty and hazy eyes. It
was clear she was exhausted. She seemed to be able to see me but
wasn’t surprised. Her pleasant surprise appeared in her strong-
spirited eyes. Her eyebrows and the corner of her mouth curled up.
She was beaming like she was drunk as she said: “Big brother,
you’re here…… I missed you.”


Big brother? Could that be the nickname Boss Shen gave me?

That can’t be right. Besides calling me Feizhen, Boss Shen only

ever calls me “moron”, “idiot”, “retard” and aggressively calling
me by my full name “Ming Feizhen! You must be tired of
living!” and the sort. It can’t be another nickname.

“…… Big brother… how come you have hair now?”

I really want to know who she’s calling out to!!

This “big brother” has no hair!!

A strong baldy?!

“Yiren has been trying really hard all these years……” Shen
Yiren suddenly smiled like a young girl who was waiting for the
brother she liked to praise her. Her eyes were smiling and she looked
at me with her hazy smiling face. Her voice sounded adenoidal and
clingy because she wasn’t awake which was so seductive.

“Big brother… Yiren is getting married……” Her voice
348 Report
sounded slightly sad when she said that. Perhaps this was the secret
in her heart. All of her own personal thoughts were overshadowed by
her strong exterior as Liu Shan Men’s vice-captain. If she wasn’t in
the situation she is in now, I doubt she would’ve mentioned it.

“But I don’t like him……”

My condolences Brother Bastard!

And please forgive me for laughing, pfff……

Though that’s already basically an open secret that couldn’t be any

more obvious, hearing her say it herself was different after all.

This is obviously funnier! Puhahahahaha!!

I then heard Shen Yiren continue speaking, but her voice was
faintly full of sadness: “He doesn’t love me either. He can help
me get revenge though so I must do this.”

Shen Yiren leaned onto me sadly and her breaths were nice as
orchids. The warmth she passed onto my chest made my heartbeat
speed up on its own.

“Big brother, why aren’t you speaking to me……? You’re

mad at me, aren’t you……?”

I was scared she’d suddenly wake up and silence me. I don’t know
what that big brother’s voice is like either. But he’s bald…… I tried to
imitate the Shaolin abbot’s voice: “Uhm…… This monk
understands now.”

Fuck! I slipped up because I was tense!!

Shen Yiren smiled sweetly though and replied in a pleased tone:


Huh? I’m safe? Oi, oi, Miss Shen, your big brother is a monk?!
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“You know I don’t like him, don’t you…? I’ve always wanted
to see you…… I want to tell you……”

Shen Yiren’s eyes shut once again. She was obviously falling
asleep. But then in her hazy voice right before passing out, she threw
me a bomb: “Big brother, Yiren only likes you……”


She’s completely asleep.


I just saved you once and stumbled open a huge secret!!

Brother Bastard, get over here! Hurry! I can barely hold this
together!! I’m trying to rip the green grass off your head to feed the
cow but it can’t eat it in time even!

Shen Yiren fell deep asleep in my arms. Only then was I relieved. I
can’t stay here with her forever.

I still have business to attend to…… I have to reveal myself to

defeat the enemies I have to put away in a bit.

They’re really strong. Fu Xiang is an example. I can’t take him out

with a melon seed from far away. Oh fine…… I’ll spend some effort
on you. I need to go into the harem to grab borrow something.

But then I realised a problem…… She was nude right now.

The warrior-robe she was originally wearing was generously

revealing to begin with. But the result of that is it was still very tight
on her body even after being torn. There wasn’t much material
covering her body left. You couldn’t cover her important parts by
stitching together the remaining material.

She was covered with my outer-coat for now to keep her warm, but
350 Report
it’s only a temporary solution.

It’s fine when I’m not paying attention, but when I do pay
attention, I can feel her smooth skin on her jade back. Boss Shen’s
lower body was virtually completely bared. She only had her
underwear left. Carrying such a beauty in my arm, I suddenly had an
odd feeling well up inside me.

No! Stop! She’s your superior!

I shook my head a little too hard causing my outer-coat on her to

slip a bit.. One look downwards and your breath will be taken away.
Shen Yiren’s underwear was black and it couldn’t cover her huge
jade-melons completely. Her underwear looked like it was incapable
of covering the area where they rose.

From this angle, I could see the gods at the peak! I could faintly
see her veins on her white skin gently running along her body. Her
body is a divine weapon that could melt any man’s mind!

Stop! Stop! I can’t look down or I’m going to be in trouble!

But her clothes……



Not long after, Long Zaitian arrived with his fiery team and noticed
traces of a battle here, hence immediately commencing a search.

I hid on the palace wall not too far away and camouflaged myself
with the darkness, and controlled my breathing so that they wouldn’t
detect me.

One of the Qilin Guards shouted: “Vice-captain, I have a

351 Report
When they entered the flower garden, they first found Boss Shen
lying on snow snoring gently in her sleep.

Long Zaitian shouted: “Eh? Vice-captain Shen, are you

alright…? Aren’t you sound asleep.” He looked carefully and
found that she was wearing black clothes like that of the intruders in
the palace.

Of course, I went out my way to find those clothes.

Who helped her wear it on?


Mm, don’t ask…… Ah, shit, my nose is bleeding……

“Send Vice-captain Shen back. Hey fuck off, don’t touch her
with your filthy hands! Call a few strong maids here to pick
her up.”

As Long Zaitian was bewildered as to why Shen Yiren was here, his
eyes caught sight of Fu Xiang not too far away. He immediately
headed over to check him out and the others soon came over.

One of them exclaimed: “This is Fu Xiang…… Is he dead? Vice-

captain Shen sure is incredible!”

Long Zaitian shook his head and frowned: “No, he’s not dead
yet. But it looks like he suffered severe internal injuries. It
looks like qi deviation actually. That’s unlike Miss Shen’s
ways. My guess is he suffered qi deviation due to a reason on
his end.”

Long Zaitian examined Fu Xiang’s entire body meticulously which

further confirmed his guess.

Well, since he’s taken in Fu Xiang and arranged for Boss Shen to
be looked after, I should get going too.
352 Report
Just as I was about to take my leave, I suddenly heard a Qilin
Guard ask: “Vice-captain, with Fu Xiang’s strength, what sort
of situation would cause him to suffer qi deviation? Please
forgive me for being ignorant, but I cannot figure it out.”

“Hmm, that is strange indeed. Let me have a think……”

I’m surprised they’ve started trying to figure out the truth behind
why Fu Xiang went down. But since I was so discreet, I don’t think I’ll
be revealed… right?

“Hm?! Oh yeah!” Long Zaitian seemed to have figured

something out. His eyes lit up with intelligence: “It was Ming

I was standing atop one of the palace walls. I held my breath. In

my hand was a melon seed. I locked my sights on Long Zaitian and in
my heart I tried to figure out where I went wrong.

That old brute hasn’t displayed his attention to detail and

composure just once. Could he have seen through something? How
the heck did he know it was me?

I then heard Long Zaitian exclaim at the top of his voice: “Fuck
me! That plague Ming Feizhen managed to kill even after
being defeated. I now believe there are curveballs in life!”

I almost fell off the wall because of what he blurted.

Go fuck yourself!

Fuck do you mean curveballs in life?!
353 Report
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354 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 41
Searching for the Duck in the Harem. Eighteen Subduing Dragons.

Long Zaitian sent Boss Shen back while I was currently sneaking
into the harem.

I don’t want to anger the League of Assassins’ people, but I have to

since they’re trying to overthrow the emperor’s reign. I still want to
stay at Liu Shan Men for a while so I can’t let them overthrow the
current emperor’s reign. Plus, the current emperor isn’t an eyesore
like that idiot.

And thus, I have decided to help out.

But I can’t butt in directly since one, the emperor recognises me. If
he recognises me here, my life of retirement will be over. Two, since
Fu Xiang knows that I’m the master of Night Fortress, the other
members of Mystery should know of the fact too. If they recognise
me, their days will be numbered.

I therefore need some stuff to disguise myself so that neither side

can recognise me. I pondered it over and over. The closest place
from here should be the harem’s palace. I did guard the south gate
and behind it was the cold palace. The cold palace is connected to
the harem so I do know the way.

I galloped along the palace wall’s and listened in carefully to the

sounds around to avoid running into a maid or something which
would force me to use my Eighteen Subduing Dragon Gropes to
resolve the problem.

Yours truly’s Eighteen Subduing Dragon Gropes has not been seen
in the pugilistic world for a long time. I’m afraid people might start
questioning its miraculous power.
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I then heard a graceful whirring voice.

“You sure have guts, you scoundrel!”

Spare me great female hero!

Shocked, I quickly stuck to the wall and didn’t dare to budge……

The big issue was that this is the harem! Usually, even ordinary
people would have to think carefully before bringing a girl into the
room, right? The harem is filled with the rooms of females, like the
empress, the concubines, and maids…… Every single place here
belonged to females.

I’m not a player. I’m not so nice that I’d charge into the rooms of
twenty females back-to-back……

But I didn’t see anyone come running out screaming “thief”,

“pervert” and so on. I felt a little relieved and continued listening in
carefully. I heard the voices of a few girls conversing in the flower
garden from another side.

“I can’t believe them.” It sounded like a maid was venting as

she complained: “These people are far too audacious, daring to
barge into the harem’s palace even now. If General Manager
Bai wasn’t skilled, they probably really would’ve barged in.”

Another maid piggy-backed off her and said: “Yeah, yeah. These

people don’t know better, insistently claiming that the harem
was hiding a criminal and tried to barge in. My gosh.”

I finally made some sense of what happened after listening to

some more.

So not only did the orange prince lockdown the flying fish pavilion,
control the imperial guards’ system, he even sent his men to the
harem to search for the emperor. I’m not sure if their numbers were
lacking or what, but General Manager Bai kicked them all out when
356 Report
they got here.

I recalled General Manager Bai’s beauty and big eyes that looked
like they could talk. She was always talking but was very clumsy. She
always blushed when she spoke even though nobody did anything.
From the perspective of outsiders, she was a cold and blunt person.
I’ll bet she looked violent and lashed out when she had to protect the
harem. I couldn’t help but find it funny.

General Manager Bai protected the harem. What amazing skill!

I then heard the maid angrily say: “We have to stay here and
bare the cold all because of these scoundrels! God damn it.”

“What are you complaining for? General Manager Bai said

something big happened and not to run around if you want to
live. In my opinion, General Manager Bai is cold on the
surface but warm inside. She always scolds us, but have we
ever been punished harshly? The other eunuch’s who hate
women beat us up all the time though.”

“I guess you’re right. But now I don’t get to see Bai Hu Su

Xiao’s performance now. Sigh……”


I froze up.

Su Xiao?

Another palace maid who was crushing on him said: “I heard Bai
Hu Su Xiao is more beautiful than a girl, a young man that’s
like a flower. I would be willing to marry him if he spared me
a glance.”

“Pfft! Of course you would. He’s young and yet he’s an

official already. What makes you think he’d have eyes for
357 Report
So Su Xiao’s cheerleading squad has come to the harem?

Su Xiao, screwing Liu Yuan over was enough. You really think it’s a
good idea to make so many palace maids love-sick? Don’t go getting
a concubine or something involved or even the emperor will hunt you

Afterwards, they were just gossiping about this sort of stuff. I didn’t
loiter around. I continued climbing the walls like a gecko to get

I operated with the utmost caution, listening into to the sounds

around as I moved. I was tense like fledgling bandit.

Huh? Barge into a girl’s room to enjoy the beautiful sight? Young
man, let a veteran educate you. You have to choose whose room you
barge into, right? This isn’t the backyard of some rich family you
know. It’s the royal family’s backyard!

Huh? They can’t catch me so what’s there to be worried about?

You’re too young and too naive!

The harem’s palace is different to the outside. You have to be

careful with every minute movement you make. If you get busted,
getting hunted is the least of your worries. If they remember your
face, they’ll have posters of you all over the land. How am I going to
live like that?

I’ll bet Night Fortress’s front hall will be filled with the seven white
champion princes’ silk flags. On the left will be “Peaches and
plums of the wind in spring shall be passed down era after
era”, and on the right will be “The mantle shall be passed down.
The whole world joins in the jubilation”. Then all my trash
friends will come running over and wantonly send me blessings and
every sentence in it will definitely have “Like teacher like pupil!” I
don’t want to live bearing that blame into my next life too.
358 Report
What’s more important, the lady or my life? I insist on choosing the

In any case, be careful, and then be more careful. When choosing a

room to barge into you must ensure three escape routes. It must be
facing the main courtyard and there must be windows inside.
Otherwise, your only way out when shit hits the fan is to break
through the roof…… That sort of big manoeuvre is enough to bring
the imperial guards who take down rebellions to come chasing after
me. That’s just too arrogant.

I searched further inside and found a room. Girls have always liked
to look pretty so there must be lots of makeup stuff inside. I just need
enough to hide my face.

I suddenly smelt something nice. Hmm?

That smells nice. Is it food?

The thought of that made my feet have an itch to run to the room
where the scent was coming from!

I started having fantasies in my head.

You’re a really fat-juicy duck. Your scent is nice and clear, while the
faint fragrance hits my nose. I reckon it must’ve been soaked with a
premium sauce, You were then grilled on low-heat just so that your
skin was golden. Your fragrant scent was captured as it began to
disperse in every direction. Then you were quickly chopped up so
that your clear fragrance, crisp and tender texture can be
maintained. Mmmm… and there’s wine too! On the left side of the
table was a pot of exquisite wine.

I’ve got great taste! The fragrance of the duck and wine is faint.
Now that’s a fantastic duck-dish on a snowy night.

C-Could that be the osmanthus duck dish of legend in the palace?
359 Report
When I opened the door, the room was empty. There was only a
plate of a beautiful piping-hot duck and me who fell in love at first
sight…… It’s the osmanthus duck dish as I thought!

But then I realised that the only exit from this room was the main
door as the other three walls were just white walls. This was the
maids’ room.

Fuck! I can’t believe I have to suffer the most embarrassing thing a

man could suffer. I meant going into the wrong room!

Cough, cough, cough, I can’t be stopped when I’m going fast……

Just as I entered the battle of the gods to decide if I should steal

the duck and leg it, voices came from behind. My heart stopped

One voice was graceful, the other was slightly deeper. One of the
voices sounded domineering as she commanded: “This is my gift
to the empress and Sir Zi. It’s best to have the wine and duck
together. Don’t let it get cold.”

“Yes. I have placed them in the room. They should not get
cold soon.”

The girl with the mesmerising voice then faintly replied: “Uhm,
take me there to take a look.”

After that, it only took a few steps for them to reach the entrance
of the room I was in. A hand was placed onto the door.

I looked at the solid roof blankly from inside the room…… Shall I
break through?

The door opened slowly. Shit! Shit! Shit! What do I do?!

A ridiculous answer that was unbelievable surfaced in my mind:

Eighteen Subduing Dragon Gropes.
360 Report

*Eighteen Subduing Dragon Gropes is a parody of the Eighteen

Subduing Dragon Palms, a fictional martial arts that appears in
multiple Jin Yong novels such as the Condor Hero trilogy.

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361 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 42
Waiting Silently on the Beam on the Roof. Hongzhuang Appears.

The moonlight outside shone into the cold room. A palace-maid

and a girl dressed in red came in. The palace-maids paced her steps
to match the other girl’s steps behind her, creating a strong contrast
between them. The girl in red looked at the duck meal on the table
that was perfect then sniffed the osmanthus wine, confirmed it with
an “uhm”, and then faintly said: “Not bad.”

They didn’t find anything else.

I then let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately I didn’t have to unleash

my Eighteen Dragon Subduing Gropes.

I was hiding on the horizontal beams on the roof right now. They
don’t do sloppy jobs or use poor quality materials for building rooms
in the palace that’s for sure. While this room is small, thick horizontal
beams were used. You could fit an ordinary person on top. I’m just a
little tall and my shoulders are a little broad. I don’t fit the
requirements of a player, no…… In short, it was a little squishy for
me hiding up on the horizontal beam. If there wasn’t just a faint light
from the candle in the room, nothing would be visible from here. I
had nothing on me that could reflect light. It’s time for my Eighteen
Subduing Dragon Gropes to make its return to the human realm.

At present, I’ll be safe as long as they don’t look up.

The girl in red said: “This duck must be placed like this. Only
you would come up with this idea. Although this is an
improvised idea, I do agree that it’s a good method.”

That’s when I noticed that there was a wooden barrel placed to the
side of the table and it looked like steam was coming from it. There’s
no ventilation in this room but it has no way of maintaining heat
362 Report
either. The wooden barrel therefore became the secret to
maintaining the warm temperature.

The wooden barrel was filled with hot water which maintained the
room temperature.

The girl in red went up to the wooden barrel and removed the lid,
letting the heat gush forth. She tested the water temperature with
her hand as though she was thinking about something.

That’s when I finally had the chance to see her face clearly.

The girl in red looked really young which was similar to her voice.
She looked around seventeen or eighteen.

The girl in red possessed long black hair like lacquer-ware that
began to part onto two sides and re-collected at her back like a
collection of clouds. On her alluring snow-white forehead was a
bright-red plum-blossom leaf mark which was very visible. It was a
beautiful and mesmerising faint plum blossom petal makeup design.

She had a radiant and clear face. Her eyebrows were like
mountains in the distance while her nose was tall and straight,
naturally giving her a heroic and dignified appearance. While heroic
and straight-forward, she wasn’t the exact same as Boss Shen. Boss
Shen’s heroic aura was more from her way of being decisive and
strong personality, so it derived from within her.

Comparing looks alone, Boss Shen’s face is a small goose-shaped

face, but nonetheless beautiful. So as soon as she changes the way
she speaks, you immediately see her as a beautiful and cute young

This girl in red however, had a handsome melon-shaped face. She

had upright eyebrows and you could sense her hidden heroic aura
just by seeing her and not having to hear her speak too.

Boss Shen is slender and tall among girls, but this girl had a long-
363 Report
straight body. She’s a fair bit taller than Boss Shen. She’s almost as
tall as a guy. Additionally, she maintained an erect torso when
standing. So when combined with her long-slender legs, men might
just have to look up at her.

I was amazed by her appearance. I wonder where this beautiful girl

came from. She came into the harem palace and even intends to
invite guests. All the concubines and whatnot in the harem all come
from influential backgrounds, like the empress for example, who’s
family backing is the seven white champion princes. I wonder who
the relative of this girl is.

The girl in red moved her hand in wavy motions in the hot water.
Pleased, she said: “I rushed to get here and didn’t have time to
wash up. The ladies are on their way now to so I can’t go far
away. Go outside and keep watch for me.”

The palace-maid hesitated before saying: “B-But this is just an

abandoned room. There is no one around to look after

“We people in the pugilistic aren’t supposed to be so

wishy-washy. I’ve eaten outside and camped outdoors plenty
of times already.”

“But here is honestly……”

“What are you worried about?” The girl in red chuckled faintly
and continued: “Only females and eunuchs are at the harem.
As long as you keep watch, nobody will know. There’s nobody
else in this room. You think I’m not worried about being seen
by others?”


I’m here! I’m here! Reporting in! There’s someone right here!

Sis, you may not be worried, but I am!!
364 Report
The palace-maid nodded and then exited, leaving just me and the
girl in red in the room. She was now about to undress. Okay, what
the hell is going on here?!

I started to panic.

Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Ooooiii!!! If news of this spreads, my beautiful name
in the pugilistic world will be completely tarnished!!

The girl in red reached her hand down to undo her belt. Her
posture was straight and stretched. Her legs in particular were long.
Her back was also relatively long compared to the average person.
Upon undoing her belt, her lower-garment suddenly revealed a fair
bit of itself. She then undid her collar. That released the front of her
shirt which came undone as though it couldn’t hold itself together. It
was like watching a magic trick where you made rabbits appear. Her
body caused me to jolt gently. Her body looks extremely supple.

She lowered her head and looked at herself. In a somewhat serious

tone she vented: “They’ve gotten bigger again…… This is so
inconvenient. My third sister keeps saying she envies me but
if they get any larger, I’m not going to be able to practice the
broadsword anymore either. What’s their use?”

I couldn’t believe she was a little frustrated. I really don’t

understand the frustrations of women……

But I couldn’t just watch anymore. She was about to remove her
shirt. I’ll soon get to enjoy the sight of a beauty entering the bath
then I’ll take up my shifu that old scoundrel’s alias and unleash my
Eighteen Dragons Subduing Palms. Yeah, as if!

I sincerely couldn’t watch her snow-white melons prove their noble

existence in front of me.

I couldn’t stop myself from shouting: “Don’t take it off!”

“Who’s there?!”
365 Report
The girl in red turned vigilant as soon as she heard a male’s voice.
She looked alert but she wasn’t flustered. It was clear that her able to
maintain her composure much better than Fu Xiang who got caught
with my Steal of Heart Camouflage so easily. She swiftly did up her
belt in the most convenient way. She directed her voice toward the
roof: “How dare you sneak into an important place like the
harem and sneak around. Get down here!”

I was more panicked than she was.

What the heck was I thinking screaming out like that?!

She had forced me to make a choice before I could figure out what
to do.

She bent her slender arm and drew a long broadsword from her
belt, revealing the shiny metal. Her blade slashed upward straight
toward my location accurately in a trained fashion like a dexterous
snake searching for its target.

I lightly slid down and jumped to the side of the table, passing the
girl in red who just slashed at me. As I moved relatively swiftly, I had
hid myself behind the table before she could see me clearly.

She was clearly surprised she didn’t notice me. Because she had
only done up her belt but her collar was still open, I could see her
smooth snow-white pearls from this angle. There was a layer of
sweat collected right between them which was extremely seductive.
The sight of it made my mouth dry.

I carefully picked up a cup of osmanthus wine and drank it. I then

lowered my voice and said: “Your skills with the broadsword
aren’t bad, miss. I’m quite pleased with them. But it’s
unbecoming to have your collar open generously like that.”

The purpose of me saying that was to let her back down without
embarrassing herself. If I’m an old-pervert, it shouldn’t tarnish her
366 Report
name. And I could remind her to dress properly while I was at it.
Otherwise……. she might catch a cold in this cold weather!

But god forbid I would’ve known she’d get really shy. She quickly
did up her collar and then coldly exclaim: “You are rude for an

She was both angry and embarrassed. Even the bright-red plum
blossom petal print on her head looked redder from embarrassment.
Anger crept into her eyes and she exclaimed: “Hand me your
head, pervert!”

Her blade swung at me like a hurricane! I marvelled at her skills to

myself. The few skills she had displayed with her broadsword were
enough for me to say that she could rival Tang Ye. Is she a female
broadsword wielder from the seventeen hidden dragons?

Before the qi on her blade took shape, I moved behind her, making
her strike miss. She retracted her blade back and I followed her
footsteps, sticking behind her causing her to miss all of her strikes.

I didn’t want to bully her. It was because I was wearing my

constable uniform so I didn’t dare to stop! If she sees my face, I’ll
never be able to escape in all definitions of the word!

“Wh-Who exactly are you?!”

I quickly raised one hand to push and the other to grab, bringing
the duck over. I then jumped over behind the wooden barrel and in a
scruffy voice said: “Hmph! Don’t even think of coming over
here. Come over and your end will be… worse than this

I threatened her while ripping a piece of tasty duck-meat and

eating it…… Oh! Mamma mia! It tastes gooooood!!!! I was nearly
moved to tears. There were only snacks in the imperial kitchen. They
didn’t serve me any hot food. This is what I call food!
367 Report
She hesitated for a moment but then a cold flash appeared on the
broadsword again. It was clearly internal energy. This chick was
going to go all out.

Mm, it looks like I have to go……

I leapt away and had another piece of duck…… Upon getting to the
door, I took a big stride forward and ran off. There certainly are a lot
of guards in the harem palace, but they’re not strong. If I’m busted, I
just need to run.

The girl in red behind me shouted: “Who exactly are you?!”

“Hmph! This old man is Zhong Ning! Come get me if you’re


Masterful blaming skills! Need to put the blame on someone else?

Hit me up in person at Liu Shan Men!

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releases and patron only specials!

368 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 43
Distinguishing the Loyal and Traitorous Inside the Imperial Study

“Your majesty, I shall stay here to keep watch. Please go

and grab the imperial… that.” Outside of the imperial study,
Eunuch Nan decided to stop at the entrance and not dare enter the
study. The emperor pushed the door to the study open. The interior
was as it always was, except that he came here to read in the past
instead of hiding like he was now, not to mention that it was his own
son that forced him into this predicament.

Nobody was standing guard outside of the imperial study which

was very surprising, as there was a guard every five steps here just
yesterday. Now however, there wasn’t a soul in sight. It truly was a
sight that one couldn’t help but sigh at.

When Eunuch Nan noticed the emperor not continuing in, he

couldn’t resist his impatience. While still wearing his usual
expression, he respectfully asked: “What is the matter, your

The emperor glanced at him and with a sad smile replied:

“Brother Junfei, I am the emperor, yet I have been forced to
move the imperial jade seal elsewhere to avoid a disaster at
the hands of my own son. I truly fail as an emperor and as a

Eunuch Nan thought to himself: If you did a good job, I would’ve

decapitated you years ago. Would I have needed to trick you into
coming here today?

However, he kept his concerned expression on the surface: “Your

majesty, please do not feel down about it. This is a mistake
his highness committed in a moment of thoughtlessness. As
369 Report
long as you can keep the imperial jade seal safe, you will
always have the necessary piece to turn this situation
around. Once you have gathered your people to subjugate his
highness, you will naturally have a chance to set him
straight. Your majesty, this place does not look it has been
taken over, but we cannot stay for long.”

The emperor however, acted like he didn’t hear him. He stood at

the door of the study and didn’t enter. Instead, he leisurely
complained: “It’s easier said than done to set him straight. I
have always been strict with them since they were young.
But according to what the Cheng’er said, I did wrong him in
some ways. He was passionate about military strategies. His
dream was to protect our lands and people. I shouldn’t have
forced him. I don’t know how to clean up this mess now that
I’ve forced him into usurping the throne.”

Eunuch Nan looked at the sky. The moon was gradually coming up.

I’m afraid the orange prince might not be able to wait anymore.
Zhong Ning should have reported back to the flying fish pavilion by
now, while I haven’t completed my task here yet. When the time to
announce rewards and merits, I’m going to be at the bottom for sure
like this.

Eunuch Nan responded in an amicable tone: “You need not

worry, your majesty. His highness is your biological son after
all, the son of her highness, and never left you before. You
watched him grow up. If somebody was deliberately trying to
harm you, surely it would not be his highness, right? I am
afraid that someone may be using his highness and that
person is the one who got him to commit this act of treason.
His highness possesses a pure heart. It is understandable for
him to be used by another in a moment of thoughtlessness.”

The foggy look in the emperor’s eyes slowly started to clear up:
“Did you say that Cheng’er had a moment of
370 Report
thoughtlessness…? It doesn’t look that way to me. He
deliberately planned it. For him to pull off something so big
inside the palace, I think it’s safe to say he’s been planning
this out for a long time.”

“There are many flaws in their operation, your majesty.”

Eunuch Nan started to reveal his impatience in his speech, “Think
about it, your majesty, if Long Zaitian did not work with
them, the plan would not have succeeded. Long Zaitian is but
one of the four vice-captains in the Qilin Guards. If their
grand commander was not away from the capital, he would
not be making the decisions. As such, his majesty using
someone like that was taking a chance. For it to be a
deliberately thought out plan, it is not well thought out.”

Due to his growing impatience, Eunuch Nan gave his opinion on

the orange prince’s plan. Using Long Zaitian was actually a spur-of-
the-moment idea the orange prince came up with. All four members
of mystery thought it wasn’t a wise idea.

The original plan was to have Eunuch Nan who was familiar with
the palace drug them as it was safe and convenient for him.
However, that meant that there would be too much reliance on
Mystery. The orange prince worried that they would threaten his rule
in the future. Thus, our Emperor Cheng Kong went and deployed a
check and balance tactic by using Long Zaitian who looked like a
ruffian to keep Mystery in check. He never imagined that it would
become the biggest flaw in the plan.

While listening to him, the emperor thought about everything


“No, that’s not right.” The emperor shook his head while waving
his hand: “The key to his plan was the imperial martial arts
tournament. The imperial martial arts tournament is
conducted once every five years. However, it was conducted
before the next schedule which wasn’t part of his plan. I
371 Report
would assume that I threw off his plan by moving it to an
early date. Cheng’er originally aimed for two years later. So
can you really call it deliberate? If Cheng’er had an extra two
years to prepare, I would most likely be captured already.”

That was factual. The orange prince did indeed plan to launch his
plan into action two years from now. This operation was launched all
of a sudden with things not as ready as predicted.

Eunuch Nan thought to himself: You’re not completely stupid, you


“Your majesty, we can sort this out later. If you do not grab
the seal now, people might get here.”

The emperor nodded: “You’re right. Please keep watch then,

Brother Junfei.”

“I shall wait for you, your majesty.”

With that the emperor stepped into the imperial study and closed
the door.

Eunuch Nan was elated. He was just moments away from getting
his hands on the imperial jade seal. He could help the orange prince
ascend the throne and he, Yu Ye will be the vassal that accomplished
a great deed so he would be conferred a rank of nobility and become
a minister, not to mention infinite wealth too.

This dynasty permits eunuchs becoming ministers. As someone

who came from the pugilistic world, he could only move about in the
inner parts of the palace as someone at the emperor’s side. But if he
serves the orange prince, he will be able to become an elder of the
new dynasty. That was his reason for choosing to serve the orange

As for the old emperor, out of consideration for his nice treatment
toward me, I’ll give him a swift death after he’s served his purpose.
372 Report
They are father and son after all. If they mend their relationship after
some time, we rebels will be the ones who have to deal with trouble,
so it’s best to just finish him off. I can just tell the orange prince he
got so furious he died. He did revolt after all, so who can he blame
for angering his father to death?

He almost laughed out loud when he had the thought. Eunuch Nan
stood properly as he waited for that awaited moment.

But after a long time, it was silent inside the imperial study.
Eunuch Nan naturally focused in to listen carefully and gently
knocked on the door.

After a while longer, Eunuch Nan in a muffled voice called out:

“Your majesty? Your majesty?”

He didn’t dare to rush him or push the door and enter, fearing that
he’d raise the emperor’s suspicion. If he doesn’t get his hand on the
imperial jade seal, he wouldn’t have accomplished anything in this
operation. Therefore, he had to be cautious.

“Your majesty…. it is I. Are you alright?”

It was dead-silent inside.

Eunuch Nan clicked his tongue. What’s going on? Could he have
entered some secret passageway and can’t hear? Yeah, that must be
it. Such a precious object like the imperial jade seal wouldn’t be
placed somewhere obvious within reach.

He waited for a bit longer but he was starting to get anxious.

After pondering it over and over, he thought to himself: Since he’s

entered a secret passageway, he won’t see me even if I go in to take
a look. What’s wrong with entering?

But he didn’t dare to enter the end. If he was discovered now,

there probably wouldn’t be any good ending awaiting him. If his
373 Report
intent was to be discovered and the emperor destroyed the imperial
jade seal, he’d be in for it.

After a while longer, he couldn’t suppress his urge anymore, so he

took action.

Eunuch Nan quickly pushed the door open and entered. He rolled
lightly on the ground, knelt there and then in a shaky voice said: “Y-
Your majesty, people have come! I am afraid that they will
discover us, so I had no choice but to commit this crime
punishable by death. Please forgive me, your majesty!”

All he got for his amazing performance though was awkward


It was scary-quiet inside the imperial study. Plus, it was completely

dark as there were no lights on and the atmosphere was eerie.

Eunuch Nan knelt there for a while before slowly raising his head to
ask: “Y-Your majesty?” He looked left and ride, but all that was in
sight were bookshelves as well as the table right at the front. There
wasn’t a single trace of the emperor.

Eunuch Nan thought to himself: So there is a secret passageway

after all.

But then he couldn’t see any secret passageway in sight. If there

was a mechanism, he’d have heard it while standing outside. While
he was confused, something flashed right in front of his eyes, nearly
knocking his soul out of his body!

Right in a corner in the darkness was a small folding window.

A window?!

The first thing Eunuch Nan thought of was: The emperor ran off!!

The thought of it gave him cold feet. He has great listening senses,
374 Report
but there’s no guarantee he won’t miss things. If the emperor
sneaked out through the window then it may just have escaped his

But in that case, just when did the emperor find out he was a

His suppressed fear resurfaced in his heart when he thought back

to how the emperor maintained his usual majestic aura. His plan to
kill the emperor just now had gone down the drain in an instant. If he
let the emperor escape, he was doomed given how the emperor
usually dealt with evil!

Eunuch Nan suppressed the fear in his heart and rushed over to
the window to check it out. He no longer cared if he alerted anyone.

Before he could get a good look, the sound of something flew

through the darkness. Eunuch Nan instinctively went to smack it
away. But his force was stopped and he felt a sharp pain in his palm.
Something incomparably sharp stabbed through his palm and went
straight into his chest. Eunuch Nan groaned out loud and then fell

A silhouette appeared from between the bookshelves in the


Eunuch Nan slowly opened his eyes with disbelief because he was
ambushed by him.

Eunuch Nan resisted the pain at his chest and the sharp pain in his
palm. With utter disbelief he exclaimed: “Wh-Why… why did you
attack me… your majesty?!”

The emperor wore an angry look as he slowly emerged from the

darkness with a crossbow in his hand,

“You surprised? You entered the imperial study without

permission which is punishable by death. How can you cry
375 Report

Eunuch Nan quickly rushed to explain himself: “I am innocent,

you highness! I am innocent! I saw suspicious people moving
around outside and was afraid that you would be exposed if I
was found. I… I… I did not think my actions would cause you
to suspect me. I deserve to die.”

“You do indeed deserve to die.”

The emperor just looked at him with a sad and angry look as he
shook his head.

“You revealed yourself so soon, Nan Junfei.”

The emperor glared at Nan Junfei and firmly declared: “Or maybe
I should call you, Assassin Yu Ye!”

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376 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 44
The Father Runs Into Trouble While His Kid Runs Into Me

Nan Junfei was lying on the ground gasping for air: “Your
majesty… you saw through me long ago……”

“It wasn’t hard.”

The emperor tossed his crossbow aside and placed his hand behind
his back. The emperor’s hands were still shaking in the darkness.
Thorn-tears had truly sealed his qi. He tried to mould energy multiple
times, but that only caused Thorn-tears to penetrate deeper within.
His hands and feet were numb, leaving him powerless while he felt a
sharp stinging pain in his dantian every now and then. It took him
everything he had to fire the crossbow.

Though Shen Yiren tried to help everyone neutralise the poison,

the only person she didn’t dare to give hemlock poison to was the
emperor. For her, the emperor wasn’t just her respected and beloved
uncle, but also the foundation of a vassal’s loyalty. As such,
poisoning the emperor without careful deliberation was not
something she could do, even if it was a matter of expediency.

As a result, the emperor was in a horrible condition and was only

bluffing as best as he could to hide the fact from Nan Junfei.

“I stopped trusting everyone the moment Cheng’er

launched his revolt. Anyone could’ve been Cheng’er’s men so
I came up with a method to determine if the person in
question could be trusted. Those who mentioned the three
words ‘imperial jade seal’ were moles, no questions asked.
Not only did you repeatedly mention it, you even showed
your urgency on your face. That’s when I started paying
attention. I continued to repetitively mention Cheng’er’s
377 Report
operation today. You and I were both poisoned and both in
peril, but you were very calm. And you had so much to say
when analysing his plan, which is completely contradictory to
your usual self that speaks very little.”

“I can’t believe I revealed myself like that……”

“The League of Assassins must’ve grown a few more guts

to dare and come invade my imperial palace. Yet they only
sent small-timers like the Black Winds Thirteen Wings.
There’s no way Cheng’er could’ve relied on them alone to
attack the imperial palace. I felt something was wrong long
ago. I just happened to not be able to figure it out until I saw
that Qilin Guard, Jiao Meng with formidable skills. His palm
strikes were incredibly powerful and shocking. He stood out
to me particularly when he defeated my skilled fighters
around me alone like a man who established his magnanimity
in a wave. That reminded me of a style. The style counters
variations by not varying the users techniques, drawing out
fights with stamina, and focusing on brute strength as its
core element. That style is called Fu Xiang Divine Palms.”

The corner of Nan Junfei’s eye twitched a little after what he heard
so the emperor knew his guess was right. The emperor then
continued: “The cultivation and execution is extremely similar
to what Jiao Meng used. So it was strange, because according
to what I know, Fu Xiang Divine Palms is a style that
originates from South Xinjiang. If it was being used in the
Central Plains, then only one person would be using it. That
would be Fu Xiang, an assassin who made a name for himself
in the north.”

The emperor then got angrier and he raised his voice: “Kuang
Tian, Fu Xiang, Yu Ye, Zhong Ning! God damn Yu Ye, Zhong
Ning, Nan Junfei. I underestimated you. Mystery was a group
that rose to prominence in the last six to seven years while
378 Report
you had entered the palace long before Mystery appeared. I
thought you were just more regulated and disciplined when I
saw how you were usually very careful in the palace as
though you were afraid of making mistakes. I never thought
that it was all a cover for your real identity as an assassin!”

“In the past, my alias was Yu Ye of the Southern Sky. The

two words, Yu Ye were taken from that alias of mine after I
became an assassin.” Nan Junfei lay on the ground like a mouldy-
old prawn. He smiled helplessly and added: “But that’s not the
reason. I’m certain that you weren’t suspicious of me before
you entered the imperial study. At least, I’m not entirely

“You’re right. I had no way of confirming your stance after I

entered so I stayed here to watch you. You barged in
claiming enemies had come. You can trick people with your
voice, but not your eyes. Your two sly-snake eyes were
scanning the room the entire time like a dog searching for its
prey! Is there any need to say what you were thinking at that

“I see now…… You are most certainly wise, your majesty.

Not even such small actions could escape your eyes. To be
honest, I was not deliberately trying to be careful. It was just
that I had to be careful in front of you.” Nan Junfei smiled and
slowly got up from the ground. He panted for air and continued:
“Since it was my eyes that betrayed me, I did not get hit with
this arrow for no reason.”

Once he finished that sentence, Nan Junfei clenched his teeth, and
resisted the pain as he yanked the short arrow out, causing a
downpour of blood.

Luckily for him, the arrow wasn’t barbed so it didn’t open too big of
a wound. It did hurt intensely though. Nan Junfei clenched his teeth
and sealed his meridian. He moulded energy three times and he
379 Report
managed to stop the excessive bleeding. He then took out his
medication for incision wounds he always had on him and had
himself some. He then looked at the emperor. He had lost a fair bit of
blood but he still had clear vision, and his internal energy was
evidently fine.

The emperor didn’t expect for him to be so tough, let alone stand
up again. For a moment, the emperor got slightly flustered: “Y-You
can still stand?”

Nan Junfei chuckled and replied: “I just praised you for being
wise and here you are being stupid. Your majesty, do you
perhaps remember what style I am a master of by any

Though the style Nan Junfei is well-versed in is famous, it’s got

nothing to do with his wound. His alias was Yu Ye Southern Sky.
However, that was because he was good with qinggong and secret
weapons. It had nothing to do with him pulling an arrow out.

The emperor thought about it and suddenly blurted out something

that came to mind: “Qi Release Aspiration Manual! Damn you! I
taught you that back then, and now you’re using it against

In one particular year when the emperor went to see how the
people were doing outside the palace, a bandit tried to hurt the
emperor. Nan Junfei took the attack with his body and was severely
wounded. After not being able to heal for a long time, the emperor
taught him the healing technique of the royal family, Qi Release
Aspiration Manual.

After years of practice, Nan Junfei became proficient with the style.
He sneakily used that style when he was hit by the arrow just before.
And it had amazing healing properties as usual. He managed to stop
the bleeding swiftly and his internal and external energy systems
weren’t damaged.
380 Report
The emperor furiously exclaimed: “You bastard!” He went to
strike him with his palms. However, he had lost all of his internal
energy and had yet to recover.

Nan Junfei intercepted the emperor’s arm and slapped, knocking

him onto the ground.

“Hmph! The patriarch was so skilled yet has trash like you
for a descendent. Once you die, I’ll use all of your skills and
combine them into an invincible style. Let’s see how your Li
family’s rule fares then!”

The emperor was sprawled out on the ground and couldn’t get up
as though he was completely out of energy.

“I didn’t want to do this, but you didn’t give me a chance.

Your majesty, I originally wanted to give you a swift death,
but you forced me to do it the hard way.”

Nan Junfei laughed coldly and his tone slowly became more violent:
“Your majesty, I do execute my targets normally. I don’t
interrogate my targets or anything like that. Only my brother
Zhong Ning is a crazy murderous killer who’s also specialised
in all sorts of interrogation techniques. And he’s a sick-
perverted bastard who goes for men and women. If you don’t
hand over the imperial jade seal, my brother Zhong Ning
might just like you given your looks when he gets here.”

Just when he got to that part, somebody kicked the door open. Nan
Junfei turned around with glee to look: “Speak of the devil.”

Nan Junfei shouted toward the door: “Zhong Ning, come in!”


“Zhong Ning, you bastard! Stop right there!!”

I was galloping in the harem’s flower garden. Behind me was a
381 Report
pretty girl chasing me down with a sabre in her hand.

I’ve ran a few laps in the harem with this girl in red already.

It’s not that I can’t shake her off, but I need to find some makeup
here. I don’t know what the heck is up with the harem today either.
There’s a maid or a eunuch standing on guard every three steps so I
had to take detours to avoid those places. But then I got stuck on a
big straight path, making it very easy for her to chase me from

Just what the hell man?!

I’m just looking for some makeup. Name me one girl that doesn’t
use any! Just why is it so hard for me to find some?!

“Stop right there, Zhong Ning!”

She yelled out with her beautiful-clear voice again. The speed with
which the girl in red wielded her broadsword was honestly swifter
than I imagined. She slashed at me again.

Get off me! I’m in a rush to save the emperor here! Can’t we just
do away with our debts when we’ve got national matters to deal with

I suddenly stopped and threw a palm strike, forcing her to learn to

back of…… I can’t kill her or hurt her…… This is tough man!! Why
didn’t my shifu teach me some useful stuff back then?!

While I was complaining about for the umpteenth time about how
my shifu isn’t reliable, the girl in red took two steps back and then
slashed the force of my palm strike away.

She seemed to struggle to breathe a little due to my palm strike as

she was short on breath.

I couldn’t face her front-on in case she recognised me in my
382 Report
constable uniform. As such, I kept my back to her and thundered: “I
have important business to attend to. Missy, if you continue
chasing me, watch out for your umm… your dudou!”

Kekeke, I just mentioned a place she must guard……


The girl in red swiftly covered her chest. A red flush appeared on
her face. She wore a stern expression on and exclaimed: “You
barged into the harem which is an unforgivable offense, and
you’re the second team of the League of Assassins’, Mystery.
How can I let you go?!”

I made a mistake. This girl in red isn’t your average seventeen,

eighteen, nineteen year old girl. Her martial arts knowledge is vast
and managed to keep calm like this after a mysterious man suddenly
barged in on her bathing. Her composure is impressive and

“A-And…..” Her voice trembled a little. She looked at me with

disdain in her heroic and beautiful eyes: “You, Zhong Ning, are an
infamous evil figure in the pugilistic world, wreaking havoc
wherever you go. People in the pugilistic world call you one
of the four biggest perverts. You go for men and women, you
disgusting-sick pervert! What were you trying to do in the

My jaw dropped to the ground.

What? What? What?

He goes for guys and girls? Shit! I didn’t know this guy’s appetite
was that liberal!!

“Your highness! We have trouble!”

A group of imperial guards rushed over. I looked at their leader. It
383 Report
was a proper imperial guard, not one of the orange prince’s
henchmen. It looks like the crisis at the flying fish pavilion has been
resolved after Fu Xiang’s defeat. The imperial guard captains had
begun to return to their posts and the guards themselves had
returned to their rightful posts.

Eh? But what did the team-captain call this girl in red just now……?

She glared at my back then and clenched her teeth before saying:
“You guys came at the right time. I was worried about not
being able to find a helping hand. Just now this man……” It
looks like she cares about her reputation and can’t reveal that I
peeped on her bathing. She switched to: “He barged into the
harem from out of nowhere and was rude to me. Arrest him
and as the princess, I shall reward you handsomely!”

Hmm? Something’s weird.

Did she just address herself the way I think she did?!

Other than the empress, the only ones who address themselves
like that in the palace are……

As soon as the imperial guards heard what she said, they shouted
out like I molested their mother. They angrily roared: “You rude
bastard! One glance and you can tell you’re not a good
person. How dare you humiliate the second princess!”

Sec-ond princess!!!

The girl in red is the second princess of the current dynasty, Li


Once I learnt of her identity, my hairs stood up and I realised one

more thing: I just threatened her by saying to her face that I was
going to strip her dudou off. My name is going to go down in history
384 Report
Note: I have to acknowledge that I made a big mistake. I read
Zhong Ning as Zhong Yi (凝 VS 疑), I left the left part out when.
Author helped me point it out. I’ve corrected that in previous
chapters. Profuse apologies.


*Dudou is like an undershirt worn in ancient China instead of a bra.

It’s not called a bellyband which it’s often mistranslated as. That
refers to a variety of other devices including horses’ harness or a
compression garment expectant mothers wear. For a visual, google:

**Li Hongzhuang refers to herself as 本宫 which translated literally

is “This palace”. The English translation in the right context is just
“I”, so for raw readers, I did add in the “…as the princess, I…”
part for smoother reading and so that MFZ’s reaction wasn’t just
nonsensical to you. From here on out though, whenever 本宫 is used,
I will simply translate it as “I” unless I need to do that again. As in
the chapter, it’s how the empress, sometimes other ladies of the
emperor (because there are different ways) and princesses refer to
themselves. In English, it’s just “I”, hence why the changes I made
to adapt it.

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385 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 45
It’s Safe With the Emperor’s Security Detail’s Hu Po Here

“Zhong Ning, come in!” Nan junfei chuckled indifferently as he

faced the emperor who sat up and said: “I must introduce you to my
brother Zhong Ning. your majesty. He’s ranked fourth in our group,
Mystery. His martial arts skills are inferior to mine, but his evilness
far exceeds the three of us. While the other three of us do admit to
committing evil, we only take on assassination or sabotage jobs from
the rich.

My brother, Zhong Ning however, is a rare to come by evil spawn

that’s been around for decades. He kills, robs and rapes women.
There’s no atrocity he doesn’t commit. He’s bloodthirsty. Our former
master and servant relationship would not be complete if I don’t
introduce you to such a peculiar individual.”

The emperor sat up but still couldn’t muster up any strength. There
wasn’t a single hint of capitulation in his eyes, but he struggled to
ask: “Why? Yes, you came from the pugilistic world, but you
are just and brave. I took you in without questioning you
when you came to offer your services to me back then. I’ve
never treated you as a servant despite you entering the
palace to work as a servant. I treated you as a hero
nonetheless. Nan Junfei, ask yourself, when and where did I
wrong you? Why are you betraying me?”

“You didn’t wrong me. Of course you didn’t!” Nan Junfei’s

gaze changed. He exclaimed: “You’re a saint. A great emperor
that is proficient in literacy and martial arts. You’re an
emperor that is superior to the previous emperors, so
naturally, you never wronged me. But I became reduced to a
eunuch because of you!”
386 Report
The emperor frowned and replied: “You already did it to
yourself when you came to offer your services to me back
then, and told me yourself that you wanted to enter the
palace as a eunuch. I never forced you to, so how did I force

“Of course you don’t remember. You’re busy with

thousands of things every day. How would you have time to
remember these minor matters? In your eyes, my life is but a
sentence on your documents.” Nan Junfei glared at the emperor
aggressively and then explained in an enraged voice: “Fifteen years
ago, I offered my serves to the Nine Rivers Sect. Someone reported
to Liu Shan Men that our group was planning to revolt. With just one
written decree from you and Liu Shan Men’s Yan Shisan immediately
led his men to eradicate our Nine Rivers Sect.

Heh, skilled fighters of the imperial, big shots, huh? A huge sect
was eradicated in half a day. All those who resisted were killed.
Those captured were subjected to the punishments in the palace. I
didn’t castrate myself. I was castrated after I was captured as a

“Nine Rivers Sect… Nine Rivers Sect……” The emperor

muttered the name several times and then blurted: “I somewhat
remember that incident. There was solid evidence that the
sect-leader was planning to revolt back then. Yan Shisan
didn’t make a wrong judgement. Why do you……”

Nan Junfei cut him off, shouting: “So what?! If it weren’t for
you and Yan Shisan, I wouldn’t have become a eunuch!”

So it turns out Nan Junfei didn’t know the sect-leader of the Nine
Rivers Sect was in fact guilty. It was just that he suffered more than
he could handle. He didn’t care about reason. He just needed a
target to vent his hatred and pain. Life in the palace for over a
decade didn’t reduce his hatred. To the contrary, it made him angrier
and more averse to accepting the outcome, thus wanting to change
387 Report
his life even more.

Nan Junfei laughed pitifully for himself: “Heh, a hero, huh? If I

truly was still a hero, I wouldn’t be here today wearing these
clothes and speaking to you here in the palace.
Unfortunately, I’m just a eunuch, a eunuch who can only
realise his dream of heroism by killing people. What’s the
point of the martial arts skills I possess?”

The emperor didn’t respond. Nan Junfei’s gaze turned cold. He

snickered and went on: “I hate you and Yan Shisan most in this
life. I couldn’t kill him, but I at least got to watch him fall.
You were the one who spun this cocoon around for yourself.
If he was still by your side you wouldn’t be in this situation
now. You have treated me decently all these years, so I did
want to make it swift. But you didn’t want the favour. I’ve
managed to save myself trouble. Before you experience the
pain I suffered, don’t even dream of having a moment to

He turned around to speak to the person at the door that wouldn’t

come in: “Zhong Ning? What’s wrong with you?”

The footsteps at the door had stopped long ago. A silhouette of

someone tall was seen outside the door, but the individual wouldn’t

Nan Junfei said: “What are you doing not coming in, Brother
Zhong Ning? The old emperor has already seen through my
act. There’s no need to act anymore!”

But the silhouette didn’t move like the individual didn’t hear Nan

Nan Junfei suddenly started to get suspicious: Today is an

important day. Zhong Ning wouldn’t pull a joke like this. Could it be…
that it’s not Zhong Ning?!
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As his suspicion arose, Nan Junfei raised his vigilance level. He
reached his hand out and sealed the emperor’s meridian before tying
him up brashly. He was completely different to the careful version of
himself when he was helping the emperor before.

Nan Junfei dragged the emperor to the door then carefully asked:
“Brother Zhong Ning, is that you?”

The person at the door finally spoke up: “So… the fucking evil
bastard Zhong Ning is your sworn brother.”

The voice was strong and clear, the complete opposite of Zhong

“Who are you?”

Nan Junfei moulded energy to his palm. He waited for him to speak
before striking with his palm. He didn’t see the individual raise his
hand. Nan Junfei felt his palm collide with a wall of wind which was
very tough. Nan Junfei immediately moulded more internal energy,
seeking to get the upper hand right away.

Their palms collided with a door in between. Frankly, the door was
very tough to be able to withstand both of their palms colliding
without getting damaged.

That individual took several steps back after their exchange. Since
he didn’t know who the visitor was, Nan Junfei couldn’t let him go.
Therefore, he quickly pulled the door open and chased him outside.
That individual reversed his direction and struck back with a palm
strike. Not having enough time to defend, Nan Junfei was forced to
use both palms to intercept his palm, thereby releasing the emperor.

Their walls of qi clashed and exploded in the air. The explosion of

their clash blew the snowflakes around away. The two were
outrageously strong.

The individual seemed to have planned the attack out for a long
389 Report
time. With both of Nan Junfei’s arms extended, he manoeuvred
himself quickly, putting himself between Nan Junfei and the emperor,
successfully separating them. The emperor recognised the individual
from his back. He said to himself: With him here, my safety is

Nan Junfei realised he fell for the tactic when he lost his hostage.
He retreated a step then shouted: “Who are you?!”

The individual faintly asked: “Eunuch Nan, after becoming the

lap-dog of the League of Assassins’ have you forgotten who I
am too?”

The man before his eyes was dressed in brilliant black clothing. He
was tall and had a straight posture. His eyes looked refined and his
internal energy was evidently profound. He had bulging muscles like
every inch of his muscles had explosive power.

Nan Junfei took a proper look at his features and automatically

blurted a name without thinking: “Hu Po! It’s you!”

Hu Po is the current seventh ranked warrior on Liu Shan’s Elites’

rankings. He was the special ranked member of the emperor’s
security detail whose post was to guard the emperor.

Nan Junfei was shocked. If Hu Po is here, where’s Zhong Ning?

Hu Po didn’t say any more to Nan Junfei, instead with his back
facing him, he apologised to the emperor: “Your majesty, I
apologise for my tardiness. Please allow me to unseal your
meridian first.” He reported his intention before easily undoing the

The emperor’s body was already limp to begin with so he dropped

to the ground as soon as his meridian was released. Fortunately, Hu
Po caught him so he didn’t make an embarrassment of himself. With
joy, the emperor said: “My efforts to stall for time were worth it
390 Report
in the end. You’re finally here, Hu Po.”

Hu Po nodded and respectfully apologised again: “I apologise for

being late. Please forgive me, your majesty.”

The emperor waved it off with his hand and replied: “I had you
leave, so you’re not at fault. Now that you’re here, let’s see
how this scoundrel runs!” He then glared at Nan Junfei and calmly
said: “This man committed treason, is ungrateful and is
undeserving of mercy. I permit you to kill him.”

It’s usually forbidden for anyone to use weapons let alone fight
outside the imperial study. Without the emperor’s orders, nobody
was permitted to fight. But once he gave the order, Nan Junfei’s
chances of survival got slimmer and slimmer.

Nan Junfei looked at the two of them speak. Like he was standing
on their corpse already he thundered: “If that bastard didn’t
resort to trickery, you wouldn’t have been able to snatch that
tyrant back from me!”

Hu Po ignored Nan Junfei the entire time which was an indication

that he looked down on him.

Now that Nan Junfei cursed at the emperor, Hu Po’s gazed turned
cold as he turned around to say: “Take that back.”

“Take it back? Go ask the king of hell to take it back!”

Nan Junfei took out a rocket from his shirt and shot it up into the
sky where it vanished instantly. That’s the League of Assassins’
special contact method. They never use it until the situation is dire.

Nan Junfei chuckled brutally and mocked: “Be pleased with

yourself as much as you can, because my people will be here
any moment now!”

391 Report
I had to go through some effort to shake them off.

When I found out she was the second princess, I ran for dear life
without stopping.

Putting aside that she’s an incredible fighter herself, she even

called for reinforcements. I fled for as long as it takes to boil a pot of
tea. My number of pursuers increased several folds as I ran. My
constable uniform is like a death-magnet. Being sighted meant
death, causing me to give up on my plan and run out of the harem.

And now I’m at god-knows where.

I hid in a pile of stinky clothes and silently waited for my pursuers

to pass by for some good distance. I waited for a long time. I waited
until I could honestly no longer stand the stench before leaving the
pile and running for dear life.

Aaahh! I stink!

What the hell is this place?!

I looked up and saw the word: Laundry.

It looks like this is where clothes are washed in the palace. Did I
run here without knowing it…? I lowered my head to sniff myself. I
can’t do this. I need to find somewhere to wash myself.

“Who goes there?!”

The shout scared me. I thought I got busted. But then when I saw
the individual, my worry vanished.

He was dressed in black and he wore a blue-fang mask. No matter

how I look at it, he looks more suspicious than me.

He suddenly flashed out from a corner and pointed his sword at

me. I’ve seen this clothing style plenty of times today. If I’m correct,
392 Report
all of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings and the orange prince’s private
military dressed like this.

What, is this guy passing by too? Where’s he off to?

I looked at him again. He looks really familiar. He’s with the Black
Winds Thirteen Wings if I’m correct……

The man with the mask scanned me from head to toe and back up.
He then nodded as though he had figured out my identity. I could
virtually see the bloodthirsty smile he wore behind his mask.

“Hmm, you from Liu Shan Men? My sword hasn’t tasted any
blood today. You offered yourself up to me so I have to kill.”

“Who are……”

“The name is Chen Yun.” Chen Yun smiled savagely and added:
“Remember it. That’s the name of the man who’s going to
take your life.”

Ooohh! The leader of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings, Chen Yun. I

Why is he here? Is he running away like me?

But whatever.

I stared at his clothes and mask before putting on my thinking hat.

“Uhm.” I scanned him for a bit, causing him to feel uncomfortable

before smiling and asking: “Bro, you wanna strip?”

Chen Yun seemed to be disgusted. He asked with disdain: “What

did you say?”

“The name is Zhong Ning.” I grinned and copied his tone and
line exactly as I added: “Remember it. That’s the name of the
man who’s going to hang you on the wall butt-naked.”
393 Report

*The rocket Nan Junfei shot wasn’t the massive modern day rocket.
There are many variations such as the type that’s like a party popper
where you pull the string and it shoots a flare into the air.

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394 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 46
Hu Po Counters Yu Ye, Zhong Ning Counters Hei Ying

There are a hundred warriors of the imperial court ranked on Liu

Shan’s Elites Rankings. The twenty-first to one-hundred ranks are
conferred Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding ranks, while the top twenty are different.
Some in the pugilistic world jokingly call them seven, six, four, three,
one brigade.

The top three on the rankings are referred to as The Ultimate


The three of them possess profound martial arts skills and are in
no respect inferior to the top masters of the martial world. It’s rare
for them to fight, but when they do, they cause the world to tremble.
Yan Shisan was once one of them. That’s why the three of them are
usually delegated to posts far away where they are responsible for
subduing foreign enemies.

The seventeen warriors ranked after the ultimate three are known
as the seventeen hidden dragons.

Among the seventeen of them however, are clear distinctions.

Those distinctions being: last-seven, middle-six, top-four.

The skill level in each of those ranks is different. Long Zaitian is

ranked fifteenth in the seventeen hidden dragons and therefore
belongs in the last-seven, and is one of the relatively weaker

Despite being one of the seventeen hidden dragons, his skills are
far inferior to those ranked above him.

However, all twenty of them serve the imperial court. Therefore,

the nickname seven, six, four, three, one clown brigade isn’t without
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The ultimate three are given aliases based on sacred animals so

they’re like sacred animals that defend the nation. As long as they’re
around, the imperial court shall know peace.

Flying Fish, Qing Lin and Ying Long are the same. The ultimate
three that came after were also the same.

The top four whom are closest to the ultimate three are also
conferred aliases that are close to them.

Hu Po’s name contains the “tiger” character within “Hu”. That

goes to show that the emperor holds his martial skills in high regard.

Nan Junfei was aware his opponent was no pushover. He held his
breath and then whipped his sleeves out creating a whirlwind of
snowflakes that picked up over ten little stones that packed full of
power. They were hidden within the snow whirlwind and hard to

This Flying Sands and Stones technique was a top-tier hidden-

weapon technique that’s hard to master. However, it wasn’t difficult
for Nan Junfei who was a famous skilled-master. The difficult part was
forming the attack when waving his hand as it needed to look natural
and not give the enemy time to defend. He took advantage of the
snowflakes and night sky as cover to bring out the essence of
hidden-weapons. That was where his effort was focused.

“Insignificant fluffy tricks.”

Ho Po however, didn’t think anything of him. Without even looking,

he stepped forth. A single step from him was enough turn the
atmosphere around unnatural. Nan Junfei could seemingly see the qi
around him suddenly flow erratically. He didn’t know what sort of
godly strength was hiding within. One misstep would mean death.

It appeared as though an invisible layer of qi flowed erratically
396 Report
around him, pushing the snowflakes around away. However, the
stones that contained Nan Junfei’s internal strength could still pierce
through the layer of flowing qi and accurately hit him on his body.

Nan Junfei was all giddy to himself: Your fault for acting up. You
can’t blame me for the consequences!

He then shouted: “Die, scoundrel!” With that, he rushed him

with a palm strike.

However, Hu Po’s body only stopped for a second when the stones
hit him. His clothes absorbed the force of the stones so taking one
step back was sufficient to dissolve their force. He got his clothes to
stand straight up again, thereby bouncing them back at him. The
sound of the stones flying through the air was two-times louder than
when they flew at him.

Being a master at hidden-weapons, Nan Junfei naturally knew how

to defend against hidden-weapons as well as strike with them.
However, it’s rare to see someone do it in an incredible manner as
Hu Po just did. Nan Junfei didn’t panic as he watched the stones fly
back at him. He was skilled at maintaining his composure. He
stopped his feet and caught the stones with his hands skilfully.

“You want to kill me with that child’s play level of skill?”

By the time he heard that sentence and looked at Hu Po again, he

was already up in his face. While Nan Junfei was catching the stones,
he moved to stand within three-feet of him. He wore a cold
expression as he raised up one hand and slammed it on Nan Junfei’s

The punch came from Hu Po’s self-created “Ten Tiger

Penetration Techniques”. The punch was heavy, sending Nan
Junfei flying where he then spat a mouthful of blood like cotton being
tossed into the winds.
397 Report
His blood landed on the snow creating a trail of blood in the snow.

“D-Damn you, Hu Po.”

Nan Junfei struggled to sit up. He then used “Qi Release

Aspiration Manual” and slowly spat out several mouthfuls of foul
qi. He acted like he was severely wounded, but in reality, he was still
fully capable of fighting. The founding emperor’s Qi Release
Aspiration Manual truly was a miraculous healing cultivation art. It
was particularly effective for battle wounds. The ability to heal
internal injuries with it was mind-blowing. He saved his true power,
waiting for Hu Po to let his guard down to launch a counterattack.

Hu Po walked over slowly, watching Nan Junfei seated on the

ground with his calm gaze.

He suddenly launched a punch like flash of thunder. He punched

mercilessly with no care for whether his opponent was wounded or

Nan Junfei’s plans were far off from what he imagined they would
be like. As a matter of fact, he revealed his card and had no choice
but to evade. The brick where he was seated just a moment ago had
been reduced to dust by Hu Po’s extremely powerful internal energy.
In his moment of shock, the sound of a fist punching through the air
swung toward his head. Hu Po hunted him down, using “Ten Tiger
Penetration Techniques” again on him.

Nan Junfei exclaimed in his mind: Fucking nutcase! Did I smash

your ancestors’ tombs or something for you to be so vicious?!

Hu Po threw three consecutive punches and then threw a kick. Nan

Junfei rolled like a gourd on the ground back and forth. If he didn’t
have good qinggong, Hu Po would’ve dealt him the fatal blow

Nan Junfei was furious. He wasn’t a magnanimous or tolerant man.
398 Report
Being a eunuch for so many years made him frighteningly paranoid.
His attempt to lure his opponent just now failed. Instead, he
convinced himself he was injured. Yet when he was genuinely
injured, his opponent hunted him down mercilessly. He cussed:
“Fuck you, Hu Po, you bastard! You and I have no deep
grudge! Chasing me down like this… are you ignoring the
rules of the pugilistic world now too?”

After Hu Po heard him, he asked: “No grudge?”

A dark shadow appeared on his face. His voice got deeper as he

rhetorically asked: “Did you say we have no grudges?”

Hu Po’s anger appeared to increase. He put more force into his

punches and punched quicker, leaving Nan Junfei with no room to
catch his breath.

“Being a member of his majesty’s security detail and yet

not being able to keep him safe is the greatest humiliation in
my life. Death is the only way the grudge can be settled!”

Nan Junfei finally realised why the emperor had him be his
bodyguard for so many years and closer to him than anyone. He
wasn’t just loyal, he was basically a mad dog!

Nan Junfei wasn’t as skilled as him to begin with compounded with

the wound the emperor gave him, the more he fought him the more
he started slipping. He was forced to focus on defence.

Hu Po didn’t give him a chance to drag the fight out. His Ten Tiger
Penetration Techniques could be used with punches, palm strikes and
even hard-weapons. It wasn’t restricted. He suddenly swung his hand
using a knife-hand technique, crushing Nan Junfei’s guard.

Hu Po’s voice exuded his absolute confidence as he said: “If you

have people with you, call them out, or else you won’t even
get to see them one last time.” He kicked him on his chest like a
399 Report
straight stab with a spear, smashing Nan Junfei’s organs and sending
him flying.

The kick was so powerful it would’ve caused an internal injury so

severe Nan Junfei wouldn’t be able to continue fighting. Fortunately
for him, he was using Qi Release Aspiration Manual.

He held in his last breath and forcefully focused on just the healing
technique. However, he couldn’t even recover to fifty-percent. He
lowered his head and bent his torso over. He watched Hu Po come
closer. The violence in his chest surged up. He clenched his teeth and
struck Hu Po right on his chest with two palms.


He shouted as he hit him. However, it felt like Hu Po’s chest was an

iron wall that his palms couldn’t penetrate.

It was a clear sign his opponents internal strength cultivation was

vastly superior to his own. Nan Junfei’s palm strikes were ineffective.

Hu Po didn’t blink. He just frowned with boredom and mocked:

“That’s it?”

He then extended one palm, performed a circular motion with the

arm and with one loud thud, Nan Jufei flew off some distance away.

Nan Junfei only remembered a rumour once he was in the air.

All of the first-four members of the seventeen hidden dragons had

rumours of being monsters.

But by the time he recalled it, it was already too late.

Nan Junfei knew that he couldn’t fall or he’d die for sure. He forced
himself to stay on his feet. But by the time he realised it, Hu Po had
started his onslaught again!
400 Report
Nan Junfei continued stepping backwards while exclaiming to
himself: I sent the signal a while ago, why haven’t my reinforcements
arrived yet? What the hell are Chen Yun and the rest doing?!!

Nan Junfei was said to be an expert in qinggong and hidden-

weapons in this lifetime, but it was all pointless here. In terms of
qinggong, he might be a little faster than Hu Po, but that was useless
in close-quarters combat. It was only good when he was fleeing. He
came here to complete his mission. What the hell would running
away do?!

Now for hidden-weapons. That was even more bullshit. Every

hidden-weapon user has his own weapons. Where the hell was he
going to get his own specialised weapons from inside the palace?!

Nan Junfei had no counters for Hu Po’s onslaught. All he could do

was cuss to himself: Those punks from the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings got an order from a superior and yet they’re not moving.
Where have they gone off too?! If I manage to escape alive, I’ll skin
them when I see those bastards!


“Hey, if we keep fighting, he’s going to be left with just his

skeleton. Aren’t you guys going to help him?”

I looked at the guy called Chen Yun in front of me and then the ten
guys in black behind him. They seemed to all be from the Black
Winds Thirteen Wings but also appeared to be a bit like other
assassins from the League of Assassins. They were trapped by me at
the laundry. It was a really pitiful sight to see them want to leave but
be unable to.

However, Chen Yun was the most pitiful one. I had already stripped
him completely. Yes, completely.

In a bored tone, I said: “Didn’t I tell you? Strip down and put
401 Report
on the maids uniforms, and I’ll spare you lot.”

As soon as I was done speaking, he got angry again: “We’d

rather die than wear that. As if assassins would submit.”

“Let’s fight then.”

But then they didn’t dare to come at me when I said that. He took
several steps back and shouted at his subordinates: “What are you
guys standing there for, huh?! You all just going to watch me
get ridiculed?!”

One of his subordinates replied: “B-But he’s creepy-strong!”

Pfft! People actually use that adjective that way now?!

All I did was strip Chen Yun to teach him a lesson and trap you
guys here.

Chen Yun exclaimed: “We’ve been called for. Get him! You
want to die?!”

He then kicked one of his subordinates in the ass to push him over
to me.

Hey, hey… General Butt-naked, can you quit being so arrogant?

You think you hot? You just flaunted everything raising your leg up
for that kick.

His subordinate showed off and then bounced over to slash at me,

but the single inch layer of qi I enveloped my body with deflected it. I
raised my hand up in a bored fashion and gently pat him on the back
of his neck. When I made contact, it sounded like a leather ball
getting slammed onto the ground.

“Hey, who else wants some?”

The ten of them wore their terror in their eyes.
402 Report
Chen Yun thundered: “Where the hell did this creep come
from?! Who are you exactly?!”

I laughed and responded: “Hmph, this old man is Zhong


But right after I said that, a dignified and beautiful voice came from
in the distance: “Zhong Ning, you scoundrel! So you were here,
were you?!”

I felt a chill run up my spine. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Why did she come back?!


*When MFZ talks about the objective, creepy here is the creepy
twisted-creepy like you would use for a pedo (turn yourself in if
you’re reading this by the way). Under other circumstances, I
would’ve translated it as “indescribably strong”, but for the joke’s
sake, I tried.

**I was misinformed about “Majesty” vs “Highness” so I’ve got

them the wrong way around this entire time. Again, please, please,
please speak up if you find a mistake. I don’t read every forum and
bulletin board, so if it’s wrong and bothers you, speak up or I’ll make
the same mistake over and over, and you’ll be pissed over and over.
When providing suggestions, feedback or questions that need my
response, respond directly to a comment of mine or it might get lost
in the 100+ daily email notifications I get (you can tell I didn’t see it
if I don’t respond). I honestly don’t have time to be reading every
bulletin board/forum out there. I’m going to change them around
from now.
403 Report
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404 Report

Vol.3 Chapter 47
Incomparable Material. Denying While Dressed In Women’s

I moulded internal energy into my voice just now to scare the

group of bastards, but I transmitted it a bit too far!

“Shit! That chick is back!” Anxious, I declared: “I’m done

playing with you guys, party is over!”

Then I tried to run but the Black Winds Thirteen Wings from behind
stopped me.

“Who’s playing with you? Huh?! You think you can leave
whenever you like?!”

I frowned. Before I could even speak, Chen Yun went and had his
fun first. He glared at me: “Aha! So you were being chased, you
punk. Oh wow, she’s a beauty too. You want to run? Fine.
Change into this maid uniform and then beg me. If you can
entertain me, I’ll spare you your sorry life.”

I looked at him like I was looking at a retard. I calmly said: “That

beauty in red is the current emperor’s second daughter.
Think about what you did to her father. Good luck guys.”

Once done, I didn’t bother with the bunch of idiots anymore and
swiftly hid myself into the pile of dirty clothes.

This shit stinks! I need to use Turtle Breathing Art to hold my


Chen Yun and his men exchanged looks. One of his subordinates
suggested: “Captain, we can’t delay any further too. How
about we put aside our grudge with this guy for now and find
405 Report
another opportunity to get back at him?”

Chen Yun hesitantly replied: “Well……”

His subordinate stepped closer and whispered: “Plus, we can’t

beat him.”

“That makes sense!”

Chen Yun nodded his head firmly. But before he could leave, he
had to get dressed. I had stolen his black clothes and mask already
while he was completely naked right now. This place was filled with
maid uniforms. Chen Yun had no choice. All that’s left to see is if the
commander of the Black Winds Thirteen Wings, Chen Yun is willing to
wear one or not. Due to the beauty of this scene, I couldn’t help but
take the risk of making a little gap to peep.

I watched Chen Yun look at the dirty clothes on the ground and
space out. I decided to give him a hand.

From inside the pile of clothes, I poked my head out, stretched one
hand out and said: “Contestant Chen Yun, please begin your

“Y-Y-You bastard!”

Chen Yun had difficulty dealing with the humiliation. I can’t believe
he blushed. His shoulders quivered non-stop like he was ready to
come at me with his life. His subordinates all exclaimed: “Cap! The
mission is more important!”

Chen Yun thundered: “I‘m a man! You expect me to put up

with this humiliation?!”

His subordinate shouted: “But cap, you can’t beat him!”

406 Report
Chen Yun is a true man. He clenched his teeth and stamped his
feet. He then turned around with his back facing me, picked up a set
and wore it on. In a shy and enraged voice he exclaimed: “I won’t
let you have the laugh over my corpse! You can forget about
getting a front view! Only my brothers can see me in female

His subordinates cheered him on: “Cap! You’re a true brother!”

Hey! You can’t do this!

I’ll give you three coins for the uncensored version!

Since he was mad, Chen Yun just grabbed a random one without
paying attention to the size. He’s a large man, yet he picked up a
small-sized maid uniform. He couldn’t get into it. When he tugged on
it hard, it ripped, revealing his ass.

Everything went dead silent.

I went silent too… Everybody was trying to hide their smiles.

Chen Yun was angrier than ever. He was so angry it literally

appeared as though his face would bleed.

That encouraged me to laugh even more.

“Puahahahaha! Moron! Spin around, spin around! I’ll paint

you a full-body gravure portrait next time!”

Chen Yun whinged loudly: “Fuck this! I’m not taking this shit!”
He then loudly shouted out: “Princess! Your highness! The man
you’re looking for is over here!”

Fuck! You chicken turd!

“Where’s the scoundrel Zhong Ning?!”

Princess Hongzhuang leapt over her. As soon as her beautiful
407 Report
ample-long legs landed, she spread out her huge team and rushed
into the laundry.

“Over there, over there!”

Before she could find my traces following Chen Yun’s hand

gestures, she was frozen in place.

As soon as she arrived at the laundry, she saw the guys in black
who came from unknown origins and behaved sneakily. Then she
looked at Chen Yun, the man with a beard and brash look dressed in
a teenage palace maid’s dress that was so tight it revealed his body,
barely able to cover his body. Her eyes almost popped out of her

Everyone looked at each other at a loss for what to do. The

atmosphere was extremely awkward. And the laundry fell into a dead
silence once again.

The imperial guards had now caught up. As soon as they entered
and saw Chen Yun, the captain shouted: “Fuck! Are there ghosts
in the palace?!”

“Who you cursing at?! Who’d you call a ghost?!”

Chen explained: “I, I’m not a weird person or anything. I’m a

Qilin Guard. The reason I’m dressed like this is……”

The captain of imperial guards retorted: “Bullshit! Who cares if

you’re a Qilin Guards? What, Qilin Guards can wear palace
maid uniforms and strut around the palace?! And we basically
cleaned up all those dressed in all black that we ran into. It’s
rare to come across one like you……”

Chen Yun didn’t look like he knew the flying fish pavilion had been
repossessed. A look of concern showed up on his face: “Don’t go
having misgivings. I have a token. Look at my…… Hey! Return
my clothes to me! I have a token. My clothes just got……”
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“Shut up!!” The second prince exploded with justice and cut him
off. She held her broadsword horizontally in her hand with the tip
moving continuously. Her beautiful face now looked distorted due to
her fury: “That perverted creep appearing in the palace was
outrageous enough, and… and yet you creeps… go to hell, all
of you!”

Once she was done speaking, a silver flash appeared from her
hand and she slashed at the chest of one of the guys in black. She
then swung her broadsword and engaged the Black Winds Thirteen
Wings to one side, finally letting me breathe a breath of relief.

Hongzhuang is very skilled with a broadsword. She slashed

consecutively, unleashing technique after technique. She had cut
down six or seven of them since their fight started, but there was no
trace of her switching techniques. Her moves flowed naturally,
making them look indistinctive like she only slashed once.

Chen Yun who was the most skilled was extremely afraid of her
broadsword skills, thereby fleeing toward the crowd after shouting.
He picked up the clothes and hung them on his arm, but as soon as
he moved, the group of people in front moved aside, displaying what
you would think was clairvoyance.

Chen Yun didn’t waste the opportunity and ran forward. The
captain of the imperial guards switched from his disgusted look back
to his normal look and shouted: “Surround him!” Over a hundred
imperial guards gathered together like a sea of them, creating a
most spectacular scene!!!

Chen Yun got surrounded in the centre and punched by over two
hundred fists. In between the thuds against his face, you could hear
“I want to puke!”, “The fuck is this? He didn’t even shave his
legs properly!”, “I do like men, but I wouldn’t want one like
you!”, “Beat him! Beat him to death!”

The sounds of their punches drowned anything Chen Yun might’ve
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Other than the first thing he said which was “I’m not a cr-…”, he
didn’t get a chance to say anything else since he got booted in the
face at that point.

As for the main protagonist that I am, I sneakily grabbed the

clothes from two sides to cover myself and left the stage to the

I listened to the sound of fighting slowly die down outside. The

second princess panted for air and asked: “It looks like that
scoundrel Zhong Ning isn’t here. You said my second brother
revolted today, so I’m worried about father’s safety. Follow
me to go find him. Do you know where father is?”

“I do not know. However, under orders, I had searched

multiple places in the imperial palace but found nothing.
There are a few places I have yet to go to.”

“What’s the next palace?”

“The imperial study.”

Princess Hongzhuang nodded and then firmly suggested: “Let’s

go to the imperial study then.”

They came like a storm and left like one, leaving nothing behind,
so needless to say, they brought their prisoners along.

I came out from the pile of clothes.

Shit! I stink even more now!

I initially came to find makeup. Not only did I not find anything, I
even had to hide in this shitty place……

I looked at the black clothes and mask in my hands. The mask is
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fine, but I don’t fit these clothes by the looks of it. Combined with my
height, I’d look too conspicuous.

Though eighty-percent of the orange prince’s plans have failed, he

still has a chance to reverse the situation. Then it’ll be one chaotic
fight with many people who’d recognise me present. If I’m exposed,
oh man.

I’ll need to disguise myself……


Forget it. I’ll worry about it when it comes to it. Maybe the emperor
doesn’t even need me to go help him.

I want a bath first!

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411 Report

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