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Name of Student
Name of School
Date & Time of Completion
Sl.No. Questions Marks
1. Name the type of plan which is time bound and linked with measurable 1
2. ‘Planning is done for achieving the organisational goals.’ Do you agree? 1
Give one reason in support of your answer.
3. State any five features of planning. 5
4. Explain the following as features of Planning: 4
(a) Planning is continuous; and
(b) Planning is futuristic.
5. ‘Planning and Controlling are inseparable twins of management.’ How? 5
6. Give the meaning of ‘Policy’ as a type of plan. 1
7. Explain any four points that highlight the importance of financial 5
8. Describe any five limitations of planning. 5
9. Give the meaning of 'Method' as a type of plan. 1
10. It is deciding in advance what to do and how to do. It is one of the basic 4
managerial functions. It requires that before doing something, the
manager must formulate an idea of how to work on a particular task.
This function is closely connected with creativity and innovation. It
seeks to bridge the gap between where we are and where we want to go
and is performed at all levels of management.
Inspite of this the function of management referred above has a number
of limitations. Explain any two such limitations.
11. Explain any three features of 'Planning'. 3
12. Two years ago Nishant, completed his degree in Textile Engineering. 5
He worked for sometime in a company manufacturing readymade
garments. He was not happy in the company and decided to have his
own readymade garments manufacturing unit. He set the objectives and
the targets and formulate action plan to achieve the same. One of his
objectives was to earn 80% profit on the amount invested in the first
year. It was decided that raw materials like cloth, thread, buttons etc,
will be purchased on two months credit. He also decided to follow the
steps required for marketing the products through his own outlets.
He appointed Ritesh as a production manager, who decides the exact
manner in which the production activities are to be carried out. Ritesh
also prepared a statement showing the requirement of workers in the
factory throughout the year. Nishant informed Ritesh about his sales
target for different products areawise for the forthcoming quarter.
A penalty of Rs 200 per day was announced for the workers who found
smoking in the factory premises.
Quoting lines from the above para identify and explain the different
types of plans discussed.
13. State any three features of 'planning.' 3
14. Give the meaning of 'policy' and 'strategy' as types of plans. 4
15. Vardan Patel started the business of preparation and supplying sweets 4
through home delivery at a production cum show-room Express Sweets
at Ahmedabad. He made a plan forecasting the sales of different types
of sweets in various localities of Ahmedabad for each month of the year
to earn a profit of 20% on Capital employed.
He sets a sales target of ₹20,00,000 in the current year with a 10%
increase every year. He then set the criteria for selecting suppliers from
whom he would make purchases of raw material. The planning paid off
and the business was able to achieve its targets.
(a) Identify any two types of plans by quoting the lines from the above.
(b)Also give the meaning of the types of plans identified in part (a)

16. How does planning reduces the risks of uncertainty? 1

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