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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa

Archdiocese of Good Hope

Sacred Lessons
2 July 2023
4th Sunday After Pentecost – 4th Sunday of St Matthew –

By the Grace of God

[The Faith of the Centurion]
Placement of the Robe of our Lady, Theotokos

Compiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed

Marguerite Paizis
Archondissa & Teacher by Divine Grace
Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa
Po Box 28348
Sunridge Park
Republic of South Africa
or download directly from
Marguerite Paizis on Scribd –

Re-edited & Published - 20 June 2023

Resrrection Gospel 4 – Luke 24 : 1 – 12
Hebrews 9 : 1 – 7
Matthew 8 : 5 - 13

24. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3

R ESURREC TION G OSPEL 4: LU KE 24:1 – 12 When our intellect prays without distraction, it shall afflict our heart,
The Holy Myrrhbearers Witness & proclaim the Empty Tomb and “… a broken and contrite heart, O God, Thou shalt not
despise.” [Psalm 50/51:17]
Τῇ μιᾷ τῶν Σαββάτων, ὄρθρου On the first morning after
βαθέος, ἦλθον Γυναῖκες ἐπὶ τὸ Sabbath, at dawn, the Women Prayer is regarded as a Holy Virtue, but in reality, it is the Mother of
the Holy Virtues, for it gives birth to them through Union with our
Μνῆμα φέρουσαι ἃ ἡτοίμασαν went to the Sepulchre taking
Lord Jesus Christ.
ἀρώματα, καί τινες σὺν αὐταῖς. with them the aromatic spices Whatever we do without Prayer and without Hope in God turns out
they had prepared. afterwards to be harmful and defective.
Εὗρον δὲ τὸν λίθον They found the stone rolled away
The Words of our Lord Jesus that “… the first shall be last, and the
ἀποκεκυλισμένον ἀπὸ τοῦ from the Sepulchre. and last shall be first…” refer to those who participate in the Holy
Μνημείου· καὶ εἰσελθοῦσαι οὐχ entering, they did not see the Virtues and those who participate in Love.
εὗρον τὸ Σῶμα τοῦ Κυρίου Body of Lord Jesus. For Love is the last of the Virtues to be born in the heart, but it is the
᾿Ιησοῦ. first in Spiritual Value, so that those born before it, shall turn out
to be “… the last.” [Matthew 19:30]
Καὶ ἐγένετο ἐν τῷ διαπορεῖσθαι And, while they were perplexed
αὐτὰς περὶ τούτου, καὶ ἰδοὺ δύο about this, behold! two Men If we are listless when we pray or afflicted by various forms of evil,
Ἂνδρες ἐπέστησαν αὐταῖς ἐν we must call to mind our death and the Torments of Hell.
stood by them in dazzling But it is better to cleave to our Lord God through Hope and Prayer
ἐσθήσεσιν ἀστραπτούσαις. Garments. than to think about external things, even though such thoughts
Ἐμφόβων δὲ γενομένων αὐτῶν, καὶ As they were frightened, and may be helpful.
κλινουσῶν τὸ πρόσωπον εἰς τὴν bowed their faces to the No single Holy Virtue by itself opens the door of our nature, but all
γῆν, εἶπον πρὸς αὐτάς· “Τί ground, they said to them: the Virtues must be linked together in the correct sequence.
ζητεῖτε τὸν Ζῶντα μετὰ τῶν “Why do you seek the Living Those whose mind teems with thoughts lack self-control and even
νεκρῶν? Οὐκ ἔστιν ὧδε, ἀλλ᾿ among the dead? He is not when they are Beneficial, Hope is more so.
ἠγέρθη· here, but is Risen! There is a sin that is always “… unto death…” – the sin for which we
“Μνήσθητε ὡς ἐλάλησεν ὑμῖν ἔτι “Remember how He spoke to you do not Repent, for this sin even a Saint’s Prayers shall not be
heard! [1 John 5:16]
ὦν ἐν τῇ Γαλιλαίᾳ, λέγων· ‘Ὅτι when He was still in Galilee,
δεῖ τὸν Υἱὸν τοῦ Ἁνθρώπου saying: ‘The Son of Man must Those who Repent correctly do not imagine that it is their own effort
that cancels their former sins., but through this effort, they make
παραδοθῆναι εἰς χεῖρας be delivered into the hands of
their Peace with God.
ἀνθρώπων ἁμαρτωλῶν, καὶ sinful men, and be crucified,
If we are under an obligation to perform daily all the good actions of
σταυρωθῆναι, καὶ τῇ Τρίτῃ and the Third Day Rise which our nature is capable, what do we have left over to give to
Ἡμέρᾳ Ἀναστῆναι.’” again.’” God in repayment for our past sins?
However great our virtuous actions of today, they do not requite but
Καὶ ἐμνήσθησαν τῶν Ῥημάτων And they remembered His Words, condemn our past negligence.
Αὐτοῦ· καὶ ὑποστρέψασαι ἀπὸ and returning from the
τοῦ Μνημείου, ἀπήγγειλαν ταῦτα Sepulchre they told all these It is a great Holy Virtue to accept patiently whatever comes, and, as
our Lord Jesus enjoins, to Love a neighbour who hates us.
πάντα τοῖς Ἔνδεκα καὶ πᾶσι τοῖς things to the Eleven and to all
λοιποῖς. the rest. The Sign of sincere Love is to forgive wrongs done to us. It was with
such Love that our Lord God Loved the [fallen] world.
Ἦσαν δὲ ἡ Μαγδαληνὴ Μαρία καὶ It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna,
᾿Ιωάννα καὶ Μαρία ᾿Ιακώβου, καὶ We cannot – with all our heart – forgive those who wrong us unless
Mary, the Mother of James, and
we possess real Knowledge, for this Knowledge shows us that we
αἱ λοιπαὶ σὺν αὐταῖς, αἳ ἔλεγον the other women with them, deserve all we experience.
πρὸς τοὺς Ἀποστόλους ταῦτα. who told these things to the

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a lack of Faith that could have contributed to the problematic
Καὶἐφάνησαν ἐνώπιον αὐτῶν ὡσεὶ And to them their words seemed
λῆρος τὰ ῥήματα αὐτῶν, καὶ like idle tales, and they did not
• Our Lord God knows everything about us, so we must accept His
Will in all situations and circumstances. ἠπίστουν αὐταῖς. believe them.

• To the Faithful Centurion, our Lord pronounced: “ as thou hast Ὁ δὲ Πέτρος, ἀναστὰς ἔδραμεν ἐπὶ Peter rose up and ran to the
believed, so be it done unto thee.’ And his servant/child at that τὸ Μνημεῖον· καὶ παρακύψας Sepulchre, and stooping down,
hour was Healed…” βλέπει τὰ ὀθόνια κείμενα μόνα· he saw the Linen Cloths lying
• From various Holy Gospel accounts, we learn similar immediate καὶ ἀπῆλθε, πρὸς ἑαυτόν by themselves, and he
Divine Healings due to the profound Faith of the Petitioners. θαυμάζων τὸ γεγονός. departed, marvelling to himself
• Let us keep all these in mind and strengthen our own Faith in the at what had happened.
Great Mercy and infinite Divine Love of our Lord God.
 On the first morning after Sabbath, at dawn, the Women went to
the Sepulchre taking with them the aromatic spices they had
S T M ARK THE A SCE TIC prepared.
While mankind can scarcely keep what belongs to him by nature, our • “…the first morning after Sabbath…” refers to Sunday, which was
Lord Jesus Christ grants the Grace of Sonship through His Holy the first (working) day of the week.
• A Sabbath Day also meant a Great Feast Day, when the Faithful
Certain Commandments are specific, and other are comprehensive.
gathered together to Worship God and normal heavy labours
Thus Christ enjoins us specifically to “… share with him who has were forbidden.
none…” And He grants us a comprehensive Command to forsake
• According to the New Covenant, Sunday is dedicated to the
all that we have. [Luke 3 : 11; Luke 14:33]
gathering together to Worship and offer our Thanksgiving to
God, Whose Resurrection we Glorify and Commemorate. Hard
There is an Energy of Grace that is not understood by Spiritual
labour is avoided and instead we ought to fulfil Good Deeds of
Beginners, and there is also an energy of evil that resembles the
Mercy to others.
It is advisable not to scrutinise these energies too closely, because we • As our Lord God rested from His Work of Creation on the original
may be led astray, and not to condemn them out of hand, because Sabbath Day of Rest, so too did our Lord Jesus Chrsit rest from
they may contain some Truth. His Work of the New Creation on the Sabbath day. Thus He
But we should lay everything before our Lord in Hope, for He knows gave the Sabbath Day its ultimate meaning, while fulfilling the
what is of value in both of them. Law, even in Death. [Genesis 2: 1 – 3]
He who wants to cross the Spiritual Sea needs to be Longsuffering, • One of our Matins Hymns states: “… This is the Most Blessed
Humble, Vigilant and self-controlled. If we impetuously embark Sabbath on which Christ sleeps in order to Rise on the Third
on it without these four Holy Virtues, we shall agitate our heart Day…”
and fail to cross it. • “… at dawn…” means at or before the rising of the sun.
Stillness helps us by making evil inoperative. If it also takes to itself • The word “Mnima” is actually translated as “Sepulchre,” but the
these four Holy Virtues in Prayer, it is the most direct support in more common word “Tafo,” meaning “Tomb,” is often used
attaining dispassion. instead.
The intellect cannot be still unless the body is still also. And the wall
between them cannot be demolished without Stillness and Prayer. • The Entombment and Resurrection of Christ fulfilled the Image of
His Nativity in a Cave (which stabled livestock) in Bethlehem,
The mortal flesh with its desires is opposed to the immortal soul, and and revealed the Ultimate Purpose of His First Salvific
the soul is opposed to the flesh, and those who Live in the Spirit Appearance in our midst on Earth.
shall not carry out the desires of the flesh. [Galatians 5 : 15 – 7] • “…the Women…” refers to the eight “Holy Myrrh-bearers:”
There is no Perfect Prayer unless our intellect invokes the Lord our 1. Our Lady, Theotokos who was obliquely referred to as “the
God, and when our thoughts cry aloud without distractions, our Mother of St Joses,” and St James, the sons of Her legal
Lord shall listen to us. Guardian, St Joseph the Betrothed and his late wife, Salome,
(who was the sister of St Anna, the mother of our Lady.)

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2 . St Mary of Magdala, a mature, financially independent woman • Eternal Death means that we are separated forever from the Divine
who was a close companion of Theotokos and the other Light, Love and Blissful Blessings in the Presence of our Triune,
Holy Myrrhbearers. Almighty Lord God.
3 . St Salome, a daughter of St Joseph the Betrothed and his late
wife Salome. She was married to “Zebedee,” and was the • This is what is commonly referred to as “Hell,” which is the
mother of St John the Beloved Disciple and St James. Eternal, irreparable Spiritual State after the Final Judgement.
4 . St Mary, the wife of St Cleopas Alphaeus. • Immediately after our body and soul separate, our Guardian
5 . St Mary of Bethany, the Righteous sister of St Lazaros and St Angels use our good, worthy and righteous thoughts, words
Martha of Bethany. and deeds to Spiritually Defend us against the accusations of
6 . St Martha of Bethany, the Righteous sister of St Lazaros and St the demons who gleefully try to drag us into Hades, where we
Mary of Bethany. shall suffer a terrifying foretaste of the appalling horrors of
7 . St Joanna, the wife of Chouza, a Steward of the Tetrarch Eternal Death/Hell.
Governor, Herod Antipas. She was the daughter of St • Our Lord Jesus described the frightful suffering and reaction of
Joseph the Betrothed and his late wife, Salome. those who have Condemned themselves to Eternal Exile from
8 . St Susanna, one of the daughters of St Joseph the Betrothed God: “‘… There shalt be weeping and gnashing of teeth…”
and his late wife, Salome.
• For the sake of those who have Reposed before us, we must
Like her other siblings, St Susanna was regarded as being one
continue to pray for their immortal souls, and fulfil the
of the children of her cousin, our Lady Theotokos, (whom
essential Memorials that might briefly relieve their suffering,
the Temple Priests had Betrothed to her elderly Father as
while appealing to the infinite Love and Great Mercy of our
Her Legal Guardian.)
Lord God Whose Final Judgement shall be irrevocable and
• “… the aromatic spices they had prepared…” was the Holy Myrrh, Eternal.
which consists of certain herbs and spices blended together
• It is most important to offer continuous Prayers and Memorial
with olive oil, with which corpses were anointed, before being
Services as well as Almsgiving in the names of our beloved
wrapped in burial cloths and a shroud, and then sealed in
family and friends who have Reposed, especially during the 40
tombs hewn in rock or the sun-hardened earth, according to
day period immediately after their Departure, and throughout
the Old Covenant Laws and rituals.
the Liturgical year, as prescribed by our Holy, Orthodox Faith.
This was very different to the intricate embalming and burial
customs of the ancient Egyptians.  “…And Jesus said unto the Centurion: “Go thy way; and as thou
hast believed, so be it done unto thee.” And his servant at that
• The Faith of the Holy Myrrhbearers was stronger than that of the hour was Healed.”
other Faithful Disciples who had hidden themselves in fear of
being persecuted by the Roman and Judean authorities. • Miraculous Divine Healing requires our Faithful Co-operation with
However, their Faith was still imperfect because they prepared for our Lord God.
the ‘corruption’ of our Lord’s Body, which was a natural, mortal • Although He can and does often Miraculously Heal the afflicted,
process. He wants us to reach out to Him with our sincere and humble
 “…They found the stone rolled away from the Sepulchre. and Prayers, or the Intercessory Prayers of Theotokos, our Patron
entering, they did not see the Body of Lord Jesus…” Saints or any Saint who is closer to our Lord, and certainly
more worthy than us, to be heard by our Divine Saviour.
• Tombs were always very securely sealed to prevent the entry of
wild animals or grave robbers. The Tomb of Christ had been • The depth and frequency of our sincere Prayers expresses the
sealed and secured by a very large, heavy rock that had been extent of our Faith in God.
rolled into place with great effort, which could not be easily • We cannot and should never try to ‘make deals’ with God but
removed. always let Him decide whether or not to fulfil our requests: “If
•The huge rock or “stone” had mysteriously rolled aside to reveal it be Thy Will, O Lord…”
the Empty Tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ. • Furthermore, we need to trust implicitly in God, confident that
 Matthew 28: 2 “… there was a great earthquake; for an Angel of He alone knows what is best for all concerned and then
the Lord descended from Heaven and came, and rolled back the patiently await His Gracious Blessings.
stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like • When our Prayers seem not to have been heard or fulfilled, we
lightning, and his clothing as white as snow. And the guards must search deep within ourselves for our own ‘stumbling
shook for fear of him, and became like dead men…” blocks’ that might prevent Healing, such as unrepented sins or

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• His comment to His Apostles “… not even in Israel have I found • The huge rock sealing the entrance of the Tomb had been moved
such Faith!” referred to all those who professed to having aside to reveal the fact that our Lord Jesus Christ was no
closely studied and understood the Divinely Inspired longer entombed there, which terrified the Roman soldiers
Prophecies yet they remained in Spiritual Darkness due to their who had been guarding the Tomb, by order of the Roman and
unbelief and rejection of Christ as the Great Divine Judean authorities.
Messiah/Saviour. • The “… great earthquake…” was a Sign of our Lord Jesus Christ’s
 “…I say to you: many shall come from the East and West, and shall Glorious Victory over Death and Hades, which foreshadows the
sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of General Resurrection of all mankind on the ‘Eighth Day,’ when
Heaven. The Children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into He shall Reappear in all His Divine Majesty to impartially and
Outer Darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Mercifully Judge all Creation.
• According to Archbishop Theophylact of Ochrid, although our • The “… Angel of the Lord…” had not “… rolled back the stone from
Lord Jesus Christ did not state outright that many Gentiles the door…” to let our Lord exit the Tomb, for in His Divine
shall become His Faithful Disciples – the New Covenant Israel Glory, Christ our God is not restricted by time, space or matter.
– He alluded to it in an oblique manner: “… many shalt come [Refer to previous note.]
from the East and West, and shalt sit down with Abraham… in
the Kingdom of Heaven…”
 “…And, while they were perplexed about this, behold! two Men
stood by them in dazzling Garments…”
• By mentioning “… Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob…” our Lord
Jesus showed His Disciples that His New Covenant was not • Although the Gospel Accounts of the Empty Tomb may differ
opposed to the Old Covenant, but is actually the continuation according to St Matthew and St Luke, the essential details
of our Sacred Covenant with Almighty God. remain most significant.
• The Laws, the Prophecies and the Teachings of the Old Covenant • According to St Luke’s account, which he may have received from
prepared God’s Chosen Nation of Israel for the Coming of the our Lady, Theotokos, there were “… two Men…in dazzling
Great Divine Messiah/Saviour. garments…” present at the Empty Tomb, who were obviously
• As such, our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled all requirements of the Old the Holy Angels of God – God’s Holy Messengers.
Covenant, which has been replaced by the New Covenant of • St Matthew noted the presence of one Holy Angel of God whose
Divine Love and Great Mercy, whereby all mankind can become “…countenance was like lightning, and his clothing as white as
the New Nation of Israel. snow …” 
• The Nation of Israel was supposed to guide and draw the rest of • The attention of the Holy Myrrhbearers had been focussed on their
mankind to our Lord God. Therefore, the foundation of the Anointing of our Lord’s tortured and crucified Body.
New Covenant Faith is firmly rooted in the Old Covenant • Only Theotokos and St Mary of Magdala, and St John the Beloved
Commandments. Disciple had personally witnessed Christ’s Lifeless Body when
• “The Children of the Kingdom…” refers to the Old Covenant He had been removed from the Cross, wrapped in a fine linen
Faithful – the Nation of Israel - who refuse to accept our Lord shroud and reverently carried to the Tomb by St Nikodemos
Jesus as our Divine Messiah, and who also reject His New and St Joseph of Arimathea.
Covenant of Divine Love, which concerns all mankind. • Their intense trepidation at what they would see, was
• Consequently, many of God’s Chosen People – His original overwhelmed by the shock of not only seeing that the Tomb
adopted Children and Heirs of His Heavenly Kingdom – shall be was open and empty, but also by the sudden appearance of “…
“… cast out into Outer Darkness…” two Men… in dazzling garments…” “… who stood by them…”
• Christ thereby reveals the glaring, painful Truth concerning the • These Holy Myrrhbearers were the first reliable, first hand
Eternal Destiny of those who reject, rebel against and ignore Witnesses who testified to the most Supreme Event in all
the Divine Will of God our Heavenly Father. human history – the Glorious Resurrection of our Lord Jesus
• We Condemn ourselves to Eternal Exile, Death and “…Outer Christ.
Darkness…” because of the wicked choices we make and • The two Roman soldiers who had Experienced the Miraculous
because of our unrepented, stubborn and wilful sins that we opening of the Empty Tomb also testified to the Resurrection
commit. of Christ, but were frantically bribed by the Judean authorities
to tell people that His Disciples had removed His Body from

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the Tomb. One of the soldiers refused to do so and had • Our Lord Jesus dealt most graciously with the Gentile Centurion,
converted to the New Covenant Faith in Christ Jesus. even to the point of offering to enter his pagan house, which
 “As they were frightened, and bowed their faces to the ground, would have made Him ‘Unclean’ according to the Old Covenant
they said to them: ‘Why do you seek the Living among the dead? Laws and in the regard of those who self-righteously watched
and criticised Him and His Apostles.
He is not here, but is Risen!’ …”
“…And the Centurion answered him: “Lord, I am not worthy to
• The stunned Holy Myrrhbearers “… were frightened and bowed have Thee come under my roof, but only say the word, and my
their faces to the ground…” which was the usual response of servant shalt be Healed. For I, too, am a man under authority,
those who were Humble and Obedient to the Will of our with soldiers under me; and I say to one: ‘Go,’ and he goes, and
Heavenly Father. to another: ‘Come,’ and he comes, and to my slave: ‘Do this,’ and
• Our Lady, Theotokos, was the Perfect Example of Sacred Humility he does it.”
and Obedience, which the others would always follow. Her • The Centurion’s unusual Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, Who was
Holy Perception would have recognised and acknowledged the obviously a Judean, Hebrew or Israelite, is expressed by his
Angelic Presence. respectfully addressing Him as “Lord.”
• The Angels of God ask the Holy Myrrhbearers: “Why do you seek • Furthermore, his respect for Christ and His Old Covenant Faith, is
the Living among the dead?” meaning that the Tomb, which is humbly stated: “… I am not worthy to have Thee come under
the resting place of the Reposed, was now empty. my roof…”
•Then to make it perfectly clear to the bewildered and dismayed • Since this Divine Encounter, the Centurion’s words are frequently
Holy Women, the Angels proclaimed: “… He is not here, but is quoted in Liturgical texts as an ideal expression of sincere
Risen!” Humility.
 Matthew 28:5-6 “… the Angel… said to the Women: ‘Do not be • When the Centurion told Christ “…only say the Word, and my
afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus Who was Crucified. He is servant shalt be Healed…” the depth of his Faith in our Divine
not here, for He is Risen as He said…” Saviour was revealed.
• According to the Gospel of St Matthew, the Angel of God referred • And although he could not fully comprehend, like us, the Divine
to our Lord as “… Jesus Who was Crucified…” which teaches us Mystery of any Miraculous Healing, he trusted implicitly in the
not to shy away from His Death, but rather to Glorify His Life- Salvific Power of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who fulfils the Will
giving Cross, which become the All Powerful Weapon used by of God our Heavenly Father.
our Divine Saviour to destroy Death and Hades – the Great • By saying “…I, too, am a man under authority…” the Centurion
Trophy of His Glorious, Eternal and Salvific Victory. explained his own status and that of those under his
• Our Paschal Apolytikion states: “Christ is Risen from the dead, command.
trampling down Death by Death, and upon those in the tombs, The Centurion was under the authority of the Roman Emperor and
bestowing Life!” those higher in Military Rank than himself, all of whom he had
•As St Paul pointed out to us: “… if Christ is not Risen, our Faith is to obey, while his soldiers and servants or slaves who were
futile!” [1 Corinthians 15:17] under his authority were expected to obey his commands.
 1 Corinthians 1:22 - 25 “… Judeans request a Sign, and Greeks  “…And hearing him, Jesus marvelled, and said to those who
seek after Wisdom, but we preach Christ Crucified – the Judeans followed Him: “Truly, I say to you: not even in Israel have I
a Stumbling Block and to the Greeks Foolishness, but to those found such Faith! …”
who are Called, both Judeans and Greeks, Christ is the Power of • This was the second time our Lord Jesus had “… marvelled…” -
God and the Wisdom of God, because the ‘foolishness’ of God is meaning that He had been utterly astonished by the profound
Wiser than mankind, and the ‘weakness’ of God is Stronger than Faith of the Gentile Centurion.
mankind. On the contrary, in the Holy Gospel according to St Mark, He had
• To those who “… request a Sign…” the Holy Church of Christ been astounded by the unbelief of the Old Covenant Faithful in
offers One – the Holy, Life-giving Cross of Christ, which is to be Nazareth, who ought to have comprehended and acknowledged
adored, for wherever the Sign may be, there, too, our Lord His Divine Identity, but instead had obstinately rejected the
Jesus Christ is present. Divine Truth that confronted them, and thus had remained
Spiritually Blind and Spiritually Dead. [Mark 6:6]
• Since our Lord Jesus Christ is the Power and the Wisdom of God
our Heavenly Father, the Brightness of our Heavenly Father’s
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Glory, the Substantial and Perfect Image of the Invisible God,
ἐπίστευσας γενηθήτω σοι.” believed, so be it done unto
where He is, there is the Uncreated, Saving Grace of Almighty
thee.” God. His Holy Cross Restores mankind to Immortality [as we
Καὶ ἰάθη ὁ παῖς αὐτοῦ ἐν τῇ ὥρᾳ And his servant at that hour was were originally created] and stirs up the Holy Desire for
ἐκείνῃ. Healed. Heavenly Things.
 Galatians 6: 14 “…God forbid that I should boast except in the Cross of
our Lord Jesus Christ by Whom the world has been crucified to me,
 “…as our Lord Jesus entered Capernaum, a Centurion went to Him, and I to the world…”
pleading with Him, and saying: “Lord, my servant is lying • Throughout the history of the Holy Church of Christ, the Faithful
paralysed at home, in terrible distress.” And He said to him: “I Disciples have “…boasted… in the Cross…” by preaching the All
shall come to Heal him.” Holy, Life-giving Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• Capernaum was a prosperous, vibrant fishing port situated 1. We display the Cross in our homes and in all places of Worship
126,65km or 78,69 miles from Jerusalem, Judea, on the shore and Prayer.
of the Sea of Galilee [also referred to as ‘the Lake of Tiberius.] 2. We Venerate the Holy Cross in all our Sacred Services
Many travellers, merchants and traders passed through 3. We Bless ourselves with the Sign of the Cross, thereby
Capernaum, since it was the main route connecting Faithfully declaring : “I Worship Thee, O Lord God, with all
Damascus in the North, and Egypt in the south. my mind, with all my heart, with all my strength and with
It was the hometown of St Matthew Levi Alphaeus, the former all my soul!”
Publican/Tax Collector, as well as St Simon Peter and St 4. We make the Sign of the Cross throughout the Holy Services of
Andrew, and St James and St John, His Beloved Disciple, Worship, and during our Prayers as well as in times of
who were hard-working Fishermen. threats, temptations and Repentance.
At the age of 30, having supported His Holy Family as a 5. We wear a Cross against our heart, because we are Faithful
Carpenter, our Lord Jesus Christ, had left the city of Disciples of Christ who are Struggling against temptations,
Nazareth, to begin His Public Ministry of Eternal Salvation, and constantly trying to Repent our sins, while Striving to
based in Capernaum. acquire the Holy Virtues that lead to our Spiritual Perfection
• “… a Centurion …” refers to an Officer of the Roman Military in the Likeness of Christ.
forces, who was in charge of 100 soldiers. They were despised, 6. The Holy Cross of Christ reminds us to become Worthy
feared and hated by those who suffered under the oppression Children and Co-Heirs of our Heavenly Father’s Eternal
of the Roman Empire, which had spread far and wide Kingdom of Love.
throughout most of the known world. 7. The Holy Cross of Christ is the “Sacred Symbol of Honour”
worn against the heart by Faithful and Steadfast Disciples of
• “… pleading with Him…” meant that the powerful, Gentile our Lord Jesus Christ, which constantly reminds us of our
Centurion besought the Great Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ Holy Baptism and Chrismation, as well as our impending
with abject Humility and Faith. Death/Repose.
• By saying “…Lord, my servant is lying paralysed at home, in “Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, saying:
terrible distress…” the Centurion revealed
1. his humble and sincere respect for our Lord Jesus as a ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men,
Miraculous Healer and be crucified, and the Third Day Rise again.’”
2. his desperate profound concern for his afflicted servant or • In order to dispel any doubt, the Angel of God confirmed his
child, whom he obviously loved. Message by recalling our Lord’s Words.
• The term “… ὁ παῖς μου…” [“…o pes mou…”] has two meanings -
• “…The Son of Man…” refers to the Incarnate, Eternal, Only
“my child” or “my servant/slave.” Begotten Word and Son of God our Heavenly Father, Who
• As a Centurion he would have been permitted to have home with a became Visible to mankind so that He could communicate
common law wife and children, as well as servants or slaves. directly with us.
• Our Lord knows the heart and soul of everyone, so He perceived • Only according to His Incarnate, human Nature could Christ
the depth of the loving kindness and compassion the Experience all aspects of our weak human condition, including
Centurion had for his beloved child or servant, and thus death.
offered to go immediately to his home.

18. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 SACRED LESSONS - 4 T H O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 7.

• Our Most Pure, Sinless and Divine Saviour had to “… be delivered
4th Sunday After Pentecost – 4th Sunday of St Matthew – The Faith of the Centurion
into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified…” so that He –
being the Perfect “Second Adam,” could be Resurrected into Τῷ καιρῷ ἐκείνῳ, ἐλθόντι τῷ At that time, as our Lord Jesus
Eternal Life as “…the First Fruits of Eternal Resurrection…” on
“… the Third Day…”
Ἰησοῦ εἰς Καπερναοὺμ entered Capernaum, a Centurion
προσῆλθεν αὐτῷ ἑκατόνταρχος came forward to Him,
• The first day was Friday, when Christ was executed by crucifixion,
before sundown. The second day, was Saturday, the Sabbath
παρακαλῶν Αὐτὸν καὶ λέγων· beseeching Him, and saying:
Day on which He Reposed/Rested in the Tomb. The Third Day, “Κύριε, ὁ παῖς μου βέβληται ἐν “Lord, my servant is lying
which begins after sundown on Saturday, is the Day of τῇ οἰκίᾳ παραλυτικός, δεινῶς paralysed at home, in terrible
Resurrection. βασανιζόμενος. distress.”
• Consequently, we Fast on Wednesdays (when Christ was unjustly Καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ ὁ Ἰησοῦς· “Ἐγὼ And He said to him: “I shall come
betrayed and arrested) and on Fridays (when Christ was
unjustly tried, tortured and crucified.) On Saturdays we
ἐλθὼν θεραπεύσω αὐτόν.” to Heal him.”
Commemorate those who have Reposed, while preparing Καὶ ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ ἑκατόνταρχος And the Centurion answered him:
ourselves with Fasting, Self-Examination, Prayers and ἔφη· “Κύριε, οὐκ εἰμὶ ἱκανὸς ἵνα “Lord, I am not worthy to have
Repentance-Confession, for the Lord’s Resurrection Day, on
μου ὑπὸ τὴν στέγην εἰσέλθῃς· Thee come under my roof, but
Sunday, which we joyfully celebrate, while contemplating our
own Resurrection on the Eighth Day - our Final Judgement. Ἀλλὰ μόνον εἰπὲ λόγῳ, καὶ only say the word, and my
• Christ’s unjustified arrest, trials, torture and execution by
ἰαθήσεται ὁ παῖς μου. servant shalt be Healed.
crucifixion was the Ultimate, Final and Most Pure Blood “Καὶ γὰρ ἐγὼ ἄνθρωπός εἰμι ὑπὸ “For I, too, am a man under
Sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. Thereafter, no more blood ἐξουσίαν, ἔχων ὑπʼ ἐμαυτὸν authority, with soldiers under
sacrifices are required for our Salvation, but it is essential for στρατιώτας, καὶ λέγω τούτῳ,
us to constantly Repent our habitual sins, so as to remain in me; and I say to one: ‘Go,’ and he
a State of Spiritual Life, while we Strive to regain our Divine πορεύθητι, καὶ πορεύεται, καὶ goes, and to another: ‘Come,’ and
Likeness to Christ. ἄλλῳ, ἔρχου, καὶ ἔρχεται, καὶ τῷ he comes, and to my slave: ‘Do
 “…And they remembered His Words, and returning from the δούλῳ μου, ποίησον τοῦτο, καὶ this,’ and he does it.”
Sepulchre they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the ποιεῖ.
Ἀκούσας δὲ ὁ Ἰησοῦς ἐθαύμασε And hearing him, Jesus marvelled,
• On their return from the Empty Tomb, the Holy Myrrhbearers καὶ εἶπε τοῖς ἀκολουθοῦσιν· and said to those who followed
would have discussed and assimilated, to the best of their Him: “Truly, I say to you: not
ability, everything they had witnessed, and they began to recall “Ἀμὴν λέγω ὑμῖν, οὐδὲ ἐν τῷ
Ἰσραὴλ τοσαύτην πίστιν even in Israel have I found such
the Divine Teachings and Commandments of Christ.
εὗρον!” Faith!
• These first Holy and Faithful Witnesses to the Empty Tomb
proclaimed the Resurrection of Christ “… to the Eleven and to “Λέγω δὲ ὑμῖν ὅτι πολλοὶ ἀπὸ “I say to you: many shall come
all the rest…” of His Faithful Disciples. Ἀνατολῶν καὶ Δυσμῶν ἥξουσιν from the East and West, and
 “…It was Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary, the Mother of James, καὶ ἀνακλιθήσονται μετὰ shall sit down with Abraham,
and the other women with them, who told these things to the
Apostles. And to them their words seemed like idle tales, and Ἀβραὰμ καὶ Ἰσαὰκ καὶ Ἰακὼβ and Isaac, and Jacob, in the
they did not believe them…” ἐν τῇ Βασιλείᾳ τῶν Οὐρανῶν. Kingdom of Heaven.

• St Luke mentions the names of a few of the Eight Holy “Οἱ δὲ Υἱοὶ τῆς Βασιλείας “The Children of the Kingdom
Myrrhbearers, again alluding to our Ever Blessed Lady, ἐκβληθήσονται εἰς τὸ Σκότος shall be cast out into Outer
Theotokos as “… the Mother of James…” [Refer details above] τὸ Ἐξώτερον· Ἐκεῖ ἔσται ὁ Darkness. There shall be
St James the Just was the eldest son of St Joseph the Betrothed
and his late wife, Salome. He is also known as “Adelphotheos” –
κλαυθμὸς καὶ ὁ βρυγμὸς τῶν weeping and gnashing of
“the Brother of Christ” because of his absolute devotion to ὀδόντων!” teeth.”
Theotokos and Christ. He had accompanied them to Egypt and Καὶ εἶπεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς τῷ And Jesus said unto the Centurion:
is thus depicted on Holy Icons carrying the Infant Christ upon ἑκατοντάρχῷ· “Ὕπαγε, καὶ ὡς “Go thy way; and as thou hast
his shoulders. He was the first to accept Theotokos and Christ
8. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 SACRED LESSONS - 4 T H O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 17.
Offering for the Forgiveness of sin, which merely as rightful co-heirs to St Joseph the Betrothed’s estate, as well
concerned the sins committed during each particular as accepting our Lord as the Divine Saviour/Messiah.
year. • St Mary of Magdala, being more mature, independently wealthy
4. The Blood Offering and Sacrifices consisted entirely of and outspoken had proclaimed the Good Tidings of Christ’s
mundane elements of this temporary age, all of which Resurrection to the Apostles and Disciples.
are imperfect and impermanent, due to their corruption.
5. Consequently, the Old Covenant Blood Offerings and • The other Women were more reluctant to do so either because
Sacrifices were only temporary and could not cause our they did not know how to explain everything or they knew the
participation in the Age to come – i.e. Eternity. men would regard “… their words …” as “… idle tales, and they
6. The Old Covenant Blood Offerings and Sacrifices dealt did not believe them.”
mainly with the outer, physical condition of the Faithful,  Peter rose up and ran to the Sepulchre, and stooping down, he saw
for it was superficial and could not Purify both body the Linen Cloths lying by themselves, and he departed,
and soul, and certainly could not Restore mankind marvelling to himself at what had happened…”
from our ancestral sin – our fallen human nature.
• The Old Covenant Feast of Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement – • According to St Luke, only St Simon Peter believed St Mary of
is the most Sacred Feast of the year for the Old Covenant Magdala’s Joyful Proclamation of Christ’s Resurrection “… and
Faithful. ran to the Sepulchre…”
The days preceding and on the Feast Day itself, the Faithful • St Luke simply states that St Simon Peter peered into the Empty
Judeans beseech Forgiveness of their sins committed against Tomb and “… saw the Linen Cloths lying by themselves…”
our Lord God and against their fellow human beings. whereupon “…he departed, marvelling to himself at what had
It is a most Sacred Day of intense Fasting and Prayer, on which happened…”
they strive to transcend their physical body so that they could • According to St John’s more detailed Gospel account, however,
focus on the Spiritual State of their immortal soul. both St Simon Peter and St John the Beloved Apostle had
Many wore white, symbolising Purity and Renewal as they immediately believed and rushed off to the Empty Tomb.
Repented their sins committed throughout that year.
• There is far more to this elementary account according to St
• The imperfection of the Old Covenant Blood Offerings for the Luke’s Holy Gospel, which is provided by the Holy Gospel of St
Forgiveness of sin, have been replaced by Christ’s Ultimate, John. [Refer to Resurrection Gospel 7: John 20:1 – 10]
Most Perfect Blood Offering – as both the Offerer and the
Offering – which once and forever, grants all mankind Divine
Forgiveness of our ancestral sin. T H E E PISTLE OF S T P AUL TO TH E H EBRE WS 9 : 1 – 7
However, due to our concupiscence and grievous passions that
cause us to fall into a state of Spiritual Death, we have to Ἀδελφοί, εἶχεν ἡ πρώτη σκηνὴ Brethren: Even the First Covenant
constantly Repent-Confess our sins in order to remain in a Δικαιώματα λατρείας τό τε had Regulations for Worship and
state of Spiritual Life so that we can continue our Sacred Quest ῞Αγιον κοσμικόν. an earthly Sanctuary.
for the Acquisition of Spiritual Perfection, Theosis or
Deification in the Divine Likeness of Christ as He originally Σκηνὴ γὰρ κατεσκευάσθη ἡ πρώτῃ For a Tabernacle was prepared –
created us. ἐν ᾗ ἥ τε Λυχνία καὶ ἡ Τράπεζα the outer one, in which were the
Without Striving for Spiritual Perfection, we cannot expect to καὶ ἡ Πρόθεσις τῶν Ἄρτων, ἥτις Lampstand and the Table and
become worthy Citizens of God’s Eternal, Heavenly Kingdom λέγεται ῞Αγια. the Bread of the Presence –
of Love.
called ‘the Holy Place.’
Μετὰ δὲ τὸ δεύτερον καταπέτασμα Behind the the Second Curtain
Σκηνὴ ἡ λεγομένη ῞Αγια Ἁγίων, stood a Tabernacle – ‘the Holy of
Χρυσοῦν ἔχουσα Θυμιατήριον Holies’ – having the Golden Altar
καὶ τὴν Κιβωτὸν τῆς Διαθήκης of Incense and the Ark of the
περικεκαλυμμένην πάντοθεν Covenant covered on all sides
χρυσίῳ, ἐν ᾗ Στάμνος χρυσῆ with Gold, which contained a
ἔχουσα τὸ Μάννα καὶ ἡῬάβδος golden Urn holding the Manna,

16. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 SACRED LESSONS - 4 T H O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 9.

Ἀαρὼν ἡ βλαστήσασα καὶ αἱ Aaron’s Rod that budded, and Attributes, and as the Son of Man – Almighty God Incarnate –
according to His Visible, human Nature.
πλάκες τῆς διαθήκης. the Tablets of the Covenant.
• The Divine Images of God our Heavenly Father, and God the All
Holy Life-giving Spirit cannot be represented because Their
Ὑπεράνω δὲ αὐτῆς Χερουβὶμ Above it were the Cherubim of Divine Nature is beyond our limited, flawed human knowledge
Δόξης Κατασκιάζοντα τὸ Glory, Overshadowing the Mercy and description.
Ἱλαστήριον· Seat. • However, the Incarnate, Eternal, Only Begotten Word and Son of
Περὶ ὧν οὐκ ἔστι νῦν λέγειν κατὰ Of these things we cannot now God, our Lord Jesus Christ has become Visible to us as “the Son
of Man,” and as such, is able to be depicted, which is testified
μέρος. speak in detail. to by the Mysterious Images imprinted upon His Burial Face
Τούτων δὲ οὕτω κατεσκευασμένων These Preparations having thus Cloth/Napkin and Shroud, which are referred to as “Not made
εἰς μὲν τὴν Πρώτην Σκηνὴν διὰ by hands,” that were abandoned in His Empty Tomb after His
been made, the Priests went
Glorious Resurrection.
παντὸς εἰσίασιν οἱ ἱερεῖς τὰς continually into the Outer
λατρείας ἐπιτελοῦντες, εἰς δὲ • These Most Sacred Relics of Christ have survived for centuries and
Tabernacle, performing their continue to arouse much discussion and debate.
τὴν Δευτέραν ἅπαξ τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ Ritual duties, but into the  “…Of these things we cannot now speak in detail…”
μόνος ὁ Ἀρχιερεύς, οὐ χωρὶς Second Tabernacle only the High
αἵματος, ὃ προσφέρει ὑπὲρ • St Paul acknowledged that these Sacred Old Covenant Liturgical
Priest goes, and he but once a Relics had disappeared a long time ago.
ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν τοῦ λαοῦ year, and not without taking
• King Hezekiah, the last one to have definitely seen the Ark of the
ἀγνοημάτων. blood, which he offers for Covenant, had hidden these Sacred Treasures when Jerusalem
himself and for the errors of the was about to be attacked by the Assyrian Empire. [Isaiah 36]
people. • In 587 BC the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, after having
looted the great Temple of Solomon, yet there is no definite
St Paul wrote his Epistle to ‘the Hebrews,’ circa 70, concerning the evidence of the location of those ancient Sacred Relics.
New Covenant Faith, which Christ revealed and taught to us.  “…These Preparations having thus been made, the Priests went
The major theme of this Epistle concerns the persevering, steadfast continually into the Outer Tabernacle, performing their
Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Ritual duties, but into the Second Tabernacle only the High
Specifically addressing the Old Covenant Faithful, St Paul taught that Priest goes, and he but once a year, and not without taking
our Divine Saviour is uniquely far Superior to the ancient Holy blood, which he offers for himself and for the errors of the
Prophets of God, the Heavenly Angels of God, and the ancient people…”
Patriarchs, St Moses and St Aaron. • St Paul mentions how throughout the year the Temple Priests
St Paul’s Epistle was addressed to Greek speaking Judean Christians performed their numerous “…Ritual Duties…” in “… the Outer
who resided in Palestine and were in danger of being drawn back Tabernacle…” or Temple Courtyard.
to the Old Covenant Faith, which had already been fully fulfilled
by Christ. • However, he reminded them that the most important Sacrifices
Some of them had returned to their roots, partly because of the and Blood Offerings that were made by the High Priest for his
persecution against Christ and His Faithful Disciples. own sins as well as those of the people, could only occur “…
Hence the subthemes in St Paul’s Epistle to the Hebrews concerning once a year…” when he carried the blood offering into the
the Superiority of our Divine Saviour, and His Ultimate, Perfect Holy of Holies – on the Feast of Yom Kippur – the Day of
Sacrifice that fulfilled all Salvific requirements of the Old Atonement.
Covenant, while encouraging them to continue to Worship the • This annual Blood Sacrifice reveals the imperfect, temporary
Lord our God according to the New Covenant of Love, which status of the Old Covenant:
grants those who Repent, Forgiveness of sins and Eternal Life. 1. Only one man – the High Priest – could enter God’s
2. He would not enter the Divine Presence continually
throughout the year.
3. He could only enter the Holy of Holies on that specific Feast
Day of Atonement, “…once a year,” to repeat the Blood
10. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 SACRED LESSONS - 4 T H O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 15.
• The Lord our God is Enthroned upon the Holy Cherubim, which  “…Even the First Covenant had Regulations for Worship and an
are the highest Rank of Heavenly Hosts. earthly Sanctuary...”
• God’s Throne in the midst of His Chosen Nation of Israel was “the • St Paul described the Mosaic/Old Covenant Tabernacle/Temple,
Mercy Seat,” which was situated on top of the Holy Ark of the which prefigures the Heavenly Altar.
Covenant. • This particular passage is read during the Great Feasts of our
• On each side of the Mercy Seat, a golden Cherub was depicted. Lady, Theotokos and the Advent of the Nativity of Christ, to
• The New Covenant Orthodox Holy Altar is also flanked by describe the Divine Mystery of the Incarnation of the Eternal,
depictions of Holy Cherubim. Only Begotten Word and Son of God our Heavenly Father.
•These representations, along with the depictions of Cherubim on • The Ever Blessed, All Pure Virgin’s Womb was prepared by God to
the Inner Veil, and the beauty and detailed workmanship of be the Sacred Tabernacle of our Lord Jesus Christ – the actual
everything that had been especially made for the Old Covenant Dwelling Place of our Lord God.
Tabernacle and later, for the Great Temple in Jerusalem, served “…a Tabernacle was prepared – the outer one, in which were the
as the Holy Icons of the Old Covenant. Lampstand and the Table and the Bread of the Presence – called
‘the Holy Place.’
 Exodus 26: 31 “… you shall make a Veil woven of blue, purple,
and scarlet fabric and fine, woven linen. It shall be woven with • The Holy Temple in Jerusalem was constructed in strict
an artistic design of Cherubim…” accordance with the Sacred Tabernacle that had been carefully
carried and set up throughout the Israelites’ sojourn in the
• The “Veil” was a type of Life-giving Flesh of Christ. Wilderness over a period of approximately 40 years before they
 Hebrews 10:20 “… by a New and Living Way, which He were permitted to enter and settle down in ‘the Promised
Consecrated for us, through the Veil, that is, His Flesh…” Land.’
 John 6: 51 “…I Am the Living Bread, which came down from • Each separate section of the Tabernacle served a specific Sacred
Heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he shall Live forever, and Purpose.
the Bread that I shall give is My Flesh, which I shall give for the
Life of the world…” • The outer Tabernacle, or later, the outer courtyard, with “… the
Lampstand, and the Table, and the Bread of the Presence –
• The Eucharistic significance of this passage  is indisputable. Our called ‘the Holy Place’…” was where the Priests could enter
Lord Jesus’ Declaration that He is Himself “the Living Bread” throughout the year, for Worship, Prayers and Offerings.
that grants Life, reveals the Mystical Supper of the New
Covenant Church. • Some translations use the word “…Sanctuary…” instead of “… the
Holy Place…”
• A Divine Miracle occurs during the Divine Liturgy Holy Eucharist
Service when the Offerings of bread and wine become the Body • “…the Bread of the Presence… “ or “… Showbread…” is the Bread
and Blood of Christ by the Power and Energy of God the Holy Offering or Altar Bread - “…Prothesis ton Arton…” - which only
Spirit, which grant Eternal Life to the Faithful who worthily the Priests were allowed to eat.
receive it at Holy Communion.  “…Behind the Second Veil stood a Tabernacle – ‘the Holy of Holies’
– having the Golden Altar of Incense and the Ark of the
•This, and numerous other passages of Holy Scripture, negated the
Covenant covered on all sides with Gold, which contained a
fear of the Second Commandment that prohibits all imagery.
golden Urn holding the Manna, Aaron’s Rod that budded, and
 Exodus 20: 4 – 6 “… you shall not make for yourselves an idol the Tablets of the Covenant. Above it were the Cherubim of
nor a likeness of anything in Heaven Above, nor in the Earth Glory, Overshadowing the Mercy Seat.
beneath, nor in the waters under the Earth…”
• “… the Second Veil…” separated the Holy Place or Sanctuary from
• An idol, or image, depicts some type of ‘god,’ as having a form or the Most Holy Place/ the Holy of Holies, which contained the
shape, but the One True and Living Almighty God has no form Most Sacred Relics of Old Covenant Worship.
nor shape.
• The Holy of Holies was entered by the High Priest only once a year
• The Israelites used images in their worship since all these – on the Feast of Yom Kippur - to offer blood sacrifices for his
foreshadowed the Incarnation of the Eternal, Only Begotten own sins as well as the sins of the people.
Word and Son of God our Heavenly Father – i.e. our Lord Jesus
Christ – Whom we Worship and Adore, both as the Eternal Son • The Holy of Holies was the locus of the Liturgical Practise of the
of God our Heavenly Father, according to His Divine Nature and Old Covenant, which was imperfect because the Faithful People

14. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 SACRED LESSONS - 4 T H O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 11.

of God could only receive Forgiveness of their sins once a year • “Manna” means “What is it?” because it was a mysterious edible
but could not draw closer to God at any other time. substance that was gathered up in the early hours of the
• The New Covenant resolved this alienation after Christ our Lord morning to nourish the hungry Israelites as they wandered for
offered Himself as the Most Perfect Blood Sacrifice for the forty years throughout the wilderness. [Exodus 16: 1 – 36]
Forgiveness of our ancestral sin. • Manna was the Miraculous Heavenly Bread that sustained the
• According to the New Covenant of Love, we can constantly Repent Israelites for 40 years.
our sins and receive Divine Forgiveness, drawing closer to God •Our Lady, Theotokos, is like the Golden Urn that contained the
at every Holy Service when we offer our communal Prayers of Life-giving Manna/Heavenly Bread of Life – our Lord Jesus
Worship and Thanksgiving, as well as when we sincerely pray Christ.
in private.
 Numbers 11: 7 – 9 “… the Manna was like coriander seed, and its
• Our Bishops and Priests enter the very Presence of God at every form was like the form of ice pellets. The people went about and
Holy Service and whenever they conduct the essential, Life- gathered it, and ground it on millstones or beat it in the mortar,
giving Holy Mysteries that Restore, Regenerate and Forgive us. then cooked it in pots, and made cakes of it, and its flavour was
• The Second Veil that separate the Holy of Holies or Most Holy like the taste of pastry prepared with oil and honey, and when
Place from the rest of the Temple symbolised the separation of the dew descended on the camp at night, the Manna descended
God and mankind. upon it…”
• Our Lord’s Sacrifice opened the way into the very Presence of God • Once the Israelites settled down in the Promised Land and
for all His Faithful Disciples, granting us access to that which is harvested their first crops, the Manna never appeared again.
the Most Holy of all – our Triune, Almighty Lord God. 4. “Aaron’s Rod that budded…” refers to the walking stick/staff of
• In most Eastern Orthodox churches there is a curtain at the Royal St Aaron, the ancient Patriarch, which all those who travelled
Gates which is opened and closed during Liturgical Services to vast distances on foot used.
emphasise our Holy Communion with our Lord God. • Like the Staff of St Moses, St Aaron’s staff was endowed with
• The Old Covenant Liturgical practises had restricted that Sacred Miraculous Powers, which made it possible for them to safely
Communion with God to the High Priest – and then only once a lead the Nation of Israel out of Egypt.
year. • Later St Aaron’s Rod sprouted “… blossoms and yielded ripe
 “… having the Golden Altar of Incense and the Ark of the Covenant almonds…” thereby symbolising God’s choice of St Aaron and
covered on all sides with Gold, which contained a golden Urn his Tribe for Holy Service according to the Old Covenant with
holding the Manna, Aaron’s Rod that budded, and the Tablets of Almighty God. [Numbers 17: 23]
the Covenant. • A similar Miracle occurred when the Temple Priests had to choose
• Although the Faithful Judeans had never seen the ancient Sacred a suitable, Righteous Guardian for the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary
Liturgical Relics of the Old Covenant, they knew about them who had taken a Sacred Vow of Chastity.
due to the descriptions contained in the Old Covenant • When the Staff of St Joseph, Her elderly Uncle, was handed back
Scriptures. to him, it burst into white blossoms, thereby confirming God’s
1. “the Golden Altar of Incense…” was made of acacia wood, Choice as Her Righteous Guardian.
covered with gold. By offering the sweet aromas of incense to 5. “the Tablets of the Covenant…” were the stone tablets upon
God, symbolising our Prayers rising to Heaven, His People were which God had carved His Divine Commandments that apply to
brought closer to Him. [Exodus 30:1 – 10] our thoughts, words and deeds forever, without alteration nor
2. “the Ark of the Covenant…” which had been very specifically exception.
constructed according to God’s instructions by St Moses, the  Exodus 31:18 “…when [the Lord our God] made an end of
ancient Patriarch. [Exodus 25 : 10 – 21] speaking with Moses on Mount Sinai, He gave him two Tablets of
• Our Lady, Theotokos, symbolises the Sacred Ark of the Covenant, Testimony, Tablets of Stone, written with the Finger of God…”
for She is indeed the Ark of God’s New Covenant of Love, • The “Finger of God” is God the Holy Spirit which is confirmed by
having been the Bearer of the Divine Messiah/Saviour of all our Lord Jesus Christ. [Matthew 12:28 & Luke 11:20
 “…Above it were the Cherubim of Glory, Overshadowing the
3. “a Golden Urn holding the Manna…” Mercy Seat.”

12. SACRED LESSONS 4 T H S U N D A Y O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 SACRED LESSONS - 4 T H O F S T M A T T H E W – C E N T U R I O N ’ S F A I T H – 2 J U L Y 2 0 2 3 13.

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