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Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Experiment (ME2006) Lab.


1. Introduction
Digital electronics involves circuits and systems in which there are only two possible
states. These states are represented by two different voltage levels: A HIGH and a LOW.
The two states can also be represented by current levels, bits and bumps on a CD or DVD,
etc. In digital systems such as computers, combinations of the two states, called codes, are
used to represent numbers, symbols, alphabetic characters, and other types of information.
The two-state number system is called binary, and its two digits are 0 and 1 as shown in Fig
4.1. A binary digit is called a bit. The voltages used to represent a 1 and a 0 are called logic

Fig 4.1 state-number of digital signal [1]

Ideally, one voltage level represents a HIGH and another voltage level represents a
LOW. In a practical digital circuit, however, a HIGH can be any voltage between a specified
minimum value and a specified maximum value. Likewise, a LOW can be any voltage
between a specified minimum and a specified maximum. There can be no overlap between
the accepted range of HIGH levels and the accepted range of LOW levels. Three basic logic
functions (NOT, AND, and OR) are indicated by standard distinctive shape symbols as
shown in Fig 4.2. The lines connected to each symbol are the inputs and outputs. The inputs
are on the left of each symbol and the output is on the right. A circuit that performs a
specified logic function (AND, OR) is called a logic gate. AND and OR gates can have any
number of inputs, as indicated by the dashes in the figure.

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Fig. 4.2 Basic symbol GATE [2]

A truth table as shown in Fig 4.3 shows how a logic circuit's output responds to various
combinations of the inputs, using logic 1 for true and logic 0 for false. All permutations of
the inputs are listed on the left, and the output of the circuit is listed on the right. The desired
output can be achieved by a combination of logic gates. A truth table for two inputs is
shown, but it can be extended to any number of inputs. The input columns are usually
constructed in the order of binary counting with a number of bits equal to the number of

Fig. 4.3 True table of logic GATE [3]

A Karnaugh map as shown in fig 4.4 provides a pictorial method of grouping together
expressions with common factors and therefore eliminating unwanted variables. The
Karnaugh map can also be described as a special arrangement of a truth table.
Karnaugh maps provide an alternative way of simplifying logic circuits.
Instead of using Boolean algebra simplification techniques, you can transfer logic
values from a Boolean statement or a truth table into a Karnaugh map.
The arrangement of 0 and 1 within the map helps you to visualize the logic relationships
between the variables and leads directly to a simplified Boolean statement.
Example karnaugh map of OR gate

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Fig 4.4 Karnaugh MAP of or GATE [4]

Any Boolean function F( ) can be expressed as a unique sum of minterms and a unique
product of maxterms (under a fixed variable ordering).
Minterm: In a Boolean function, a product term in which all the variables appear is
called a minterm of the function.
Maxterm: A sum term that contains all the variables in complemented or un-
complemented form is called a maxterm

 Sequential circuit concepts

Sequential circuit has memory so output can vary based on input as shown in Fig 4.5.
This type of circuits uses previous input, output, clock and a memory element.

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Fig 4.5 Sequential circuit [5]

 Flip Flop
Flip flop 74LS193 as shown in Fig. 4.6 is a sequential circuit which generally samples its inputs
and changes its outputs only at particular instants of time and not continuously. Flip flop is said
to be edge sensitive or edge triggered rather than being level triggered like latches.
a) The IC74193 is synchronous 4 bit binary Up/Down counter .
b) The IC74193 has 2 control inputs Count up and count Down.
c) A high to low transition at one of this pins, when the other is held high, determine
the direction of count i.e., if count Down is held high and count up is pulsed, the
IC74193 functions as an up counter.
d) The counter can be loaded[preset] with any 4 bit binary code; the desired data is
entered at the 4 inputs A,B,C,D while the load pin is held low.

Fig 4.6 74LS193 PIN Map [6]

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Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Experiment (ME2006) Lab. 4

2. Main exeprimental Device

a) IC74 family and devices

Fig. 4.7 IC family using in experiment [7]

b) Seven segments display

A Seven-segment display (SSD) as shown in Fig 4.8, or seven-segment indicator, is a form of

electronic display device for displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more
complex dot matrix displays. Seven-segment displays are widely used in digital clocks,
electronic meters, basic calculators, and other electronic devices that display numerical
information. There are two types of SSD. The displays common pin is generally used to identify
which type of 7-segment display it is. As each LED has two connecting pins, one called the
“Anode” and the other called the “Cathode”, there are therefore two types of LED 7-segment
display called: Common Cathode (CC) and Common Anode (CA).

1. The Common Cathode (CC) – In the common cathode display, all the cathode
connections of the LED segments are joined together to logic “0” or ground. The
individual segments are illuminated by application of a “HIGH”, or logic “1” signal via
a current limiting resistor to forward bias the individual Anode terminals (a-g)
2. The Common Anode (CA) – In the common anode display, all the anode connections
of the LED segments are joined together to logic “1”. The individual segments are
illuminated by applying a ground, logic “0” or “LOW” signal via a suitable current
limiting resistor to the Cathode of the particular segment (a-g).

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Fig 4.8 Seven-segment display [8],[9]

Binary coded decimal (BCD) is a system of writing numerals that assigns a four-
digit binary code to each digit 0 through 9 in a decimal (base-10) numeral. The four-bit BCD
code for any particular single base-10 digit is its representation in binary notation, as follows
table 4.1

Table 4.1 BCD code [10]

Numbers larger than 9, having two or more digits in the decimal system, are expressed
digit by digit. For example, the BCD rendition of the base-10 number 1895 is
01 0 1001 0101

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 IC7447
7447 ICs feature active-low outputs designed for driving common-anode LEDs or
incandescent indicators directly. All of the circuits have full ripple-blanking
input/output controls and a lamp test input

Fig 4.9 IC7447 principal [11]

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c) VOM
A VOM As shown in Fig 4.10 is battery powered and is used with the current
turned off. It's used to check continuity in a wire or component and to measure
the electrical current -- from 0 to 250 volts, AC (alternating current, as in houses)
or DC (direct current, as in batteries) -- flowing through the wire or component.

Fig 4.10 VOM [12]

3. Experiment
3.1 Build the circuit as following figure using And and Or logic and compare the true table

Fig 4.11 schematic for Experiment 3.1

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Instruction: following below steps

- Connect +5V power at top bus strip of breadboard
- Connect +GND (0V) power at bottom bus strip of breadboard
- Connect Pin 7, 24, of IC7408 to GND and +5V.
- Connect Positive pin of LED to PIN 3, another to GND through 220 Ω.
- Connect PIN 1 and 2 to GND
a) Turn on Power and watch LED’s responding
b) Connect two input to +5V and watch output signal
c) Connect one input to GND and watch output signal
d) Do not connect any input to IC
- What is the conclusion?

+ Result of making circuit: Run Correctly � Run Incorrectly � Not run �

3.2 Make the true table of IC 7486

3.3 Perform logic operator function

F(A, B, C) =  (0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7).

a) F=

b) Using Karnaugh Map to reduce the function F


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Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Experiment (ME2006) Lab. 4

c) Perform logic operation using IC (NOT gate using NAND gate)

3.4 Perform logic operation

- Connect Pin CPD of 74193 to +5V.
- Connect Pin PL of 74193 to +5V.
- Connect Pin MR of 74193 to GND.
- Connect 4 ouput Pin of 74193 to 4 corresponding input Pin of 7447.
- Connect 7 output Pin of 7447 to 7 input Pin of seven segment Led through 220 Ω.
- Connect power for IC 74193 and IC 7447.
- Connect common PIN of seven segment led to +5V.

Fig 4.12 schematic for Experiment 3.4

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a) Turn on power and watching number on seven segment LED while applying pulse to
b) Change the wiring to make the count down circuit
c) Change the status of PIN MR and watching number on seven segment LED
d) Change the status of PIN PL and watching number on seven segment LED
e) Make the count up circuit Mod 10 by combining some logic IC

+ Result of making circuit: Run Correctly � Run Incorrectly � Not run �

Student name and code

No Code Name

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Electrical & Electronic Equipment for Industrial Machinery Experiment (ME2006) Lab. 4

[1] Digital logic design,
[2] Digital Logic,
[3] Digital Logic and Boolean Algebra ,
[4] Karnaugh Map,
[5] Tutorial Points, Block diagram ,
[9] 8051 To 7 Segment Display Interfacing,
[10] Numbering Systems
[11] BCD to 7 segment display,
[12] Hioki 3030-10 Analog MultiMeter (VOM),

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